The United States Jaycees® MANAGEMENT · PDF fileJaycees, Sales Dept., P.O. Box 7, Tulsa,...

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The United States Jaycees®


Copies of the following books and kits areavailable from The U.S. Jaycees Sales department.

Management Development Resource Kit ­Contains all the Management Development publi­cations necessary for effective chapter management.(Cat. No. 5367-0) $35.00 each.

The following plaques are also available forimmediate delivery.

Degrees Phase 1 Involvement Plaque. Thisattractive laser cut 6"xS" walnut plaque is availableafter certification requirements have been approved.(Cat. No. 4506-1) $15.00 each.

Degrees Phase 2 Experience Plaque. ThisS"x10" laser cut walnut plaque is available aftercertification requirements have been approved. (Cat.No. 4507-1) $21.00 each.

Tenth Degree Leadership Plaque. This 11"x14"

zinc etched plaque is available after all ten degreeshave been certified. (Cat. No. 4502-1) $S5.00 each.

Jaycee Of The Month Plaque. This is a 4"x6"laser cut walnut plaque. (Cat. No. 4516-1). 1-11plaques $7.25 each; 12 or more $6.25 each.

Jaycee Of The Quarter Plaque. This laser cutwalnut award measures 5"x7" (Cat. No. 4530-1)$10.50 each.

Director Of The Quarter Plaque. 5"xT' laser cutwalnut plaque. (Cat. No. 451S-1) $10.50 each.

Officer Of The Quarter Plaque. This 6"xS" lasercut walnut award is excellent for your outstandingofficers. (Cat. No. 4514-1) $15.00 each.

Director Of The Year Plaque. An excellentaward for your Directors. 6"xS" (Cat. No. 4525-1)$14.75 each.

Jaycee Of The Year Plaque. Superbly designedlaser plaque. T'x9" (Cat. NO. 4524-1 $) $15.50 each.

Outstanding Committee Chairman Plaque. Anattractive 6"xS" laser cut award. (Cat. No. 450S-1)$15.00 each.

Committee Of The Year Plaque. Recognizeyour outstanding committee members with this 5"xT'laser cut award. (Cat. No. 4559-1) $10.50 each.

Presidential Award Of Honor Plaque. Thisattractive laser engraved plaque is ideal for presenta­tion to that special member. 5"xT' (Cat. No. 4510-1)$9.50 each.

To order this material, send request to: U.S.Jaycees, Sales Dept., P.O. Box 7, Tulsa, OK 74121­0007 or call Toll Free 1-S00-331-324S. Mail in orders

must include payment. Phone orders may be placedon VISA or MASTERCARD. (Please add $2.00 forpostage and handling).


DescriptionChapter Presidents HandbookOfficers' & Directors' GuideTreasurers Manual

Community Survey ManualPlanning Guide for ChaptersCommittee Chairmans WorkbookGuide To Successful Membership

and Board MeetingsChapter Newsletter GuideGuide to Supervising PeopleSpringboard Chairmans GuideDegree Of Jaycees Program Guide

(also available)

Cat.No.5004-05001 -05010-05007 -05005-05044-0







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The United States Jaycees®





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The United States Jaycees'



The Springboard program is designed to activate and orient the new member within ninety (90) days byproviding an environment in which the new member meets Jaycees, works with Jaycees and learns aboutthe services, programming and other opportunities available through the Jaycees. It is not a difficult program- it's simple. But its simplicity should not overshadow its importance.

The following are the five (5) requirements of the Springboard program and must be completed withinninety (90) days of joining.

1. Attend fifty percent (50%) of the chapter's regular members meetings.The intent of this requirement is to get the new member "rubbing elbows" and socializing with otherJaycees. Attendance of at least half of the regular membership meetings the chapter conducts duringthe new members' time it takes to complete the Springboard program fulfills this requirement.

2. Attend a Springboard orientation.The intent of this requirement is to acquaint the new member with the basics of our organization. Thiscan be a U.S. Jaycees pre-prepared presentation or cover the basic history and accomplishments ofyour chapter to expand the new members' understanding of the Jaycee movement.

3. Help work on or participate in one of the following:a. A Community Development projectb. Attend an Individual Development programc. A Management Development projectThe intent of this requirement is to acquaint the new member with activities of the chapter throughdirect involvement. This is when a new member really begins to feel the true Jaycee spirit, for they areeither doing something positive for the chapter, community or for themself.

4. Share the Jaycee experience by completing one of the following:a. Bring a prospective Jaycee to a chapter activity.b. Assist in recruiting a new member.The intent of this requirement is obvious. Our organization is for sharing! Let's educate our new mem­bers and involve them in spreading the Jaycee movement -their spouse, neighbors and friends are allwelcome.

5. Complete and return the Springboard member survey to The United States Jaycees.This requirement is vital to your organization. The Springboard member survey which is sent to eachnew member in the Springboard magazine, will provide the leadership of The U.S. Jaycees with demo­graphic information to assist in identifying the make-up of the membership of your state organizationand your national organization. This information will greatly enhance the development and funding offuture programs.

Upon the receipt of the Springboard member survey, the completion of Springboard will be recorded onthe new member's personal file in The U.S. Jaycees computer. A record of each new member certifying forSpringboard will be supplied to your chapter via monthly chapter roster reports.

When new members certify their successful completion of the Springboard program, they are auto­matically certified for the completion of Degree one in the Degrees of Jaycees program. At that time, yourchapter should recognize each new Jaycee with either a Springboard certificate or patch and the Degrees ofJaycees certificate with the first degree seal embossed in gold.

For complete information on how to conduct your chapter's Springboard program, order the Spring­board Program Chairman's Guide (catalog no. 5043-0). Also, there is a Springboard wall chart, certificateand patch available in The U.S.Jaycees Sales Catalog. Orders may be placed by calling toll free 1-800­331-3248 or writing to The U.S. Jaycees, Sales Department, P.O. Box 7, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74121-0007.

The United States Jaycees

DEGREES OF JAYCEES PROGRAMThe new Degrees of Jaycees program is an excellent member activation program and a very effective "management tool" for your chapter.

The key to this program is the involvement of your chapter, as it is in all Jaycee management programs.Degrees of Jaycees is designed to provide leadership training to individual members and your chapter by encouraging member participation.

Numerous benefits will result from the Degrees of Jaycees program: 1) Each member who completes the Degrees of Jaycees program will have trulyachieved the goals of "leadership training;" and 2) Your chapter will have developed a resource of trained leaders, which in turn will affect the impactyour chapter has on its members and community.Phases

There are ten (10) degree levels divided into three (3) phases in the Degrees of Jaycees program. The three (3) phases are:1. Involvement2. Experience3. Leadership

The involvement phase covers the first three degrees and has been carefully planned to provide new Jaycees with opportunities toexperience orientation, training, community awareness and sharing Jaycees.

The experience phase covers degrees four, five and six and is designed to let Jaycees use their experiences in the first phase to develop skillsin the areas of activation, action and sharing Jaycees.

The leadership phase covers the last four degrees and has been planned to provide Jaycees with the flexibility to exercise the leadership skillsgained in the first two phases through training and sharing Jaycees.Rules

Because the Degrees of Jaycees is a leadership development process, participants must complete one degree at a time before working onthe next degree level. There are no retroactive items. Therefore, past performance in any qualifying level does not count toward completion of theDegrees of Jaycees program. Also, any requirement achieved for a degree can not be repeated for achievement in another degree.Certification

In the Degrees program, participants must certify the completion of each degree with The U.S. Jaycees. To certify, the participants mustcomplete a Degrees of Jaycees Certification Form after each degree achieved and obtain the chapter president's signature of approval. The chapterpresident must then mail the Certification Form to: The U.S. Jaycees, ATTENTION: Management Development Department, P.O. Box 7, Tulsa,Oklahoma 74121-0007.

Once the Certification Form is processed, the participant's degree level achievement will be recorded on the monthly chapter membershiproster. Specially designed plaques are available for purchase for each phase of achievement. Only participants that are certified in each degree levelwill be allowed to purchase the respective plaque.

The entire Degrees of Jaycees program has been revised. Therefore, present participants of the program will have the option of either 1)completing the degree level they are presently working on under the old program; or 2) begin working on the same degree level in the new program.


1st Degree. (Any Jaycee completing Springboard isexempt from completing the first degree because he orshe is already considered to be a first degree Jaycee.)The member must complete the following:

1. Attend 50 per cent of the chapter's membershipmeetings held while member is attaining 1st degree.

2. Participate in one of the followinga. Leadership Dynamicsb. Personal Dynamicsc. Communication Dynamicsd. Time Dynamics3. Attend an orientation or chapter. state and national

structure and programs.4 Visit an activity of another chapter:'5. Lead the chapter in the Pledge of Allegiance ()( give

the invocation at a Jaycee meeting.6. Be an active committee member of a chapter project.7. Attend a chapter chairman's planning guide (CPG)

preparation training session or have a chapter memberexplain the chairman's planning guide process.

8. Be a registered voter or bring a prospective Jaycee toa chapter activrty.

9 Chapter option.10. Chapter option."Members of Population Division 9 chapters are

not required to complete these items.2nd Degree, The member must complete the following:1. Attend 50 per cent of the chapter's membership

meetings held while member is attaining 2nd degree.2. PartiCipate in one of the following not already taken:a. Leadership Dynamicsb. Personal Dynamicsc. Communication Dynamics3. Attend a district. region, state or national training

session. forum, orientation or meeting."4. Visit an activity of another chapter:'5. Be able to recite and lead the Jaycee chapter in

reciting the Jaycee Creed.6 Be a co-chairman of a project. (Must complete the

following steps).a. Assist in preparing the first nine questions of thechairman's planning guide.b. Assist in presenting the first nine questions of thechairman's DlanninQ Quide to the chapter's board of

directors or general membership for approval.c. Assist in implementing the project and completingquestions 10 through 13 of the chairman's planningguide.d. Assist in evaluating the project and completing ques­tions 14 through 18 of the chairman's planning guide.e. Assist in presenting the final report on the projectto the board of directors or general membership.7. Attend a civic organization, local government,

religious or school board meeting With another Jaycee andreport to chapter.

8. Recruit and Springboard one Jaycee.9. Chapter option.10. Chapter option.•'Members of Population Division 9 chapters arenot

required to complete these items.3rd Degree. The member must complete the following:1. Anend 50 per cent of the chapter's membership

meetings held while member is attaining 3rd degree.2. Participate in one of the following not already taken:a. Leadership Dynamicsb. Personal Dynamicsc. Communication Dynamicsd. Time Dynamicse. Speak-Up3. Attend a district. region, state or national training

session, forum, orientation or meeting:'4. ViSit an activity of another chapter:'5. Anend a local chapter orientation or training session.6. Chair a project. (Must complete the following steps):a Prepare the first nine questions of the chairman'splanning guide.b. Present the first nine questions of the chairman'splanning guide to the chapter's board of directors forapproval.c. Present the first nine questions of the chairman'splanning guide at a membership meeting for approval.d. Implement the project and complete questions 10through 13 of the chairman's planning guide.

e. Evaluate the project and complete questions 14through 18 of the chairman's planning guide.r. Present the final report to the board of directors.g. Present the final report at a membership meeting.7, Participate in a community needs analysis.8. Assist on a chapter project.

9. Chapter option.10. Chapter option."Members of Population Division 9 chapters are

not required to complete these items.


4th Degree. The member must complete the following:1. Anend 50 per cent of the chapter's membership

meetings held while member is attaining 4th degree.2. Participate in one of the following not already taken:a. Leadership Dynamicsb. Personal Dynamicsc. Communication Dynamicsd. Time Dynamicse. Speak-Upf. Stress Enduranceg. Job Searchh, Family Lifei. Spiritual Dynamicsj. An Individual Development program designed by thechapter.3 Attend a district, region, state or national training

session, forum, orientation or meeting:'4. Lead and coordinate a visit to another chapter:'5 Conduct a Springboard orientation. (Either with a

group or one-an-one).6. Conduct a chapter project or serve on the chapter's

board of directors.

7. Help work on a chapter project.8. Recruil and Springboard one Jaycee.9. Chapter option.10. Chapter option."Members of Population Division 9 chapters are

not required to complete these items.5th Degree. The member must complete the following:1. Anend 50 per cent of the chapter's membership

meetings held while member is attaining 5th degree.2. Participate in one of the following not already taken.a. Leadership Dynamicsb. Personal Dynamicsc. Communication Dynamicsd. Time Dynamics

e. Speak-Up 73f. Job Searchg. Stress Endurance

The United States Jaycees

DEGREES OF JAYCEES (con't.)h. Family Lifei. Spiritual Dynamicsj. An Individual Development program designed by thechapter.3. Attend a district. region. state or national training

session, forum, orientation or meeting."4. Visrt an activity of another chapter'"5. Conduct a chapter orientation or training session.6.Chair erther a U.S. Jaycees active or library status

program, a new chapter project or serve on the chapter'sboard of directors.

7. Help work on a chapter project.8. Chapter option.9. Chapter option10. Chaptet' option."Members of Population Division 9 chapters are

not required to complete these items.6th Degree. The member must complete the following:1. Attend 50 per cent of the chapter's membership

meetings held while member is attaining 6th degree.2. Participate in one of the following not already taken:a. Leadership Dynamicsb. Personal Dynamicsc. Communication Dynamicsd. Time Dynamicse. Speak-Upf. Job Search

g. Stress Enduranceh. Family Lifei. Spiritual Dynamicsj. An Individual Development program designed by the

chaptet'.3 Attend a district. region, state or national training

session, forum, orientation or meeting'"4. Lead and coordinate a visitation team to another

Chapter'"5. Help work on a chapter project.6. Chair a U.S.Jaycees active or library status program.

conduct a new chaptet' project or serve on the chapter'sboard of directors.

7. Recrurt and Springboard one Jaycee.

8. Chapter option.9. Chaptet' option.10. Chapter option."Members of Poulation Division 9 chapters are not

required to complete these items.

PHASE THREE-LEADERSHIP7th Degree through 10th Degree. The member must

complete seven (7) of the following 40 Rems for eachdegree: (ONE CHAPTER OPTION CAN REPLACE ONE OFTHE SEVEN REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH DEGREE, NOREPEATS.) In addition. for the 8th Degree and 10thDegree, the member must recruit and Springboard onemember for each degree.

1. Attend 50 per cent of the chaptet' membershipmeetings held while member is attaining that degree.

2. Help work on a chapter project.3. Anend an activrty of another chaptet''''4. Participate in an Individual Development program not

previously attended.5. Attend a district, region, state or national training

session, orientation, forum or meeting"6. Conduct a chapter Outstanding Young Farmer

program and submit winner to state competrtion.7. Conduct a chapter Healthy American Fitness

Leaders program and submrt winner to U.S. Jaycees.8. Conduct a Muscular Dystrophy Fundraising program.9. Conduct a Shooting Education program.10. Conduct a Ten Outstanding Young Americans

program and submit winner to U.S. Jaycees.11. Conduct a Governmental Altairs program.12. Conduct chapter olticers training.13. Conduct chapter chairman's training.14. Conduct a chapter, district, region, state or national

training session'"15. Conduct a Community Development training


16. Conduct a Management Development trainingseminar.

17. Assist in a district, region, state or nationalfundraiser.

18. Complete the U.S. Jaycees' Cer1rtied Trainersprogram.

19. Serve as chapter president.20. Serve on chapter's board of directors.21. Serve as a regional director.22. Serve as a district director.

23. Serve as a state program manager or statechairman.

24. Serve as a state olticer not mentioned above.25. Serve on chapter's election committee.26. Conduct a U.S. Jaycees active or library status

program not mentioned above.27. Assist in conducting a district. region, state, national

charity or fundraiset'o28. Participate in a statewide Individual Development

college.29. Participate in a statewide Community Development

college.30. Attend a state or regional local olticer training


31.Assist in preparing the chapter's programmingnotebooks for judging.

32. Compete in district. region or state Speak-Up.33. Conduct an Intemational Altairs program.34. Attend a district, region, state or national training

session, orientation, forum or meeting'"35. Lead an extension team.36. Chapter option.37. Chapter option.38. Chapter option.39. Chapter option.40. Chapter option."Members of Population Division 9 chapters are

not required to complete these items. Others will haveto be substituted.

Special Note: State officers (state chairmen, programmanagers. district directors. regional directors, statevice presidents and state president) may substiMeattendance at an assigned chapter meeting, state ornational meeting for requirement 1 in each degree.


The following Degrees of Jaycees materials is available from The U.S. Jaycees Sales department.

DescripUonDegrees of Jaycees Lapel PinRrst Degree TabSecond Degree TabThird Degree TabFourth Degree TabFifth Degree Tab

Sixth Degree TabSeventh Degree TabEighth Degree TabNinth Degree TabDegrees of Jaycees PatchFirst Degree ChevronSecond Degree ChevronThird Degree ChevronFourth Degree ChevronFifth Degree ChevronSixth Degree ChevronSeventh Degree ChevronEighth Degree ChevronNinth Degree ChevronTenth Degree ChevronDegrees of Jaycees CertificateSeals for Certificate

Degrees of Jaycees Wallet Cards (Un~s of 100)Degrees of Jaycees Chapter Wall ChartDegrees of Jaycees Program Guide

The following Degrees of Jaycees sales ~ems are available after certification requirements have been approved:

DescriptionDegrees of Jaycees Phase 1 Involvement Plaque

Degrees of Jaycees Phase 2 Experience PlaqueDegrees of Jaycees Tenth Degree Leadership PlaqueDegrees of Jaycees Tenth Degree Lapel Pin

Catalog #256-1261-1262-1263-1264-1265-1266-1267-1



Catalog #4506-14507-14502-1



$ 4.00$ 2.00

$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.00$ 2.25$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ 1.00$ .75$ .30$ 1.50$ 1.25$ 1.00



The United States Jaycees·


Notice: You need to have a state officer sign yourform before submitting it to The U.S. Jaycees.CheckllZ1appropriate report submitted.o First report (Postmark deadline to The U.S.

Jaycees-August 14)

o Year-End Report (Postmark deadline toThe U.S. Jaycees-April 15).

Required Items:Check boxes of all completed items and attach

requested materials.1. 0 Chapter plan.

o Member survey.o Community needs analysis.o Planning sessiono Planning Guide for Chapters (attach

copy).o Calendar of events (attach copy).o Organizational chart (attach copy).o Annual budget (attach copy).o Annual membership plan (attach plan).

2. 0 Board of directors orientation/social3. 0 Attend training school (verified by state

organization).4. 0 Membership growth. May 1 _

Current _5. 0 General membership meetings6. 0 Board of directors meetings7. 0 Major Emphasis Area entry (attach com­

pleted MEA entry form).8. 0 Conduct Springboard program9. 0 Conduct Degrees of Jaycees program

Optional Requirements:1. 0 Bid or host district, regional, state meet­

ing or event2. 0 District, regional, state meeting attend­

ance (4 meetings)3. 0 Chapter extension and affiliation.

State Name

Chapter Name

Chapter Name

Pop. Div.

Date Affiliated

State Number

Chapter Number

6. 0 Committee chairmen training.

7. 0 Chapter visitations. (List chapter visitedand date).Chapter Date

8. 0 Community development projects. (listname and date.)

Project Name Date

-----------~ -

9. 0 Individual development programs(List name and date)Program Name Date


10. 0 Management development projects.(List name and date).Project Name Date

Population Division - Optional Requirements:4. 0 Written communications (attach corres­

pondence).5. 0 Orientation programs

The undersigned hereby certify that all Blue Chip requirements have been completed. (Must be signed by chap­ter president and either district or regional director or state president.)

Send original with attachment. to U.S. Jaycee.: Hnd copy to state office; give copy to .tate oftk:er who signed this form; relaln copy tor your files.

Chapter President State President/Regional Director/District Director75

The United Stales Jaycees

CHAPTER BLUE CHIP REQUIREMENTS"The Chapter Management Tool tor Success"

The Blue Chip program will serve as a gUide In achieving a successful Jaycee year The Blue Chip Award will be presented annually to chapters that1) Successfully complete the Blue Chip program requirements; and 21 Submit the Blue Chip Certification Report forms With all requested matenalsattached and a Signature of approval by either their d,stnct director, regional director or state president. The Blue Chip Cer1lflcatlon Reports must besubmitted by the follOWing dates

• First Report (Postmark deadline - August 14). Year-End Report (Postmark deadline - April 15)Fina/ists tor the Charles Kulp Memorial Award and Clarence Howard Memorial Award must qualify for Blue Chip Entry torms for these memonal

awards must be submitted through your state preSident

Utilize the Chapter President's Handbook for information to achieve each requirement Page numbers have been listed next to the requirements as areference.

Required Items:Complete requirements and attach requested matenals to report form Check the boxes when requirements are completed

1. 0 Prepare a chapter plan. Complete the tollowlng requirements and attach the requested Information to your first report, postmarked by August 14.o Conduct a member survey (66).o Conduct a community neees analysis (11, 67).o Conduct a chapter planning seSSion (17-24)o Complete the Planning GUide for Chapters (18-20, 61-65) (Attach copy)o Prepare a calendar of events (19) (attach copy)o Prepare an organizational chart (14, 15,21) (attach copy)o Prepare an annual budget (21-23) (attach copy)o Prepare an annual membership plan (24, 71) (attach copyl

2 0 Conduct a board of directors orientation/social by August 14. (24-27) Suggested tOpiCS• Officers' and directors' responSibilities (25, 26)• Member survey and community needs analySIS (66-68)

3. 0 Attend your state local otticers training school, or a d,stnct or regional local ottlcer training school by August 14 (25,41) (Venfled by state organization)4 0 Chapter must have year-end growth by at least one member if at average chapter size or growth by at least 15 percent if below average chapter size.5 0 Conduct monthly general membership meetings (28)6 0 Conduct monthly board of directors meetings (30).

7 0 Submit one Major EmphaSIS Area entry In either the community development or IndiVidual development programming areas to your state year­end ludging (15, 49-51) (Submit completed Major EmphaSIS Area entry form).

8 0 Conduct the Spnngboard program for new members and certify participants (72)9. 0 Conduct the Degrees of Jaycees program for members and certify partiCipants (73, 74)

Optional Items:Your chapter must complete eight out of the ten optional requirements In order to be eligible for Blue Chip status (Population diVISion nine (9)

chapters must only complete SIX out of ten optional requirements.) Attach requested Information .1. 0 Bid or host a certified district, regional or state meeting or event (13)2. 0 Attend at least four (4) of any combination of district, regional or state meetings (13,40-43). I3 0 Extend and aHillate one new Jaycee chapter as per Instruchonsoffered In The U S Jaycees extension kit (37-39) (List chapter name anddate attiltated)

The other optional requirements iisted below are based upon the vanous chapter population diVISion sizes Complete the requirements for yourchapter's population diVISion and attach requested Information to report forms

Chapler Population Divisions

•#1-114 #5&#6#7&#8#9Population Area Sizes

I0- 15,001-75,001-Non-15,000



o PrOVide wntten commU!llcatlons (newsletters, postcards or personal letters) to each member 610124the follOWing number of times (7.8) (attach copies). 5

o Conduct onentation programs the following number of times (13) 24626

o Conduct training for project committee chairmen the follOWing number of times (13) 23417.

o Make chapter vlsltalions to the follOWing number of chapters (13.14) (ltst chapters VISited) 36808

o Conduct the follOWing amount of community development prOJ8cts (14) (List name and date 4683ot each prOject conducted) 9.

o Conduct the following amount of IndiVidual development programs Personal. Leadership 4573and Communication DynamiCS are reqUired (14) (List name and date of each program conducted ) 10.

o Conduct the follOWing amount of management development protects (14) (List name and 3683date of each prOject conducted) ----------.

Pop. Div.123




Pop. Div.456




Pop. Div.789

Population75001-150000150001-& up

non-regular chapters



BRONZE CHIP PROGRAMA chapter which has achieved Blue Chip status for a minimum of three consecutive years and whose membership has Increased by 15%dunng thosethree years shall qualify for Bronze Chip Example May 1. 1986. membership ~ 30. Apnl30. 1989. membership ~ 35 Total membership Increase IS 15%

SILVER CHIP PROGRAMA chapter must be a Bronze Chip chapter and must have achieved Blue Chip status for four consecutive years Also. a chapter must havea membershipthat is above their year-end Bronze Chip membership level and must complete one affiliation dunng that time penod

GOLD CHIP ~OGRAMA chapter must be a Silver Chip chapter and must have achieved Blue Chip status for five consecutive years Also. a chapter must have a membershipthat is at or above their average chapter size according to the.r chapter population diVISion

DIAMOND CHIP PROGRAMA Chapter must maintain their Gold C~llp status for five more consecutIve years


The United States Jaycees


Orientation ProgramOutlined below is an orientation program that has

proven to be very effective when proper plans havebeen made. If you don't already have an effectiveorientation program, why not try it ... working in localimprovisations where desired.

1. Call to order2. Invocation

3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag4. Recitation of the Jaycee Creed5. Welcome by Program Chairman6. Self-Introduction of New Members

7. Introductions of Guests and Participants

Jaycee President (Five to seven minutes)A Explanation of the broad aims of the Jaycees.

1. To train young people for leadership2. To give young people a voice in community


3. To allow young people to participate in commun­ity activities

4. To enhance the community by conducting com­munity improvement and service programs

5. To further democracy and the free enterprisesystem.

B. A Jaycee chapter's role in the community1. Improve its community

a. Programs to solve specific community prob­lems

b. Programs to help specific groups (youth, theaged, handicapped and underprivileged)

c. Program for community service (Get Out TheVote, industrial development, traffic surveys,etc.)

2. Cite specific programs completed during the pastseveral years

3. Cite examples which show the community's re­gard for the Jaycees

4. Cite areas that offer great challenges for futureJaycee projects

Past President (Five to seven minutes)A. Opportunities for young people in the Jaycees

1. The opportunity to know many of the best youngcivic leaders in the community

2. The opportunity to help direct the organization3. The opportunity of becoming a leader in the


4. The opportunity to correct things which themember feels are wrong with the community,through Jaycee projects

5. The opportunity to have ideas for communityinvolvement accepted as a project

6. The opportunity to take part in community affairs;to help shape the future of the community

7. The opportunity to become a leader in thecommunity.

B. How the member benefits from Jaycee activities1. Learns to plan and organize work2. Learns to delegate work to others3. Learns to think independently and to make deci­


4. Learns to speak confidently before a group5. Learns to conduct meetings and draw out and

utilize the best ideas of others

6. Learns parliamentary procedure and politicsC. Cite examples of leading citizens who were

Jaycees and any statements· from themendorsing the Jaycee movement

D. What does the Jaycee chapter expect from itsmembers?

1. Participation in at least one standing committeeactivity; cite examples of what several· of thebetter new members are doing

2. Constructive criticism and action rather than

griping at everything that is attempted3. Regular attendance at meetings4. Accepting responsibilities and opportunities for

promotion when they arise5. To voice criticism and opinions-to speak up.6. To wear the Jaycee pin7. To know the purpose of the organization and to

have pride in it8. To become involved in the program for personal

progressCommunity Leader and Past Jaycee (Ten to fifteenminutes)

A. Accomplishments and activities in the JayceesB. The benefit received from the JayceesC. The advantages of Jaycees to today's young

people and today's employerIt should be noted that there are two other

recommended formats that you can use for the orienta­tions. They appear in the Springboard ProgramChairman s Guide (Sales Catalog No. 5043-0).


The United States Jaycees"


Chapter's Name President's Name

Chapter's Mailing Address

A. Define The Objective of Your Chapter

B. Individual Development Programming1. Describe procedures used to determine your members' self-improvement needs and

identify those needs in relation to the Individual Development Major Emphasis Areas(MEAs) listed below ..a. Leadership Developmentb. Family Life/Spiritual Developmentc. Personal Skills

2. Prioritize the above (MEAs) and establish priorities for each based on the desires and interestsof the members, considering available resources.

3. Set specific and identifiable goals for each priority within the prioritized MEAs.4. Select the best programs/projects to achieve the goals.5. Show how you monitored and evaluated priorities. goals and projects; include periodic results.6. Show how you evaluated annual progress; include results.

C. Community Development Programming1. Describe procedures used to determine problems in your community and identify these prob­

lems in relation to the Community Development MEAs listed below.a. Human Servicesb. Community Improvementc. Government Involvementd. Community Fundraising

2. Prioritize the above MEAs and establish priorities for each based on the desires and interestsof the members, considering available resources ..

3. Set specific and identifiable goals for each priority within the prioritized MEAs.4. Select the best programs/projects to achieve the goals.5. Show how you monitored and evaluated priorities, goals and projects; include periodic results.6. Show how you evaluated annual progress; include results.

D. Management Development Programming1. Describe procedures used to determine chapter's strengths and weaknesses and identify those

in relation to the Management Development MEAs listed below.a. Planningb. Trainingc. Financial Managementd. Personnel Managemente. Communicationf. Public Relationsg. Recruitment/Orientation/Activation

2. Prioritize the above MEAs and establish priorities for each based on the desires and interestsof the members, considering available resources.

3. Set specific and identifiable goals for each priority within the prioritized MEAs.4. Select the best programs/projects to achieve the goals.5. Show how you monitored and evaluated priorities, goals and projects; include periodic results.6. Show how you evaluated annual progress; include results.


The United States Jaycees®



Chapter Name

Chairman's Name

Chairman's Mailing Address

Business Phone Home Phone


Project Name

Major Emphasis Area Category

Supervising Chapter Officer

PROPER USE OF GUIDE: Good advanced planning and record-keeping will mean the differencebetween success and failure. Use this guide in planning and conducting your project by completelyanswering each question on separate paper.

PLANNING:1. Primary purpose (what is the one reason you want to successfully run this project?)2. How does this project relate to a specific goal of one Major Emphasis Area in your chapter plan?3. List the specific goals to be accomplished by this project. Use specific numbers. Example: To

involve twenty-five Jaycees.4. What are the specific manpower assignments? (Show names and duties.)5. What Jaycee materials, supplies, and resources will be required?6. What non-Jaycee materials, supplies, and resources will be required?7. Describe the potential problems and their possible solutions to successfully complete this project.

Example: List problems and solutions by management technique (Planning, Training, PersonnelManagement, Communications, Financial Management).

8. Give a brief description of the proposed project followed by a listing of the specific steps to betaken to bring this project to a successful completion. Show approximate date for each step.

9. Complete the proposed budget showing all anticipated income and expense. Include donateditems as income and expense and show return to chapter if applicable.

IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION:10. Record by date the specific steps as they occur.11. Record by date the revisions in plans as they become necessary. Show how problems were

handled using management techniques. What changes would you recommend if you were to runthis project again?

12. Record by date the sources of income and expenses as they occur. State why the project was afinancial success or failure and show profit or loss. Complete the Financial Statement.

13. Record actual roles of non-Jaycees and other resources. (Include names, locations, andservices.)

14. Give specific results for each goal established. Show how management techniques were used.15. What benefits could be derived by conducting this project in the future. (Include individual,

chapter, and community benefits.)

Date approved by board / by chapter Date final report approved


The United States Jaycees·




Appropriation from chapter:Value of donated items:Other sources of income (list):





Value of donated items:Other expenses (list):



Return of appropriation from chapter:Return to chapter (prOfit):



To Do This: You Say This:May YouInterrupt

Do You NeedIs ItCan It BeWhat VoteCan It BeThe Speaker?

A Second?Debatable?Amended?Is Needed?Reconsidered?ADJOURN MEETING

"I move that we adjourn "NoYesNoNoMaioritvNoCALL AN INTERMISSION

"I move that we recess for ..."No YesNoYesMaioritvNo

COMPLAIN ABOUT HEAT,"I rise to a question of privilege"YesNoNoNoNo VoteNo

NOISE. ETC. SUSPEND FURTHER"I move to table the motion"NoYesNoNoMajorityNo

CONSIDERATION OF AN ISSUE END DEBATE AND"I move the previous question"NoYesNoNo2/3Nol

AMENDMENTS POSTPONE DISCUSSION FOR"I move to postpone theNoYesYesYesMajorityYes

A CERTAIN TIMEdiscussion until ... "

GIVE CLOSER STUDY OF"I move to refer the matter toNoYesYesYesMajorityYes2


AMEND A MOTION"I move to amend theNoYesYes3YesMajorityYes

motion ... by " INTRODUCE BUSINESS"I move that ...


rhe United States Jaycees"

PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE ... at a glance Here are some motions you might make, how tomake them, and what to expect of the rules.


The Motions Listed Above Are In Order Of Precedence ... Below There Is No Order ...


"I appeal the chair's decision"YesYesYesNoMajorityYesTHE CHAIRMAN SUSPEND RULES

"I move to suspend the rules soNoYesNoNo2/3NoTEMPORARILY

that ..."

AVOID CONSIDERING AN"I object to consideration ofYesNoNoNo2/3b-0


VERIFY A VOICE VOTE"I call for a division" orYesNoNoNoNo Vote7 No


"Point of information"YesNoNoNoNo VoteNo

RETRACT YOUR MOTION"I wish to withdraw my motion"NoNoNoNoNo Vote-0

TAKE UP A MATTER"I move to take from theNoYesNoNoMajorityNo


RECONSIDER A"I move to reconsider theYesYes-~NoMajorityNo

HASTY ACTIONvote on ...




1Unless voteon questionis not yettaken .

2 Unless the 3 Only ifcommittee has the motion toalready taken be amendedup the subject. is debatable.

4 Exceptin doubtfulcases.

5 A 2/3 vote innegative neededto preven tconsiderationof main motion.

6 Only ifthe mainquestion ormotion wasnot, in fact,considered.

7 Unlesssomeoneobjects.

8 Only if thevote is no.

9 Only if motionto be reconsideredis debatable.


The Un ited States Jaycees'


ACTIVE STATUS PROGRAMS - Those national programs and

projects designated by The U.S. Jaycees Executive Board ofDirectors for development and promotion during the Jaycee year.AFFILIATION - Process that a new extension must complete be­

fore being officially recognized as a chapter.AMBASSADOR - The highest honor conferred by The UnitedStates Jaycees. This most distinguished form of recognition for out­standing past and present Jaycees can be bestowed at the state orchapter level upon application and approval. The prestigiousAmbassadorship signifies an individual's exceptional contribution tothe Jaycee movement in the United States.ANNIVERSARY DUES - A dues collection system whereby alocal member's annual dues to The U.S. Jaycees are due duringeach anniversary month of membership. The US Jaycees collectsthese dues through local chapters.ANNUAL MEETING - The meeting held in June each year toconduct business of The U.S. Jaycees. It's at this meeting that apresident and eleven vice presidents, with one being elected by theMetro Conference, are elected. Each chapter may send

delegates to the Annual Meeting, also known as the NationalConvention.

ARCHIVES - A reference to The U.S. Jaycees Archives beingdeveloped at the National Headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma, topreserve, record and exhibit rich heritage and achievements of TheUnited States Jaycees. The Archives also symbolizes the futuregrowth and continuing contribution of this dynamic and progressiveorganization. The Archives effort is being funded through the AnnualSupport program of The U.S. Jaycees Foundation by contributionsfrom alumni groups such as The Crew and The U.S JCI Senate, aswell as Jaycee chapters, state organizations and Individual contributionsBI D - An offer to host an event or meeting.BID PROCEDURE - Rules for the preparation and presentation ofa bid.

BLUE CHIP - A management program designed to assist localchapters in developing the total Jaycee concept A gauge of chaptersuccess.

BOSSES' NIGHT - An event honoring employers of Jaycees asthanks for their contributions to the Jaycees.CHAIRMAN - The individual charged with responsibility for thecompletion of a project The chairman heads a committee and pro­vides motivation for its members.

CHAPTER MANAGEMENT - The effective, efficient and properuse of resources to accomplish a pre-determined objective.CHARTER - A document indicating an organization's affiliation withThe U.S. Jaycees of Jaycees International.COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS - The programs of

a chapter that serve as a method through which an individual memberis given the opportunity of applying learned leadership and manage­ment skills in fulfilling chosen social responsibility.CONSTITUTION - Rules and regulations an organization employsto determine its government and procedures.CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT - An office of The U.S. Jaycees

charged with fundraising, legal, governmental affairs and administra­tive responsibilities for the national organization at the direction of TheU.S. Jaycees executive vice presidentCPG - Initials for the Chairman's Planning Guide.DEGREES OF JAYCEES - An individual activation program

designed to assist the chapter in more effectively meeting the needsof its members. The program consists of three (3) phases and ten

(10) degrees. Each degree is available for presentation to thosemembers meeting the cnteria.DSA - Distinguished Service Award. An award presented to a youngperson of Jaycee age for outstanding community service.DISTRICT - A group of chapters under the supervision of a stateofficer.

DISTRICT DIRECTOR - A state officer that works directly with the

local chapter presidents.EXECUTIVE BOARD OF DIRECTORS - A body, made up of thepresidents of each state organization and all voting members ofthe executive committee plus the chaplain and metro director,charged with the conduct of the organization's business inaccordance with its Constitution and Bylaws.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE - A committee consisting of The U.S.Jaycees president, executive vice president, vice presidents,chairman of the board, legal counsel and treasurer.EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT - The executive vice president of

The U.S. Jaycees is in charge of The US. Jaycees Headquartersoperation. A state executive vice president is often an employee of astate organization who is a full-time manager for the state executivecommittee.EXTENSION - The initial organizing of a chapter pnor to completingthe affiliation process.FAMILY LIFE SERIES - A series of discussion-oriented programs

designed to educate families in ways to make family life moreenjoyable.

HAFL - Healthy American Fitness Leaders. A Jaycee recognitionprogram for individuals who have demonstrated outstandingleadership in the area of health and physical fitness.HONORARY MEMBER - Membership conferred upon anindividual whose contribution to the organization has been sooutstanding as to merit this honor.INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS - The self-improve­ment programs of a chapter, aimed at teaching, developing andincreasing the individual member's personal and leadership skillsINSTITUTIONAL CHAPTER - A Jaycee chapter that exists withina confining, rehabilitative or job training center facility.JAYCEE FAMILY WEEK - Thanksgiving week is recognizedannually by Jaycees as a time to emphasize the importance of the

family unit. Local organizations use this week to recognize outstand­ing families, encourage communication in the home and involve theirfamilies in chapter activities.JCI - Abbreviation for Jaycees International, the worldwide Jayceesorganization now operating in 75 countriesJCI HEADQUARTERS - Located in Coral Gables, Florida, and

headed by a salaried secretary general, serves the world organiza­tion much as The United States Jaycees Headquarters serves theUnited States.

JCI SENATOR - The highest honor bestowed upon a current orpast individual member for their contributions to the Jaycees byJaycees International. A JCI Senator is a life member of JayceesInternational.

JCI WORLD CONGRESS - The Annual Meeting of Jaycees Inter­national in which delegates from member nations conduct theorganization's business.JAYCEE CREED - A statement of philosophy and beliefs adoptedby The U.S. Jaycees and Jaycees International. The Creed was

on __ n_

The Un ited States Jaycees"

TERMS (con't.)

authored by the late C. William Brownfield of Columbus, Ohio, in 1946.Brownfield later served as a U.S. Jaycees vice president.JAYCEE FOUNDER'S HOME - The home occupied by thepresident of The U.S. Jaycees in Tulsa, Oklahoma, during thepresident's term of office.JAYCEE SHIELD - The emblem of The U.S. Jaycees.JAYCEE WAR MEMORIAL - The home office building of The U.S.Jaycees in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It is a modern, three-story office buildingnear the downtown area of the city where a staff of more than 80people conducts the business of The U.S. Jaycees.JAYCEE WEEK - A week, beginning on the third Sunday inJanuary, which marks the anniversary of the founding of The UnitedStates Jaycees in 1920. Local organizations use this week to tell theircommunities of their accomplishments. Often a banquet is heldduring Jaycee Week for the purpose of honoring recipients of theDistinguishing Service Award and/or employers of Jaycees with a"Bosses' Night" banquet.JOTS - July Officers Training School. A U.S. Jaycees trainingservice offered to state officers. The event is held in Tulsa each July.LEADERSHIP TRAINING - A process by which the individualdevelops greater self-confidence, motivation, the ability of self­expression and other traits of leadership.LEGAL COUNSEL - An officer who is legal adviser to an organization.LIBRARY STATUS PROGRAMS - Programs and projects whichare not actively promoted by The U.S. Jaycees, but for which informa­tion is available to chapters on request from The U.S. Jaycees' Salesdepartment.LINK, THE - This publication is the communications link betweenthe headquarters and the local presidents across the nation.LOCAL PRESIDENTS SCHOOL - Seminar for the training ofchapter presidents.LOM - Abbreviation for Local Organization Member, a local organi­zation affiliated with The U.S. Jaycees and Jaycees International.LOTS - Local Officers Training School. A training service offered byyour state organization.MAJOR EMPHASIS AREA (MEA) - Grouping of projects and pro­grams that relate to a similar area or need. Each MEA comes underone of the three programming areas (individual development, com­munity development and management development).METRO - The name given Jaycee chapters in cities with popula­tions of over 75,000 people.NOM - Abbreviation for National Organization Member, a membernation of Jaycees International.NATIONAL STAFF OFFICER - A paid employee of The UnitedStates Jaycees, with responsibility either for a designated programarea or headquarters functions. Staff officers frequently travel to statemeetings to assist in their areas of expertise, prepare all materialsavailable through The U.S. Jaycees and promote local involvement.NEWSLETTER - A publication of the chapter used to keep itsmembers informed of Jaycee news and meeting information.OYE - Outstanding Young Educator. A Jaycees recognition pro­gram for educators.OYF - Outstanding Young Farmer. A Jaycees recognition programfor farmers.

OFFICERS' AND DIRECTORS' GUIDE - Annual publication ofThe U.S. Jaycees. A complete guide to chapter management andofficer responsibility.ON-TO - A slogan used in promoting attendance ata Jaycee meet­ing Usually used in connection with a statewide meeting or The U.S.

Jaycees Annual Meeting,ORIENTATION - The ongoing function of education to membersabout the Jaycee organization, its benefits and the opportunities

offered to the individual member.

PARADE OF CHAPTERS - Competition among the chapterswithin a state in which points are earned and a ranking is established.PARADE OF STATES - Annual competition among the 50 Jayceestates to be rated according to performance during the year. Statedelegations to the Annual Meeting march in a Parade of Statesaccording to rank in the competition.PARLIAMENTARIAN - A person who advises a chairman or pre­siding officer on matters relating to parliamentary procedure.PLAN OF ACTION - The goals and plans for achievement that aJaycee chapter develops each year. Usually presented to the mem­bership in written form.POLICY - Rules of practice and procedure which supplement theConstitution and Bylaws.PRESIDENTIAL AWARDS - Membership recruitment awards forlocal members.

PUBLIC RELATIONS - The acts of communicating what you areto the public. This is not to be confused with publicity, which is just oneof the methods used in communicating the image.REGION - A group of chapters under the guidance of a state officer.REGIONAL DIRECTOR - A state officer who acts as an adminis­

trator of district directors and/ or state program managers and servesas a liaison between The U.S. Jaycees and the state organization.REGULAR MEMBER - A young person between the ages of 18"and 35 whose dues are paid. A Jaycee. "At state option, the minimum

age can be 21.RESOURCES - The material, money and most importantly, the timeand talent of people available to a Jaycee chapter.RETENTION - Renewing of an individual's membership for anotheryear.ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER (Revised) - A guide book of par­liamentary procedure written by General Henry A. Robert (U.S. Army)in 1874. These rules provide for the protection of the rights of themajority, the rights of the minority, the rights of individuals and therights of those absent, in the conduct of meetings.SPEAK-UP - An individual development program to offer allJaycees an opportunity to develop their verbal communicationabilities.

SPONSORSHIPS - Financial, material or physical support ofJaycee programs by an outside individual, group or firm.SPRINGBOARD - An individual activation program to aid chaptersin activating new members within ninety (90) days by involving themin chapter activities. A Springboard Award is available forpresentation to those members meeting the defined criteria.STATE MEETING - A meeting conducted by a state officer inaccordance with the bylaws of a state organization. Statewidemeetings are held in many states on a quarterly basis.ST ATE DIRECTOR - A voting member of the board of directors ofa state Jaycee organization. In many states, a chapter president andone other person serve as state directors.

TOY A - Ten Outstanding Young Americans. Each year during theweek immediately prior to Jaycee Week, The U.S.Jaycees honors tengreat young Americans at an Awards Congress.WAYS & MEANS (NATIONAL) - Fundraising projects, national inscope and available to all Jaycee chapters, which are endorsed byThe U.S. Jaycees Executive Committee through a formal procedure.Such projects become endorsed national ways and meansprograms.YOUNG MEN CAN CHANGE THE WORLD - The title of a book

about the Jaycee movement. Author Booton Herndon relates the

history of the organization and tells of success and personal achieve­ment gained through membership in the Jaycees.


The United States Jaycees~


PurposeThe U.S. Jaycees Sales department strives to

maintain an inventory of those items which arerequested by the membership. In an effort to provide themembership with those items which would bebeneficial, it is necessary to have your input.

If you have a new item request or just a generalrecommendation, please feel free to respond.

• List any items that you would like to see addedto the catalog.

• List any suggestions for the layout of the catalog.• List any ideas for designs for the cover of the

catalog.Your input is what helps compile this catalog.

Please send all comments and suggestions to: The U.S.Jaycees Sales Department, P.O. Box 7, Tulsa,Oklahoma 74121-0007.

Ordering InstructionsOne person in your chapter (secretary or

treasurer) should be designated as the personresponsible for placing and receiving all orders. Manytimes when several persons in the chapter are orderingat the same time, duplications occur, resulting invaluable materials being wasted and unnecessaryexpense to the chapter. Complete instructions forordering are included in the catalog. Here are some tipsto help you utilize the Sales Catalog to its fullest extent:

1. Use a street address where a signature may beobtained.

2. Include payment with order (No C.O.D.s).If you wish to call in a charge order, call toll free 1­

800-331-3248. (Minimum order of $10). If toll-free linesare' busy, call 1-918-584-2481. Oklahoma customersmust add six percent sales tax.

Be sure to add up the total weight of your order (theweight of each item can be found in the description ofthe items) and then enclose the appropriate postage. A

convenient chart is supplied on page 20 of the SalesCatalog, which will assist you in computing the properpostage charge.

Please be sure to use the full catalog number. (Allof the digits are necessary to ensure that you receivethe proper item.)

On merchandise which requires localization orengraving, please type or print information needed.Since engraving or localization cannot be taken overthe telephone bythe sales personnel, please mailthe orderand information for quick and more accurate service .

Orders for non-localized items will be processedand shipped within 48 hours after receipt of order.Orders for engraved plaques will be processed andshipped 72 hours after receipt of the order. The cost forengraving of plaques and trophies is $.15 per letter.

Be sure you provide a complete shipping address,including your ZIP code. We ship most packages viaUnited Parcel Service. UPS cannot deliver to a PostOffice box and will not deliver to an address where a

signature cannot be obtained.Send all orders to: The United States Jaycees,

Sales Department, P.O. Box 7, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74121­0007.

When Writing About OrdersBefore writing about an order which you have

received, we suggest that you first examine anyinvoices which you may have found in the package orwere sent to you separately. Usually any changes areexplained. This may make it unnecessary for you towrite us.

If you do write, be sure to give information as to yoursales order number, catalog number, size, quantity,method of payment, etc., of order in question andenclose with your letter all papers, invoices, etc., youreceived from us about the order.


TOLL FREE 1-800-331-3248


The United States Jaycees"


You are about to become a member of the greatest young persons' leadership trainingorganization in the world, The Jaycees offer a young person the opportunity to meet a group ofaggressive young adults, take part in worthwhile projects, fulfill a need for personal growth, andcontribute to society.

Raise your right hand and repeat after me. I (Give your name) dosolemnly pledge that I will uphold the principles and traditions of the (Name ofchapter) Jaycees, the (Name of state) Jaycees and promote the objectives ofThe United States Jaycees.



The United States Jaycees~'


The office to which you have been elected is one of dignity and importance. In accepting this office, you under­take a responsibilrty which is not to be assumed lightly nor carelessly discharged. You are charged with the duties ofseriously and resolutely furthering the objectives of the Jaycee movement.

With the Policy and By-Laws as your guide, you must be ever ready to exercise the functions of the office withwhich you are entrusted.

Further, you are charged with governing this organization according to the laws of democracy, under whichlaws every person who wishes to speak shall be heard, toward the end that in every matter considered, the bestopinion shall prevail through the expressed will of the majority, and the best course of action followed. Do you acceptthis charge? (Reply) I do.

Raise your hand and repeat after me. I, (Give your name), do solemnly swear (or affirm)that I will faithfully execute the office of (Give office) of the .Jaycees and will, to thebest of my ability, serve as a living example of this organization's philosophy and beliefs.