The Unknown Variable - Text Progression on Photoshop

Post on 30-Oct-2014

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The unchanged variable!

This is the stage where I was deciding my preferred font for the Masthead of the film. The idea was to chose a font which complements the style and genre of the film ‘Unchanged variable’. I was looking at different fonts on Photoshop, preferably the sans serif fonts mainly because that particular style of a font suits the title of the movie and its genre. I was looking for something noticeable but not too dramatic at the same time. These are examples of the fonts which particularly inspired me because of their appearance. My main idea of a font was for it to be in a sans serif font as shown in this illustration below.

I was particularly inspired by different fonts of different films, in terms of the font. Film covers such as Thirst and Sinister. Looking at these film mastheads, being in the horror genre, the font and their colours are very complimentary in emphasizing the film genres.

At this stage, I chose a background to emphasise the genre of the film. I also selected a ‘Trajan’ font mainly because I wanted a font with hooks. At this stage I chose a white font. My aim was to create a metallic textured font in a grey colour, therefore the colours black (as the background) and white (as the text) will allow me to create this grey, metallic textured effect on the text.

I opened a new layer and filled the new layer with a light grey colour as illustrated. The grey colour will enable the grey, metallic texture on the text, which is what I am looking for.

I then added noise (texture) to the grey layer (Filter – Noise – Add Noise). I put the noise level to 150 and made sure that sure the Gaussian and Monochromatic are selected. All this contributed in adding the texture on this layer. The noise is the first part of the metal texture.

At this stage, I selected the Blur tool then Motion Blur. I set the angle to -10 and the pixels to 200. this is to blur the noise which creates a brush metal effect.

I cropped out the edges (left and right) where there are sharp textures, so that there is even texture

This is the result after cropping. Now the texture is even across the whole layer.

On layer 1, I went on the layers tool and selected ‘Create Clipping Mask’. This created a grey texture onto the text.

AT this stage, I followed these steps: Layer Style – Bevel and Emboss – Technique – Chisel Hard - Depth – 500 – Size – 7.This created this effect on the text.

In order for this text to stand out even more in terms of colour and effect, I followed these steps:Gloss Contour- Ring – Anti Aliased

Gradient Overlay – Opacity to 70% . All of these steps contributed to achieving this shiny, metallic textured effect on the text, which Is what I was aiming to achieve.

I changed the order of the text to create a more dramatic appearance as illustrated.