"The [Untold] Tillman Story" (Version 1.0 -- August 14, 2010)

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  • 8/9/2019 "The [Untold] Tillman Story" (Version 1.0 -- August 14, 2010)


    THE [UNTOLD] TILLMAN STORYPresident Obama & Congresss Bipartisan Whitewash of General Stanley

    McChrystals Central Role in the Cover-Up ofPat Tillmans Friendly-Fire Death

    Guy Montag,feralfirefighter.blogspot.comAugust 14, 2010

    War is always about betrayal, betrayal of the young by the old, of idealists by cynics and of

    troops by politicians.

    -- Chris Hendges (2009)

    It went up to the two-star level and the two-star took it right up to the four-star level. Here is

    the steak dinner, but were giving it to you on this garbage can cover. You know, you got it,you work it.

    -- Brigadier General Howard Yellen (May 2004)

    He [Secretary of Defense] knows the administrations position on the matter was a cover-up. But it worked. And they didnt want the president to look bad. [The Secretary of Defense]never told a lie, at least not in the way he could be caught in it. Nonetheless, they would

    become the governments official pronouncement on the days action. And the media gavethem their forum, always ascertaining beforehand that their allegations were borne out by facts if

    not the truth.

    -- Senator James Webb, Something to Die For, (1991)

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    Prologue: Iddo Netanyahu & Kevin Tillmans Battle for the Truth 4

    . . .

    Letter to The Tillman Story Director Amir Bar-Lev (July 26th

    2010) 9

    Did They Teach You How to Lie Yet? -- Senator Webbs Betrayal of Pat Tillman 15

    Something to Die For -- Letter to Mary Tillman (February 4th 2008) 16

    A Sense of Honor -- Letter to Senator James Webb (April 3rd 2008) 21

    Did They Teach You How to Lie Yet?Letter to Senator Webb (May 26th 2009) 29

    The Tillman Story Script -- Congress Fumbled the Ball 36

    The [Untold] Tillman Story -- Congress Didnt Fumble, They Threw the Game: 41

    Hearing: Misleading Information from the Battlefield (April 24, 2007) 45

    General Wallaces Review of Tillman Fratricide Investigations (July 31, 2007) 56

    Hearing: What the Leadership ofthe Dept. of Defense Knew (August 1, 2007) 66

    Report: Misleading Information from the Battlefield (July 17, 2008) 81

    The [Untold] Tillman Story -- President Obamas Big-Time Fumble: 84

    Barely a FootnoteSuperbowl XLIII and the NFLs Betrayal of Pat Tillman 85

    The Emperors General President Obamas Whitewash ofGen. McChrystal 87Lies Borne Out by Facts, If Not the Truth NYTs Thom Shankers Whitewash 94

    Did They Teach You How to Lie Yet?Congresss Gen. McChrystal Whitewash 102

    Senate Confirmation Hearing for Gen. McChrystals Promotion (June 2009) 112

    Senate Armed Services Committees Secret McChrystal Hearing (May 2008) 123

    Conclusion: Maybe It Had Been Trash from the Get-Go, Myths to Feed the Public 129

    A Country Such As This 129

    Remember the Iconoclast, Not the Icon 135

    My King a Lost King, and Lost Soldiers My Men 137

    Postscript: This Story is Not Over Yet 139

    He Who Shall Not Be Fact Checked CNASs Andrew Exum 144

    Where Men Win Glory Letters to Jon Krakauer 153

    . . .

    Epilogue: Thats My Hero Pat Tillman, Rachel Corrie, & Yoni Netanyahu 160

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    A1-- Dept. of Defense Inspector Generals Tillman Investigation (March 26, 2007)

    B1-- House Oversight Committees 1st

    Tillman Hearing (April 24, 2007)

    C1 Gen. McChrystal Invited to Testify Before Congress (July 13, 2007)

    D1-- Gen. Wallaces Review of the Tillman Investigations (July 31, 2007)

    D2 House Oversight Committees 2nd Tillman Hearing (August 1, 2007)

    D3 Gen. McChrystal Did Not Testify at 2


    Tillman Hearing (August 1, 2007)

    . . .

    E1-- Senate Armed Services Committee Secret McChrystal Hearing (May 15, 2008)

    E2-- Senator James Webb Interview - NPR Diane Rhem Show (May 27, 2008)

    F1-- House Oversight Committees Report on Tillman Fratricide (July 17, 2008)

    . . .

    G1Did Congress Cover for McChrystal - Diane Rhem Show (May 15, 2009)

    H1The McChrystal Protection Act of 2009 (May 20, 2009)

    I1 Senate Armed Services Committee McChrystal Hearing (June 2, 2009)

    J1 -- Gen. McChrystals Contradictory Congressional Testimony (June 2, 2009)

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    Iddo Netanyahu, Kevin Tillman and the Cover-up of their Brothers Death

    February 4, 2008

    Guy Montag, feralfirefighter.blogspot.com

    Benjamin, Yoni (Jonathan), and Iddo Netanyahu (1966)

    Richard, Pat, and Kevin Tillman (2002)

    And of him one may say in the words of David: They were swifter than eagles, they werestronger than lions O, Jonathan, thou wast slain in thine high places. I am distressed forthee,

    my brother Jonathan Very pleasant hast thou been unto me, thy love to me was wonderfulThe same heroism in the man. The same lamentation in the heart of the people.

    -- Israel Prime Minister Shimon Peres, Yoni Netanyahu funeral (July 1976)

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    BATTLE FOR THE TRUTH[edited fromFebruary 2008 letter to Mary Tillman]

    Iddo Netanyahu is the youngest of three brothers. All three brothers fought together in the same

    elite Israeli army unit (Sayeret Matkal) during the 1970s. Now, Iddo is a radiologist. His other

    brother, Benjamin Netanyahu, was Israels Prime Minister from 1996 to 1999 and is the leader of

    Israels Likud party [now Prime Minister again]. But, Iddos oldest brother, Jonathan (Yoni)

    Netanyahu, has largely been forgotten in the US after his death 30 years ago leading the Rescue

    at Entebbe.

    Like Kevin Tillman, Iddos oldest brother died in battle, became a national icon, and had the

    truth covered up by his government. For the past 30 years, Iddo has been engaged in a battle for

    the truth about his brothers death.

    And, like Pat Tillman, Yoni Netanyahu was also a remarkable man. The reality of both Pat and

    Yoni was much deeper than their iconic images. Both possessed a core of honesty and integrity,

    led by personal example, and lived their lives intensely. Neither cared much about money or

    personal comfort. Both were mavericks, intellectuals and avid readers. For example, from the

    foreword to The Letters of Jonathan Netanyahu:

    Of all the aspects of his character one predominates integrity. By this we do not mean

    only honesty toward ones fellow man, but, above all, honesty toward oneself. An inner

    wholeness marked Yonis entire behavior, inspired his way of life and determined hisobjectives. That wholeness resulted from a great need for absolute harmony between his

    thoughts and deeds.

    For Yoni, unlike many of us, could not hold beliefs without living them to the full. Once

    convinced of the rightness of an idea, whether in the personal or national sphere, he had to do

    what he could to actualize it, regardless of the hardships or risks involved. Again and again

    he asked himself whether he was working toward the realization of his lifes aims.

    After reading about the Rescue at Entebbe, I was struck by the many parallels between the life

    and death of Pat Tillman and Yoni Netanyahu:

    Yoni died July 4, 1976 at Entebbe, Pat was born November 1976.

    Both were the oldest of three brothers and the stars of their family.

    Both served in the Army in special forces and in combat with a younger brother. Both

    became national icons after their deaths.

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    Both died from negligent mistakes made by a fellow soldier.

    The truth about their deaths was covered up by their governments, and their deaths were

    more heroic than the official story.

    Friendly-fire deaths during battle were covered-up by their governments.

    Both Pat and Yonis families have fought what Yonis younger brother Iddo called abattle for the truth about their deaths.

    Perhaps you recall the Rescue at Entebbe. Thirty years ago, an airliner was hijacked by terrorists

    and flown to the Entebbe airport in Uganda. On July 4, 1976, Israeli aircraft landed at Entebbe

    and soldiers assaulted the terminal where the hostages were held. About 100 hostages were

    rescued at Entebbe. The official story was that seven terrorists were killed and three hostages

    died in the cross-fire. Yoni Netanyahu was the commander of the assault force and the only

    soldier killed shot in the back by a Ugandan soldier from the top of an air traffic control

    tower after the initial assault had been completed.

    Yoni became a symbol of heroic sacrifice for Israel. His funeral was televised nationally and

    Prime Minister Shimon Peres gave his eulogy. Several years later, Iddo discovered that the truth

    about his brothers death had been covered up by the Israeli government. Iddo Netanyahu

    published his account of his brothers death in Yonis Last Battle (1991 Hebrew, 2001


    Iddos book revealed that embarrassing details of Yonis death had been covered up. After

    Entebbe, the Israeli government didnt want to admit that some hostages had been killed by

    friendly fire. They didnt want to give terrorists credit for killing Yoni Netanyahu. Or reveal

    that Yoni died because his second-in-command, Muki Betser, failed to do his job of

    spearheading the assault and missed his assigned doorway.

    . . .

    Twenty-three years ago, as a young paratrooper and student at the University of Michigan, I read

    the collection of letters by Yoni Netanyahu entitled Self Portrait of a Hero. It became one of

    my treasured books.

    Four years ago, I believed Pat had been an idealistic, patriotic, dumb jock. I refused to watch

    any of the flag waving coverage of Pats death on TV. It seemed like a sideshow distraction to

    the Abu Gharib story that was breaking about the time of his death. Then, in October 2005, I

    read David Zirins article, Our Hero in The Nation, which referenced Robert Colliers 9/25/05

    SF Chronicle article.

    I discovered that Pat was my kind of warrior: a fiercely independent thinker, a book reader and a

    maverick. With a radical edge (like my other military heroes including Stan Goff, Donald

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    Duncan, and James Webb [now VA U.S. Senator]. Pat even read Noam Chomsky! I was

    angered that the truth about his death and his character had been buried by the media and the


    The more I read about Pat, the more he reminded me of Yoni. In October 2005, I re-read my

    dog-eared paperback copy of Self-Portrait of a Hero. Then, I discovered that Yonis younger

    brother Iddo had written a much more recent book, Yonis Last Battle, about the raid on

    Entebbe. I was stunned to read that Yoni had been shot in thefrontof his chest by a terrorist as

    he personally led the assault teams forward at Entebbe. What? My recollection as an 11 year

    old boy watching the movie Raid on Entebbe was that Yoni was shot in the back by a Ugandan

    soldier from the control tower!

    Ive taken the cover-up of Pat Tillmans death a bit personally. LikeStan Goff, I feel a kinship

    with Pat Tillman. When I was young and dumb I joined an Airborne Ranger Long-Range

    Recon (LRRP) unit. I was the college kid and bookworm of my company (I recall the COcatching me sitting against my rucksack reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius). I was 17

    years old when I enlisted. I grew up in the Army, enjoyed being a LRRP, and being with the

    guys. But, the lies of the first Gulf War were the last straw for me. I no longer wanted to be in

    what Donald Duncan [Special Forces LRRP, one of the first veterans to protest Vietnam] called

    The New Legions. A slave who would be told who to kill for oil or other national interests.

    After eight years, I got out of the Army in March 1991, and have spent the last 17 years as a


    . . .

    In the early 1970s, Yoni wanted to join his brother Benjamin on the assault of a hijacked plane.

    His brother Iddo argued that it was irresponsible to risk both brothers lives on the same

    mission. Yoni countered by saying, My life belongs to me, and sodoes my death.

    But Yonis death hasnt belonged to him. His brother Iddo has spent 30 years in a battle for the

    truth. Nor has Pat Tillmans death belonged to him. The Bush administration [the Obama

    administration and Democratic Congress are also culpable] has buried the truth about his death

    with a series of latest and greatest investigations. Pat cant even speak for himself through his

    wartime journal, since the Army lost it after his death.Now, its up to his family and friendsto reclaim the truth and integrity of Pats life and death.

    . . .

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    My wife and I lost Abe in a tragic and senseless accident, a month or so before his fifth

    birthday. If parents are fated to mourn a son, and if one can envy such bereavement, my wife

    and I can envy the Netanyahus. Their son died for his people and for all men, in the full

    flush of manhood, doing a famous deed. In his death he helped to save more than a hundred

    lives, brought glory to Israel, and gave the world a blaze of hope in a very dark time. For our

    son, we have only the tears of the scar of a senseless waste.

    -- Herman Wouk, Foreword to Self-Portrait of a Hero (1980)

    My boy, Nathan, is three years old. He is, to use a quaint term, a pistol. Good-hearted, but a

    bit wild, always with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I dont want to even imagine losing him.

    (Hopefully, I can keep him from following my footsteps into the Army 15 years from now!)

    What can you do with the tears of a senseless waste? I hope that your forthcoming book will

    contribute to redeeming the integrity of Pat Tillmans life and death.

    . . .

    When we close the book, we know the man; all we have to know, and all we will know. He

    inspires and ennobles us, and he gives us hope. That is enough. That is the best that art can do.

    -- Herman Wouk, Foreword to Self-Portrait of a Hero (1980)

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    July 26th

    2010 Letter to The Tillman Story Director Amir Bar-Lev

    we have all been betrayed. It isnt just our family. Every time they betray a soldier, theybetray all of us. We had officers that we trusted. We had high regard for them. in your

    heart they are your kids and you turn them over, and we trusted. we knew they [Pat & Kevin]

    could die or they could come back wounded But we never thought that they would use himthe way they did

    -- Mary Tillman, Congressional testimony (April 24, 2007)

    "There is another man who will not be in the room. That is Lieutenant General Stan McChrystal

    ... Because of his extraordinarily sensitive position with covert special forces, he is not appearing

    in public. And so he will not be questioned furtherby the [House Oversight] committee in anopen hearing." [italics added]

    -- Barbara Starr (CNN, August 1, 2007)

    theres been no culpability on the second half of this tragedy, which is the higher ups trying

    to cover it up. to borrow a football metaphor, they [Tillman family] ran the ball 99 yards overfour years time, they handed it off at the one-yard line to Congress and they fumbled it.

    -- Amir Bar-Lev (July 20th 2010)

    This is an unsolved mystery; nobody has ever really paid a price for what was done to the

    Tillmans, he said. No one has taken accountability or made an admission for a deliberateattempt to conceal the truth. This story is not over yet.

    -- Amir Bar-Lev, (June 24th


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    Letter to The Tillman Story Director Amir Bar-Lev[edited from July 26, 2010 letter]

    On January 29th, shortly before the Sundance premiere of your film, The Tillman Story, I sent

    you a brief e-mail that described how the Democratic Congress and Obama Presidency have

    protected General McChrystal. You replied, thanks for your email -- Have you seen the

    film? I'm pretty hard on the Democratic Congress!

    Well, a month ago, I drove 10 hours from Michigan to finally see your film at the Silver Docs

    Film Festival in DC (and the following day drove a more sedate 13 hours back home). A bit

    extreme, literally driving half the weekend, but I wanted to see your film before its August 20th

    release and possibly speak with you (and the road-trip was a good excuse to see an old college


    Thanks again for creating your beautiful film. The beginning and end of the film, with Pat just

    looking at the camera was especially poignant. And it was good to see Stan Goff on the screen

    again (I first saw him in 2004s Hijacking Catastrophe). And the Tillman family, especially

    Richard dropping his F-bombs, were f----ing great (I still like your film s original title, Im Pat

    Fucking Tillman, it works on several levels, although I think your final choice is most fitting).

    [Postscript: WTF! What an obscenity the MPAA gave the film an R rating. Fuck them]

    During the Q & A session after your films Silver Docs screening, I asked why your film ended

    with Congressman Waxmans August 2007 hearing. I believe your films account of the cover-

    up ended too soon; the cover-up continued through General McChrystals June 10th 2009 Senate

    confirmation as the Commander of the Afghan War (and continues to this day).

    Unfortunately, I never got the chance to talk with you afterwards. Just before you left the

    theatre, I did hand you a binder with an outline of my Feral Firefighters Tillman Files. I

    regret not pressing to speak with you further; I think we both would have enjoyed sharing our

    knowledge of the Tillman story.

    . . .

    At the end of his April 2007 Tillman hearing, Congressman Waxman says in frustration, What

    we have is a very clear, deliberate abuse intentionally done. Why is it so hard to find out who

    did it? His House Oversight Committees July 2008 final reportblamed a pervasive lack of

    recollection that made it impossible to assign responsibility.

    After finally seeing your film, I would still argue that you werent hard enough on Congress.

    True, your film does portray Congressman Waxmans Oversight Committee as fumbling in

    their questioning and ineptly allowing themselves to be stonewalled by a long series of I dont

    recall by Rumsfeld and top Army generals.

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    But, it wasnt just stonewalling by Bush and the Army. It wasnt a lack of Congresss courage

    or will. It wasnt Congresss loathing to call Rumsfeld and the Army generals out on their

    bullshit. In reality, the Tillman cover-up has been a thoroughly bipartisan affair. The

    DemocraticCongress didnt just fumble the ball, they threw the game.

    The Army and Bush administration handed off its cover-up of Pat Tillmans friendly-firedeath to the Democratic Congress and Obama administration. Congressman Waxmans House

    Oversight Committees 2007 investigation was a pro-forma sham. President Obama

    nominated Gen. McChrystal to be promoted to the Armys highest rank despite surely knowing

    of his key role in the cover-up. Then Senate held a perfunctory confirmation hearing for

    McChrystals before confirming his promotion (and they had held a secret confirmation hearing

    in 2008 for McChrystals previous promotion).

    The untold story is that the Army made General Kensinger the scapegoat for General

    McChrystals key role in the cover-up, the Democratic Congress betrayed the Tillman family by

    pretending to investigate while they protected McChrystal from public scrutiny, and then

    President Obama and the Senate promoted McChrystal to the Armys highest rank despite his

    complicity in the cover-up:

    Waxmans House Oversight Committees so-called investigation (like the DoD IG

    investigation) was not an honest attempt to get at the truth. Despite the concerns raised

    by his Committee during their April 2007 hearing about the altered Silver Star witness

    statements and falsified award citation, they never looked further into Gen. McChrystals

    role, who was at the very center of these actions. They failed to scrutinize General

    McChrystals key role in writing the fraudulent Silver Star, altering witness statements,

    early knowledge of fratricide, failure to inform the family, and his deceptive P4 memo.

    It appears that Waxmans Committee acted to shield McChrystal from public scrutiny.

    Although McChrystal was invited to testify at the August 2007 hearing, McChrystal

    never appeared. Waxman never explained his absence. [I recently found aCNN quote

    that appears to show the Committee held a secret,closedhearing with McChrystal].

    During Spring 2008, after receiving my April 3rd

    letter asking him to help Mary Tillman,

    Senator James Webb conducted a secret review of McChrystals role in the Tillman

    case. Senator Jamess Webb betrayal of the Tillman family cuts me the deepest. Ive

    trusted his sense of honor for thirty years. If anyone in Congress should have cared, itwould have been him. Webb, as a young Marine veteran, spent 8 years to clear the name

    of a dead Marine for his mothers sake! Im hard on Webb not because I dislike the man,

    but that Im disillusioned by him. As an old man and politician, hes turned into exactly

    what he once reviled as a young veteran!

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    On May 15th 2008, while Mary Tillman was in Washington, D.C. on her book tour, the

    Senate Armed Services Committee (headed by Levin and McCain) held a secret

    executive session where McChrystal testified in detail about his actions behind closed

    doors. Shortly afterwards, the Senate promoted him to Director of the Joint Staff.

    The following year, on May 11th 2009, President Obama handpicked McChrystal to be

    his new commander of the Afghan War despite surely knowing of McChrystals key role

    in the Tillman cover-up.

    On May 13th, Obama gave the ASU commencement address at Sun Devil Stadium

    without once mentioning Pat Tillman, presumably to avoid embarrassing questions about

    his McChrystal nomination.

    That same day, Obama back-pedaled on his previous decision to release torture photos,

    presumably because some may have shown torture by JSOC forces under McChrystalscommand. On May 20

    th, Senators Lieberman, Graham, and McCain (working with the

    White House) introduced a bill (The McChrystal Protection Act of 2009) to change the

    FOIA law to block the release of photos showing detainee abuse. The Senate passed

    it the next day.

    On June 2nd 2009, The Senate Armed Services Committee held General McChrystals

    confirmation hearing for his promotion to four-star general and Afghan war commander.

    The hearing was strictly pro-forma. Senators Levin, McCain, and Webb didn't press

    McChrystal aggressively. The real hearing was held behind closed doors in 2008.

    On June 10th

    , the Senate confirmed General McChrystals promotion by unanimous

    consent after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made an impassioned plea on the floor.

    But, despite General McChrystals key role in the Tillman cover-up, he was barely a

    footnote in your film (only mentioned as the P4 memos author, his photo appeared

    briefly on a chain of command chart). However, I believe McChrystal is the thread to

    pull on, to unravel what you referred to as the unsolved mystery;nobody has ever

    really paid a price for what was done to the Tillmans. No one has taken accountability or

    made an admission for a deliberate attempt to conceal the truth. This story is not over

    yet. . . .

    The Tillman Story will be released on August 20th. During your Q & A session, you urged the

    audience to spread the word to friends and hurry to see the movie, warning that documentary

    films dont usually have a long run. Hopefully, since much of the Tillman story is unknown to

    the general public, your film will be compelling enough to have a decent run on its own merits.

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    However, as it now stands, your film wont create much controversy or news. Your film tells

    the story of how the Army and the Bush administration used Pats death as a propaganda tool to

    promote the war and take the edge off the Abu Gharaib torture scandal. Nothing that hasnt been

    reported previously (although your film does visually pull the story together). The Republicans

    have already dismissed the film as Bush-bashing propaganda and left-wing revisionism. The

    Democrats will look backwards and point to the evils of the past perpetuated by the bad

    Bush administration.

    You could create controversy and news (as a bonus more people will want to see your film and

    learn more about the Pat Tillman story) by telling the untold story of how the Democratic

    Congress & President Obama betrayed the Tillman family. In addition, your film would be seen

    as independently bashing both Democrats & Republicans. And, your film would piggy-back on

    the recent controversy surrounding General McChrystals recent firing by President Obama.

    How could you tell the untold story? Well, its probably far too late to reopen the film (as you

    did for Richards interview) but perhaps the release date could be pushed back to allow for

    further edits? Possibly, you could add an Epilogue to run at the end of your film? Perhaps

    more feasible would be to release some extra footage to the media as part of your promotional

    efforts prior to the films release? Or, at the very least, you could tell some the untold story

    using your DVD extras.

    . . .

    During a Fox News interview, you said, nobody has ever really paid a price for what was done

    to the Tillmans. The release of The Tillman Story is your chance to make these politicians

    pay a political price. None of the higher-ups trying to cover it up will ever pay a price unless

    you also tell at least some of the untold story.

    Just before the 2006 mid-term elections, Kevin Tillman published his eloquent letter, After

    Pats Birthday at truthdig.com:

    Somehow torture is tolerated. Somehow lying is tolerated. Somehow faking

    character, virtue and strength is tolerated. Somehow a narrative is more important

    than reality. Somehow American leadership, whose only credit is lying to its people

    and illegally invading a nation, has been allowed to steal the courage, virtue and honor of

    its soldiers on the ground. Somehow the same incompetent, narcissistic, virtueless,vacuous, malicious criminals are still in charge of this country. Somehow this is tolerated.

    Somehow nobody is accountable for this.

    In 2006, Kevin had hoped the election of a Democratic Congress would bring accountability

    back to our country. But, just as with warrantless wiretapping and torture, those responsible for

    the cover-up of his brothers friendly-fire death have never been held accountable for their

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    actions. As the Obama administration is fond of saying, Theyre moving forward, not looking


    Its not surprising that after the initial fratricide cover-up fell apart, Army officers and the Bush

    administration lied to protect their careers. But the Democratic Congress, after they took control

    of both Houses of Congress in 2006, could have gone after those responsible. Or at least notpromoted them!

    President Obama and the Democratic Congress are responsible for continuing the Bush

    administrations Tillman cover-up. Those most culpable (including Congressman Waxman,

    Senator Webb, Senator McCain, Senator Levin, and President Obama) have not yet paid any

    political price for their betrayal of the Tillman family.

    But, as your film currently stands, it gives these politicians a pass on their role in the cover-up.

    . . .

    Since I returned home from my DC road trip, Ive been working on The [Untold] Tillman

    StoryPresident Obama & Congresss Bipartisan Whitewash of General Stanley McChrystals

    Key Role in the Cover-Up of Pat Tillmans Friendly- Fire Death. Over the past few years,

    scattered throughout my Tillman Files, Ive told the story of the bipartisan Tillman cover-up.

    This document attempts to update the story and pull together the story into one place:

    The Tillman Story Congresss Oversight Committee Fumbled the Ball is a partial

    transcript of your films depiction of Secretary of the Army Secretary Gerens briefing on the

    Wallace Review and Congressman Waxmans hearing (obviously its not totally accurate or

    using precise quotes since its based only on my recollection of seeing the movie).

    The [Untold] Tillman Story Congress Didnt Fumble, They Threw the Game is my script

    that explains how the Army made General Kensinger the scapegoat for General McChrystals

    sins, uses McChrystals own testimony to show his complicity, and describes how Congressman

    Waxmans investigation was a continuation of the Armys cover-up. Ive broken the script up

    into sections using prose from my other Tillman Files to give background detail.

    The [Untold] Tillman Story -- Obamas Big-Time Fumble is an epilogue that describes

    events after The Tillman Story ends with the August 2007 hearing. It updates the story to the

    present day, by showing how President Obama and the Senate have protected GeneralMcChrystal from scrutiny (and promoted him twice).

    And, Ive also posted my draft Appendices to The [Untold] Tillman Story with my working

    notes and links to source documents. These Appendices are a work in progress; some are pretty

    much completely edited, while others are simply a raw collection of notes.

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    Senator James Webbs Betrayal of Pat Tillmans Family

    Across the room [in my Senate office] my mothers father, B.H. Hodges, stares out at me

    as he has done in every office I have occupied for more than twenty years. Defiant he was,and tragic too. He was a fighter, a lonely champion of lost causes who himself lost everything

    because of the causes he championed.-- Senator James Webb, A Time to Fight (2008)

    They ought to make a movie about this. Mr. Smith comes to Washington. Yeah, I called mypa last night and he says, Judd boy, you been up there with them muck-a-mucks two days, now.

    Did they teach you how to lieyet?

    -- Senator James Webb, A Country Such As This (1983)

    Who had I become? . A cute-mouthed monkey boy, neither serene nor engaged, who had

    simply become accepting. And I had come to stand for nothing.

    -- Senator James Webb, The Emperors General (1999)

    If nothing ever works out all the way, and if all things change, whats left? Your family and

    your friends and your values, thats whats left. And your duty to them Theyre the only

    important things in life. And that the rest of it might change a million times, be called wrongor right or anything else, but you must never violate your loyalty if you wished to survive the

    judgment of the ages.

    -- Senator James Webb A Country Such As This (1983)

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    SOMETHING TO DIE FORFebruary 4th 2008 Letter to Mary Tillman

    Guy Montag, feralfirefighter.blogspot.com

    I was stronger then, but I am fiercer now. I was so certain of life, and of my place in it. I was

    so sure of my love, and of my future. I now have none of those certainties, but at least I can

    comprehend pain. I was so ready, so eager to fight and now I pay, richly pay, for having fought.

    -- Senator James Webb, A Sense of Honor (1981)

    I found myself awash with a sense of injustice that I could not define. Or perhaps it was merely

    that I was young. I had never seen with such clarity that courage could destroy one man

    while flight could make another man king.

    -- Senator James Webb, The Emperors General (1999)

    I guess thats what the world does to you. It makes you realize that honor and loyalty are traps

    with no reward.

    -- Senator James Webb, A Sense of Honor (1981)

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    February 4th 2008 Letter to Mary Tillman

    [Edited & abridged from A Sense of Honor]

    Stan Goff mentioned that you and Narda Zacchino are working together on a memoir about Pat

    Tillman. I am writing to suggest you ask Senator James Webb to review your book.

    Ive been reading James Webbs novels for almost 30 years, starting before I enlisted with an

    Airborne LRRP unit [SSGT 1983 -1991, Co. F (Ranger) 425th Infantry, MI Army National

    Guard]. Webb is a self-proclaimed redneck and can be blunt and outspoken. I havent always

    agreed with his opinions, especially those concerning the wisdom of the Vietnam War. But its

    clear to me that he is a man of integrity and honesty. And for 30 years he has written novels with

    themes of betrayal, honor, integrity, and justice.

    . . .

    Webb's novel, "Something to Die For" (1990), is reminiscent of the cover-up of Pat Tillman's

    death. The novel centers on a Marine named Fogarty who fights a mistaken battle in Africa

    because of political games by the Secretary of Defense. The nature of his death is covered up.

    He's posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor by the President during a nationally televised

    state funeral service [see Appendix B]:

    Ron Holcomb [Secretary of Defense] never told a lie, at least not in the way he could be

    caught in it. But he was a master dissembler, Holcombs prepared speech had been

    given a spin As a consequence, the remarks were a mix of bald truth, diplomatic

    half-truths, and what Holcomb had privately called necessary, unconfirmable

    distortions.Nonetheless, they would become the governments official pronouncement

    on the days action. And the media gave them their forum, always ascertaining

    beforehand that their allegations were borne out by facts if not the truth.

    He [Secretary of Defense] knows the administrations position on the matter was a

    cover-up. Eritrea was a mistake. But it worked. And they didnt want the president to

    look bad.

    God save me from manipulative bureaucrats in polyester-wool suits, button down collars

    and power ties, and the kiss ass officers who let them get away with it. I dont need to

    see my men die because somebody cares more about helping the careers of their fellow

    madrigal singers over in the White House or the State Department than they do about the

    troops they compromise and misuse in places like Beirut and the Persian Gulf.

    . . .

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    James Webbs novel A Sense of Honor (1981) is a prequel to Something to Die For. The

    novel takes place during one week at the Naval Academy in 1968. Captain Lenahan is a Marine

    officer stationed at the Academy. He and Cadet Fogarty are scapegoated by the brass to cover

    their ass [see Appendix C]:

    I was stronger then, but I am fiercer now. I was so certain of life, and of my place in it.

    I was so sure of my love, and of my future. I now have none of those certainties, but at

    least I can comprehend pain. I was so ready, so eager to fight and now I pay, richly pay,

    for having fought.

    Poetry will sustain your emotions. Its the lightning rod of the soul. Dont be afraid to

    be sensitive, just because youre a hard-ass. Nay, whatever comes/One hour was

    sunlit and the most high gods/May not make boast of any better thing/Than to have

    watched that hour as it passed. Theres a poem for you. Ezra Pound He [Lenahansson] is sensitive and fierce, a poet and a warrior, as Irish as the day is long. He is, in fact,

    myself in a matchbox.

    . . .

    The Emperors General (1999) is a historical novel that dealt with General MacArthurs

    military commission war-crimes trial of Japanese General Yamashita. Webbs sympathies lie

    with the honorable Yamashita who displayed majime, the wisdom and courage to eliminate any

    distinctions between his actions and inner thoughts [see Appendix D]:

    what hes [General MacArthur] doing is a sham. Were Americans, Captain. Were

    supposedly bringing an accused man into the American system of justice. ... MacArthurs

    not a lawyer, and this isnt a court convened a military commission! Its not acourt.

    Its his own little creation. I reminded him that were supposed to be operating under

    traditional American concepts of law, such as fairness, decency, and justice. And do you

    know what he told me? Were in a hurry. Do you realize what this trialif you

    can call it a trialthis illegal, judgeless commission is going to look like? Its going to

    be nothing but! Hes a public circus!

    The trial was finally over. It was December 6. MacArthur, with his penchant foranniversaries, had arranged for the verdict to be read to the world during a live, fifteen-

    minute radio address on Pearl Harbor Day. [Frank Witherspoon] filed a petition to the

    Supreme Court. . General MacArthur has taken the law into his own hands, is

    disregarding the laws of the United States and the Constitution, and has no authority from

    Congress or the president.

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    Despite a scathing dissent the Court declined to intervene in the case. ... since the war would

    not be officially over until formal peace documents were signed, MacArthur still retained the

    power to convene a military commission so long as a state of war exists. This indictment

    in effect permitted the military commission to make the crime whatever it willed. Such a

    procedure is unworthy of our people.

    . . .

    Webbs most recent book is Born Fighting (2004) a history of the Scots-Irish in America.

    The book contains auto-biographical material and hints of Webbs independent, populist political

    views. I find it poignant that Webbs own father opposed him risking his life in Vietnam as a

    Marine. Today, perhaps Webb feels the same about his own son in Iraq? [see Appendix E]:

    My own father [career Air Force colonel], who had defined for me the notion of loyalty,

    became disgusted with McNamaras whiz kids after being assigned to the Pentagon in

    1965. he urged me more than once to go into the navy, find myself a nice ship where Icould, as he so often put it, sit in the wardroom and eat ice cream, and not risk myself

    as a Marine my father put in his papers to retire from the air force [after Webbs

    graduation from Annapolis], telling me he couldnt bear to watch it while still wearing

    a military uniform this strategically botched war [Vietnam] was not worth my life.

    . . .

    James Webb graduated from the Naval Academy in 1968 and graduated 1st

    in his Officer Basic

    course. He fought in Vietnam, was highly decorated and left the Marines with a bad knee. He

    received his law degree from Georgetown University in 1975. Webb has worked as a lawyer,

    journalist, and novelist over past 20 years. During the 1980s, he was an Assistant Secretary of

    Defense for three years and was the Secretary of the Navy (he resigned after serving a year).

    If youd like to learn more about James Webb, I would suggest you go to his websites:

    jameswebb.com and webb.senate.gov. I would also highly recommend reading Robert

    Timbergs book The Nightingales Song (1995). This book defies genres. It is an absorbing

    biography/history/political analysis of the Reagan Iran Contra era centered on five Annapolis

    graduates: John McCain, John Pointexter, Bud McFarlane, Oliver North, and James Webb.

    Webb spoke out against the current Iraq War before it started (and against the first Gulf War as

    well). His only son left college to enlist in the Marines is now an infantryman in the Anbar

    province of Iraq. Webb has fiercely protected his sons privacy and refused all public comment,

    even to President Bush [see Appendix A]:

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    Last year, Webb narrowly won George Allens Virginia Senate seat and became the Senates 51st

    Democratic member (I was happy to see that my paltry campaign contributions helped him to

    edge out Allen by 4,000 votes!) Already, the Washington establishment has targeted Webb as a

    troublesome maverick. As they well should! (But, I dont think the Democrats will be any

    happier with him). Webb has always been outspoken and his own man..

    If the latest and greatest investigation by the Defense Department Inspector General does not

    satisfy the Tillman family, I believe James Webb might be interested in assisting the Tillman

    family in their battle for the truth. As a Senator on the Armed Services committee, Webb could

    possibly push for Senate hearings (Perhaps they might turn out better than last years House



    In 2004, Webb gave a lecture entitled Perspectives of an American Ronin A ronin is aSamurai warrior who has no master except the truth. Thats how Ive felt since leaving the

    Army in 1991 in disgust over the 1st Gulf War. Perhaps your son Kevin feels the same way?

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    A SENSE OF HONORApril 3rd 2008 Letter to Senator James Webb

    Marine & LT James WebbVietnam, 1968

    Pat and Kevin TillmanSaudi Arabia, March 2003

    If nothing ever works out all the way, and if all things change, whats left? Your family and

    your friends and your values, thats whats left. And your duty to them Theyre the only

    important things in life. And that the rest of it might change a million times, be called wrongor right or anything else, but you must never violate your loyalty if you wished to survive the

    judgment of the ages.-- Senator James Webb A Country Such As This (1983)

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    April 3rd 2008 Letter to Senator James Webb

    [Edited & abridged from A Sense of Honor]

    Four years ago Pat Tillman was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan. Six investigations and

    two Congressional hearings later, Pats family is still struggling to learn the truth about thecircumstances of his death and those involved in the cover-up of his fratricide.

    Mary Tillman, Pats mother, has written a memoir, Boots on the Ground by Dusk: The Life andDeath of Pat Tillman. Her book will be released on April 29th.

    Ive read your books for thirty years, starting before my eight years in the Army and continuedmy past seventeen years as a firefighter. After recently re-reading your novels, I noticed several

    parallels between Pat Tillmans fratricide and your novels. I believe you might feel a sense ofkinship with Pat Tillman and his family.

    Im writing to ask that you consider becoming an advocate in the Senate for Mary Tillmansstruggle for the truth. Perhaps you could arrange to meet Mary in May during the Washington

    D.C. leg of her national book tour?

    . . .

    Last year, on April 24, 2007, Kevin and Mary Tillman testified before the House Committee

    on Oversight and Reform at a hearing entitled Hearing on Misleading Information from

    the Battlefield.

    Kevin Tillman, Pats brother, began his testimony with a prepared statement:

    Two days ago marked the third anniversary of the death of my older brother, Pat Tillman, inAfghanistan. To our family and friends, it was a devastating loss. To the nation, it was a moment

    of disorientation. To the military, it was a nightmare. But to others within the government, it

    appears to have been an opportunity.

    Revealing that Pats death was a fratricide would have been yet another political disaster ... So

    the facts needed to be suppressed. An alternative narrative had to be constructed. Crucial

    evidence was destroyed including Pats uniform, equipment and notebook. The autopsy was notdone according to regulation, and a field hospital report was falsified. An initial investigation

    completed before testimony could be changed [and which hit disturbingly close to themark] disappeared into thin air and was conveniently replaced by another investigation with more

    palatable findings.

    while each investigation gathered more information, the mountain of evidence was never

    used to arrive at an honest or even sensible conclusion. The handling of the situation after the

    firefight was described as a compilation of missteps, inaccuracies and errors in judgment which

    created the perception of concealment.

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    Writing a Silver Star award before a single eye witness account is taken is not a misstep.

    Falsifying soldier witness statements for a Silver Star is not a misstep. Discarding an (15-6)

    investigation that does not fit a preordained conclusion is not an error in judgment. These are

    deliberate acts of deceit. This is not the perception of concealment. This is concealment.

    Mary Tillman, Pats mother, also testified at that hearing about the fratricide cover -up:

    We had officers that we trusted. We had high regard for them. in your heart they are yourkids and you turn them over, and we trusted. Certainly, we knew they could die or they could

    come back wounded But we never thought that they would use him (Pat) the way they did.

    [Mary wrote: the Army was placed in a position to spin the narrative of Pats death (General) Yellen stated it was like, It went up to the 2-star level and the 2-star took it right to

    the 4-star level now all of a sudden, Here is the steak dinner, but were giving it to you on

    this garbage can cover. You know, You got it. You work it.]

    And we shouldnt be allowed to have smokescreens thrown in our face. in every way, they(Army CID investigators) dodged. They are dodging us, and the (Department of Defense) IG

    condoned that even though they make the public believe they did such a grand job because they

    pointed the finger at four generals and five other officers. That is a smokescreen. These officers

    are scapegoats.

    It is a bit disingenuous to think that the (Bush) Administration did not know about what was

    going on, something so politically sensitive. The fact that he (Pat) would be killed by friendly

    fire and no one would tell (Defense Secretary) Rumsfeld is ludicrous the idea that they

    wouldnt tell Abizaid (Centcom commander) what was going on if he didnt already know isridiculous.

    I believe you might feel a sense of kinship with Pat Tillman and his family:

    The Tillmans are of Scots-Irish descent. Pats picture is among those of famous Americans

    featured on the cover of Parade Magazines October 3, 2004 issue, entitled Can You Guess WhatThey All Have in Common? (adapted fromBorn Fighting.)

    Military service was prevalent and respected in the Tillman family. Mary Tillmans uncles were

    at Pearl Harbor, her brother was a Marine, and her father was a Marine during the Korean War.Mary wrote, From the time I was very little, I was aware of my fathers pride in being a Marine.

    When I was three years old I would stand between my parents, feet digging into the soft

    leather of the big front seat, and sing the entire Marine Corps Hymn at the top of my lungs.

    Your own son chose to leave college to enlist with the Marines. Likewise, Pat Tillman chose toleave a multi-million dollar NFL contract (and new wife) to enlist in the Rangers with his brother

    Kevin. Pat didnt feel that he ought to remain privileged while others were sent to fight. As his

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    mother testified, Pat had high ideals for the country. He did, and he thought it was imperfect.

    He certainly didnt join for political reasons. He thought the country was in need. It didnt matter

    who was in office. It didnt matter which party he voted for. That is beside the point. The

    country was in need.

    (Ironically, Pat and Kevin were later sent to fight in Iraq although they had come to believe, inPats words, This war is so fucking illegal.)

    Similarly, in Fields of Fire, Lt. Hodges said, They were only soldiers. They had never owned ordetermined the reasons for a war, and they had not asked for this one. They had merely yielded to

    their honor and tradition and agreed to fight it. And they were not wrong, not wrong.

    Pat Tillman was driven by a core of honesty, integrity, and loyalty. His mother wrote, Pat washonest and incorruptible; he would be offended and outraged about the actions taken in the

    aftermath of his death. He was such a loyal person. He always wanted to do right by the

    people who mattered to him. Coach Dave McGinnis said at his memorial service, Honor,

    integrity, dignity; those werent just adjectives in Pat Tillmans life; they were his life. PatTillman was the embodiment of loyalty and commitment.

    Similarly, inA Country Such As This, Senator Judd Smith said, If nothing ever works out all the

    way, and if all things change, whats left? Your family and your friends and your values, thatswhats left. And your duty to them. Theyre the only important things in life. And that the

    rest of it might change a million times, be called wrong or right or anything else, but you must

    never violate your loyalty if you wished to survive the judgment of the ages.

    Pat Tillman lived his life intensely, led by example, and went all out every play. He was well-read and an independent thinker. In school, he earned a 3.84 grade-point average. Pat had written

    in his journal since he was sixteen years old (his wartime journal was lost by the Armyimmediately after his death).

    Pat Tillman was a character much like Cpt. Lenahan and cadet Fogarty in A Sense of Honor: Heis sensitive and fierce, a poet and a warrior, as Irish as the day is long. He is, in fact, myself in a


    . . .

    Over the past thirty years Ive read all your books. I started with Fields of Fire as a teenager, andcontinued reading your books during my eight years serving in an Airborne LRRP company

    [SSGT, 1983 -1991, Co. F (Ranger) 425


    Infantry MI Army National Guard] and my pastseventeen years as a firefighter.

    After recently re-reading your books, I noticed several parallels between your novels andPat Tillmans fratricide:

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    In Something to DieFor, Col. Fogarty was ordered to place his Marines into a precarious fight in

    Eritrea. This mistaken battle was covered-up by the Secretary of Defense and Fogarty wasposthumously awarded the Medal of Honor by the President during a nationally televised funeral


    He [Secretary of Defense] knows the administrations position on the matter was a cover-up. Eritrea was a mistake. But it worked. And they didnt want the president to lookbad.

    Ron Holcomb [Secretary of Defense] never told a lie, at least not in the way he could be

    caught in it. As a consequence, the remarks were a mix of bald truth, diplomatic half-

    truths, and what Holcomb had privately called necessary, unconfirmable distortions.

    Nonetheless, they would become the governments official pronouncement on the days


    And the media gave them their forum, always ascertaining beforehand that their

    allegations were borne out by facts if not the truth.

    Similarly, Pat Tillman died as a result of a dangerous order to split his platoon, was posthumouslyawarded the Silver Star, and his memorial service was televised with Senator McCain among the

    dignitaries offering eulogies. Tillmans fratricide was covered-up by Secretary of Defense

    Rumsfeld, Army generals and the White House.

    . . .

    In Fields of Fire, Lt. Hodges lost three of his men because he was ordered by Lt. Kersey (at the

    Battalion command post) to put them out into a dangerous LP:

    LPs on the other side of this wire are crazy as hell. The rule I use is, would I think itmade any sense if I got sent out on it? And I wouldnt. So I dont like it.

    Now, if the Lieutenant believes the LP shouldnt be out there, I suggest he go talk with

    the battalion staff.

    Hodges did not know how to force his point. Cant ask for more than having the Big

    Six consider it, I reckon.

    Bullshit. He (1stLt. Kersey) aint gonna talk to the Colonel about this. As long

    as hes looking good to the Man, he couldnt give a rats ass how many people are


    He (Lt. Hodges) had met a dozen Kerseys in the Marine Corps already. They held all

    ranks, although to him they seemed to be mostly Majors.

    Lt. Uthlaut was Pats platoon leader. His platoon had been held up by a broken humvee.

    Maj. Hodne at the TOC wanted boots on the ground by dusk in the village of Manahmerely so he could mark that task accomplished on-time on his checklist. Major Hodne,

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    through Cpt. Saunders, ordered Lt. Uthlaut to split his platoon. Half would go to Manah,

    and half would escort the humvee to the highway for pick-up. Lt. Uthlaut thought it wasdangerous and unnecessary to split his platoon. He repeatedly argued the point with Cpt.

    Saunders in the TOC.

    Near the end ofFields of Fire, Lt. Hodges is ordered to secure a dangerous perimeter around adisabled tank. During the ensuing firefight, he is shot in the face and killed:

    Hodges grunted. Fucking tank. Snake shifted his gaze to the treadless tank that hadanchored them in such an indefensible position. It sat like a wounded mastodon in the

    middle of the exposed paddy. The company was digging a perimeter around it, to

    protect it.

    Similarly, Tillmans platoon was put into danger by a disabled humvee. During the friendly

    fire that resulted from splitting his platoon Lt. Uthlaut was hit in the face, his RO shot in the leg,and Pat Tillman killed by criminally negligent fire by the lead vehicle of the second section

    (Tillman was killed by rounds fired from only 35 meters away).. . .

    InA Sense of Honor, Cpt. Lenahan and cadet Fogarty were kicked out of the Naval Academy to

    protect their superiors from a hazing scandal:

    Admiral, Ive got a man in trouble on a plebe-indoctrination charge. My man wont

    stand a chance.

    Do you realize the implications if this gets out, Captain? You were there when these

    violations were going on. If we sided with Fogarty, we could lose the whole plebe

    system. In fact, weve lost more than Fogarty. Im afraid youve just become acasualty yourself. You get orders out of here before somebody decides to investigateyou.

    Similarly, Lt. Uthlaut (First Captain, top of his West Point Class) was offered up as a low-ranking

    scapegoat and kicked out of the Ranger Battalion for his failure to control his platoon duringthe friendly fire incident. (Captain Saunders and Major Hodne later denied they ordered Lt.

    Uthlaut to split his platoon).

    . . .

    In The Emperors General, Army lawyer Frank Witherspoon railed against the injustice of

    General MacArthurs war-crimes trial of Japanese General Yamashita:

    what hes [General MacArthur] doing is a sham. Were Americans, Captain. Were

    supposedly bringing an accused man into the American system of justice. Hesconvened a military commission! Its not acourt.

    I reminded him that were supposed to be operating under traditional American conceptsof law, such as fairness, decency, and justice. Do you realize what this trialif you

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    can call it a trialthis illegal, judgeless commission is going to look like? Its going to be

    nothing but a public circus! ... why are we wasting our credibility as the United States on

    this man?

    . . .

    Kevin Tillman, Pats younger brother, enlisted and fought with Pat in Iraq and Afghanistan. AfterPats death, Kevin refused all interviews and remained silent for 2 years. Just before the

    November 2006 elections, Kevin finally broke his silence with a short essay After Pats

    Birthday (excerpted below):

    It is Pats birthday on November 6, and elections are the day after.

    Somehow our elected leaders were subverting international law and humanity by settingup secret prisons around the world, secretly kidnapping people, secretly holding them

    indefinitely, secretly not charging them with anything, secretly torturing them.

    Somehow that overt policy of torture became the fault of a few bad apples. Somehow

    subversion of the Bill of Rights and The Constitution is tolerated. Somehow suspensionof Habeas Corpus is supposed to keep this country safe.

    Somehow the most reasonable, trusted and respected country in the world has become

    one of the most irrational, belligerent, feared, and distrusted countries in the world. Somehow American leadership, whose only credit is lying to its people and illegally

    invading a nation, has been allowed to steal the courage, virtue and honor of its soldiers on

    the ground.

    Luckily this country is still a democracy. People still have a voice. People still can takeaction. It can start after Pats birthday.

    . . .

    Did they teach you how to lie yet? (Senator Smiths father inA Country Such As This)

    Note: Senator Webbs great-aunt Lena asked him this question in 1975 after he had finished lawschool.

    Last summer, on August 1, 2007, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform held a second

    hearing: The Tillman Fratricide: What the Leadership of the Defense Department Knew. The

    phrase, I dont recall, was uttered repeatedly by witnesses.

    Mary wrote, General Brown, retired generals Meyers and Abizaid, and Rumsfeld have great

    difficulty remembering what they knew and when they knew it. Someone sitting next to me

    whispers, They have collective amnesia. Rumsfeld was asked several times in various ways

    when he learned of Pats death, but he couldnt recall.

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    Mary continued, we were not happy with the hearing at all. We had spent weeks helping

    getting questions prepared and sending information. The Republicans on the committee were at

    best indifferent Most of the Democrats disappointed us as well. They were not prepared and

    they didnt think on their feet. We expected more from Congress.

    The White House claimed executive branch confidentiality when the House Committee onOversight and Reform requested information about their handling of the Tillman fratricide. The

    White House refused to release e-mails and documents or to allow White House staff to testify

    before the committee.

    During the April 24, 2007 hearing, Mary said, Congress is supposed to take care of theircitizens. Pat died for this country, and he believed it was a great country that had a system that

    worked. It is not perfect. No one has ever said that. But there is a system in place to allow for it

    to work, and your job is to find out what happened to Pat.

    InA Country Such As This, Senator Judd Smith argued: And no, the military isnt just fine. The

    point is, it isnt corrupt. Its a system with human failures.

    But when human failures systematically extend up every single link in the chain -of-command(to include the Chair of the Joint Chiefs, Army Chief of Staff, and the Secretary of Defense) up to

    and including the White House, how is this not a corrupt country? Every single institution in this

    country has failed the Tillman family, including the Army leadership, Congress, White House and

    the mainstream media.

    Perhaps Senator Rowland, in Something to Die For, hit the nail on the head:

    How lofty it must have been to have burnt with the purity of the Revolution! Before the

    days of multi-million dollar election campaigns that brought politicians to their kneesbefore the monied temple of the contributors. Before the time of computerized politics

    that cause them to await the wisdom of those oracles known as pollsters before theyspoke. Or maybe it had been trash from the get-go, myths to feed the public.

    . . .

    Your novels over the past thirty years have dealt with themes of honor, integrity, loyalty, andbetrayal. I believe you might feel a sense of kinship with Pat Tillman and his family. Perhaps

    you could arrange to meet with Mary Tillman during her May book tour? And perhaps you would

    consider becoming an advocate in the Senate for the Tillman familys struggle for the truth?

    P.S. I was an early supporter of your long-shot 06 Senate campaign (from the fall of 05

    through your election I made six contributions to your campaign). Most satisfying money Ive

    ever given to a lost cause! Perhaps only the lost causes are worth fighting for?

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    Senator James Webb, General Stanley McChrystal,

    and Congresss Betrayal of Pat Tillman

    Marie Tillman (wife), Mary Tillman (mother), Richard Tillman (brother),

    Kevin Tillman (brother), Patrick Tillman, Sr. (father)May 4, 2004 Memorial Service

    we have all been betrayed. It isnt just our family. Every time they betray a soldier, they

    betray all of us. We had officers that we trusted. We had high regard for them. in your

    heart they are your kids and you turn them over, and we trusted. we knew they [Pat & Kevin]could die or they could come back wounded But we never thought that they would use him the

    way they did

    -- Mary Tillman, Congressional testimony (April 24, 2007)

    They ought to make a movie about this. Mr. Smith comes to Washington. Yeah, I called mypa last night and he says, Judd boy, you been up there with them muck-a-mucks two days, now.

    Did they teach you how to lieyet?

    -- Senator James Webb, A Country Such As This (1983)

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    Memorial Day 2009 Letter to Senator James Webb[adapted from Did They Teach You How to Lie Yet?]

    Five years ago on Memorial Day weekend, five weeks after he was killed in Afghanistan, PatTillmans parents were finally told their son was probably killed by friendly fire.

    This Memorial Day weekend, the Senate Armed Services Committee has scheduled General

    Stanley McChrystals confirmation hearing for June 2nd. Chairman Carl Levin and Senator John

    McCain dont foresee any problem with his confirmation.

    Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said, "We feel terrible for what the Tillman family went

    through, but this matter has been investigated thoroughly by the Pentagon, by the Congress, by

    outside experts, and all of them have come to the same conclusion: that there was no wrongdoing

    by Gen. McChrystal."

    However, Pat Tillmans parents believe McChrystal played a central role in the cover-up of their

    sons fratricide. Pat Tillman Sr. said, "I do believe that guy participated in a falsified homicide

    investigation. Mary Tillman e-mailed AP, "It is imperative that Lt. General McChrystal be

    scrutinized carefully during the Senate hearings."

    In the past, Mary Tillman has harshly criticized the actions of General McChrystal. In her book

    Boots on the Ground by Dusk, Mary wrote:

    Not only is he [McChrystal] lying about the circumstances surrounding Pats death, he

    is proposing false language for the Silver Star narrative. His statement [P4 memo]

    indicates that no one had any intention of telling us, or the public, that Pat was killed by

    fratricide unless forced to do so.

    And shortly after General Wallaces findings were released in July 2007, Mary said:

    "That memo [P4] is damming as hell. And yet, nothing happens to [McChrystal]. He is

    writing fraudulent language in that memo. He is giving examples of how they can script

    the Silver Star award, even though Pat was killed by fratricide. And he is saying we needto keep our leadership abreast of things so they don't embarrass themselves, IF the

    circumstances of Pat's death should become public He should be saying 'We're going

    to have to put a hold to the Silver Star and we're going to have to notify the family [of

    suspected friendly fire].' That is what he would say if he was innocent, but he is not. He is

    trying to find a way that they can continue this false, elaborate story of theirs. And the fact

    that he is off the hook is atrocious.

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    I believe the Senate Armed Services Committee should postpone General McChrystals

    confirmation and take a closer look at McChrystals central role in the Armys handling of Pat

    Tillmans fratricide.

    Five years ago, Pat Tillmans family were handed a tarnished Silver Star. It will be a travesty of

    justice if McChrystal is confirmed by the Senate, promoted to the Armys highest rank, and

    handed his fourth star.

    . . .

    Congress and the senior leadership of the Army have shielded General McChrystal from close

    scrutiny and protected him from punishment for his central role in orchestrating the cover-up of

    Pat Tillmans fratricide:

    Lastyear, you conducted a secret review of General McChrystals role in the Armys handling of

    the Tillman fratricide at the request of Chairman Levin. On May 15th 2008 the Senate ArmedServices Committee met in executive (closed) session to consider McChrystals nomination.

    On May 22th 2008, General McChrystal was unanimously confirmed by the Committee and

    promoted to Director of the Joint Staff.

    Last year, I spoke with you on the Diane Rhem NPR radio show (May 27th

    2008; at 40:56). You


    I went through a fairly thorough review of that process [what happened in the aftermath

    of Tillmans death] at the request of the Chairman of the [Senate] Armed Services

    Committee [Senator Levin]. the Army knew that this was a friendly fire incident

    fairly quickly, they did not tell the family, they allowed a ceremony to go forward which

    implied otherwise Im not sure where responsibility for that decision really lies, in

    terms of the chain of command, how it was handled publicly You cannot help but still

    feel angry about how his death was used.

    I share your anger about how Pat Tillmans death was used. But, I dont understand why you

    were unable to determine where responsibility for that decision really lies to cover up Tillmans

    fratricide. I doubt you actually conducted a fairly thorough review of General McChrystals

    role. General McChrystal was the central figure in the Armys cover up of Tillmans friendly fire

    death: McChrystal received confirmation of Tillmans fratricide within two days, had theresponsibility to tell the family, made the decision not to tell the family about fratricide, and he

    directed the writing of the misleading Silver Star award with inaccurate statements (and was

    one of three Army officers who were in the approval chain that altered the two witness


    . . .

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    On July 31st

    2007, Secretary of the Army Pete Geren presented the findings of General William

    Wallaces review ofthe previous Army & Dept. of Defense Inspector General (DoD IG) Tillman

    investigations. However, Wallace disregarded the IGs findings that General McChrystal was

    accountable for the inaccurate Silver Star recommendation and failed to notify the Secretary of

    the Army of fratricide. McChrystal received no reprimand for his role in the handling of the

    Tillman fratricide. Instead, General Wallace singled out General Kensinger as the scapegoat

    responsible for the public believing the Army covered up the Tillman fratricide.

    However, Army Secretary Geren and General Codys defense of McChrystal doesnt hold up

    under scrutiny. General McChrystal was guilty of the same charges for which Kensinger was

    scapegoated! That is, General McChrystal was responsible to inform the family about friendly

    fire, failed to inform the family about friendly fire in a timely manner, failed to inform the

    acting Secretary of the Army [his chain of command] of the fratricide investigation, and made

    false official statements.

    . . .

    During 2007, Congressman Waxmans House Oversight & Reform Committee conducted an

    investigation and held two hearings on the Tillman fratricide. However, Congressman Waxmans

    Committee appeared to conduct a half-hearted, pro-forma investigation. Chairman Waxmans

    decision to narrow the scope of his investigation to only look up the chain of command took the

    focus off General McChrystal and other Army officers involved in the cover-up. Although

    McChrystal was invited to testify, he never appeared. [Note:Ive recently uncovered aCNN

    transcript which appears to show that McChrystal testified during a secret closed before the

    Committee]. After raising questions about the Silver Star, they didnt look into McChrystals role

    in approving the Silver Star with a fraudulent citation, justification and altered witness statements.

    The Committee never questioned the timeliness or misleading contents of General

    McChrystals P4 memo.

    . . .

    The Senate Armed Services Committee June 2nd

    confirmation of General McChrystal will be the

    final layer of the Army and Congressional cover-ups of Pat Tillmans death.

    During the April 24th 2007 Congressional hearing, Mary said,

    Congress is supposed to take care of their citizens. Pat died for this country, and

    he believed it was a great country that had a system that worked. It is not perfect. No one

    has ever said that. But there is a system in place to allow for it to work, and your job is to

    find out what happened to Pat.

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    In your 1983 novel,A Country Such As This, Congressman Judd Smith argued, And no, the

    military isnt just fine. The point is, it isnt corrupt. Its a system with human failures.

    But when human failures systematically extend up every single link in the ch ain-of-command

    (to include the Chair of the Joint Chiefs, Army Chief of Staff, and the Secretary of Defense) up to

    and including the White House, how is this not a corrupt country? Every single institution in this

    country has failed the Tillman family, including the Army leadership, Congress, White House and

    the mainstream media.

    Perhaps Senator Rowland, in your novel, Something to Die For, hit the nail on the head:

    How lofty it must have been to have burnt with the purity of the Revolution! Before the

    days of multi-million dollar election campaigns that brought politicians to their knees

    before the monied temple of the contributors. Before the time of computerized politics

    that cause them to await the wisdom of those oracles known as pollsters before theyspoke. Or maybe it had been trash from the get-go, myths to feed the public.

    . . .

    Across the room my mothers father, B.H. Hodges, stares out at me as he has done in

    every office I have occupied for more than twenty years. Defiant he was, and tragic too. He

    was a fighter, a lonely champion of lost causes who himself lost everything because of the causes

    he championed.

    -- James Webb, A Time to Fight (2008)

    Four decades ago, you were drawn into the Randy Herrod case. A Marine patrol was accused of

    killing sixteen Vietnam Villagers. Herrod, the patrol leader and veteran of five months, had been

    found not guilty. Yet Sam Green, a black eighteen year old with eleven days in Vietnam had

    been convicted even though no testimony had been presented that he had actually killed anyone.

    From Robert Timbergs The Nightingales Song:

    The case continued to bedevil Webb . He wanted to help Green, but wasnt sure what

    he could do. He joined forces, pro bono, to try to get the conviction overturned in a

    civilian court. The secretary [of the Navy] declined to act. About two weeks later, in

    August 1975, Webb received a telegram : TRAGIC CONCLUSION SAM GREEN


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    He had never met Green, spoken to him only once by phone, but he had committed

    himself to clearing his name. He felt helpless, his sense of futility laced with outrage.

    Isnt any of this going to come out right? Green was dead, but Webb couldnt let the

    case go. He filed an appeal asking that Greens dishonorable discharge be upgraded

    to honorable. Webb personally argued the case before the board.

    In December 1978, eight years after the shootings and three years after Greens suicide,

    Webb wrote to Mrs. Green: At last, Sams name is cleared. Heexplained that her sons

    discharge had been upgraded to a general discharge. This is small solace, I know,

    wrote Webb, I only regret we were unable to do more for him sooner.

    . . .

    I never met Pat Tillman. I never really knew anything about him until a year and a half after his

    death. But, Ive taken the cover-ups of his death a bit personally the last few years. Why? I feela sense of kinship with Pat Tillman. Im not in his league, but I was an Airborne Ranger and an

    autodidact and a bit of maverick. And Ive always had outrage for injustice and rooted for the


    Ive been bedeviled by the Tillman case. For five years, I havent been able to let the case go. I

    hoped this could be one small cause I might be able to make a difference with all the other shit

    going on the past few years. It would be nice if this letter of mine would make a difference.

    . . .

    For thirty years your books have dealt with themes of honor, integrity, loyalty, and betrayal. Re-

    reading your books, I noticed many parallels between your books and the story of Pat Tillmans

    death. On April 3rd 2008, I sent your office a letter asking you to become an advocate in the

    Senate for Mary Tillmans struggle for the truth about her sons death (I doubt my lettermade it

    past your Military Affairs gatekeeper Gordon Peterson).

    I believed you would feel a sense of kinship with Pat Tillman and his family:

    The Tillmans are of Scots-Irish descent. Military service was prevalent and respected in

    the Tillman family. Mary Tillmans uncles were at Pearl Harbor, her brother was a

    Marine, and her father was a Marine during the Korean War. Mary wrote, From the time

    I was very little, I was aware of my fathers pride in being a Marine. When I was three

    years old I would stand between my parents, feet digging into the soft leather of the big

    front seat, and sing the entire Marine Corps Hymn at the top of my lungs.

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    Pat Tillman was driven by a core of honesty, integrity, and loyalty. His mother wrote,

    Pat was honest and incorruptible; he would be offended and outraged about the actions

    taken in the aftermath of his death. He was such a loyal person. He always wanted to

    do right by the people who mattered to him. Coach Dave McGinnis said at his memorial
