The U.S. monopoly on nuclear weapons ended in 1949 when ......hydrogen bomb in 1953 By 1959, both...

Post on 21-Mar-2020

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From 1949 to 1960, the Cold War escalated as a

result of a nuclear arms race, space race, &


The U.S. monopoly on nuclear weapons ended in

1949 when the USSR successfully tested an

atomic bomb The Soviet development of the atomic bomb led

to a nuclear arms race between the USA & USSR

In 1952, the USA tested the first hydrogen bomb which

is 1,000 times more powerful than the atomic bomb

The Soviet Union responded by detonating its own hydrogen bomb in 1953

By 1959, both the USA & USSR developed rockets called intercontinental

ballistic missiles (ICBMs) that could deliver nuclear

warheads to distant targets

Eisenhower was a war hero who planned the D-Day invasion during World

War II

Dwight Eisenhower was elected president in 1952. He served until 1961

His military experience gave Americans confidence that he could face the threat of the USSR during the Cold

War In the 1950s, President

Eisenhower escalated the Cold War by using brinkmanship: threatening to use nuclear

weapons & willingness to go to the brink of


If the USSR attacked a

NATO member, the U.S. would use massive retaliation:

attack every major Soviet city & military target

As a result, the USA & USSR began stockpiling

nuclear weapons & building up their


With the USA & USSR in possession of large nuclear stockpiles, each side could destroy each other:

this was known as Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Throughout the

Cold War, the USA & USSR looked for ways to gain first strike capability

To combat American fears of a nuclear attack, the U.S. government responded in a

number of ways

National and local governments

prepared citizens for a Soviet nuclear

attack on the United States

Citizens built fallout shelters in their backyards

Cities and schools practiced building evacuations and “duck & cover”


In response to the threat of a Soviet nuclear attack, Congress created the

Interstate Highway System in 1956

41,000 miles of highway connected U.S. cities and promoted trade & travel

Highways served as a means to evacuate cities during a potential nuclear attack

U.S.-Soviet relations changed in 1953 When Stalin died after 30 years of absolute rule over the

Soviet Union

Nikita Khrushchev took over and began to aggressively

challenge U.S. influence in the world

In 1955, Khrushchev formed a communist alliance to rival NATO, called the

Warsaw Pact

In 1956, the Soviet Union threatened expansion into

the Middle East President Eisenhower responded with the

Eisenhower Doctrine, pledging the USA to protect the Middle

East from Communism

In 1957, the USSR used its first ICBM to launch

Sputnik, the first satellite into space

Sputnik shocked Americans who feared the U.S. had fallen behind the USSR in

science & technology

As a result of Sputnik, the Cold War escalated into a space race to show American & Soviet dominance

Sputnik & The Space Race

The U.S. government reacted to Sputnik by passing the National Defense Education Act

to promote math, science, and technology education and to fund university research

In 1958, the USA created National Aeronautics & Space

Administration (NASA) to catch up to the USSR

NASA’s original seven NASA Mercury astronauts

The USSR repeatedly beat the USA in space by launching the first man into orbit & orbiting

the moon

By 1960, Eisenhower’s presidency was coming to an end and the Cold War

was as tense as ever

Eisenhower’s build-up of nuclear weapons & use of brinkmanship created the

potential for nuclear annihilation

Americans seemed to be losing the technology race

against the USSR

Eisenhower effectively limited communist expansion during his eight years as president


In his farewell speech, Eisenhower warned against the “military industrial complex”—overspending & over-

prioritizing military over basic American needs

From 1945 to 1960, the United States experienced successes and failures in the Cold War with the


Truman successfully contained communism in Western Europe…

…but saw communism to spread in Asia & the USSR match America’s nuclear


Eisenhower used the CIA & brinkmanship to limit Soviet

global influence… …but the USSR was winning

the space race & Americans were anxious about a nuclear war

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