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(A Classroom Action Research at the Eighth Grade Students of

MTs Negeri Kudus in the Academic Year of 2010/2011)


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Gaining

the Degree of Bachelor in English Language Education



Student’s Number: 063411011







Dear Sir,

Dean of Faculty of Tarbiyah

State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN Walisongo Semarang)

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

After correcting it to whatever extent necessary, we state that the final project

belongs to student as bellow:

Name : Ulya Himawati

Reg. Number : 063411011

Department : English

Title : “The Use of Cooperative Integrated Reading and

Composition to Improve Students’ Ability in

Composing Narrative Writing (A Classroom Action

Research with Eight Grades of MTs Negeri Kudus in

the Academic Year 2010/2011)”.

Is ready to be submitted to join last examination.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Semarang, May , 2011

Advisor I, Advisor II,

Dra. Siti Mariam, M.Pd. Drs. Abdul Wahid, M.Ag

NIP. 19650727 199203 2002 NIP. 19691114 199403 1 003




Alamat: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Ngaliyan Telp/Fax (024) 7601295, 7615387



I am, the student with the following identity:

Name : Ulya Himawati

Student Number : 063411011

Department : English Language Education

certify that this is definitely my own work. I am completely responsible

for the content of this thesis. Other researcher’s opinions or findings

included in the final project are quoted or cited in accordance with ethical


Semarang, May 31th, 2011

The Researcher,

Ulya Himawati




Thesis with the following identification:

Title : The Use of Cooperative Integrated Reading and

Composition to Improve Students’ Ability in Composing

Narrative Writing (A Classroom Action Research with 8th

Grade, MTs Negeri Kudus in The Academic Year


Name of Student : Ulya Himawati

Student Number : 063411011

Department : Tadris

Filed of Study : English Language Education

had been ratified by the board of examiners of education Faculty of Walisongo

State Institute for Islamic Studies and can be received as one of any requirement

for gaining the Bachelor Degree in English language education.

Semarang, May 31th, 2011


Chair Person, Secretary,

_________________ __________________


Examiner I, Examiner II,

_________________ __________________


Advisor I, Advisor II

Dra. Siti Mariam, M.Pd. Drs. Abdul Wahid, M.Ag. NIP. 19650727 199203 2 002 NIP. 19691114 199403 1 003




Alamat: Jl. Prof. Dr. Hamka Ngaliyan Telp/Fax (024) 7601295, 7615387



Ulya Himawati (063411011) “The Use of Cooperative Integrated Reading and

Composition to Improve Students’ Ability in Composing Narrative Writing (A

Classroom Action Research with 8th Grade, MTs Negeri Kudus in The Academic

Year 2010/2011). Thesis, Semarang: Bachelor Program of English Language

Education of State Institute for Islamic Studies Walisongo Semarang, 2011

Keyword: Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC),

Students’ Ability, Writing, Narrative text.

This study was to investigate the students’ Ability in writing a narrative text,

to apply CIRC in teaching learning activity to improve students’ from aspect:

Content, Organization, Vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic.

In conducting this study, the researcher collected data from students of 8th

grade, MTs Negeri Kudus in the academic year 2010/2011. The method of data

collection used here were observation, and test. The data were obtained by

employing test, and observation. The test used to measure students’ proficiency in

writing narrative text. Mean while, the observation was administered to know the

students’ engagement during the teaching. In order to investigate the students’

responses towards the teaching and learning by means of CIRC. Then, the result

of the observation was interpreted. Hopefully, the teacher of English subject can

be more creative in creating the new idea to teach English writing.

This research was done in three phases; pre-test, teaching learning activity

by using CIRC consisted of three cycles. The topic of pre-test was daily activity

because the students had been familiar with them, the topic of first cycle was

Beauty and The Beast, the topic of second cycle was The Stingy and Generous,

the topic of third cycle was Takatuliang the Woodcarver.

In the pre test, the average of the students’ achievement was 35.8, the

average of students’ test result in the first cycle was 54, 25, the average of

students’ test result in the second cycle was 76,3, the average of students’ test

result in the third cycle was 80,6. So that, there is an improvement before and

after students get the teaching. Students improve their writing efficiently and

effectively by using CIRC.

The advantage of CIRC is students know that one’s performance is generally

caused by oneself and one member of a team. This method give much time to

students to be active in the English teaching and learning process Beside that, they

can develop critical thinking and learn to solve the problem. They feel proud and

jointly celebrate when a group member is recognized for achievement. In the other

hand, CIRC has disadvantages they are this teaching need a long time from the

preparation, acting and evaluating. The class’s condition becomes crowded. There

some students do not want to join certain students.



حيممحن الراهللا الربسم الم عليكم ورمحة اهللا وبركاتهالس

Praise to Allah who has given blessing and mercies so that the writer can

finish in creating this thesis.

Shalawat and salam may be granted to our noble prophet Muhammad Saw

and his family, his friends, and his followers who has brought Islam until this


As an ordinary human who has the weakness and limitedness, the writer

realizes that the thesis by the title “The Use of Cooperative Integrated Reading

and Composition to Improve Students’ Ability in Composing Narrative Writing

(A Classroom Action Research With Eight Graders of MTs Negeri Kudus in the

Academic Year of 2010/2011)” cannot be finished without any support, guidance,

and help from the other people and another side. For that, by the honor of this, the

researcher wants to say thanks very much to the honorable:

1. Dr. Sudja’i, M.Ag. as the Dean of faculty of Tarbiyah.

2. Siti Tarwiyah, M.Hum. as the Head of English Department.

3. Dra. Siti Mariam, M.Pd. as the first advisor and Drs. Abdul Wahid, M.Ag as

the second advisor for their patience in providing careful guidance, helpful

corrections, very good advice as well as suggestion and encouragement during

the consultation.

4. Anis Sundusiyah, M.A. as guardian who has big role in giving guidance to the

researcher during study in IAIN Walisongo Semarang.

5. Lectures in English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty for valuable knowledge,

guidance, and advices during the years of my study.

6. Library officials who always give good service related with the references in

this thesis so that the writer could do this thesis well.

7. Nor Salim, S.Pd. as the headmaster MTs Negeri Kudus who had allowed the

researcher to carry out the research in his school. Chasnah, M.Pd as English


teacher of class VIIIA who had helped the writer in conducting the research in

their school, and the students of eight grade class A, thanks for the

cooperation, and also the school administration staff.

8. My beloved friends (Fatimah Zahro, Nurul Intani) thanks to support.

9. All my friends in TBI ‘06.

10. KKN team in Lebo Gringsing Batang

11. All of my friends in Theater especially BETA, LINGKAR, and KOMPAS

12. All side that cannot be mentioned one by one by the writer who have helped in

finishing in this thesis.

By expecting pray, may the goodness be charity and get the reward from

Allah SWT.

The researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from completeness. So

that, the researcher so expects constructive suggestion and criticism from all side

for the advantages of this thesis.

Finally, the researcher expects this thesis useful, especially for the writer

and generally for the reader.

هللا وبركاتهوالسالم عليكم ورمحة ا

Semarang, May 31th 2011

Ulya Himawati




The thesis is dedicated to:

� My beloved father (Sukarjo) and mother (Suyati) who always support

emotionally and materially with prayer, love, and patience.

� My beloved brother (Wahyu Himawan)



)١٧٦: األعراف. (نوركفتي مهلعل صصقال صصاقف

“Recount to them these narratives, so that they may take thought”.

(Q.S. Al-A’raf: 176)1

1 Mahmud Y. Zayid, The Quran: An English Translation of the Meaning of the Quran,

(Lebanon: Dar Al-Chaura, 1980), p. 122.



PAGE OF TITLE .............................................................................................. i

ADVISOR APPROVAL ................................................................................... ii

THESIS STATEMENT .................................................................................... iii

RATIFICATION ............................................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................. vi

DEDICATION ................................................................................................... viii

M O T T O ...................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. xii

LIST OF APPENDICES…………………………………………………... ..... xiii


A. Background of The Study ..................................................... 1

B. Reason for Choosing The Topic ............................................ 4

C. Definition of Key Term .......................................................... 4

D. Research Question .................................................................. 5

E. Objectives ............................................................................... 6

F. Significance of The Study ...................................................... 6


A. Theoretical Review ................................................................ 7

1. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition

(CIRC) ............................................................................. 7

a. Definition of CIRC Method ...................................... 7

b. The History of CIRC Method ................................... 7

c. The Purpose of CIRC Method ................................... 8

d. The Step of CIRC Method ......................................... 9

2. Narrative Writing ............................................................ 9

a. Narrative Text ............................................................ 9


b. Writing ....................................................................... 12

B. Cooperative Integrated Reading And Composition

(CIRC) Method in Teaching Narrative Writing for Junior

High School ............................................................................ 23

C. Previous Researches … .......................................................... 24


A. Research Design … ................................................................ 27

B. Participants ............................................................................. 29

C. Setting of The Study .............................................................. 30

D. Variables .............................................................................. 30

E. Technique of Data Collection ................................................ 30

F. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................... 32

G. Research Procedure ............................................................... 35


A. Description of Research ......................................................... 41

B. Limitation of This Study …. .................................................. 61


A. Conclusion…. ........................................................................ 62

B. Suggestion ............................................................................. 63





Table 1 The Results of Pre-Cycle ..................................................................... 42

Table 2 The Results of First Cycle .................................................................... 46

Table 3 Observation Schema of First Cycle ...................................................... 49

Table 4 The Results of Second Cycle ............................................................... 52

Table 5 Observation Schema of Second Cycle .................................................. 55

Table 6 The Results of Third Cycle .................................................................. 58

Table 7 Observation Schema of Third Cycle ..................................................... 61



Appendix 1. Students List

Appendix 2. Lesson Plan for 1st Cycle

Appendix 3. Lesson Plan for 2nd


Appendix 4. Lesson Plan for 3rd Cycle

Appendix 5. Evaluation Test Of Pre Cycle

Appendix 6. Evaluation Test of 1st Cycle

Appendix 7. Evaluation Test of 2nd


Appendix 8. Evaluation Test of 3rd Cycle

Appendix 9. Answer of Pre Cycle

Appendix 10. Answer of First Cycle

Appendix 11. Answer of Second Cycle

Appendix 12. Answer of Third Cycle


Curriculum Vitae





A language is considered as a system to communicate with other

people by using sounds, symbols and words to express a meaning, idea or

thought. Language can be expressed through many forms, primarily through

oral and written communications as well as using expressions through body


As an international language, English is spoken in many international

events and it is used as a medium for information on education, science,

technology, culture, etc. Realizing the importance of language, Indonesian

government considers English as the first foreign language and it is one of the

compulsory subjects to be taught in the Junior High School in Indonesia.

Although English has been taught as the first foreign language but the result it

less than what is expected. It is based on the fact that university student,

thought they have studied English since they were elementary school, still

have difficulties in understanding books written in English. Where as books of

economics, politics, educations, etc. are mostly written in English.

The teaching of English includes four skills: listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. Writing skill is regarded as the most important one

comparing with the other. English writing is not different with Indonesian

writing; Widarso said that the principal of writing uses right language, clear

idea and directional describing.1 But there are some regulations that make

them different. Different language organizes idea differently. We have to learn

how to organize information in English so that we can write effective

composition because “Organization is the key to good writing.”2 We also

make writing as if it can communicate with the readers, based on Bram’s

1 Widarso Winubroto, Kiat Menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris, (Yogyakarta : Kanisius,1992), p.1

2 Karen Blanchard, and Christine Root, Ready To Write A First Composition Text, (NewYork: Addision Wesley Longman, 1995), p.1


statement that to write interesting, enjoyable paragraph, we first should master

what the topic. When we deal with writing, we make the best the use of

sentence to express our messages. When we write, we intend to interact with

our readers using written language. Our principal purpose is to make our

readers understanding. 3

Students not only use writing skills but also they have to collaborate

with another skill when they write. They write predominantly to augment their

learning of grammar and vocabulary of the language. It because of the nature

of the writing process and also the need for accuracy in writing, the mental

processes that students go through when writing differ significantly from the

way the approach discussion or other kinds of spoken communication. When

writing, students have more time to think than they do in oral activities. They

can go through what they know in their mind and even consult dictionaries,

grammar books, or other reference material to help them. Since here students

are writing help them better. “Writing has always been used as a mean of

reinforcing language that been taught.”4 Student can also be asked to write

paragraphs or longer composition or might be asked to write a story about

something that happened as a good way of having them practice past tense. In

Islam, writing considered as one of important skills. Angel Gabriel conveyed a

revelation from Allah SWT to Prophet Muhammad SAW related to writing

skill. It was stated in the holy Qur’an sura al-‘Alaq verse 4-5:

“Who taught by the pen. Taught man what he did not know”.5

“The word “Qalam” in verse 4 of sura al-‘Alaq has meaning of the

tool to write (pen). It means that pen is used to write, and the result of using

pen is written text”.6

3 Barli Bram, Write Well Improving Writing Skill, (Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1995), p.254 Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, (England: Longman, 2004), p. 325 Mahmud Y Zayid, An English Translation of the Meaning of the Qur’an,(Beirut: Dar al-

Choura, 1980) p.457.6M. Quraish Shihab, Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Karim atas Surat-surat Pendek Berdasarkan

Turunnya Wahyu, (Bandung; Pustaka Hidayah, 1997), p.98.


Based on those verses, Allah SWT explained that He taught human

being by pen (qalam). Discovery of pen and writing are the greatest gifts from

God. By writing, one generation can transfer their knowledge to the next

generations. It shows that the tool of writing and writing itself have important


Based on KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan) that learning

English aims to develop students' competence to communicate in English both

orally and written. Writing ability for students refer to the competence of

mastering the Genre, understanding and producing some kind of texts. One of

the texts is Narrative. In fact, students find difficulties in digging their ideas

and formulate them with sufficient vocabulary to construct the text as the

generic structure and language feature. In the reality, the teacher has found the

students’ problem by looking at the students’ achievement to write a narrative


Cooperative learning method has been researched and used in a wide

variety of subjects, Writing in the elementary school curriculum had been

conspicuously lacking in this research. This research describes the rational,

development, and evaluation of Cooperative Integrated Reading and

Composition (CIRC), a comprehensive program for teaching reading, writing,

and language art. Although CIRC has clearly supported more than one skill in

learning English, beside to know the students’ ability and problem in writing a

narrative text, the researcher uses this method develop skill in writing.

Furthermore, the researcher wants to take the research about The Use

of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Method to

Improve Students’ Ability in Composing Narrative Writing: A Classroom

Action Research with 8th Grade, MTs Negeri Kudus in the Academic Year of


The characteristic of students MTs Negeri Kudus are different. Some

of students are interesting to study English. And other students are still

confused and difficult to understand English, especially writing. Because of

7Ibid, p.99.


students bore with method that give the teacher. Beside that, students feel that

writing is lesson that difficult, because they must to have many ideas to make


The researcher hopes by using cooperative integrated reading and

composition for teaching writing, students will be more motivated, relaxed

and interested so that they can develop their writing on past form. And other

hand, students will be more to have ideas that supporting writing, especially

narrative text.


These are the following reasons why the researcher chooses this

research topic:

1. Writing is the most important skill in language because it represents our

thought, feeling and people understanding about what we write, especially

in narrative text.

2. The researcher wants to know the students’ ability in writing a narrative

text. Most students get difficulties to write a narrative text. The last, the

study can develop the researcher’s knowledge and experience in teaching

writing to the students.

3. To improve students’ ability to understand reading and apply it effectively

to their writing, so they can write clear, well organized essays effectively

edit their writing for any problems in content, grammar, organization,

vocabulary, and mechanic.


1. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)

Cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) is a

comprehensive reading and writing program that includes story-related


activities, direct instruction in reading comprehension, and integrated

reading and language arts activities.8

In this study CIRC method is a teaching method that be used to

improve students’ ability in composing narrative writing in order to make

classroom situation more interesting.

2. Narrative text

“Narrative text is a literary text that tells a story to entertain or give

view of life”.9 It is a kind of genre which social function to retell past

events. For example is story about legend, folk tales, mysteries, and etc.

3. Writing

“Writing is the representation of language in a textual medium by a

set of signs or symbols (known as a writing system)”.10At the sentence

level, these include control of content, format, sentence structure,

vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and letter formation. Beyond the

sentence, the researcher must be able to structure and integrate information

into cohesive and coherent paragraph and texts.11

It is one of the four language skills. It has been characterized as

written language. It means that writing is a way to produce language that

comes from our thought. It can be written on a paper, computer or other

electronic media.


These are the following question related to the research:

1. How is CIRC implemented to facilitate students in composing narrative

writing at 8th grade of MTs Negeri Kudus?

2. To What extent can CIRC be used to facilitate students in composing

narrative text at 8th grade of MTs Negeri Kudus?

8 Anderson and Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English, (Australia: Macmillan,

1997), p.16810Wikipedia, “Writing”,, February 22, 201111 David Nunan, Designing Tasks for the Communicating Classroom, (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1989), p.36



The research is conducted to the following objectives as follow:

1. To describe the implementation of CIRC method to facilitate students in

composing narrative writing at 8th grade of MTs Negeri Kudus.

2. To know in extent CIRC are used to facilitate students in composing

narrative writing 8th grade of MTs Negeri Kudus.


Based on objectives above, the significance of the study can be stated

as follows:

1. For student

a. To improve the skills of the students to work together and collaborate in

doing learning task.

b. To develop the social skills of students

c. To improve reading and writing skills of students in English

d. To improve achievement and students learning outcomes

e. To improve students’ motivation to study

2. For teacher

a. To help teacher in providing active learning, creative, effective, and fun

for students according to learning style

b. To increase awareness of teacher on students’ learning difficulties and

efforts to overcome and improve teacher performance to improve


3. For researcher

This study can develop knowledge and experience in teaching

writing to the student.

4. For School

This study can be a starting point to develop the teaching method

which applies in the school.







1. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)

a. Definition of CIRC Method

“Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) is a

comprehensive program for teaching reading and writing/language


“Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) is a

comprehensive reading and writing program for students in grades 2

through 8”.2

From definition above, CIRC is the direct instruction reading

comprehensive, input of writing activity, and any related between skills

that suggested by the method.

b. The History of CIRC Method

Dr. Robert Slavin was a director of Elementary School

Programs. He has contributed a lot in the subject of collaborative or

cooperative learning. There's no doubt that collaborative or cooperative

learning is a great way of building and teaching students. Students learn

in groups in a much better way that they do it individually. Cooperative

learning is not relatively new but it traces its history back to early 18th

century. Cooperative learning not only encourages students on learning

the group's tasks and activities but also helps them in building a social

personality in them. The instructor of the group is a very important

personality or entity that directs the movements of groups.3

1, retrieved on March 22, 2011, 08.59pm.

2, retrieved on March 22,2011, 09.30 pm.

3, retrievedon March 23, 2011, 8.24 am.


From the statement above, we know that the research and the

development of cooperative learning was start since 18th century. It

means cooperative learning helped many of teachers in class problem

since a long time.

The result of research and development of cooperative learning

was kinds of method, one of them was CIRC. “CIRC developed in

Baltimore city on 1987; it was one of alternative method to improve

students reading and writing”.4

In this time, CIRC method is used by teacher and researcher in

the entire world to solve problems, especially class of reading, writing,

and language arts.

“The development of CIRC proceeded from an analysis of the

problems of traditional reading, writing, and language art instruction”.5

In other words, it was result of problems and conventional learning.

c. The Purpose of CIRC Method

“A major objective of CIRC is to use cooperative teams to help

students learn broadly applicable reading comprehensive skills”.6

A major objective of the developers of the CIRC writing and

language arts program was to design, implement, and evaluate a writing

process approach to writing and language arts that would make

extensive use of peers.7

From statement in above that CIRC developed to easy of

students in reading comprehensive so that students can implementation

writing and language arts learning. CIRC is using group to easy of

learning process when one of the students is not understand.

d. The Step of CIRC Method

4, retrieved on March 23, 2011, 09.00 am.

55Robert E. Slavin, Cooperative Learning: Theory, Reseach, and Practice, (USA: Allynand Bacon, 1995), 2nd Ed, p. 104.

6Ibid, p. 105.7 Ibid, p. 106.


Rachmad Widodo describes the steps of this method. The steps


1) Make groups consist of 4 members heterogeneously

2) Teacher give text with of topic learning

3) Students cooperate read to each other, find main idea, and give

opinion to text. At the end, the students write the result on the


4) Make presentation or read to the result from group’s discussion

5) Teacher and Students make summary together

6) closing8

From describe in above that conclude steps of CIRC in learning

process. Students work in a group to understand the main idea and

master other comprehension skills. They work on materials appropriate

to their reading level. They have equal opportunities for success. CIRC

provide a structure for teacher to teach and students to learn which help

all students become more effective readers and writers.

2. Narrative Writing

a. Narrative Text

Narrative is the most famous type of any text. Various purposes

are communicated in a narrative type. However the way it is

constructed describing certain event, character or phenomenon in detail.

Narrative prefers showing to tell and that the power of narrative.

1) Definition of Narrative Text

“Narrative is a text which contents about a story like a story

of citizen (folktale), the story of animals (fable), legend (legend),

etc”.9 Narrative text contains story by presenting the sequence of

events and actors which are characterized as heroes or cowards.

8Rachamad Widodo, “Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Integrated Reading andComposition”,, retrieved on March23, 2011, 10:40 am.

9, retrieved on March 19,2011, 09.45 pm.


From the definition above, it can be concluded that a

narrative text is a spoken or written text to communicate a

message, which is used to interpret its meaning in the story.

2) The Social Function of Narrative Text

The social function of narrative text is to amuse entertain

and to deal with actual or vicarious experience indifferent ways;

narrative deals with problematic events which lead to a crisis or

turning point of some kind, which in turn finds a resolution.10

It means that the purpose of narrative is to give to entertain

and to deal with actual or vicarious experience indifferent ways,

which is the evaluation shows now the problem starts. Then, there

will be complication which the problem arises. The resolution

comes to solve the problem in story narrative.

3) Types of Narrative Text

There are many type of narrative; they can be imaginary,

factual or a combination of both. They include fairy stories,

mysteries, science fiction, romance, horror stories, adventure

stories, fables, myths, historical narrative, and personal


Types of narrative are very kinds, but we often in English

learning, especially junior high school is fairy stories and fables.

4) The Generic Structure of Narrative Text

The generic structure of narrative text, they are:

a) Orientation, introducing the characters of story, the time and

place the story happened. (Who/What, When, and Where).

b) Complication, a series of events in which the main character

attempts to solve problem.

10Linda Gerot and Peter Weignell, The Genre-Grammar Connection, (Australia: AEE,1994), p.204.

11Mieke bal, Introduction to the Theory of Narrative, 1.htm, retrieved on March 19, 2011, 11.00 pm.


c) Resolution, the ending of story containing the solution.12

From the statement in above, the researcher concludes that

narrative introduces orientation to lead the writers to the context. It

is continued by complication, which tells about events and solve

problem in a narrative. Then, it is solution of problem in resolution.

5) The significant Lexicogrammatical Feature of Narrative Text

The significant Lexicogrammatical Feature of Narrative

Text, they are:

a) Focus on specific and individualized participants

b) The use of material process (action verbs)

c) The use of some behavioral and verbal processes

d) The use of relational and mental processes

e) The use of past tenses

a) The use of temporal conjunction and circumstances.13

In statement above, the researcher concludes that

grammatical feature is part of narrative. It is used to make a

paragraph narrative be perfect in context.

6) Example of Narrative Text

Here is the example of narrative text:

Takatuliang, the Woodcarver


Long, long time ago on the island of simbau, in the

Sulawesi Sea, there live a king and his beautiful daughter. The

princess was not only beautiful, but she was also wise and kind.


Many princes wanted to marry the king’s daughter and this

made the king confused. He, then, announced a contest; whoever

presented the princess with the most valuable gift would marry her.

12Th. M. Sudarwati, Look Ahead An English Course For Senior High School StudentsYear XI, (Jakarta: Erlangga, 2007), p.52

13Ibid, p.74


Takatuliang, a poor woodcarver, wanted to join the contest

but he was so poor that he had nothing to present. Then, he went

far into the forest. There he chooses the best tree and carved into a

doll. Next, he took an old piece of cloth and sewed it into a dress

for the doll. After that, he cut his own hair and glued it to the doll’s


On the day of the contest, all of the princes gathered before

the king and the princess. One by one, they presented their gifts;

diamonds, silk, gold, jewelry. Then came takatuliang’s turn.

“What do you have?” asked the princess.

“I bring only a doll,” said takatuliang softly.

“How many doll like this do you have?” asked the princess again.

“Only this one. I carved it my self and decorated it with my own

hair and my father’s old cloth. He died and this is the only thing he

left me. “Answered takatuliang.


The princess was very touched to hear takatuliang’s story.

She decided to marry takatuliang because he had presented her

everything he had. Together, takatuliang and the princess lived

happily ever after.14

b. Writing

1) Definition of Writing

Writing is one of the four language skills besides listening,

speaking, and reading. It is an activity in arranging words, phrases,

and sentences. That is grammatically correct and appropriate with

its purpose. In Webster s New World College Dictionary, writing is

the act of a person who writers.15 Generally, writing can be

14Mukarto, et. al., English on Sky 2 for Junior High School Students Year VIII, (Jakarta:Erlangga, 2007), p. 124.

15Hornby, Oxford Advance Learner s Dictionary, (Oxford: Oxford University Press,2007), 6th Ed., p. 528


interpreted as the act of forming or tracing a character on paper or

other suitable materials with a pen or pencil.

Writing is productive language skills that enable a language

user to express idea and communicate them to others. Celce and

Murcia said that “Writing is the production of the written word that

results in a text but the text must be read and comprehended in order

for communication to take place”.16

According to Harmer, writing is away to produce language

and express idea, feeling and opinion. Furthermore, he states that

writing is a process that what we write is often heavily influenced

by the constraints of genre, and then these elements have to be

present in learning activities.17

From the definition above, the researcher can conclude that

writing is a way to produce language by putting down words or

ideas to some medium. And it is a learned process that takes time

and concentrated practice because the researcher has more time to

think than they do in oral activities.

2) Types of Writing

Among the many different kinds of types of writing, there

are two major of types of writing:18

a) Practical or factual writing

This type deals with facts. We can find it in writing of

letters (personal, business), reports and editorials.

b) Creative or imaginary writing

These types usually exist in literature. Such as romance,

science, short stories, jokes, drama, poetry, etc.19

16 M. Celce and Murcia Elite Olstain, Discourse and Context in Language Teaching,(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 142.

17Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, (Longman: Pearson Education Limited, 2004),p.31.

18Mary Finocchiaro, English As a Second Language: From Theory to Practice, (NewYork: Regent Publishing Company, 1974), p. 86.


Determining the type of writing you will be used is

important. It will help you determine you topic (subject), purpose

(why you are writing), and style (how you should write).

3) Process of Writing

Writing as one of productive skills needs a process. This

processes write to write in sequence stages. Harmer states that the

writing process is the stage that a writer goes through in order to

produce something (a written text) before to be a final draft.20

According to Linse, there five steps of writing process. They

are pre writing, writing, revising, editing, and publishing.21

a) Prewriting

“Prewriting is a way of warming up your brain before

your write, just as you warm up your body before you


Prewriting is the thinking, talking, reading and writing

you do about your topic before you write a first draft. It is a time

to relax, to write quickly and begin organizing the thoughts.

Prewriting consist of three parts, there are:

§ Brainstorming

Brainstorming is one way to capture the thought then

let the mind generate more ideas about what they will write.

In the brainstorming process, we write down every single

thing that exists or comes into our minds. We need not then

worry about quality of the idea for the time being (at least).

We simply write down our ideas in phrases or in single

words, not in complete sentences. We do this partly to ‘save

19H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles An Interactive Approach to LanguagePedagogy, (New York: Longman, 2001), p. 302.

20 Jeremy Harmer, op.cit., p. 4.21Caroline T. Linse, Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners, (NY:

McGraw Hill, 2006), p.98.22Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, Ready to Write, (New York: Pearson Education,

Inc, 2003), 3rd Ed., p.41.


time’, or rather to be quick. The phrases or word can be

verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, or other parts of speech.23

Brainstorming is technique used to generate and

collect ideas for writing; it is a way to produce many ideas

from a group for the purpose of simple enjoyment or problem


The purpose of brainstorming is to make a list of as

many ideas as possible without worrying about how writers

will use them. Writers’ list can include words, phrases,

sentences, or even questions.

§ Clustering

Clustering is another pre writing technique. It is a

visual way of showing how writers’ ideas are connected

using circles and lines. When writers cluster, they draw a

diagram to connect ideas.25 In other words, clustering is an

activity of drawing of ideas.

b) Writing

After we have finished in prewriting, we can continue to

the next step (writing). As we write the first draft on our

paragraph, we have to use the ideas we generated from

prewriting as a guide. As we write, remember to:

§ Begin with a topic sentence that states the main ideas, include

several sentences that support the main idea.

§ Stick the topic does not include information that does not

directly support the main idea.

§ Arrange the sentences so that the other of ideas makes sense.

23Barli Bram, Write Well Improving Writing Skills, (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius,1995), p.64.

24Barbara C. Palmer and Mary L. Hafner, Developing Cultural Literacy Through theWriting Process, (America: Allyn and Bacon, 1994), p.54.

25Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, op.cit., p.42.


§ Use signal words to help the reader understand how the ideas

in your paragraph are connected.26

From the step in above that when we write, we must to

use step in above so that our write can read by reader.

c) Revising

Once writers have produced a draft they then, usually,

read through what they have written to see where it works and

where it does not. Perhaps the order of the information is not

clear. Perhaps the way something is written is ambiguous or

confusing. They may then move paragraphs around or write a

new introduction. They may use a different from of words for a

particular sentence.27

Revising is often helped by other readers or editors who

comment and make suggestions. Another reader’s reaction to a

piece of writing will help the author to make appropriate


Revising is necessary done in order to our writing can

understood or read by reader. When our writing does not

understand or make confuse reader, it means our writing is bad.

d) Editing

Editing is an essential part of preparing a piece of writing

for public reading or publication. Richard and Willy stated that in

editing, writers check grammar, spelling, punctuation, diction,

sentence structure, and accuracy of supportive textual material

such as quotations, example and the like.29

We are almost impossible to write a perfect paragraph on

the first try. The first try is called the first draft. Perhaps the order

26 Karen Blanchard and Christine Root, op.cit., p.43.27Barli Bram, op.cit., p. 5.28Ibid.29Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya, Methodology and Language Teaching, (USA:

Cambridge University Press, 2000), p.318.


of information is not clear or the discourse marker is

wrong. The way to revise and improve the first draft is called


e) Publishing

“Publishing refers to putting the writing in a final finished

format where it can be shared with others. Publishing can be a

great motivator for young learners”.30

Process writing in the classroom is highly structured as it

necessitates the orderly teaching of process skills, and thus it may

not, at least initially, give way to a free variation of writing stages

cited earlier. Teacher often plan appropriate classroom activities

that support the learning of specific writing skills at every stage.

And to encourage process writing, teachers can model the selection

of topics or the writing process it self.

4) Requirements of Good Writing

Good writing in any language involves knowledge the

convention of written discourse in culture as well as the ability to

choose the precise words that convey one’s meaning. To write an

interesting text and good paragraph, we should know what a

paragraph is. “A paragraph is a group of sentences which contain

relevant information one main or central idea”.31

A good paragraph normally focuses only on one idea that is

expressed in the topic sentence. Topic sentence is important to

express an idea. Function of the idea is to control the content of

paragraph. A paragraph basically consist of three parts, those are

introduction, body and conclusion.

In writing a good paragraph, we should concern to three

things. They are:

a) Unity/ Cohesion

30Caroline T. Linse, op.cit., p. 109.31Barli Bram, op.cit., p.13.


The unity is synonymous with oneness. It means oneness to

express the ideas in one paragraph. All sentences in a paragraph

should state on the one thing in the topic sentence: all of the

sentences stick together.

b) Coherence

Coherence also plays important role in writing. It plays

crucial role in making a paragraph read well. Every coherence

paragraph contains smoothly-connected ideas. To achieve

coherence, the researcher needs to use some transitions, such as

however, although, finally, and nevertheless.32

c) Completeness

A good paragraph contains enough detail information to

explain and prove statements of a topic sentence.33

In writing, cohesion, coherence, and completeness are very

important. Because, its step of good writing. When one of them is

nothing, so what we write, it is not perfect. The reader does not

understand your write.

Writing skill is complex and difficult to be taught since in

this case writing does not only mean putting down graphic from on

a piece of paper. It involves at least five components. They are:

(1) Content : the substance of writing, the ideas expressed.

(2) Form : the organization of content.

(3) Grammar : the employment of grammatical form and syntactic


(4) Vocabulary : the choice of structure and lexical items to give a

particular tone or flavor to the writing. It is also called style.

(5) Mechanic : the use of graphic conventions of the language.34

5) Writing for Junior High School

32Ibid, p.20-21.33Otong Setiawan Djuharie, Paragraph Writing, (Bandung: Yrama Widya, 2009), p.69.34Burhan Nurgiyantoro, Penilaian dalam Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra, (Yogyakarta:

PPFE Yogyakarta, 2001), p. 306.


Writing as one of the four skills has always formed part of

the syllabus in the teaching of English. “Writing has always been

used as a means of reinforcing language that has been taught”.35 In

other words, writing is a good way for students who learn English.

They can put their idea on paper by paying attention on grammar

rule and vocabulary.

Allah states in the glorious Al-Qur’an sura Al-Qalam verse



“Nun [These letters (Nun, etc.) are one of the miracles of the

Qur’an, and none but Allah (alone) knows their meanings]. By the

pen and by that which the writers are writing”.36

From the verse above, the researcher conclude that writing

has important role in human life. People must know how to write by

using pen. Because writing is important, human being needs to learn

how to write correctly. They can learn writing since childhood or in

junior high school.

One of the important things in education system is

Curriculum. KTSP is curriculum that is arranged and improved

based on UU No. 22 year 2003 about National Education System

chapter 36 verses 1 and 2.37 KTSP has full authority and

responsibility in deciding curriculum. It gives school and its

education a big portion to develop equality of education based on

potential, perspective, and need for each school.

KTSP in National Standard Education (SNP is Section 1,

verse 15) explained that School based curriculum (KTSP) is an

35Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, (England: Pearson Education Limited, 2004), p.31-32.

36 Mahmud Y Zayid, An English Translation of the Meaning of the Qur an,(Beirut: Daral-Choura, 1980) p. 457.

37 Mulyasa, E., Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Sebuah Panduan Praktis,(Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2006), P. 20.


operational curriculum that is arranged and performed by each level

educational institution. KTSP is practiced by school level by

considering and based on standard of competences and basic

competence that is developed by National Standard Educational

Department (BSNP).38

Standard of competence that are used as follow:

a) Listening

§ Understanding meaning of short transactional and

interpersonal dialog to interact with surrounding


§ Understanding meaning of spoken text functional and short

monolog in form of narrative and recount text to interact with

surrounding environment.

b) Speaking

§ Expressing meaning of short of dialog transactional and short

of spoken interpersonal to interact with surrounding


§ Expressing meaning in short of dialog transactional and short

of spoken interpersonal to interact with surrounding


c) Reading

§ Understanding meaning in short essay in form of narrative

and recount to interact with surrounding environment.

d) Writing

§ Expressing meaning in text of write functional and short

essay in form of recount and narrative to interact with

surrounding environment.39

38 Mulyasa, E, on April 22, 2011, 12.06 am.

39Wiyono, http:/Swiyono, rpp-ktsp-smp-up-date-juni-2010/ retrieved on Sunday, April 24, 2011, 10.40 pm.


Based on conclude above, writing applied in curriculum that

constant today and explained to standard of competence. Writing

also applied to four skills in learning of junior high school. Another

that, writing of junior high school is about genre. Genre which

should be taught in junior high school are procedure, descriptive,

recount and narrative. But in the second semester are recount and

narrative. In this research, the researcher use narrative.

Besides use standard of competence, it also must to use base

competence. Base competences that are used as follow:

§ Responding meaning in transactional dialog (to get things done)

and short interpersonal (get socialization) in a accurate, fast, and

accept to interact with near environment that involves to act

speech: ask for, give, refusing service, ask for, give, refusing

goods, and asking for, give and belies information, ask for, give,

and refuses opinion, and offering / accepts / refuse something.

§ Responding meaning in transactional dialog (to get things done)

and short interpersonal (get socialization) in a accurate, fast, and

accept to interact with near environment that involves to act

speech: ask for, give, giving assent, responding statement, giving

attention to speaker, start, lengthen, and closes spoken, and

starting, lengthen, and closes converse of telephone call.

§ Responding meaning in spoken text of short functional in

accurate, fast, and accept to surrounding environment.

§ Responding meaning in short monologue in accurate, fast, and

accept to interact with surrounding environment in form of text

narrative and recount

§ Expressing meaning of short transactional (to get things done)

and interpersonal (get socialization) dialog with using kinds of

spoken language in accurate, fast, and accept to interact with near

environment that involves to act speech: ask for, give, refusing

service, ask for, give, refusing goods, ask for, give and belies


information, ask for, give, and refuses opinion, and offering /

accepts / refuse something.

§ Expressing meaning of short transactional (to get things done)

and interpersonal (get socialization) dialog by use of oral

language manner in accurate, fast, and accept to interact with near

environment that involves to act speech: ask for, giving assent,

responding statement, giving attention to speaker, start, lengthen,

and closes gab, and starting, lengthen, and closes converse of

telephone call

§ Expressing meaning in spoken text of short functional by use of

oral language manner in accurate figure, fast and accept to

interact with surrounding environment

§ Expressing meaning in short monologue by use of oral language

manner in accurate, fast, and accept to interact with surrounding

environment in form of text recount and narrative

Reading clarion meaning functional text and short essay in form

of recount and narrative with utterance, pressure and intonation

that accept that relate with surrounding environment

Responding meaning in short of write text functional in accurate

figure, fast and accept that relate with surrounding environment

Responding meaning and stage of rhetoric in short essay in

accurate, fast and accept that relate with surrounding environment

in form of recount and narrative

§ Expressing meaning in short of write text functional by use of

language manner write in accurate, fast and accept to interact with

surrounding environment

§ Expressing meaning and stage of rhetoric in short essay by use of

writes language manner in accurate, fast, and accept to interact

with surrounding environment in form of recount and narrative40.

40 Wiyono, http:/Swiyono, rpp-ktsp-smp-up-date-juni-2010/, retrieved on Sunday, April 24, 2011, 10.40 pm.





The development of CIRC focused simultaneously on curriculum and

on instructional methods is an attempt to use cooperative learning as a vehicle

for introducing state of the art curricular practices derived primarily from

basic research on the practical teaching of reading and writing.41

CIRC can be used for understanding about spelling, vocabulary,

decoding, and main idea. Students are assigned to teams composed of pairs of

students from the same or different reading groups. Students work in pairs on

a series of cognitively engaging activities, including reading to each other;

predicting how stories will end; summarizing stories to each other; writing

responses to stories; and practicing spelling, decoding, and vocabulary.

Students work in teams to understand the main idea and master other

comprehension skills. During language arts periods, students also write drafts,

revise and edit one another's work, and prepare to "publish" their writing.42

From the statement above, it can be concluded that Cooperative

Integrated Reading and Composition is a method designed to fulfill students’

need on improving their reading and writing skill. This method helps students

to be a good writer without any difficulties. Moreover, this method is suitable

for teaching writing in junior high school.

For teachers, CIRC will ease them in teaching writing to their students

and make the students easy to write their idea. This method is suitable for

class second to eight grade.

In Junior High School English curriculum, teaching and learning

English use genre. The term “genre” is used to refer to particular text-types,

not to traditional varieties of literature. It is type or kind of text, defined in

41Robert E. Slavin, op.cit., p. 104.42, retrieved on March 30, 2011,

09.15 am.


terms of its social purpose; also the level of context dealing with social


The genres which should be taught in junior high school are

procedure, descriptive, recount and narrative. In this research, the researcher

is using narrative text. “It tells a story using spoken or written language”.44

The researcher is using narrative as a research because; narrative is a

text that interesting. By narrative, students can story anything that is

interesting to share with their friends. The opinion of researcher, narrative is

genre that used students to get expressions about their idea by real or fictive



The researcher has some relevant previous researches that support,

there are:

Thesis entitled “Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition as a

Method to Reduce The Students’ Problem in Writing a Recount Text (A

Classroom Action Research at 8th grade, MTs Husnul Khatimah Semarang in

the Academic Year of 2008/2009)”, by Choirul Huda (3104059) final project

of Tarbiyah Faculty, Walisongo State Institute Islamic Studies Semarang.45

He did this study because he wants to describe the used of cooperative

integrated reading and composition to reduce the students’ problem in writing

a recount text. Beside, it was to find out the significant difference of students’

achievement by using CIRC method.

The similar between her research and the researcher’s are on the

research approach that is classroom action research, the object of study that is

writing and the analysis that use writing test, the collecting data that use

observation and test, and calculate the achievement of study. The previous

researcher also using method in her research, it is same with the researcher.

43Rudi Hartono, Genre of Text, (Semarang: English Department Faculty of Language ArtSemarang State University, 2005), p. 4.

44Mark Andensor & Kathy Anderson, Text Types in English, (South Yarra: MacmillanEducation, 2003), p.1.

45 Choirul Huda (3104059), “Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition as aMethod to Reduce The Students’ Problem in Writing a Recount Text”, Final Project of TarbiyahFaculty, (Semarang: Walisongo State Institute For Islamic Studies, 2009), Unpublished.


The difference on this previous researcher is material that is recount text

while the research that is material of narrative text.

Thesis entitled, “The Contributing of Musical Imagination Tour as A

Technique to Improve Students Ability in Narrative Writing (A Classroom

Action Research at 11th grade, SMA N 1 Semarang), by Zuli Anggraini

(6450406572) final project of Language and Art Faculty, Semarang State

University.46 She did this study because he wants to describe the technique to

improve students’ ability in narrative writing. Beside, it was to find out the

significant difference of students’ achievement by using technique.

The similarities between her research and the researcher’s are on the

research approach that is classroom action research, the object of the study

that is writing, and the data analysis that use writing test, the material of the

research that is narrative, the collecting data that use observation and test, and

the calculate the achievement of study. The differences are on the research

approach. The previous researcher used the contributing of musical

imagination tour as a technique and the researcher uses cooperative integrated

reading and composition as the research approach.

46 Zuli Anggraini, (6450406572), “The Contributing of Musical Imagination Tour as ATechnique to Improve Students’ Ability in Narrative Writing”, Final Project of Language and ArtFaculty, (Semarang: State University), Unpublished.





In this study, the researcher used classroom action research (CAR).

Action research is a kind of research that is conducted in the classroom by a


Arikunto states that action research is one of the type investigation that

has characteristic reflective participative, collaborative, and spiral that have

purpose to repair and to increase the system, method, process, substance,

competence, and situation.1

Kemmis and Mc. Taggart add in Nunans’ book explain that action

research is a group of activity and a piece of descriptive research carried out

by the teacher in his or her own classroom, without the involvement of others,

which is aimed at interesting our understanding rather than changing the

phenomenon under the investigation that would not be considered by these

commentators to be ‘action research’, the essential impetus for carrying out

action research is to change the system.2

According to Glanz classroom action research (CAR) is a kind of

research that has reemerged as a popular way of involving practitioners, both

teachers and supervisors, so that they better understand their work. Therefore

classroom action research is a form of research that is conducted by

practitioners to improve practices in educational setting.3

From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude that

classroom action research is a classroom action in a research, which can be

done by teacher, researcher, and teacher with his or her colleague, etc with

involves a group of students to improve teaching and learning process or to

1 Suharsimi Arikunto, et. al, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara,2008), P. 104.

2 David Nunan, Research Method in Language Learning, (Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1993), p.18.

3 Jeffrey Glanz, Action Research: An Educational Leader’s Guide to SchoolImprovement, (USA: Christopher-Gordon Publisher, Inc., 1998), p. 20


enhance the understanding of the students to the lesson. In this research, using

cooperative integrated reading and composition method to improve students’

ability in composing narrative writing.

Kemmis and Mc. Taggart in Nunan’s book argue that there are three

defining characteristic of action research, they are:

a. It is carried out by practitioners (for our purposes, classroom teachers)

rather than outside researchers,

b. It is collaborative, and

c. It is aimed at changing things.4

Action research is regularly done to improve a learning process. By

this research, a teacher will know his or her weakness in teaching his or her

students. The teacher will know the effective methods in teaching students.

There are four components in one cycle for conducting classroom

action research that doing by the researcher in every cycles of the research.

The explanations of the four components in one cycle for doing in classroom

action research are:

1. Planning

Planning is a plan to conduct treatment or after making sure about

the problem of the research. It is explaining of word what, why, when, and

where the researcher does the research.

2. Acting

This section discusses the implements of planning; it is about the

steps and activities that would be taken by the researcher.

3. Observing

In this step, a researcher has to observe all events or activities

during the research.

4. Reflecting

Reflecting is the inspection effort on the success or the failure in

reaching the temporary purposes in order to determine the alternative steps

that are probably made to get the final goals of the research.5

4 Ibid, P. 17.


Generally, the classroom action research consists of two cycles or

more. Every cycle holds in appropriate with the purpose of the study. In this

research, the researcher uses three cycles. Every cycle consists of four

components that are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.

The researcher uses the research design from Kemmis and Taggart that

consists of several cycles of action in teaching based on reflection from the

result of study in cycle before.

The explanation of the research design in this research such as below:6

Research design from Kemmis and Taggart


This study will be conducted at the eight grade students of MTsN

Kudus in the academic year of 2010/2011. There are ten classes. The

researcher uses class VIIIA as sample in this research. So participants in this

study are students on class VIIIA at MTsN Kudus in the academic year of


5 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Jakarta: PT.Rineka Cipta, 2006), 6th Ed., p. 98-99.

6 Suharsimi Arikunto, Op.Cit, p. 16.





2nd CYCLEReflecting







In this study, a classroom action research will be conducted at the eight

grade students of MTsN Kudus in the academic year of 2010/2011. It is

located on Kudus-Jepara Street Prambatan Kidul, Kaliwungu Kudus. The

researcher chooses this junior high school because the genre (narrative) used

by junior high school. So the researcher can apply the research in the eight



The classroom action research needs the data to support the

investigation. There are several ways to collect data like questionnaire,

observation, field notes, interview, documentation, test, et cetera. In this

research, the researcher gathered the data to support above. The researcher

chooses some of which are appropriate to school environment, and can be

done there. The techniques and methods which are used by the researcher to

collect the data are observation, test and interview.

1. Observation

“Observation is a perception activity to know how far research

effectiveness of action have reached target”.7

“Observation is the process of observe and write the phenomena

that happened in class systematically”.8

It means that observation is used to observe the students’ activity

during the teaching learning process to get a data. To collect a data

through observation used checklist observation to make it more

systematic, containing list of students’ activities and response or

happening which might happen.

2. Test

Test is technique to measure someone’s proficiency. Brown states

that test is a method of measuring person’s ability, knowledge or

7 Fakultas Tarbiyah, Pelatihan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Bagi Mahasiswa IAINWalisongo, (Semarang: IAIN Walisongo, 2008), P. 10.

8Sutrisno Hadi, Metodologi Penelitian, (Yogyakarta: Andi Publishing, 2004), p.151.


performance in a given domain. Test is an instrument or procedure

designed to elicit performance from learners with the purpose of

measuring their attainment of specified criteria.9

Test is important part of every teaching and learning experience.

There are many varieties of test: group test, individual test, written test,

oral test, speeded test, and power test. Each test has different

characteristics that must be considered when the tests are planning.10

This research uses an achievement test to measure the students’

progress in every cycle during the classroom action research. The forms of

tests are written test. Tests were conducted at the last activities in every


The written test assesses writing skills in relation to the workplace.

The test is evaluated by two trained specialists against set criteria. For

example accuracy and appropriateness of language use organization of

ideas or how effectively the piece of writing achieves its purpose.

In addition, Arikunto explains that test is many question or

exercise or other apparatus that is used to measure skill, knowledge,

intelligence, ability or aptitude of individual or group.11

In this research, the researcher gave the written test based on the

topic of the curriculum at the junior high school and used group and

individual test to measure students’ writing ability.


1. Technique of analyzing data from the observation

After giving observation in every cycle, the data from observation

can be analyzed. The result from the observation will be analyzed by using

percentage scoring as formula.

9Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles ( An Interactive Approach to LanguagePedagogy), (San Francisco: Longman Inc, 2001), 2nd ed, P. 401.

10William Wiersma & Stephen G., Educational Measurement and Testing, (USA: TheUniversity of Toledo, 1990), p. 36.

11Suharsimi Arikunto et. al., Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, (Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara,2008), p. 139.


Score =Total Score

Maximal Score × 100%

2. Technique of analyzing data from the test

a. Measuring the students individual ability

In every cycle, after give a treatment the researcher gave test to

students. The result of the test will analyze using scoring.

The researcher gives score for each elements of writing and

explains the score for each elements of writing:

Aspect Score Criteria

Contents 27-30




Excellent: knowledgeable, substantive

Good: some knowledge of subject,

adequate range

Fair: limited knowledge of subject, little


Poor: does not show knowledge of

subject, non substantive

Organization 18-20




Excellent: the organization of contents

and arrangement the generic structure is


Good: the organization of contents and

arrangement the generic structure is

loosely organized but main idea stand out.

Fair: the organization of contents and

arrangement the generic structure is

confused or disconnected.

Poor: no organization of the contents and

arrangement the generic structure does not


Vocabulary 18-20 Excellent: effective word and usage,

master words forming





Good: occasional of word and usage but

meaning not obscured

Fair: frequent errors and usage

Poor: essentially translation, little

knowledge of English vocabulary.

Grammar 22-25




Excellent: effective complex construction,

the employing of grammatical forms and

the use of past tense.

Good: effective but simple construction

the employing of grammatical forms and

the use of past tense.

Fair: major problem is simple but

complex construction of grammatical

forms and the use of past tense.

Poor: virtually no mastery of sentence

construction rules of grammatical forms

and the use of past tense.

Mechanic 5




Excellent: demonstrated mastery the use

of capitals, paragraphing, and punctuation.

Good: occasional errors of the use of

capitals, paragraphing, and punctuation.

Fair: frequent errors of the use of capitals,

paragraphing, and punctuation.

Poor: no mastery of the use of capitals,

paragraphing, and punctuation.12

12 Burhan Nurgiyantoro, Penilaian dalam Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra, (Yogyakarta:BPFE, 2001), 3rd ed., p.307-308


b. Achievement Level

To know whether success or failure a student in composing

narrative writing, to inform their achievement, the writer made

students achievement level which on the table below;

Table of Achievement Level

Test Score Achievement Level

80-100 Excellent

60-79 Good

40-59 Fair

20-39 Poor

0-19 Very Poor13

c. Measuring the mean

After calculate of students score, the researcher calculates the

mean to measure the improvement of students score in every cycle.

The mean is the arithmetical that is obtained by adding the sum offset

score and dividing the number of the students.

The following formula is:

X= f

Where: X = the mean

f = the sum offset score

n = the number of students.14


There are three cycles in this research, each cycle consists of planning

(planning to use CIRC in teaching), acting (implementing method in teaching

narrative text), observing (observing the even during the treatment), reflecting

(evaluating the weakness in each cycle). The researcher conducted three

13 Martin Parrott, Tasks for Language Teachers: A Resource Book for Training andDevelopment, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993), p. 237.

14 Karnadi Hasan, Dasar-dasar Statistika Pendidikan, (Semarang: Fakultas TarbiyahIAIN Walisongo, 2009), p. 6.


cycles and each cycle is ended by a final test, but before conducting the first

cycle the researcher conducted pre cycle to know the initial condition of

students’ ability in composing writing narrative text. The activities that were

done in each cycle are as follows:

1. Pre Cycle

Before the cycle, the researcher found an institution as an object of

research to conduct preliminary observation to know the teaching method

and the initial condition of students’ ability in composing writing narrative

text. The researcher observes the class to get the information about

students’ initial condition and to know their problems in learning writing.

In this activity the teacher taught students using conventional method. After

that, the teacher gave writing test to check the students’ ability in

composing writing narrative text. After the researcher got the data from

observation and test, the researcher decided to analyze the problems faced

by students. After analyzing the problems faced by students, the next step

which is done by the researcher is designing a plan to continue into the next

cycle to surmount the problem in the previous cycle. It was going on

Thursday, February 26th, 2011. After conducting preliminary research, the

researcher conducted cycle I, II, and III.

2. First Cycle

The first cycle conducted on Monday, March 7th and Tuesday

March 8th, 2011. In this cycle the researcher prepared some activities which

is done in this first treatment, those are:

a. Planning

1) Identifying problem in pre-cycle, and then formulating the problems

2) Arranging a lesson plan

3) Preparing the writing material and test

4) Preparing the observation scheme

5) Preparing the students’ attendance list.


b. Acting

In this activity, the teacher introduced CIRC method in teaching

writing skill. Steps of CIRC method are:

1) Teacher introduces CIRC method and explain about narrative text

2) Teacher divided students into groups consists of eight groups

3) Students accept the passage of narrative (Beauty and The Beast)

4) Students read to each other the passage.

5) Students (each group) find main idea, predicting how stories will

end, summarizing stories to each other.

6) Students (each group) also draft, revise, and edit one other’s work

and prepares to publish their writing.

7) Students (each group) deliver the delegation in front of the class to

publish their writing.

8) Students gave chance to ask or respond toward other presentation

9) Students helped by the teacher if they face problem

10) Students and the teacher evaluate each group’s contribution to the

work of the class

11) Teacher gives students test

c. Observing

1) Observe Teacher organization lesson and class such as introduction

and explain of material, asking question, time management,

classroom management, motivating students.

2) Observe classroom activity such as students’ interest, students’

behaviour and students’ response by this method.

3) Observe the group discussion/participation students in their group


d. Reflecting

Reflecting is analyzing the result of observation and test in first

cycle. The activities in this stage are:

1) Analyzing the data from the observation checklist and result of the

test to find out the improvement of the students’ ability in writing


narrative texts after using CIRC (Cooperative Integrated Reading

and Composition).

2) Discussing the teaching learning process that has been done in order

to know the weakness found in the previous activities and to plan the

better activities in second cycle.

The result of the observation used to improve students’ ability in

composing narrative writing in second cycle.

3. Second Cycle

After conducting in the first cycle, the researcher conducted second

cycle. The second cycle was done based on the result of the first cycle, if

the result from observation shows that the students score still low, it is

needed to be continued to the next cycle to fix the previous weakness. The

second cycle conducted on Tuesday, March 22th and Thursday March 24th

2011. The designs of the second cycle are:

a. Planning

The activities in this stage are:

1) Identifying the problems in first cycle, and then formulating the


2) Arranging improvement lesson plan

3) Preparing the material and test

4) Preparing the observation scheme

5) Preparing the students’ attendance list.

b. Acting

1) Teacher introduces CIRC and explain about narrative

2) Teacher divided students into groups consist of eight groups

3) Students accept the passage of narrative (The Stingy and The


4) Students read to each other the passage.

5) Students (each group) find main idea, predicting how stories will

end, summarizing stories to each other.


6) Students (each group) also draft, revise, and edit one other’s work

and prepares to publish their writing.

7) Students (each group) deliver the delegation to in front of the class

to publish their writing.

8) Students gave chance to ask or respond toward other presentation

9) Students helped by the teacher if they face problem

10) Students and the teacher evaluate each group’s contribution to the

work of the class

11) Teacher gives students test

c. Observing

1) Observe Teacher organization lesson and class such as introduction

and explain of material, asking question, time management,

classroom management, motivating students.

2) Observe classroom activity such as students’ interest, students’

behaviour and students’ response by this method.

3) Observe the group discussion/participation students in their group


4) Observe each student note

5) Evaluating students writing test in second cycle

d. Reflecting

Reflecting is analyzing the result of observation and test in first

cycle. The activities in this stage are:

1) Analyzing the data from the observation checklist and result of the

test to find out the improvement of the students’ ability in writing

narrative texts after using CIRC.

2) Discussing the teaching learning process that has been done in order

to know the weakness found in the previous activities and to plan the

better activities in third cycle.

The result of the observation then analyzed, and the result used

to improve students’ ability in reading narrative in third cycle.


4. Third Cycle

After conducting in the second cycle, the researcher conducted

Third cycle. The third cycle was done based on the result of the second

cycle, there are several aims of third cycle to fix the weakness in second

cycle, to improve the teaching learning process and give to more

opportunities to students improve their ability in narrative writing . The

third cycle conducted on Monday, March 28th and Tuesday, March 29,

2011. The designs of the third cycle are:

a. Planning

The activities in this stage are:

1) Identifying the problems in second cycle, and then formulating the


2) Arranging improvement lesson plan

3) Preparing the material and test

4) Preparing the observation scheme

5) Preparing the students’ attendance list.

b. Acting

1) Teacher introduces CIRC method and explain about narrative

2) Teacher divided students into groups consists of eight groups

3) Students accept the passage of narrative (Girl in the Mirror)

4) Students read to each other the passage.

5) Students (each group) find main idea, predicting how stories will

end, summarizing stories to each other.

6) Students (each group) also draft, revise, and edit one other’s work

and prepares to publish their writing.

7) Students (each group) deliver the delegation to in front of the class

to publish their writing.

8) Students gave chance to ask or respond toward other presentation

9) Students helped by the teacher if they face problem

10) Students and the teacher evaluate each group’s contribution to the

work of the class


11) Teacher gives students test

c. Observing

1) Observe Teacher organization lesson and class such as introduction

and explain of material, asking question, time management,

classroom management, motivating students.

2) Observe classroom activity such as students’ interest, students’

behaviour and students’ response by this method.

3) Observe the group discussion/participation students in their group


4) Observe each student note and comprehension

5) Evaluating students writing test in second cycle

d. Reflecting

Reflecting is analyzing the result of observation and test in first

cycle. The activities in this stage are:

1) Analyzing the data from the observation checklist and result of the

test to find out the improvement of the students’ ability in writing

narrative texts after using CIRC.

2) Discussing the teaching learning process that has been done in order

to know the weakness found in the previous activities and to plan

the better activities in fourth cycle.

The result of observation was analyzed, so it could be seen the

improvement of students’ in writing narrative text. The result of this

analysis could be used as review to use CIRC method in teaching

writing narrative text.





In this chapter, the writer would like to describe and discuss the

findings of the research. This study is classroom action research on the use of

CIRC method in teaching writing ability. Its purpose is to know the use of

CIRC method in teaching composing narrative writing, and to identify the

improvement of students’ writing ability.

In this study there were three cycles and before conducted the cycle,

the researcher gave preliminary test (the researcher got base score students

writing ability) and compared with each cycle after taught using CIRC

method. The descriptions of each are as follow:

1. Pre-cycle

This activity was done on Monday, February 26th 2011. In this step

Mrs. Chasnah as the English teacher was used conventional way in

teaching narrative writing. This is done to know students base score of

narrative writing ability.

In this meeting, the teacher was doing teaching learning process.

But, many students did not pay attention to the teacher. They tended make

noisy in class, such as talk with other friend and they do other activity that

is not related with learning activity. There were only some students active

to ask questions to the teacher. Furthermore, the teacher gave preliminary

test to got base score of narrative writing ability. It was followed by 36

students from 39 students as the participant of the study. The teacher gave

duration one hour lesson that is 40 minutes for them to do the test. The aim

of the test was to measure how far students’ writing ability in narrative text

and to know base score of narrative writing when taught using

conventional method. The pre-test result used to divide students in groups.

The pre-test result can be seen in the table below:


No Students Codes Score Grade

1 A-1 50 Fair

2 A-2 - -

3 A-3 39 poor

4 A-4 48 Fair

5 A-5 37 poor

6 A-6 32 Poor

7 A-7 37 Poor

8 A-8 43 Fair

9 A-9 - -

10 A-10 55 Fair

11 A-11 37 Poor

12 A-12 32 Poor

13 A-13 33 Poor

14 A-14 32 Poor

15 A-15 37 Poor

16 A-16 46 Fair

17 A-17 40 Fair

18 A-18 37 Poor

19 A-19 36 Poor

20 A-20 36 Poor

21 A-21 30 Poor

22 A-22 32 Poor

23 A-23 41 Fair

24 A-24 47 Fair

25 A-25 34 Poor

26 A-26 31 Poor

27 A-26 32 Poor

28 A-28 50 Fair

29 A-29 42 Fair


30 A-30 36 Poor

31 A-31 38 Poor

32 A-32 37 Poor

33 A-33 36 Poor

34 A-34 47 Fair

35 A-35 42 Fair

36 A-36 35 Poor

37 A-37 40 Fair

38 A-38 - -

39 A-39 39 Poor

Σ 39 1.396

Σ fX =


1.396 X =


= 35.8.

From the pre-test result above, it can be concluded that the

students’ ability in writing narrative text was very poor. Most students did

not pass the standard minimum success criteria (KKM) that was regulated

by the school. In this case it was 65. Their average score were just 35.8

and it was still too far to fulfil the requirement.

Beside that, Most of the students were poor in all of those

components especially in content, organization, vocabulary and grammar.

In grammar for instance, many students made mistakes in using “to be”

and “past verbs”. Some of verbs had to use past form. Moreover, some of

students ignored about punctuations such as capital letters, period, and


Based on the explanation above, the students’ achievement level in

this pre-test was poor because their score of students still under KKM. It


means that students’ ability in narrative writing was poor. So that, it could

be said that treatment was important to improve students’ writing skill in

order to reach the standard minimum success criteria (KKM).

2. First Cycle

This activity was done on Monday March 7th and Tuesday March

8th 2011. The teacher announced the result of yesterday’s writing test. The

teacher told the students score of the test was not satisfying enough.

Here, the teacher brought the students to a clear importance of

composing the English texts, which can be facilitated through the group-

work. The teacher did treatment to the second step in applying Cooperative

Integrated Reading and Composition method. The teacher motivated the

students that the method would be useful for them. The teacher introduced

the role and cooperative integrated reading and composition learning.

The first cycle was about teaching and learning process and

achievement test. The topic was narrative. The test is followed by 39

students from 39 students. The researcher did research of using

cooperative integrated method to improve students' ability in composing

narrative writing at class 8A MTs Negeri Kudus. The procedure as follow:

a. Planning

In this step the researcher prepared the learning instrument such


1) Lesson plan 1 about the use of CIRC method

2) Students attendance list

3) Writing material (narrative text)

4) Observation scheme

5) Test.

The teacher taught used a lesson plan as the form to implement

of action. In every cycle, the teacher used different narrative text. In the

first, the teacher used narrative text with the title “Beauty and The



This step, the teacher began from pre- writing activity, while-

writing activity, and post-writing activity.

Pre-writing activity is the activity of students and teacher

prepares themselves for the task and makes them familiar with the


The teacher did while-writing activity where the teacher gave

clearly explanation about the material, grammatical feature, and generic

structure of narrative text. After that, the students asked to do the

writing in groups, each group that consists of four or five students.

The last step is post-writing activity. In this activity the students

must present the report of group work in front of class. Then the teacher

gave conclusion and test.

b. Acting

The activity in the acting are:

1) The researcher became a teacher and she was accompanied by the

teacher as observer.

2) Learning process was started by greeting, asked students to pray

together, checking students’ attendance and then the teacher gave

brainstorming before started the material by asking the students “Do

you know about narrative text and the features of the text?” if you

know, raise your hand. In this case, there some students answer the


3) The teacher explained about narrative text and the features of the


4) The teacher introduced the topic about narrative text by the title

“Beauty and the Beast”.

5) Students divided into eight groups. Each group consist of four to five

people based on random system both in academically and gender.

6) The students accepted the text one by one, and then they read half of

the text and identified the structure of text, include the main idea,


difficult words and summarize. Each group should write ending

story of the text and generic structure.

7) After finished, the students each groups presented their report in the


8) During presentation, the researcher observed the students

cooperative in group, the students’ activeness in present the material,

students concern toward other group presentation, the students’

activeness in asking question, and the students’ activeness in

answering questions in group.

9) Students helped the teacher if they faced the problem. In the last, the

students and the teacher evaluated each group contribution to the

work of the class.

10) After all of the process had finished, the teacher evaluated students

by giving a test. The test conducted in next day on Tuesday March

8th 2011.

11) The last, the teacher gave suggestions to the students to study hard

and also increased their vocabulary and learned grammar. Because it

have role important in writing. Then, the teacher say salam to closed

the meeting.

Result of the test students to first cycle

No Students Codes Score Grade

1 A-1 60 Good

2 A-2 60 Good

3 A-3 53 Fair

4 A-4 60 Good

5 A-5 50 Fair

6 A-6 45 Fair

7 A-7 56 Fair

8 A-8 53 Fair

9 A-9 60 Good


10 A-10 58 Fair

11 A-11 55 Fair

12 A-12 54 Fair

13 A-13 46 Fair

14 A-14 52 Fair

15 A-15 52 Fair

16 A-16 62 Good

17 A-17 50 Fair

18 A-18 50 Fair

19 A-19 56 Fair

20 A-20 58 Fair

21 A-21 48 Fair

22 A-22 52 Fair

23 A-23 55 Fair

24 A-24 55 Fair

25 A-25 48 Fair

26 A-26 43 Fair

27 A-26 55 Fair

28 A-28 57 Fair

29 A-29 53 Fair

30 A-30 56 Fair

31 A-31 52 Fair

32 A-32 58 Fair

33 A-33 50 Fair

34 A-34 68 Good

35 A-35 63 Good

36 A-36 55 Fair

37 A-37 52 Fair

38 A-38 52 Fair

39 A-39 54 Fair


Σ 39 2116

Σ fX =


2116 X =

39 = 54. 25.

From the first cycle result above, it can be concluded that the

students’ ability in writing narrative text was fair. However, there was a

lot of them did not pass the standard minimum success criteria (KKM)

that was regulated by the school that was 65 because the average score

was only 54.25 and it was still not enough to fulfil the requirement. In

this cycle only one student passed the KKM that was A34 by the score

68. It means that 99% students failed to reach KKM.

The researcher should do second cycle. Because in first cycle,

the researcher analyzed that some students still had difficult in

composing narrative writing. The students had difficulty to make

narrative text summary. They still had difficulties in grammar, and

words choice. Many students encountered mistakes in using “to be” and

“past verbs”. Some of verb had to use past form. Moreover, some of

students ignored about punctuations such as capital letters, period, and

commas. Based on the problem above, the teacher conducted second

cycle in order to improve the students’ ability in composing narrative


c. Observing

The researcher observed students in learning process at class by

using observation scheme. This observation was done in learning

process of using CIRC method to teach narrative writing at the eighth

grade of MTs Negeri Kudus. It could be seen in the table below:

Observation Checklist of First Cycle



1. Teacher organization lesson and class 1 2 3 4 5

1) Introduction or explanation of material

2) Asking questions

3) Classroom management

4) Time management

5) Motivating students.

2. Students’ activities

1) The students cooperative in group

2) The students’ activeness in present the


3) Students concern toward other group


4) The students’ activeness in asking


5) The students’ activeness in answering

questions in group

SUM 32

Percentage =

× 100%

Percentage =3250 × 100% = 64%

To support the data above, the researcher also provided the data


No Indicators Total of


1 Paying attention 15

2 Asking questions 7

3 Asking the difficult words 15


4 Responding to question 5

5 Enthusiastic in doing the test 20

From the data above, it would be analyzed by calculating the

percentage from the checklist as the pattern below:

Percentage (%) =

× 100%

No Indicators Total of


1 Paying attention 38.4%

2 Asking questions 18%

3 Asking the difficult words 38.4%

4 Responding to question 12.8%

5 Enthusiastic in doing the test 51.2%

According to the result of the observation above it can be

concluded that the teaching learning process was sufficient learning.

Although there some of students made noisy with other friends at

teacher’s explanation, there were some students still not cooperate in

their group, Students did not take part in deliver the material, students

did not concern toward presentation and make noisy in learning

activity. Students did not ask question and students did not give answer

the question. Because the students still confuse with the CIRC method.

d. Reflecting

For observing the students' participation, it showed that students

interested enough in learning process although they still confused with

learning process using CIRC method to improve students’ ability in

composing narrative writing.


From the observation could be seen that the students still less

take part in their group because the group divided randomly. So that,

the students still did not focus on the material; they did not listen to

teacher's explanation.

Based on the notes above, the teacher as researcher must be

more creative. The teacher is reflecting and evaluating the learning

activities in the first cycle and tried to get solution on the problem by

planning some action such as below:

1) Teacher asked students to focus on study and not make noises

2) Teacher should motivate students to be more active in their group


3) Teacher should manage class well.

4) Teacher made class condition well to get students be more active.

5) Teacher noted all of activities in class in learning process.

The result from the reflecting could be used to make

improvement. It was also used as reflecting for doing second cycle to

get maximum research and repairing the third cycle if the result of the

second cycle unsatisfied.

3. Second Cycle

This activity was done on Tuesday March 22st and Thursday March

24nd 2011. The teacher started the lesson by motivating the students and

she also announced the result of yesterday’s writing test. The teacher told

the students score of the test was better than the pre-cycle and first cycle

score. In this meeting the teacher used the same method as the previous

meeting and the teaching learning process ran well. The students paid

attention toward teacher’s explanation and they were interested with the

topic on the day. They more cooperative do the group work and they were

to be more active than previous meeting. The test is followed by 39

students. The procedure as follow:

a. Planning


The researcher planned some activities to get maximum result in

the second cycle. The planning of the second cycle is not far from first

cycle. In this step the researcher prepared the learning instrument such


1) Arranged the lesson plan

2) Students attendance list

3) Writing material (narrative text)

4) Observation scheme

5) Test.

The teacher taught used a lesson plan as the form to implement

of action. In the second cycle, the teacher used different writing text. In

the second, the teacher used narrative text with the title “The Stingy and

The Generous”.

This step, the teacher began from pre- writing activity, while-

writing activity, and post-writing activity.

Pre-writing activity is the activity of students and teacher

prepare them for the task and make them familiar with the topic.

The teacher did while-writing activity where the teacher gave

clearly explanation about the material, grammatical feature, and generic

structure of narrative text. After that, the students asked to do the

reading tasks in groups, each group that consists of four or five


The last step is post-writing activity. In this activity the students

must present the report of group work in front of class. Then the teacher

gave conclusion and test.

b. Acting

The activity in the acting are:

1) The researcher became a teacher and she was accompanied by the

teacher as observer.

2) Learning process was started by greeting, asked students to pray

together, checking students’ attendance and then the teacher gave


brainstorming before started the material by asking the students “Do

you know about The Stingy and The Generous?” if you know, raise

your hand. In this case, there some students answer the question.

3) The teacher explained about narrative text and the features of the


4) The teacher introduced the topic about narrative text with the title

“The Stingy and The Generous”.

5) Students divided into eight groups. Each group consist of four to five

people based on random system both in academically and gender.

6) The students accepted the text one by one, and then they read half of

the text and identified the structure of text, include the main idea,

difficult words and summarize. Each group had to write ending story

of the text and generic structure.

7) After finished, the students each group presented their report in the


8) During presentation, the researcher observed the students

cooperative in group, the students’ activeness in present the material,

students concern toward other group presentation, the students’

activeness in asking question, and the students’ activeness in

answering questions in group.

9) Students helped the teacher if they faced the problem. In the last, the

students and the teacher evaluated each group contribution to the

work of the class.

10) After all of the process had finished, the teacher evaluated students

by giving a test. The test conducted in next day on Tuesday March

29th 2011.

11) The last, the teacher gave suggestions to the students to study hard

and also increased their vocabulary and learned grammar. Because

vocabulary and grammar have role important in composing writing.

Then, the teacher asked students to say hamdalah together then

closed the meeting.


The result of the test for second cycle

No Students Codes Score Grade

1 A-1 76 Good

2 A-2 77 Good

3 A-3 84 Excellent

4 A-4 76 Good

5 A-5 76 Good

6 A-6 70 Good

7 A-7 76 Good

8 A-8 81 Excellent

9 A-9 83 Excellent

10 A-10 78 Good

11 A-11 77 Good

12 A-12 75 Good

13 A-13 74 Good

14 A-14 76 Good

15 A-15 72 Good

16 A-16 82 Excellent

17 A-17 77 Good

18 A-18 76 Good

19 A-19 71 Good

20 A-20 74 Good

21 A-21 75 Good

22 A-22 74 Good

23 A-23 75 Good

24 A-24 75 Good

25 A-25 77 Good

26 A-26 76 Good

27 A-26 74 Good

28 A-28 77 Good


29 A-29 80 Excellent

30 A-30 76 Good

31 A-31 77 Good

32 A-32 80 Excellent

33 A-33 73 Good

34 A-34 77 Good

35 A-35 75 Good

36 A-36 76 Good

37 A-37 81 Excellent

38 A-38 75 Good

39 A-39 73 Good

Σ 39 2977

Σ fX =


2977 X =


= 76.3.

From the analysis above, the average students’ score of the

second cycle was 76.3. The score was higher than pre-test that was only

35.8. It increased 40.5 from pre-test. In addition to the analysis, the

researcher concluded that all students passed the standard minimum

success criteria 65. 93% students got average score 7 and the others 7%

got 8.

From the result above, the researcher concluded that the

students’ achievement in composing narrative writing using cooperative

integrated reading and composition method had a significant

improvement if it was compared from the previous cycle.

c. Observing


The researcher observed students in learning process at class by

using observation scheme. This observation was done in learning

process of using CIRC method to teach narrative writing at the eighth

grade of MTs Negeri Kudus. It could be seen in the table below:

Observation Checklist of Second Cycle


1. Teacher organization lesson and class 1 2 3 4 5

1) Introduction or explanation of material

2) Asking questions

3) Classroom management

4) Time management

5) Motivating students.

2. Students’ activities

1) The students cooperative in group

2) The students’ activeness in present the


3) Students concern toward other group


4) The students’ activeness in asking


5) The students’ activeness in answering

questions in group.

SUM 33

Percentage =

× 100%

Percentage =3350 × 100% = 66%


To support the data above, the researcher also provided the data


No Indicators Total of


1 Paying attention 18

2 Asking questions 10

3 Asking the difficult words 16

4 Responding to question 9

5 Enthusiastic in doing the test 23

From the data above, it would be analyzed by calculating the

percentage from the checklist as the pattern below:

Percentage (%) =

× 100%

No Indicators Total of


1 Paying attention 46.15%

2 Asking questions 25.6%

3 Asking the difficult words 41.02%

4 Responding to question 23.07%

5 Enthusiastic in doing the test 58.9%

d. Reflecting

The result of the second cycle was also considered as

implementation. It was better than the previous cycle. There was

improvement in this cycle. The condition of the class was getting better.

The students listen to the teacher’s explanation and did not make noisy

in learning activity. The students took active part in cooperation and

could associate with member group. It was because they were interested


to study with CIRC method that the teacher never uses it as teaching

method before.

Based on the notes above, the teacher as researcher must be

more creative. The teacher is reflecting and evaluating the learning

activities in the second cycle and tried to get solution on the problem by

planning some action such as below:

1) The teacher should motivate students to always write a lot in English

text in order to improve vocabulary and grammar.

2) The teacher motivates the passive students in order to be brave to

express their idea.

3) Teacher should motivate students to be more active in their group


4) Teacher should time management by well.

The result from the reflecting could be used to make

improvement. It was also used as reflecting for doing second cycle to

get maximum research and repairing the third cycle if the result of the

second cycle unsatisfied.

4. Third Cycle

This activity was done on Monday March 28st and Tuesday March

29nd 2011. The teacher started the lesson by motivating the students and

she also announced the result of yesterday’s writing test. The teacher told

the students score of the test was better than the pre-cycle score. In this

meeting the teacher used the same method as the previous meeting and the

teaching learning process ran well. The students paid attention toward

teacher’s explanation and they were interested with the topic on the day.

They more cooperative do the group work and they were to be more active

than previous meeting. The test is followed by 39 students. The procedure

as follow:

a. Planning


The researcher planned some activities to get maximum result in

the third cycle. The planning of the third cycle is not far from second

cycle. In this step the researcher prepared the learning instrument such


1) Arranged the lesson plan

2) Students attendance list

3) Writing material (narrative text)

4) Observation scheme

5) Test

6) Added for documenting for the third cycle.

The teacher taught used a lesson plan as the form to implement

of action. In the third cycle, the teacher used different writing text. In

the first, the teacher used narrative text with the title “Girl in the


This step, the teacher began from pre- writing activity, while-

writing activity, and post-writing activity.

Pre-writing activity is the activity of students and teacher

prepare them for the task and make them familiar with the topic.

The teacher did while-writing activity where the teacher gave

clearly explanation about the material, grammatical feature, and

generic structure of narrative text. After that, the students asked to do

the reading tasks in groups, each group that consists of four or five


The last step is post-writing activity. In this activity the

students must present the report of group work in front of class. Then

the teacher gave conclusion and test.

b. Acting

The activity in the acting are:

1) The researcher became a teacher and she was accompanied by the

teacher as observer.


2) Learning process was started by greeting, asked students to pray

together, checking students’ attendance and then the teacher gave

brainstorming before started the material by asking the students

“what did you do last night?” Edelweis answered I studied last night.

In this case, there some students answer the question.

3) The teacher explained about narrative text and the features of the


4) The teacher introduced the topic about narrative text with the title

“Girl in the Mirror”.

5) Then, students divided into eight groups. Each group consists of four

to five people based on random system both in academically and


6) The students accepted the text one by one, and then they read half of

the text and identified the structure of text, include the main idea,

difficult words and summarize. Each group had to write ending story

of the text and generic structure.

7) After finished, the students each group presented their report in the


8) During presentation, the researcher observed the students

cooperative in group, the students’ activeness in present the material,

students concern toward other group presentation, the students’

activeness in asking question, and the students’ activeness in

answering questions in group.

9) . Then, students helped the teacher if they faced the problem. In the

last, the students and the teacher evaluated each group contribution

to the work of the class.

10) After all of the process had finished, the teacher evaluated students

by giving a test. The test conducted in next day on Tuesday March

29th 2011.

11) The last, the teacher gave suggestions to the students to study hard

and also increased their narrative text with read. Because it have role


important write in order to students understand about kinds of

narrative text. Then, the teacher asked students to say hamdalah

together then closed the meeting.

The result of the Test for Third Cycle

No Students Codes Score Grade

1 A-1 84 Excellent

2 A-2 80 Excellent

3 A-3 84 Excellent

4 A-4 79 Good

5 A-5 77 Good

6 A-6 80 Excellent

7 A-7 80 Excellent

8 A-8 84 Excellent

9 A-9 87 Excellent

10 A-10 84 Excellent

11 A-11 79 Good

12 A-12 75 Good

13 A-13 76 Good

14 A-14 77 Good

15 A-15 80 Excellent

16 A-16 85 Excellent

17 A-17 80 Excellent

18 A-18 76 Good

19 A-19 80 Excellent

20 A-20 80 Excellent

21 A-21 78 Good

22 A-22 75 Good

23 A-23 85 Excellent

24 A-24 84 Excellent

25 A-25 84 Excellent


26 A-26 78 Good

27 A-26 75 Good

28 A-28 85 Excellent

29 A-29 80 Excellent

30 A-30 83 Excellent

31 A-31 80 Excellent

32 A-32 80 Excellent

33 A-33 80 Excellent

34 A-34 80 Excellent

35 A-35 85 Excellent

36 A-36 80 Excellent

37 A-37 84 Excellent

38 A-38 75 Good

39 A-39 85 Excellent

Σ 39 3143

Σ fX =

n 3143 X =

39 = 80.6.

From the analysis above, the average of the students’ result of

third cycle was 80.6. The score was higher than pre-test that was only

35.8. It increased 44.8 from pre-test. Because the standard minimum

success criterion was 65, it could be concluded that all students passed

the test. Moreover, almost 90% students got 8 and it showed that the

treatment applied by the researcher had given a significant progress

toward the students’ achievement.


From this result, the researcher concluded that the students’

achievement in composing narrative writing using cooperative

integrated reading and composition method had a significant


c. Observing

The researcher observed students in learning process at class by

using observation scheme. This observation was done in learning

process of using CIRC method to teach narrative writing at the eighth

grade of MTs Negeri Kudus. It could be seen in the table below:

Observation Checklist of Third Cycle


1. Teacher organization lesson and class 1 2 3 4 5

1) Introduction or explanation of material

2) Asking questions

3) Classroom management

4) Time management

5) Motivating students.

2. Students’ activities

1) The students cooperative in group

2) The students’ activeness in present the


3) Students concern toward other group


4) The students’ activeness in asking


5) The students’ activeness in answering

questions in group.

SUM 39

Percentage =

× 100%


Percentage =3950 × 100% = 78%

To support the data above, the researcher also provided the data


No Indicators Total of


1 Paying attention 25

2 Asking questions 13

3 Asking the difficult words 21

4 Responding to question 14

5 Enthusiastic in doing the test 27

From the data above, it would be analyzed by calculating the

percentage from the checklist as the pattern below:

Percentage (%) =

× 100%

No Indicators Total of


1 Paying attention 64.1%

2 Asking questions 33.3%

3 Asking the difficult words 53.8%

4 Responding to question 35.9%

5 Enthusiastic in doing the test 69.2%

d. Reflecting

The result of the third cycle was also considered as

implementation. It was better than previous cycle. There was

significant improvement in this cycle. The condition of the class was

getting better than before. The students listened to the teacher’s

explanation and did not make noisy in learning activity. The students


took active part in cooperation and can associate with member group.

They also became more active to ask the problems they faced and it

made the teacher felt happy because the way she taught, in this case by

using CIRC, could be accepted.

Finally, the researcher concluded that the problems had been

solved by the use of CIRC method to teach English writing ability. The

teacher should motivate students to always write a lot of English text

and motivate the passive students in order to be brave to express their


Furthermore, it proved that the use of CIRC method could

motivate the students’ interest in learning English and improve

students’ ability to compose narrative writing. This method not only

helped students improve their ability in composing narrative writing

but also helped them to be familiar to interact with others

communicatively. Because before the presence of CIRC method,

students tend to refuse the teacher order to make a group in the

classroom. And the presence of CIRC, at least, had overcome such


The researcher realizes that there are still weaknesses in

applying CIRC to teach narrative writing. However, the result of this

research may give us enlightenment toward the important to vary our

methods in teaching narrative writing in junior high school in order to

make the teaching and learning process could run as we are expected.


1. This study is only limited in VIII A students of MTs Negeri Kudus.

2. The use of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)

method in this study is only to measure students’ ability in composing






1. The steps of CIRC method are:

a. Teacher introduces CIRC method and explains about narrative text.

b. Teacher divide students into groups consist of eight groups.

c. Students accept the passage of narrative.

d. Students read to each other the passage.

e. Students (each group) find main idea, predicting how stories will end,

summarizing stories to each other.

f. Students (each group) also draft, revise, and edit one other’s work and

prepares to publish their writing.

g. Students (each group) deliver the delegation in front of the class to

publish their writing.

h. Students gave chance to ask or respond toward other presentation.

i. Students helped by the teacher if they face problem.

j. Students and the teacher evaluate each group’s contribution to the work

of the class.

k. Teacher gives students test.

2. CIRC can improve students’ writing ability. This is proven by students’

score before after they get material though CIRC teaching. The average

score of pre test is 35.8 and it is still far from minimum passing score

(KKM) regulated that is 65. It is students’ writing composition before

teacher applies this method. After that, teacher gives students teaching in

cooperation during three cycles. The average score was only 54.25 and it

was still not enough to fulfill the requirement. In the first cycle only one

student passed the KKM that was A34 by the score 68. It means that 99%

students failed to reach KKM. The average score of second cycle was 76.3.


in edition to the analysis, the researcher concluded that all students passed

the standard minimum success criteria 65. So 93% students got average

score 7 and the others 7% got 8. The average score of third cycle was 80.6.

Because the standard minimum success criterion was 65, it could be

concluded that all students passed the test. Moreover, almost 90% students

got 8 and it showed that the treatment applied by the researcher had given a

significant progress toward the students’ achievement. It means that the use

of CIRC to improve students’ ability in composing narrative writing can

fulfill the standard minimum success criteria regulated by the school that is



Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC), however, is

not only one method in teaching writing a narrative text. There are still a lot of

teaching methods to be used. There are some suggestions presented in an

effort to improve the English Foreign Language students in writing a narrative

text. They are as follows:

1. Teacher should use CIRC sometimes as an alternative method in writing a

narrative text. This study shows that students have high score of writing in

the test after they got CIRC teaching

2. Teacher should give reward to the students who get good score, so that,

students are motivated to be bettering the next meeting especially for

students who are poor in understanding the material

Finally, CIRC is not the best one but something that the researcher

found after using this method. You can make your class work more

consistently with the communication. And hopefully, there would be further

studies observing other advantages of CIRC not only in writing.


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List of The Students

No Name Code

I Abida Layyina Hablena A-l

2 tuifah Asy-syahidah A-2

J Airmad Zainu<iciin Akmal A-3

4 AinurRidlwan A4

) Anik Lestari A-5

6 Anny NurHidayati A-6

7 Dik Titik tlyas A-7

3 Dunotul lzzah A-8

9 j Edeiweis WuiiirHapsari A-9

Ericha Zullaita Cahyani A-10

Khol fusianio i5

11 Erika Nur Fitria N A-11

t2 Faris Nabkhan A-1,2

l3 Fitri Siti Na'imah A 1afL-rJ

T4 Frrtichatul Jannah A.14

Gls,nolro r(lsraruo

Kh"tt-"trt IIly"

f t - lJ


I7 LianaHandayani A-17

18 Lutfi Fitriani Cahyaningrum A-18

19 M. Wahyu Hudana A-19

20 Maulyda Islam Muviq A-20

2l Mift akiul Jannah Fitrivani A-21

22 Muhammad Nabil Ashiddiqi A-22

23 Muhammad Rosikhul Ilmi H.A A-23

24 Muhammad Aeus Nusroho A-24

25 Muhammad Mulyono L-25

26 MuhammadNaufal Izza A-26

27 Mukh. Wisnu Fitroni CahvaRomadon A-26

28 Naufal Faruq Agustian A-28

29 NilaFaizul Muna A-29

30 Nur AchyaAfian A-30

3l RifqonMuzakki A-31

32 Rizal AffandaPutra L-32

53 Selvia Putri lvlegasan A-33

34 Siti Alfiatur Rohmania A-34

35 Siti Dzurriyatul Khusna A-35

36 Soviana Yulianti A-36

37 Uswatun Hasanah A-37

J6 ZainrilMakhosiu A-38

i39 ZumrotunNi'mah A-39


Teacher : Chasnah. S.Pd,

Researcher :UlyaHirnarryati

Class : VIII A of MTs Negeri Kudus

Meet the English teacher to make sure the start of

ibe research

Do to the research (pre-test) February 20i1

Firs eycie March and

Aetia* aad dbservatio* March 2011

Second cycle

Acti,sn and observatio*

i Evaluetio* evcle II h{*reh2011 :

Ns i AcJiYitie*

Frelierinary' visit (Meet the adrnioistratiss offeer ) 24* Fcbr,iary 20! I

Meet the English teacher tc ask data of shrde*ts' as


February 201 I

Evaluation cycie I

AnalSze and reilcction

Aeel'rEe and reflectiac

9. Third cycle

Acrie aa<iobssvatian

Z$*March and 29*


10. Evaluation cycle III

Analyze and reflection

30"'March 2011

Standar lsi: Bahasa lnggris untuk SMP/MTs

Kelas YIIL Semester 2


Memahami maknadalam pereakapantransaksional daninterpersonal pendeksederhana untuktrerinteraksi denganlingkungan sekitar

8. Iv{emahami maknadaianr ieks iisanfungsional danmonolog pendeksederhana berbentuknarrative dan recountuntuk berinteraksidengan lingkungansekitar

Merespon makna yang terdapat dalampercakapan transaksional(to get things done) daninterpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhanasecara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untukberinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yangmeiibatkan tindak tutur: meminta, memberi, menolakjasa, meminta, rnemberi, rnenolak barang, danmeminta, memberi dan mengingkari inf<rrmasi,rnemintq memberi, dan menolak pendapat, danmenawarkan / menerima / menolak sesuatu "

Merespon makna yang terdapat dalampercakapan transaksional(to get things done) daninterpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhanasecara akurat, lancar, dan berterima uniukberinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yangmelibatkan tindak tutur: meminta" memberipersetuj uan, merespon pernyataan, memberiperhatian terhadap pembicara, mengawali,mernperpanjang. dan menutup percakapan, danmengarvali, memperpanjang, dan menutuppercakapan telepon

N,Ierespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisanfurrgsional perrdek sederhana secara akurai, lancar,dan berterirna untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungansekitai i

Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monologpendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, danberterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungansekitar dalam teks berbentuk narrative dan recaunt

Kompetensi DasarStandar Kompetensi


Kompetensi DasarStandar Kompetensi

Standar lsi: Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs


9. Mengungkapkanmakna dalampercakapantransaksional daninterpersonal lisanpenciek sederhanauntuk berinteraksiCengarr iingkungansekitar

lC. Mengungkapkan.nakna dalam tekslisan fungsronat danmonolog pendek

sederhana berbentukrecount, dan nawativeuntuk berinteraksidengan lingkungansekitar

Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapantransaksional (to get things dcne) daninterpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana

dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan

secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang

rnelibatkarr tindak tutur: memint4 memberi,

menclak jas4 meminta, memberi, menolak

barang, meminta, rnemberi dan rrrengingkari

informasi, rrrerninta, memberi, dan menolak

pendapat, dan menawarkan i menerima /

menolak sesuatu

Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan

transaksional (to get things done) dan

interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana

dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan

secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang

melibatkan tindak tutur: memint4 memberipersetujuan, merespon pemyaiaan, memberi

perhatian terhaciap pembicara, rnengawali'

memperpanjang, dan rnenutup percakapan,

seria mengawali, memperpanjang, dan

menutup percakapan telePon

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan

fungsional pendek sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara

akurat. lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog

pendek sederhana dengan menggunakanbahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan

berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan

lingkr:ngan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk

recount dan narrati-re



Standar lsi: Bahasa lnggris untuk SMP/MTs

Standar Kompetensi


11. Meinahami maknadalarn esei pendeksederhana berbentukrecount, dannarrativeuntuk berinteraksidengan lingkungansekitar


12. N{engungkapkanmakna dalam teks tulisfungsional dan ese;penciek sederhanaberbentuk recottni dannarrative untukberinteraksi dertganlingkungan sekitar

Kompetensi Dasar

Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan

esei pendek sederhana be$entuk recount dan

narrative dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasiyang berterLna yarrg berkaitan denganlingkungan sekitar

Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsionalpendek sederhana secara akurat lancar dan

bei-ierima ;'ang borkaitan dengan lingkungansekitar

Merespon rnakna dan langkah retorika dalamesei pendek sederhana secara akurat lancardan berterima yang berkaitan denganlingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentukrecount dannarrative

Mengungk-apkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis

fungsional pen<iek sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi

dengan lingkungan sekitar

Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika

dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan

menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara

akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk

berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

berbentuk recount dan narcati,"c



Flace and date ef birth


Phoee Nusrber





Kudus, August 4ti', 1988

Kuruk RT. Sf RW. ni Uneiaan Kudus 5937J

a&s24? 098 001

c MI Miftekhsl F*laU Kuttlk graduated in 2000

c ivfTs N Kudus Prmnbatan Kaiiwungu Krdus gxaduated ia 20fi3

o MAN 2 Kudus Prambatan Kaliwuagu Kudus gradreted ie}g0f

r iAEtf Waliscngo Semarang.


Seriareng, 1{a3,'- 3 1e ?tl 1

The Researcher

j "1