The Use Of Non Linguistic Representations

Post on 28-May-2015

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The use of non-linguistic representations in improving

classroom instruction

“Comprehend” subset of IfalconNick Real, Ed.D.

Habits of mind ‘Comprehend’

Successful students study for comprehension. They seek to understand course content rather than simply complete requirements. They ask questions to gain understanding, reflect on what they are learning as well as if they are learning.

The theory…. “Dual coding”theory from Allan

Paivio of the University of Western Ontario

Both visual and verbal information are processed differently in the human mind

The application ….

Pattern organizers

1. Descriptive2. Process (Cause-Effect)3. Generalization4. Time Sequence5. Episode6. Concept

1 of 6 - Descriptive

1 of 6 - Descriptive – In use MTT dept

2 of 6 - Process (Cause-Effect)

2 of 6 - Process – In use MTT dept

3 of 6 - Generalization

3 of 6 - Generalization – In use MTT dept

4 of 6 - Time Sequence

4 of 6 - Time Sequence- In use MTT dept

5 of 6 - Episode

5 of 6 – Episode – No use so far in the MTT dept….

6 of 6 - Concept

6 of 6 - Concept- In use MTT dept

Thank you!