The Vento Project is: - an ambitious project: revolutionary musical products which have mass market...

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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the Vento Project is:

- an ambitious project: revolutionary musical products which have mass market appeal in consumer electronics worldwide

- an ongoing effort: 16 years R & D activities

- it encompasses a number of innovative concepts and technologies

Lima / Miami / Frankfurt – Jan 2008

with Vento, you have access to a variety of sounds (actually any sound in the world) to play. when composing and arranging music, you select any sound element out of a universe of sounds and effects

synthesizer sounds

sampler sounds

you have access to endless ...

Vento achieves its power and flexibility by way of using MIDI in a new way internally. Vento drives and controls the modern-day synthesis-engine in innovative ways

synthesizer sounds

sampler sounds

you have access to endless ...

with synthesizers, you can create any patch – regardless of type or level of complexity and sophistication. once your patch has been defined, you are able to generate and produce individual sounds, which are endless in number and variety

with samplers, you can do anything you want. you can use any sample available, any type. you are able to generate and produce individual samples, which are endless in number and variety

how do you use Vento? there are 2 steps involved:

first, based on an on-screen MIDI mixer, you get access to individual sounds of any type: notes, chords, samples, effects, vocals, phrases, loops, sequences. sounds are organized as sound families in the mixer

1 big pipe organ 57 L6

2 vocals lead line 72 R13

3 accompaniment sample set 66 C

7 percussive phrases 81 L2

num sound family vol pan

organize your individual sounds in sound families. access and control them with the mixer

second, you populate the individual keys of the Vento keyboard with those individual sounds of your choice. that is the way to program Vento. that is the way to compose music. you do this one step at a time. interactively. it is easy and creative. you can produce and play any music that way !

Vento is a free programmable musical instrument. it is capable of mixing and playing sound material of any type !

this approach to music-making enables you to create fantastic musical arrangements – which you perform live with Vento

= sound= no soundthe Vento keyboard

a conventional keyboard synthesizer

Vento operates as an easy to play piano. you use Vento to play piano keyboard music, whether simple or elaborate

although Vento cannot compete with the piano when it comes to improvise / compose / play music on the fly, Vento does several things the piano cannot do – or do very well

think of Vento not as a replacement for the digital piano, but as a welcomed addition to keyboard synthesizers

simply put, Vento is designed to do those musical things the piano is not good at

Vento plays much easier than the piano

Vento is a flexible piano-style musical instrument

music-production gear:

- drum machines

- hardware sequencers

- groove boxes

- music-production centers

- computer DAWs

- DJ players

- DJ mixers

besides the piano, as you see on the left-hand side, you have a wide range of music electronics gear available in the market today. these devices help you create, arrange, mix and produce music in a number of ways ...

Vento technology can transform any of these electronic machines into a new kind of musical instrument – extending their usefulness and flexibility considerably

with Vento, we can manufacture and market a music-production machine that you can perform with !

the instrumental voices you play with Vento, voices like vocals, percussion or synth lead, have new sound and play properties

Vento is, in fact, a new kind of synthesizer. it allows you to program and play an instrumental voice on the basis of 2 parameters, namely:

(in order to understand this issue clearly, please, read the following slide):

... and that in itself is quite innovative !

notetimbre character

on the piano you control only one parameter: pitch. that is all you do. when you play the keyboard you freely choose the note to play, the tone. in other words, you control the note value only – as you play

quite different with Vento. Vento enables you to control note and timbre character. for example, when playing a piano voice with Vento, you may produce the same note over and over again, but each time, a different timbre character will be generated. you play endless sound variations out of an instrumental voice preset. in fact, similar to highly expressive instruments, like violin and guitar, Vento sounds rich and alive when performing. each key you play sounds precisely the way you want. you control the sound in detail: you specify attack, envelope, decay, character, effects, etc.

fully programmable: any sound is possible

not programmable: fixed notes, fixed sound

on top of it all, Vento plays sequenced events, like phrases and loops, as well. play single or multi-voice sounds. Vento’s overall musical abilities and capabilities to produce music are endless

Vento operates with and upon any type of MIDI message. it triggers a list of MIDI parameters (in any combination) upon key play

from a technical perspective is Vento universal and open-ended by definition – like a computer! just think about it: upon each keyboard key you depress, internally, Vento can trigger any MIDI message or message combination

Vento is truly powerful, flexible and innovative. nevertheless, how does it really operate like – inside?

in addition to its unique and innovative sound & composing capabilities, Vento is highly comfortable a keyboard instrument to play. the shape and configuration of the keyboard is highly ergonomic ... and easy to play upon:

with Vento you play piano-style. it is easy on your hands

you play 5 on 5. you play 5 sounds 5 fingers. each finger plays a (dedicated) key of its own. no errors, no mistakes, no confusions. nothing can be easier, or more comfortable, to play

12 3 4


remark: the real structure and configuration of the Vento Keyboard is kept a business secret

to the reader: later, at the right time, during our personal conversations, we will talk about it. you do understand ... we inventors cannot allow ourselves to unveil our inventions openly right from the start ...

the Vento Keyboard: a symbolic illustrative view

alongside the simplified piano-style main keyboard, Vento offers additional controllers to you:

the slider

the strummer

innovative touch-sensitive controllers take full advantage of the new Vento technology. now electronic musicians can make use of sounds and playing techniques related to strings instruments, like guitar and violin, when composing and playing music, without the need to learn and master the original instrument. plus more !

with Vento you actually play hands and feet. you have an unbelievably powerful and musically flexible pedalboard available – for both your feet to play

Vento Footer is:

- easy to use: only 6 pedals to play, 3 left foot, 3 right foot

- enables the musician to keep the beat and play rhythm and accompaniment tracks: a musical foundation or musical background to your song

- essentially, it features similar sound-programming abilities as do the Vento Keyboard. it offers extensive, elaborate, virtually endless sound & play possibilities


footer is a key new product – much like Vento Keyboard is

a piano-play Vento

adrums & percussion


amusical keyboard


picture Vento as a product dedicated to piano play – to the piano world exclusively

picture Vento as an instrument to control several instrumental voices altogether, playing hands and feet, combining melody, accompaniment and rhythm in new ways. you can trigger and mix real vocals as well

Vento: endless product possibilities

a Vento keyboard dedicated to play drums & percussive instruments live. it is versatile. the sounds you play are endless in terms of colors and patterns





a Vento synthesizer may play a unique, never-heard-before musical voice: a new instrumental sound. this is about inventing a new instrument altogether. how will it sound like? let professional audio engineers imagine, create and model a new synthesis-engine for Vento !

a Vento dedicated to human or human-style vocals. Vento can produce and reproduce vocal music in 2 ways:

- synthesis: artificial, new and unusual synthesized vocal timbres

- sampling: authentic human voice re-creations, based on actual recordings of real artists

Vento: endless product possibilities

a phrase-play Vento

Vento: endless product possibilities

Vento can play all sorts of phrases, beats, licks, riffs and loops – in any order, pattern or sequence

for instance, in a live performance situation, when playing along other musicians, Vento may:

- play the accompaniment base or background base of the song being performed

- add pep to the song being played by triggering sound effects of any kind, anytime

summary - Vento is a new kind of MIDI controller and a new kind of synthesizer

- with Vento, you turn your ideas into music in new ways

- you are able to create and arrange a musical track or a complete song effectively

- musicians are able to do unique musical things like (1) vocal lines. (2) expressive synth solos. (3) synthesis + sampling mixes

• play as many samples as you need to when performing LIVE. go beyond Equal Temperament by introducing and playing new quartertones along

semitones. Vento is a new kind of keyboard

- Vento combines some ideas and concepts of the modern-day piano synthesizer with those of today’s music production gear

keyboard synthesizer music production gear


- the scope of application for Vento is wide and open: DJs will be able to do new things. composers will be able to create music in new ways. performers will be able to play music that sounds rich and colorful

several Vento controllers

Vento Footer

there is more to say about Vento. it is a new world. let us get together to discuss the Vento Project further !