The Verdin Story - 10 Years in the Making

Post on 23-Mar-2016

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At Verdin's 10th Annual Holiday Open House on November 22, 2013, the staff surprised president and founder, Mary Verdin, with a special poem commemorating the last 10 years of the company.




Mary, Mary the extraordinary, how did your business grow?

With one big vision and one little office, nestled in downtown SLO.

With a laptop on a card table and a passion for PR,

Verdin Marketing Ink was about to go far!

She had a head full of ideas, but who were they for?

It wasn’t too long ‘til our first client knocked at the door.

After the first client, came a second and a third,

And before long there were so many clients, it was absurd!


It was time for a change; we were no longer the same!

As business grew, Broad St. was calling our name.

Along with the move our services grew too.

An in-house design team was next to pursue.


Then thanks to our clients, another move was necessary.

So we turned Tank Farm into our new creative sanctuary.

Our office is never complete as you can tell.

Unless we have a Michelle, a Michelle, and a Michelle.



After leading clients to success, it was time for us to take a risk.

Verdin rebranded from ink splat to a clean asterisk.

We build in-depth strategies and striking designs, no matter the industry.

While always staying true to our roots of community and philanthropy.

VeRdIn CaREs

As the times were a changin’, there was no time to dwell,

We became experts in digital and social media as well.

Though our team is always hard at work, we still find time to play.

After all, creativity flows best at Wine Hour on Friday.


And as we continue to grow and crack the marketing code,

Who knows what adventure lies next down the road.

So congratulations Mary, on the last 10 amazing years.

We’re all here today because of you, so let’s raise our glasses. Cheers!

© 2013 verdin

Ten YeARS In THe MAkIng