The voice of the maltese in australia 62

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Leħen il-Maltin tal-Awstralja


Number 62 Email us: Lawrence Dimech –

Tuesday, 15 October 2013 Emanuel Grima –


"Voice of the Maltese in Australia">Voice of the Maltese

in Australia</a><br/><a href=""


The Third Meeting of the Council of Maltese Living AbroadThe Council of Maltese Living Abroad held its third meeting in Malta on 3rd and 4th October, 2013. This meeting was chaired by the Hon. George W. Vella, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and gathered the ten representatives from among the Maltese communities established in Australia, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and in Member States of the European Union, as well as four Government-appointed experts who hail from Malta, Gozo, the United Kingdom and Canada. The Council discussed a variety of issues on its agenda such as the Malta Culture Insti-tute, Maltese language teaching over-seas, the teaching of the history of the Diaspora in Maltese schools, biometric passport services, banking services, and other matters that impact directly or in-directly Maltese communities in other countries. In his opening speech, the Hon. Minister recognised the important role that each member of the Council had in bringing to the fore the issues that con-cern Maltese communities established in other countries, reiterating his Min-istry’s commitment to ensure regular consultation, to facilitate the work of the Council, to identify the potential of Maltese living abroad, and to ensure strong bilateral relations with the coun-tries where Maltese communities have been long settled.

In line with the Guiding Principles issued by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs last July, the Hon. Ministers reiterated the Government’s commitment to strengthen its relations with the Maltese Diaspora, to maintain the momentum on the progress achieved thus far in this regard, and most importantly to carve novel niches by which the Maltese communities in other countries can assist in shedding the spotlight on Malta by identifying foreign direct investment, tapping new tourism markets and promoting Malta as an ideal destination for interna-tional conferences and incentives.


The Maltese Community of NSW officially welcomed His Excellency Mr Charles Muscat, Malta’s new High Com-missioner to Australia. Last Saturday the new Maltese Resource Centre at Merrylands was the venue for the first offical visit to Syd-ney by Malta’s new High Commissioner to Australia, Mr Charles Muscat, though prior to that, he visited the Mal-tese Language School held at Horsley Park. Mr Fred Fenech the President of the MCC welcomed Mr Muscat, and introduced him to the diverse Maltese Community members who attended the occasion. Mr Muscat looked at ease in his new role, more like an old diplomat. He was seen chatting happily with the as-sembly and listening very intensively to what they had to relay to him. During question time Mr Muscat was asked about matters that involve the community here in Australia. His promise to the Maltese community is that he will be work-ing hard to sort out any problems the Maltese community will encounter. Also attending was Mr Christopher Mercieca, Consul General for Malta in NSW. Mr Muscat seemed pleased with the turnout and he thanked everyone for attending before departing to Can-berra.

Report and photos by Emanuel Camilleri

A warm Sydney welcome to thenew High Commissioner for Malta

Top: MCC President Fred Fenech discussing matters with Mr Charles Muscat and (above) Mr Muscat greets Doris Pocock, Doris Caruana and Monica Ledger

Some of the representatives of the Maltese community that attended the reception and (inset) meets with our reporter/photographer Emanuel Camilleri


Organised by the Maltese Cultural Association in conjunction with the Friends of Providence House, NSW a concert was held last Sunday 13 October at Wentworthville Leagues Club in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta. The concert concert was organised to get the Maltese of Sydney together to welcome and share some time with Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Id-Dar tal-Providenza who is currently in Sydney to officially launch the Friends of Providence House of NSW as the ambassadors of Id-Dar tal-Providenza in Malta. The concert opened up with a welcoming note by Jim Borg, the MC and a special message from Charles N Mifsud, President of the Maltese Cultural Association of NSW. Fr Martin was officially welcomed as our special guest for the afternoon and a special thanks was given to George Vella of Breakaway Travel for sponsoring Fr Martin’s visit to Australia and also for the support he has given the Maltese Community. The concert was billed as the Young Talent in Concert where the performers are of Maltese extraction living in Australia, such as Stacey Saliba from Adelaide, James Cassar from Sydney, Emanuel Friggieri, Martin and Natasha, Fiona, Alee, Cassie and Ben and, of course, for the first time on stage, little Isabella with her dance routine. Also on the night the Ċittadini Theatre Group were on hand to really deliver a comedy play that kept the audience of around 400 entertained and laughing their socks off.

Fund Raising Concert in aid ofId-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta

The afternoon came to a conclusion with a few words of thanks from the Special Guest, Fr Martin Micallef and also several presentations of donations were made. Fr Martin thanked everyone involved, especially The Friends of Providence House NSW, George Vella of Breakaway Travel, the Maltese Cultural Association, Wenty Leagues Club and all performers for donating their time and talent and all volunteers involved, especially all those who attended this concert and made it such a memorable afternoon. He also thanked the Maltese radio programs and The Voice for their support. Apart from many individual donations that were made at the conclusion of the function, two other major donations were made one by the Ċittadini Theatre Group and one by the Maltese Cultural Association of NSW. Of course The Friends of Providence House NSW, will continue their fund raising activities, such as raffles and the upcoming Greek Island & UK Tour 2014. For donations or information contact the Co-ordinator, Jim Borg on 9636 7767 or the Secretary, Marisa Previtera on 0414 863123, or by email at For those living in Australia, donations can also be direct deposited at any Commonwealth Bank of Australia as follows: The Friends of Providence House, NSW BSB: 062 416 Acc No: 1019 9448. Please give your name and address to the Bank.

Marisa Previtera


At the Concert for Id-Dar tal-


Isabella Falzon

Emanuel Friggieri

Martin Vella and Natasha

Cassandra and Ben Zammit


Fiona Porch


As the sign on the curtain said … Stacy & James


The face of the Friends of Providence House (NSW) – from left Rita Kassas, Jim Borg and Marisa Previtera with Fr Martin and George Vella

The audience at last Sunday’s concert

Donation presentation by Charles Mifsud, President of the MCA NSW

Donation presentation by Doris Caruana, President of Cittadini

Mix-xena tal-ħajja Maltijaminn Ġużè Camilleri


In-nanniet ukoll … għaliex le?Fil-Gżejjer Maltin niċċellebraw kemm ‘Jum l-Omm’ kif ukoll ‘Jum il-Missier’ u allura kien hawn minn ħass li għandna niċċellebraw ‘Jum in-Nanniet’ ukoll. U dan il-għan se jintlaħaq permezz tal-għaqda Grand-parents Malta. Din l-għaqda, li għadha kif ġiet if-furmata dan l-aħħar, għandha l-għan li permezz ta’ diversi attivitajiet ittejjeb ir-relazzjoni bejn in-nan-niet u n-neputijiet tagħhom. U l-ewwel attività se tkun propju dik li tiċċelebra ‘Jum in-Nanniet’ taħt il-patriċinju tal-President tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta, Dr Ġorġ Abela.

Il-BA lura f’Malta

Il-British Airways, li l-għeruq tagħha, il-British Euro-pean Airways, għal żmien twil kienet il-linja prinċipali tal-ajru li tgħaqqad lill-Gżejjer Maltin ma’ pajjiżi oħra, iddeċidiet li terġa’ tibda titijiriet bejn Malta u Londra. Din il-linja (BEA) kienet bdiet taħdem minn Malta fl-1947, waqfet temporanjament fl-1989 biex imbagħad kompliet sal-2009 meta ma baqgħetx top-era aktar titjiriet għal Malta. Ir-ritorn ta’ din id-ditta tal-ajru lejn Malta misten-nija tati spinta lit-turiżmu barra li hija meqjusa wkoll bħala vot ta’ fiduċja fit-turiżmu Malti. Ta’ min jgħid li l-ewwel titjiriet ċivili minn Malta saru fl-1920 mill-ajruport ta’ Ta’ Qali fejn illum hemm il Crafts Village, l-Istadium u l-Park Nazzjonali.

… u l-lampuki f’LondraM’ilnix ktibt dwar is-suċċess ta’ l-ikel Malti f’resturant f’Londra. Iżda t-torti tal-lampuki Maltin ma kell-homx l-istess suċċess meta ġew importati f’Londra mid-ditta Le Malte Foods. Dan għax l-Awtoritajiet Ingliżi sabu li d-ditta li pproduċiet dawn it-torti ma kellhomx l-approvazzjoni tal-awtoritajiet Maltin u al-lura ma kellhomx garanzija sanitarja. U l-150 torta tal-lampuki minflok fis-suq Ingliż

spiċċaw inqerdu mill-Awtoritajiet Ingliżi.

Kredtu ta’ min?L-Aġenzija ta’ Kretdu Moody’s filwaqt li kkonfermat ir-rata tal-bonds għal Malta bħal A3, min-naħa l-oħra bidlet il-ħarsa (outlook) lejn Malta minn waħda negat-tiva għal waħda stabbli. Moody’s, fir-rapport tagħha dwar Malta, qalet li din il-bidla ġejja mill-fatt li d-dejn tal-pajjiż mistenni jistabilizza ruħu fl-2014, hekk kif l-ekonomija qed terġa’ tqum fuq saqajha anke wara l-wegħda tal-gvern ġdid dwar konsolidament fiskali. Sintendi l-Gvern u l-Partit Laburista mal-ewwel ħarġu jiftaħru li dan jikkonferma li Malta hi “Pajjiż li miexi fid-direzzjoni t-tajba” u li “Dan huwa frott ta’ ħidma responsabbli u għaqlija mill-Gvern.” Għalkemm xi simpatizzanti tal-Partit Nazzjona-lista kitbu li dan huwa frott tal-ħidma tal-Gvern ta’ qa-bel, il-Partit Nazzjonalista fl-istqarrija tiegħu qagħad attent li ma jsemmix dan, billi ftit ilu meta l-aġenzija ta’ kreditu Fitch baxxiet ir-rata ta’ Malta dan kien pront waħħal fil-Gvern preżenti. Iżda xorta ppruva jieħdu l-kredtu billi qal li Moody’s bidlu l-outlook minn negattiva għal waħda pożittiva għax il-Gvern, wara insistenza tal-Oppożizzjoni, ippreżenta pjan ta’ azzjoni ċar u konkret kif kien se jżomm id-deficit taħt it-3%.

Il-“Prietki” ta’ nhar ta’ ĦaddHekk ħafna jlaqqmu d-diskorsi li jsiru permezz ta’ x’intervista fuq ir-radju, taħditiet f’każini jew loka-litajiet oħra, mill-mexxejja taż-żewġ partiti politiċi prinċipali Maltin.Jingħad ħafna f’dawn il-‘prietki’ u kultant dak li jingħad żgur ma jaqbilx ma’ dak li jingħad fil-prietki li jsiru fil-Ħdud fil-knejjes Maltin. U dwar dawn il-prietki se nkun qasir ħafna (dawk li huma daqshekk ‘devoti’ tal-politika jistgħu jidħlu fis-siti tal-ġurnali Maltin u jkollhom xalata sħiħa ta’ qari dwar dan). U mill-‘prietki’ tal-Ħadd li għadda ser nislet biss żewg sentenzi li jirriflettu sewwa dak li ntqal: Il-mexxej Laburista Dr Joseph Muscat: “ Il-PN “qed jegħreq fin-negattività” . U sintendi Muscat semma’ l-kritika negattiva kontinwa min-naħa tal-Oppożizzjoni. Il-mexxej Nazzjonalista Dr Simon Busuttil: “Il-Gvern tilef kull sens ta’ mistħija”. B’Busuttil isemmi


dawk li jitqiesu bħala abbużi min-naħa tal-Gvern u xi Ministri speċjalment fejn jidħlu l-ħatriet.

U mill-‘prietki’ għad-‘door to door’U jekk il-politiċi serqu l-‘prietki’ lill-qassisin, donnu li dawn tal-aħħar daru għal dak li jagħmlu ħafna politiċi qabel l-elezzjoni. Dan billi l-Isqof ta’ Għawdex, Mons Mario Grech, għadu kif ħabbar li kien se jiftaħ kam-panja ta’ door to door fejn matul is-sentejn li ġejjin se jżur il-familji Għawdxin fejn fi kliemu stess mhux se jipprietkalhom, iżda jismagħhom, jifraħ magħhom u jibki magħhom. Nispera li meta l-Isqof iħabbat jinfetħulu l-bibien tal-Għawdxin kollha u ma jiġrilux bħal xi politiċi li kultnat għalxejn iħħabtu ċertu bibien.


… u għal darb’oħra rekord tal-bnadar. Iżda din id-darba mhux fuq il-bjut imma fuq il-mejda. Mifruxin fuq din il-mejda tpoġġew numru kbir ta’ bnadar minn pajjiżi differenti u tifel ta’ sitt snin beda jdur mal-me-jda u jgħid ta’ liema pajjiż huma. Dan it-tifel, Jamie St John, li jattendi l-iskola St Benild’s ta’Tas-Sliema, f’minuta rnexxielu jagħraf 45 bandiera ta’ pajjiżi dif-ferenti. B’hekk ħoloq rekord nazzjonali ġdid.

Ħawwadni ħa nifhmekNaħseb li b’xi mod smajtu bit-taġedja li ġrat fil-gżira żgħira qrib Malta, Lampedusa, fejn aktar minn 200 immigrant tilfu ħajjithom meta għerqet dgħajsa li kienet qed iġġorr numru kbir minnhom. Inħalli fil-ġenb il-fatt li kien hemm senatur Taljan li bilkemm ma ppruvax jitfa’ l-ħtija ta’ dan fuq Malta. Li laqatni kienet l-aħbar li dawk li tilfu ħajjithom, u allura issa se jindifnu f’art Taljana, se jingħataw iċ-

ċittadinanza Taljana. Prosit Tassew. Iżda mbagħad fl-istess ħin tħabbar li dawk li kienu fl-istess dgħajsa u salvaw se jibqgħu meqjusa bħala immigranti illegali.Inħalli f’idejkom biex issolvuli din il-problema.

BulletsDwar kemm fl-istaġun tal-kaċċa, ikun hemm kaċċatturi f’Għawdex hija ħaġa magħrufa, iżda li f’Għawdex għandna min jimmanifattura l-bullets, mhux l-iskrataċċ, imma bullets li jintużaw fir-rifles, eċċ, sirna nafu biha biss wara li l-pulizija Maltija rnexxielha tiskopri li eluf ta’ bullets kienu qed jiġu esportati minn Malta għal-Libja minn ħanut li jbiegħ l-munuzzjon tal-kaċċa fir-Rabat Malta. Meta firxu l-investigazzjonijiet tagħhom sabu li dawn il-bullets kienu qed jiġu mmanifatturati minn ċertu Mario Far-rugia, ta’ 41 sena, fix-Xaghra, Għawdex.

Jinfetħu bwieb is-sema …

… u jingħalqu t-toroq Maltin. Iva hekk ġara meta l-ġimgħa li għaddiet, propju x’ħin in-nies kienu se-jrin għax-xogħol u t-tfal lejn l-iskola, għamlet ħalba qawwija ta’ xita. F’diversi arterji prinċipali, t-traffiku kważi waqaf għal kollox, bi vjaġġi li ssoltu jieħdu ftit minuti, jitwalu għal siegħa jew aktar. L-iktar milquta kienu: il-Marsa bi Triq Diċembru 13, Garibaldi u Triq Aldo Moro jkunu l-aktar milquta. Traffiku kbir kien ukoll irrapurtat f’Tal-Barrani, Ħal Qormi, il-Mosta, Raħal Ġdid, speċjalment in-niżla taċ-Ċimiterju u San Ġwann.

U mill-ġdid għall-politikaU l-polemika li ddominat l-media Maltija matul din il-ġimgħa kienet dwar l-Ministru ta’ Għawdex, Dr Anton Refalo. Skont rapport li deher f’The Times, Re-falo kien ċempel lill-Gozo Channel u ġiegħel il-vapur ta’ Ghawdex, li digà kien telaq miċ-Ċirkewwa, biex


jerġa’ lura, biex jiġbor lilu u xi passigieri oħra. Il-Ministru caħad li ordna l-vapur biex jerġa’ lura, iżda qal li hu kien biss ċempel il-Gozo Chan-nel biex jiġbdilhom l-attenzjoni li l-vapur kien telaq miċ-Ċirkewwa vojt, meta kien hemm in-nies l-art. Il-vapur kien fuq l-aħħar trip tieghu minn Ghawdex għal Malta, u malli ħatt telaq vojt lejn Għawdex. Il-Gozo Channel fi stqarrija qal li l-vapur kien intbaghat

lura, għax avolja kien fuq l-aħħar trip tiegħu, suppost li ġabar lil dawk li kienu qed jistennew. Xi ħaġa li skont tagħrif li kisbet The Times, mhux veru li s-soltu hekk isir. Biex taqgħad, wara aktar investigazzjonijiet The Times qalet li attwalment il-Ministru ma kienx ċempel id-duty manager tal-Gozo Channel, imma lill-canvasser tieghu li jaħdem mal-Gozo Channel. Saħansitra the Sunday Times f’editorjal tagħha, sostniet li l-Ministru Refalo minħabba l-mod kif aġixxa, kellu jirriżenja. Refalo min-naħa tiegħu f’intervista’ lil The Times baqa’ jsostni li hu kien biss irraporta li l-vapur kien telaq vojt, li mhux veru li l-impjegat li kellem fil-Gozo Channel kien canvasser tieghu u stqarr li f’din l-isi-torja huwa “kien il-vittma tas-sagriffiċju.“ Għalhekk hu ma kienx se jirriżenja. U sintendi għar-riżenja tiegħu nsistiet ukoll l-Oppożizzjoni, bil-mexxej Nazzjonalista saħansita jgħid li jekk il-Prim Ministru ma jġiegħelx lil Refalo jirriżenja dan ifisser li hu [il-PM] tilef il-kontroll fuq il-Ministri tiegħu.

Wieħed b’ieħor

U ftit qabel ma bgħatt dawn in-noti, ħarġet l-aħbar li, f’Marzu li għadda, mill-kamra mortwarja (tal-mejtin) tar-Residenza ta’ San Vinċenz de Paule kien ittieħed katavru b’ieħor għad-difna. Ma ntqalx jekk meta l-awtoritajiet konċernati ntebħu bl-iżball jekk il-katav-ru kienx laħaq indifen jew le.

Xi wħud li salvaw it-traġedja ta’ Lampedusa


Tagħrif u Nostalġija – Għajnsielem, GħawdexIl-villaġġ ta’ Għajnsielem jinsab fil-gżira ċkejkna ta’ Għawdex, waħda mill-Gżejjer Maltin. Malta tinsab fiċ-ċentru tal-Med-iterran – 93 km min-nofsinhar tal-Italja u 290 km mit-tramuntana tal-Afrika ta’ Fuq. Għawdex jinsab 5 km fil-majjistral ta’ Malta u d-distanza bejn iċ-Ċirkewwa f’Malta u l-port tal-Imġarr f’Għawdex tinvolvi ħamsa u għoxrin minuta vjaġġ bil-vapur. Għajnsielem għandu popolazzjoni ta’ mad-war 3,000 ruħ u huwa l-ewwel villaġġ Għawdxi li tiltaqa’ miegħu hekk kif tħalli l-port tal-Imġarr fi triq lejn il-qalba ta’ Għawdex. Hekk kif tidħol il-port tal-Imġarr, meta tkun għadek fuq il-vapur, ma tistax ma tin-notax il-gmiel tal-villaġġ tal-port ta’ Għajnsielem. Wieħed jista’ jara l-Kappella ta’ Lourdes bil-kampnar stil Gotiku tagħha u n-niċċa tal-Madonna ta’ Lourdes li tinsab taħtu; il-Forti Chambray fuq in-naħa tax-xellug li tiddomina l-għolja u fl-isfond it-torri tal-qniepen ġganteski tal-knisja parrokkjali ta’ Għajnsielem. In-nies ta’ Għajnsielem jirre-feru għalihom bħala l-Għajnsielemiżi. Għajnsielem tfisser l-għajn ta’ Salem. Salem huwa isem popolari Għarbi, estint fil-Malti. Huwa possibbli li l-isem imur lura għal żmien ir-renju Għarbi. L-għajn im-semmija fit-toponimu kienet tinsab fejn jintemm Wied Si-mirat – il-wied li jispiċċa fil-Pjazza tad-Dehra fiċ-ċentru tal-villaġġ. Il-Gran Mastru Raymond Perellos, wara li ġab l-approvazzjoni tal-Ġeneral tal-Kunsill tiegħu fl-1710, ordna l-bini ta’ għadd ta’ ħnejjiet madwar il-għar. Taħt il-ħnejjiet inbnew sitt iħwat tal-ġebel li minnhom kien igħaddi l-ilma. Dawn il-faċilitajiet ġabu prosperità għall-popolazzjoni li kienet qed tiżdied fit-tmiem is-seklu tmintax u s-seklu dsatax. Speċjalment in-nisa sabuhom utli għall-ħasil tal-ħwejjeġ. Għal aktar minn żewġ sekli, miż-żerniq ‘il quddiem, il-medda madwar il-għajn kienet timtela b’folol ta’ nisa jlabalbu ma’ xulxin. In-nisa kienu jinġabru hemm filgħodu jaħslu l-ħwejjeġ fil-ħwat filwaqt li l-irġiel jgħaddu nofstanharijiet jitgħażżnu taħt il-kanopew tas-siġar tat-tut. L-okkażjonijiet meta kien ikun hemm il-kwiet fejn il-għajn kienu rari. Skont ix-xjuħ, anke filgħaxija wieħed seta’ jisma’ ċ-ċafċif tal-ilma u l-ħsejjes bla waqfien tat-tindif bil-broxk. Iżda kienet problema biex tinżamm l-iġjene f’tali post. L-erja tal-ħasil ma baqgħux jieħdu ħsiebha u, fl-aħħar snin tal-eżistenza tagħha, ġiet mitluqa għal kollox u l-post spiċċa jinten bil-ħmieġ sakemm tneħħa fil-bidu tal-ħamsinijiet biex jagħmel post għal pjazza ġdida. Il-pjazza preżenti, Pjazza tad-Dehra, bdiet tifforma ruħha fl-1865 meta nbena pont fejn jintemm Wied Simirat. Triq Simirat ingħaqdet ma’ Triq Fuq il-Għajn fl-1911 bil-bini ta’ triq ġdida. Mhux tant wara, din saret magħrufa bħala Pjazza tad-Dehra. Sabiex titkabbar il-pjazza, fl-1954 ġie deċiż inkredibbilment li jitwaqqgħu l-banjijiet pubbliċi storiċi fejn kienu jinħaslu l-ħwejjeġ u li tiġi mirduma l-għajn li tat isimha lill-villaġġ.

Il-villaġġ li nbena madwar il-għajn ġab ismu minn din l-istess għajn, il-għajn ta’ ‘Hain Salem’ li tfisser Għajn tal-Paċi. Il-villaġġ kiber madwar din il-għajn li għal bosta snin kien il-post fejn jiltaqgħu n-nies f’dan il-villaġġ. Illum din il-għajn m’għadhiex teżisti, mirduma taħt il-pjaz-

za moderna. Iżda għalkemm din il-għajn m’għadhiex hemm, hija għadha tgħix fl-is-

em tal-komunità li hi kburija li ġġib isimha. Il-maġġoranza tal-irġiel Għajnsielemiżi

kienu jaqilgħu ħobżhom jaħdmu jew fuq il-baħar bħala sajjieda, safar fuq vapuri tal-merkanzija, jew in-

kella fir-raba’. Il-baħrin li kienu jaħdmu fuq il-vapur t’Għawdex kienu jbakkru kmieni biex iġorru l-merkanzija u anki l-passiġġieri. Fi żmien antik kienu jkunu d-dgħajjes tal-latini li kienu jagħmlu dan is-servizz. Mal-bidu tas-Seklu Għoxrin bit-trasformazzjoni għat-tajjeb tal-inġenji tal-baħar u teknoloġija oħra l-irġiel ki-enu jħallu Għawdex għal żmien twil jaħdmu fuq vapuri merkantili navali. Huma kienu kisbu isem tajjeb għal dan ix-xogħol u kienu mfittxija mill-awtoritajiet għax kienu biżlin u ta’ min jorbot fuqhom. Għalkemm Għawdex ma tantx intlaqat mill-għadu fl-aħħar gwerra, Għajnsielem sofra żewġ traġedji kbar. Kmi-eni nhar id-29 ta’ Jannar 1942 wara s-7 ta’ filgħodu, djar fi Triq Ħamri ġew milqutin minn direct hit ta’ ajruplan Taljan u ħames membri tal-familja Grech, inkluż l-omm Anġela, mietu kaġun ta’ dan ir-raid bikri. Il-missier Wenzu, li kien il-prinċipal tal-iskola ta’ Għajnsielem, dak il-ħin kien il-knisja jisma’ quddiesa flimkien mat-tfal l-oħrajn tiegħu biex b’hekk salvaw minn din it-traġedja. Nhar is-6 ta’ Mejju tal-istess sena, fit-3-30 ta’ wara nofsinhar, ajruplani tal-Luftwaffe attakkaw l-Imġarr, Għawdex u l-vapur ta’ Għawdex ta’ dak iż-żmien li kien jismu Royal Lady qasmuh fi tnejn. Mirakolożament ħadd ma miet jew weġġgħa f’dan ir-raid. Minbarra membri tal-familja Grech l-oħrajn li mietu minn Għajnsielem waqt il-gwerra kienu jservu fuq vapuri tal-merkanzija. Bil-popolazzjoni tal-villaġġ dejjem tikber, inħasset il-ħtieġa ta’ knisja akbar. Il-knisja l-ġdida nbniet fuq stil Gotiku-Lombardi fuq bażi ta’ salib latin. Ix-xogħol fuq din il-knisja kellu jieqaf f’okkażjonijiet minħabba l-ispejjeż li dejjem kienu jikbru, l-aktar fi żmien u wara l-aħħar gwerra. Il-kappillan Espeditu Tabone, li ħa l-pussess tal-parroċċa f’nofs il-ħamsinijiet, ħadha f’idejh li jara t-tmiem ta’ dan il-proġett. Il-bini spiċċa mal-bini tal-kampnar f’Ġunju tal-1979. Il-knisja tbierket sena qabel, fid-29 ta’Awwissu 1978. Illum Għajnsielem hu raħal modern u hu fornut bl-aktar kumditajiet bżonnjużi u ż-żmien li biex inaddfu l-ħwejjeġ in-nisa kienu jiltaqgħu fuq l-għajn issa verament spiċċa. Wieħed jista’ jara b’għajnejh djar ta’ daqs moder-at u anki ikbar. Il-poplu mhu nieqes minn xejn. Il-knisja l-ġdida kien jonqosha sett qniepen biex tkun kompluta minn kollox u l-flus għalihom inġabru fl-iqsar żmien.


Għajnsielem kif jidher mill-port tal-Imġarr hekk kif tasal Għawdex. Fin-nofs, faċċata tipika Maltija ta’ blokk appartamenti f’Għajnsielem; il-presepju ħaj, Betlehem f’Għajnsielem, li din is-sena ser jerġa’ jsir wara waqfa; u l-vara grazzjuża tal-Madonna ta’ Loretu, patruna ta’ Għajnsielem. Isfel, il-qanpina maġġura qed tiġi mtella f’posta.


Latest news from Malta …PM lauds AFM’s rescue efforts

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on Monday lauded the Armed Forces of Malta’s efforts in the rescue of 250 migrants whose boat capsized in Malta’s search and rescue area. “The AFM has never been under such intense scrutiny. Your efforts have been recognised the world over. You were instrumental in saving hundreds of people in the last few days, and many more over the years. You have made us proud, and you are heroes of both Malta and Europe,” Dr Muscat told the assembled AFM officers. The Prime Minister again reiterated his call for more support from Europe in tackling the migration problem, insisting that countries like Malta and Italy cannot be left alone in such rescue efforts in the Mediterranean. “We do not only need money from Europe, but a concrete plan. We will strive to ensure that Europe wakes up,” the Prime Minister said.

President in strong appeal for drive against poverty

President George Abela this morning made a strong appeal for a drive against poverty, stressing that poverty truly exists in Malta. He feels that despite discussion and the formulation of strategies over the years, there needs to be focus on the immediate – “the

here and now”. “We need to take the Caritas study, published in March last year and take this as a model to help people now,” he said. Dr Abela spoke this morning as he launched the fourth edition of ‘Tisjir mill-Qalb’ – a collection of recipes by local television chefs, to raise funds for l-Istrina. Without going into the suggestion of whether the minimum wage should or should not be raised, he noted that a good percentage of people do not afford a bag of essential goods including food and clothing. Dr Abela therefore suggested the study to be updated and urged authorities to assess the poverty situation and see how to address their needs before the budget. “Today’s initiative is not an isolated attempt but stems from the various direct experiences that I had over the past few years. I have personally met individuals and families who are living in poverty due to various reasons,” he said. “Some are in more precarious conditions than others. The Malta Community Chet Fund received 2,000 requests for assistance last year out of which 510 were referred to a social worker. These figures reflect the intensity of this social phenomenon”. He highlighted that 60,000 people or 15% of the population is at risk of poverty and Eurostat data shows that 22% of the population, or 88,000 people, were at risk of poverty or social exclusion in 2011. Last year the figure was expected to increase to 92,000.

Muscat gets call from Tony Blair before Middle East visitPrime Minister Joseph Muscat this morning received a briefing from Mr Blair about the current status of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, the Department of Information said. The Prime Minister has highlighted his government commitment towards the peace process. Today, the Prime Minister is expected to start a 3-day visit to Israel and Palestine. The Quartet, set up in 2002, consists of the United Nations, the European Union, the United States and Russia. Its mandate is to help mediate Middle East peace negotiations and to support Palestinian economic development and institution-building in preparation for eventual statehood.


The Quartet Representative, Tony Blair, is charged with implementing a development agenda in line with the Quartet’s mandate: promoting economic growth and job creation in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and supporting the institution-building agenda of the Palestinian Authority (PA). The goal is to promote transformative economic change on the ground, underpinning the top-down political process aiming to promote a final settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the establishment of an independent and viable Palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the State of Israel.

Malaysia court rules non-Muslims can’t use ‘Allah’A Malaysian appeals court on Monday upheld a government ban against the use of the word “Allah” to refer to God in non-Muslim faiths, overruling claims by Christians in this Muslim-majority nation that the restriction violates their religious rights. “Allah” is the Arabic word for God and is commonly used in the Malay language to refer to God. But the Malaysian government insists that “Allah” should be exclusively reserved for Muslims because of concerns its use by others would confuse Muslims and could be used to convert them. Malaysia’s Christian, Buddhist and Hindu minorities have often complained that the government infringes in their constitutional right to practice religion freely, accusations the government denies. Monday’s judgment in the Court of Appeals overturns a decision by a lower court nearly four years ago that ruled against the government ban. Anger over that ruling sparked a string of arson attacks and vandalism at Malaysian churches and other places of worship. The legal dispute stems from efforts by the newspaper of the Roman Catholic Church in Malaysia to use “Allah” in its Malay-language weekly publication. Roman Catholic representatives deny there are attempts to convert Muslims and say the government ban is unreasonable because Christians who speak the Malay language had long used “Allah” in their Bibles, literature and songs before authorities sought to enforce the curb in recent years. Judge Mohamed Apandi Ali, who led a three-member appeals court panel, said the use of “Allah” was “not an integral part of the faith and practice of Christianity.” “It is our judgment that there is no infringement

of any constitutional rights” in the ban, he said. “We could find no reason why the (Catholic newspaper) is so adamant to use the word ‘Allah’ in their weekly. Such usage if allowed will inevitably cause confusion within the community.” The Rev Lawrence Andrew, editor of the Catholic newspaper, The Herald, said they plan to appeal Monday’s verdict in Malaysia’s Federal Court, the nation’s highest. “We are greatly disappointed and dismayed,” he said. “This is unrealistic. It is a retrograde step in the development of law in relation to the fundamental liberty of religious minorities.”

Bill proposes civil unions for gay couplesThe Civil Liberties Law, which will be published later today, will give same-sex couples the same benefits granted by civil marriage, Civil Rights Minister Helena Dalli said this morning. Parliament will start debating the Bill tomorrow, and the government is hoping for the law to be unanimously approved before the budget is passed. The law will recognise same sex relationships, just stopping short of calling the relationship a marriage. It would also allow same-sex couples to adopt children as a couple as, up till now, LGBT persons can only adopt as single parents. The draft law is based on a Danish law drawn up in the late 80’s, as this model was the closest one to Malta’s needs. Ms Dalli said that same-sex couples who get civilly married abroad will still be recognised as married in Malta. She acknowledged that this is a loophole similar to the divorce case, and said that it was a positive anomaly that could move things forward. The moving forward of the Bill was a sign that this government was keeping its promises, unlike the previous administration which had ignored another bill on gender identity put forward by Evarist Bartolo. Ms Dalli said that laws could be changed with the touch of a pen, however changing a nation’s culture was an altogether different beast. She said that the government would embark on an educational campaign aimed at children and adults alike. She stressed that school programmes would have to be reinforced at home and in society, and this would be helped by educational campaigns, including TV and print adverts. Everyone should be treated equal, no matter their race or sexual orientation, Ms Dalli said. However she would not say if she personally agreed with same


sex marriages. Ms Dalli insisted that the approach this government was taking showed the direction in which she wanted things to head. Labour MEP candidate Cyrus Engerer, who headed the consultative council that proposed the law, said that the Bill also covered cohabiting couples. He said that the council did not try to reinvent the wheel. It simply wanted a more equal society. The council is made up of members from all LGBT groups and members were unpaid volunteers. He expressed satisfaction at the way the cabinet had endorsed the Bill, and thanked the Prime Minister for his personal support. Dr Neil Falzon, who drafted the law, said that the Bill will grant same-sex couples the same rights enjoyed by married people. He insisted that the Bill would interfere with civil or religious marriage. It is a first step towards having equality in marriage, he said. MGRM head Gabi Calleja welcomed the development and said that the movement had proposed a similar law in its 2009 five-year strategy. “This is the closest we could have got to marriage without calling it that,” she said. Minister Dalli said that she hoped for consensus from the Opposition and felt that the PN would support this bill. She said that, as a sign of good faith, the government will on Wednesday also present a Private Member’s Bill, put forward by PN MP Claudette Buttigieg, against discrimination based on sexual orientation and race. She said that she is satisfied that the government and the opposition are moving closer together on the issue, and insisted that politics and pique should not come into the matter. However, according to Mr Engerer, the council had never formally met with the Opposition.

Caritas trail raises €46,000

Caritas Malta raised €46,000 through its large-scale, outdoor fund-raising activity Caritas Trail held at the end of September. A high turnout of supporters took part in this event which consisted of a walk, a jog and cycling. Smile with Caritas organised at the

President’s Palace on Notte Bianca added to the funds collected. All three Caritas Trail events ended at the Caritas Therapeutic Centre at San Blas. Mgr Victor Grech, who gave a warm welcome to participants, said that the Trail was organised to raise much-needed funds for the many services provided by Caritas Malta. Caritas was not managing to make financial ends meet, and appealed to the Government and the general public to increase their support so that Caritas could continue offering its services for the benefit of the Maltese community. Mgr Grech said that the San Blas Therapeutic Centre was not normally open to the general public, but on this occasion Caritas felt that those who participated in the Caritas Trail should get a feel of the service being offered at San Blas premises where rehabilitation from drug addiction was being offered. Mgr Grech said that during these events Caritas Malta tangibly felt the support of the Maltese public. Caritas was grateful to the sponsors and all the entities involved in the organization of the event, as well as to the staff and volunteers who facilitated the smooth progress of the event, and, above all, to the participants. Caritas Assistant-Director Mgr. Carmelo Farrugia, accompanied by Bank of Valletta CEO Mr. Charles Borg and MaltaPost CEO Mr. Joseph Gafà, led the walking event, which commenced at Mdina Road, Zebbug, while cyclists and joggers set out from Dingli Cliffs to converge at San Blas. Members of Parliament Carmelo Abela and Claudio Grech led the joggers. The Bank of Valletta, which was the main sponsor of the event, has also launched a Charity Campaign through which the Bank will make a contribution to Caritas Malta for every transaction made through the BOV credit and debit cards.

81-year-old woman hit by lamp-post

A woman suffered grievous injuries in a bizarre accident while she was in St Rita Street, Rabat, Malta, on Sunday, at about 8.10pm, the police said. From preliminary investigations it resulted that while a 61-year-old man of Mtarfa was reversing his vehicle, he hit a lamp-post which fell on the woman who was on the pavement. An ambulance was summoned on site and took the 81-year-old to Mater Dei Hospital for further medical treatment. Further investigations are underway.


Absenteeism at 7.9% in government schools in 2011/12

Unauthorised absenteeism in government secondary schools peaked at 7.9 per cent in the 2011/12 scholastic year, as a total of 1,061 students from a population of 13,431 skipped 31 days or more of school. The highest levels of absenteeism are in the 31-40 day bracket, with 389 students missing six to eight weeks of school, while a further 163 were absent for between 41-50 days according to statistics given to this paper by the Education Ministry. The good news is that many of the worst cases have been reined in. During the 2008/09 scholastic year, 44 students missed between 151-160 days of school, amounting to around 31-32 weeks of schooling. In 2009/10 50 students skipped 151-160 days, but in the following two scholastic years, no such cases were registered. Sandra Cortis, a service manager at the Education Department, said that social workers are on the frontline in combating absenteeism in government schools and getting to its root cause. “Social workers have access to an absenteeism database, and they are obliged to refer to it and follow up cases every two weeks,” Ms Cortis said. There are 10 government colleges in Malta, with one social worker assigned to every college. Given that certain colleges have over 4,000 students, the amount of work that a single social worker can do is limited. One head of a government school who spoke to The Malta Independent on Sunday said that social workers generally last about three years before ending up totally burnt-out. To further compound the problem, Ms Cortis said that a number of social workers went on reduced hours in 2011. Despite the challenges, Ms Cortis is optimistic about the future and the role that social workers will play in tackling the unauthorised absenteeism problem. Ms Cortis says that she has come across cases were a student’s parent was suffering from depression and simply did not have the energy to wake up the children in the morning and send them to school. “Only social workers have the authority to enter people’s homes and act as a link between the school and the family. Education is not just about learning. It is about providing students with the necessary support for physical, emotional, social, psycho-social and spiritual development,” Ms Cortis said. Ms Cortis would not be drawn into ‘naming-and-shaming’ particular areas in Malta and Gozo

where absenteeism is most prevalent, insisting that it is a nation-wide problem which has to be tackled holistically. One particular weakness pinpointed by Ms Cortis is the lack of enforcement, as parents who do not send their children to school are in breach of the law. Any parents found in breach of the law can be called to appear before a local tribunal, with a fine being meted out. One head of a government school pointed out that these fines do not act as a sufficient deterrent, as they often go unpaid. The Head instead suggested that parents should have their children’s allowance docked. Another problem highlighted is the ease with which medical certificates are obtained. One case drawn to this paper’s attention saw a single student presenting medical certificates from five different doctors in order to justify absenteeism throughout the year. Ms Cortis said that doctors should know their patients, and in this way the school could be aware of any genuine health problems that a student might have.

Citizenship acquisition scheme: no to lack of transparency, says ADWith reference to the proposed citizenship acquisition scheme, Alternattiva Demokratika chairperson, Prof Arnold Cassola (pictured), said: “It is absolutely unacceptable that the proposed draft law will contain a ban on the publishing of the names of those persons purchasing a Maltese citizenship for 650,000 euros. This is absurd considering when one gets married the banns have to be exposed to the public for 6 weeks prior to a marriage to ensure proper scrutiny, whilst to obtain Maltese citizenship anonymity is guaranteed. Is this meant to defend any possible shady character who might apply for citizenship, like government envoy Shiv Nair who is blacklisted internationally for fraud and corruption?” Carmel Cacopardo, AD Deputy Chairman and Spokesperson for Home Affairs and Sustainable Development, said: “ AD disagrees with the excessive powers vested in the Minister of the Interior through the proposed legislation. The Minister, who through the proposed legislation is granted the exercise of substantial discretionary powers, should be completely out of the loop in the decision-taking process leading to the concession of Maltese citizenship. The final


decision should be in the hands of a board which responds to Parliament.” Cacopardo added that “existing legislation relative to the granting of Maltese citizenship urgently needs to be revised as current procedures are absolutely opaque, in contrast to the high level of transparency required.”

Research project carried out to understand delays in court systemJustice delayed is justice denied, and an ambitious research project titled ‘Human Rights Can’t Wait’ currently being carried out by a group of Maltese researchers will be exploring the reasons behind the core delays in the Maltese justice system and their human rights implications, as well as spreading awareness on the solutions which are available. Spearheaded by Dr David Zammit, the Head of the Civil Law Department at the University of Malta, the project aims to contribute to a more informed public debate about the issue, which also serves to publicize the rights and remedies that an individual has in the face of delays which affect the enjoyment of his or her rights. The project, which is financed by the Strickland Foundation, also aims to raise awareness that the individual has a fundamental right to the timely resolution of certain disputes. Dr Zammit points out that certain kinds of delay constitute a human rights abuse in themselves, and the team will be compiling statistics regarding the duration of court cases in particular areas that have a strong human rights component. The second stage of the project will involve direct research on court files and judgements, as well as an array of interviews with civil servants, members of the judiciary and the legal profession, and various selected clients of the system, including criminal offenders. This is being done to bring together the different players and encourage a culture of human rights awareness as well as provide solutions to the day-to-day causes of delay. “This project will help enhance our understanding of the core causes of these delays, particularly when it comes to how the Courts manage and allocate their limited resources. We also want to raise awareness on the solutions that are needed to reduce these obstacles, including proposing legislative and infrastructural reform,” Dr Zammit said. The problem of lengthy court cases appears to be multi-faceted, with everyone and no one being

to blame. Dr Zammit observed that it is impossible to point a finger and hold any single category of stakeholders, such as judges or lawyers or court administrators, responsible for delays, as the problem is a structural one that must be understood systemically. For this reason, the research team he has assembled is a multi-disciplinary one, with expertise in law, criminology and anthropology, who can tackle the various dimensions of this issue.

Finance Minister in Washington for WB, IMF Meeting

Finance Minister Prof Edward Scicluna attended the Annual Meeting of the World Bank Group (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) held in Washington between Friday and Sunday. These annual meetings each year bring together ministers of finance and development, central bankers, private sector executives, and academics to discuss issues of global concern, including the world economic outlook, poverty eradication, economic development, and aid effectiveness. This year the meetings, held against the backdrop of a subdued global recovery especially in the emerging economies, discussed steps to spur strong, sustainable, and balanced growth. While in Washington, Prof Scicluna met with various top officials from the global sovereign rating team of each of the three leading rating institutions, namely Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch IBCA. Prof Scicluna also met with the Executive Director of the World Bank, Mr. Piero Cipollone, and with the IMF Executive Director Mr Andrea Montanino, as well as with Dr Frank Richter and Mr Klaus Rupprath from the NRW Bank, a development bank. During his visit in Washington, Prof Scicluna was also interviewed by the Financial Times. “In each of our discussion meetings we were pleased to note the great interest shown in the story we had to tell about Malta since the elections, especially the resolve with which the Government is aiming to reach its fiscal and development objectives. The Chinese, Libyan and US government interest


in using Malta’s relative stability in the region and using it as a strategic base from where to operate from was noted very positively.” said Prof Scicluna. The Ministerial delegation included the Governor and Deputy-Governor of the Central Bank of Malta, Prof Josef Bonnici and Mr. Alfred Demarco respectively, and Mr Alfred Mifsud as a financial consultant to the delegation.

Muscat, Libyan PM in talks on migrationPrime Minister Joseph Muscat and Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan stressed the importance of better cooperation between Europe and Libya for the setting up of a strategic plan to address irregular migration. Following a surprise visit to Libya on Monday, the Office of the Prime Minister said that the two sides talked about ways to address this humanitarian crisis with the aim of having more peace in the Mediterranean region. The OPM said that Dr Muscat expressed solidarity with his Libyan counterpart following his abduction – and later release – of this past week. Mr Zeidan was abducted on Thursday when militiamen broke into Corinthia hotel in Tripoli where he lived before daybreak and took him away, holding him in a basement prison with criminals for hours until he was freed. Dr Muscat said that Prime Ministers cannot be appointed or removed by force, but it is the people who should have the right to decide on electing them or removing them. The rule of law should always be respected. The OPM said that Mr Zeidan expressed his gratitude and said the visit by Dr Muscat showed that the two countries have excellent relations.

Enemalta gas agreement does not make sense – Simon Busuttil

PN Leader Simon Busuttil today insisted that he

would not sign the Enemalta gas power agreement on behalf of the Maltese people, because the contract did not make any sense. Speaking during a PN activity in Swieqi, Dr Busuttil said that the government was committing itself to buy energy from a private company for the next 18 years, but the prices would only remain fixed for the first five years. ”I would not sign the contract in your name, like Konrad Mizzi is going to do,” Dr Busuttil said. The PN Leader said that there is much more to say on the subject, and the PN would be requesting all the details. If it does not benefit the people, the PN will not accept the agreement. Dr Busuttil also referred to the ongoing migration phenomenon, and said that Malta’s first consideration should be to save lives. “We should be proud to have saved so many lives. But we should treat this case with dignity and not boast about it on TV. We only did what was expected of us. We did our duty.” Dr Busuttil said that the PN’s message for the day was on reflection on human life, and on our duty towards others. Speaking on the increase in indirect taxes announced by the government last week, Dr Busuttil said that the implications were serious and numerous. He accused the government of trying to hide the facts. “The PM and his ministers usually adore the cameras. But in this case they only issued a cryptic press release. They did not want to look bad. We were the ones who told the people about this.” Dr Busuttil said that the government will cut €21 million from this year’s budget, but will spend €100 million more than the previous government on a 23 member cabinet. “The government does not want to say where the cost cutting will be made. Is this why medicines are out of stock?” He said that the government was being miserly with the people but was paying Konrad Mizzi’s wife €13,000 per month. Dr Busuttil again insisted that it was wrong to compare Ms Mizzi’s appointment with his appointment as head of the MiC before Malta’s EU accession. ”I am not a minister’s husband. I am proud of the small role I had in helping our country join the EU. But I don’t know how proud Joseph Muscat is of his role to keep Malta out.” The PN Leader again insisted that the Anton Refalo/Gozo Channel case is not closed, as the Prime Minister had declared. “We will still speak on the matter, even if they accuse us of breach of privilege.” Dr Busuttil referred to the government’s decision to appoint Shiv Nair, who is blacklisted by the World Bank, as a consultant. He hoped that the due diligence carried out in the citizenships for sale scheme, would



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26° – 20°Partly Cloudy

Weather forecast for Malta for the next five days

be much more rigorous than the background checks Muscat had carried out on Mr Nair. The PN Leader insisted that the Prime Minister cannot keep comparing itself to the previous administration that he had criticized so much. He insisted that the Opposition will collaborate with the government on issues which are in the best interest of the nation, but would not on support the government on issues that were wrong.

‘No one will walk over us as long as I am PM’ – MuscatMalta will present its proposals on immigration in the next EU summit, but the government will not accept anything less than a concrete plan by our European counterparts, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said this morning. Speaking during a PL activity in Għaxaq, Dr Muscat said that Friday’s tragedy did not happen on Malta’s border, it happened on the EU’s border, and Europe has do its share. “So far we have heard nothing but words. We will accept nothing less but a concrete plan to tackle immigration. We were the first ones on the spot on Friday and we saved lives with the limited resources that we have. We did not hesitate to help. But in another case like the Salamis incident, when people were trying to break the rules, we would stand firm again, and look after our country’s interests.” Dr Muscat said that these two stands are not incoherent, but actually one and the same. “As long as I am Prime Minister no one will trample on this country.” We will not be spectators and victims of the circumstances, but protagonists on the international level. Dr Muscat thanked the Armed Forces, the police and the health authorities, who saved lives on Friday. He also thanked all the Maltese MEPs, insisting that this is a national, not a party issue. Speaking about this morning’s Enemalta announcement, Dr Muscat said that the government had managed to deliver on its promises in just six months. “They (the PN) had said that it couldn’t be

done. Alice Wonderland is here”, Dr Muscat said to applause. The Prime Minister said that not one, but twenty consortia from around the world had applied and battled to win the bid. In six months the government had completed the bidding process and the energy tariffs will be reduced in March. “Today I am happy for the Maltese people. We are not just going to reduce tariffs but we will also stop burning heavy fuel oil. And we are going to remove the ugly Delimara chimney.” Dr Muscat also referred to the upcoming budget, and said that it will include a number of measures aimed at raising people’s standard of living. He said that the government will look after those who earn a little more than the minimum wage and are always forgotten, and other measures will incentivise women to work. It will also be creating more jobs and opportunities for everyone. Referring to the ongoing saga about the appointment given to Minister Konrad Mizzi’s wife, Dr Muscat said that the PN seems to be forgetting what it had done until a few months ago. “Was Richard Cachia Caruana appointed after a public call?” he asked. Dr Muscat said that Ms Mizzi is being paid as much as an Ambassador to China. But Simon Busuttil had had a salary double to that of the Head of the Civil Service when he was a consultant to the PN government. And, even in that particular case, no call had been issued. The Opposition Leader is not to be trusted, Dr Muscat said. This government will work with anyone who is up for the task, Dr Muscat said, insisting that the government had given appointments to PN leaning people because they were willing to work and because he trusted in their capabilities. “The people wanted change and we are giving them the change that we promised them.” Speaking on the citizenship-for-sale issue, the Prime Minister said that the government’s aim is to bring high value individuals to Malta. “We want to attract them to Malta for the good of our country.” Dr Muscat said that the hoped for consensus from the Opposition on the matter. This is the only way the country can move forward.


Classified Community Notice Board

St Nicholas Festa Committee (NSW)Calendar of Events for 2013October 27th – Spring Fiera

November 23rd – Rock n’ Roll NightDecember 1st – Festa ta’ San Nikola

Holy Trinity Association (NSW)19th October – Mission Night Dinner Dance

24th November – Bus TripContact: Rita Vella 9820 9379 or

Cindy Oliver 9824 7916 after 4pm

The Australian Genies and Merrylands RSL present

New Year’s EveRock ’n’ Roll ExtravaganzaFeaturing the Popular ROC A TAC

with DJ Albert.Doors open at 6.30pm and close at 1pm.$40 a Head, includes a 2 Course Meal.

Maltese Past Pupilsof Don Bosco (NSW)

javżaw illi se jkollhomid-Dinner Dance annwali tagħhom

is-Sibt 19 ta’ Ottubru 2013mis-7pm

fil-Mandavilla Centre, Horsley Park.Guest artist: Joe (Kangaroo) Apap

Id-dħul hu ta’ $55U l-qligħ imur għat-tfal u żagħżagħ fil-bżonn

fil-missjoni mmexija mis-Sależjani.Aħsbu kmieni għall-biljetti, ċemplu lil

Christine Sapienza fuq 9822 7540jew lil Marlene Dimech fuq 9631 9295

"Voice of the Maltese in Australia">Voice of the Maltese in Australia</a><br/><a href="" target="_TOP" title="Voice of the Maltese in Australia">

The Sutherland & St George Maltese GroupOngoing every 1st Wednesday of the Month

(Sponsored by The MCC of NSW)We meet every First Wednesday of the Month

from 10:00am. to 1:00pmOur Meetings / Get Together are interesting, informative & entertaining. We have regular Outings. Come Join us and make new Friends

For more information please contact our Coordinator – CHARLES N. MIFSUD J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298

Books for saleTelqu għal Għonq it-Triq – Book Two

by Lawrence DimechCall: Malta – 356 2144 1545Australia – 61 2 9631 9295

Ikla għar-Rabtin u l-Ħbieb TagħhomOn Sunday 24th November 2013 at La Valette

from 1pm to 5pmDonation $45, includes three course meal, and

Entertainment by Charlie Camilleri and The Rockin Mustangs

Bring on your Dancing shoes For bookings ring Charlie on 0410523476 or

La Valette Social Centre 9622 5847

Brolga Publishing invitesyou and guests

to celebrate the launch of Bon Voyage!

by Juliet M Sampson

Friday 8 November 2013at

Bella UnionLevel 1, Trade Hall

corner of Lygon andVictoria streets

Carlton6.30pm til 8.30pm

Finger food and drinks at bar prices

Please RSVP

by 25 October 2013


This publication is designed by: email: [Emanuel Grima]

Maltese Language Schools

Maltese Programs – Radio

Maltese Language & Cultural SchoolsIf you wish to learn Maltesein Sydney call: 0402 002 454

malteselanguageschoolnsw@hotmail.comIn Melbourne, contact:

Edwidge Borg, MCCV Maltese Language Classes

Also in Melbourne, contact Emma Navarroon 0406 215 990 or

Maltese Radio ProgramsIn Melbourne, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.

Last Wednesday each month at 1pm.

In Sydney, listen to the MCC radio program on Sunday 11 am 2GLF FM89.3

In Brisbane listen to the Maltese Program on 4EBTuesday 6.00am to 8.15amSunday 4.15pm to 5.15pm

To listen to the Maltese Radio ofUncle Sam DJ from Australia

go on link :

Maltese Radio Program on SBS RadioNew schedule

Day Time Analogue DigitalTuesday 12:00 - 13:00 SBS Radio 3 Thursday 12:00 - 13:00 SBS Radio 3 Friday 12:00 - 13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday 14:00 - 15:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2To tune into digital radio you will need a new receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is the present FM wavelength. Digital radio can also be accessed by a smart phone and/or by going online at

Maltese Community Council of NSWWelfare Services

Contact: Marisa Previtera JP Tel: 0414 863 123

Services NSW

Take advantage of this free service to the Maltese in Australia. Brief notices for the Community Notice Board a week before date of publication.

Viva Malta on Central Coast Radio NSW

Radio program on Thursday – 10 and 24 October – from 6pm to 7pm on

Coast FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford NSW. Presenter – Nathalie Gatt. Program can

be heard via internet, click on

The Maltese Guild of SA Inc. The Maltese Cultural Centre

6 Jeans Street Beverly, South Australia Phone office: 8243 0868. Tuesday’s Only


To be held at the Maltese Cultural Centre on Tuesday Evening 31st December 2013

Start at 7. 30pm-til 12.30am Enterainment: By Eric the Disc Jockey and Singer

of “MUSIC TO YOUR EARS”Surprise Courses: Antipasto with Prawns, Main

Course, Desert, Fruits, Coffee, Drinks included: Wine, Beer and Soft Drinks from

the Bar. Price Members $30 Non Members $35Bookings are available from:

The Guild office in Person or phone the office only on Tuesday’s only from 8.30am to 3pm; the Sec-

retary, Joe Briffa 8254 6988 or 0421 791 327; The President Nina Abela 8340 0345


Santa Marija Assunta Association Victoria Inc

Are holding a Family NightOn Saturday 19th October 2013

at Karmel Hall – St Peter Chanel Parish848 Ballarat Rd, Deer Park, Vic.

from 6:30pm to 11:30pmMusic Entertainment By: The DJ & Magician

The Amazing DavidTickets: Adults $10 Children (under 12) $5

BYO food and drink or it can be bought from the venue at reasonable prices

For enquiries call: Bill 9366 9956, Frank9363 5325, Joe 9361 139, Frank 9314 4231


Maltese Programs – TV, Web

The Gday Maltaussie Showon TVS is broadcast in Sydney

Every Saturday at 2pm Repeats on Mondays 5 pm

and Tuesday 7.30 amWatch direct via

The Maltese News – L-Aħbarijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide

Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Channel 32) andThursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2

For all the news from Malta and Gozo go – the website of Citadel Video Communications of Victoria, Gozo – where you’ll find the programsGħawdex Illum andMalta u Lil Hinn MinnhaThe latter concerns Maltese living abroad. Alvin Scicluna was in Australia recently filming segments for the program.

Maltese Community Council of NSWFairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month from 10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, Cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevarde, Fairfield Heights. Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of the month and meet in the Youth Room of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10am to 12 noon. Llandillo Maltese SeniorsMeets on the first Wednesday of the month and meets in the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, Llandilo from 11am to 1pm.Daceyville Maltese SeniorsMeets on the last Wednesday of the month and meets in Meeting Room One, No 3 General Bridges Cresent, Daceyville;

Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips. Come and join us and make new friends. For more information on any of the Groups please contact the Maltese Welfare Officer, Marisa Previtera, JP, on 0414 863 123*(All Groups Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council, NSW)

George Cross Falcons Club Inc25-27 Lake Avenue, Cringila NSW 2502

(02) 4273 0906

by request: Alvaro & MundoSaturday 9th November 2013

Show to start at 6.30 pm$20 – including 2 Course Meal, Tea & CoffeeRing Polly 4295 7824 or Annie 4274 4881

La Valette Social CentreMelbourne Cup Lunch

Tuesday 5 Nov 2013Centre opens at 10am – Morning Tea and

2 Course Lunch with orange juice Tickets $30 each

Hat Competition • Sweeps • Lucky Door Prizes

Music Sam Mifsud and Tony Book early for the best seat – For booking

ring or see Frances 0412 320 432 or Antoinette 9671 2992

or the Centre 9622 5847

Hamrun Association Incare organising a Bus Trip to Shellharbour

on Saturday 26 October 2013The trip includes sight-seeing around

Shellharbour, Morning Tea, Lunch not provided

Dinner At Illawarra Masters Club that includes: Seafood, Carvery Asian, Salad

and Deserts Buffett, All You Can EatOn the way back home we will stop at the

Campbelltown Catholic ClubDonation: $55

We leave the club premises at 100 Jackson Street Marsden Park.

at 11am and pick up from Greystanes for those that are from that area.

For more information ring:Tony Borg (Toni tad-Deheb) 0437 441 557Eddie Ellul (the President) 0410 407 423 .

The Maltese Guild of SA Inc The Maltese Cultural Centre

6 Jeans Street Beverly, SA Phone office: 8243 0868.

Tuesday’s Only from 9am to 2.45pm

Coming up: Four-day Coach Trip to Mildura and Wentworth, the 8th, 19th, 10th & 11th of November 2012. Price $290. All Included.

See the President, Nina Abela on 8340 0345,Secretary, Joe Briffa on 8254 6988 or 0421

791 327, or anyone from the committee



The Friends ofProvidence House (NSW) (Official Ambassadors for Id-Dar tal-Providenza) announces the following

fundraising activities:

21 Day Fly/Cruise/tour commencing mid May 2014, Visiting Athens, cruising the Greek Islands, then to London touring England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, back to London and then on to Malta.

For all enquiries or to make donations please contact the Co-ordinator, Jim Borg on (02) 9636 7767 / Mb: 0418 82 5591 and email

The official bank details for donations are:Commonwealth Bank of AustraliaName of Account: Friends of Providence House (NSW) – Ac No: 1019 9448 – BSB: 062 416

Maltese Welfare NSW Incqed torganizza lejla ta’ tagħrif dwar

Is-Sistema tal-Kura għall-Anzjani fl-Awstralja u Kif Qiegħda Tinbidel.

Din se ssir nhar l-Erbgħa 30 ta’ Ottubru 2013 fis 7.30pm, f’Our Lady Queen of Peace, Parish

Centre, Old Prospect Rd, Greystanes.

Join Monica Ledger on a 10 day Tour of Tasmania – The Island of untamed beauty! Date: 16 to 25 February 2014. It is value for money. All inclusive Tour – flight, hotel, breakfast and dinner daily, transfers in Sydney and comprehensive insurance. This is a very popular tour! Some 18 clients already joined the group! Be quick and call Monica on 9896 0712 or 0414 859 386.

Hyundai A-LeagueLadder P W D L F A +/- PAdelaide United 1 1 0 0 3 1 +2 3Sydney FC 1 1 0 0 2 0 +2 3Brisbane Roar 1 1 0 0 2 1 +1 3CC Mariners 1 0 1 0 1 1 +0 1WS Wanderers 1 0 1 0 1 1 +0 1 Melbourne Heart 1 0 1 0 0 0 +0 1 Melbourne Victory 1 0 1 0 0 0 +0 1Wellington Phoenix 1 0 0 1 1 2 -1 0Perth Glory 1 0 0 1 1 3 -2 0 Newcastle Jets 1 0 0 1 0 2 -2 0

Round 1results

Sydney FC 2 v Newcastle Jets 2Alessandro Del Piero has picked up where he left off last campaign, inspiring Sydney FC to a comfortable 2-0 season-opening win over Newcastle on Friday night at Allianz Stadium.

Central Coast Mariners 1 v Western Sydney Wanderers 1The opening game of Central Coast’s title defence has finished in a thrilling 1-1 draw as Tomi Juric and Western Sydney snatched an 87th-minute equaliser.

Melbourne Victory 0 v Melbourne Heart 0Victory and Heart have played out a tense goalless draw in their Melbourne derby season opener at Etihad Stadium on Saturday night.

Wellington Phoenix 1 v Brisbane Roar 2A late Ivan Franjic goal has given the Brisbane Roar a 2-1 win over an under-strength Wellington Phoenix in their opening Hyundai A-League game at Westpac Stadium.

Adelaide United 3 v Perth Glory 1A blistering first-half Jeronimo Neumann brace has propelled Adelaide United to a thrilling season-opening 3-1 triumph over Perth Glory at Coopers Stadium on Sunday.

Round 2 fixturesAdelaide United v Melbourne Victory 18 October 7:00pm Coopers Stadium

Melbourne Heart v Central Coast Mariners 19 October 5:30pm Aami Park

Brisbane Roar v Sydney FC 19 October 6:30pm Suncorp Stadium

Newcastle Jets v Perth Glory20 October 3:00pm Hunter Stadium

Western Sydney Wanderers v Wellington Phoenix 20 October 5:00pm Parramatta Stadium


Tlett iħbieb antikiDan l-aħħar fil-belt Valletta iltaqgħu tlett iħbieb anti-ki. Mario Azzopardi plejer magħruf f’Malta meta kien jilgħab maċ-champions Valletta FC iffirma kuntratt biex jiġi jilgħab f’NSW mal-Melita Eagles FC fis-sena 1983 flimkien ma’ plajer ieħor Joe Zammit. Kien Law-rence Dimech li kiseb il-firma tagħhom mill-klabb belti u waqt li Zammit baqa’ l-Awstralja Mario Azzopardi rritorna lejn Malta wara sitt snin u nofs. Charlie Agius dak iż-żmien kien Team Manager tal-Melita Eagles FC dak iż-żmien wieħed mill-aqwa timijiet tal-fut-ball f’NSW. Kien għalhekk mument nostalġiku meta ltaqgħu mill-ġdid f’Malta kif juri dan it-ritratt. Mario bgħat it-tislijiet tiegħu lil ħafna ħbieb li kellu f’Sydney.

100 caps for MifsudThirteen years after his international debut at the same ground, Michael Mifsud won his 100th Malta cap at the Ta’ Qali National Stadium on Friday evening. Striker Mifsud captained his country against the Czech Republic in FIFA World Cup qualifying Group B. It marked the latest landmark in an illustrious national-team career that started against Albania in February 2000. “I am very honoured to have reached this milestone of 100 ap-pearances for my country – something I will treasure for the rest of my life,” Mifsud told The all-time leading scorer for Malta, Mifsud has also enjoyed success at club level, including spells in England with Coventry City FC and Barnsley FC. Though he sub-sequently returned to his homeland, the 32-year-old now plies his trade with Melbourne Heart FC in Australia. “I am very happy with my decision to join Melbourne Heart,” he said after moving Down Under last month. “I have joined a very ambitious club with some great players. I must say I was greeted by my new team-mates as if I had been playing for the club for ages. I am looking forward to my first match with my new club.”

Parramatta jippreparaw għall-istaġun li jmissParramatta FC jidher li s-sena d-dieħla beħsiebhom jagħmlu attentat serju biex jerġgħu jitilgħu fil-Premier League ta’ NSW. Din il-ġimgħa ġejna infurmati li huma diġà kisbu l-firem ta’ players li kienu magħhom fil-passat mhux bogħod. Xi staġuni ilu d-difensur Patrick Gatt, il-midfielder Matthew Clews u l-attakkant Luke Grima, ki-enu ħallew il-club għal raġunijiet personali, imma jidher li dawn issa waslu fi ftehim biex jerġgħu jilbsu l-flokkijiet bl-istrixxi ħomor u bojod. F’dawn l-aħħar sentejn it-tim kien taħt it-treġija tal-coach Lee Sterry li fi żmienu kien player tajjeb ta’ Sydney United u oħrajn imma li qatt ma ħalla isem fil-karriera tiegħu bħala coach. Taħtu Parramatta waqgħu mill-Premier League wara li s-sena ta’ qabel kienu sal-vaw tajjeb permezz ta’ maniġġar għaqli minn Emanuel Spanoudakis li ħadhom f’nofs l-istaġun wara li l-coach li kell-hom, Brian Dean, kien saba diffiċli li jkompli. Spanoudakis spiċċa ma’ St George fejn bidel lil dan it-tim minn wieħed ordinarju sa ma din is-sena rebaħ dak kollu li kien hemm. Bħala coach Parramatta issa ingaġġaw lil Franco Consentino li kien assistent ta’ Sterry s-sena l-oħra. Bħala manager tat-tim se jkun Stephen El-lul, li ma’ missieru Ġorġ wegħduna li jżommuna informati b’dak kollu li jiġri fil-Melta Stadium.

Corey did it again!Another honour for Corey Spiteri. Last Sunday the under 13s Fencing Guilt was run at Marrickville PCYC Centre and Spiteri (second from left) won the Gold medal, plus a gold foil. It came down to the last few seconds in a nail biting event, winning 7/8.


Football f’Malta

Żbalji difensivi jagħtu rebħa faċli lir-Repubblika Ċekaminn Roberto Debrincat

Fl-aħħar logħba tat-team nazzjonali Malti fl-Istadium Nazzjonali, fi Grupp B tal-fażi ta’ kwalifikazzjoni għat-Tazza tad-Dinja 2014, ir-Repubblika Ċeka għelbu lil Mal-ta bl-iskor ta’ 4-1. Qabel ingħata bidu għal din il-logħba, Michael Mif-sud, ingħata tifkira minn Norman Darmanin Demajo, president tal-Malta Football Association, u mis-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Isport, Stefan Buontempo, fl-okkażjoni tal-100 logħba tiegħu mat-team nazzjonali. Iċ-Ċeki ma setax kellhom bidu aħjar meta wara biss tliet minuti, fl-ewwel xutt tagħhom tal-logħba, huma fetħu l-iskor. Fil-fatt, kien TOMAS HUBSCHMAN li ttanta xor-tih b’xutt minn tarf il-kaxxa li kien imxellef minn Rowen Muscat bil-ballun iqarraq b’Justin Haber u jispiċċa fix-xi-bka, għalkemm ta’ min jistqarr li l-goalkeeper Malti mess il-ballun iżda ma rnexxielux iżommu. Il-Maltin, għalkemm maħsuda minn dan il-goal bi-kri taċ-Ċeki, ipprovaw iwettqu reazzjoni bl-aħjar ċans jasal mal-kwarta logħob fejn Alex Muscat, wara li rebaħ il-pussess tal-ballun fid-difiża Maltija, avvanza u tefa’ through-ball lejn John Mintoff li kien f’pożizzjoni rego-lari iżda Petr Cech, fil-lasta taċ-Ċeki, irnexxielu jasal qa-bel il-player ta’ Sliema Wanderers. Fl-20 minuta, kien Cech li wettaq save mill-aqwa fuq xutt mill-viċin ta’ Mifsud, fejn l-attakkant Malti seraq ballun lil difensur avversarju u hekk kif daħal fil-kaxxa, ġibed lejn ix-xellug u minn qagħda djagonali fajjar xutt li sfortunatament ġie salvat mill-goalkeeper Ċek. Wara din l-azzjoni, iċ-Ċeki reġgħu ħadu kontroll tal-pussess tal-ballun u wara li kellhom xi azzjonijiet offen-sivi, fit-33 minuta, huma rdoppjaw il-vantaġġ tagħhom. Fil-fatt, minn cross mil-lemin ta’ Rajtoral Frantisek, kien hemm ħarġa ħażina ta’ Justin Haber b’DAVID LA-FATA jogħla tajjeb bir-ras u jixħet il-ballun fis-saqaf tax-xibka. Dan il-goal qata’ saqajn il-players Maltin, tant, li sas-suffara finali tal-ewwel taqsima, iċ-Ċeki kkontrollaw mingħajr diffikultà l-vantaġġ doppju tagħhom. Għat-tieni 45 minuta, iż-żewġ coaches ma wettqu l-ebda sostituzzjoni bil-Maltin jidhru aktar determinati. U proprju wara żewġ minuti, il-Maltin irnexxielhom in-aqqsu d-distakk meta Roderick Briffa rċieva ballun fi tliet kwarti ta’ ground u b’pass perfett żmarka lil MICHAEL MIFSUD li waħdu quddiem Cech xeħet il-ballun fix-xibka b’xutt fil-baxx. Dan kien it-38 goal ta’ Mifsud bil-flokk tat-team nazzjonali Malti. Iżda l-entużjażmu tal-Maltin inbidel f’diżappunt meta, tliet minuti wara, iċ-Ċeki reġgħu ħadu vantaġġ doppju meta minn cross mix-xellug, Lafa-ta għola għall-ballun flimkien ma’ Mintoff

b’tal-ewwel ikompli l-ballun lejn VACLAV KADLEC li b’daqqa ta’ takkuna f’lasta vojta xeħet ġewwa. Fis-56 minuta, il-Maltin kienu ferm sfortunati li ma skorjawx it-tieni goal meta wara konfużjoni fil-kaxxa Ċeka, xutt ta’ Briffa spiċċa fid-direzzjoni ta’ Andrew Co-hen li minn ħalq il-lasta mattar siequ iżda ma laqatx il-ballun li għadda jħakkek mal-wieqfa b’Cech megħlub. Minkejja li kien għad fadal aktar minn nofs siegħa għal tmiem il-logħba, il-Maltin dehru neqsin mill-ideat biex joħolqu xi forma ta’ periklu għal-lasta difiża minn Cech. Fl-aħħar sekondi tal-logħba s-sostitut, TOMAS PEKHART, għamel l-iskor finali 4-1 b’daqqa ta’ ras mill-viċin.Michael Mifsud jirċievi flokk kommemorattiv mingħand Norman Darmanin Demajo qabel il-logħba kontra r-Repubblika Ċeka u isfel it-tim Malti qabel logħba riċenti