The Wandering Spirit Citrinethe birthstones for the month of November. She also takes a look at...

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November 2017


A B e t t e r T o m o r r o w S t a r t s T o d a y



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Love and Light,

Lauren X



I have known I was psychic as from a very young age. I could see and hear things from spirit. Growing up in a Roman catholic family, and even going to a Catholic school, did not help with the development and acceptance of my gifts. I pushed them aside, and it was only in my 20’s that I came to the UK and then started to develop my abilities. This allowed me to be more open and have my gifts more easily accepted by others.


As a psychic medium I can communicate with spirit, and I get a lot of messages and information from spiritual guides. I also have Tarot cards that I use to guide me through the reading and time I spend with my client.They are a wonderful tool that I use to give me a clearer guideline of what the clients are asking about, or the path they need to take. So in essence, I am a psychic medium – person who communicates with spirit and loved ones that are passed over. And I am Clairvoyant, which enables me to sense and see within my mind’s eye that answers the clients are looking for. It’s kind of a thought pattern that I know is not my own.

2017 is winding down, but there is still a lot of work to do. The sun is passing through the intensity of Scorpio, making its way into starry Sagittarius. This is a highly spiritual time of year, in which the energetic dynamics of our lives have the power to shift in positive and productive ways. It’s a great time to strengthen what we really value in life.

Ryan Gosling was born 37 years ago on the 12th of this month. With the new Blade Runner film drawing attention worldwide, our editorial team paints a telling and entertaining portrait of his life, career, relationships, and what he values above all else.

Psychic Chrissie, a favorite with clients around the world, has more insight for us this month, including an exploration of the energies of Citrine, one of the birthstones for the month of November. She also takes a look at Sagittarius and the mysterious spirit of adventure it awakens in all of us .

As always, we thank you for being a reader of our monthly magazine, and a valued client of our top-rated psychic services. Our team is here to offer support and guidance that inspires and awakens!

P I N 7 7 3 5



I was shopping in Waterstones when my bag bumped something off the shelf. When I picked it up, I saw that it was a pack of Tarot cards. I turned it over and it said The Gendron Tarot — I got a chill as that’s my surname! I The rest is history. It’s the same pack I use today. This Tarot deck has been all over the world with me, and I’ve used it for the past 22 years.


I was contacted by the frantic parents of a young man in Johannesburg, who has been missing for two days. Unable to intuit, I asked a fellow friend/ colleague if she was able to connect with anything that could help the distraught family. I told them he will be found, and asked about his connection to Bezuidenhout Street. Within half an hour of sending the message, the mum messaged back that he had been located near that street, and although he was in a distraught state, the healing process had begun.

your psychic reading with any reader this month!


“It’s a kind of thought pattern that I know is not my own”

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On one hand, Ryan Gosling was primed for acting from a young age. At the age of 12 he auditioned for the children’s TV show The Mickey Mouse Club and was awarded a two-year

contract. Famously, the other kids on the program included Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

And yet, Gosling describes himself as a loner during this period, with no real friends to speak of until he was 14 or 15. He describes a childhood of solitude, being bullied in school, and developing an obsession with acting. At one point, following an evaluation for ADHD (Gosling was never diagnosed), his mother homeschooled him for a year. This experience, says Gosling, strengthened his sense of autonomy.

But the fierce independent streak we see in Ryan goes back further than childhood, beginning with the position of the stars at his birth. You may already know his Western sign, and for those who enjoy observing zodiacal archetypes in other people, this guy has Scorpio written all over him. There’s a romantic intensity about his characters, a singular focus, and a protectiveness that makes admirers melt in their shoes. Scorpio is a deep and mysterious sign, one that takes love and loyalty with utmost seriousness, and when these values are compromised or threatened, watch out! Natives of this sign also exude sexiness and sensuality — the kind you can never quite understand or pin down — and Gosling is one the best examples out there.

But why? There are a lot of Scorpios out there, after all, and not all of them have this sort of intensity. The answer for Ryan Gosling is a rare planetary configuration called a wedge. When all of the planets in your chart are all contained within one half or “hemisphere” of the chart,

it’s called a bowl formation. Self-contained, on a mission, focused, driven, bearing a personal cross — these are typical traits. In a wedge formation, the planets are even more tightly contained (within 150 degrees, instead of 180), and the traits of the bowl formation are even stronger.

If we move into Gosling’s other astrological signs, we get a fuller picture of the star. Gosling’s Chinese sign is Monkey, which overlays his Scorpio intensity with playfulness and curiosity. When are those playful qualities going to show up? When are we going to see the serious stuff? Not knowing, and always having to guess, is what makes this actor so absorbing on-screen — even if his physical beauty (Venus in Libra) somehow fails to grab you. His inward, emotional energies (moon) are Capricornian, which makes him hardworking in both career and love. We see these in the strength of his relationship with Eva Mendes. We also see it in his television career as a child and teenager, which resulted in a steady stream of work until he quit TV at the age of 19 and decided to pursue films exclusively. And when he was cast opposite Rachel MacAdams in 2004’s The Notebook, he entered a new stratosphere of notoriety, and has since been one of the most highly-sought after talents in the business.

In terms of awards and recognition, Gosling came close to snagging top honors last year, when he received an Oscar nomination for his work in La La Land. Now, his performance in the highly anticipated update of Blade Runner, opposite acting legend Harrison Ford, moves him into a yet another phase of his career. Ryan Gosling is quickly becoming a legend in his own right — and if his astrological portrait is any indicator, he has the mental toughness to handle it.


Gemini Virgo

Taurus Leo

Aries CancerThe depth of your feelings can be intense. You can use this in the first week to use your intuition to guide your moves around any key issue, and especially around close ties. Your hunches could pay off handsomely, and with Venus combining with Jupiter from the 10th to the 16th, an amazing stroke of luck in love or loot are possible. However, your facts must always be spot on.

Your relationships are going to be sharply in focus this month, and there are going to be some wonderful opportunities to improve harmony in existing ties, or even to meet somebody completely new. The New Moon on the 18th is something that can be particularly exciting, even if it throws up a surprise with a blast from the past. Just don’t try too hard to force a physical change.

This month offers a tremendous chance to transform the practical elements of your situation, but you can also embrace imagination in your approach. So even if there are hard and fast things you want to get done, you don’t necessarily have to go about them in workaday ways. However, a relationship could reach a crunch point in the last phase of this month. Listening is the key.

Whatever enthuses you is what you should grapple with this month. Be it a creative strand, your children’s activities, artistic interests or your social and love life, be as proactive as possible Cancer. As Venus combines with both Jupiter and Neptune between the 10th and the 18th, some really magical possibilities can unfold. The New Moon can also support your highest hopes.

The first two thirds of this month puts a lot of emphasis on your home, emotional and family situations. If you are feeling fulfilled in these areas, the chances are there can be some exceptionally good news, such as a new addition or success involving a member of your clan. Later in the month, do concentrate hard to make the most of your most valued talents Leo.

Your words can take on an incredible potency this month, and someone you encounter may even hang on every single one. But this also gives you an added advantage if you’re looking to promote or market any ideas. Some Virgos may even look to start a home-based business. If you’re really serious about this, the last phase of the month could see a breakthrough.

November Horoscopes

For more astrology, pyschic stories, Chinese horoscopes & more, visit us online.

Sagittarius Pisces

Scorpio Aquarius

Libra CapricornYour financial situation can be revived this month as your ruler Venus moves on the 7th, and from the 10th to the 16th combines with the fortunate energies of Jupiter. Mind, do be conscious that the side of you that loves sweet things is going to be sorely tempted, so if you’re on a diet, expect some cravings. The New Moon of the 18th, can also see you make some smart moves.

There is a real sense of astrological excitement mounting around your situation this month. Why? Well, not only is there a New Moon in your zodiac sign, the Sun is forging a beautiful link with Neptune early on, which can help you to express yourself with real sensitivity and craft. But also Venus arrives in your sign to give your sex appeal an enormous boost. Enjoy all the attention.

Once the Sun moves into your sign on the 22nd, and also Neptune goes into forward motion, things can really start to speed up for you. But with Mercury combining with Saturn, you’re going to need to do your planning in a very structured and precise way. Do not be surprised if someone from your past becomes more important again or a low-key relationship grows in status.

Your friendship sector is set to go through a real growth spurt. You may have wondered over the last couple of years about the sincerity of certain people in your situation, but now you can be heartened by who joins your circle, and one person could become a really close associate. Try not to let any hidden or unresolved anxieties inhibit you as the month comes to a close.

Your career can take a turn for the better. People are becoming much more attuned to the skill set you offer, but also the unique way that you as an Aquarius goes about what you do. This can see you very inclusive and aware of the needs of colleagues and the wider business. A long-term plan can take on a much more solid shape in the last week of November.

There’s a real sense that expansion can sweep through your situation. Be optimistic about what’s possible. This may require you to think more broadly than before or even connect to different types of people. If you’re travelling, you could have the journey of a lifetime with some very memorable experiences and encounters. A work interview can be crucial late in November.

Citrine Dreams

Citrine, the birthstone of November, is a beautiful yellow-to-gold member of the quartz mineral family. In

its deepest golden form (which is found in Madiera, Spain) it can resemble the costly Topaz Gem Stone. It can also be found in Brazil, Bolivia and several African countries. It can even be found on some parts of the Russia and surrounding areas.

Healing Properties of Citrine

This vibrant joyful stone with its bright energy can light up many aspects of the lives of those that work with it. It has energies of good fortune and good luck, though at times they may appear in very unexpected ways.

Keywords: Success, Abundance, Personal Power

Citrine is well-known in crystal work as a success and property stone — it’s even called a ‘Success Stone’. It is said to promote and manifest success in an abundance in many different areas and in many different ways. It is particularly

used to promote success in business if the owner should carry it, wear it, or place it in a cash box of the shop. This has earned it yet another nickname – the ‘Merchant’s Stone’.

In addition to this stone manifesting abundance, Citrine also brings energies of generosity to enable prosperity and success to be shared. When used by healers, it helps with digestion and is considered very beneficial to the endocrine and digestive systems — specifically by cleaning, purifying and eliminating poisons that have built up over time.

When used in healing on the solar plexus chakra, it can increase, magnify and clarify personal power and energy. This increased personal power can be used for the focused intent of the individual, and also strengthens will power.

This gorgeous vibrant stone has also been called the ‘Stone of the Mind’. Ancient cultures believed that by placing a Citrine on the forehead

of the elder, it would increase her psychic power; as it is a fabulous stone to combat negative energy of any kind by breaking them up and dissipating them. By removing unwanted energies, it paves the way for spiritual and psychic growth. It is also an excellent stone for dream recall and dream work. Citrine can even be used to clear unwanted energies from the environment, whether at home, the office, in the car, or any other space both indoors or outside.

Citrine lifts the spirits when worn or held by the owner, and can be used to help relieve depression. It naturally brings love and joy to those it touches, increases self-esteem, protects from negative energy, and opens the mind to new thoughts. It enhances mental clarity, confidence and will power — which in turn will bring increased creativity and honesty.

Those born in the month of November are very lucky indeed to have such a powerful stone to guide their way.

By psychic Chrissie

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A Sagittarius is represented by a Centaur with the cupper portion of a human and the lower portion of a horse. Due to this, they are invested with both human and animal qualities.

Sagittarians are seekers of truth, and can often find themselves meandering and wandering aimlessly. People that are born under this sign are adventures at heart and will travel miles in order to seek answers. With their open mind and philosophical views, this can motivate their natural instinct to search out the meaning of life.

Since freedom can be their greatest treasure, natives of this sign are happiest when they can travel freely, explore different cultures and philosophies, and flex their creative muscles. They are basically independent at heart, and seek changes all of the time (Sagittarius one of three ‘mutable’ signs of the zodiac). It is seldom that Sagittarian people are possessive or jealous, and are generally not as temperamental as most other signs. At times they can detach themselves a little too much.

Because of their honesty, those born under this Fire sign can often be impatient and tactless, when they need to say or do anything. Add in the emotional attachment at times and Sag can sometimes come across more abrupt then intended. In fact, Sagittarians can come across as being rude, refusing to budge their views even when they are knowingly in the wrong. They can be extremely egocentric and in general can thrust their views onto others. As confident people, they can at times border on arrogance.

However, Sagittarius is a fundamentally optimistic sign. They tend to look at the brighter side of things, and their optimism and mood will not be stilted and suffer by any hardship they may face in life. They are also extremely helpful towards friends and family and will walk the extra miles when needed. All signs have their light and dark sides.

All things considered, Sag is one of the most inspirational and beloved signs out there.

For those born under the sign of Sagittarius, there can be a thin line between love and intimacy. Their love for change and diversity can bring a lot of different partners into their lives. With their very playful and humorous demeanour, they enjoy having fun with their partners and crave partners that can be as equally open as themselves. But when they are truly in love, they are very loyal, faithful and dedicated and will respond well to a caring yet exciting partner.

When Sagittarians visualise something in their minds, they will do anything and everything to achieve that goal and make it a reality. They enjoy diverse jobs and interesting people, and very much enjoy making and spending money. They are fun to be around and with their very witty sense of humour and constant optimism, they are quite simply considered the happiest sign of the zodiac.

The wandering spirit

Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humour.

Weaknesses: Promises more than can deliver, very impatient, will say anything no matter how undiplomatic.

Likes: Freedom, travel, philosophy, being outdoors.

Dislikes: Clingy people, being constrained, off-the-wall theories, details.

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Allan 7794Amber 5500Amethyst 7790Andrea 7726 Athena 7748Bernie 7811Cleo 7841 Danielle 7823Ellie 7837Eric 7742Gail 7804

Gill 7796Greta 7832Gwyneth 7735Jean 7842Jeannie 5506Jessica 7777Jo 7745Joanne 7746Karen 7850 Karena 7703Lily 7725

Linda 7845Loraine 7776Maggie 7791 Manda 7801Megan 7840 Melody 7809 Nina 7859 Pam 7821 Priscilla 7717Ruth 7783 Sam 7713

Sam Anne 7807 Sapphire 7724 Selina 7727Sharon 7849Shireen 7825Shyama 7762 Stevie 7718Tammy 7848 Tayo 5501Tito 7819

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