The Washington times.(Washington, DC) 1921-06-06 [p 9]. · 2017-12-14 · M2inch Dres Glaghams, a...

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I5t0 .Uveral A" Mitlers heekingMt $ltoibW with the premier eo.'-MI~ ss sin pay, were

Midth of their

heItoroffthe natal end-"* * r.*rt'e m"."saebs Tech and Insetus of me.-

*0 been burgh Must Raise $4 200.000tememstration and to Got Hugs the latter

M6Wterre at the ministry of Oda- m7 Iaawsa mssrtoZ'sa Wie preeg to brsit NNW YORKx. June S -As additionaldonation of $1T,408,000 to the Carne-gie Institute of Pittsburgh and the

:" Carnegie Institute et Teohslogy bythe Carnegie Corporation of NewYork has been announced here.The donation is oontingent apes the

raising of $4.200.000 from outsidesources, so that the Institution. In

SPittsburgh founded by Andrew Carde-* ie probably will have an entire in-

Sef crease in endowment of $281, 01t The two Carnegie Institutes in1

+ Pitsurh were re piengat 000,-< btrr .1s 000 Lu endowment funds from cause-

dSbiSh b~4dI gte during his lifetime, The CarnegieIqatitute of Techology has about

ae3eMo 400 studonta. It Is the avoed per-pose of the Carnegie Corporties tomake the Institute a ti grester ee

S c ter of technical le itlanll !been In the past The plan of the in-

Rn W htitut national In scope as it wel-comes students fromn every State inthe Union and is particiarly desir-i s ou of receiving students who aretTh moderate circumstances.

SchoolWillThen There'll'of Boys and (

The r3OOOnIn Which 5(Are to BeGii

Prospective participants sthis contest today, because neatgirls are already in the field a

The rule of "First Come,:Don't risk disappointmentSign and send in the cou

faor TheWashington Times

I ~Bicycle DeparSend me instructions for seca

Address .... ....~...

Age...... Parent's Name..

All subscriptions must be fiTake your subscriptions to

Contest Headquarters, 1222 F sivayogtthern. This office ison


R3ADIWfG Pa,. June &-The ms

unusual Complaint ever reeived bythe pollee department here bee been

aHoewives will not be parmitted WHO N L E

Lieut. Hayes .McXrhneV can stop It,f complain th a family on a

LIdewatspn e as a laundry, brought Deaf to Screams for Mwey,record time. The wash line. andte Shoots TroughS r t ,wash came don'. and orders against Thin* c nd.b os.a repetitionao the offase were givesin no uncertain language. It was the IC(0 s i-lbtfirst time such a complaint woo r. HCG.Jn ..MetUceived h'ere. Pedestrians had to Beardsley, twenty-oiht. of west

dodge the Rapping Wash until the po- Chicago, shot and hilled his eightees-Ie gave relief, year-old wife. Mrs. Aice Fowier

CHICAO INDICTS 11 IN *ea'd'le'' today. 8e then killed

UNION LABOR SCANDAL himeif.The shooting is believed to haveCHICAGO. June a-Dleven indict- ben caused by Beardsley5 Jealousy

meats have been returned by a and his discovery that his wife badspecial grand jury I5ett11.UU build- neglected the grave of heIr material sad labor comMbie o separatod twuo mouths ago. a

charge extortion of money in connec- short time after their chil ded.tion with strikes. Beardsley visited the gRave In Mel-Among the Indicted 4' Miehael rose Park Cemetery Meno?4 Dey.

Boyle. known as "Umbrella Mike." a ..He Camne away from the esmeterywell-knDown labor leader who was fairly raving" said Guy, Drrtiafreed from al last year by Press- chauffeur, one of BrdesieV fns..Gntial pardon __ He told we the grain was over-

ONCEM grown with weeds. that mer. we'e

MELODRAMA no flowen on it--e ears .aTesho otiared In a mimes.IS POPULAR IN FRANCE wt...aes sayrBeardl eid net a

PARIS, Juno C.-Keodrasa semfn

wrdL.Heme his wies eSO bto be coming bak on the st frot o oon d ew re-"Never." maid one thaeatrical mega- volver.

nate. 'hare audiences been meea- geeing an revolver she fild lets thesitive and responsive than now. and salon. Beardsley followed. Inemore prone to tears. It is evident Mr. Beardsley bee her husban tothe war has created this lively see- have mercy. He shot twice."obStf~ynaaeadecssosldigi e etb~LTan-sblly tnhsmade lets lodgig In herlfbad.Tneasily moved. It is noticeable even he placed the revolver to his left sideamong the male spectators." and pulled the trigger.

5oon Be Out3e a Big Rushzirls' to Enter

R0Bicyde Contest)00 BicyclesenAway byLtOUFunesFould HURRY and enroll in-ly2000 men, women, boys and,nd only 3000 more can enter.

First Served" will be being a late comer.

pon today and get started on

of one of these beautiful $60

35 new yearly subscribersAs soon as your subscrip-only the first month's cost,We delivered to you.

oupon Today

rment,ring a $60 bicycle.

bae in Full)

rtwelve months.The Washington Times Bicyclereet northwest, the same daynumn 5:30 ever-y afte.non.


3'3W YOSE. Joao 6.-The tormer IfW YOU, un &-Rere theamerman passenger liner KaIsOr WU- tour days overdWe I- ressag, port,hela II has be renamed- President pawegers who laded trio the Ce-

r ing,' as isa saee eed by efsela d ueaisna h r odat fe w.o h ol" i~ e a wih l a t r ~or osCm a y o hl b a i a! w sh Des w e rie k " 0 d a oh'Uie 8tte Man S#mntea veeaiseComsaa, to hiehw the vessel wasnI5~~pi~ edaleoad by the Shipping eari. Ues of Ne trop oS to 11 testDurag the war the President eard- 2 d fro $ artor the

lag was known as the AgInmnn. ekip=e path o -co ead. operated by the navy, she played ording to th wagers.a- important part in the traasport tog added to the ship's diei ltles,esevies. she will gall between 3ow and e day the lin d. butYork, Suethampton and frees.. twenty-two eftee sod.

19cHou Tds Twla t 1'!Ovls T121%c

NW YOON emme Hush Towelsd test ien e b g red tr-der.; iSe Gloom-waves. absorb-"Noat grade for hotels, rooo

hng olm~r he uase. aimfpially lo :ith -tles-at sug. ah. or Ad det.-.Th

8.95 Stenciled 8x10Grass Rugs, $4.65These are the heavy, firm woven grade RSS and

shonid not b6 confused wita Inferior kinds advertised else-whehre at similar low prices.

A large selection of attractive desns and colorings,Incuding medallion, oriental and neat border effects In reen,blue or brown. All are In the wanted 8x0-ft room size.

$10.85 Crew Ruep. $. I ;6.86 Cres Rugs. .5z12-[ Rom Sbe.. 8. Sa.$17.95 Hodges Rattansaor Cherokee Rugs at $12.95

Hedger Baak~et-weav. Rattania Rugs. In T.O.6-fL..sine, also re-versible woven color Cbrokee Fiber Rgs, In Choice ofthe newest and handsomest colorings In orientl, medallion. floral andnovelty effects, with neat and artistic border designs.sot4rintImp

$.Taptry CouchenciCorers at$g5 $

On "count of tela or 3 Inchs One of the newest anshorter than the regulation length.

wsoud tholt f wit -g ferir d d l

weore Horn- sumer frocks. Dainty anI Avelare coan weight,in reversible allioriental a ln tb that loses none of it

blu or a b to . Al are wide. wonderful rom sfze.ce-. u-..... u,. this season, among them the

Pink, Orchid, Light Dne, T13-. RStn S ..Lavender. Jade. rown. Navy

$1.5 HS dgeCanisor Ch One of the leading saleat95c $1.100

Pink Satin Camiokbes, R nahthade, with bentiful ast n face; g6 inches wide; an exra fintrimmed with fine laces di in- Tan, Pink. Light Blue, baosr etc.ser.s in beck and f.otit; satin season's most effective materialsribbon shoulder strep . A sizes.

A vast aoregsnent of style.5nasy Irmo and Evw atn4 ddnee wide (note the exta

wmsleasar good heavy quality. tifultwo-ply, hiffon-nish grd

ih rible oretal ands 1o0i

dwanted street and evening shade.Full cut sins .......... r

4 Fld eet. Gidenbergu%- rhs IND.

25c Yard-Wide Percales

Beating back-getting down to normal on these desirablecotton staples. 36 inches wide, in light grounds-soft-finish

quality so extensively used for men's and boys' shirts, women'sand children's wear. Good assortment of styles-warrantedfast colors. Tomorrow at 6c a yard.

3Ft Dress Gulges at 25c YardM2inch Dres Glaghams, a superior fine grile, In a beautiful as-

sortOent of new plaids, staple and fancy checks, sthipes and plaincolors.

32-inch Peqgy Clo 29c Shirting MaasA high-grade washable material 32 Inches wide-tight grounds

for boys' suits, children's ropr In a beautiful variets of coloredand women's house grnts. lean Istripes; correct weight for men'sassortment'of plain colors. ilud- and boys' hirts, women's and chil-

lPg nern' k wear. L'agthB,

dar caetgren, anetc clvdr,.. Jad.,.Brow.,.Na.y,

One of theF leaigsl$2.00~C'$13.0n0he

All uresil qulit, w Tcan fack, igh Bsuf, Mandeclustous nd f hevyfrm ea-the most favoriedsmatefral

Whie ad Back 35Inces id 4 Monday atd (1ot9 ah eyr.

ColredCree d Cine rih cepyftihlitpy, ehffnnsh rade

$2 ~poTafb,$P 69Soleet. 4 dd435 I fore Mash at.. ....... iea..... .i

Bz-1e aity ballk-getting dow itoe nrmlud ont adstreacotnmpleran inces w idedte, inhight g ndrosegrytafnsofuavy blo extnsivlcy bsdf ron' andboswhirtswme'$2nd chin' wcer., Goo asotmn Sof sftyls-ranefatclr.Tmro t16 a yard.79

35c Dress Cin.haStpe-sl Yrdg ir-ev3Blach Satin Ghs allsupekrior sane tried hality, ias-

32-y aic iPegiy Cthb29 lre asrtengo coloracfor a , han d re -stroe r~ b"i2n ch ol u nd fat g or s.

mni ibes pulain an an n ati mm r e ibbnd, with

wid -r;ee..Inpik, lu, we ma'-- for" sahe;see inches. 18c

clnra anluel fat.... . ..r..

RnegplanasadeF29ever derbe sha, wluigan rcombainato fcoloringysoftan

sument ofrocks. A hieasotetoftelain hdsJoloe,.H.nn..Orchid..Brown, Taue lmTanrnet,Wis-r


LIfACOfIWG. td., June .-WiO- CHICAGO. Yens -An fhe pIliem Jaeobs, aged seventy-eNs, a fer- vis of the trety of Verdnt viiaer Member of the legIsature, 5d be eeute Tuesday. oftemnos 4Saturday from a dunshot woad Cicago In Zak. M0ob1g6b Wbe 0Is the thigh. Is.aen. by Ue unsf the V. I. t. Wllsetto d*eon, Stanley Jeets, several Ays ape the German sobearlno Uss.The sea. who turned the was stIppMA of maeuy and te dhmself. died a sew b ia J.-*reqecc. It I. believed t- yeg tse-beaseo 1mmi.o of the e e atpy oa wereSn wtilt'Mr. Jaobs Is survived by hbb wie, a reord of msire addd. says, wilt

ea. dasgter, . Viessuedeao bs. spet itsean at te baneedofand two soas. Frak Sad Alv JO- naval re vist as Pat of heir snba ew taauve.a. .

theAt G eelm s

Silk leases Potloeatshlghgwado cotton tops, In abeautifulspset of lash-lseable shsde,te prettycageable effets. also navyblotand black.

Wornen's Low ShoesWoitl3 is $6.00 aPt.

at $2.39f Pairgsale couldn't come at a better time. Every one Is

wnngnew low shoes to wear with summer frocks and forvacation needs. We have gathered in one group severalhundred pairs of low shoes-all of desirable quality andgood style-and offer the entire lot in tomorrow's sale at aprice that should bring an early crowd of shoe buyers.

Ofords pip. ad Sta Spps, of Whits Canvas,Pasat Colt, T S l Kid atd dIe ather s, with etstun and McKay sawed Sodas; L.ois Cubnanmd low hos

Many niffe nt style to select from. Some linesandslihtlybroken in se, but the combined lt contains all sizes from 2s to 7.

G~t.sbrg1--~lie .

rted Colored Organdiesy Seling Regularly at $1.00 Yard

dmost attractive of dress cottonmfor adsheer-exceptionally fine transparent

sbeautiful finish after laundering. The Cides Includes all the most favored for 6

followntgot a, KdadDnlahrwt etd

rotae, anda. Tea Rse, Flesh, Nab, Nile Harding Blue, Copes.,

Blace, Ocean Green., Hoesydew, Etc.values for Monday at 69c a yard.

Satin Stripe Voile , 5k

sheer, two-ply quality, in graas of "Black, Navy, Ce, All.with handsome self-olored pure silk satin stripes. On efor waists and dresses.

Voileea f c Printed Voileswidth). A bfia. at Inches wid. Handsome dark grounds, etrades nue e qualityshaving the effect of eorgett crepe,. a everce Grounds of navy copen, brown, black. taEpec sa.

gausroMnay.Iath aer a adnetefet n

,.withhnsomestylesdsuch as fulard patterns space doft,scroll designs and fne cluster polka dote ... eDW7

Mercerized Table DamaskWie, at43 79c Vales

1,200 yards of 64-Inch Mercerized Table Damask, a

good heavy grade suitable for home or cafe use. Beautifullustrous finish that washing will not affect. Choice is offeredof five pretty patterns. assed as mill seconds because ofimperfections,

No Nall er Pheo Ordern Aceated.

Oaldnber'w-W su1er.

SummerNotionNeedsFeatherutltes Braids. three- Boys' Knee Cae neatly made

yard pieces; regularly of imitation bl leather1.........5 a................ ...... 23eai

........ -Kilnert's Reversible CribChdrens Sok et. r soc heet., acid proof; size *A

colrt~.P r . .. . whie regular 10 kin.blckoG...........t.t l.... c~a...................... 6e

Women'sLinen Handkerchiefs"1:..." 79c Box ".l-Women's Pure LInen Initial Handkerchiefs, good qual-

Ity sheer linen with dainty embroidered Initials, In a goodassortment of letters. Hemstitched borders.

Men's White Handker'biefs= with hemuded berders; full sineand sol't-finIsh quality; well made; strictly perc. U~sualZ~10c values, FOUR for....... ....-...........

Little Girls' $4.50 and $5Organdie Dresses

Extra SpecialToumowow at .

New, charming summertime frocks for little girls of 2to 6 years-representing lines from our regular stock of$4.50 and $5.00 garments-lowered in price for a rousingsale tomorrow.

Made of sheer transparent grade Organdies, In beautifulshades of blue, pink and maize, also white. Cunning rufflemodels and other styles with deep hems, wide sashes anddainty ribbons. Large variety-every -dress exceptionalvalue at $3.98.