The Week Before Christmas

Post on 24-Feb-2016

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Special Thanks to our clients and friends


The week beforeChristmas

’Twas the week before Christmas

and all through the house,

not a keyboard was stirring,

not even a mouse.

The memory sticks hung

by the server with care,

in hopes that the holidays

soon would be there.

The Weave team were nestled

all snug in their beds,

while creative strategies

danced in their heads.

When out on the lawn

there arose such a clatter,

we sprang to the window

to check out the matter.

And what to our wondering

eyes should appear

but the perfect reminder

of a jolly good year.

So to new friends and old,

without further ado:

Best wishes for Christmas,

from the Weave team to you!

Special thanks to

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Canadian Apprentice Forum

Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College

Canadian Revenue Agency

First three years

Georgian College

Innovation Institute of Ontario

Men’s Weight Loss Company

Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario

Ontario Centres of Excellence

Office of the Chief Information and Privacy Officer

Toronto Region Research Alliance

Zoom and Go


Click on for a quick look at what we’ve been up to.

The End