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The Whisper of the Holy Spirit

Spiritualism: The Teaching of the Holy Spirit The Science of the perfection of the soul

Poetry to the Divine Teachings in the Book of True Life an own ones and by Anna Maria Hosta

Introduction The poems in this volume was taken from the Source: The Book of True Life, the teachings of the Divine Master, which is the basis for: The Third Testament. The poems were created from verses of the teachings in the Book of True Life, the Word of God. It is a universal science that has no limits: It is about Spiritualism – The teaching of the Holy Spirit or the science of the perfection of the soul. Spiritualism is the teaching of the preparation of the human heart for the spiritual encounter and the eternal companionship with God, which in the image equates to a marriage. Spiritualism and the return of Christ in this Third Age is spiritual and it has no form, no image, no object of worship; it is purely spiritual and so is the teaching of the Holy Spirit - purely spiritual. When God says he will come on the clouds, it means that he will come spiritually – Invisible to the material eyes and inaudible to the material ears of man. He can only be heard in the silence and in the core, in the innermost being, in the heart of man, where he knocks, until man opens to him and is then heard and felt forever. Heaven is not a place out there, it is the soul's perfection of the heart. The heaven (the love), but also the hell (the evil) are within the human being, in his heart, in his spirit, in his nature, in his character. Man must himself seek for perfection on the way of the divine law, which is love and mercy, prayer and meritorious works. The teachings have been given by God to men for the Third Age in Mexico from 1884 to 1950, as the teachings that guide them in this direction. This new Word of God purifies and cleans the spirit and the soul, nourishes the feeling heart of man and accompanies him on the path of ascension to the mountain of perfection, which is the seat of God, so that the humans can be there, wherever God is and God wants to live in their hearts, to be forever and ever their everlasting master. Spiritualism renounces any external forms of worship, such as public buildings, pictures, figures. The viewer's attention is focused solely on the Spirit. The human spirit is an atom of the Spirit of God, which He has created in man and on which his universal law of love is written, which shows the soul the way of ascension to God.

Sources: Basis for the Poetry in this volume: The Book of True Life (12 volumes) as well The Third Testament (684 pages) - a compendium of the 12 volumes of the book of True Life These books can be downloaded for free as PDF files at the following link - klicking on the English Flag symbol there….

POETRY 29 – The inner door dissolves

The inner door dissolves Where is my lover? Why can not I see him? But I know - he's the door - let's see if he is there, if I go? I meditate and imagine my soul stands in front of the inner door. She leans with longing with her head on the door. But why is it so dark at the door? I beg you-oh, may I see you once, come and show yourself just for a moment. And what do I see and feel? The door simply dissolves. In the dark room He came and flowed to me, the spirit flowed to me like a river of energy and I flowed to him like a river of energy and both rivers flowed into each other. I felt the spirit and his thinking nature it made him feel joyful to flow so almost invisible and yet perceptible as a vortex, as when water flows into one another. The heart started to knock loudly inside me almost shy and a little bit bang to vibrate, now we were one, two rivers together and united in one. And I felt, this is the goal for every soul, to dissolve and become a river, to unite with the divine river,

until all are united in him and yet his child. A.M. Hosta

POETRY 30 - The light breaks the chains of bondage and ignorance

The thought, that you will have to fight against ideas, customs and errors, existing for centuries should not scare you, nor should it matter to you that your number is small. Whom could one accuse of the spiritualistic people if it fulfills the spiritual law, the moral law and his earthly duties and if it leaves behind a trace of virtue on his way? Beware of all that I have not taught so that you may not be accused of human justice. Today I say to you as in the Second Time: "Give God, what is God's, and the Emperor, what the Emperor's. " Then no one will find a stain on you to judge you. Follow the laws that govern the country in which you live and have respect for those who rule the other nations. I leave you my word for your study and your knowledge gain. Like your shepherd, make your way as a messenger to bring the glad tidings to the hearts. Truly, I tell you, through you must the human race be saved. Step by step I guide you to the path of love, that narrow path, which will, however, fill you with satisfaction and peace. I want to see you walking the path of the Master, which leads to the highest bliss. Do not follow the streets of evil, who remove you from Me. Those who have fulfilled their mission are now with Me. But I have come to you to teach you anew, to dedicate some moments of each new day to Me, because difficult is the task you have to fulfill.

The inheritance I gave you in this time is the same that you had in the past times. But you have the covenant of love and goodwill, you closed with Me long ago, broken, and it was necessary to return to you to remember him. Consider that humanity has reached a high degree of depravity. But you should serve with a pure heart, then you will feel strong and be healthy in the midst of chaos. Unite so that the churches are like a fortress, are like a solid wall, like an unbreakable chain, in which everyone is a strong member. Pick up the fallen ones. I will give you all my loving assistance. But some are whipped by the temptations of the world and have not yet heard the voice of their conscience. Your job is to take their hands, to reach them and to be a rod for them until you achieve that they follow my love trail. Protect, my children, the teachings of the Father, that yours be protected. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII –Teaching 199 - verses 10-24

POETRY 31 - The heavenly Concert

The angels in heaven eternally hear the divine concert. But these are not pieces of music similar to those heard on earth. The music of heaven and the bliss of angels listening to it, that is the harmony with God at this divine concert. In every soul of us lives a sound of this universal concert. How is it that some people do not understand, do not feel or misinterpret this word? Children of God, who are weak in understanding, seek the light in prayer; ask God in your meditations, whatever it is, the Father will know to answer you from eternity. He too will ask you questions so that the light of the truth will be between him and you. Celestial music is the presence of God in you and in that concert your sound will sound when you have reached the true elevation, which is the spiritual beauty. This is the heavenly music and the singing of the angels. When you experience and feel it, you will also feel that God is in you. You will discover a revelation in every tone. You have not yet heard the beautiful tones in their perfect harmony, sweet tones at times, others powerful, accidentally as indefinite tones at times, you can not unite. You have not fully realized their beauty. You must leave the senses, the passions, the shadows of materialism behind you to hear the concert of God in your soul. Why do you think my dialogue with you is impossible? How can the vibration of my mind seem impossible to you over your mind? How could it be impossible for God to speak to you secretly? Why should not I take your soul or should I leave it to herself? Listen to me: I am the master and this planet is a school for the soul. Life and my teachings are the perfect teaching material.

Can you really believe that I could abandon my duties and forget my students? People, the sounds of the Divine Concerto are swinging around you and it is absolutely necessary that your souls rise to perceive this harmony. Acquire susceptibility to the spiritual to sweeten your gloom on earth, where you cry and suffer so much. Do not listen to those who deny the truth of me with you and in you. Awake and listen to that part of my concert I give you to hear today. Your ears have only been ready so far for the echoes of the lawsuits and to hear the roar of the wars of humanity, which is the proof of your disunity and your lack of harmony everywhere and in all areas of your human existence. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 199 - Verses 53 – 61

POETRY 32 - Fratricidal religious wars

The fratricidal war and the war of ideologies have reached their peak. Big and small ones, strong and weak, believers and unbelievers are drifting in a sea of confusion. But the pruning is close and anyone who does not bring good fruit, will be cropped. The pain, the time and the truth will be the relentless sickle, that cuts off the weeds at the root, which is later thrown into the fire of wisdom, where everything that is wrong is consumed. In the midst of this chaos, there are those who doubt my love. How should I abandon this world, though I alone am to soothe the waves of this troubled sea. Whenever you are in the dark, I hurry to your aid as the light of the world. It is the people who cause the storms, but my duty is to teach them to make peace. This is what I am currently doing with my teaching, at all times when a lovely, harmonious concert came down, as a message that came from that kingdom of love and justice. I and Heaven will continue to speak to your hearts. A separation of the creator from his creatures is impossible just as no body can exist without a head. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 199 - Verses 62-68

POETRY 33 - The pictures in Jade's kitchen

Come, let your wings beat, blow, blow in me - wind, let me feel your breath. Blow, blow them out, the ghetto garishly pictures, that the enemy has scattered into my lightful soul. Comedy show he has called it, Which I saw in Jade's kitchen. Blow, blow also through them, swinging with your gentle wings, that not the Brimstone will attract them and carry them off to a better place. White rider, saddled is your horse, Mane and tail, they fly with the wind and sweep out all the glaring pictures away from my soul in the flyover. Did you see the wild black riders? they have surrounded me everywhere on the wide streets of this world. They contain disease, plague and death, but you have marked me; freed from the touch of the black wings Are you sheltering me under your mantle! Whirled up has your blowing the leaves fly in the wind far away from here to another place. There is again freedom and elevation through the bright spirits blowing. Forgotten are the glaring pictures which I saw in Jade's kitchen. A. M. Hosta

POETRY 34 – Meaning of the Spiritual Kingdom

This kingdom is in the spirit of man and is open to anyone seeking its benefits. Sick, afflicted and spiritual love needy people, come to the feast of my messages of light and take the healing balm that you missed so much. My light protects and saves you from the multiple dangers who are waiting for you. My fountain of mercy flows over, to heal your soul and body, you and all on this and on all the worlds where my children live. If you nurture Me and take Me up, will you no longer be able to deny Me, no longer doubt Me nore disregard this bread that gives you life and your existence will become a constant testimony of gratitude and love. You seek a picture and speak of song, beauty, purity, love, but in that world there is perfect harmony, and you will be part of that concert and partake of that bliss as you perfect yourself and come to me. If you then meet me, I will be on the throne of the honor you will do to me. That heavenly music will sound in your soul, if you then discover my presence in yourself and are delighted with my creation, and I will make you partakers of it. With me you will perceive the most beautiful harmony, the sweetest song will rise from your spirit to mine. Then you will discover a concert at every level, a revelation in every tone and you will be so close to me that you will consider Me the only reason and the sole purpose of your existence. I will receive you as a wanderer of the last leg of his journey, conscious of his accomplishments and of what he expects. Because you have not been able to dematerialize your souls,

you could not yet reach the world where this concert sounds. But I prepare the way, so that you will arrive soon at Me. Why do you think my message to you is difficult? Do you doubt that I can always be in contact with your soul? When the Creation is nourished by Me, and all souls are like the branches of a tree and live from it and feed on its juice, ─ how can you feel me far away or indifferent with your suffering, although I am your master, your doctor and your father. Listen: The battle of world views is approaching. Incarnate and disembodied souls arouse themselves in a sea of confusion. Everyone presents their harvest of pain and evil. All search injuring and killing each other, all accomplish a work of destruction; but the pain has hit them as well. At the present time, the reaper is present with the order to cut every tree that does not bear good fruit. Only justice and truth will prevail in this great struggle. Many churches will disappear, some will remain. In some the truth will shine, in others only deceit. But the sickle of justice will continue to cut until every seed that exists on earth is judged. Those who have spiritualized will become the ideal, the elevation, and this knowledge will give them true wisdom. You will not need the human sciences to guide you for the soul sufficiently prepared by my teachings will reveal everything you need to know. Legal scholars, philosophers and priests will come to Me, and I will answer them and convert them with my word. Some will not be able to understand Me, and be confused. The others will humbly ask for forgiveness. They will not demand proof from Me. But I will give to them, because I love them and want them to recognize Me. If they can not answer mans questions, if they can not resolve their problems and their doubts, they will come to Me. Then they will know that I expected them to teach and comfort them. You will know that this word comes from Christ, from Him, who knows how to caress all afflicted and speaks to all in this language, which is so loving - the same one in which the Master taught you the sublime commandment that says to you, "Love one another." You live in times of purification, and already lamentations of pain were heard. This one will serve you to purify you and become pillars of the temple. After you, new apostles will come and I will be with you, to console you and give you steadfastness so that you be able to make progress on the way to reparation. I want you to make friends of your enemies, to gain in your battle the Kingdom of Heaven, where you will obtain the fruit of all your works. I speak to you so that you may change your hearts, for your destiny is to love and bless. Live as Jesus lived,

always in communion with the Father, in perfect harmony with all beings of creation. When you do something good, when you caress an abandoned child, support a destitute or protect a defenseless creature, did not you hear a voice inside you, which blesses you and encourages you to continue on this path? Whose voice is that? It's the conscience. It is the voice of the father, which rewards the child because it takes him as a model. If you want to become worthy children of my divinity, the first heirs of my glory, you must purify yourself before, and the best purifying water are good works. I speak to you so that you may feel that I am awaiting you in my kingdom, that you are on the path to lead to it today, but that you still have a long way to go. I want out of everyone of you to make an apostle, and of every apostle a master. I do not consider religious communities to be significant or insignificant. I have taught you love, and there is only one truth. Not a church or priests save humanity. It's me who is the wise and loving shepherd who protects you, comforts you and loves you so much. that I gave my life for you to teach you the way of truth and of life. If the people of that time believed that when they killed me, destroyed me and achieved that mz teaching disappears, so they were unaware that they only succeeded in giving Me more life and higher fame, obtained by the victim. From my cross, I blessed my apostles of all times - all who followed Me the same way. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 200 - Verses 1 - 21

POETRY 35 - The mission of the poor and disinherited

The poor, the disinherited will be the ones who follow me the most. With the great treasure of the spiritual knowledge of my Word, they will embrace with love for the witness of my coming at this time. Some will then appear as prophets, others will win the hearts with the gift of the word and all will do works of love. Those nations that have been despised, those peoples who wrap Themselves in rags will awaken, love Me and serve humanity. Among them are the great souls purified in pain. At the core of these creatures lie my emissaries, my apostles. I will summon all the nations and in a short time those will come to Me who will understand my word inspiration to be my forerunners. Israel, there are your combat brothers in anticipation of my orders and living in a mess. While they implore peace, others demand destruction. It requires them to see new horizons, new lands, they long to emigrate to other, warmer countries, to make their homes there and to be able to unfold their souls in fulfillment of divine laws. The imperfections in the practice of religion of the people will disappear as the spirituality penetrates into the heart and the soul, tired of its false idols, demands my presence, my word. They will not call Me on the banks of the rivers, nor on the mountains, nor in the valley, nor in the wilderness. They will seek Me at the bottom of their soul, and there they will build a temple where they will love Me. You will see many people who were earthly powerful, descend from their social level and in this condition, after great trials,

which will be like a touchstone for their soul, they will demand for my teaching and strive for their virtues and learn the true value of the gifts that I have granted to man. Many hearts that were like arid fields will bear fruit. But you, whom I have looked after day after day, I say: Prepare and be ready to spread my seed. There will be disagreements among the people of Israel, and only those who are waking and praying and remaining active in my laws, will be protection for the others. I gave you the light, so that you take a safe step and instruct your fellow human beings. Be blessed! The time you are living through is a time of Struggle, the spiritual struggle and the struggle of the world views. This hint is necessary because you will have to step in front of those who are constantly trying to penetrate the mystery of the teachings. Likewise, you will face a crowd of men and women of different faiths, and then discover that in every church or denomination there are people of goodwill who make an effort, for their actions contain perfection. My grace is there for everyone; for I have seen in the human world that everyone, even if only for a moment, has inflamed their hearts in love with my divinity. Scattered about the earth are those who are still striving to do good and are looking for a way to be useful to their neighbors. Truly, I say to you, everyone who has this purpose is with Me. I have told you that the time will come when light will shine in all places, in all countries, on every continent. That light will shine according to the spiritual training of man. But through it, a new and more accurate idea of creation will emerge, a new concept of spirituality. In this way, a new stage of mental and emotional development will begin. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII – Teaching 200 – Verses 28 – 41

POETRY 36 - A spiritual people will burst forth

It has been my will to have the word written down that I hand over to you because there are predictions, announcements, messages in it that should be known to the people of tomorrow. Because often your memory fails you. My Word makes an enlightened people that includes men and women all over the world, and their power will be grounded in their spirituality. To these people I will entrust the restoration of peace in the world, justice, morality and true faith. Today, humanity seems to be sleeping. But with real surprise, you will see some communities, when they hear the voice of my messengers, open the doors of their hearts as the flowers open to receive the warmth and caress of the sun's rays. You who are listening to Me now are already part of the people that will grow in the future until it covers the whole earth. Your job is to exhort people to give up their materialism, to preach the Spirit-to-Spirit dialogue, and to keep their fellow-believers in faith when the great trials come together over them. The duty of the people that will arise is to remain united, in spite of the trials and thunderstorms that can whip it. If it were scattered, the battle had been lost, the star that had guided it until then would have disappeared, and it would be lost in the immense loneliness of the desert. What is the testimony that would set it from my truth? How about the example that would exist for his fellow men? Beloved disciples, bear in mind: Since I came down to speak to you, making my divine presence and word perceivable through you, your Master must propose a great act of salvation.

But you, whom I have taught and loved, must not rob my divine teaching in any way. Disciples, if you want to have spiritual gifts, let love and desire to do good be what gives you that desire. Seek my Grace not only with the intention of flattering your vanity, because then you feel somehow standing over your fellow man. Also do not seek to make your fortune by usurping by these gifts. Truly, I say to you, as soon as love expects any payment, it stops from that moment on, to be love. And as soon as a good deed proves to be rewarded, it is no longer a blessing. Therefore, I point out to you that if you have the desire to possess one of these gifts, it must be the love that feeds you into it. Anyone who wants to follow Me in this way must free his heart of all selfishness, of every egoism and vanity. Only with a pure heart can one feel my love. When I discover that one of you is engaged in performing a good deed, praying for a distressed fellow, and I see that his heart is in grief because of the pain of his neighbor, then I leave him my divine love to get a drop of my healing balm, and I grant him the miracle he asked for. At that moment, the child, who interceded with the Father for his fellow-man, flows through a very great blessing, because he has granted what was asked of him to the needy, who received my benefaction. If, on the other hand, the one who has the task of practicing neighborly charity abuses his gifts for selfish purposes, he has, without being aware of it, deprived himself of the grace of the Father and can then give nothing; he then cheats on himself and cheats on his fellow human beings. This poor "worker" sows weeds instead of wheat on his way. Having done his evil deeds, he has a very bitter taste, a discontent, a restlessness, and he can not discover in the benevolent countenance of his father that loving smile that blesses and confirms his works, nor is he able to do so with his brother to make the influence of his spiritual gifts palpable. If the patient became well, or the afflicted received consolation or a miracle happened, then this miracle was due not to that "worker" but to the infinite compassion of the Father for the destitute, who in his ignorance has set all his confidence in the evil disciple of the Lord. Yet the evil servant, when done, attributes the miracle to his intercessions, his spiritual gifts, and uses that testimony to increase the number of those who trust in him. Those must then seek out my righteousness, so that they may restrain their erroneous steps, reflect on the falsities of their works, and return to the right way. For those who repented of their transgressions at the first visitation by my righteousness, chose not to follow the path of their aberrations, and endeavored to redeem all their violations, proving that the gratifications of the soul are incomparable to those of the earth. The others have little esteemed the peace left by a good work in the heart, have accepted flattery or miserable payment with a coin, and realized too late that the former makes the soul great, and the second makes it small and decreased.

Anyone who is a "worker in my fields" must know that I sent him to testify of Me. But for his testimony to be true, he must be justified by his works, by deeds of charity, good words, and good thoughts, ensuring that his heart remains pure, that I may manifest myself in him. Once I said to you, "He who knows the Son knows the Father," by which I wanted to tell you that in my works on earth you could know the love that your Father has always radiated down upon you. Now I tell you that I want to be recognized in the works of my disciples. When this people finally understands Me and directs their lives after this instruction and embraces their cross with true love, people will awaken, become conscious of their works, and see for themselves that it is the truth that guides them. Then they will regard my work as a divine revelation, and they will call it religion, teaching or belief. Learn and understand, O disciples, what the mission is I have told you. Think of your responsibilities and examine each of your works so that they all follow the truth of my teaching. In many societies, religious orders and communities, people tend to call themselves "brothers". Her lips pronounce the affectionate word "brother", mostly without feeling it in the heart. Truly, I say to you, if you took the time to delve into the meaning of this Word, you could discover the Source of Life from which you came forth. You would understand my divine tenderness, and all this would make you tremble with remorse, when you think of the detachment in which you have lived among each other, the indifference with which you look to those whom you call strangers, and to the Insults that you constantly inflict on each other. Source : The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 201 - Verses 7 – 23

POETRY 37 - Harmony between the nations

I announce a time of harmony among humanity. This was also announced by my prophets a long time ago. Then you will see the nations fraternizing, sharing their bread, their power and their knowledge. You will see how people create peace there, where they used to live only in wars and enmities. You will see how, as real human physicians, you bring comfort to the sick. Do you realize now that you have not really succeeded in living as a sibling in my law? Do you understand why I already told you in that time that my highest commandment is: "Love each other?" I did not come at this time to erase that supreme commandment from your heart, nor to substitute it for another. It is unshakable and unchangeable. I'm only explaining it to you so that you understand its implications and realize its meaning, which is my wisdom. When will this humanity understand that in the fulfillment of that law lies the peace that it so much needs, the health that it lacks today, and the luck she never found? I know that people, without knowing it, are moving to the point where, once they reach it, they will finally open their eyes to the light of truth. After I've told you all this, I want you to understand that as you call one of your neighbors "brother", you understand what that word means, and you strive to feel the truth of what I have revealed to you today. I receive you in my fatherly love. Although the number of those who hear Me is small, I therefore do not stop proclaiming Me with love. Your mind will be flooded with my light, and this will eliminate any doubt you might have. Small is the number of those

who follow Me, and I still see them powerless. But look, my word will turn them into stalwart soldiers full of power, who, though tired and wounded, will one day reach the goal, swinging the flag in their right hand, a symbol of peace and brotherhood. Your triumph must encourage many to follow you. Source: The Book of True Life, Volume VII, Teaching 201, Verses 27-35

POETRY 38 – The development of the spirit requires strength

Probably the one who recognizes and fulfills his mission. The soul needs firm intentions, strength and will for its development. If this is missing, the progress is slow and it takes many earth lives for their perfection. Men must know all my instruction, which is the way of the soul to perfection. Intuition is not enough, they also need knowledge, so that they never stop in the way, so that they value the time and the opportunities they have, and they are no longer spiritually dead. Life should reveal itself more in the soul than in the body. How many have already lived in this world; but how few have lived spiritually, have expressed the grace that exists in every human being, in that divine spark that the Creator put into man. If people were able to preserve clairvoyance in their spirit, they would be able to see through them their past, their present and their future. The spirit is like my book of Divine Wisdom. How much does it contain! From time to time it has something to reveal to you - sometimes such profound revelations that they are incomprehensible to you. The spark of light that exists in every human being is the bond that connects man to spirit, that is what brings him into contact with the hereafter and with his father. If you are attentive, you will understand that everything is connected with eternal life - the one that awaits you and that you come closer to every day or every passing moment. In my fields I need workers who learn to sow and care for

this seed, clear minds and hearts of goodwill. For many who received my gifts became "lost sons," who stayed with the Father only for a while and afterwards pursued the pleasures. But my word will come true, and they will return. They will meet in their way of my inexorable justice; but when they return to Me they will find Me as a kind father, as always. You flock, set out and go out as messengers of this work and bring the Good News to all your brothers. Believe in my word, and you will perform miracles. This light will awaken humanity from its sleep. Step by step on the way to get to know him. It is the long way of my law. The fight on him goes on and on. Sometimes you will drink very bitter goblets, but you will also experience infinite satisfactions as you experience the peace of the Lord in your soul. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII -Teaching 201 - Verses 36-44

POETRY 39 - The earthly duties are part of the spiritual destiny

I go ahead and mark the way. You shall be as obedient as sheep, then you will not stumble and I will lead you to the highest bliss of the soul. Who could perish in life if he carries the cross of love on his shoulders? Do not think that I ask you to devote all hours of your life to Me. You have your duties on earth that you must fulfill, and you should know that they too are sanctified and part of your spiritual destiny. For Me, I only request a short spiritual prayer every day. But in those moments that you dedicate to Me, you should free yourself from all human flaws and wretchedness, so that you can really come into my presence and enjoy my caress and peace. You all have spiritually different tasks to accomplish. Some will not leave the area where they lived, the others will set out and make their way to other countries. Some will move away from their relatives to do their work, others will

have their job in the bosom of their family. Some believe that Master has given you a spiritual task only at this time. But they are in a grave error, because your soul has brought along its developmental path from its origin. During this time, just as in the past, I only reminded you of the pact your soul made with her father before she came to this earth. Embrace your task with love, O disciples, so that you can see that your fellow human beings follow in my footsteps. You have to realize that you have everything you need to be a seedman of this seed. In your soul and body, you have all the skills to stand the test and win the battle. Your soul shall be the control of your body, and the light of your spirit shall illuminate your path, and dominate the passions and impulses of the flesh. Then the fulfillment of your task will be easy. Consider that you must returne the spiritual seed multiplied, that has been entrusted to everyone to be kept in my granaries. With that you should understand that you have to use the time that is available to you. Blessed is he who patiently drinks the gospel of suffering offered to him by battle, for in the end his pain will turn to happiness. Be full of faith and courage, then you will not fear the judgments of men. Fear yourself, for a weakness or an error can have grave consequences for you. If one of your fellow human beings, blinded by the darkness covering the world, has been treacherously wounding you in your heart, forgive him and come to Me so that I can close your wound with my love. Bear with patience the weight of your cross and know that this existence and the carrying out of your difficult spiritual mission serve to lift your soul to the realm that is its due. When you fulfill your task on earth, you will also fulfill it in the hereafter. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VII - Teaching 201 - Verses 45-54

POETRY 40 - With will and reason the blindness of darkness falls

Happy and blessed are those who want to see clearly, who want to expand their knowledge in order to discover the highest of your being. But truly, I say to you, you can not achieve this until you make the effort to remove the bandage that covers your eyes. Man has made himself doubly guilty, not only because he does not make any effort, so that the bandage that denies him the knowledge of the highest teachings falls, but also because he has not freed himself from the shackles of matter that made him ─ unlike the spiritual delights ─ have seduced to the physical pleasures. That is why he has enslaved himself under the rule of the passions and allows his soul to resemble a lame who does nothing to get well. In all areas I see the majority of people without foundation, everywhere I only meet the weaker person. And what is this due to? That you do not have the courage and enough willpower to come out of the dirt you are in, to overcome the inertia that forges the bonds that bind to matter, and this is the source of all vices, all mistakes. But man does not want to make use of the power with which he is endowed, which is the will. The will, which should be the unrestricted legislator, who should become the supreme leader and fight, supported by reason, power against power, domination against domination: on the one hand the passions and the desires, on the other the reason and the will, until the latter can win the battle and you can say that you are free. Then you will be the great prophets, the great enlightened ones, the supermen. Then you will be able to live with the wild animals and play with reptiles. Because truly, I say to you, it is the incriminating transgressions that cause you to fear those little brothers of yours, and that is why they are attacking you. But if you take the time to observe the humans, you will discover that there are people who are wilder than tigers and who have more poison than the cobra. Do not believe that the prophets of antiquity could do wonders because they were destined for them. No, it was because they fought until they won and became true servants of the temple. But verily, I say to you, the one who strives hardest to gain the truth is

subject to wrongdoing and passions. But you have the light that enlightens you, which is the divine power, the immortal and pure nature, the indestructible essence that animates everything and carries man to the highest bliss. This indestructible essence is the pure element that every human being possesses. But man poisoned himself with earthly pleasures, and therefore this indestructible substance, this immortal being, was covered with the mortal garment, and it sacrificed itself voluntarily. But by the power it possesses, it will gradually restore the dignity of mortal man, and he will then crave for the pleasures of the immortal fruit, and forever renounce to seek the ruinous pleasures which bring the bad fruit , But what do you need to accomplish all this? ─ The knowledge of how to use your strength and energy to work as real ministers of the temple, so that you can conquer and remove the bandage that covers your eyes, so that you can see clearly and do not misstep, nor catch yourself in the dark. I have spoken to you of what you call secrets. But you must study my word thoroughly to perceive the whole light. I want you to understand this great truth, that neither God nor nature have secrets for man. It is the weak understanding of divine instruction that has rendered man incapable of following the true law. Therefore, he wanders from here to there, from side to side, without understanding anything, without feeling anything, without understanding that God is in the spirit of man and always makes himself felt for his benefit. Source: The Book of True Life, Volume VII, Teaching 203, verses 1-10

POETRY 41 - Visit the poor and sick with Christ at Christmas

You, people, who have experienced privation, loneliness, cold and also being orphaned, and who therefore so sympathizes with those people who weep for hunger and thirst for righteous- ness ─ come to Me, and together we want to visit in the spirit the sick, the afflicted, all the poor and forgotten in the world. See how I extend my mantle to lovingly cover all humanity and tell it: Stop crying, do not be sad, awaken to faith and hope, if you pray and "watch" again with true faith, these days that will come with pain for humanity will be shortened. Do you see those crowds that are full of blessing? It is soldiers who have engaged in a short armistice during the battle to offer me a few minutes of prayer and commemoration. But their joy and bliss are deceptive. They eat and drink to relieve their suffering. There is a great pain in their heart. They are suffering, people, they are suffering a lot, and especially on this Christmas night, which is agony for them. Every memory is a thorn, every name or face that they visualize is a wound.While you have peace despite your worries, as you can see your parents, children, and wives, they have to bear the bitterness of not hugging them, and the fear of not seeing them again. Many, many of them suffer when they destroy lives, devastate homes and cities, sow pain, sadness and tears, and then they believe they have lost every right to return to their families, to peace, into the womb of theirs. I know that many of them are not guilty, they carry no hatred or extermination in their hearts. I know that they are victims, slaves and tools of the really evil. I alone can save them, my love alone can protect them. In the world they are abandoned. You, people, ─ send your thoughts full of mercy and light. Because truly, I say to you, they will, without knowing why, be strengthened

and encouraged to pray and hope that finally the murderous war comes to an end, and their ears instead of the droning battles of the dead again hear those sweet words, that say, "Peace on earth to men of good will." Also, I say to you: Let us now turn to the hearts of the children and seek out those who lack everything. Consider them: They sleep, in their dreams there is no reproach against anyone, though their bed is very hard. There was no bread on the table today, yet they rest in confidence for the new day. They have rags on, but they do not feel shame because they are innocent and they smile even though their bodies lack warmth. They are angels on earth, because in their smiles without arg, the purity of the heaven is reflected. O innocence! Cover them with your best cloak, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven! You all call this night "Holy Night," and I bring a flood of blessings to all of my children. Know that I am yours and you are mine. Remember that I proved my love to you by living among you, the common people, born in poverty, struggling among thorns, and dying in deprivation. You can not say of Me that I do not understand you. Because I have not only seen your sufferings, but I have lived through them myself. I also speak to you about the old ones - those who have passed the spring of life long ago and now feel the cold of winter. As they grow older, they lack strength, energy and health. The work is difficult, the limbs become awkward, and they no longer are required to cooperate. Thus the ancients see themselves excluded from the life struggle of the others, they see themselves alone, and their humbled heart must sink into sadness and get to know distress, misery, hunger, loneliness. I speak of them because they also need your help and comfort. Love them, people, and you will have the right to sit down at the great table of the spiritual feast, where I will say to you: Blessed are you, who, in the Master's lineage, could understand all who suffer. Begin to develop compassion in you. Then I will use your hands to convey my blessings through them and never again will you resist that I use yours to give it to your brother, so that when you say to me, "Lord, all that which is to me is yours, "you say this from heart. If you have done charity in your life, keep doing it. But if not, then begin with the first destitute who knocks on your door, be it a sick soul or body, a desolate heart, a widow, an old man or a child. Source: The Book of True Life, Volume VII, Teaching 202, verses 44-63

POETRY 42 - A small, bright melody

1. A small, bright melody through the evening silence blows and to the Lord quietly rises now my thanks and my prayer. Ref: Tired, I return to me and return home to you. I leave everything behind and find my luck with you. 2. All roads are without destination, despite the lights they are night. Many brothers leave, but they too are guarded by the Lord. Ref: Tired, I return to me and return home to you. I leave everything behind and find my luck with you. 3. Comfort our sick brothers, defend from sin every room. Give the happy colorful songs and the children give a dream. Ref: Tired, I return to me and return home to you. I leave everything behind and find my luck with you. 4. When the lamps fade, let me, Lord, shine your light. Everything will leave me once, but not your love will do. Ref: Tired, I return to me and return home to you. I leave everything behind and find my luck with you. Text and Melodie: H. Wrobel From: „Seine schönsten Lieder“ SU 601 All Rights: Studio Union in the Lahn-Verlag, Limburg

POETRY 43 - The universal Law of Love

I am your Master, but do not consider Me as separated from the Father, for I am the Father. There is no difference between the Son and the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit is One and this is Me. Recognize in my revelations of all times a single God who has shown himself through varied and different teachings - as a single book with many pages, many love lessons. Sanctify my name through your works, and you will find the light within you that will liberate you from the darkness of ignorance and sin. Those who condemn and interfere in the affairs of their fellow men, I ask: Do you consider your burden of sins too easy, for you want to multiply them by those of others? If you can not free yourself from your burden ─ why do you multiply it by those of others? Why do you prefer to impose dirt on yourself and burden yourself instead of seeking in your fellow human soul values that enrich you? "There are many dwellings in my father's house," but those who live in the high spiritual regions help people to get rid of their burden, or they help them to carry it, but without condemning them, nor to feed on their misery. I have seen you blaspheme on one day, and repent on other days. I have seen you deny my proclamation, and then testify to its truth. I have seen you slander one day and defend the one whom you have slandered. It is good if you correct your mistakes, but it would be better if you did not fall back to evil, so that you would have nothing to correct. I saw you one day giving a love gift to one who did not need it, and I saw you denying it to the truly poor. But I do not blame and judge you. I enlighten you by the light of my instruction, lest you sin again. But I also tell you that I have sometimes seen you helpful, noble, benevolent and compassionate, and these merits have always been honored and credited by Me. But in your heart, more wheat should already be than weed. You are all my seed, and the Master reaps them. When weeds grow under the good seed, I also accept this with love to turn it into golden wheat. I see in our hearts weeds, dirt, crime, hostilities, and yet I accept you and love you. I caress this seed and purify it until it shines like wheat in the sun. Do you think that the power of my love is not capable of redeeming you? After I cleanse you, I will sow you in my garden, where you will bear new flowers and new fruits. Part of my divine

work is the task of making you worthy. My love blesses you, forgives you and makes you worthy to hear my word. This teaching is the same as the one I gave you in past times - the teaching of love. As you multitudes of people who have heard Me have been strengthened and nourished by the bread of life, you can provide food to souls and weary hearts. Where you encounter an erroneous belief or misconception, you should bring my light. But you should never impose my teaching by force. Never make a distinction between the rich and the needy to treat them in different ways, then you will see, at the bottom of their suffering, a human brother who has fallen and groans. As your heart is moved by that pain, you will seek a way to relieve it. Your compassion will cover the bared. You will give rest to the one who has no peace. You will be like a star on the way of walking strays in the dark. As you fulfill your task, you will be worthy that I call you "Master." Source: The Book of True Life, Volume VII, Teaching 104, Verses 41-62

POETRY 44 - Exerpt from captivity of vice and sin

Iran is the first of the Red Horsemen of the Apocalypse Armies of war and a meaningless wall Thousands and thousands of murdering riders ... .. While 13,000, yes 13,000 is the number to go to the Holy Mountain, to the Mountain of Perfect Virtue Exodus - Excerpt from the captivity of vice and the transgressions of virtues. The Chosen are the first seaworthy ships, they speak of the transition to the spiritual world while the sinners play darts with their hearts. In the kitchen, there is the table of bread, with the messages of the word for the kings at the truth table. The word awakens sleepers from the century's sleep. It comes to tear down the gates of hell, to satisfy the hunger of the depressed and show them the spiritual glory of the Lord. They will testify it with their mouths and bear it with their feet to all human children. They will argue for the cause of the Lord, Hymns of praise in the hearts, girded with eternal joy, decorated with noble peace. They measure the depth of the word, healing balm, delicious ointments, spikenard for her wounds. O happy ones, you have cleverly decided, you've made a wise choice, receive the blessings of the Father, to live in the spiritual temple forever. Amen. The lamb has spoken, the word and the love. It took the lid off the coffins, the little ones start to swing with the concert of the heavenly places, as free as the birds in flight through the vastness of the spiritual worlds like dancing, glowing, sparks of light. Revealed from Jesus to Anna Maria Hosta

POETRY 45: The two Spirits

And he gave man two spirits aside, the spirit of TRUTH and the spirit of untruth, TRUTH born from the SOURCE OF LIGHT and untruth from the fountain of darkness. The leadership of all children of the TRUTH lies in the hands of the ANGEL OF LIGHT, so that they walk in the ways of the Light. The spirit of TRUTH and the spirit of lies wrestle with each other in the HEART of man, with WISDOM and stupidity. And when a human earns TRUTH, he will avoid the darkness. BLESS all those who share their lot with the LAW who truly go in all their ways. The LAW bless them with all the good and above all protect them from evil and enlighten their HEARTS with the insight into the things of life and please them with KNOWLEDGE from the Eternal THINGS. Source: The individual self-exploration of the Essenes From the scrolls of Qumran

POETRY 46: The Spiritual return of Christ

209:2 You know that the world while I have brought you my word have brought has ived without feeling or hearing Me. 3. There are only a few who have learned of my coming. The rest of humanity lives in the expectation that when I return ─ as promised ─ I do this bodily, that is, I become human again. 4. Only you know that you are already in the Third Time, when I speak to you through those chosen as the voice bearers of my word. 8. I will leave the seed of spiritualization, which I have always sowed in the world, again in this time. This seed contains the secret for a better life. 11. My word will, like a fiery sword, destroy the fanaticism that has enveloped people for centuries. It will tear the veil of its ignorance and show the bright, luminous path that leads to Me. 14. You come into the shadow of the mighty tree, where ─ as you know ─ is the one who offers you the bread of eternal life, the food that gives you strength to survive the journey of life. 35. My Divine Spirit comes to you to relieve your suffering. Because you have been very tested on your way. The Master of Humility comes down to bring you his teaching and comfort. 36. At times I call you to account for your want of fulfillment of my law. For I have given it to you long ago and sketched the perfect way with you. 54. What you now hear and see is not the usual liturgy, nor a rite that impresses your senses. For the solemnity of this manifestation

is within your soul. 62. In this time of confusion and evil, I have chosen a misunderstood and lowly esteemed nation: the Mexican nation to call upon them and the chosen ones who live in other nations to gather them around Me, they to smooth out with the chisels of my word, to give them tasks, and then to send them prepared and full of love as ambassadors of my work throughout the world. 67. Preserve peace and peace of mind, for you have entered the time of struggle that I announced to you a long time ago. This fight will take place among you. In this you will take the same weapons. Those who understand and love Me will seize their weapons for my cause. Those who have not understood Me will put them at the service of their own cause. But in the end, the truth will triumph. Some time ago I told you: Remember a parable of the Second Time: "Let the wheat and the weeds grow together and mow only when both are ripe to separate the wheat and then throw the weeds into the fire." I, the Good Farmer, have made in your hearts the wheat of my word grow together with the weeds of sin. But now the time has come to mow with the sickle of my righteousness, so that only in the heart of my workers and in the bosom of their homes the seed of truth and love remains. 70. What is happening today in the bosom of this people is happening in all the nations of the world. I have appeared to all with my sword of righteousness, not only in this world, but also in the spirit world and in every place where an imperfect soul dwells to enlighten, purify, and perfect it. The same one who speaks to you at this moment spoke to you in the Second Time. From all the multitudes of people who heard Me in Galilee, I chose only twelve, and through them I spread my teaching in wide ways about the world. At that time, the word of Jesus appeared to many as a fantasy. Even today, there is no shortage of those who think the same of the Spirit of Truth. But rather heaven and earth will pass away than my word is not fulfilled. 71. Who could persecute or accuse you as a criminal or slander you if you follow my teaching? But you will only teach what I have taught you: love, inner worship, the knowledge of the true temple of my divinity. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 209

POETRY 47: The human science and the worldly rulers

209:6 Science is the light of my wisdom that reveals its secrets to men. The scientist who possesses an upstanding soul will not seek me by means of rites, for his gift of science will continually bring him nearer to the Father, who is the divine science. This man will never brag about his work because the more he discovers, the smaller he feels. Nor will he be able to deny my existence, for at every turn he will see in nature the mark of the Creator. 10. As I announced my coming to you in the Second Time, today I announce to you the war of creeds, worldviews, and religions as an advance notice of the establishment of my kingdom of spiritualization among men. 12. Once humanity, by virtue of its renewal, is receptive to the spiritual, it will no longer need, both spiritually and earthly, the rigor of the laws, nor the justice of the earth, to behave properly, for then every man will be his own judge. 13. My teaching does not introduce dogmas or rites, it only inspires the good. My spiritual doctrine does not subject anyone to certain cultic forms; she is a constant invitation on the way of truth. 15. "The Word" has come to you to open a new age. 19. Could man, with all his science, create something of what I created? No, people. 20. Human science has its limits, but God, the Creator does not have them. Science is light, but in the hands of many people it becomes darkness. In the universe, on the other hand, everything bears witness to Me. All the realms of nature tune their song to life and love. But notwithstanding that I say to you through all creation, "Here I am," you seek my image in imperfect, man-made works. After that, you bow to them and worship them, preventing your soul from rising. 21. I give you love, for I can not find a man whose heart opens a little to make someone else's suffering his own. Those to whom I entrust wealth and power to serve their neighbor refuse all compassion, and even those who claim to

represent Me on earth, surrounded by luxury and dressed like kings, shut their ears and their hearts shut the complaints of those who ask for love and mercy. 22. These are not my ways. The narrow path that I have marked is that of the good. Therefore I say to you once again: My word is my way, for it always speaks to you of righteousness, morality, and love. 34. I am power and righteousness, but do not wait until I give you these lessons through pain or unleashed forces of nature. Hope that my divine charisma will surround you and my love always will bless you. 46. Some, doubtful of the burden of their trials, doubt my presence, turn away from the right path, and turn to the one they left behind, hoping to find what they believe they have lost. But they return their glances to my work when they see their hands empty and their minds impotent against the great, worldly sufferings, the plagues and the death that knock on the doors of nations and threaten you too. For the foreshadowing of a new war worries them. 61. I see the chaos in humanity, the disregard of human and divine laws. My teaching was hidden at this time and considered as something of the past. Therefore, the people fail, the institutions divide and mock the holiest. So I find the people: rejecting each other, destroying, killing, confounding the soul with the body, the divine with the human and the light with the darkness. 68. You are not getting to the bottom of my teaching, and therefore the trials are surprising. That is why you are divided and do not understand each other; because when my word was confirmed, you were not prepared. Still, I'm preparing you to be prepared and have peace, allowing the whirlwind to tear off all the bad fruits. Because everything that does not give life, fruits or shadows will pass away. Under the force of the storm, many trees will fall, many workers will turn their backs on me, many church leaders will return to me the task entrusted to them. But my will will restoreth you. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 209

POETRY 48: You are the people of the third time

210: 1. I come to liberate you from the torment your materialism has plunged you into, and bring you the light that will illuminate your path. 2. You are the people of the Third Age ─ those who truly know the reason for their lives, and I help you to gain that knowledge through my revelations. 3. You are the people of the New Age, in which my kingdom seeks your heart to be built up in it; by making good for your spiritual ideal and learning that the best prayer is that of your works. 4. Love and Truth belong to the spirit soul, you have the wisdom, because it was created to love and get to know your father. 5. I, the Master, awaken yourselves with the memories of your spiritual past, which your heart does not know, because it belongs to your spiritual soul, when it lived its true existence, when your world was different, and you were not yet in that Body that you now have, which is touchstone, anvil and lesson for the soul. 6. I bring to you memories of the spiritual life hidden behind the veil of your corporeality, to tell you that that life is expecting you again, so that you fully enjoy it after your pilgrimage, your experience and your development. 7. When you are back in the eternal home and feel the bliss you live in it, you will not get tired of blessing this world of tears you came to learn to appreciate bliss, peace and the light. 9. What could make you cry in the world when you are above the poverty of human life? Neither the sufferings, nor the hardships, nor the moral trials, nor the forces of nature ─ nothing will conquer or discourage you once you have attained true spiritualization. 10. Your sufferings will be for the sake of the other, your cares will be for the salvation of all men, and always, when you see the salvation of a human being, you will become the light of the Father to make your inner light brighter, and you will bless the day on which you have taken the first step on the way. 11. My word is the spiritual path that you have to go with all your senses,

your whole mind and all your love, if you want to know where you came from and where you are going. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 210

POETRY 49: The WORD contains everything

210: 12 Nobody knows yet himself. If you do not even know your body ─ how do you want to know your soul? But you will get to know you as you apply my divine teachings. 13. I teach you by the Word, for it contains everything, as it comes from Me, who I am the Word. Learn to speak from the spiritual in the way that every word that you address to others, comes from your heart into your brother's heart, as if it were one Pearl, a gem of invaluable worth. 14. Learn to speak to the souls, teach them to hear the voice of their conscience, make their senses sensitively through my teachings. 15. See how all my sentences lead the way that points the direction. Although you are still superficially aware of it today, tomorrow, when you can enter a higher level, you will discover in my words only essentials. 16. I can not come down to you, people. When I say to you that I have come down to you, that is meant figuratively. For my manifestation happens through an inspiration, which becomes thought in the mind of these voice barers. Knowing that you can not even remember these messages at this moment you hear it, I have ordered that you write down my words so that you what you do not understand yet will understand by and by after tomorrow. 17. Apparently, my proclamation at this time is not very impressive, because its splendor is spiritual. But you will still feel the glory with which I have come to you, and will see this teaching the miracle of saving humanity through

spiritualization. 18. The spiritual temple, built with love by the children of the Lord, is supported by many pillars. Each one of them will be one of those who remain steadfast in the way of my law. 19. You do not think that's possible? That's because you do not have faith in yourself yet. However, I have faith in everyone, have always had it, and therefore over time I have entrusted you with new and ever greater revelations. Truly, I say to you, the day is not far away when you will give instructions to your fellow human beings of profound wisdom ─ not by the word you study, but by the one that springs from the source of the Spirit when in communion with the Divine Master. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 210

POETRY 50: You are eternal souls - children of God

210: 20. Why should it not be possible for good feelings to spring from barren hearts? Why should it not be possible for the waters of grace to flow from the heart of the one who has sinned to quench the thirst of those who suffer? 21. You are not just minds that think today and tomorrow no more. You are not just flesh that lives today and soon ceases to exist. For Me, you are above all eternal souls, children of God, and therefore I draw before you the way that really corresponds to you. 22. I do not want to deprive you of anything I have put into nature for the preservation, health, well-being and bliss of my children. On the contrary, I say to you, just as I offer you the bread of the Spirit and invite you to breathe in divine essences and to be filled with spiritual outpourings, so you should not fail nor turn away from all that Nature has given you , because then you will gain harmony, health, strength and therefore the good fulfillment of the laws of life. 23. You know that I am your guide, folk. But tell Me, if I am your guide ─ do you already feel Me in your hearts, do you already obey Me, do you already obey my commandments and my laws? If I am your guide ─ to what point do you obey Me?

24. The voice of conscience answers from within you and tells me that your sacrifice is not absolute, that your obedience is not consistent. 25. Do not forget for a moment what I say to you in my words: Whoever obeys my laws, experiences my peace. Therefore, those who know my word do not feel lonely or sad. For the words "unhappiness", "damnation" and "death" do not pursue them as a threat or as a shadow over the peace of their soul. They strive to know the truth, to live in the light, to attain health, peace and wisdom forever. 26. Those who come to Me on the path of my instruction know that they can not get lost, for a divine light guides them. It is the light that gives them the certainty of the purpose and the true meaning of their life. 27. My way is the way of the good, disciple. Walk on it step by step and sow it with good works, good thoughts and good words. But never reckon on your good works, on the contrary, I advise you to pin down your bad works, words and thoughts so that you make less and less mistakes. 28. Leave the good seed you've harvested with and take the bad seed. Investigate it so that you can see the reason for your weakness. Be careful not to mix it with the good grain and then spoil it. 29. Only goodness can give peace, joy, health, understanding. Therefore, the one who is full of love will be great in spirit. 30. This is what I taught you when I lived with you in the world, and I remind you of this today. Just as I healed the sick in Jesus by touching them with my hand, so I touch them also in this time to restore their health and to let them again participate in the miracle of life. 31. Today I have no material hands to touch your sick body because I come in the spirit. But the Spirit can also touch you with his love and make you feel his presence. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 210

POETRY 51: The blessed, human body of Jesus and man

210: 32. The blind people of that time ─ mentally blind ─ shed the Master's blood and pierced the hands, which healed by touch, stroking and blessing; but they could neither destroy my spirit, nor capture it, nor nail it. He rose above the wretchedness of the people and promised to return. Because at that time he was not recognized, nor his word was understood as the highest truth. 33. Here I am in fulfillment of my promise and expect humanity to recognize Me. 34. But if I asked you, what became of that blessed body in which Christ lived? Could you answer Me? I'll have to tell you myself that that the body, which was a tool of Divine Love, after he finished his work, after his lips and eyes were closed forever, was given to the earth to complete his task as a human body. But when the earth had absorbed it in its bosom, the constituents of that body, the cells of which were infused only with love, spread in infinity, and afterwards, as a life-giving rain, fell upon those very people who spurned the life which the Redeemer brought them . If you remember that God Himself became human to live with you, you will falsely believe you are so loved by the Father, and then you also think that you are the masterpiece of the Lord. But truly, I say to you, there is no work of the Father that is not masterful, and you must also know that there are souls whose perfection, Beauty and grandeur you can not even imagine. 35. Beyond you, there are greater works than those you know here, and also works of your siblings that are higher than the works of men. 36. Why do you believe that man is the greatest that exists today among the works of the Lord? You are only little creatures that travel a long way in the desire for true greatness. 37. You are great and perfect inasmuch as you are my work. But as for your works, you are still very small and imperfect. Therefore, I reveal myself as a Master among you, to give you new revelations that will bring you to the pinnacle of goodness, knowledge, love and unite harmoniously with all perfection. 38. How can there be perfection in your world when there is pain, when there are those who are in need, the vicious, the hurt, the oppressed, when there are haughty, selfish and even murderers?

39. Bliss is the privilege of the high homes; but in your world I still do not see bliss. 40. Today I leave you my new message with this words, so that you rise to a new life. 41. Create your peace, create your world of bliss by using the power of my teachings. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 210

POETRY 52: The harvest of today's people

210: 42. You have struggled a lot to provide you with amenities, enjoyment and progress. But your goals often include egoism, bad powerless lust for power. Instead of gaining happiness or peace, you then reap pain, war and destruction. That is what you are reaping in this day and age. 43. How should your works on earth be perfect when I see you enemies with the elements of nature, which are those of whom you live? 44. My teaching does not want to prevent you from using the elements and forces of nature, but it calls and teaches you to use them for good purposes. 45. The forces of nature can change in your hands from friends and brothers into judges who severely punish you. 46. It has long been time for people to reap the fruits of experience so that they no longer challenge the forces of nature. For they will not be able to stop them with all their science. 47. O mankind ─ always far from Me! In spite of your forgetting, my memory does not dissolve away from you, world that is soaked with my blood: I bring you my love anew. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 210

POETRY 53: Jesus, Magdalene and Mary

210: 53. Then Matthew came to Me and told Me: "Master, a woman asks for you." "I know," I told him, "it is Mary, the Magdalene, who seeks Me to free her from the influences of the spirits that have possessed her." The disciple was surprised that I knew everything. 54. I was on my way to a village when I saw Mary, who came to Me. "O beloved son, I know that your mouth has announced your early departure, and though my heart already knew it, I must at least tell you that I suffer infinitely for the sake of humanity." "Yes, that's the way it is written," I answered, "and this is how it must be fulfilled." My sacrificial death is necessary, the seed must die within the earth to bear fruit and multiply. The blood of your Son, which, when shed, will cause your heart great grief, will be like a stream of life to the people I leave behind as your children. My death will be life, and not for a moment will you and I be separated. " 55. "I am now going to the house of Lazarus, for he will soon sink into the grave, but I will bring him back from there, so that the name of my father may be glorified." 56. "Go there also, that your presence consoles those women, for their pain will soon be great, and in your love they will find very sweet consolation." 60. "Disciple, listen to Me until the last of my words." Then a magnificently dressed woman came to Me. It was Magdalene who had been looking for me for a long time to find in my eyes the light that could save her. In dreams she had seen the Nazarene, how He freed her from her unclean burden. She came to me, driven by her soul, starving for light and salvation. 61. She fell before Me, to the astonishment of all present, and when they expected me to turn away from her, or at least to address a reproach to her, I said to her, "Why are you crying?" - You are crying in pain and with joy, but I forgive you much, because you have sinned a lot. "

62. At that moment all the chains that bound it to the world fell from that creature, and after it was free, it followed in my track as the most faithful of my disciples. 63. That woman, who had been the shame and stain of her home and the ruin of men's lives, was transformed by a word of forgiveness into the Master's most humble servant, and later to the loving support of Mary, when for both the hour of pain came. 64. I, who hear the voice of the souls, heard that woman asked me, "Lord, is it possible that I am worthy of all my sin, that I am with you in the last hour that you announce "Is it possible that I really serve you?" ─ "O woman," I answered, "get up, for you are now in. Cover yourself with the coat of humility and return to yours, find Mary and follow her." 65. Thereafter, when I saw the surprise written on all faces, I say, "I am the light of the world that has come to light the way of the one who has lost his way in the darkness. I am the liberator who breaks the chains of the prisoners. You have seen what you have not seen before and have seen it now. But the moment is not far away when you will all feel my life vibrating in your being. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 210

POETRY 54: Jesus and his disciples, three days before his departure

210: 57. I returned to unite myself with my disciples. It was already the last days of my stay among them. I gave them to understand, so they would not be surprised. Peter cried and tacitly received my instructions. John squeezed my hands between his when he was told that he would stay with my mother so that both would be comforted in the hours of the exam. 58. Thaddaeus was already suffering from the separation from Master, but I was still among them. The moment was tender and painful, the souls spoke more than the lips. But I was "the Word," and my word had to relieve the immense pain that had accumulated in those hearts. 59. I spoke as a father to the children, as a brother to brothers, as a teacher to disciples: "O disciples, you have drunk with me the water of thirsty pilgrims, have endured the hardships of the long ways in the desire for my words and my works. Truly, I say to you, though I will vanish from your sight, I will not leave you. If you want to carry Me in your hearts, then settle down with my death so that I may live in you and speak through your mouth. " 66. I left that estate, followed by my disciples. However, I stopped in the shade of a tree and told them, "The moment is approaching, but you can still enjoy the fruit of my word, surely you will remain like sheep among wolves, but you will not succumb because my cloak will cover you See how great the crowds are, you will feed them as I did in the wilderness, and multiply the bread as I showed you. " 67. So I spoke to you through Jesus and caressed each of my disciples, while their eyes shed tears, and they expressed to Me in their hearts feelings

of tenderness, and gave me countless promises to follow Me. 68. Today I do not want to remind you of the last three days that I spent in the world. This will happen on another occasion, blessed people, in which I will speak to you about the Last Supper, about my last stay in the garden of Gethsemane, where I withdrew to pray, and finally I will speak to you about my sacrificial death , My peace be with you! Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 210

POETRY 55: The Fire of Death and the Fire of Life

Take and eat the bread of my word, which is strength and life, so that you do not become weak in the trials. Some of my new disciples will experience their Calvary, where they will accomplish their mission on earth. But only those who are totally spirit, exaltation and love will reach this summit. Rest for the time being and hear my word. Strengthen yourself, because tomorrow you will take on your cross. But do not be afraid, people, because whoever accepts this cross will do it because his heart is overflowing with love for people. On the other hand, who will rise up to have to fulfill this mission, if his entire being is governed by an infinite love of neighbor and great warmth? Anyone who has a strong soul in this era of spiritualization will take the cross with love and willingly carry it. This cross is destined for the great in spirit, those who feel the fire of true love permeated them. A fire is currently consuming this humanity, but it is not Mine. The fire with which human brothers annihilate each other comes from the fire blight of their violence, passions, enmities, their immeasurable greed, their lust for revenge and their materialism. The fire in which mankind is consumed is not that which comes from the Holy Spirit, but from that hell that man created with his sins.

My divine fire is life that radiates light for all beings, not destruction or death. My fire is the light that purifies and ennobles, that illuminates and strengthens, but never the fire that torments forever or annihilates the life of the soul. It is life, not death. If I have called you during this time so that you can hear me, consider that it was done to offer you another opportunity to rise to the light in a spiritual epoch that is favorable for the blossoming of the seed, that I have brought to the world. I put in your soul my wisdom and my love ─ this stream of spiritualization, which is life, health, joy and peace. Pour out the word of truth over humanity ─ not just the one I'm going to leave in writing for you, but also that which arises from the spirit. I want you to rise in this time. While some are said to be stars that guide hikers on the various paths of the world, others are said to be like lighthouses that send their light over the stormy seas of unleashed human passions and illuminate the way of the castaway. I want my instruction to be on your lips so that the Word of God, which is the bread of eternal life, can be spread all over the world. Realize that I have come to renew this world, to purify it, to change everything. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 211: 3-17

POETRY 56: The eternal sawer scatters seeds of love

I am the sower of love, you are my fields. Who can doubt my power to make you fertile in love. You cannot know what wealth of seeds I bring you. If you cannot take it in completely, I will keep it for the coming ones. And if they too cannot use it, it will be preserved for generations to come until there is no more field to till and no more seeds to sow. Understand my message so that you can make it bloom on your way. Open your eyes so that you can perceive the works that I do every day. Do you see those men who want to be powerful through violence? Very soon you will see them convinced of their mistake. I will prove

to them that only through goodness, which is the radiance of love, can you be truly great and powerful. But as long as some don't know what love is, I will have to continue teaching the world. "The Word" shines its light on you to teach you to pass it on to those who come after you. And I will take care of everyone. I am the eternal sower. Even before I came to earth and was called Jesus by the people, I was already the sower, already knew those who were beyond materialization, error or ignorance - those who inhabited spiritual regions and homes that you did not yet know, nor still can imagine. Of those who knew me before I came to earth, I sent you many to bear witness to me in the world, to announce the coming of Christ, the love and the word of the Father. Some of them were prophets, others were pioneers, and others were apostles. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 211: 19-27

POETRY 57: Your world is not the only one I have redeemed

This world is not the only one on which my steps have left traces. Wherever a Redeemer was needed I was present. But I have to tell you that on other worlds my cross and my cup through renewal and the love of your siblings has been eliminated, while I am here, in this world, after many centuries always crowned with thorns, martyred on the cross of yours imperfections, and still drink the cup with bile and vinegar. Since my love work includes salvation for all mankind, I await you with infinite patience, and I have given each human being not just one but many opportunities for his ascension and have waited for ages for the awakening of all those who are lost in deep Lethargy. Now you are in a time when you can develop yourself upwards full of light and full of life. I have released another seal of the Book of Life and Wisdom so that you can learn another chapter of this work.

I give you with the right measure as much as you can absorb and only what you can understand and keep.People will progress in their development, and as their psychological development and their upward development progress, I will give them my wisdom in greater abundance. I want your soul to be like a chalice, capable of receiving the glories that the Father has given your soul. Realize that the great only pours into the great, and that the insignificant cannot satisfy the great. It is your father's will that you are useful in the plan of creation, that you are harmonic tones in the concert of creation. I know that whoever feels the inner enlightenment of love will voluntarily take up the cross and go step by step towards his Calvary, knowing that it means exaltation and approach to the Father. If necessary, you will be crucified because you know that with that selfemptying, with that devotion like the Master, you will be resurrected from the dead to ascend to the kingdom of spirit, where life exists in fullness and perfection. Humanity, here I am. I came to save you from misery. That gentle hand that touched the hard-hearted was mine. I was that loving doctor who got into your heart to heal you. You sick and grieving people, I have been with you, and you have not been able to recognize who visited you,and in my eyes you could not see the light of heaven. Oh people, you have not understood the sence and meaning of every drop of my blood shed for you by me! You are not happy because you did not want to water your fields with the merciful water that I gave you. Come here to hear the concert whose sounds speak of perfect love and harmony without end for your soul. Let the divine light penetrate your heart as it illuminated that night of my last prayer in the garden of Gethsemane. Do you remember how I handed myself over to the crowd that was looking for me to judge me? The teaching that Master gave to everyone at that moment was very significant; but nobody understood them. That submission was an offering of obedience, humility, love. It was a living example of humanity. Because everyone who surrenders to people out of love becomes worthy to surrender to God later. Beloved people, my life was an open book so that you should learn to love from it. But you didn't understand how to read it. I have compassion for your weakness, which reveals the low strength that is within you. But I am strong and tall enough to compensate for your weakness and immaturity, and loving enough to complement your lack of love. Really I approach you and teach you to be pure, to purify you in the endured and uplifting pain that means real and genuine repentance. Purification is necessary for the perfection of the soul. Make no mistake about purification and perfection, because a perfect soul is bigger than a pure soul. You will soon be clean, but you do not know how much time and how many trials your soul has to go through to to achieve perfection. Source: The Book of True Life - Volume VIII - Instruction 211: 28-47


Content The Whisper of the Holy Spirit ................................................................................................................ 2

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Sources: ................................................................................................................................................... 4

POETRY 29 – The inner door dissolves .................................................................................................. 5

POETRY 30 - The light breaks the chains of bondage and ignorance .................................................... 6

POETRY 31 - The heavenly Concert ......................................................................................................... 8

POETRY 32 - Fratricidal religious wars ................................................................................................... 10

POETRY 33 - The pictures in Jade's kitchen .......................................................................................... 11

POETRY 34 – Meaning of the Spiritual Kingdom ................................................................................... 12

POETRY 35 - The mission of the poor and disinherited ....................................................................... 15

POETRY 36 - A spiritual people will burst forth ................................................................................... 17

POETRY 37 - Harmony between the nations ....................................................................................... 20

POETRY 38 – The development of the spirit requires strength ............................................................ 21

POETRY 39 - The earthly duties are part of the spiritual destiny ........................................................ 22

POETRY 40 - With will and reason the blindness of darkness falls ...................................................... 24

POETRY 41 - Visit the poor and sick with Christ at Christmas ............................................................. 26

POETRY 42 - A small, bright melody .................................................................................................... 28

POETRY 43 - The universal Law of Love ............................................................................................... 29

POETRY 44 - Exerpt from captivity of vice and sin ............................................................................... 31

POETRY 45: The two Spirits ................................................................................................................... 32

POETRY 46: The Spiritual return of Christ ........................................................................................... 33

POETRY 47: The human science and the worldly rulers ....................................................................... 35

POETRY 48: You are the people of the third time ................................................................................. 37

POETRY 49: The WORD contains everything ......................................................................................... 38

POETRY 50: You are eternal souls - children of God ............................................................................. 39

POETRY 51: The blessed, human body of Jesus and man ..................................................................... 41

POETRY 52: The harvest of today's people ........................................................................................... 42

POETRY 53: Jesus, Magdalene and Mary ............................................................................................. 43

POETRY 54: Jesus and his disciples, three days before his departure .................................................. 45

POETRY 55: The Fire of Death and the Fire of Life ............................................................................... 46

POETRY 56: The eternal sawer scatters seeds of love .......................................................................... 47

POETRY 57: Your world is not the only one I have redeemed ............................................................. 48

Content .................................................................................................................................................. 50