The Witch of Blackbird Pond Vocabulary - Holland · 3 The Witch of Blackbird Pond Prereading A. Now...

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The Witch of Blackbird Pond

By Elizabeth George Speare

Name: __________________________________ Class: ______



Location, Location, Location

The two main locations mentioned in The Witch of Blackbird Pond are Barbados

and Connecticut. The two places have very different climates. Using the maps for a

reference, see if you can infer any information about their climate (weather, average

temperatures, seasons, etc.)

Barbados Connecticut Type of








The Witch of Blackbird Pond Prereading

A. Now that you know a little bit about Barbados and Connecticut, imagine that you

are leaving sunny, tropical Barbados to visit Connecticut. The time period is the 1600’s,

or Colonial Times. Therefore, Connecticut is a colony. Think of some questions you

might have about your trip and decide where you might find the answer to each.

Remember, there was no internet in the 1600’s!

Question Where could you find the







B. Now make a list of the 5 most important items that you would want to take

with you on your voyage. Next to each object, explain the reason why you

would take it.

Object Why would you take it?






C. Reflection: In paragraph format (5-10 sentences) tell how you think your life

would be different in this new land.


The Witch of Blackbird Pond


What is your definition of Religion? What is the dictionary’s definition of


Why do you think religion is so

important to people?

List different types of religion that you

are familiar with.


The Witch of Blackbird Pond


On the Ship:

Brigantine- another name for a __________________

Rigging- ______________________________________________________________

Capstan- ______________________________________________________________

Prow- the _________________ side of the boat

Aft- the ___________________ side of the boat

Around Town:

Common- a piece of land located


Selectman- one of a group of _____________________________________ who make

decisions in the town. This is similar to a politician.

Goodwife- ____________________________________________ abbreviation: _____

Dame School- A school taught by _________________ location: _________________

Hornbook- a book used to teach reading at the earliest level, often containing the alphabet

and numbers.


Both devices are used for public _________________________________


Describe them: ______________________________________________

Other Key words:

Impulsive- _________________ before you _____________________

Conceal- (verb) to _____________________

Astonished- ________________________________________________________



Pilgrim- ______________________________________________________________

Protestant- ____________________________________________________________

Puritan- ______________________________________________________________

Quaker- _____________________________________________________________

Heathen- Someone who does NOT believe in _______________________________

Diagram of Christianity


The Witch of Blackbird Pond


In the chart below, record examples of Kit’s impulsivity and explain the results of her actions.

Page # Quote From Text Explain Kit’s impulsive




The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Getting to Know the Characters

Below you will read the descriptions of various characters. After each description,

identify the character being described.

1. “…he was clearly too spineless to stand up for her against his shrew of a wife.”

(Chapter 2) Who is the he in the quote? ____________________________

2. “She could not read the faintest sign of welcome in his thin, stern lips or in the

dark eyes that glowered fiercely at her from under heavy grizzled eyebrows.”

(chapter 3) What family member is being described in this quote?


3. “[her] face fulfilled in every exquisite detail the picture she had treasured of her

imagined aunt. The clear white skin, the blue eyes under a dark fringe of

lashes, the black hair that curled against her shoulders, and the haughty lift of

her perfect small chin- this girl could have been the toast of a regiment!”

(chapter 3) Who is the girl being described in the quote? __________________

In the space below, draw Venn Diagrams to compare and contrast Mercy and Judith &

Uncle Matthew and Aunt Rachel.


The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Patriots and Loyalists

The Revolutionary War split the people of the American colonies into two groups: the

loyalists and the patriots.

What was a patriot?

Patriots were people who wanted the American colonies to gain their independence from

Britain. They wanted their own country called the United States.

Why did people become patriots?

People in the Americas felt they weren't being treated fairly by the British. They were

being taxed without any say or representation in the British government. Soon cries for

"liberty" were being heard throughout the colonies. The patriots wanted freedom from

British rule.

Famous Patriots

There were many famous patriots. Some of them became presidents such as Thomas

Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence and John Adams. Perhaps the most

famous patriot at the time was George Washington who led the Continental Army and

later became the first President of the United States. Other famous patriots included Paul

Revere, Samuel Adams, Ethan Allen, Patrick Henry, and Ben Franklin. These people are

often called the Founding Fathers of the United States.

What was a loyalist?

Not everyone who lived in the American colonies wanted to break away from the British.

There were many people who wanted to stay part of Britain and remain British citizens.

These people were called loyalists.

Why did some people remain loyal?

Many people felt that their lives would be better off if the colonies remained under

British rule. Some of these people were simply afraid to go up against the might of the

British army. Others had business interests in England and knew that English trade was

important to the economy. Still others thought that British rule would be better than

patriot rule.

Famous Loyalists

Since the loyalists lost the war, there aren't as many famous loyalists as there are patriots.

Benedict Arnold was a general in the Continental Army who went to fight for the British.

Other famous loyalists include Thomas Hutchinson (governor of Massachusetts colony),

Andrew Allen, John Butler, and David Mathews (mayor of New York City).

Taken from:


The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Charter Colonies - Connecticut and the " Charter Oak" The Charter of Connecticut was granted by King Charles II in 1662 which included the right of self-government. When King James II came to the throne he tried to cancel the Connecticut charter. Sir Edmund Andros went to Hartford to collect the Connecticut charter. Captain Joseph Wadsworth, a Connecticut patriot, stole the charter and hid it in a hollow oak tree. The "charter oak" became a symbol of American Independence. Connecticut temporarily lost the right of self-government under the Dominion of New England in 1687, but it was reinstated in 1689. Taken from:

Making Connections:

1. Which king would Patriots have liked better and why?

2. In your own words, explain why the charter was so important to the colonists?

(Hint. What critical right did it grant?)

Which characters from the novel are Patriots, and which are Loyalists,

and how do you know?

Patriots Loyalists


A New Life

The Witch of Blackbird Pond

By the end of her first day in Wethersfield, Kit realizes how different

life is in America, especially in the Wood’s home.

A. Make a list of as many differences as you can think of that exist between Kit’s old life

and her new life.

Old Life New Life

B. Now predict if and how Kit’s thinking about each of the following may change:

1. Her feelings about slavery

2. Her religious beliefs

3. Her loyalty to the King of England


The Witch of Blackbird Pond Vocabulary Chapters 5-7

1. “The modish bonnet with curling white feathers seemed to her

uncle a crowning affront. ‘You will mock the Lord’s

assembly!’” (page 50)

a. compliment b. insult c. hat d. treat

2. “The deacons’ wives were surveying her from feathered hat to slippered toe. She

did not look like a pauper.” (page 54)

a. Angry person b. rich person c. poor person d. silly person

3. “Most of the church goers did not come near her. She glimpsed Goodwife Cruff,

surrounded by a close huddle of women, all darting venomous glances in Kit’s

direction.” (page 54)

a. Pleasant b. spiteful c. loving d. excited

4. “The brick oven had been heated for 2 nights in a row, and the whole family had

gone without sugar since Sunday to make sure that the minister’s notorious sweet

tooth would be satisfied.” (page 58)

a. Well-known b. ancient c. sickly d. unknown

5. “Reverend Bulkey smiled whenever he looked at Kit. But the greatest part of his

condescension he had bestowed on Kit, once he understood that her grandfather

had been Sir Francis Tyler.” (Page 58)

a. Guilt b. instruction c. snotty behavior d. enjoyment

6. “John’s voice was low-pitched but clear, and the words fell with a musical

cadence that was a delight.” (Page 61)

a. Ability b. odor c. sight d. rhythm


The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Chapter 5

The Church Service

Use the Graphic organizer below to describe the church service Kit experiences with the


Description Page #

Length of the


Seating at the service

Rules of the Service

Description of the


Kit’s Reaction to the


How do people

receive Kit at the


More important things to consider

1. Why is Judith mad at Kit in chapter 5?

2. Who is the young man that Kit meets for the first time

after service?

3. Who did Judith have a crush on at the beginning of the book?

4. Who does she say she is interested in now?


The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Chapter 6-7

Compare and Contrast: Love and Politics


1. Patriot- someone who wanted the colonies to become independent of Britain.

a. They felt that the British King was using them for money (taxes).

b. They also believed that the colonies should have the right to make their

own decisions and that Britain was being too controlling.

2. Loyalists - (Also known as Royalists) remained loyal to the king and believed that

the colonies should remain under British control.

A. Using the T-chart below, contrast Uncle Matthew’s political beliefs with those of

the Reverend Dr. Gershom Bulkley.

Uncle Matthew Dr. Bulkley

B. In Chapter 7, we learn about dating in colonial times. Make a venn diagram

comparing and contrasting dating in modern times with dating in colonial times.


The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Understanding Allusions

In Chapter 9, Kit gets into trouble for recreating the Parable of the Good Samaritan in

play format. Below is a version of the Good Samaritan story.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

“A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was

attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and

went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going

down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on

the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and

saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he

traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took

pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on

oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him

to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two

denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said,

‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you

may have.’

36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who

fell into the hands of robbers?”

37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”


The Witch of Blackbird Pond

1. What is the main religion of Wethersfield?

2. What religion does Hannah Tupper practice?

3. How is King James’ treatment of the colonists similar to the way the colonists

treat Hannah?

Extension activity: Use a newspaper or magazine to find an example of a person or

group of people being treated like Hannah or the colonists. (Look for someone who is

not accepted or not treated fairly because he or she has different beliefs than others).

1. Cut out and summarize the article.

2. Write a paragraph comparing the events in the article to the events in the


Kit faces an internal conflict (Man vs. Self) in which she has to decide

if she should marry William or not. Complete the chart below with

details from the text that Kit should consider when making her decision.

Reasons Kit Should Marry William Reasons Kit Should Not Marry William


The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Close Reading Chapter 12

Directions: Read the following excerpts from the text and make inferences based on your

reading. Support your answers with specific evidence from the text.

Page 114

“Where are you going, Kit?”

Kit looked down, not answering.

Her aunt studied her. “Wait, she said then. She

went into the kitchen and came back after a

moment with a small package which she held out

to Kit shamefacedly.

It was a bit of leftover apple tart. So Aunt

Rachel had known all the time. Kit suddenly

threw her arms about her aunt.

“Oh, Aunt Rachel- you are so good!”

What does this passage

tell us about Rachel?

What words/phrases/actions

from the text prove your claim?


Page 116

“You know,” he said looking carefully away at

the river, “once when I was a kid, we went ashore

in Jamaica and in the marketplace there was a

man with some birds for sale. They were sort of

yellow-green with bright scarlet patches. I was

bent on taking one home to my grandmother in

Saybrook. But father explained it wasn’t meant to

live up here, that the other birds here would scold

and peck at it. Funny thing, that morning when

we left you here in Wethersfield- all the way back

to the ship all I could think of was that bird.”

How is Kit like the bird

Nat described? (What

do they have in


What are incidents from the

book that support your answer?

Page 118

“There are two sides to loyalty, Kit,” said Nat,

looking suddenly almost as serious as John

Holbrook or William. If the King respects our

rights and keeps his word to us, then he will retain

our loyalty. But if he revokes the laws he has

made and tacks and comes about till the ship is on

her beam ends, then finally we will be forced to

cut the hawser...

A man is loyal to the place he loves. For me,

the Dolphin there is my country. My father would

give his life for the right to sail her when and

where he pleases, and so would I. Anyway,

‘twould do little good with a gale blowing to wait

for orders from His Majesty in England. I

suppose it’s like that for these people in

Wethersfield. How can a king on a throne in

England know what’s best for them? A man’s

first loyalty is to the soil he stands on.”

Based on Nat’s speech,

does he appear to be a

Loyalist or a Patriot?

What does the phrase,

“We will be forced to

cut the hawser” mean?

How do you know?


Page 120-121

The family allowed Nat scanty nods of

acknowledgement, but William did not alter a

muscle of his tight-clenched jaw. The two young

men measured each other a long moment…

[Nat] looked back at William, one eyebrow

tilted at the old familiar angle…

What does the body

language between Nat

and William reveal

about their feelings

towards each other?

How do you know?


Word Sentence Guess at


Real meaning

Idle “Better for the young people

to remember that idleness

breeds mischief.” (p149)

Reverence “… her uncle bent slowly

and scooped up a handful of

brown dirt from the garden

patch at his feet, and stood

holding it with a curious

reverence, as though it were

some priceless substance.”


Banished Kit told Hannah, “But Nat

is banished from

Weathersfield” (p153)

Buoyant “He came toward her with

his light, buoyant step.”


Indifferent Susan was indifferent about

the date of the meeting

because she was free all


Becalmed “… Captain Eaton had

missed the wind after all,

and the Dolphin lay

becalmed just off Wright’s

Island.” (p139)

Resent Caitlin resented the fact that

Jason never helped her with

her chores, even though she

often helped him with his


Defiance In the army, you get in

trouble if you defy a direct

order from your sergeant.

Neglect If you do not take care of

your pets every day, you can

be charged with neglect.

Illuminate When the power went out,

the family used candles to

illuminate the room.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond Chapter 14-16 Vocabulary


The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Chapter 14-18 Review

1. Why is Nat upset with Kit at the end of ch 14?

2. Judith knows that William is not a royalist before Kit does. What does this tell

you about his relationship with Kit? His relationship with Judith?

3. What happened to the charter?

4. What clues do we have that William knows more about the charter than he says?

5. Why do you think the boys from the Dolphin only targeted William’s house?

6. Why do you think Nat tells Kit to leave when she sees him in the stocks?

7. What new thing does Kit teach Prudence?

8. Describe Mercy and Judith’s reactions to the fact that John joined the militia.

9. Why do you think Mercy got sicker than Judith and Kit?

10. Who do the townspeople think is responsible for the sickness in the town?

11. How does Hannah act when Kit goes to see her in the middle of the night? What

do you think she is remembering?

12. Where does Nat take Hannah?

13. What one object does Hannah want to take with her?

14. On page 177, Kit mentions a “secret and lovely thing [that] was gone forever.”

What is she referring to?

15. Earlier in the book, Kit says, “People are afraid of things they don’t understand.”

How does this apply to the way the townspeople act in chapter 18?


The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Problems and Solutions

Throughout the story, Kit and her family have had to overcome many problems.

Using the graphic organizer below fill in the missing problem or solution.

Problem Result/Solution An old man in Barbados wants to marry


Kit decides to move to Connecticut to be

with her family

1. The Charter disappears from the

Town Meeting

Governer Andros takes away:

2. Mercy is dangerously sick

3. Nat takes Hannah away on the Dolphin

4. Kit is accused of witchcraft

5. The Townspeople believe that Kit

wrote Prudence’s name in the

hornbook to cast a spell on the


6. Adam Cruff withdraws the charges against


7. Kit must make a decision about

marrying William (Ch 20)

8. Judith is described as looking “gray” and

being depressed. (p209)

9. John Holbrook returns and runs to

Mercy (End of chapter 20)

(We don’t know the solution yet, but make a



The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Chapter 21

In the graphic below, list the couples at the end of the story.

Write down two things you know about each girl’s future plans at the end of the book. Judith: 1. 2.

Mercy 1. 2. Kit 1. 2.


The Witch of Blackbird Pond

Static vs. Dynamic characters

Static Characters _______________________________________ throughout the story.

Dynamic Characters ___________________________ throughout the story.

In the chart below, identify static and dynamic characters and explain why they fit into that category.

Character Static/Dynamic Explaination 1 Mercy

2 Judith

3 Uncle Matthew

4 Aunt Rachel

5 Kit

6 William

7 John Holbrook

8 Nat

9 Hannah

10 Prudence

11 Goodwife Cruff

12 Goodman Cruff



