The Wooden Spoon Diet

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  • 7/29/2019 The Wooden Spoon Diet


  • 7/29/2019 The Wooden Spoon Diet


    Table of Contents

    (Click on page number to link to article)

    .............Extra Fat Disappears... With the Power of a Wooden Spoon 3...............................................The Fat Tucked Under My Skin Jiggled 3..............................................Failure: How Are You Fooling Yourself? 5

    ...................Exercise Your Right To Choose How You Look and Feel 5Are You Trigger Happy? The Right Motivational Trigger Will Kill


    7......................................................The Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 8

    .......................................................................................Pain Motivator 10...............................10 Motivational Tools for Weight Loss Success 11 2012 Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 2

  • 7/29/2019 The Wooden Spoon Diet


    Extra Fat Disappears...

    With the Power of a Wooden Spoon

    Feel like a teenager again! Instead of beating yourself up on the inside, struggling with

    junk food addiction and falling back into the same pattern of unhealthy choices, you can

    have energy and confidence as toxic fat melts off your body all served up with a

    wooden spoon.

    I used a wooden spoon to lose 15 pounds of stubborn belly fat in just 34 days.

    You may be wondering how I went from being overweight to a healthy weight

    with a wooden spoon, so let me tell you a little more about myselfand the


    My name is Joe and Ive been married for 15 years with 4 growing boys. Overall,

    Im pretty healthy. I eat a well-balanced diet thanks to my wife, whos a very

    good cook. I also get a fair amount of regular exercise (which is not hard since I

    try to keep up with my 4 boys!).

    But for most of my married life, I have had a huge problem of being overweight:

    15 pounds of pure belly fat. Like most men, I tend to hold more fat around my


    The Fat Tucked Under My Skin JiggledYou may not think 15 pounds of

    extra fat is a big deal, but do you

    know what 15 pounds of fat looks

    like or how big that is? Ill give

    you a quick glimpse of something

    that looks like buried blubber, but

    whip my shirt back down before you

    get a good look! Fifteen pounds of

    excess belly fat is about the size of 3

    loaves of bread with butter! 2012 Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 3

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    Imagine having a loaf (or 3!) of bread tucked under your shirt everywhere you


    Now I cant see what kind of spread, sag or lumpy gut you have under your

    shirt, but Im pretty sure you have extra loafs of bread disguised as fat that you

    want to get rid of. If youre 30 pounds overweight, then youve got the

    equivalent of about 6 thick loaves of bread stuck to your bones, hanging out in

    front and smothering your lean muscles.

    Youre no fool. You know that what

    makes your beltbuckle disappear is

    not bread. Its gooey, globby,

    jiggly, buttery yellow fat. Fat that

    just sits there, weighing you down.

    Its nothing more than billions of

    storage sacks, individually stufed

    with lard, getting bigger and bigger

    when you stufmore grease into each


    And not only does fat LOOK bad hanging wherever it hangs, but its harmful to

    your health in many ways.

    Did you know fat is the primary storage place for harmful toxins, pollutants and

    poisons from exposure to unclean air, pesticides, chemicals, food additives,

    and biological contaminates?

    The downside is the more body fat you have, the more toxins you are storing.

    Your body holds on to the fat cells for dear life, literally weighing you down.

    So the less fat you have, the less toxins youll store and the more energy youll

    have. 2012 Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 4

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    Failure: How Are You Fooling Yourself?Since I am being personal with you (I showed you my fat belly for goodness

    sake!), let me fill you in on what I have found to be true about good intentions

    for losing weight.

    The biggest reason most people have extra fat is that they dont DO what they

    know they should do! For example:

    Most people know that eating two 400-calorie cream filled chocolate

    glazed donuts for breakfast is not a healthy way to start your day

    Most people know that eating a slice of pepperoni - pizza right before

    bedtime - doesnt promote fat loss.

    Most people know they should exercise more than they do

    But, despite all this knowledge

    Most people fail to do what they know they should do.

    Why is that?

    Well, today, Id like to show you the missing link for how you can stop

    sabotaging yourself, stop eating crap that you know is bad for you, and start

    losing that stubborn fat once and for all.

    The secret? Its all about creating a foolproof personal system of accountability

    and Im going to show you exactly how you can create your own system that

    will guarantee reaching your goals, whatever they may be.

    Exercise Your Right To Choose How You Look and

    FeelSo, lets do a little thinking exercise together. Imagine....

    1. What would it be like if you did what you knew you should do to lose

    weight? Almost as if you were playing a video game and controling

    yourself on the TV screen from a distance command yourself to do only

    what is best for you, no longer falling into those self-sabotaging traps 2012 Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 5

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    that always seemed to trip you up.

    2. How would you feel if you had internal self-discipline and motivation?

    Your mind would force you to stop eating or your body would resist

    craving junk food. You would have strength to maintain a consistent

    exercise program without joining something like weight watchers, and

    without paying for a personal trainer! Instead of getting fat and losing

    muscle, you would burn ofugly fat and build lean muscle instead!

    3. How good are you going to look and feel when you reach your own

    personal goals. Youll never fall back into old harmful patterns because

    youll have new confidence gained with a leaner, stronger body.

    Now, Id like you to grab a piece of

    paper and a pen or pencil. You are

    going to identify the dicult habits

    that you need to break and the

    efective patterns that help you make

    good choices. Please answer the

    following 2 questions:

    1. What unhealthy & harmful things

    are you currently doing that you shouldnt be doing?

    Ideas: Maybe youre drinking too much soda pop, eating too many

    desserts, drinking too much beer, eating too many French fries, smoking,

    driving dangerously, taking too many pills, or having a negative attitude,


    2. What positive things are you currently NOT doing that you know you should

    be doing, in order to be healthy, fit and confident? 2012 Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 6

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    Ideas: Maybe youre not eating a healthy breakfast, not eating enough

    raw nuts, fruits & veggies, not exercising enough, not taking your

    vitamins regularly, not spending enough time with your children, not

    writing in your journal, or not getting enough sleep, etc.

    Id like to congratulate you! By completing these questions, you know have a

    great chance for successful weight loss.

    Keep this list handy. Well get back to it in a few minutes so we can build a

    better you

    Are You Trigger Happy? The Right Motivational

    Trigger Will Kill Overeating

    OK, so back to my story and the 15 pounds of unwanted fat.

    Ive gone on many low-carb diets before, including the Atkins diet, South

    Beach, Ideal Protein and others. They seemed to jump-start my fat loss for a

    short period of timeas long as I stayed committed to the selected elimination

    diet items. The major problem was I always sabotaged my own weight loss

    success when I reverted back to my old comfortable patterns of unhealthyeating.

    Bottom line was I was addicted to junk food. My

    favorites were:

    Chocolate chip cookies

    Pepperoni pizza

    French silk pie

    Mr. Goodbar Dairy Queen Blizzards

    Whatever gooey bars my wife would bake

    I couldnt resist eating these comfort foods, even

    though I knew they were unhealthy and slightly 2012 Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 7

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    addicting. (And my apologies if this list tempted you to run to the kitchen!

    Dont worry! Youll be able to overcome these cravings very soon!)

    It wasnt until I discovered my MOTIVATIONAL TRIGGER that I was able to create

    my personal success plan:

    To overcome junk food addiction

    Maintain a consistent exercise pattern

    Eat more nutritious foods

    My trigger was a wooden spoon.

    The Wooden Spoon Fat Loss CureThe wooden spoon has helped me lose all the extra fat 15 pounds of ugly,

    jiggly belly fat and it only took me 5 weeks!

    I call it the Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure or the Wooden Spoon Diet. No, I

    dont eat meals with a big wooden spoon (though that might work, too LOL).

    What is the secret?

    I discovered that the woodenspoon became a trigger that

    helped me make good choices,

    instead of bad choices.

    For me, I fear the pain of getting

    whacked on the butt with a

    wooden spoon. If youve

    experienced the wooden spoon on your behind, then you know exactly what Imtalking about (thanks, Mom!). It hurts!

    So, I wrote down my list of unhealthy things I was doing, as well as the healthy

    things I wasnt doing. Then, I told my 4 boys if I dont follow my plan each day,

    they each got to whack me with a wooden spoon! 2012 Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 8

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    My list included not eating junk food, which is my biggest weakness:

    cookies, candy, bars, ice cream, pie, bread, pizza crust, cake, doughnuts,

    cereal and sugared drinks.

    My list also included a minimum daily exercise routine that I had to

    complete every day: pushups, pull-ups, squats or cardio.

    Finally, my list included healthy foods I had to eat: salad with green

    vegetables or a healthy fruit & veggie smoothie.

    If I didnt follow my own plan to perfection, I gave my boys permission to whack

    me as hard as they could, with no consequences to them.

    Boy, oh boy, did they LOVE that idea!!!

    And, yes, I did mess up but only once! One day, I forgot to do my pushups

    because we were up early and traveled all day long. By the time we got to our

    destination, I was exhausted and forgot to do my pushups.

    Three out of four of my boys let me

    of the hook, but one of them did

    not Carson, my 3rd child, had

    been waiting for this moment for

    weeks! Finally, after he wouldnt let

    me talk him out of it, I let him do

    what I told him he could do from

    the beginning and he let me have

    it. Hurt like a son-of-a-gun, too!

    After the first 30 days, I had reflected back on the wooden spoon fat loss cureand realized it had been a smashing success! I had lost 15 pounds of ugly belly

    fat disguised under my shirt! 2012 Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 9

  • 7/29/2019 The Wooden Spoon Diet


    Pain MotivatorWhenever I was faced with the option or desire to eat something on my

    forbidden list, like a piece of cake or bread, I would think about the pain of a

    wooden spoon that I would have to endure.

    The pain of a wooden spoon isnt actually all that bad, really. But the

    anticipation of the pain is the kicker .and ideal motivator for not giving into


    Once you actually get whacked with a wooden spoon, it only stings for a minute

    or three. But thinking about the potential pain especially right as youre

    waiting for it to come (I closed my eyes and screamed into a pillow) - is the

    most agonizing form of punishment.

    So, maybe the threat of a whack with a wooden spoon isnt something that

    would motivate you. I doubt it will work for me when my kids are older and out

    of the house. The key is finding something that would hurt you enough that

    prevents you from completely falling of track and stumbling into old,

    unhealthy habits.

    The interesting thing is, if we dontcome up with a short-term pain

    motivator, were going to have long-

    term pain in the form of an unhealthy

    body, unhealthy confidence levels,

    higher risk of disease, greater chance

    for depression and a potentially

    shortened lifespan.

    So, what can you think of that could act

    as your wooden spoon punishment?

    What puts the fear of God into you? 2012 Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 10

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    10 Motivational Tools for Weight Loss SuccessTake a minute to brainstorm some ideas that would motivate you to avoid pain

    and unhealthy decisions. What motivates you in other areas of your life? Try to

    adapt them to achieve greater weight loss success.

    And if you cant think of any, here are 10 things that have worked for other


    1. Paying a significant amount of money to an organization that you are

    opposed to. (For example, donate to Planned Parenthood if youre Pro-


    2. Letting someone shave your head.

    3. Giving away your favorite pair of shoes or jeans to Goodwill.

    4. Being forced to eat a whole serving of a food you hate (Brussels Sprouts

    would work for me).

    5. Giving a speech in front of a big crowd.

    6. Sharing a really embarrassing moment on your Facebook status.

    7. Giving away your car.

    8. Wearing a realllllly ugly outfit to work.

    9. Sleeping one night in the dog house.

    10.Getting your face smashed with a cream pie.

    To make this plan work, youre going to need two vital ingredients:

    1. An accountability partner who will NOT let you of the hook

    2. A commitment to tell the truth and not lie about breaking one of your


    I know someone who chose a punishment that did NOT motivate them to

    eliminate bad behavior. Her wooden spoon was riding as a passenger in a car

    while someone else driving which had been her phobia for years.

    But when she broke her own rules, she talked her husband into letting her of

    the hook and she avoided the painful consequence of her action. 2012 Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 11

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    Your wooden spoon needs to be an action or a consequence that you cant

    avoid, not matter how painful. Plus, your accountability partner needs to stick

    to the punishment no matter what!

    As a side note, my friend found a new wooden spoon that worked well for


    A good lesson here is, if you choose something and it doesnt work, then try

    something else until you find the motivational trigger that works to keep you

    focused on a healthy body and clear set of goals.

    Ive assumed that you probably already know

    what is and is not healthy for you. 80-90% of

    your list is going to keep you steadfast in

    pursuit of weight loss success and turn you

    away from diving head first into a fat of

    melted chocolate or stuf down a loaded

    pizza or two.

    Id like you to have some accurate

    information that will help you maximize the

    eciency of your transformation to a the new

    you. If you want to learn the best methods

    for burning fat through proper nutrition, then

    I highly recommend this program for

    successful weight loss.

    Disclaimer: The advice in this book is intended to supplement, not replace, the advice of a

    trained health professional. Consult your physician before beginning an exercise program,

    modifying your diet or altering medications. The publisher and author specifically disclaim any

    loss, risk or liability, which is incurred as a consequence of the use of information in this report. 2012 Wooden Spoon Fat Loss Cure 12