The Yogurt and Gut Health Study

Post on 04-Feb-2016

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The Yogurt and Gut Health Study. Bioactive Yogurt Formulation for Improving Markers of Metabolic Syndrome. Principal Investigator: Robert Ward, PhD. Metabolic syndrome is best described as. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Yogurt and Gut Health Study

Principal Investigator: Robert Ward, PhD

Bioactive Yogurt Formulation for Improving Markers of Metabolic Syndrome


a collection of risk factors that increases the likelihood that a person will develop heart disease, diabetes and even stroke

• High blood pressure

• High blood sugar

• Unhealthy cholesterol levels

• Abdominal fat



• Is fairly common (20-30% of the population)

• Tends to run in families

The Role of Diet in Metabolic Syndrome Research in mice and humans has shown that the typical Western Diet (high fat and refined carbohydrates) increases the likelihood of gut inflammation

GUT INFLAMMATIONIt is believed that this inflammation alters the gut wall in a way that causes it to be more permeable, allowing toxins to cross over the gut barrier where they are absorbed into the bloodstream


The circulating toxins lead to an overall inflammatory response in our bodies which can be measured by special blood tests

This low-grade inflammation is believed to increase the likelihood that a person may develop type 2 diabetes and other medical conditions possibly associated with Metabolic Syndrome

PURPOSE OF THE YOGURT and GUT HEALTH STUDYThe purpose of this research study is to see if a specially formulated yogurt will affect the gut barrier in a way that:

• Reduces gut leakiness

• Prevents an increase in inflammatory factors in the blood

This is NOT a weight loss study.

You will asked to to maintain your weight throughout the study.

• Have a BMI between 30 and 34 (calculate your BMI by clicking HERE)

• Have blood laboratory values associated with metabolic syndrome (we will test)

• Provide samples for study (blood, urine, stool)

• Can visit our clinic weekly to pick up yogurt/pudding product and have blood pressure and weight monitored

Compensation up to $300 for travel time and inconvenience will be provided

• Are a male or female between the ages of 18 – 60

• Have a waist circumference of > 40” for males; > 35” for women

• Regularly consume 1-3 servings of dairy daily

• Willing to consume a yogurt or pudding test product twice daily for 12 weeks

DO YOU QUALIFY?You may qualify for this research study if you:


If you are interested in seeing if you qualify, please fill out our screening questionnaire by clicking here.

You may email or call us with questions.

Janet Bergeson: 435-797-8262Nancie Hergert: 435-797-3629