Theoretical Foundation of American Government & Political Landscape.

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Theoretical Foundation of American Government & Political Landscape

Types of GovernmentType of Gov Decision

Maker(s)Source of Power & How it is Acquired

Political Freedoms Determined

Military Dictatorship

Dictator Military thru a Coup D’Etat Dictator

Absolute Monarchy

King/Queen Divine Right thru Birth King/Queen

Limited Monarchy

King/Queen or Prime Minister

Divine Right thru Birth & A Constitution thru Elections

Bill of Rights

Oligarchy Small group of Leaders

Intelligence & Wealth thru Coalition or Consensus


Representative Democracy

Pres & Rep. Group

A Constitution thru Elections Bill of Rights

Direct Democ All Citizens All Citizens thru Elections All Citizens

Anarchy N/A No one has power over anyone else

Each Individual

Foundations of Government

• Hobbes’s Leviathan• Reality’s natural state was war• Without written, enforceable rules, people would

live like animals• Governments have to intrude on people’s rights

and liberties to keep control (totalitarian approach)• Locke’s Second Treatise on Civil Government

• Individuals were born equal with natural rights that no king had to power to void

• Government was a “social contract” between the ruler and people

Foundations of Government

• Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws• Best government was divided into branches to

check the power of the other • Rousseau’s Social Contract

• Property rights, freedom of speech and religion, & other rights came from society not nature based on a true social contract

• The Mayflower Compact• An agreement among people signifying their

consent to be governed• Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence

• “whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends (consent of the governed, abridges the rights of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness), it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.”

Basic Tenants of American Democracy

• Personal Liberty- freedom from govt. interference

• Equality- stress on the importance of the individual

• Right to vote – right to vote for gov reps• Opportunities for political participation –

different opportunities for people to be involved (voting, political campaigns, etc.)

Basic Tenants of American Democracy

• Popular Consent and Majority Rule- – Popular Consent- the idea that govts must draw

their powers from the consent of the governed (consent = voting)

– Majority Rule- only policies that collectively garner the support of a majority of voters will be made into law

– Minority rights – protects some rights of the minority over the majority (freedom of speech, religion)

Basic Tenants of American Democracy

• Popular Sovereignty- the right of the majority to govern themselves– Based in natural law- society should be governed

by certain ethical principles that are a part of nature and can be understood by reason

– Political authority rests in the people- they can create, abolish, and alter their govts

Basic Tenants of American Democracy

• Civil Society- society created when citizens are allowed to organize and express their views publicly as they engage in an open debate about public policy

• Individualism- value of the individual

Functions of American Government

• Establish justice• Insuring domestic tranquility• Providing for the common defense• Promoting for the general welfare• Securing liberty

Contemporary Theories of American Democracy

• Pluralist Theory– Political system composed of group representing

competitive interests– Existence of such groups creates balance

• Elite and Class Theory– Political system composed of the wealthy controlling


• Hyperpluralism Theory– Political system has soured and powerful groups can divide

government and its authority

Changing American Public

• Changing Size and Population– Grew in the addition of new states, but stable since the

additions of Hawaii and Alaska (1959)– Went from 30,000 (1790) to 293 million (2005) people– Now many people feel far removed from the govt and

their elected representatives– Changing Demographics of the U.S. Population– Racial and ethnic changes, population is getting older– Changes in Racial and Ethnic Composition-

Population Changes

Presidential Election Turnout Rates of Young and Old Americans, 1972-2008

The “Graying” of America

Religious Beliefs

Racial and Ethnic Compostion

Ideology of the American Public

• Political ideology- the coherent set of values and beliefs about the purpose and scope of govt. held by groups and individuals (liberal or conservative)


• Conservative- one thought to believe that a govt. is best that governs least, big govt. can only infringe on individual, personal, and economic rights

• Defenders of the status quo• Favor local and state action over federal action• Fiscal responsibility in the form of balanced budgets• More churchgoing and look to govt to regulate some

aspects of personal behavior• Against: abortion rights, environmental requlation,

gun control laws, poor, domestic unions


• Liberal- one considered to favor extensive governmental involvement in the economy and the provision of social services and to take an activist role in protecting the rights of women, the elderly, minorities, and the environment

• Seeks to change the political, economic, or social status quo to foster to development and well-being of the individual

• Favor big govt., need for the govt. to provide social services• For: abortion rights, environmental regulation, gun control

laws, poor, domestic unions


• Libertarian- one who favors a free market economy and no governmental inference in personal liberties

• Believe in the evils of big govt.• Generation X-ers are very libertarian• Against: enviro regulation, gun control laws,

poor / For: domestic unions, abortion rights

Problems with Political Labels

• Labels an be misleading and don’t allow us to predict political opinions

• Most Americans’ positions on specific issues cut across liberal/ conservative lines