There is nothing to measure the greatness of GOD!!! Here are few examples Sound on. Slides advance...

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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There is nothing to measure the greatness of GOD!!!

Here are few examples

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Glory be to God and Praise to God ,and there is none worthy of worship but God, and God is the Greatest

And there is no might or power except with God, the Exalted, the Great One

Upon arising in the morning, one must immediately say SUBHANALLH

God is Eternal. Possessor of Majesty and Reverence

In His hand is the goodness. And He is the goodness. And He is on everything powerful

all excellences are combined in God and he is free from all defects

The Compassionate - One Whose blessings are extensive and unlimited

Look at the sky at least once a day, appreciating the majesty of God.

The Merciful - One Whose blessings are inherent and eternal

Special Praise be to God, the Sustainer of the creation

Lord of the Day of Judgement

He begot none, nor was He begotten

And none in the creation is equal to Him

Glory be to my High Sustainer and I praise Him . God hears and accepts the praise of one who praises

I seek forgiveness from God Who is my Sustainer, and I turn to Him

There is none worth worshipping but God Who is Forbearing and Generous

Glory be to God, Who is the Sustainer of the seven heavens and of the seven earth

We stand and sit with the help and strength of God

I seek forgiveness from God Who is my Sustainer, and I turn to Him

God hears and accepts the praise of one who praises

There is none worth worshipping except the Almighty God, Who is One and has no partner

God is One - the Eternal Being. He begot none, nor was He begotten

There is no might or power except with God, the Exalted, the Great One

Increase rememberence of God while Sitting standing walking .

Free yourself from disbelief and joining partners with God and from all sins

submit to Your will I believe

Seek Your forgiveness from that which you do not know , And repent from it

Appreciate your Lord, and his creations

Whether the situation is good or bad, it will change because in His hand is the goodness

All praise for God , the Sustainer of the worlds

None worthy of worship except God. He is only One

Him is the Praise. He gives life and causes death. And He is Alive. He is Eternal. Possessor of Majesty and Reverence. In His hand is the goodness. And He is the goodness. And He is on everything powerful.

Lord of the Day of Judgement

Allah - in Whom all excellences are combined and Who is free from all defects. The Compassionate - One Whose blessings are extensive and unlimited. The Merciful - One Whose blessings are inherent and eternal

Say: God is One - the Eternal Being

Seek forgiveness from God Who is my Sustainer, and turn to Him

Each day, before going to sleep, say: I am thankful for _______________. To God

Remember that we have very short iem in the world ,so hurryup for good deeds

Praise your Lord

Please send this message to all friends that you appreciate.

Life is beautiful. You must appreciate it as much as possible.

Have a wonderful journey, my dear friend.