There's Nothing New Under The Sun, Or Is There?

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Nothing New Under the Sun

Or is there?

Hi, I’m Mike Darnell

Nice Meeting You!

I’m a Web Project Manager You can find me at - The Key Performance Indicators blog & at – my business

I was born in 1974. My 1st job was

modeling underwear and Roman toys

Man’s engagement in commerce predates

written history

In many respects it’s astonishing how little has


Trading in goods and services is one of the things that

defines us as humans

But sometimes it seems we’re so inundated with buzzwords we forget human behavior has changed very little over time…

As far as our behavior is concerned




Accepting this as our baseline it’s worthwhile

going back to the basics…

What’s our


Whether our business is focused on providing

Services, Products or both,

its goal is to generate…


This is, and always has been, the goal of businesses

Achieving this goal depends on our ability to make


…which depends on our Marketing

Convincing, but not


It’s here that we confuse ourselves by

believing man has


Woman maybe. Man?

Not so much…

So what is

“Marketing” anyway?

“The process of promoting products and services to enhance sales…

…Generating the strategy that underlies

sales techniques, business communication, and business developments…

…an integrated process through which

companies build customer relationships and create value for their

customers and for themselves”

“The process of promoting products and services to enhance sales…

…Generating the strategy that underlies

sales techniques, business communication, and business developments…

…an integrated process through which

companies build customer relationships and create value for their

customers and for themselves”

Even though this definition is based on

Wikipedia, a service that owes its existence to the Web,

in no place does it mention we need the

Web to do marketing…

For me this is a key observation

that lies at the heart of

successful online marketing

It’s not about


Get that right…

…And you’re guaranteed


Every business aims to provide value via the services and products

it offers

Successful businesses determine what motivates clients to seek them

out and implement strategies to capitalize on these understandings


The 1st thing

you need to figure out


What motivates

Clients to choose


There are a number of possibilities:

• Price

• Location

• Quality of Service

• Business Intelligence and Practices

{Of course other options exist too

but we only have about an hour…}

Once you understand why your clients choose you, you can look for ways to


your advantage

This is where the Web comes in handy…

The Web offers businesses that compete on price a multitude of

options to reduce operational costs in

order to further increase their competitive edge

The most obvious of these is using the Web to sell your


Offering products online reduces the overheads associated with brick-and-mortar shops.

Contrary to what many people think, you don’t always have to start your own Website…

…In fact in some cases you’re better off without one.

The Web offers many opportunities in this respect.

Ebay and Amazon Marketplace are two of the bigger names

Identifying a niche and focusing one’s

efforts on matching its needs is a great

marketing strategy

This is the premise at the heart of sites like:

Etsy {handicrafts}…

Tunecore {music}…

…and many more

Reducing sourcing costs is another way to make your pricing more attractive

Sites like Alibaba…

…and Ec21,

have opened up the sourcing process, making it simpler than ever to find the products you want, at the prices you need.

Deal in Services?


…and Odesk are opportunities to connect with providers, as well as clients


Elance, Odesk, and other sites like them, are all evidence to one of the most

profound changes the Web has made to how we do business…

…The Web has voided the traditional correlation between our location,

and our revenue streams…

...Many of us deal daily with clients and suppliers we’ve never met,

and think nothing of it.

This was inconceivable just a few years ago…

Interestingly over the past 2-3 years we’re witnessing a new phenomenon.

One that owes its existence to the ubiquity of the social Web, and the rapid ascent of Web-on-mobile.

The Web now connects people

not only Globally, but also at the

Hyper-local level too

We’ve become so accustomed to Facebook events we no longer think much about what a revolution they represent in comparison to the way we did things before…

…But Facebook is so all-encompassing that we have a

hard time making events stand out.

Both as guests and as organizers...

…Enter sites like Meetup and


Both are dedicated exclusively to organizing and managing events,

each with it’s own particular twist on the paradigm.

Meetup focuses on the community related aspects of any given gathering, and serves as an excellent platform for meeting and interacting with individuals with like minded interests and passions.

…To the “Kinda out there”

Eventbrite’s approach is perhaps more pragmatic and oriented towards the commercial aspects of event organization: Promoting, Managing, Ticketing…

…But it has its fair share of “Clothes

Optional” events too

QR Codes and

Location based services

like Google Latitude and


are empowering us to interact with our contacts and clients not

only based on Where

they are but also


QR Codes,

those little funky Black and White square “barcodes” we see everywhere, enable users to use their mobile phone’s camera to connect to a URL.


“Closed” sign

can now be an opportunity to send people to your Website’s

“Contact Us” page…

Simply enabling Google Latitude on your mobile device and sharing your location with your contacts will let you see at a glance

Who’s Where Now

Foursquare enables businesses to incentivize clients based on location, venue or branch.

In Thailand look at Ensogo…

The Web has completely revolutionized how businesses

address their

Customer Service issues

For better or worse

everything ever posted online will eventually be

available for all to see

The real-time aspects of Web connectivity we mentioned before add a new level of urgency to handling these issues.

One unflattering tweet can easily turn into a PR nightmare…

The real-time aspects of Web connectivity we mentioned before add a new level of urgency to handling these issues.

One unflattering tweet can easily turn into a PR nightmare…

My HTC has not yet attempted this…

With over 100,000,000 users Twitter can rightfully claim to

BE the Real Time Web

Often spammy and noisy it is, for better or for worse,

a reflection of what people

have to say RIGHT NOW

The secret to using it successfully is to be able to

zero-in on the conversations that matter


Involvement is, by definition,

at The Moment of Relevance

The scope for optimizing your Customer Service via the Web

is far from being limited to Twitter…

Designed with customer service and support in mind, services like

Uservoice and


enable you to interact with your clients about service and support issues

Every comment and idea is

accounted for, and serves as a

platform for debate

Over time you’ll deal less with recurring issues, freeing you to dedicate more time to the new ones that pop up...

For many smaller businesses this might seem excessive,

however an occasional poll or survey is still very much a


Wouldn’t it be great to finally know what your customers

Really Think About You?

The Web abounds with great free poll services designed to meet this exact need.

Polldaddy and Surveymonkey are

two of the market leaders in this respect…

…But countless others exist as well. Including a bunch of Facebook apps you can use to add polling to your business page.

At the end of the day the quality of your Customer Service depends on how efficiently you run your


…If you’re not yet using a

Customer Relation Management

system {CRM} now is as good a time as any to start

Designed to address all the aspects of managing your teams’ relationships with your clients and prospects

as they mature through your sales cycle…

…Any one of these systems, when properly and meticulously used,

will minimize the risk your business misses a task or

opportunity because someone “Dropped the Ball”

…Furthermore, as time passes they’ll gradually amass and store all the data your business accumulates ensuring changes in personnel, or

Unforeseeable Disasters, have a

minimal impact on your operations

Which leads us to our

Final Point…

We live in a Data Driven age.

Accessing, processing and distributing

the Right Data at the Right Time

to the Right People dictates our success

LinkedIn is by far the world’s

largest business oriented networking site

I’m pretty sure that

like myself, you all have a


Is it as good as it can be?

A good profile should be a great way to learn more about you and your business contacts:

• Testimonials

• Experience

• Interests

• Etc…

Being active on Linkedin groups relevant to your

business is a great way to Demonstrate your expertise, Promote your business and Generate leads

Assisting others and demonstrating your expertise needn’t be limited to LinkedIn

The Q-A paradigm has been addressed a few times on the Web already,

including by the giants:

Yahoo! and Google {Google’s service is no longer active}

The most promising service in this niche today is


It’s popular with early adopters

and When Properly Used, can be

a great way to get the answers you need

When we accept that no matter what our business our ability to interact with People is always

a core competence…

…It immediately becomes evident that it’s in our best interest to know as much as

possible about the individuals we communicate with

Social email services like

Xobni and Rapportive

give a great deal of insight about the people we’re in contact with and have the added benefit of not actually requiring much from us in terms of time investment…


reveals a wealth of

data about our Outlook contacts

Rapportive does

the same directly from your Gmail

Obviously there are other ways, beyond those listed here to rise

above the fray, distinguish ourselves,

and attract customers…

…It’s safe to say that whatever the strategy you’ve been using,

if it provides benefit, someone probably created a Web service to leverage it…

{if they haven’t you’ve got a killer startup on your hands!}

All you need to do is find that service and dedicate the time and

effort required to Master It.

Yes, this is Hard Work…

…But it’s Worth It

The past few slides listed a bunch of sites that,

with Dedication, will give you the edge you need

in order to succeed

Now’s the time to circle back to our basic premise:

It’s Not About Technology. It’s About People!

Primarily its about your


Which of these technologies

will make Their Life Easier when dealing with you?

And it’s also about You:

Which of these technologies can you implement to gain the

Greatest Benefit in the Shortest Time?

1 Ask yourself:

What do I hope to get out of this?

2 Do your research and figure out which services are most likely

to provide you with the results you hope for

3 Set a goal for the

Return On Investment you hope to get

4 Determine how you’re going to

evaluate your results

The only way you can truly evaluate these efforts is by doing some

split testing…



Can you guess which one did better?

B = 17% improvement

…Never Assume Anything!

I’m the 1st to admit this isn’t

Rocket Science

Which is why it never ceases to amaze me how few and far between

are the businesses that actually conduct themselves this way…

It all goes back to the basic premise of this chat….

Regardless of how amazing our technology is

There’s very little that’s new under the sun insofar as our interactions with ourselves

and one another are concerned

THANK YOU : ) | 08-2441-8150

The Key Performance Indicator Blog

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