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Marks TOTAL (max. 20 marks)

THERESA NUZZO SCHOOL MARSA Half-Yearly Exams 2015 - 2016


Monday, 1st February, 2016

Name: ___________________________________

Class: _____________________

Register Number: _____________

Page 1 of 3 English Half-Yearly Exam (Listening Comprehension) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

THERESA NUZZO SCHOOL MARSA Half-Yearly Exams 2015 - 2016


1. Underline the correct word from the brackets. (½ mark each)

a. The tortoise first met the (the hippo, the elephant, a crocodile).

b. The elephant called the tortoise (stupid, tiny, weakling).

c. The elephant stepped on the tortoise but did not (crush, hurt, kill) him.

d. The tortoise lived (in a river, under a mountain, on a hill).

e. The tortoise asked the elephant to come to him (that night, the following morning, at once).

f. The hippopotamus was (going back into the water, in the water, sleeping).

g. The rope was provided by the (tortoise, hippopotamus, elephant).

h. To start the game the tortoise, called (“Hey!”, “Start”, “Go”).

TASK 1 (8 marks)


a Both the hippopotamus and the elephant laughed at the tortoise.

b The tortoise and the elephant played a game of tug-of-war.

c The hippopotamus feeds during the day.

d The tortoise weighed as half as the elephant.

2. Tick the column T if it’s true, the column F if it’s false or the column NIG if no

information is given. (1 mark each)

Page 2 of 3 English Half-Yearly Exam (Listening Comprehension) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

TASK 2 (12 marks)

a. Long ago, aircraft were

slow and small.

big and fast.

easy to get to.

b. Aircraft in modern airports take off

every few hours.

every few seconds.

every few minutes.

c. An airport is compared to

a cruise ship.

a small town.

a happy village.

d. STOL stands for

Shop, Travel, Over, Landing

Short Take Off and Landing

Short Travel Often Land.


1. Answer these questions by ticking the correct answer. (1 mark each)

Page 3 of 3 English Half-Yearly Exam (Listening Comprehension) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

3. Fill in with ONE word from the text. (1 mark each)

a. Some modern aircraft can take up as many as four hundred ______________.

b. There can be more than 50 thousand passengers every day in a

______________ modern airport.

c. Airports are away from big towns to avoid ______________ of big jet airliners.

d. Some cities have an inner airport for aircraft that can have a ______________




a In olden days, airports were just a little more than large flat fields.

b A modern airport can handle 300 tonnes of cargo.

c Aircraft in international airports fly in and out, day and night.

d While waiting for your flight you cannot buy staff.

e Each passenger can only take a certain weight of baggage on an aeroplane.

f Another name for “runway” is the “apron”.

g Baggage is checked by two people at a time.

h Thousands of people work in a modern large airport.

2. Tick the column T if it’s true, the column F if it’s false or the column NIG if no

information is given. (½ mark each)


TOTAL (max. 30 marks)

Name: ___________________________________

Class: _____________________

Register Number: _____________

THERESA NUZZO SCHOOL MARSA Half-Yearly Exams 2015-2016


Time: 50 mins

Page 1 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

Look at these short lives of famous people. (6 marks)

Underline the correct word in the brackets. (1 mark each)

1. Albert Einstein was born in (Malta, England, Germany).

2. Albert Einstein spoke a lot against (physics, nuclear weapons, language).

3. Mother Teresa was born in (1910, 1979, 1997).

4. Mother Teresa helped a lot of (rich, poor, American) people.

THERESA NUZZO SCHOOL MARSA Half-Yearly Exams 2015-2016


Fill in the blank with one word from the text. (1 mark each)

1. Einstein did not show interest in learning __________________.

2. Calcutta is a city that can be found in __________________.

Mother Teresa (1910-1997) was

a Roman Catholic nun, who devoted

her life to serving the poor and destitute around the world. She spent many years in Calcutta, India

where she founded the Missionaries of Charity, a religious congregation

devoted to helping those in great need. In 1979, Mother Teresa was awarded

the Nobel Peace Prize and has become a symbol of charitable selfless work. She was beatified in 2003, the first step on

the path to sainthood, within the Catholic church.

Born in 1879, in Ulm, Germany, Albert Einstein was to become

the most celebrated scientist of the Twentieth Century. His

discoveries were to lay the framework for new branches of physics. He also become a well-known person speaking out

against nuclear weapons – weapons he had indirectly contributed towards creating.

Einstein is one of the undisputed geniuses of the Twentieth Century, but, his early school reports

suggested anything but a genius. His early teachers found him dim and slow to learn. Part of the problem was that Albert expressed no

interest in learning languages and learning by heart that was very popular at the time.

Page 2 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School



SECTION 1 (10 marks)

UMBRELLA It was a cloudy night; the darkness covered the city like a thick blanket. The wind blew gusts of air smelling of car fumes through the streets; it sneaked under the cracks of doors and whispered down sooty chimneys. (paragraph 1)

Mr Bell hurried down a dark street, holding onto his bowler hat so that the harsh breeze couldn’t steal it. The wind

blew harder, almost blowing the short, stout man off-course. Eyes narrowed, Mr Bell tried again to walk into the path of the determined gale. A hazy drizzle of misty rain drifted down in sheets, making him shiver and cough. Cursing the cold, he drew his coat tighter around his large figure. As he made to clamp his hat to his head again, he spotted something black and flapping on the pavement. An umbrella! (paragraph 2)

His heart leapt; the umbrella would be perfect! Feeling pleased with himself, Mr Bell ran towards it and snatched it up. The handle was smooth and glossy, and the waterproof dome was black and very large. (paragraph 3)

As Mr Bell raised it above his head, something remarkable happened. He began to feel lighter as he ran over the cobbled street, holding tight. Lighter and lighter. With a gasp, he realised that his leather shoes were no longer making contact with the pavement. He was flying! The wind lifted him up like hundreds of hands, all pushing upwards. (paragraph 4)

A. Underline the correct answer. (½ mark each)

1. The weather was (fine, bad, sunny).

2. Mr Bell was a (tall, short, thin) man.

3. Mr Bell found it (easy, difficult, pleasant) to walk that night.

4. The umbrella was (small, long, black).

Page 3 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

D. Answer this question: (2 marks)

1. Do you think it was easy to hold the umbrella? Why?




1 This story happened in London.

2 Mr Bell was in a hurry.

3 Mr Bell was walking along a path at first.

4 It was not very windy.

5 The road was tarmacked.

6 The umbrella that Mr Bell found was very large.

B. Find from the passage: (½ mark each)

1. Two adjectives from paragraph 1: ______________ and ______________ .

2. A simile from paragraph 1: _________________________________.

3. A personification from paragraph 2: _________________________________.

C. Tick: True (T), False (F) or No Information Given (NIG) (½ mark each)

D. Choose the best answer by ticking the box. (½ mark each)

1. The wind blew harder, almost blowing the short stout man off-course. (par. 2) This shows that: Mr Bell was finding it hard to walk. The wind was pushing him against a wall. Mr Bell was walking calmly on the street.

2. His heart leapt (par. 3) This means that: He was jumping up the path. The rain splashed on his coat. He was happy that he found the umbrella.

Page 4 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

SECTION 2 (14 marks)

UMBRELLA (continued) With a delighted and shocked shout, Mr Bell gazed down at the sprawling city below him. The street lamps looked like beautiful, luminous flowers reaching up to him. Cars reminded him of jewel-coloured beetles crawling through the concrete maze. (paragraph 5)

The wind led him towards the park; it was the only splash of green in a grey ocean of buildings and roads. Clutching the umbrella tightly, he drifted towards two bronze statues of lions guarding the park entrance. Mr Bell outstretched his free hand and reached towards one. As he passed, he patted it on its cold head. The lion roared deeply and shook its impressive mane, whilst watching the small man float past. Wide-eyed, Mr Bell swung himself away. The umbrella swayed dangerously and as he grasped the handle harder, he waited dizzily for the world to stop spinning. (paragraph 6)

Still the wind carried him on. He glanced back at the now still statues. The trees swayed in time with the umbrella as he drifted higher again. A white barn owl flew past Mr Bell like a winged ghost. (paragraph 7)

As he rose, he scanned the sprawling city for his house. There. He gently coaxed the umbrella down towards his street. The wind rushed down and with a bump, Mr Bell landed outside his house. He looked around to check that nobody had noticed him disembarking, before making his way up the garden path. The promise of light and warmth beckoned him inside. As he stood on the front porch, he folded the umbrella up and smiled as he thought about what an exciting bedtime story his daughters would have that night. (paragraph 8)

A. Choose the correct answer: (½ mark each)

1. Swayed (paragraph 6) means

opened. swung. walked.

2. Glanced (paragraph 7) means

looked. jumped. flew.

Page 5 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

C. Underline the correct answer (½ mark each)

In the story the

1. city looked like a (flower, jewel, maze).

2. street lamps are compared to (flowers, lights, ocean).

3. cars are compared to (jewels, beetles, maze).

4. park looked like (an ocean, a splash of green, a statue).

5. building and roads are compared to a (maze, lion, grey ocean).

6. owl is compared to a (black umbrella, white flower, winged ghost).

Answer these questions: (1 mark each)

1. How do you know that Mr Bell was happy that he was flying?


2. What did Mr Bell touch with his hand while flying over the park?


3. What two animals are mentioned in the story?


4. How did the umbrella know where Mr Bell’s house was?


B. Match column A with Column B to make correct sentences. The first one is done for you as an example. (½ mark each)


1 Mr Bell was flying

2 The city below him

3 Mr Bell held to the umbrella

4 The umbrella carried Mr Bell

5 Mr Bell was happy


was lit up.

to his house.

1 over the city.

to arrive home.

very tightly.

Page 6 of 6 English Half-Yearly Exam (Reading Comprehension) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

E. Answer these questions about both sections: (2 marks each)

1. Why did Mr Bell “looked around to check that nobody had noticed him disembarking” (paragraph 8)?




2. Do you think that Mr Bell will share his adventure with anyone or would he keep it a secret? Why do you think so?




Name: ___________________________________

Class: _____________________

Register Number: _____________

Marks Short Writing task (max. 10 marks) Long Writing task (max. 20 marks) TOTAL (max. 30 marks)

THERESA NUZZO SCHOOL MARSA Final Exams 2015 - 2016


Friday, 1st February, 2016 Time: 1 hour

Page 1 of 7 English Half-Yearly Exam (Writing) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

THERESA NUZZO SCHOOL MARSA Final Exams 2015 - 2016


(10 marks) Imagine you are ALONE on a

sandy beach.

Your task is to write a description of the beach.

Don’t forget to describe what you can hear and feel. Don’t

forget you’re ALONE. You don’t have to use the picture.

Use your imagination. Write about 50-60 words.

Plan here. (This plan is NOT marked.) Words you might use: What can you see? What can you hear? What can you smell? What can you feel?

Page 2 of 7 English Half-Yearly Exam (Writing) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

Page 3 of 7 English Half-Yearly Exam (Writing) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

THERESA NUZZO SCHOOL MARSA Final Exams 2014 - 2015


LETTER (20 marks)

Choose 1 or 2

1. You are Tim and you live at 25, St Thomas’ Road, Ħal Bordi. BRD 1783.

You have noticed that in your town recently there are great improvements. However

the children’s playground is too small. Write a letter to the mayor asking for a bigger and better playground to be built in your town. The Mayor’s address is: Ħal Bordi Local Council, Main Street, Ħal Bordi. BRD 1002.

2. You are Kim and you live at 63, St John’s Street, Ħal Ħemda. ĦMD 1928.

You like the school you go to and the improvements that your head teacher made recently. However you feel that you need a better gym equipped with all necessary P.E. equipment. Write a letter to the head teacher asking for a better gym to be set

up in your school. The School address is: Ħal Ħemda Primary School, Main Street, Ħal Ħemda. ĦMD 1600.


Write between 140 and 200 words.

Page 4 of 7 English Half-Yearly Exam (Writing) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

Title Number: _____ Plan here. (You can get 4 marks for this planning. Plan carefully.)

Write the reasons why you are suggesting this for your town/school. Don’t forget to list some useful phrases you might use in your letter.

Page 5 of 7 English Half-Yearly Exam (Writing) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

Title Number: _____

Page 6 of 7 English Half-Yearly Exam (Writing) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

Page 7 of 7 English Half-Yearly Exam (Writing) - Grade 6 - Theresa Nuzzo School

L-Eżami ta’ Nofs is-Sitt Sena 2015 – 2016


Il-Fehem mis-Smigħ

L-Isem u l-Kunjom _____________________________

In-numru tar-Reġistru_____________________

L-Ewwel Silta Konfużjoni taħt l-Art 10 marki

Taħriġ A

Immarka t-tweġiba t-tajba billi tagħmel sinjal (√) fil-kaxxa t-tajba, skont dak li

smajt fis-silta.

L-ewwel waħda hija eżempju.

1. Nina marret l-ewwel safra tagħha Ruma.


2. L-istazzjon tal-ferrovija li daħlet ġo fih kien qrib il-Palazz tar-Reġina.


3. Nina qatt ma basret x’konfużjoni hemm taħt l-art ta’ din il-belt.


4. Il-post għoġobha minħabba r-riħa li kien fih.


5. In-nies li kienu fil-vagun ma’ Nina qabdu jitkellmu magħha.


6. Nina xejn m’għoġbitha l-ħajja fl-istazzjon ta’ taħt l-art.


Taħriġ B

Imla l-vojt b’kelma waħda, skont is-silta.

L-ewwel waħda hija eżempju.

1. X’ħin niżlet it-taraġ, Nina ħasset qalbha tagħmel tikk.

2. Nina kienet _______________ li se tmur f’din il-belt għax qatt ma

kienet siefret qabel.

3. Id-dbabar li kien hemm mal-art kienu_________________.

4. Tifel żgħir ried li n-nies jagħtuh ftit __________________.

5. Nina ħasset buffura riħ ___________________ taħbat ma wiċċha

meta l-ferrovija daħlet fl-istazzjon.

6. Malli nfetħu l-bibien tal-ferrovija kien hemm ħafna


It-Tieni Silta Il-Monument tal-Gwerra 10 marki

Taħriġ A

Immarka t-tweġiba t-tajba billi tagħmel sinjal (√) fil-kaxxa t-tajba, skont dak li

smajt fis-silta.

L-ewwel waħda hija eżempju.

1. Min qiegħed jirrakkonta ilu hemm

a. iżjed minn sebgħin sena. b. inqas minn sittin sena.

ċ. iżjed minn sittin sena. √

2. Fis-silta qed jitkellem

a. il-lejl.

b. il-monument.

ċ. it-turist.

3. Il-kelliem tas-silta jinsab fuq

a. kaxxa.

b. pedestall.

ċ. siġra.

4. Id-dawl li għamieh kien ġej

a. minn għar.

b. minn fuq siġra. ċ. mill-kamp tal-għadu.

5. F’daqqa waħda tfisser

a. f’salt.

b. bil-mod.

ċ. fil-ħin.

6. Il-kelliem jixtieq

a. li jissemma fil-gazzetti.

b. li s-sigriet tiegħu jibqa’ mistur.

ċ. li l-qtates jibqgħu jgħarrxuh.

Taħriġ B

Qabbel kolonna A ma’ kolonna B billi ssib it-tweġiba t-tajba u tikteb in-numru fil-


L-ewwel waħda hija eżempju.

Kolonna A Kolonna B

1. Din is-silta seħħet għax jgħarrxuh b’denbhom.

2. L-aħħar ordni li kellhom 1 fi pjazza ewlenija.

3. Il-kelliem ma kienx imdejjaq fil-


kienet tagħtih gost lill-monument.

4. Il-preżenza tan-nies madwaru għax xi turisti kienu jeħdulu r-


5. Minn kliemu jidher li billejl kien


li jinqabad jiċċaqlaq.

6. Il-qtates kienu jdejquh kienet li jsalvaw xi priġunieri.


Paġna 1 of 16

Skola Tereża Nuzzo

L-Eżamijiet ta’ Nofs is-Sitt Sena – Livell Primarju

Frar 2016


Il-Ħames Sena Il-Malti Il-Ħin: Siegħa u Kwart

(Il-Fehem mill-Qari u l-Kitba) _____________________________________________________________________

L-Isem u l-Kunjom: ______________________ Il-Klassi: _____________________

In-numru tar-reġistru __________________

Il-Fehim mill-Qari u l-Kitba Il-Marki

Il-marki għat-taqsima 60 marka

Il-marki tal-istudent/a


Aqra sew dan li ġej:

Ikteb ismek u kunjomok, il-klassi u n-numru tar-reġistru.

Qabel tikteb it-tweġiba, ifhem sewwa l-mistoqsija.

Jekk ma tkunx taf tagħti xi tweġiba, ħalliha vojta u kompli l-oħrajn, imbagħad erġa’

ppruvaha fl-aħħar.

Jekk tieħu żball, ingassah pulit u erġa’ ikteb.

Meta tlesti, irrevedi l-karta kollha mill-bidu biex tirranġa xi żbalji li jista’ jkollok u timla dak li

ħallejt barra.

Paġna 2 of 16


L-Ewwel Taqsima (10 marki)

Aqra dawn ir-riklami u aħdem l-eżerċizzji ta’ warajhom.

1. Uniformi 67, Triq il-Palazz, Il-Belt Inbigħu uniformijiet ta’ kull xorta; tal-istudenti, tal-bankiera, tal-koki u oħrajn. Inħitu uniformijiet skont ħtiġijietkom. Żuruna fis-sit elettroniku

2. Battista Ħwejjeġ tan-nisa għall-istaġuni kollha. Ħwejjeġ għal kull okkażjoni. Biex tilbes bħal artista ejja ixtri għand Battista! Issibna fi Triq il-Ferrovija, il-Belt, fuq ix-xellug tal-Bank Alberto.

3. Il-Musbieħ 22, Triq il-Kavallieri, Il-Belt Nispeċjalizzaw f’kotba għat-tfal. Issibu kotba b’ilsna differenti għall-iskejjel u kotba oħra fuq kull suġġett. Lil min jonfoq iktar minn €20 nagħtuh vawċer ta’ €5 li jista jonfoqha fil-ħanut!

4. Bnin Trid tiekol tajjeb u tiffranka l-flus? Trid tiekol bnin u tgawdi veduta mill-isbaħ? Mela ejja sar-restaurant tagħna li jinsab ġewwa l-Mellieħa u kul magħna! Miftuħin kuljum mid-9:00 ta’ filgħodu sas-7:30 ta’ filgħaxija. Il-Ħadd niftħu sal-erbgħa ta’ waranofsinhar.

Paġna 3 of 16

A. Aqta’ linja taħt it-tweġiba t-tajba.

L-ewwel waħda lesta bħala eżempju. (3 marki)

1. Il-Musbieħ jagħti vawċer ta’ (€20, €5, €10)

2. Uniformi u (Bnin, Battista) jinsabu l-Belt.

3. Ziti tista’ tixtri libsa għaliha għall-griżma tat-tifel mingħand (Battista, Bnin, Uniformi).

4. Mingħand Musbieħ (tixtri, tbigħ, tissellef) l-kotba.

B. Qabbel Kolonna A ma’ Kolonna B billi tikteb in-numru fil-kaxxa t-tajba.

L-ewwel waħda lesta bħala eżempju. (4 marki)

Kolonna A Kolonna B

0 Il-Musbieħ jinsab fi mur kul għand Bnin ġewwa l-Mellieħa.

1 Biex nixtri tibdila pulita mmur Battista.

2 Jekk trid tgawdi veduta sabiħa waqt li tiekol tajjeb

0 Triq il-Kavallieri, Il-Belt.

3 Mingħand Uniformi nista’ nixtri mingħand il-Musbieħ.

4 Bank Alberto jissemma’ fir-riklam ta’ għand Battista.

5 Kif inkun il-Belt immur nixtri ktieb uniformi għall-iskola.

Ċ. Poġġi kelma waħda biss fil-vojt, skont is-sens tar-riklami.

L-ewwel waħda lesta bħala eżempju. (3 marki)

Is-Sibt li għadda jien u ommi morna l-Belt biex nixtru rigal għan-nanna. Wara morna

għand Il-Musbieħ għax kellna bżonn nixtru żewġ _________________ għall-kuġin.

Hemmhekk infaqna €23 u tal-ħanut tana _________________. Wara bqajna

sejrin nordnaw l-uniformi tal-bank għal ommi mingħand _________________.

Paġna 4 of 16

It-Tieni Taqsima (20 marka)

A. Aqra dan l-artiklu u wara wieġeb il-mistoqsijiet.

Hemm min jieħu qatgħa kif jisma’ lil xi ħadd jgħanni, pereżempju fuq ir-radju, u hemm persuni

oħra – iva, anke żgħażagħ – li l-għana Malti jaffaxxinahom. Hu x’inhu, żgur però li l-għana Malti – li

jaf il-bidu tiegħu fis-seklu 15 – jitqies bħala l-kant u l-mużika folkloristika tal-ġżejjer tagħna. (par 1)

Insibu dokumenti li fihom hemm imniżżla anke xi ismijiet ta’ xi għannejja tas-seklu 15! Sa mill-bidu,

l-għana Malti kellu xi strumenti marbuta miegħu bħat-tanbur, il-vjola (jixbah lill-vjolin), l-iljut

(strument bil-kordi, qisu kitarra) u t-trumbetta. (par 2)

L-għana kien jinstema’ l-aktar f’okkażjonijiet bħat-tiġijiet, il-funerali, fil-festi tal-irħula u anke f’festi

reliġjużi u nazzjonali oħra bħall-Milied, il-Vitorja u wkoll fil-festi tal-Imnarja. Mas-seklu 17 bdew

jizdiedu wkoll xi strumenti oħra għal waqt l-għana. (par 3)

Se nitkellmu ftit fil-qosor dwar tliet tipi ta’ għana, l-għana spirtu pront, l-għana tal-fatt u fl-aħħar l-

għana la Bormliża. (par 4)

L-Għana Spirtu Pront : Kif jindika l-isem tiegħu, dan it-tip ta’ għana jiġi vvintat dak il-ħin stess u

għalhekk, l-għannej ikollu biċċa xogħol diffiċli. Dan għaliex minbarra li jrid jaħseb x’se jgħid, l-

għannej irid ukoll joqgħod attent biex jibqa’ jżomm ir-ritmu u r-rima. Kważi l-għanejja kollha

jgħannu dan it-tip ta’ għana waqt li jkunu akkumpanjati minn xi kitarrist, għalkemm ġieli wkoll

jitgħanna mingħajr strument mużikali. Dan l-għana jitkanta permezz ta’ kwartini (strofa ta’ erba’

versi) bil-vers ottonarju (ta’ tmien sillabi). (par 5)

L-Għana tal-Fatt: Għall-kuntrarju tal-għana spirtu pront, l-għana tal-fatt ikun imħejji minn qabel u

jirrakkonta ġrajja mnebbħa minn valuri familjari, soċjali jew nazzjonali. Pereżempju nsibu għana

tal-fatt imnebbħa mill-istorja ta’ pajjiżna jew inkella għana b’tema politika. (par 6)

L-Għana la Bormliża: Dan l-għana huwa fost l-aktar li tinħtieġ ħila għalih għax fih hemm bżonn ta’

vuċi għolja u teknika partikolari. Probabbilment li dan l-għana nbeda l-ewwel min-nies ta’ Bormla u

għalhekk baqa’ jġorr miegħu dan l-isem. Dan l-għana ma jsegwix dejjem l-istess forma għaliex xi

drabi jkun ivvintat dak il-ħin, inkella jkun ippreparat kollu minn qabel u drabi oħra, nofsu jkun

ippreparat u l-kumplament ivvintat. Dan l-għana jista’ jitkanta minn għannej wieħed jew inkella

minn tnejn li jirrispondu lil xulxin bl-għana. (par 7)

Paġna 5 of 16

Wieġeb il-mistoqsijiet, skont is-silta. (8 marki = marka l-waħda)

1. Immarka (√) it-tweġiba t-tajba.

a) L-għana Malti

jieħu gost bih kulħadd.

huwa l-aktar tip ta’ mużika li jisimgħu ż-żgħażagħ.

mhux kulħadd jieħu gost bih.

b) L-għana Malti beda

fis-seklu sbatax

fis-seklu ħmistax

fis-seklu għoxrin

2. Semmi strument marbut mal-għana Malti u li jixbah il-vjolin. ____________________

3. L-għana Malti kien jinstema’ f’okkażjonijiet ta’ ferħ bħat-tiġijiet u festi tal-irħula iżda kien

jistema’ wkoll f’okkażjonijiet ta’ niket. X’kienu dawn l-okkażjonijiet?


4. X’ġara mas-seklu sbatax? (par. 3) Ikteb sentenza sħiħa.



5. Agħti s-singular tal-kelma żgħażagħ. (par 1) _______________________________________

6. Minn paragrafu 6 sib kelma li tfisser l-istess bħal ‘ispirata’ ___________________________

7. Agħti kelma oħra li tfisser l-istess (sinonima) bħal ħila (par 7) _________________________

8. Għal min qed jirreferi l-pronom mehmuż ‘h’ fil-kelma fih f’paragrafu 7? _________________

Paġna 6 of 16

Kompli aqra din is-silta u wara wieġeb il-mistoqsijiet.

It-Tieni Parti: Frans Baldacchino – Il-Budaj

L-Għannej Żejtuni, Frans Baldacchino, magħruf bħala l-

Budaj, miet fil-21 ta’ Ġunju 2006 fl-età ta’ 63 sena.

Il-Budaj kien għannej b’leħen mill-isbaħ. It-talent tiegħu

kien apprezzat anke minn dawk li ma tantx kienu midħla

tal-għana Malti.

Diversi artikli ġew miktuba b’apprezzment lejn il-kontribut

li ta Frans Baldacchino. Wieħed mill-artikli kien jgħid hekk:

(par 8)

“Il-Budaj kellu n-namra tal-għana minn età żgħira, u kellu

wkoll passjoni lejn l-opra u l-mużika klassika. Kien iħobb

jikteb il-poeżija u ta’ seba’ snin kien diġa beda jħoss il-ġibda

lejn il-kitba tal-poeżija. Huwa ġie mogħti diploma mill-grupp ‘Poeti Maltin’ li tagħhom kien

membru. Hu pparteċipa f’diversi festivals folkloristiċi, kemm lokali kif ukoll internazzjonali,

fosthom il-Kanada, Franza, il-Libja, il-Greċja u t-Tuneżija. (par 9)

Fl-2001 huwa kiteb il-lirika tal-kanzunetta rebbieħa, ‘Tisimgħu Tissaħħar’ fil-festival L-

Għanja tal-Poplu, fejn kantaha ma’ Priscilla Psaila. Permezz tal-parteċipazzjoni tiegħu f’dan

il-festival, il-Budaj ġibed udjenza ġdida li qatt ma kienet miġbuda lejn l-għana Malti. L-għana

Malti beda jintgħoġob aktar minn qatt qabel. (par 10)

Huwa twieled fis-16 ta’ Mejju tal-1943. Fis-sittinijiet emigra lejn

l-Awstralja fejn ifforma parti minn grupp folkloristiku ma’

emigranti oħra Maltin. Huwa rritorna Malta fl-1970.” (par 11)

Bit-talent tiegħu Frans Baldacchino għamel ġieħ lil raħal

twelidu. Tant hu hekk li fl-2008, iż-Żwieten inawguraw

monument f’ġieħ dan l-artist, xogħol tal-iskultur Anton Agius.

(par 12)

Paġna 7 of 16

B. Wieġeb il-mistoqsijiet fi kliemek, skont is-silta. (8 marki= marka kull waħda)

1. Immarka (√) jekk hux Veru jew Falz:

Il-Budaj kien il-laqam ta’ Frans Baldacchino


2. Aqta’ linja taħt it-tajba:

Frans Baldacchino twieled Malta, emigra lejn l-Awstralja u reġa’ ġie lura Malta.

Frans Baldacchino twieled l-Awstralja u emigra lejn Malta u reġa mar l-Awstralja.

Frans Baldacchino emigra l-Awstralja u baqa’ hemm.

3. Fl-2001 il-Budaj għamel suċċess? X’kien dan is-suċċess (par 10)



4. Għal xiex qed jirreferi il-pronom mehmuż ha fil-kelma kantaha f’paragrafu 10?


5. Ikteb is-sena tat-twelid tal-Budaj fi kliem flok f’numri.


6. Sib frażi minn paragrafu 12 li tfisser l-istess bħal ‘għamel unur’.


7. Minn paragrafu 12, sib u ikteb żewġ verbi.


8. Min kien l-iskultur tal-monument ta’ Frans Baldacchino.


Paġna 8 of 16

Ċ. Wieġeb il-mistoqsijiet fi kliemek fuq is-silta kollha. (4 marki)

1. Agħmel linja taħt it-tifsira tal-kelma ‘jaffaxxinahom’:

idawwarhom bil-faxex

jagħtihom ħafna gost


2. L-għana Malti jinstema’ f’xi wħud mill-festi nazzjonali. Semmi tnejn minn dawn il-festi li

nsibu fis-silta.



3. L-għannej jgħanni

Il-bennej jibni

Kompli din: l-iskultur j________________

Paġna 9 of 16

Il-Kitba – 30 Marka

Paġna 10 of 16

Il-Kitba (10 marki)

A. Il-kitba ta’ struzzjonijiet

Int mitlub tikteb struzzjonijiet.

L-istruzzjonijiet tiegħek iridu jkunu bejn 50 u 60 kelma.

Agħżel bejn numru 1 u numru 2.

Dawn il-mistoqsijiet qegħdin biex jgħinuk tikteb l-istruzzjonijiet.

a) X’jeħtieġ li jkollok biex tibda?

b) Xi trid tagħmel l-ewwel?

ċ) Kif tkompli?

d) X’inhi l-aħħar ħaġa li trid tagħmel?

e) Kif tinduna li l-biċċa xogħol waslet fi tmiemha?

1. Kif tagħmel ftira biż-żejt


2. Kif tfittex informazzjoni fuq il-kompjuter

Paġna 11 of 16

Titlu _____________________________________________




















Paġna 12 of 16

B. Il-kitba ta’ rapport (20 marka)

Agħżel waħda minn dawn l-aħbarijiet u ikteb rapport: (100-120 kelma)

Tifel jaħrab mill-iskola Jew Iljunfant jaħrab miċ-ċirku

Tifel jaħrab mill-


Jekk tagħżel din l-aħbar, dawn l-ideat

jistgħu jgħinuk tikteb ir-rapport: tista’

tikteb dwar meta/xħin t-tifel ħarab u

kemm kellu żmien. Fejn mar u fejn instab.

Jekk għadu ma nstabx, tista’ tikteb dwar

id-dehra tiegħu u min għandu jiġi

kkuntatjat f’każ li jintlemaħ. X’seta’ wassal

lit-tifel biex jaħrab?

Iljunfant jaħrab miċ-ċirku Jekk tagħżel din l-aħbar, dawn l-ideat

jistgħu jgħinuk tikteb l-artiklu: tista’ tikteb

dwar meta (eż: kien żmien il-Milied) l-

iljunfant ħarab. Tista’ tikteb ukoll dwar id-

dehra tiegħu, jekk kienx mans jew feroċi,

fejn mar, kif ħassewhom in-nies meta

rawh u x’għamlu. X’sar minnu l-iljunfant?

X’seta’ wassal lill- iljunfant biex jaħrab?

Paġna 13 of 16

Uża dan l-ispazju biex tagħmel pjan għall-kitba tiegħek. (4 marki)

Paġna 14 of 16

























Paġna 15 of 16


























Paġna 16 of 16


























Page 1 of 15 Mathematics – Written Paper – Half Yearly Exam – 2016



MATHEMATICS GRADE 6 Name: ____________________________ Class: _____________


Questions 1 – 4 … 4 marks each Questions 5 – 12 … 5 marks each Questions 13 – 16 … 6 marks each

1. Work Out:

a) 3127 + 1373

b) 2000 – 1234

c) 412 x 3

d) 714 ÷ 7

Page 2 of 15 Mathematics – Written Paper – Half Yearly Exam – 2016

2. Label these triangles:

3. Draw the reflection of the shaded shape in the mirror line.

3b. Draw the lines of symmetry of the following shape:


Page 3 of 15 Mathematics – Written Paper – Half Yearly Exam – 2016

4. In this diagram, the numbers in the triangles add together to make the number in the circle. The number in the square is 6 less than the number in the circle.

Write the four missing numbers in these diagrams.


5. Tick () True or False.

True False

A 5¾ is a mixed number

B ½ > ¾

C 𝟑

𝟏𝟎𝟎 = 0.3

D ¾ is in its lowest terms

E 𝟐𝟑 = 𝟖


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6a. Lina has five blocks which are all the same. She balances them on the scale with two weights. Calculate the weight of 1 block. 6b.The total length of a sharpener, a paper clip and a clothes peg is 11.5 cm. Use the ruler in the picture to answer the questions below.

i. What is the length, in cm, of the sharpener?

ii. What is the length, in cm, of the paper clip?

iii. What is the difference, in cm, between the longest object and the shortest object?


________ g

________ cm

________ cm

________ cm

Page 5 of 15 Mathematics – Written Paper – Half Yearly Exam – 2016

7a. Here are some nets of shapes.

For each net put () if it folds to make a pyramid. Put an (x) if it does not.

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

7b. Match the properties with the shape.

Letter Properties of shape Matching letter

Name of Shape

A It has no vertices and two edges Sphere

B It has no vertices no edges Cuboid

C It has 12 edges, 6 faces and 8 vertices Pyramid

D It has 5 vertices, 8 edges and 5 faces A Cylinder

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8. Look at these multiplications.

Choose the multiplication which matches the following statements. Each multiplication can only be used once and there is one extra. There is no need to work out the multiplications.

i) 10 x 50 is an estimation to my multiplication.

ii) 16 x 38 gives the same answer to my multiplication.

iii) The answer for this multiplication is odd

b. If a mystery number is twice the addition of 136 and 24, what is the mystery number?


9. Choose from the following table to fill in the boxes below. Use each number only once.

a. A pair of numbers which are squares.

b. A pair of numbers whose difference is a multiple of 5.

c. A pair of numbers which add up to 68.

d. A pair of numbers which are multiples of 7

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

9 x 51 9 x 52 8 x 74 32 x 19



Page 7 of 15 Mathematics – Written Paper – Half Yearly Exam – 2016

10a. Look at these numbers

Write these in ascending order (smallest first).

b. David and Mary earn the same pocket money.

David spends 𝟑𝟕 and Mary spends 𝟐

𝟑 . Who spends more?

Tick the correct answer David Mary

c. 𝟓𝟔 of a mystery number is 𝟑

𝟒 of 40. What is the mystery number?





7 tenths


Page 8 of 15 Mathematics – Written Paper – Half Yearly Exam – 2016

11a.Here are 5 digit cards

Use all the digit cards to make this correct. .

11b. A shop sells fruit. Michela buys 2 apples and 3 bananas. She pays € 2.35.

Jack buys 2 apples and 1 banana. She pays €1.25.

How much does 1 banana cost?

€ ____.____

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12. There were 12,784 supporters for the first basketball match. The attendance for the second match decreased to 9,106 supporters.

a. Write 12,784 in words. _______________________________ _________________________________________________

b. Round 9,108 to the nearest thousand. _________ c. Find the difference in attendance between the first and second match.

d. During the second game ¼ of the supporters went home by bus. If each bus carried 55 supporters, how many buses were needed to carry these supporters?



Page 10 of 15 Mathematics – Written Paper – Half Yearly Exam – 2016

13. This is the cost to visit the Wax Museum.

a. On Friday morning a group of 8 adults and 20 children visit the Wax Museum.

How much do they pay altogether?

b. Guide books cost €1.50 each. The Wax Museum sells €24 worth of guide books. How many guide books is this?

c. The Attard family consists of mum, dad, 13 year old Susan and 7 year old Reuben.

How much money does this family need to visit the Wax Museum on Monday?


TUESDAY –SUNDAY Adults €8.50

Children €4.50

MONDAY SPECIAL OFFER Adults half price

Children under 12 years free

€ ____.____

______ guide books

€ ____.____

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4a. Tick () each shape that is exactly 𝟏𝟒 shaded

14b. 1Kg of potatoes costs €1.20. What is the cost of 4 𝟐𝟓 Kg of


14c. In a class, 18 of the children are girls. ¼ of the children in class are boys.

Altogether how many children are there in class?


€ ____.____

______ children

Page 12 of 15 Mathematics – Written Paper – Half Yearly Exam – 2016

15. a. Tickets are sold for a pantomime at the local Theatre. In the theatre there are 45 rows. Each row has 23 seats. How many people can be seated at the theatre?

b. This diagram shows the seating position of Paul’s relatives at the theatre. Annalise is 1 seat North of Joseph.

i. Write Annalise’s name on the seating plan.

ii. Susan is sitting ______ of Joseph.

c. There are 3 arches in the theatre. Their total

width is 6.5 m. There are four pillars. Each pillar is 0·2 m wide. The three gaps are of the same width. How wide, in m, is each gap?













______ people

_______ m

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16. The pictures below show six different bags.

Use the following clues to work out the cost of each bag: The price of bag D is €8·25 more than the price of bag C. Bag D costs twice as much as bag E. Bag F is €1.45 more than half the price of bag B I buy bag E and receive €17 change when paying with a €50 note. Bag B costs €1·35 more than Bag C. Bag B is double the price of Bag A.

_______________________________THE END___________________________

Bags Cost

A €

B €

C €

D €

E €

F €


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Mental Paper Year 6 Half Yearly Exam 2015- 2016

Name__________________ Class:________












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____________________________THE END___________________________














