Therese Vooght EMP explained

Post on 19-Mar-2016

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Therese Vooght EMP explained




The projectAuthorial brief

Results and response to Experience

Themes emerged as I created... Nature Sanctuary Escape Silence

“Sanctuary can only be found in silence of our heart”

Three boxes

Final piece

A story of first hand experience and thought

A story of human experience in general and a humble, collective celebration of it

Three boxes

A story of human experience in general and a humble, collective celebration of it

supporting work

Four Books

Four Books

The boxes

The boxes

Deciding that my work was going to be in an A3 archive box meant that I could compile a thread through all the diverse practice that I had indulged over 6 months

The work I produced was presdominantly hand made and would lose its full effect if printed.

This box I chose for my final piece

Professional and silent

First hand experience for the audience was essential

as it matched my own

Compilation process defined the story


-so there was space for thought

Hand made archival boxoriginally intended for final piece.

it was a hard but mature decision to leave it for a different selection

it enthused that compilation more then my final cut

Hand made archival boxoriginally intended for final piece.

it was a hard but mature decision to leave it for a different selection

it enthused that compilation more then my final cut

The Books

The Books

Final piece was one off, as a professional illustrator I wanted to bridge the gap between this and having something that was to be circulated.

I started to compile on indesign

I wanted a small series -nothing too big or ‘heavy’ but enough to compliment eachother and my final piece

Final piece was one off, as a professional illustrator I wanted to bridge the gap between this and having something that was to be circulated.

I started to compile on indesign

I wanted a small series -nothing too big or ‘heavy’ but enough to compliment eachother and my final piece

Book 1Tea bag book

Size of a tea bag

My work on tea bags was scattered throughout my practice.I wanted to compile one series, that would work in theme and style with my body of work but equally; could stand on it own.

Theme: human experience

Book 2Stray pleasures



FreedomNatureAwe ...wonderJoyTimelessness

humble celebration of human experience

Book 2A Moment


wordless book, with new imagery and some taken from other pieces


Epiphany revelling in the moment JoySense

A5Tack bound




ThoughtfulnessConnection with nature