Thermal limitation of Silicon EUV Pellicle and possible...

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Thermal limitation of Silicon EUV Pellicle and possible improvements for mass production of

EUV Lithography

Sungwon Kwon, Yongseok Jung, Hwanchul Jeon, Jinsu Kim,

Jaehyuck Choi, Byung-Gook Kim, and Chan Uk Jeon

Wednesday 7 October (2015)

Semiconductor R&D Center, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd


Motivation – Current status of EUV pellicle development

– Prediction on the thermal stability

– Two types of Silicon

Experimental – Heat-load test on wafers

– Heat-load test on membranes

– New capping material

– Improvement of the thermal stability


2 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Current status of EUV pellicle development p-Si pellicle with SiN capping (by ASML)

– One of the most potential candidates for the 1st generation of EUV pellicle

– The compatibility for EUV HVM is still doubtful: heat-load

A suggestion for improvement on the thermal stability

– Si-based pellicle: good alternative within a time-line

Time line 2015 2016 2017 2018

p-Si : ASML & industry

Si-based : SEC

Production: industry adoption


Pilot: complete EUV pellicle solution




Co-work with industry

Membrane w/ capping

Proto-type w/ infrastructure


*Poly-crystal silicon (p-Si)

International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Prediction on the thermal limitation of Si Thermal stress exceeds the yield strength (σSi) of Si thin-film.

– Si can undergo thermal softening effect during EUV exposure.

A main risk for Si pellicles: repeated heat-load

– High temperature and stress: material perspective, ‘creep deformation’


Region of Si transition Bulk σSi ~1GPa

App. Opt., Vol.50, No.21 (2011)

International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Two types of Silicon's Poly-crystal silicon (p-Si) and single-crystal silicon (c-Si)

– p-Si: grain boundaries between grains (surface-to-surface)

– c-Si: well-ordered structure (bond between atoms)

Different mechanisms of deformation against external forces

2~4GPa @fatigue

Poly-crystal Si

Surface-to-surface split at the grain boundaries

Poly-crystal Si

4~10GPa @fatigue

Single-crystal Si

Elongation with maintaining the atomic bonds

Single-crystal Si

Muhlstein et al, Sensors & Actuators, 2001

5 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Heat-load test on wafers Si surface analysis after 532nm LASER expose on wafers

– p-Si: changing - grain growths and more number of grains

– c-Si: no changing - remains with the same orientation


Phase p-Si c-Si (001)

Category SEM (50k) EBSD (100k) Concept SEM (50k) EBSD (100k) Concept




**EBSD (Electron backscatter diffraction) ***Si thickness 50nm, SiOx thickness 100nm

International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Short-term heat-load test Heat-load test on Si membranes

– Continuous heating with a 355nm LASER during 30min.

– 50nm Si freestanding membrane with 20nm SiN capping

c-Si is more stable than p-Si under the same heat-load.

– Equal result with the previous on wafer tests

An window for 355nm LASER

Pyrometer or FLIR

Vacuum chamber (10-2T.)


LASER power and peak temperature

International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Long-term heat-load test Methodology of quantification test

– Pulse heating with a 355nm LASER and EUV trans. measurement

– Criterion: exposure time to drop by 3% of EUV trans.

c-Si shows 50% longer exposure time than p-Si.

Mechanism of EUV trans. drop during and after heat-load

– High temperature heating induces micro-cracks within a membrane.


*DIC (Differential Interference Contrast) images


Early heating

Si membrane

Long-time heating

EUV trans. drop Normal


+50% Membrane


International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Procedure for new capping material Categories: Optical/Mechanical/Thermal/Chemical

– Test procedure and the results of atomic H treatment

Emissivity on the 50nm films at 100℃

Mat’ls pSi SiN B4C Mo

(Pre) H plasma

(Post) H plasma

ΔThick (nm) 4.7 nm 0.5 nm 0.8 nm 1 nm

ΔThick (%) 12 % 0.9 % 1.5 % 3.8 %

9 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Selection of new capping material Candidates of radiation emissivity enhancer against heat-load

B4C for new capping material

– Improvement of total emissivity: ~10 times higher than p-Si with SiN capping

Category SiN Mo B4C SiO2

Thermal Emissivity

On 50nm film (@100°C) 0.008 0.027 0.145 0.012

Δ (-raw Si) +0.007 -0.308 +0.208 +0.001

TEC (10-6/K) 3.58 4.8-5.1 3.0-5.0 0.56

Chemical H plasma resistance (1/Etch Rate, p-Si=1) 9.4 4.7 5.9 15.7


Modulus (GPa)

50nm cap. on Si wafer 166.3 168.9 170.1 170.2

Δ (-raw Si) 1.4 4 5.2 5.3

Hardness (Gpa)

50nm cap. on Si wafer 17.9 12.7 15.4 14.2

Δ (-raw Si) 5 -0.2 2.5 1.3

SiN 4nm

p-Si 25nm

SiN 4nm

ε=0.01~0.03 εt=0.01


εt ~ x10

TSi ~x1.6 ε=0.01~0.03

B4C 4nm

c-Si 40nm

B4C 4nm



ε ~ 0.1 ε ~ 0.001

10 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Improvement of the thermal stability Heat-load test on the c-Si membrane and new capping (B4C/c-Si)

– Exposure time to 3% EUV trans. loss: ~2 times longer than p-Si with SiN capping

– Possibility for HVM within the methodology






Membrane + New Capping

225hrs/3% >320hrs

International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Future plan Verification of the methodology in this study

– Comparison with the results from the actual EUV scanners

Compatibility of the new pellicle with other infrastructures

– EUV pellicle frame and etc.

Improvement for fabrication process

– Supplying SOI wafers is another key technology for the new pellicle.

Consideration of the next generation pellicle after Si pellicles

– Alternative solutions for the EUV 500W era

12 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Summary p-Si pellicle might have not enough thermal stability for EUV HVM.

c-Si pellicle is more stable than p-Si pellicle, however it is still not enough for EUV HVM.

New capping material is chosen to improve the radiation emissivity.

B4C/c-Si combination shows better thermal stability than SiN/p-Si, which can be applicable for EUV HVM.

13 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail:

Thank you for your attention

14 International Symposium on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography, 7 October 2015, Maastricht, NL. e-mail: