Thesis 7 21 08

Post on 13-May-2015

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    While trying to decide what my thesis would be, I remembered one of our first projects.  It was assigned to express our knowledge of the concepts of Architecture.  We were asked to design a museum for an alien artifact.  We were told not to be concerned with solid walls, and windows.    I learned later on that as projects became more like actual buildings, they were compared more often to real buildings.  This made critique time less about the concepts of architecture, so I decided my thesis would be an unfamiliar project: a building that bridges a river.

The site I selected is located between Kittery and Portsmouth.  The bridge is in need of repair, but budget issues are holding up progress, so the purpose of my thesis is to suggest an alternative to state funding.  What if spaces on the bridge could generate funding?Both Kittery and Portsmouth grew from the river and river related industries. Recently, a border dispute has caused friction between the two sides. If there were a gathering space on the river, maybe everyone would be reminded that the river is really a part of history both Kittery and Portsmouth share.

    I took a look at what the bridge is used for, and determined the new bridge will need to have space for vehicles, walkers, joggers, bikers, and skateboarders.  These are the uses I observed on the bridge.  I decided I need to separate Vehicles from all other uses to make the experience safer and more enjoyable.  I want to make pedestrian traffic and vehicular traffic equally balanced.    My vision of this space is one where the community can gather.  I also saw this as a place where visitors would congregate because, being on the river, it is so visible.  My plan is to locate spaces here which would be beneficial to locals and visitors.  There would be shops, galleries, dining spaces, office space, and some housing.  Also, I want there to be a place where community events can take place, or where information can be found about community events and tourist information.    

On the Portsmouth side of the river, Buildings are close to the street.  Kittery has more trees close to the street.  These views shows a blend of buildings and trees close to the street.

    I was encouraged early in the project to create a larger urban plan, and spend less time on individual spaces.  After the majority of the over all bridge was designed, I began to focus on a center food court.  This space would house several resturants and a large eating space.  The intent of the project was to create a gathering space for both sides of the river to come together.  The central eating space is a large public area, with more private spaces within.  Space was given outdoors for more dining.      I left space for community events to take place.  The space is big enough to possibly add vendor's carts.  I imagine there would be different events at different times.  I thought maybe there will be an art exhibit, or a school bake sale.  I was afraid to limit the possibilities, so I created a variety of spaces. 

Sitting on an outdoor dining deck, and looking toward Kittery, the shadow cast on the river on a sunny summer afternoon is a constant reminder you are on a bridge.

    As the bridge's maintenance costs rise, and funding shrinks, it would be important for the bridge to be able to generate its own funding.  My thought was if spaces were located on the bridge, they could be a source of income to pay off the cost of building and pay the costs of maintenance.      

This partially shaded space

allows for views up river, or back inside

to the community

dining space

Imagine yourself on a warm day siting on this deck watching the ships come in as you eat.  The bridge lifts and the boats pass through with downtown Portsmouth as the back ground.  Surrounded by trees, you may forget you are siting high above one of the fastest river currents in North America.

There are two large outdoor gathering spaces.  The one shown here is uncovered and has planters.  If you were siting here, your only sign that you are not on solid land is the bridge deck which you can see lift periodically.  If you turn to the left,  you can see the submarines at the Ship Yard.

The building works like a road median separating motorized traffic from all other traffic.  Pedestrians walk past human scaled buildings on their way to the food court.  Part of my intent was to safely combine different forms of transportation; the glass, which is only feet from vehicles, protects the occupants of the building.

To get some experience with digital rendering, I edited some images with PhotoShop

    I feel what I designed is the best design to achieve the functions I set out to do.  I went through several design options, and this was the one I chose to further develop.    As for my theory that designing an unfamiliar building type will focus feedback on the design qualities, it turned out to be true.  Once I explained the concept and overall plan, I was only asked how the food court related to the concept.