Post on 20-Mar-2020

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Part 1 of this form is to be completed during the oral defense and submitted to the Graduate College as the official uni-

versity record of the oral defense results. Part 2 is completed after all the requirements of the oral defense are met

and the final document is ready for publishing.

Candidate’s Name: ___________________________ NAU ID Number:______________ Defense Date: _________

Please check one: Master’s Degree Doctoral Program

Degree and Program (e.g.,Ph.D. Biology; M.A. Psychology):______________________________

Defense vote summary (a two-thirds majority of the appointed committee is required to pass):

Number of PASS votes:_____ Number of FAIL votes:_____

Specify changes and other requirements that must be completed and the committee member(s) who will verify that

all specified requirements have been met:

Signatures of the Committee: Chair Co-Chair Member Printed Names:

Master’s Defense (unit chair, director, or their designee):

This form must be scanned and emailed to, within 48 hours of the defense by the Unit Chair/Director

(for master’s defenses) or by the Graduate Committee Representative (for doctoral defenses). THIS FORM WILL NOT

BE ACCEPTED IF SUBMITTED BY THE STUDENT. The Chair will also make a copy for the Graduate Coordinator and the

departmental file.

Revised: 7/10/2019

Doctoral Defense (UGC Representative):




This form is to be completed by the committee chair(s) verifying that all requirements specified during the oral defense have been

met and that the thesis or dissertation is in its final form and ready for publishing. Receipt of this form by the Graduate College and

submission of the final electronic version of the thesis or dissertation to ProQuest/UMI via the Graduate College website are part of

degree requirements.

I verify that

has met all specified requirements during the oral defense and that the thesis or dissertation is in its final form and ready for sub-

mission to the publisher.

Candidate’s Name NAU ID Number



To be completed by the Committee Chair (or designee) in consulta-

tion with candidate: Your thesis/dissertation will be deposited with

ProQuest Dissertations, where it will be available to readers with a

subscription. It will also be deposited in OpenKnowledge@NAU

making it open access and freely accessible. If you choose not to

accept the OpenKnowledge@NAU agreement or choose an embar-

go, metadata (title, abstract, etc.) will still be made visible. These

options have to be chosen during the upload process to ProQuest.

1. Open Access Options

Open Access Publishing: Open access (OA) is when a book, article, the-

sis or dissertation is provided digitally, online, free-of-charge, and free of

most copyright and licensing restrictions. Making publications open ac-

cess ensures the widest distribution, and thus increases the chances that

the research will be used and cited by others, rather than requiring a

purchase or subscription to gain access. NAU’s open access option,

OpenKnowledge@NAU, is free of charge and provides long-term storage

and free public access. If you wish to make your work open access within

the ProQuest delivery platform as well, a fee will be applied by ProQuest.

Embargo: If your thesis or dissertation contains patentable, publishable,

or sensitive material, you may wish to prevent access temporarily (called

an embargo). See the FAQ and the ProQuest guidelines on selecting an

embargo period. The student is responsible for renewing an embargo by

contacting the administrator at OpenKnowledge@NAU

( and ProQuest (

Copyright Registration: All documents are protected by copyright. How-

ever, copyright registration with the US Office of Copyright provides more

formal protection against usage infringements. ProQuest can register

your copyright for a fee. You may also self-register your copyright at

Bound Copies: Please check with your department regarding its policy

on bound copies for the department and/or committee chair(s). There is

a cost associated with bound copies. If your committee chair(s) and/or

department require bound copies, you will be responsible for ensuring

that the copies are made and delivered.

a. Department/committee does not require bound copies

b. Department/Committee requires bound copies through ProQuest.

a. Deposit with OpenKnowledge@NAU (no charge)

b. Additional fee to make your thesis or dissertation open access via ProQuest’s delivery platform.

2. Choose an embargo period to temporarily prevent access to your

thesis and dissertation on either ProQuest or

OpenKnowledge@NAU. The student Is responsible for renewing

the embargo with both ProQuest and OpenKnowledge@NAU.

3. Copyright Registration a. Student self-registers copyright

b. Student registers copyright via ProQuest

a. None b. One year c. Two years d. More than two years: Please indicate number of years:

4. Bound Copies

This form must be scanned & emailed to, by the committee chair. THIS FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF SUMBITTED BY THE

STUDENT. The chair should provide the student with a copy to assist with answering the four (4) questions above during electronic submission

of the final thesis/dissertation document for publishing.

Revised: 7/15/2019