Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout

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  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout



    Session 17

    Instructor: H L V


    PVO usage guide

    PVO practice

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    Previously on Thiu Nng

    tng, thiu tin tiu short on cash

    tn tnh

    to hit on someone

    rough around the edges

    lm thm to moonlight as

    Previously on Thiu Nng

    phc v bn to wait on

    chp nhn v c gng vt qua kh khn th thch to rise to the challenge

    , to raise the bar

    bt n all of a sudden | out of the blue

    bng nh st nh ngang tai like a bolt from the blue | like a bolt out of the blue

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    Previously on Thiu Nng

    nng da, trng nh vo to turn to

    lm theo mun

    to do as one wishes | do as one pleases

    sa i li lm, hi ci to mend ones way

    Previously on Thiu Nng

    p li tng t to respond in kind

    p l, c i c li to returns the favor

    the feeling is mutual | reciprocal

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    Previously on Thiu Nng

    ght, khng a Theres no love lost between

    couldn't stand the sight ofsomeone

    ght cay ght ng

    khng hp, nh ch vi mo like oil and water

    Previously on Thiu Nng

    thy c mt tt see ones good side

    thay i quan im, thi a change of heart about

    work side by side | shoulder-to-shoulder

    chun sc c n tc to pull together|join forces

    to team up with

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    Previously on Thiu Nng

    phn u, n lc strive for| take great pains

    tr nn thn thi t v ng cm

    to bond

    unrequited | unreturned | one-sided | unappreciated love

    (khng) bit phn bit phi tri maintain | lose ones sense of morality | sense of morals

    Previously on Thiu Nng

    kt cc sau mi chuyn At the end of the day

    tc ot mt, lm mt i deprive | rob someone ofsomething

    Kudos to

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout



    Teamwork: translate Trung thu trng sng nhgng, Bc H ngmcnh nh thng nhing"


    2 points for idea unpacking 2 oints for linear develo ment

    3 points for vocabulary and grammar

    3 points for thematic progression

    2 oints for rh min


    Teamwork: translate Trung thu trng sng nhgng, Bc H ngmcnh nh thn nhi n

    DiscussionTrung thu trng sng nh gng

    Sau y Bc vit my dng

    Gi cho cc chu t lng nh nhung.


    meaning vs. prosody in poem

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    WARMUP Original

    Trung thu trng sng nh gng

    Bc H n m cnh nh thn nhi n

    Sau y Bc vit my dng

    Gi cho cc chu t lng nh nhung.

    I was enjoying the scenery under the Mid-Autumn moonlight. As this is atraditional festival for kids to have fun, it certainly makes me miss you, my

    dear little ones. So to let you know how I feel, I drop you a few lines.

    Under the shiny silver moonlightlate last Mid-Autumn nightEnjoying the scenery, you know,

    made me miss you so.My dear little sweeties

    out of my sight might you beu , ere are my wor s you s ou mar ,

    never, never out of my heart.

    WARMUP Discussion: How about linking in the following poems

    Ci c chng ging ci ca

    Ma xun khn th c ma ma h

    Ngh an ni ting gi Lo

    Tr i trai i n i no cn en

    Cuc i tht lm ng cay

    T i sao ti l i kho ta th n

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    WARMUP Discussion

    try to establish the linking in a series of non-stop songs

    x n n trong cn m n y g m a t u t . n a emv, chn em bc nh, tri bun gi cao. i xin c nhau, di

    cho mi sau, nng khng gi su. o xa d nhu, cng xinbc u gi mi tn nhau.

    Ngy mai em i, bin nh em quay v ngun. Gi trng dnggi ngp hn, bn tay chn gi ma sang. Ngy mai em i,thnh ph mt m n vng. Hn l nghing vai gi bun,

    Qun qut vn v t o. Run run i mi n cho. Ting ni thdi ngy . By gi mng i bay cao.

    nghe ngoi bi n ng bu n hn.

    -linking clues in writing?

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Usage Guide Installation Review Lexical Notebook Menu Lexical Entries

    Add a single lexical item to represents a new CONCEPT

    Which words we should use to represent a concept , , ,

    Which words we should NOT trattoria, kosher, gulp down

    . ., . . Concept definition (e.g., or Demonstrate new entries for

    restaurant food

    PVO Usage Guide Word Entry enter new concepts Warning: pay close attention when you enter a concept. At the moment, you

    can't change delete a misspelled concept through PVO. You can, however,.

    Warning: You should delete a concept ONLY after unlinking all theconnections (if any) it has with examples and other concepts.

    How to manually delete a misspelled concept? You must have Microsoft Access installed as part of the Microsoft Office

    bundle on your computer Double click on pvo.mdb.

    "disabled if there is one.

    Double click on table PrimaryWords. Select the concept you want to remove. You need to select the whole

    row by clicking on the left-hand side tab. Then right click and selectDelete Record.

    Closepvo.mdb and run PVO again to check if the concept is removed. If , .

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Usage Guide Example Entry establish links between conceptsand between an example and a concept Concept-to-Concept link (Primary Words Relation)

    General association

    Of the same concept group hard difficult, selfish unselfish, teach teacher

    rain, snow, wind, thunderweather

    roof, door, window, kitchen building

    orm o whale, horse, cat mammal animal

    black, red, green, yellow color

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Usage Guide Concept-to-Concept link (Primary Words Relation)

    Describing ,

    No relation: select this to remove the link

    Relation unchecked: concept relation is not yet retrieved from thea a ase

    Rules of thumb for setting concept-to-concept links: Directionallinks: more eneral, basic conce ts arents on the

    right chihuahua dog mammal animal

    more fre uentl used lexical items on the ri ht hard difficult ordifficult hard?

    emotion feeling orfeeling emotion?

    To establish a link between two concepts

    1. Select theparentconcept in the right box

    2. Select the childconceptin the left box

    3. Select a relation

    4. Click on Set

    5. You should see thismessage

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    To change a link between two concepts

    1. Select theparentconcept in the right box

    2. Select the childconceptin the left box

    3. Select a new relation

    4. Click on Set

    5. You should see thismessage

    To unlink two concepts

    1. Select theparentconcept in the right box

    2. Select the childconceptin the left box

    3. Select No relation

    4. Click on Set

    5. You should see thismessage

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Usage Guide Concept-to-Concept link

    If you want to change the link direction. .,


    Want to invert the relationship to restaurant (as childconcept) food (asarentconce t

    First need to unlink foodrestaurant

    Then establish the restaurantfood link

    PVO Usage Guide Concept-to-Concept link To see how a concept is currently linked to others, double click on it

    Parent concept(s)

    Child concept(s)

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Usage Guide

    Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation)

    Concept: Food

    It was 10 o'clock before we finally got ourchow that night. [informal,AM]

    They serve good nosh in the cafeteria. [informal, BRIT][sub concept] The plan is widely used as fodderfor horsesanimal: related concepts I noticed you bought the cheap kibble. What's with that?pet: related concepts


    PVO Usage Guide Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation)

    Related concepts He is more gourmand than gourmet. She had to stand in line for nearly two hours forfood stamps. and in lieu of a doggy bag, she took home the related concepts

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Usage Guide

    Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation) Doer of action

    Indian food disagrees with me.

    The doughnuts were sitting heavy in my stomach.'- .


    PVO Usage Guide Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation)

    Receiver of action She feeds the ice cream to her baby.

    My grandpa couldn't digest food properly.

    .for food.

    animal: Doer of action

    er e an sg v ng nner, n y ec e o s eep o eturkey.

    rest: related phrases

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Usage Guide

    Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation) Action

    Concept: Eat

    He greedily consumed the sandwich. The cats gobble | devour| engorge turkey with head down and tail.

    Being under stress can cause you to miss meals, eat on the move,orbolt your food.

    I nibbled a dou hnut and uffed m ci ie.cigarette: Receiver of action

    PVO Usage Guide Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation)

    Being described by frozen | convenience | canned | health |junk | perishable food

    I had enough plastic hotel food and airline food. I wanted properhome-cooked meals..

    The unaccustomed rich food was taking its time settling in herstomach.

    ' .breakfast. You know, hearty food.

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Usage Guide

    Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation) Describing

    Paris is the gastronomic capital of the world.

    eat: Describing.

    cook: Describing

    PVO Usage Guide Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation)

    Idioms and fixed expressions Concept: Food

    Pull up a chair and dig in! Tuck in [BRIT], it's the last hot food you'llget for a while.

    She was merely playing with her food; she glanced at the windowevery few minutes.

    She eats like a horse, so I don't know how she manages to stay so


  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Usage Guide

    Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation) Related phrases

    He said, toothpick bobbing.

    meal: related phrases' .

    exercise: related phrases

    I've eaten very little today in anticipation ofa wonderful meal.

    A bowl of rice pudding sat cooling on the kitchen table.

    PVO Usage Guide Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation) Pun/word play

    "Why did the cannibal get sick?" "He ate someone who disagreedwith him!

    Diner: Is it customary to tip the waiterin this restaurant? Waiter: Why, yes, sir.

    Diner: Then hand me the ti . I've waitednearl an hour for the steakI ordered.

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Usage Guide

    Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation)

    Mother: Be careful son, most home accidents happen in thekitchen.

    , .

    Guest: Waiter, there's a bug in my soup.

    Waiter: That's strange, it's usually a fly.

    PVO Usage Guide Example-to-Concept link (Example-Word relation)

    Notes: there are examples that contain food but shouldbe linked to a different concept

    It's not like you to be off your food.

    eat: related phrases

    The whole food chain is affected b the over use of chemicals inagriculture.

    animal: related concepts


    think: idioms and fixed expressions

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    To link a new example to a concept

    1. Type it in the NewExample box

    2. Select and hi hli ht thetarget keyword or phrase.

    3. Here is a typed examplewith a highlighted part.

    4. Enter any source andusage note here

    To link a new example to a concept

    5. To de-highlight anyhighlighted text: select it, rightclick and select Normal.

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    To link a new example to a concept

    6. Select the linked.concept in the right box7. Select a relation

    8. Click on Set

    9. You should see thismessage

    To link a new example to a concept

    9. If you want to link this example to more thanone concept, repeat t e same steps or ot erlinked concepts

    10. When you are done,c c on eset to c ear up

    11. You should see thismessage

    This box should be blank

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    To revise a current example, select Example Search

    3. Double-click on the example you want to revise1. Select Example Search2. Click on Search

    4. The current content of the selected example isdisplayed in the bottom left-hand side box.

    .Update. You should see the following message:

    You can also revise relations between a current example and its linked concepts

    2. Select a new relation.

    1. To change the relationbetween the example and one

    ,the linked concept in the

    Related words box.3. Click on Set. You should seethe following message:

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    You can delete existing relations between a current example and its linked concepts

    1. To remove the relation2. Select No relation

    between the example and oneof its linked concepts

    3. Click on Set. You should seethe following message:

    Notes: if the example is linked to only one concept,you can t e ete t. ou nee to esta s a newlink with another concept before you can remove the

    current one.

    You can establish new relations between a current example and new concepts

    2. Select theappropriate relation.

    1. To link the example to a newconcept, select the concept to be

    3. Click on Set. You should see

    the following message: .

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    To display the lexical tree associated with a concept, simply Double-click on it. AlsoDouble-click on an example to display its content.

    PVO Usage Guide Tips Currently, you cant delete an example directly. However, you can do so

    indirectly by replacing it with a new content and then linking it to new.

    ALWAYS back up the database file pvo.mdb Whenever you encounter an error, exit PVO and restart again.

    E.g. searching for the word trattoria based on restaurantorfoodand Italian

    Possible solutions:

    using the Free Association Network

    demonstrate this method for the word tonsure (based on religion,,

    Hoas solution: use a special character, e.g. @, to mark the keywords. Placethese search keywords in the Source box.

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Usage Guide

    PVO Usage Guide

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    PVO Q&A

    FUN ACTIVITY For PVO practice

    Context , Alan: Charlies younger brother, who recently went through a bitter

    divorce. He stays with Charlie after his divorce. Judith: Alans ex-wife Jake: the only son of Alan and Judith. They have a shared custody of


    Watch the video

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout



    Important structures that need to be recorded in PVO I think ou're the luckiest bastard to walk the face of the earth.

    Its important to create a wholesome atmosphere for Jake

    We have an impressionable 10-year-old boy living here , . Do you have any questions? Just one. Fire away!

    Hang on, Judith. That's my other line Sorry, you were


    For session 18 Sent-in homework 2

    or sess on Translate the letter of recommendation.

  • 7/31/2019 Thieu Nang - Session 17 - Handout


    For session 20 SOP & LOR translation