Things To Do For Yourself This Week

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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4 Things To Do For Yourself This Week

MaidPro Kansas City


Take time to rest your eyes. Pick up a book instead of your phone. Bright screens are hard on our eyes and can make it difficult to fall asleep at night. Books are also a great escape from daily worries.


Stretch daily. Stretching is a great way to work out those kinks from sitting, standing and chasing after kids. Simple physical activities like stretching or walking can also improve sleep and energy levels. Exercise is a great stress reliever. Even walking the dog can help.


Prioritize time with people that make you laugh. Laughing increases your endorphins and releases stress. Spending time with friends is a simple way to find happiness and encouragement throughout the week. Facetime a friend, have a game night or grab coffee with someone.


It’s okay to ask for help. A clean home makes the work week easier to manager. We use our49 Point Checklist to give you the same perfect clean every time. We also pay special attention to any area you'd like.

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