Things you might not know about El Paso Unless you attend this session.

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Things you might not know about

El PasoUnless you attend this


By:Kevin CollierErika Liebel

Saul Martinez

El Paso: 1880’s-1910

Sin City 1880-1915 “Sporting Center” – Gambling, dance halls & prostitution “Vice for a Price” “The Line”

El Paso Herald"Here amid the clinking of beer glasses and vulgarity, drunken men, reeling and yelling, danced with Mexican women to the strains of the devil's music, staggering between the dances to the bar for liquid refreshments and enthusiasm. Women, long since sunk from respectability, joined the terrible brawl. Hair streaming in masses of disorder, dresses rent by the yanking and howling of the intoxicated men, and lending their shrill voices to complete the chaos of debauchery. Here and there were stretched out men overcome with liquor, while the wooden benches surrounding the apartment were occupied by burly sons of toil holding upon their laps these women of prostitution."

“Six Shooter Capitol”

Guns Gambling Gunfighters

“Sin City”LariatsLawmenLadies

The Guns

Winchester Rifle

Coach Gun

Colt Peacemaker

Smith & Wesson No.


The Gambling

Saloons Faro Poker Dice

The Gunfighters

John Selma


Billy the Kid

John Wesley Hardin

More Gunfighters

Butch Cassidy

Sundance Kid

Sam Bass

The Cowboys

The Lawmen

Pat Garrett

Dallas Stoudenmir


Texas Rangers

More Lawmen?

John Selman


George Scarbro


Bass L. Outlaw

?El Paso Constabl


US Deputy Marshall

Texas Ranger

The Ladies

The Big Five

Tillie Howard

Arrived early 1890’s Mansion on “The Line” Poor German immigrant Orphaned young Rode the rails for years Kind-hearted, well-mannered Died April 9, 1911

Gypsy Davenport

New York Native Raised in Davenport, Iowa 1894 – Framed Alice Abbott Lawsuit – Alice wins back property Unscrupulous business practices Disappeared after 1900 Returned to El Paso in 1920 to settle property Died January 22, 1920 of morphine addiction and edema

May Palmer Born 1867 – Wealthy Chicago Family Mary Elizabeth Eisenmenger Lucrative brothels – Chicago, Salt Lake City, Tucson Opened Madame Palmer’s Gentlemen’s

Club on Utah St Married James Harlan “Pete” Adams - 1908 Died March 24, 1918 of pancreatic and pelvic cancer Buried in El Paso’s Evergreen Cemetery

“Big Alice” AbbottArrived with RR –

1881- age 27 Thought to be from Kentucky Reasons for coming to El Paso

– unknown 6’ tall, 195 lbs Owned Mansion on Utah St Died April 7, 1896

Etta ClarkThe “Pistolier of 1886” Voluptuous, hot-tempered, red head Prominent French-Canadian family Mansion across from Big


The Stories - 1886Hired girls away

from other madamsTension and Anger between MadamsBessie Colvin – left AliceAlice “stormed” to Etta’s houseEtta shot Alice El Paso Herald “Public” Arch Story Sensational Trial Case dropped

Etta Clark’s Parlor

2 Years Later Alice burns Etta’s house down Evidence inconclusive Alice released – No consequences

Results Paved Streets Salaries for Police and other Civic Officials Public Library Philanthropic Activities Theaters Gentlemen’s Clubs - Business

Mexican Revolution and El

Paso 1910-1920

Three Presidents

Porfirio Diaz Francisco Madero

Venustiano Carranza

Three Revolutionaries

Emiliano Zapata Pascual Orozco Francisco “Pancho” Villa

Three Generals

Alvaro ObregónVictoriano Huerta John Pershing

Alhambra Theater (209 S. El Paso St.)

Catered to Mexican exile community

Shelton-Payne Arms Company (Merrick Building, 301 S. El Paso St.)

Supplied arms and ammunition to all factions of the revolution.

La Patria Newspaper(317 S. El Paso St.)

Silvestre Terrazas operated revolutionary newspaper Helped Pancho Villa smuggle arms 1914 Villa appointed Terrazas interim governor of Chihuahua

Teatro Alcazar(506 S. El Paso St.)

Owners Ike & Frank Alderete stored weapons in basement for Huertistas Alderetes, Pascual Orozco & Victoriano Huerta were tried in Federal Courthouse in El Paso for violating US neutrality laws.

El Paso Laundry(901 S. Santa Fe St.)

Rooftop provided front-row seats for major revolution battlesBullet holes in walls Presidents William Taft and Porfirio Diaz met in front and were given keys to the city

El Paso del Norte Newspaper(609 S. Oregon St.)

This newspaper disseminated the propaganda of the revolution from 1915-1919 to El Paso’s Spanish speaking community

Caples Building(300 S. San Antonio St.)

1911 Francisco Madero used offices 507-508 as the official headquarters of the Revolution Pancho Villa was recruited by Chihuahua Governor Abraham Gonzalez from this office.

Elite Confectionary(201 N. Mesa St.)

1911 Pancho Villa and Pascual Orozco sat for the last photo of them together. Villa visited this establishment daily and ordered chocolate-covered ice cream baseballs and strawberry soda during his exile in the US

Roberts-Banner Building(114-120 Mills St.)

1912 housed more than 200 Mexican spies working for 3 different agencies under the direction of Sgt Powell Roberts

Anson Mills Building(303 N. Oregon St.)

Rooftop provided a “safe” place to watch the revolutionary activities 1913 Junta headquarters for constructionalistas Huertista federal forces threatened to blow up the building if the US granted Pancho Villa permission to import arms to Mexico

Popular Dry Goods Company(301 San Antonio St.)

Provided non-munition supplies to both sides of the revolution Once both revolutionaires and federales were shopping at the same time in the store.

Toltec Club(602 Magoffin Ave.)

Francisco Madero was toastmaster in 1913 Victory banquet for Madero in 1911 Pancho Villa rented 1st floor for smuggling munitions

Sacred Heart Church(610 S. Oregon St.)

1912 Orozquistas counterrevolutionaries kidnapped Fr Carlos Pinto – demanded $3000, then $2000, then $500 finally Fr Pinto paid $100 for his own release.

Civil Civil RightsRights

In In El PasoEl Paso


Salt War Denied Access to salt Texas Rangers side with Anglos


Dr Ida Bishop was first woman to practice medicine in Texas The Sheldon Building housed Dr Bishop’s office until 1910

1915 First NAACP branch established in Texas, El Paso Became civil rights advocate after 10 lynchings – 1909

1921 C.C. Kellog set up 1st KKK office in the Sheldon Hotel Anglos became frightened by anti-American sentiment in Mexico after the Revolution Klan controlled the Herald Post & published an editorial on the Klan’s goals in El Paso Focused on eliminating crime Klan members ran for the school board Renamed schools after Texas heroes.


Lawrence Nixon denied right to vote in primary election

1927 Nixon v Herndon (Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes)

1932 Nixon v Condon (Justice Benjamin Cardozo)

July 22, 1944 Finally voted in primary


• TWC 1st Public University to admit blacks (Thelma White)

• TWC 1st University in the Confederate South to allow African-Americans to play a major sport (Charlie Brown)


• Raymond Telles elected 1st Hispanic mayor of a major city in the US

• Ambassador to Honduras


• TWC trains first Peace Corps volunteer


• Bert Williams introduces first Anti-discrimination law in public places in Texas (US)

• 2 years before Civil Rights Act was enacted in US


• TWC 1st major University to start an all African –American lineup

• Defeated all white U. Kentucky team

• Don Haskins• NCAA basketball



• El Paso based golfer Lee Trevino wins US Open

• First minority to win a major golf championship


• Chesley Karr sues EPISD

• Denied enrollment due to hair below collar

• US Supreme Court sided with Karr

• Set precedent against Uniform policy


• MECHA members take over UTEP Administration Building

• Chicano studies dept. established

• 1st Mexican-American faculty hired


• El Paso native Sandra Day O’Connor appointed 1st woman on US Supreme Court


• Homosexual couple ousted from local eatery for kissing in public

• El Paso City Council approves anti-discrimination ban on sexual orientation by businesses open to the public


• July – Gay and unmarried heterosexual partners of city employees given benefits by city council

• Nov – Voters rescind benefits to gay and unmarried heterosexual partners

Contact Us Power point available at: point presentations – El Paso Presentation)

References(El Paso 1880-1910)


/ •;article=43986;title=%22


••••• Abernathy, FE. (1994) Legendary Ladies of Texas, Issue 53. pp.132-136. Texas

Folklore Society/Nacodoches, Texas.•


References(Mexican Revolution) Metz, L. 1993. El Paso Chronicles; A record of historical events in El Paso, Texas. Romo, D. 2005. Ringside Seat to a Revolution; An underground cultural history of El Paso and Juarez: 1893-1923. Worthington, P. 2010. Images of America; El Paso and the Mexican Revolution.

References(Civil Rights)



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