Thinking on the edge

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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BY : Ali Anani, PhD


Managing PartnerPhenomena Communications

Dr. Ali Anani - Managing Partner

Dr. Ali Anani : As General Manager, Dr. Ali Anani heads and supervises a team of talented young professionals, and manages the overall brand strategy - ensuring the cohesiveness and creative parts of each campaign for all Agency clients.

Dr. Ali Anani holds a PhD from the UK (1972). He has a wide experience in many fields. His accomplishments include the writing of more than eighty publications in international journals, the writer of three printed books in Arabic and one E-book in English. He has written widely for the media and presented a TV program and many radio programs.

Dr. Anani main credit is his creativity thinking where he scored among the top %5 creative people worldwide. Dr. Anani is an invited lecturer for more than fi�y international conferences and an author of many business slogans. Moreover, he has travelled to more than fi�y countries as an invited speaker and consultant and has consulted for many international agencies including UNIDO, Atomic Energy Agency, UNDP, ESCWA, private businesses and governmental agencies.


Dr. Ali Anani - Managing Partner

Dr. Ali Anani : As General Manager, Dr. Ali Anani heads and supervises a team of talented young professionals, and manages the overall brand strategy - ensuring the cohesiveness and creative parts of each campaign for all Agency clients.

Dr. Ali Anani holds a PhD from the UK (1972). He has a wide experience in many fields. His accomplishments include the writing of more than eighty publications in international journals, the writer of three printed books in Arabic and one E-book in English. He has written widely for the media and presented a TV program and many radio programs.

Dr. Anani main credit is his creativity thinking where he scored among the top %5 creative people worldwide. Dr. Anani is an invited lecturer for more than fi�y international conferences and an author of many business slogans. Moreover, he has travelled to more than fi�y countries as an invited speaker and consultant and has consulted for many international agencies including UNIDO, Atomic Energy Agency, UNDP, ESCWA, private businesses and governmental agencies.


indexThinking on the EdgePatterns Are the Mirrors of FutureSimple, but CreativeOur Distance from True LivingBeBee or LinkedIn- Inert and Active IndicatorsCreative Metabolism of IdeasWashing Out Old Beliefs and HabitsThe Lonely WisdomIdeas Don›t MoveDifferent Facets of GrowthDo Social Media Cause Fractal Cracking?The Hidden Fractal PowerCrying over Spilled IdeasAre Trees Fearful?BeBee is the Social Media with No Tunneling EffectBubbles of CreativityNoisy falling, but no listenersThe Musical Edge of LifeMy Storytelling Different ApproachesHow Pure Humans Can Be?›Sound› BubblesThe Hidden Fractal PowerImaginative Ideas- Time to ExploreThe Fractal AmbassadorIdeas Rippling EffectThe Honeycomb of IdeasThe Triads of Complexity




Thinking on the EdgeWould you like to be in the middle or the extreme ends? Is there a simple and scientific approach? How answering these questions will help us improve our thinking and hence our actions? I promise the reader a soft sailing in attempting to answer these questions and then deriving the appropriate conclusions.

I am thinking of the edges between many things that we do in our lives without consideration for those edges. I shall show by examples what I mean. Let us fill a beaker with tangible things first, water to begin with. The water molecules in the body of water are bonded to each other except for those molecules at the surface (the edge between water molecules and surrounding air). The water molecules at the surface are tensed because the underneath water molecules pulls them downwards. To reduce this pulling water molecules at the surface take a spherical shape. Being in the «bulk» is different from being on the edge.

If we add oil to water without stirring then we shall have a new edge between water and oil. All oil molecules and water molecules are surrounded by similar molecules except for those on the «meeting edge». It is by stirring that causes oil to disperse as droplet in water. Now, we may visualize filling the beaker with other tangible and intangible inhomogeneous bodies.


Thinking on the Edge

The edge between each pair of opposites may not be visible or it could be rugged as well.

In each case, or would it be better: to be immersed in one half of the beaker or to be on the edge of opposites? Or do you prefer to be on the tensed edge or in the calmness of the bulk? Would you be immersed fully in the past, the future or in the edge of the present? Would you rather be in the order of whatever it is such as the order of learning or the disorder of searching?

To be fully immersed in the bulk of waters shall deprive you from the challenge of the tension on the edge of opposites. The edge between being a solid or gas (liquid) is where real life takes place. Chemists know well that rapid changes take place in the liquid phase because you need the reactants to collide and also move away so that other molecules may collide and the reaction may propagate. We need our ideas to collide and propagate and this possibility shall be reduced if we are «solid-like» or «gaseous» in our exchanges of ideas. We need to learn from our collisions and move on temporarily to the gaseous or solid states so that other ideas may collide. We need to have to the chaotic collisions of ideas in our searches for reality, but also we need the order of learning. Things happen at the edges and then we move away to one region so that we may put what we searched in order and then as new searches reveal new findings we need again to re-learn. In the continuous cycle of searching and learning we need to stay on the edge separating them because there is the creative edge.

We may stir our edges and form droplets of oily ideas in the waters of our thinking. We disperse our thinking and create new situations that may lead us to further discoveries. It is not planning or not planning as much as staying on the edge of the two opposites. Any other approach is only pleasing our comfort zones and swimming in calm waters.

If there is no visible edge I shall try to create an invisible one to stay on the edge.


Those who think too much of the past have no time to think of the future.

What is gone is gone.Forget about the past and enjoy the present.

Are the above statements correct? Or, do we need to challenge them? If we think within patterns inherited from the past that extend into the future is forgetting about the past a wise thing to do?

Nature has many patterns. Look at sand waves in sand ripples, waves in water, spirals in fossils and cauliflower, in minerals, ring patterns in trees, patterns in snowflakes, stripes on animals as they all indicate natures› tendency to «think» in patterns. DNA has repeating patterns as well. There are repeating patterns in the elements periodic table. These patterns explain the properties of the elements and the way in which elements and compounds behave when they react with each other. Patterns allow us to predict the future. The periodic table allowed us to predict magnesium years before it was discovered.

Patterns Are the Mirrors of Future

You may enjoy this super video on patterns in complex systems:

Patterns Are the Mirrors of Future


Patterns Are the Mirrors of FutureThe mystery of repeating stripe patterns on some animals such as giraffe has been resolved recently. And the findings are awfully interesting as they reveal some very interesting findings. Animal Shapes and Skin Pigment Patterns are made by a Wave. Yes, it is waves that create sand ripple are responsible for making the animal stripes. If two chemical substances expand while reacting with each other, differences in their concentration may make waves. Pigments are responsible for the formation of stripes. Interestingly, when a striped grows, the number of stripes increases, but the spacing between the stripes remains the same. A line splits into two and opens little by little as a zipper does. Sugars in human bodies show a zipper-like behavior as well.

Patterns Are the Mirrors of FutureHuman behaviors in the stock markets and in mountaineering show wave-like behavior. I have shown this to be the case in my presentation Emotions in Actions. Do humans form waves similar to the waves that cause the formation stripes of animals? When ideas are viewed as interacting molecules so that if they expand while reacting with each other, differences in their concentration may make waves? Do we human have hidden stripes of thinking? New perspectives are emerging.

Patterns Are the Mirrors of FuturePatterns in nature may repeat in different forms. The repeating hexagons of ice crystals, the hexagonal patterns on a giraffe’s skin and molecular hexagons are typical examples. You may find very interesting images of hexagons in liquid crystals here. A very interesting new finding is that light and atoms arrange themselves to form striking hexagon and honeycomb patterns. Indeed, patterns are everywhere.

The crack pattern we see zebra skin are similar in shape to the cracks observed in basalt as it cools. Is this the reversal of two molecules reacting with expansion to form waves? Are the shrinking waves of cooling? More importantly, so these cracks help us in understanding societal cracks? Patterns and their repetition in different systems have a story to unfold.

I wonder if the molecules of past event would react with the present event to form the future. I wonder if time is like a human cell with a membrane allowing the concentrated past events to diffuse in our present and expand to form stripes of repeating patterns that dictate our behavior. The reality is pattern have their roots and extend from the past to the present and extend to the future. They affect us. Patterns are the strange attractor that we fall in. To forget the past means blindness to the foggy future. Our pasts are our finger like patterns. They may predict our behavior in the future. Human resources staff may study past behavior patterns to predict a candidate›s future behavior.Can we afford to forget the past and live in the present? I doubt it. Patters are our mirrors to the future.


Simple, but CreativeAmong the many things trees teach us is their ability to do complex reactions and functions with great simplicity. From very few simple chemicals trees are able to transform them into complex molecules with a purpose. Trees have discovered that complexity comes from the feedback of few simple reactants much earlier than us.

It is from their simple restrictions that trees have depicted ways to thrive and live for long time spans. Trees don›t have doctors to visit. They need to take care of their own health. Trees are forced to stay outside their comfort zone. They have no air conditioning equipment to cool them in chilly days or cool them when the ambient are high. Trees have to stay on the edge to adapt for the uncontrollable environment. Trees face great challenges to which they respond with many creative strategies. In every part of a tree we shall find creative solutions from which we can learn a lot.

Trees have to stay on the edge to adapt for the uncontrollable environment. Trees face great challenges to which they respond with many creative strategies.Trees form symbiotic relationship with algae to get usable nitrogen from them and to mesh their roots with those of the fast growing roots of algae. These entangled roots form a great beneath-soil internet. Through this network trees may send warning messages to far trees to warn them of arriving risks.


Trees produce primary products (metabolites) to help them strengthen their structure and to grow. Meanwhile, trees produce secondary metabolites to defend them, protect them and help them survive. Look at trees grown on land and seaweed. Both produce sugars, but those of seaweeds produce different complex sugars than cellulose of trees. Living on the edge of water weeds need to protect themselves from bacteria living in and near water. Their cells have alginate. This alginate may form gels to which enzymes attach themselves to. To know the value of having this chemical in seaweed I suggest that you first watch the following video.

Simple, but Creative

It shows how adding alginate to a calcium salt such as calcium chloride produces gels in different forms of threads or macaroni-like gels. Now, two brilliant Spanish cooks utilized this idea to make caviar-like balls that are filled with a delicious material to explode in our mouths. The most common application of sodium alginate is to create spheres using the spherification technique developed by Chef Ferran Adria at el Bulli restaurant in 2003. The next video describes this process adequately. A seaweed chemical opened the door for many new and healthy food products in the market that generate millions of dollars and satisfied customers. How did seaweeds figure out the value of alginates?

Simple, but Creative

Trees enjoy the game of life. This is evidenced in the thousand of molecules trees produce. Because a tree adapts to its microclimate it may produce different types of same complex molecules. The ability of plants is amazing in changing their chemical metabolites to reflect their microclimate and their niche requirements.

Trees produce chemicals to defend themselves and antibiotics to kill harmful bacteria. They manufacture fragrant chemicals that we use in perfumes. Every tree has its own story. How trees managed to do that is amazing. It is from their weaknesses that trees created solutions and the scope is wide open for us to learn from them.

The tree of beBee should be not less creative than a tree in a desert or seaweeds. I plan to suggest some creative ideas as I am inspired by trees.

Trees are fractals not only in their shapes, but also in the way they function.


Our Distance from True LivingHumans and trees share common enemies. We may learn from trees how to deal with our enemies by elucidating appropriate strategies. Trees may live for hundreds of years because they know their friends and how to welcome them and their enemies and how to deal with them. Amazingly, trees can be very selective by producing one chemical that is friendly to one insect, but not another. Trees are the huge manufacturers of chemicals. They do their chemical synthesis under mild conditions and we may learn from them how to produce the complex molecules using simple procedures.

To give one example, trees produce the glucose sugar from photosynthesis. Trees don›t have a fuel tank to fill and they rely on storing glucose as an energy source when needed. Trees may transform this sugar to starch and oil. Trees could also use this sugar to produce a host of defensive chemicals. If only trees could talk for how they mastered to produce specific and highly complex molecules such as those chemicals that block the enzymes in the fungi that inflict wood decay. What brains do trees have to allow them to device such smart molecules and defense mechanisms? Even more surprising is that the blocking chemicals must have the right notches to lock in the enzyme. How did trees figure this out?

Trees reveal their secrets sometimes for us to observe and learn from. Trees do what they do for a reason. For example, they produce resins. We may think this is a simple molecule. This assumption is far from truth.


Our Distance from True Living

Some bees use the resin to construct their nests. Honey bees use this resin to seal gaps in their hives. Trees produce resin in accordance with their local needs and the resins may therefore differ in their chemical compositions. Humans use the resins for many applications as varnishes, adhesives, therapeutics and many more. Chemicals are atoms arranged in an almost infinite number of ways. Each arrangement may produce a chemical with different properties. How did trees find out which chemical composition and arrangement would do the job it does is unimaginable.

Trees have been a great source of huge number of chemicals. Anti-malaria drugs, analgesics, rubber, oils of all kinds, perfumes and many more are examples of chemicals that we benefit from trees. The tree of chemicals that we get from trees is so well illustrated in this link. Just visit to wonder.

The conflict between trees and their sometimes hostile environment, pathogens, bacteria and fungi represents the conflict we depict in writing our stories. You wish to find how to resolve this conflict in a novel way then trees will be a great inspiration for you. They have met similar challenges and solved them. If only we learn from trees. Trees are a great source for ideas of stories.

Trees represent life and distancing ourselves from them is distancing us from real living. @Irene Hackett commented on my previous buzz by writing «You and I both wish for more «knowing», which I might interpret as more awareness - awareness of our true nature». I believe a journey to a forest will awaken us to this reality.


BeBee or LinkedIn- Inert and Active IndicatorsThe real success of any social media platform is truly measured by the degree of ideas pollination and metamorphosis into new and honey-like ideas. There are inert indicators such as number of views. Views are like nitrogen that is the main constituent of air (about %78) whereas oxygen is about %20. This reminds me of Pareto Rule in which %20 of say employees produce %80 of the work output. The number of views is an inert indicator as much nitrogen is.

The real active and oxygen-like indicators are not pertinent to the number of new ideas and their impact. Buzzes are molecules, and what we do with these buzzes is what really counts. Or, buzzes are honey and exposing this honey to readers may improve or degrade the quality of honey. The number of views shall not change the quality of honey; it is actions that do change honey are the impacting ones. Commenting that leads to generating new ideas/perspectives from published buzzes is the real power of a social platform.

We may denature the quality of a buzz by being over-zealous and rushing it to gain wide popularity. This is because we do this to support a manager, over-reacting to a buzz because it conforms to our ideas or whatever reason for doing that. Without intending so, we may


in fact kill the idea. Trees that grow fast die sooner than trees that grow slowly to become very tall. The reason for that is the need to balance the supply of water and having the correct vessel design to carry water from the roots to the top of the tree. In very fast growth, trapped air (air locks) blocks water transportation and the tree dies. We may have viral growth in the number of views, but what guarantees do we have that we may be forming air pockets that kill the tree. Just think of how many fade ideas we had over the years. To grow tall is not necessarily to grow fast. We need to balance the opposite needs of growth so that growth may be lasting. Rapid earnings in the stock markets lead to bubble formations like the water bubbles in the vessels of trees that eventually kill them. I would extend the same to the rapid growth of followers on social media and any fast growth in general. The very rapid in the number of followers could be harmful and may lead to bursting.

Honey ideas may be spoiled by the heated discussion like honey gets denatured by rapid heating and cooling cycles. As with honey, heating and cooling the spread too many times can cause it to lose its color and aroma. After multiple heating sessions, it is a good idea to throw the honey away. Sometimes we may need to throw some ideas away because of our own actions in spoiling honey ideas. What value does number of views have if they they end up in wasting a honey idea?

Honey wax is viscous and doesn›t flow easily. Bees know his fact. They gradually form hexagon honeycombs by a subtle flow of the wax, which is turned semi-molten by the heat generated by the waggling bee workers. It is not enough to produce buzzes; equally important is housing these ideas into friendly structures that allow for the good keeping of those ideas and handling them properly. A real indicator of success for any social platform is how ideas are preserved without hindering their flow.

There are people who make honey wine by fermenting honey. If the resulting wine is too alcoholic, pouring the wine in a glass shall soon show wine tears. The tears will not show if we only have water or alcohol in the glass, but will show if we have enough alcohol (%15). We ferment the produced honey by commenting and exchanging views. In doing so, I hope we produce the tears of joy. I am writing this buzz as reflection on the buzz «BeBee vs. LinkedIn: Some Numbers Behind the Writing Buzz» by Christine Stevens.

BeBee or LinkedIn- Inert and Active Indicators

If pollination and metamorphosis of ideas are the goals of a social media platform then the chosen indicators must reflect these objectives. We aren›t after very rapid processes as much as learning processes that self-adjust continually. If these are accepted key indicators then beBee is a forerunner. This is evidenced by the new hives formed and writing buzzes on published buzzes on this platform. I dare say beBee is an emerging winner.


Creative Metabolism of IdeasTrees are amazing as they turn limited resources into a huge variety of chemicals that serve strategic purposes such as growth and survival. Trees utilize sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into sugar and then convert this sugar into varieties of products (primary and secondary metabolites). Basically trees use sixteen chemicals (derived from soil and fertilizers) to produce so many products and each with a strategic purpose. Trees are the best cook on earth.


Creative Metabolism of Ideas

For me, trees are the mother of all creative metaphors. Trees are able to link what they produce to their requirements. Not only may that as trees produce some chemicals selectively and when needed to push off predators, to give one example. If we probe on the strategies that trees developed to defend themselves it becomes obvious their ingenuity in charting out defensive strategies that we humans have a great opportunity to learn from.

This is one reason I don›t greatly welcome representing creative ideas as light bulbs. Sunlight is essential for trees to produce creative as well as commonly needed chemicals. Sunlight is an ingredient of creativity and isn›t creativity. I think we need to rediscover the real meaning of creativity.

Take beBee as an example. It is a vivid platform to illumination with daily «ideas radiation» over the globe. We bees are the trees that get exposed to this ideas radiation and we are therefore responsible for taking this radiation purposefully to activate low-quality ideas into purposeful products that evolve with the emerging needs. Trees use water and carbon dioxide to produce sugar that is a source of stored energy to «cook» other reactions using its own produced-sugar as a starting material, and including the building of cells› walls. A tree knows that somebody›s waste is somebody›s starting material.

BeBee is a rich forest connecting different trees around the globe. BeBee success, like any other startup, is linked to its ability to produce products that serve a purpose. No matter what, beBee eventual success shall depend on the quality of individual bees or trees to produce what is appropriate with the timespace requirements of a tree. We need an enriched soil to provide the microelements for trees to synthesize the requirements needed for a tree to grow and face environmental challenges. The idea of establishing affinity hives is simply brilliant because each hive may enrich the soil as much as other ideas may act as the equivalent to sunshine for photosynthesis to take place. We need «transportation ideas» so that they may carry watery ideas from the soil to the top of the tree. We need ideas to protect intellectual rights from predators. We need to do what a tree does so that we may have a fully integrated beBee platform.

Trees are better cooks than humans as they make so many different varieties of chemicals and compounds from very few available resources. Trees found creative methods to change the paths of chemical reactions to produce strategically desired compounds. I am going to show by examples what we may learn from trees in my forthcoming buzzes.

I believe that representing creativity with a light bulb is a reductionist approach because we made the part more important than the living whole- the tree. We are trees who convert shining ideas as an energy source to convert conventional ideas into useful ones. To do that we need the structure of trees and far more importantly to learn from the trees on when to produce, to grow, to truncate, to drop and to survive. I shall dedicate few buzzes to look into these possibilities.


Washing Out Old Beliefs and HabitsIt is a sad fact that most pollutants are volatiles. Air currents carry them till they reach water in a cold zone and the volatile settle in water. The two important elements of healthy living air and water contaminate each other. Being in the cold, the breakdown of harmful volatiles by bacteria or heat generated from sunlight. The harm becomes persistent.

It is unfortunate that harmful human ideas are volatile and they get carried from hot enthusiasts and settle in the waters of cold recipients. History is filled with inherited examples. Take enmity of one race to another race and how polluting these ideas are. They aren›t restricted by space or time and migrate without a need for a passport from one region to another and one generation to another. Once these ideas settle in the cold regions of minds they become shielded from the sunlight of truth or the activity of digesting enzyme. They settle and become persistent to deal with.

It is interesting that the human brain is made up of about 75 percent water» and then «The human brain is the fattest organ in the body and may consists of at least 60 percent fat. Water and fat are the main constituents of the human brain. It is we who are responsible for contaminating this water with negative habits, attitudes, feelings and actions. This is kind of generating pollution inside our brains.


We have two possible strategies to work together. To change our negativity to positivity and get rid of pollutants before they become problematic and affect our lives. Like emulsions of fats in oil which help us get rid of dirt we may wash bad habits and negative thinking. We have already water and fat in our brains. Trees show us how to do this. The wax that tree covers their leaves with generates soap with the waters of rain. You may see self-cleaning soap bubbles on leaves. You may have heard also of The Lotus Effect. Dirt particles are picked up by water droplets due to the micro- and nanoscopic structure on the surface of certain plant leaves, which minimizes the droplet›s adhesion to the leaves.

Washing Out Old Beliefs and Habits

It just amazes me pondering on soap bubbles and Mandelbrot strange attractor. If we just inspect their structure similarity. Is Mandelbrot strange attractor a symbol of cleanliness and beauty? Does this offer a new strategy to deal with negativity by producing fractals that are soapy and so are self-cleaning?

Washing Out Old Beliefs and Habits

It is our negative thinking that creates only the dark part of the Mandelbrot fractal? It is on the edge of this fractal strange attractor that soap forms with its brilliant colors. We need to brighten our lives with colorful and cheerful thinking so that we may not pollute our brains and enjoy their cleanness.

I agree with debasish majumder and I steal his image in a clean way by admitting publicly my theft. However; this image serves the purpose of this buzz. To care positively is to keep your mind clean and almost free of pollution.

Washing Out Old Beliefs and Habits


The Lonely WisdomI am forced to be alone. I am not seeing anybody because of my severe cold. I am pretending I am alone, but I am not as I spend most of my time on beBee reading and commenting. Then the last buzz of debasish majumder carried this background image. This timed with my publishing my previous buzz on Ideas Don›t Move. Sara Jacobovici commented by writing «Because we can propel ourselves across space, we often forget that movement takes place on so many different levels. And, as you say, trees have much to teach us».

The Lonely Wisdom

Lonely trees and trees in a forest are the metaphors to address so many human issues. Where do we get our wisdom from a lonely tree or a tree in a forest or may be from both of them? The lonely woman and the lonely tree do they share similar experiences? The warmth of the questions made water run in my cold body.

I live in a dry zone which suffers from shortages of water. Naturally, my instinct went searching for examples of lonely trees living in desert areas. The Tree of Life in Bahrain has a life span of over 400 years. A lonely tree that accepted her living alone and excelled in sending her roots to great depths to find water. Survival has a cost. It takes huge efforts to arrive at the water, but this is an enriching challenge for reaching water at great depth teaches the tree how to evolve and adapt to future challenges. The wisdom is survival is possible if there is a will.


The Lonely Wisdom

When aloft alone to ponder on an idea I was rewarded with the findings of a new research on «Why a Tomato Has Stronger Survival Instincts than a Human?» The tomato plant is rooted to the ground and is unable to move. The plant has to be fully aware of its environment to adapt and survive. It turns out that tomatoes plants have very advanced sensory systems. Not only that, the sensory information from each part of the plant compiled to give a full-fledged image of the prevailing environment. Trees do the same. Trees feel the wind shaking their branches, and use this information to decide whether to grow tall and majestic or stubby and thick. Roots constantly monitor the soil, tasting and absorbing nutrients and also chemicals given off by other roots. Plants use these chemicals to communicate physiological states such as stress from lack of water. For a tree to be lonely in a desert it must then have ultra senses to cope with the environment and being alone.

You may notice that the few and distant tree of Saguaro Cactus as it has developed very shallow roots in spite of her «heavy» body and have ribs to store water, if it rains. Collecting water is solidified with prevention of water loss such as waxy skin. Some cactus plants don›t have leaves and their shape reduces water losses.

The Lonely Wisdom

Trees can live alone by accepting their limitations. Does this mean that it is better to be alone? Or, a tree can be only as strong as the forest that surrounds it? A tree is not a forest. A tree alone will not form a canopy to give shading to the trees when need. A tree might not stand against heavy winds on its own. Trees working together might lessen the harmful effects of the environment and even make it friendly sometimes. This dampening effect of collective trees is beyond the capability of one tree. There is a great book on read on this which explains why a tree can be only as strong as the forest that surrounds it.

The Lonely Wisdom

I come back to my conclusion. The best tree may be that tree living on the periphery of a forest. It lives alone and with other trees. It is the one that lives on the edge of being alone. It develops the senses to meet the challenges imposed on her without sacrificing the benefit of collective wisdom by being part of the whole forest.

It is living on the edge of being lonely that brings the best of us. So ladies my advice for you is to stay on the periphery being alone without actually being left alone. This shall bring the best from you.


Ideas Don›t MoveTrees don›t move and yet they produce lovable fruits. I often say «a moving idea», but I am still in my place. To be living is to be moving? Trees live longer than humans. Is this a paradox?

There are the walking trees. In fact, they don›t walk. It is their growth pattern that makes them appear walking without actually walking. The waking palm tree grows new roots to benefit the maximum from sunlight. When the new roots settle and press their way down in the soil, the opposing roots hang up in the air. The trees look like walking. We may learn a lot from these trees. Instead of dropping dead leaves; it is «dropping» new roots in the soil that expose old roots up in the air. Does disruption look like a walking palm tree with old products and habits hanging up in the air while new ones are firmly settled in the fertile soil of customers› minds? A disruptive idea might not be moving, but it may create the image of walking and meanwhile exposes old roots (ideas) in the air.

Ideas Don›t Move

Trees don›t move or you shall plant a tree in a corner only to find it in another corner. This doesn›t happen. However, the beauty of trees is acknowledging their limitations and acting accordingly. They know how to follow sunlight and gravity, how to attract moving bodies


and then restrict their movement for a purpose. Plants attract insects to use their nectar from selected locations on the stems, but not to reach the nectar in other parts of the plant. Trees benefit from the armies of ants by providing the ants with easily accessible nectar so that the ants may repel other predators from reaching the nectar. The ants move in huge numbers on the body of a standstill tree. If trees don›t walk, they know how to attract moving insects for a purpose and to limit their movements to areas where the tree desires them to move in.

Trees have developed amazing innovative ideas to defend them because their inability to move. Plants have thorns to retard herbivores, and the ability to release chemical volatiles a s warning from sister plants to alert them to the incoming danger. If you are unable to move, you send volatile messages that shall move into uncontrollable paths. A message or a poem by a prisoner might reach deaf ears far beyond anybody would imagine. This is the challenge: ignore your limitations and send a volatile message. We are only motionless if we surrender to our handicap of not being able to move. One image can move the world. Produce that image and you shall find the world moving for you.

I am restricted from any movement right now because of severe cold. I am not able to move. I only hope this buzz brings movement in your beautiful hearts. Ideas might be as solid as trees are, but motionless. Make your idea attractive for others to get attracted to your idea and move it forward. When things seem to be not moving you may learn from trees how to make others move for them.


Different Facets of GrowthDuring my visit to Istanbul and in the Asian part of it last week I noticed the construction of huge high-rise buildings next to some green parks. The growth of a city brought the idea of the different facts of growth in my mind. Fractal growth, vertical growth, horizontal growth, primary growth and secondary growth, chaotic growth and cancerous growth are examples of what I mean. The water that irrigates the fractal trees is so much ordered and produces fractal ice. Water freezes to settle into beautifully shaped hexagons because of the hydrogen bonding that limits the complete freedom of water molecules to move. Paradoxically, it is this limitation that adds beauty and beautiful characteristics to water. Can we learn from water as a reference point the value of collective movement in growing water chains?

Different Facets of Growth

Trees are fractals. Their constituents are fractal. Look at leaves of trees and how they grow so as not to eclipse light from each other. The higher the leaves are, the smaller they are. Again, this provides another example of restricted movement that leads to fairness and distribution of sunlight (and information light as well). Restriction doesn›t mean ugliness; in contrast, it means fractal beauty. As the water freezes, loses its heat, molecules vibrate less and so form beautiful geometric patterns. Beauty lies in restricted movement and vibrations.

Trees have parts that grow horizontally such as roots while the rest of the tree mostly grows


vertically. There are advantages to both. Trees have resources and they know when to grow vertically or horizontally. Horizontal integration is the act of integrating other infrastructures and assets. This way the roots of tress assist the vertical growth of trees. There is no free movement as the vertical growth limits its healthy potential to the support it gets from the horizontal growth of roots. Trees can venture into new vertical aspects of the business because of the support of the horizontal growth.

Trees teach us more. Vertical growth can be further restricted by turning into secondary growth. Trees primary growth leads to elongation while secondary growth leads to the thickening of roots and the stem. Trees don›t forget that vertical growth needs support from strong roots and stems.

Different Facets of Growth

Does the above discussion negate with «rhizome-like» growth? Rhizome is a philosophical term used to describe the relations and connectivity of things. The authors Deleuze and Guattari, have assigned this term “rhizome” referring to a relation like that of roots. They spread underground with no direction, no beginning, and no end. They are dispersed. It is opposed to the idea of a tree which has a starting point, and from there branches out in a predictable path. When compared to the relation between things, a rhizome forms assemblages. An assemblage is a gathering and grouping of things. D & G also talk about two planes of interaction. There is the plane of organization where things interact in a vertical form, with hierarchy and in a specific order where if one of its parts is missing, then the whole structure collapses. The second plane would be the plane of consistency. The rhizome takes action in this plane. It is a horizontal alliance with no specific direction where were all multiplicities that make part of it, interact with one another. This thinking invited a new idea to my mind. We need to spot when growth should divert from primary growth to a secondary one and how it would be possible to do that. The idea of using the concept of chirped mirror occurred to me. A chirped mirror is made to reflect a wider range of light frequencies. This is done by creating layers with different depths. There may be 10 layers with a depth designed to reflect a certain wavelength of light, another 10 layers with slightly greater depth to reflect a slightly longer wavelength of light, and so on for the entire range of wavelengths of light the mirror is designed to reflect. Because light reflected from the deeper layers of the mirror travels a longer distance than the light that reflects off the surface layers, a chirped mirror can be designed to change the relative times of wavefronts of different wavelength reflecting from it. Do we need to introduce the concept of chirped mirror so as to limit the rhizome type of thinking? I believe so. Can we then «play» with the spacetime of growth?

Devesh Bhatt commented on one of my buzzes by writing «multiple points of inception and paths , superimposing our thought patterns on another, the self similarity gets mutated . I remember that you had introduced me to the word fractal thinking as a comment to one of my articles, then I saw Milos Djukic use the term fractals forever. I believe patterns reflect balance which has more to do with sustenance rather than efficiency, the scale of our life cycle is too small and we see the repetition as being efficient because it›s unchanging in our time. But for the universe it›s ever changing and ever evolving and the patterns are multilayered where man has just begun to comprehend the beauty with a few discoveries. I believe, every single human being possessing an honest approach to thinking and learning in this sense is fractal. The beauty about thinking, its intangible with infinite possibilities...hence infinite fractals shows less». I wonder if this buzz provided any response to this great comment of Devesh.


Do Social Media Cause Fractal Cracking?

A metaphor for social media that comes to my mind is a tree producing all sorts of fruits. Not all fruits are compatible with each other in their requirements. Some require more or less water, more exposure to sunlight, more or less humidity. Furthermore, they have different resistance to microbial attacks. If one fruit is affected it might affect other fruits. It is as if the whole world has coalesced into one tree. Placing too many varieties into one place may cause what I coin as «Variety Stress».

There is also the balancing stress. For example, tree leaves need to balance their needs for sunlight to photosynthesize versus getting rid of the heat generated by sunlight and the need not to lose too much water. Having all kinds of fruits on the same tree makes balancing these requirements a real challenge. The need of satisfying challenges is stressing. Tree leaves suffer from stress and crack. The complexity of a sole tree producing all kinds of fruits becomes more stressing. We know that tree leaves crack under stress. Recent studies have shown that instead of the top layer shrinking, a new pattern of cracking was uncovered and resulting from the faster-growing middle layer stuck between slower-growing outer layers of the leaf. According to this model, the pressure of the extra material bulging in the middle causes some cells to collapse, creating a ‹crack› pattern of squished, cigar-shaped cells


that differentiate into veins. I wonder if this cracking is extensible to middle management causing similar cracking in organizations.

Social media is a tree, which allows for producing so many different materials (fruits) in one place. We do affect the quality of water in the soil. Buzzes provide the nutrients to the soil of the social media tree. We might be adding information (after all information is like water) and who shall know how these posts will promote the production of one type of fruit or another? Social media may be lowering our expectation correctness. Does this lead to a new source of stress? @Sara Jacobovici responded to a comment I made on a beautiful buzz written by @Fatima Williams by saying « From my perspective, expectation is all times; past, present and future. The present and future has been touched upon but (unless I missed it) the past has not been given its full value. We often base our expectation on something we either experienced or heard about or imagine from what we have heard. And as in all experiences, there is the duality of the «thinking» (cognitive/rational) aspect of expectation and the feeling/emotional aspect. Disappointment can only come from the feeling/emotional aspect and that is connected to that past piece or preconceived outcome. On top of that is the meaning we invest in the expectation that influences whether or not we get disappointed. That, too, stems from the past. In the triad of; «Acceptance, Surrender. Non-resistance», I would integrate the three and call it «allowing». Being in the state of allowing is the awareness of what is, and allowing it to be, and what isn›t, and allowing it not to be. From within this state, we can then imagine where the next step would take us out of this expectation and outcome towards another». Again, is the duality of thinking causing duality stress as that is experienced in tree leaves?

Do Social Media Cause Fractal Cracking?

In social media we need to have teeth to grind all sorts of fruits the tree is producing. Some fruits are hard, some are soft, some are sugary and some have dual taste. Will our teeth crack? Recent research that teeth have micro mineral particles immersed in collagen fibers and that the shrinking in the tiny collagen fibers will cause the attached mineral particles to become increasingly compressed. Packing the minerals closely would prevent the propagation of cracks. Is this the way to protect our social teeth from cracking?

Many materials show fractal cracking under stress. Research revealed that lonely people are more subject to cracking because of the pressure resulting from social interaction. Apparently, we may witness new phenomena of fractal cracking patterns because of social media. We need to be alert.


The Hidden Fractal PowerI don›t know how the idea of this buzz emerged. All I recall it started by looking at the image of the rugged leaves below.

The Hidden Fractal Power

I found myself comparing this rugged shape with rugged coastlines and rugged mountains.

The Hidden Fractal Power


Coastlines are fractal and we may not determine their lengths precisely. The more we zoom in, the more we find them longer. By the same token, can we measure precisely the length of a rugged leaf? It is a fractal one. Some studies find that leaves have a fractal length between 1.9-1.7, but shall we ever be sure of the exact length of even a leaf? We know more to find how less we know.

Not all leaves are rugged. Some have smooth edges. Not all rugged leaves are broad and some are narrow. Trees balance their acts. Depending on water and light availability they modify their leaves. Leaves absorb sunlight and release water. When water is scarce he leaves become narrow to minimize water losses. The rugged leaves tend to lose heat faster. When water is abundant they have broad leaves to absorb maximum sunlight. Is this a kind of self-organizing of shapes? I believe yes. Fractals are self-organized in more depth than we know.

The Hidden Fractal Power

My mind went then to think of snowflakes. Snowflakes form in many altitudes and produce wonderful displays of hexagonal structures.

The Hidden Fractal Power

Snowflakes are fractals as they are self-similar regardless of scale. Zoom in and zoom out and they shall look at the same. Wonderfully, there are also sand flakes (I shall get a typo if I write sandflakes in emulation of snowflakes). Recent researches have shown how sand forms flakes that look like snowflakes. When two fluids with different viscosities are mixed together, the more freely flowing fluid expands in finger-shaped intrusions into the other fluid. Surprisingly, crowds too form finger-like distribution. In areas of bidirectional motion, people tend to follow others to minimize collisions (maximize throughput). This is known as the as the “fingering” effect».

I wonder if there is»Fractal Power» acting on systems to organize their movement, shapes, arrangement so as to maximize their use of available resources? Rugged coasts, rugged leaves and I imagine rugged beliefs, opinions, ideas and you name it. Are their intangible fractals inside us organizing us without being aware of?

Let me explain what I mean. Crowds distribute in finger-like distributions to avoid collisions. When I say my mind is crowded with many ideas do these ideas instead of colliding find an escape gate so as to not collide? Is there a fractal pattern emerging from the crowdedness of ideas? Is this possibility greater when we have ideas moving in opposite lanes with positive ideas in one lane and negative ones in the opposite lane?

I have no answers. I am just asking. We don›t know till now how snowflakes forms or how sand flakes forms. This comforts me for not knowing the answers to my questions.


Crying over Spilled IdeasIf you receive a negative and hugely critical comment on your buzz- how would you react?

If you are in a meeting and somebody proposes an idea or expresses a provocative one leading to hating up the meeting room with negative responses and sometimes throwing glass cups what would you do? I experienced this many times during my life and I want to share some bold ideas with you.

I am sure most of you experienced the same. We have seen fighting and exchange of harsh words during meetings. I believe these conducts are immature and reflect defending ideas that are not worthy. Yes, those people fight over issues that have little value, if any. Let me explain.Your idea is worthy and is of high value- It is honey-like. If it were, then you would not expose it to extended heating. Honey loses it nutritional value if heated. Worse, if we allow the water in honey to evaporate. Not only honey shall become darker and less translucent, but also destroy its enzymes. In doing that, honey loses its health value and becomes vulnerable to mold and bacterial growth. What started as a honey-like idea becomes a harmful one and threatening to our common understanding.

Remember that discussions are like the glass cup in front of you when you throw this cup at someone because of anger resulting from differing thinking or beliefs that you don›t only break the cup, but also spill your ideas over the floor. We can›t cry over spilled ideas. Glass expands on heating and shrinks upon cooling. Glass has low thermal conductivity meaning


that the surface shall be hot while the inner core is still cold. Glass is also hard and brittle. It is the combinations of this triad of properties that make glass behave uniquely. These three facts are why glass can crack when suddenly cooled. And ironically, the same principles allow us to make tempered glass extremely strong. This is an example of how we are the process and the process is in us, as Sara Jacobovici wrote in one of her comments. We need to temper glass-like moods and behaviors so that we may get a better glass container for our ideas instead of fragile glass and ending with losing the idea, the glass container and our connections by turning them into hostile ones.

Crying over Spilled Ideas

«We can›t cry over spilled ideas»- on the contrary as creative thinking may turn them into useful products.

The story doesn›t end here. We need more positive thinking to turn broken glass to a useful product. Yes, we don›t need to cry over spilled ideas. Almost everyone viewed broken glass as problematic one. It was only recently that broken glass was mixed with a material that upon heating releases gas. The glass melt becomes foamy this way. The result is a foam glass property with unique insulation value.

You have broken relationships?

You have a broken heart?

You have a broken faith?

You have broken confidence?

We all have. The challenge is to convert those broken bodies into a product that insulates us from fear and doubt.

One last point is to remember that the froth on honey even though is not appealing; still it has a great nutritional value. If some people discard off it it doesn›t mean your idea isn›t worthy. In the froth bubbles lies your wisdom.


Are Trees Fearful?Trees represent life with all its challenges and consequences. Trees meet challenges from everywhere. The changing environment, the hostility of drought, the attack by parasites and the wounds they infect on trees, the changing of soil on which the trees grow and many other challenges make trees a great metaphor of our own lives and their challenges.

Trees have tears. Trees are alert to their enemies who suck their sap, steal their sunlight, obscure their progress and deny them the resources to grow and blossom. Trees have their stories and they provide great illumination for us to be convincing storytellers. I plan to show how to do this by example in a forthcoming buzz.

Trees reflect our psychology and fears. They reflect on our childhood and how we carry a heavy burden from our childhood experiences. Small fears and anxieties grow like trees and scale up to become phobia. Hylophobia involves an irrational fear of trees. It is often caused by exposure to films and fairy tales which involve scary woods in childhood. The phobia of trees and holes in trees as well provide us with the opportunity to visually understand the need to be aware of how we bring up our children. This issue has been the focus in an exchange of comments between me and the beautiful mind of Sara Jacobovici. I asked Sara if «The distorted sense of our childhood would lead to patterns of repeated behaviors». Sara responded by saying «Couldn›t agree more. When the child is developing, his or her senses are what provide meaning. Only later does the child begin to «think». Yet because these sensory experiences are pre-verbal and pre-cognitive developmentally, the behaviours stay on as patterns, as you say. Only awareness, a conscious understanding of what we are


doing and exploring the why, will lead to change». This topic is worthy of reading through the trees metaphor.

In trees love and harmony combine and I ask if there is there love without harmony? In love, the two lovers are trees, the male in fruit and the female in flower. I wish to discover in more depth the relationship between types of trees and types of love. I wish also to ponder on the shape, taste and falling fruits and falling love. What flower the female is. Again, this brings me back to phobia as some people are very fearful of yellow colors even if it was golden yellow honey. One phobia brings attention to another phobia- that is of holes such as holes in trees and honeycombs. Trees are such a versatile metaphor that shall bring many issues back to life.Are Trees Fearful?Imagine if one tree could carry different fruits on each of its branches. Now imagine again that each male is a tree and each female being one of the fruits. How would they react together? The complexity of the world would fall on one tree. What kind of struggles would we have? Isn’t this a metaphor for the mini world we live in now? The tree shall reveal the complexities of life and provide new conceptions that were never imagined. I plan to make this imagination journey. We have trees planted in our bodies and the tree metaphor may then reveal some of our own complexities.

The trees have many stories to tell. Their conflicts, their strategies to cope with challenges, their self-healing, their pride, their longevity and long experiences and their coexistence provide golden opportunities to learn more from them.

I look forward to your joining me on this challenging journey


BeBee is the Social Media with No Tunneling EffectWe are social beings and social networks thrive on this fact. There are many social media platforms. They vary in focus from social focus to business focus. They mostly divide the attention instead of integrating it as has been explained admirably by Sara Jacobovici post «Core Values».

To focus on goals is a call that works within limits. Too much focus on one issue leads to tunneling effect. This has been explained beautifully in this reference: «As your focus narrows, you start to miss things. Those “missed things” are like lost puzzle pieces, leaving holes in your understanding of what is happening. This tunneling effect is extensible to our senses in that focusing on one sense weakens other senses.

The tunneling effect is not only limited to humans, but also extends to molecules. We are molecules after all. Water molecules confined in nanochannels exhibit tunneling behavior that smears out the positions of the hydrogen atoms into a pair of corrugated rings. When we insist on having smart long and focus on them for extended periods we are bound to suffer from senses tunneling and divide our senses rather than integrating them.

The deleterious effects of over-focusing may become obvious if we imagine the following


situation. Imagine you are taking an exam and the supervisor is standing next to you focusing his attention on you. This is a stressing situation and soon your mind and senses shall divert your attention from the exam to the inspector. Now imagine the supervisor is the focused goal standing and watching you for fear you would divert your attention from the goal. I bit you shall suffer from goal tunneling. You shall not observe what goes around you. You separate yourself from your surrounding and even you become too stressed to achieve the set goal.

This is what we experiencing on some social platforms. I discussed this issue in some detail in my presentation titled «Avoid the Comfort of Closed Social Circles». This is because excessive focusing is a form of closure. When a group becomes too much focused it isolates itself from the world and is likely to become victimized from Group Tunneling. Too much focus leads eventually to stressing and this can be very costly. Furthermore, the Oddity Effect might prevail as no group member would like to be singled out for being odd.

beBee is the Social Media with No Tunneling Effect

Imagine having so many groups each focusing on its own business. These groups might be close on a social platform, but in reality they aren›t. We need bridges to have one leg here and one leg there so that people may see different perspectives. This is what beBee does agreeably and astonishingly very well. It has affinity hives each with its own focus. Be Bee goes the extra step and makes it very easy to join other hives and to get exposed to different experiences. You find one bee as a member in varied hives such as music, science and psychology. A member may join or leave a hive easily as his interests vary. Time allocation may focus for a while on one hive and then turn attention to another. I understand beBee is to launch soon a video to explain the differences between beBee and other platforms. That is surely a step in the right direction.

I wish beBee all success that it deserves


Bubbles of CreativityThe exchange of comments with @Sara Jacobovici on my last post is the force behind writing this buzz. I wrote in response to one of Sara›s comments «What we think is a silent bubble is in fact a bubble waiting for agitation». Sara found this comment priceless and I explained the idea by giving an example. I wrote «Dears @Sara Jacobovici and @Irene Hackett- if you wish to witness silence in bubbles you may do so. Just empty a can of Seven-Up (being transparent) into a glass and wait till the bubbles cease. Add few granules of sand or rice to the glass and the silent bubbles shall start rising again. What we think is a silent bubble is in fact a bubble waiting for agitation.

This dialogue kept ringing bells in my head. Bubble ideas may sound airy, but if placed in the right conditions may produce ultrasonic sounds. A bubble behaves differently depending on the conditions they are produced and agitated. This way a bubble may gain an expected value. It is not only the bubble as much as the conditions in which it is created and agitated.

Bubbles of Creativity

We say we need fun at work to be able to come up with creative ideas. There are examples of fifteen animals that produce different types of bubbles. These animals produce bubbles for different reasons. For example, dolphins produce ring bubbles for their amusement. Whales produce a net of bubbles to localize fish within to swallow them. Beluga whales blow bubbles in four different forms depending on what they intend to do. These whales may blow fifty eight bubbles per minute from their mouths and blowholes in the forms of


bubble bursts, streams, rings and drips. Some fish make nests of their bubbles to lay their eggs in the nets.

Bubbles may move or may freeze. In very cold weathers bubbles may freeze. In freezing, the bubbles show quite distinct colors from reflected light and glass-like behaviors. Just make a visit to this site and see for yourself what freezing does to bubbles. We may describe an idea as a bubble but before discarding it may be it is worthy freezing them. Who knows what colors and forms they shall have and new thinking may emerge. If a bubble idea doesn›t move us may be we aren›t yet ready to see its value or we lack the imagination to capture its value. We see the bubble, but fail to see the reflections of it. Let us freeze them for a while.

Bubbles of Creativity

Not happy with freezing ideas why not then blast them at considerable speed? Some shrimp release bubbles at the speed of 90 KMs an hour and with a release pressure up to 218 decibels. The released sound stuns small fish allowing the shrimp to capture them easily. Bubbles may not only talk, but may scream louder than pistol shots. We use the same principle in ultrasonic cleaning. The violent collapse of bubbles (cavitation) near solid surfaces and the resulting encroaching jet constitute the mechanism used in ultrasonic cleaning

It is our job to make stable bubbles. Like soap reduces the surface tension of water and stabilizes bubbles, so we also reduce tension and create bubbles with shape and stability. We tend to destabilize bubbles because of our attitude to them, when we could make use of them for various functions and including among others the need to «bubble» amusement at the workplaces. Not all houses of bubbles are built for any purpose. One insect such as the froghopper releases foamy bubbles from its back end. The insect›s› body is soon covered with a foamy cover that looks like spit. This is for survival as predators are distracted from approaching a spit.

Bubbles of Creativity

Ants in the sea form a raft so as not to sink in water. Amazingly, snails use the same trick by forming rafts. A snail makes the raft by mixing slime from its body with air. This mixture releases viscous bubbles that stick together. The snail adheres to the underside of the raft and floats away. It is amazing how floating ideas differ in their approach and yet serve the purpose of survivability. Bubbles are our means of survival in deep waters and yet we have a low perspective of bubbles.

Bubbles can be the health indicators. When plants photosynthesize they release oxygen, which is dissolved in the water. This water will eventually be saturated with oxygen and soon the oxygen will form small air bubbles. This is pearling. This is a healthy indicator that the plant is growing well.

Bubbles are containers of energy. They have their potential. So are bubbly ideas. They are storage of potential. It is up to us how to use their energies. One bubble might do little; thousands of bubbles might be lifesavers for businesses.


Noisy falling, but no listenersI paused while reading this «»If we are putting our time and resources into communicating science but we›re not on social media, we›re like a tree falling in an empty forest—yes, we›re making noise, but no one is listening». My mind thought of a falling tree in a desert falling onto sand and who would listen? Will the tree falling in a forest make the same sound as a tree falling on sand? Will that make any difference if there are no listeners?

Noisy falling, but no listeners

The falling tree in the forest will have more opportunities to grow and form wide rings. In contrast, the falling tree in the desert will have narrow rings. Will the rings cry with different vibrations?

Social media is the forest and it provides opportunities and challenges different from those trees growing alone in the sandy desert. If a tree stands on the edge of a forest it has more exposure to wind. It stands alone and its growth potential is reduced and so its rings get narrower. Even though the tree is living in a forest yet it has narrow rings like those trees of deserts. I believe this is what motivated people to leave the forest of some social platforms. They felt that nobody is listening to them and deprived of the potential to grow. They were worried that if they fall nobody would listen to them.

The strength of a tree comes from the quality of its wood. Some trees produce some very high quality wood and others produce low quality wood. The latter is more prone to attack


by fungi and the result is a weak tree that could fall soon. People on social media need the environment to allow them to grow healthily and produce the high quality fruits (ideas, buzzes, associations, hives, links, or whatever). People will not leave a social media platform if they feel they have the potential to grow.

Like in a forest some trees grow very high, others medium high and others remain low. Some hives have thousands of members and others have a mere of ten members. Those trees that grow very high might feel lonely alone up in the sky. If they fall their fall shall make a big noise and they might fall on small trees. The higher we go, the more caring for ourselves and others we should be. They make recall Jonathan›s seagull which flew higher than other seagulls. It then realized that to flow higher is to teach other how to fly better and higher. The higher a hive goes, the more it can explore and the more it can give to hives that are still lower. The more high trees give, the more they shall experience and the healthier they shall grow. Social medium is not only sharing of our problems; it is more sharing our experiences, thoughts and imaginations. No matter what the cause of loneliness, being alone in a desert, standing highest in a forest or flying highest it is turning this loneliness to help others that shall make the difference.

You feel lonely then you have the opportunity to fall on us and nobody shall listen, or to share the experiences of your loneliness and we shall all be good listeners.


The Musical Edge of LifeSound of Music is a great movie that has relevance to the title of this buzz. Movement may generate sound of music even though this music could be noisy. Recent studies show that trees generate sounds that aren›t audible to us. Milburn was the first human to listen to the inner workings of a plant. What he heard was in fact the collapse of water columns – the tiny pathways that lead the liquid through the tree from the roots – when they begin to dry out and burst. Most of this sound is emitted at ultrasonic levels. Still there is no clear verification of the source of sound, but mostly it is because of the tiny gas bubbles present inside the tree. It is during dry times that trees suffer mostly from the presence of gas bubbles.Not dry trees only suffer from gas bubbles. Dry sands do the same as well. This is fascinating and agrees well with the thinking that «sound is just as much at work in the interior of a star as is in the organs of a starfish or in the cells of your body». Amazing, and I wonder if the sound of guilt or consciousness behaves similarly. More amazingly, is imprinting sound›s invisible vibrations onto the surface of ultra pure water to reveal its once-hidden geometric structures produced bubble patterns rather than wave patterns. Sound produce sand bubbles. I wonder if printing sand on water from our bodies would produce what! Water in our bodies is impure because of fill it with all kinds of toxins. Negative thoughts, grudge, envy and eating polluted food and drinking contaminated water will surely produce different sound prints than those from ultra pure water.

There is a new meaning to sand and sound. You may have noticed the crab on shores and how they produce spherical sand like the spherical sound bubbles. Sand bubblers crabs produce millions of tiny spheres of sand. It is an amazing process. Do crabs have the realization that


sound travels in spherical bubbles and they bubble the sand so that they may improve their communication? Just watch this video and be ready for great amazement:

The Musical Edge of Life

I feel I want to seclude myself and go in an imagination journey. The observation of the resemblance of sand foams and soap foams stirs up my imagination. Nature has its sound and is consistent with it. It takes imagination to see any relationship between distant subjects; yet the spherical bubbles in the trees relate to the spherical pattern of sound movement and the spherical balls crabs produce. Dry trees produce sound bubbles and dry sand only sings in extreme dry conditions.

The Musical Edge of Life

Sand bubbles look like soap bubbles

We have to understand the limitation of what we know. Does sound move in waves or in bubble? What is the source of sounds in trees? Why only certain sand dunes sing and in dry climates only? When bees buzz or waggle or beat the air with their wings do they produce only different patterns of sound bubbles? It is in these times where we find what we know is getting less the more we know that we need imagination. I can write pages on one selected issue such as if sound travels in waves or bubbles. The more I read, the more I find myself immersed in knowing less.

@CityVP Manjit commented on my buzz «How Pure Humans Can Be?» by writing «In life we are water, in death we are sand.» And the idea of sand slurry jumped in my mind. When sand and water are put together they behave differently. The slurry shows an increase in viscosity upon shearing as a result of deformation by expansion, pressure or agitation. Is the sand slurry then the edge between life and death?

To know more is to know less. I believe this is one of the most challenging paradoxes of our times. Is the sound of music wave-like or bubble-like is a question that reveals a lot about what we know.


My Storytelling Different ApproachesCustomers love stories. We all love stories. We may have our styles in storytelling. I tried different approaches. Dear friend David Navarro López was the inspiration to collect he thumbnails of my approaches to storytelling and put them in one document for easy referencing.

I selected approaches that attracted a minimum of thousands views and a minimum of thirty comments. So, this is the compilation of storytelling approaches that were of value to the readers. I hope you too shall find them relevant.

You shall be able to go directly to the presentation by clicking the appropriate thumbnail

My Storytelling Different ApproachesMy Storytelling Different ApproachesMy Storytelling Different ApproachesMy Storytelling Different ApproachesMy Storytelling Different ApproachesMy Storytelling Different Approaches



How Pure Humans Can Be?Human bodies are mostly water. This is the paradox: to be very pure is to be impure! Water being a powerful solvent may dissolve many solutes and it is very unlikely to find it in complete purity. What goes in water affects its quality and then does the quality of water in our bodies determine our quality as humans? What do we make available for water to dissolve is not completely beyond our control. This way water could become a strong indicator of who we are.Water flows in rivers. It dissolves many substances. However; it is our behaviors that may deteriorate the quality of water. We dump wastes in rivers and even some intoxicating materials. I guess that people who don›t care for keeping the waters of rivers clean are the same people who don›t care to keep water running in their bodies clean.

It is not only the waters that we contaminate. Information flow is like water flow. Apparently, information too has a great «dissolving power». We contaminate information by throwing toxic information, rumors, false information and bias. I doubt if those people who don›t care for the purity in their bodies would care for the purity of flowing information like a river. We may opt to pollute the waters of rivers and ignore the fact that this water goes for irrigating plants or as a source of drinking water for animals. Humans end up consuming plants and animals. If these are contaminated then we become guilty of intoxicating ourselves. This is similar to intoxicating information because we end up consuming this information.

How Pure Humans Can Be?


Impure water forms bubbles even in still water. This is mostly because water has some soapy contaminants in it. If you blow air in a glass filled with this water the soap will tend to form bubbles in the presence of the blown air. The greater the amount of the soapy material, the larger and more durable the bubbles are. You can even notice this in human urine. Normally, the urine shouldn›t show bubbles. If the urine has a high protein (soap-like materials) the urine becomes foamy. This isn›t a healthy sign and may be a good reason to go and see a doctor.

We see bubble formation in the stock markets. Are we releasing soapy information so that the bubbles form and do we need to pay more attention to the urine-like behaviors of investors?

One more point is that we call for staying in the flow. Be in the flow and relax. But what if the flow is contaminated? Do we still be better off to stay in the flow? I think this point is worthy of your comments.

Just a final note- if you want to imagine the flow of information like the flow of water then how about using a different metaphor? Sand shows tendencyo flow like water. Sand grains don›t stick together whereas water molecules tend to bond to each other; yet both of water and sand show similar flow patterns. To stay in the flow is a great idea- but is it the same to stay in a sand flow?

How Pure Humans Can Be?

How Pure Humans Can Be?

How about bees? Bees prefer water with some growth in it. These way bees find the water easily to drink from. Sometimes the growth has bad smells and still attracts bees to water. The bees drink from it to produce honey for us to consume. Convenience of identification a water source is more than offset the bad small of water. Is it then our convenience to eat polluted honey?


«Sound» BubblesBubbles are everywhere. Open a soft drink can and you get bubbles from the pressurized gas. Know how to from a ball of bubble gums in your mouth, fill it with exhale air and you form bubbles. Watch the stock market where prices of certain stocks rise very sharply and you have a bubble. Wash your hands with soap and soon you have soap bubbles forming by trapping pockets of gas in the liquid or solid soap.

You may notice the formation of bubbles in trees. This is because bacteria reside in cracks or damaged parts of the tree and fermentation releases carbon dioxide gas, which in the process bubbles form. The release of gas bubbles pressurizes the tree forcing sap out of the tree. This wets the tree and becomes vulnerable to more attacks by bacteria which convert the sap to alcohol. Insects love alcohol and including bees. What starts as a bubble ends in drunken insects. Trees that are exposed to stress such as drought stress are more prone to showing bubble foams. By the same token, employees who are exposed to drought environment are at the risk of «foaming» out there stress and in the process get their «sap» out and be vulnerable to attacks by the bacteria of negative thoughts. Bubbles are signs of internal stress and we need to watch out for bubbly actions.

«Sound» Bubbles

Bubbles may indicate self-cleaning. Look at oak tree in the rain and how they form foams. Oak trees have soap-like materials in their sap. Oak tree invented soap before we did. Foam on the trunk of some trees is a sign of stress; on some trees same foam is a sign of self-


cleaning. Some fluffy plants have a foamy structure and they trap air in between the cells of the foam. It strikes me how plants don›t cry for help. They show signs that they need help. They don›t rush for doctors whenever they run into a crisis. They try self-help first. It is self-healing from within that we need to do more.

We started to observe the formation of social bubbles. When two bubbles cross paths, both of them show curvature because of the internal pressure in each bubble. Do we live in a similar situation when we for social bubbles? If we stream live some events, namely politically charged ones, we see rapid buildup of sentiments and the formation of «emotional spikes». Soon the bursting of these spikes lead to bubbling and I wonder if these bubbles cause curvature upon hitting each other and if what we observe is curved too? We shouldn›t also forget about the formation of information bubbles. Our behaviors show polarity to information and increasing dependence on selected information from favored social platforms. Where this polarity of information would would lead us? We can see the effect such as the Arab Spring where masses pooled together causing havoc in the region. Are information bubbles the new time bomb?

There is more about bubbles and frothy structures. Recent findings claim that sound travels in bubbles and not in waves. This information revealed upon printing the invisible vibrations of sand on very pure water. The waves of sounds are spherical bubbles. Sound travels in bubbles and not in waves. If true, we have a huge task awaiting us to understand bubbles even more. No matter what the sound source is it travels in bubbles. Bubbles of sound are like soap bubbles if two bubbles hit each other we notice their curvature and each collision transferring voice vibrations to the nearest atom or molecule. I wonder if this «sounds» interesting even though it negates what we know about sound.

«Sound» Bubbles

Bubbles are not only fascinating in the light colors they exhibit; even more in their diversity of applications. Can you hear my spherical sound bubbles?


Got an idea- what Ideas Are?My recent exchange of comments with Sara Jacobovici rekindled my interest in ideas and their actuality. Are ideas matters or are they flow? If ideas are matter they go in cycling from one matter to another. If they are cycling then what type of cycles are they? Do they go have their patterned cycles like we have a nitrogen cycle, water cycle and so on?

Ideas are flow have their supporters. For example, in the Ricardian model the endogenous engine of growth is the flow of ideas. Ideas are assumed to diffuse by random meetings where people get new inspirational ideas by learning from the people they do business with or compete with. I believe that customers are also a main source of exogenous ideas and those interactions with customers keep the flow of ideas coming in. Ideas are the sunshine flow that helps in cycling matters into different products. Or, are ideas not this or that, but rather both: energy and matter? There are advocates that ideas are both. The neurological process by which ideas are created, stored or spread to others is a combined process of energy and matter. Similarly a star, an ongoing gravity-driven fusion process is a combination of energy and matter. I say that if ideas are flow of energy then as we talk about conservation of energy could as well be talking about conservation of ideas?

There are many metaphors that treat ideas as matter. We say broken ideas, heavy ideas, light ideas and shadow ideas. However; few thinkers have extended the consideration of ideas as matter. For example, - Ideas are like chalk marks: as simple as they seem, knowing where, when, and why to use even the smallest ones can make all the difference. Ideas Butterfly Effect may be noticed if ideas are put in the write contexts. Another interesting


view is that ideas are like balls. On your own, you simply cannot get a full understanding of the ball because you will never be able to see it in its entirety. I call this the exchange of perspectives. Everyone sees one side of the ball and a partial view shall not represent reality. We need a continuous flow of perspectives (sunlight) to uncover the unseen part of an idea ball.

We say ideas come to fruition. Great, but what kind of fruits are they such as in what shape? If they are balls-like then we fail to see their full image. Are these fruits vitamin-rich, mineral rich or energy rich? May be they taste sour, but we need to remember that sour lemon conducts electricity and may kindle a battery. Will ideas be the source of energy flow to convert other ideas matter into something else?

Got an idea- what Ideas Are?

How about imaginative ideas and or do we classify them? This is another story. I was thinking about the shapes of molecules and the shapes of leaves and if they are related. Being rugged serves a purpose. This turned not to be a fancy idea. Recently, researchers synthesized a rugged molecule that is able to store huge amounts of data. Molecules can remember. They have huge memory storing capacity. They are the storage for the flow of information. The imaginative idea turned to a product that matters. Are then imaginative ideas the illumination flow that convert matter ideas to substantial matters?

What are ideas in your view?

I dedicate this buzz to a great thinker who has his bag full of ideas. I dedicate it to Mohammed Sultan


Imaginative Ideas- Time to ExploreI am overwhelmed with the idea of this buzz. In fact I feel it is the culmination of my life experiences. We talk so much about ideas generation, but very little about imaginative ideas even though they would provide us with unlimited possibilities. Let me explain.

We are used to the notation of integer dimensions. A dot is dimensionless. A line has one dimension, a square has two dimensions and a cube has three dimensions. But between o and 1 falls lots of non-integer numbers such as 1.5, just to give one example. We didn›t imagine that till we found that trees, clouds and coasts have a fractal dimension. Fractals have in general have non-integer dimensions.

We have real number. But do we have imaginary numbers? Yes, and it took us long times to imagine them. Imaginary numbers were used to produce the strange attractor of Mandelbrot with its fractal dimension. They also helped us see imaginary waves. Imaginations that became visible. Just imagine combining non-integer dimensions with imaginary numbers (two wild imaginations) that led to the pioneering work of Mandelbrot with his most beautifully ever produced the fractal strange attractor. Is it the multiplication of two imaginations that produce new facts? Apparently, yes it is.

Imaginative Ideas- Time to Explore


We don›t have the senses of a bee to sense ultraviolet light. We don›t have the ability of bats to see in the darkness. We have our brain logic that keeps us in the «comfort zone» of accepting long standing ideas. The two standing limitations of our senses and brains together must be confronted if we need to move forward. Or, even more is it the multiplication of these two constraints that lead to our unimaginative lack of imagination?

We keep asking ourselves is it real? Is it true? It is our tendency to use limiting phrases such as too good to be true which limits our imagination and handicap us from making disruptive discovering. If there is an equal action for every reaction in the opposite direction, I would say that there is an opposite imaginary side for each fact or piece of knowledge. Real numbers have an imaginative opposite numbers. Real waves have an opposite imaginary waves. Integer numbers have an opposite fractal numbers. We fail to see ultraviolet light, but there an opposite which can sense same light. There is a real friend, but there is also an imaginary one. There are real forces and they must have an opposite of imaginary forces. There is positive pressure and there is a negative pressure. There is gravity and anti-gravity.

In my opinion imagination is the opposite power of knowledge. Knowledge changes and varies as new facts appear. It is imagination that is the wakeup call to see the opposites of what we think we know. We should go beyond our limited senses and knowledge. We need to be more imaginative. Albert Einstein: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”

I call upon the establishment of the Imagination Hive on beBee and am daring to imagine. Yes, imagination becomes real as fractals have become our beautiful reality. beBee shall distinguish itself being the land of imagination.


The Fractal AmbassadorI was honored this week by beBee team announcing my appointment as beBee ambassador in Jordan. As much as this is an honorable assignment; it is equally important that I have to reach up to its responsibilities.

Many thoughts crossed my mind. Plants don›t move. They depend on self to make their food, reach water, carry on their duties and orient towards the sun. To be able to extract the maximum of their efforts they have fractal roots and fractal branches to reach resources needed for photosynthesis. Not only have the plants provided equal opportunities for their leaves to get exposure to sunlight, but also to cover the maximum surface area possible to reach water and minerals in the soil.

We humans are not different. In essence we are fractal bodies. Our lungs, blood vessels, brain neurons and the whole nervous system are fractals. Our lungs look like trees if we flip the original shape. We find that we have trees planted in our bodies.

The Fractal Ambassador

Trees breathe and we breathe through lungs with structure-like trees. Because of this fractal structure even though a pair of human›s lungs have around a volume of five liters; yet the lungs cover areas approximating fifty square meters. Our lungs know how to deal with crowdedness and do that with admirable efficiency. We complain about lack of space and yet we have fractal systems in our bodies covering huge areas. There is a way out of space



The ideas prompted me to think of myself as a fractal ambassador. I see ambassadors are tree-like fractals. I have the ambassador tree planted in me. Trees produce leaves and fruits with shapes and characteristics of their environment. The question then is if I may create an inner environment conducive enough to produce high quality fruits. What environment a mi going to create inside me? Is it going to be an environment that allows for the growth of a tree with thorny spike, or a tree that shall yield high quality fruits that appeal to the consumer? Being fractal means I must show integrity, replica of self and deviating from that I become a distorted ambassador. Equally important is that I also create a healthy microclimate so that a desirable tree may grow inside me.

The Fractal Ambassador

The Fractal Ambassador Tree

To be an ambassador is a huge responsibility. An ambassador should not look at his responsibility through the eyes of lack: lack of resources, lack of support and lack of ideas. A tree-like ambassador may cover huge areas within very limited space. It is feeding this tree with positive ideas, emotions, engagement, breathing ideas and expanding the tree roots that the limited becomes fractally unlimited.


Ideas Rippling EffectThis buzz marks my publishing the hundredth buzz on beBee. It is about time to pause and think about my experiences and highlights over the last seven months.Are my buzzes worthy? Or, are they like sand grains get carried by the wind and soon lose their value? Some ideas may receive immediate rejections; others may enjoy acceptance. Those ideas which are rejected may be the ones that will leave a mark. How many ideas were rejected but they stood the test of time and were reborn. On the other side, there are ideas that were widely accepted only to be refuted afterwards. Some buzzes attracted many comments while others received much less attention.

I view each buzz of mine as a sand grain on its own. The windy discussions blow the sand grains. This reminds me of ripples in sand found in many places like beaches with their spectacular self-organizing patterns. The wind blows sand grains and it is the interactions among these grains that lead to the formation of their distinctive patterns. The wind is the blower of the grains, but it is the interactions among sand grains that count mostly. Two grains might be very close together; yet their trajectories may divert beyond imagination. However; these grains self-organize in pattern depending on where they end up falling such as a beach or a sand dune. Enjoy the video below on patterns in sand.

Ideas Rippling Effect

An individual sand grain shall not make a pattern and so collecting selected buzzes in


an e-book means putting many sand grains (buzzes) together. If the wind of discussions blows the grains of buzzes then who knows if a pattern would emerge? I therefore encourage authors (bees) not only to publish buzzes, but also to house them together. This documentation may help make the buzzes grains get blown so that their hopping and leaping may produce new self-organizing patterns. I have this habit and I have collected my last thirty or so buzzes in an e-book titled «Cycling of Ideas». This 110 pages e-book is a collection of sandy ideas hoping that they shall emerge in new patterns of thinking.

Ideas Rippling Effect

I read a very interesting metaphor for ideas in that ideas are like sea turtles. I extract the following from the post «As I was watching those sea turtles, it struck me…Those sea turtles are like my ideas!! There they are, described in nature better than any words can articulate. They hatch and race ahead until they are battered and tested. Only the strongest reach their destination». My ideas struggled individually upon publishing each one on its own as a buzz. Let me see how they struggle collectively.

I hope that you blow my mind with your feedback, but more to blow the grains of my sandy ideas with your criticism, suggestions, comments, reviews or whatever. The least is that a pattern may emerge.


The Honeycomb of IdeasLiving systems have repeating patterns. The patterns on giraffes, the patterns of birds flying in V-formations, the patterns in human lungs and the spiral patterns of cauliflower are just very few examples of repeating patterns in nature. Humans produce repeating patterns such as the repeating -8wave structure of the stock market.

The Honeycomb of Ideas

I dare say that for every pattern in nature there are parallel ones somewhere else. For example, pendulums oscillate in repeated pattern. There must be analogous ones somewhere else. It is not surprising that we find molecules or chemical reactions exhibiting similar oscillations. You may see molecules oscillating between two states (colors in this case) in the following video:

The Honeycomb of Ideas

Repeated patterns are a way of organizing open social structures. To form repeated structures the following triad must keep flowing: energy, matter and information. It is not surprising that even in the building of honeycombs this fact is observed. Contrasting all known facts how bees build their honeycombs is the new research finding. The perfect hexagonal array of bees’ honeycombs, admired for millennia as an example of natural pattern formation, owes more to simple physical forces than to the skill of bees, according to a new study.


In this post «How honeycombs can build themselves?»Engineer Bhushan Karihaloo at the University of Cardiff, UK, and his co-workers say that bees simply make cells that are circular in cross section and are packed together like a layer of bubbles. According to their research the wax, softened by the heat of the bees’ bodies, then gets pulled into hexagonal cells by surface tension at the junctions where three walls meet. Hexagons divide up the space using the smallest wall area, and thus, for a honeycomb, the least wax. But the story doesn›t stop at this stage in view of another recent research finding. Golden ratio is observed in the elliptical honeycombs.

Honeycombs are formed by simple rules and contained with elliptical shape, which is controlled by the Golden Ratio. This is the boundary of the honeycomb attractor. The cybernetician Heinz von Foerster formulated the principle of «order from noise» in 1960. According to this principle, self-organization is facilitated by random noise that let the system explore a variety of states in its state space. This increases the chance that the system would arrive into the basin of a «strong» or «deep» attractor, from which it would then quickly enter the attractor itself. Once in the attractor, the system is constrained to stay there. For how long have bees been constrained in their elliptically-shaped hexagons? Or, birds in the V-flying forms?

We may view the formation of attractors from a different perspective. I was reading this thinking article Destiny, Karma and the Law of Attraction - Esoteric Science when I wondered if the interaction of this triad shapes our lives by sending us into attractors that we fall in. Destiny is not fate as fate is determined by external factors. Destiny is essentially a series of opportunities that enable us to learn lessons, acquire new abilities, develop our consciousness and help others. Fate is Karma or the cause-effect relationship. How we act shall determine the effect of our actions. It is what we learn from these lessons that shall affect our destiny. If we think positively we shall attract positive things and we in turn shall affect our thinking positively. Our actions shall be positive and even if we don›t get the expected results we shall then learn from them and improve (hopefully) our destiny and that we may fall in an attractor that appeals to us. When we have attractions that bring positive actions and positive thoughts we might get flying.

Our flying thoughts might arrange following the same rules that flying birds follow and we might end up with thinking patterns that shape up our lives.Ali Anani, PhD

The Honeycomb of IdeasLike bees build hexagonal honeycombs by melting the wax through their body heat so that a honeycomb emerges, we need to heat up waxy ideas so that they may melt and fill the affinity hives that beBee is working on. But the waxy ideas shall only melt if we generate enough flow of energy to make those ideas build the honeycomb in each affinity hive. It is not only establishing affinity hives, it is also allowing for the efficient structure to keep the honey ideas within.


The Triads of ComplexityMy last buzz on «We Plan and Destiny Laughs» drew lots of comments. One comment from the brilliant Milos Djukic drew my attention in which he wrote «Fear of chaos. It is our fear of uncertainty of each new day. The eternal struggle with transience of human life and permanent striving toward eternity. It is also, confirmation of our limitations, fear of disorder and reconciliation with the awareness of ignorance. It is also very important to design additional self-similar details (fractal patterns), through fruitful communication with like-minded people. In this way, we reshape the infinity of ignorance. This activity brings immense joy to every participant». Milos using of the word fear reminded me of the stock market and investors› behaviors. It is the triad fear, greed and the mindset of investors that create the repeating fractal patterns of the stock market. But again, Milos in his pioneering post on «The Secret Human Qualities That Truly Matter» that he mentioned another triad of curiosity, imagination and mindset that make the difference. Is it the lack of curiosity, imagination and the mindset of investors that lead to the complexity of the stock market? Fear shrinks curiosity and greed stifles imagination and it seems Milos provides an alternative explanation to the complexity of financial markets.

The fear of the unknown dries up the curiosity of what we can do can have. Curiosity combined with imagination allows creativity to grow as Benny Goodman said. Curiosity feedback to itself. We ask questions to fulfill our curiosity and as we ask them our curiosity goes up. Curiosity feeds imagination and their combination may offer creative solutions to people with the right mindset.


As much as curiosity is a crucial ingredient in the triad; still it offers other challenges. As we gather information to answer questions to satisfy our curiosity we enter into a non-linear, hump-backed curve of relationship. We might end up in decreasing curiosity rather than increasing it.

The Triads of Complexity

Relationship between complexity of information and human curiosity- Ipsen (2002)

What we draw as a triangular triad is in fact more complex than we think. The hurricane of information that we are exposed to make it very difficult on where our position on the curiosity-information curve we are. This acts as a chaotic pendulum, which in turn affects our curiosity and imagination and would affect our mindsets. In the financial market we see people doing analysis on the movements of the stock markets only to abandon them and follow the crowds in buying or selling a stock. It is mindsets that say one thing and act in its opposite.

The Triads of Complexity

Just by rotating the spiral figure above we end up with its wavy pattern.

The Triads of Complexity

Are we responsible for turning our wavy patterns into hurricanes and find ourselves immersed in situations that we created for ourselves/ Will such phenomena increase because of the rapidity of the flow of information? In times of hurricanes logic mostly disappears.