[This question.paper contains 04 printed pages] Roll Number/~~

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[This question.paper contains 04 printed pages] w~~ijo4~~~

Roll Number/~~:

HPAS Etc. Combined Competitive (Main) Examination, 2019

~:SL)[.~. ~ ~ SITT141•fl (~) -q-fun-, 2019

General Studies-II / ~ RJl -ii-II Time Allowed: 3 Hours

~~=3~ Maximum Marks: 200


Note I .:OC:

1. This question pape_r contains total 28 questions and all questions are compulsory.

W~~-q-¥'f28~~~tf+ft"~6l~cll4~1 2. Marks are divided and indicated against each part of the question. Write answer in legible

handwriting. Each part of the question must be answered in sequence and in the same continuation.

~~~cfil"fct~cn{~~~mlf~~~~1PTT~I ~~ Ri©tclc

-q-~I ~~~mlf~~W~ij~~'i:fl~C!,I

3. Failure to adhere to word limit may be penalized.

~~~~~~ijfcl'h~al ctil"~~'3ff~~I 4. Attempts of questions shall be counted in sequential order. Unless struck off, attempt of

question shall be counted even if attempted partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank in answer book must be clearly struck off.

rn ~ ~ ~ lfllAT ;t-;'-l,1f1,< 4TT" -ii,Q,•fl, <Ift cfiTcT ~ t m ~ ~ ~ cfil- lfUfrfT r.Rt-

'31 t Q,•fl ~ ~ '3m 3T~m: ITTf 1PTT "@"1 ~ gffa cfil ij ~ m"ITT ~ ~ ~ ~ 3T~T ~ ~~~cfilcf~ 'i:fl~C!,l

5. Re-evaluation I Re-checking of answer book is not allowed. ~ gffa cfil ~ g11 {(!4 i cfi'1 / :ff: ffl r.Rt-~~~I

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Section - I / m- I

Answers to Question Nos. l to 15 should not exceed 60 words in each case. Contents of the answers are more important than their length. Each question carries 04 marks.

~ ~ 1 ~ 15 ~~ ~1{llffiij 60 ~~~ ~ ~~~' ~cfil- fltl-lJl

~~ ~ 3ffilcfi l-l*cll£0T ~I~~~ 04 3fcfi ~I

1. \./

Discuss about the Emergency powers of the Indian President.

~ I £l cM < I ~ 9 fa r.Rt- 61191 a cfi t J't 11 ~~ ~ ~ chl fit 4 I Explain why India is called a Quasi federal state.




~a,~~ ~,<cD4 ~ ~ &14t+i1:tt,1-1cfi w ~ ~~? Describe the procedure of how a bill becomes an act.

4. V





~~~cITT¥ffl#~cfif ~ch)f1t41 What do you mean by Judicial Activism in India?

~# .-41~cfi f1fih4dl ~ 3ITT"<.flf cRll ~~? What are Self Help Groups?

ffi fiQl4cll ~~~~? Discuss the essential characteristics of Local Government. ~ fi,(cf,(,( ~ 3lfcf!?<fcfi ~~ -q-{ ~ ~,

Discuss various welfare schemes for women in India. ~ # ~ -cf,(.>'4101 % ~ ~ lPft-~ ii1Zil1 ,arr~~ ~1 National security is of paramount imp01tance for any nation. Discuss about the organizational structure of National Security Council (NSC) in India. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ID fictt91°{ ~I utp:r ~&TT qf{tj~ (~-~.m.) ~ ~◄ I 61 I ,Jtcfi ~ cfiT cfUR ch) f1t41

v 9. United Nation is facing a number of existential challenges. What is meant by democratization of the United Nation? ~ ~ ~ 31ffa,q ~ITT i<1jfa47· cfiT ~~~~I ~ ~ ~ (.>'ljcfici -;flcfi<01 ~ cRlT ~ ~

10. Kartarpur Corridor has been in news for security and religious reasons both within India '\.,/ and between India and Pakistan. What is the importance of Kartarpur Corridor for India

- Pakistan relations.


cfi{dl<3,< q;'ff°{sl< ;,i-~ ~ # ~ ~ 3lR 91rtifdl'1 ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ cfil <off ~~#~~I ~-9 l~fd 1'1 ~ITT# cfi<cl I <3,< q;'f\°{sl < <fir "PTT~


11. Describe the role of Praja Mandal movement in Himachal Pradesh during India's freedom struggle.

~({dl4 fqrj-;{dl ati~l~'1 if ~+i('q~ ~~Tl{"~~ ~i~l<:-1'1 ~ ~cfifcfllA"~I _ 12. Examine the role of socio-economic factors for the birth of two party system in

Himachal Pradesh.

~'il-i6f~ ~!?T if"~-~~#~ if" fil'i111icfi cf~ cfil<chl ~ ~ cfiT

cfUR cfi"ZI

13. Describe how state reorganization in past has affected the contemporary politics of __,,. Himachal Pradesh.

<Slcll~4 ~ if" ~ ~ 3,-i 4T6'1 ~ ~'il-i6f~ ~!?T # '(-1Ji'(-1l'i~cfi <iZi14"lfil cITT f.tfr m ~~t?

14. Describe Himachal Pradesh's journey to become democratic state. ✓


~'11-i!{-I ~~T#"Q:ti Si(ittdiRcfl ~~#~~qOR 4i1Rl41 15, Give reasons that why politics in Himachal Pradesh largely remained bipolar game.

~d t{4 ~'1 l"i!{-1 ~~T #(t'l141Rl ~: ~-~ ffi W?

Section - II / ~- II Answers to Question Nos.16 to 25 should not exceed 120 words in each case. Contents of the answers are more important than their length. Each question carries 08 marks.

~ ~ 16 ~ 25 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 120 ~~ ~ 3ITTfcf} ~ ~ iftfg:~1 ~ # f11'1J1

~~~ 3ITTfcfl '1~cc1crur ~I~~~ 08 3lofl~l

16. Analyze the problem of Centre - State relations in India. \/""


<+ITT.cf ~ ~ -~ ~~ ~ fcl cl I ~1· cfiT cfl1T'1 4i) RI~ I 17. Examine the power of judicial review as enjoyed by Supreme Court of India.

~t(J\4 ~ .-4141(-14 mu~ ~,f4r.fi g.-if.-ftl~ # ~rfffi.cfil cfl1T'14i1Rl41 18. "Privatization is not a panacea for managing the mismanaged public sector enterprises."


Pl;/41cfl(OI, f114~Plr.fi ~~~~~~~~~~ (IB~IOI ~~~I

fc4fd I ( if f1B~ I~.~ I

19. Municipal Governance in India is facing serious challenges post 74th Constitutional -...,,,,- Amendment. Examine.

7 4 if ~~ "fi"~inr,:f ~ ~ if '+ITTa if '1 ◄ I (9 I Rt '{l I ~TIWf lf4h_ '11,'17 Rl 41 cfiT f1 I Ji '1 I ~

~t1~cfit1 20. ''The Policy of Globalization and Liberalization has led to faster growth of Indian

\,,.-- Economy after 1991." Comment


1991 ~~ ~ih:Jlr.fi(OI ~ '3~1.flr.fi(OI ~ ~ ~l(dl4 apfcxfcf~TT~ ~ fu ~r.filf1 cfiT

~ ~I fucq oft ~I

21. The 73rd Constitutional Amendment has resulted in genuine devolution of powers and resources to the Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRis) in India. Discuss.

73 if ~~ "ff~~ ~ '+ITTa -ij- tj=q14J) ~ ~ (-fr.aTR.aui.) ~ ~~ ~ ~cfilc11«1~r.fi 01id{OI ~~ti ~~I

22. China's One Belt One Road (OBOR) is an ambitious plan to expand its economy. With this in view, describe the overall China's Belt and Road Initiative and its impact on India.

m ~ cr:r ~ cr:r m (arr.-~tt.arr.aTR.) arq.:ft-~ cf)f Fclw,< m ~ ~ 14~<::ct,r.fii~ l11"';::i' ~1 w~~. ~fil"U ~~~~~ cpf '+ITTa trt m cITTr >MTcf qlf ~ ~I

23. India's engagement with Central Asian Republics, has been very proactive and constructive in the past few years besides love and hate relations with China. Critically analyze India's role in Shanghai Cooperation organization (SCO).

lft?f Q.f¥Ht1{ •fOf~l""TT t ~ m«f cfiT ~. m- t ~ ~ afR T1fT ~ t ~

fq,a~ ~ Wif ~ ~ afR (ili-il(•Pfi ~ tt ~ tl~41•t ij•f6i9 ~ 'm«r ft~

ft 3tl~lilif kitcfi ~ 4i1Rt~, 24. Developments in South China Sea are seen to be trigger for the third world war. India

has joined the QUAD and has strategic interests in the region. With this in view, describe politics of Indo - Pacific region and policy options for India.

~ ~ ~ cfil" ~ cftm- fct'8" ~ cfil- 3lt{ ~ ftl9 ~ ~I 1TT«l" QUAD -q

~TITlttr w im ~ q-41fc\i ~ ~ ~ m <0141Rl<ti ~ ~' ~ m sQ., ~-"Sl"~rra ~ cfil­

<1 ~4) Rl cfiT q1Jtif ~ ~ m«r ~ 4l Rl 41 ~ f<I <ti~ cf;l-~ efitl

25. Energy is the most vital factor to development of economy of any nation. India has made substantial progress in harnessing the renewable energy resources in past few years. However, still there are problems to be surmounted. With this in view, examine the major challenges to ln9,!a's energy security policy.

~~,ft-U? cfil- ar11.f~ c1ffl t A<ti1t1 cfiT m it~cctiur cfiRcli ~' m«r ~ ~ ~ cflTT ~ ~ ~ ijijfij;ff ~ ~ -q ~ ~ ~ t1 {1t~i~. ~ ~ eitf4ta« cfiT

~tl'1ifl ~ q-;s ~~I~ m ~. m«f cfil" ~ ~ ,flfct cfil" ~ 1..flfil4 .. 'j cfiT

341 <fi{1 if ;fi'l ~ ~ l

Section - m Im-- III Answers to Question Nos.26 to 28 should not exceed 400 words in each case. Contents of the answers are more important than their length. Each question carries 20 marks.

~ ~ 26 « 28 t ~ ~ ~-q 400 ~TiGT ~ ~ ~ ~ ilt~~l ~ ~ tltit4l

~ ~ « 3tfs <ti '1 &ccttof ~I ~" ~ 20 ~ ~I

26. Describe the electoral reforms required for the smooth functioning of Indian C/ democracy.

ii I <al 4 SI~ td:si ~ ~ ffl ~ ~~ ~ ~ cfiT ffi 4i1 ~~ 1

27. Discuss about the issues of conflict between India and China in the South China Sea. v"'

mfGT ~ ~ ~ \lTUPf ~ ~ lf%lf ~ct I~ ~ W cfiT ~ ;fi)PJ~ I 28. Critically evaluate various administrative reform measures initiated by governments for

v- improving the service delivery to its citizens in the State of Himachal Pradesh.

~4iti4{1 rt~-ij- if 14,n:ifl, tfiT ~ rn ~ m ~ tt<<fit< e:m 3tf{Al ~ 1l"q Afil~

W<II ti A <ti ~ cfiT au ~l i4 i9 kli <ti ~(41 i <fiti efitl
