This Is What A Kiss Is

Post on 09-Apr-2016

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The Most Romantic Quotes & Poems Which Capture The Rapture Of A Kiss




This Is

What A

Kiss Is

The Most Romantic Quotes & Poems

Which Capture The Rapture Of A Kiss

by Dave Davidson

with Becca Lynn Walker Walker & M. M. Mclaughlin

All Photography by Dave Davidson

© 2003 Dave Davidson - Think Wow

revised & republished 2011











Who doesn't remember their first kiss? Who doesn’t long for their next? The

anticipation – the build-up - the follow through! It can be exciting, spine

tingling and scary all at the same time. A first kiss can awaken our senses like

nothing in this world.

Kissing is itself a unique language of love. A dialect that needs no words...

A kiss can be loving, romantic, reassuring, passionate and encouraging. A

kiss can communicate emotions deep from within our hearts.

This book celebrates the kiss as a way to share our love, passion and

devotion. Included are some of the best selected quotes and quips on

kissing. Sit back, relax and pucker up - here comes a kiss!

Dan Davidson



The anatomical juxtaposition of two orbicularis

oris muscles in a state of contraction.

Dr. Henry Gibbons, Sr.


A kiss

is a nice

smack in

the face. John Donut

That which you

cannot give without taking,

and cannot take without giving.


A kiss is like singing into someone’s mouth.

Diane Ackerman

Love is simply a kiss smiling together up close.

Dave Davidson

Kisses are like confidences--one follows the other.

Denis Diderot

Kissing is poetry

in devotion. Dave Davidson


A contraction of the mouth

due to an enlargement of the heart.


Lip service to love. Warren Goldberg

A thing of use to no one, but prized by two.

Robert Zwickey

What is a kiss?

The sure, sweet cement,

glue and lime of love. Robert Herrick

We are each of us

angels with only one wing.

And we can only fly

embracing each other. Luciano de Crescenzo


The kiss-

made of nothing,

tasting very sweet.

A most delicious compound,

with ingredients complete;

But if, as on occasion,

the heart and mind are sour,

It has no great significance,

and loses half its power.

Mary E. Buell

The act of kissing resembles a pair

of high heels shoes without the

high heel shoes.

Dave Davidson


Love is lightning and thunder

on a sunny summer afternoon

and bright rays of welcomed

warm light during a storm.

Love’s kiss can change

the weather. Dave Davidson


A kiss is strange.

It’s a living thing, a communication,

a whole wild emotion expressed

in a simple moist touch.

Mickey Spillane

Kissing is an interview with a private investigator.

Dave Davidson

Kissing is a whimsical physical feeling felt;

a chemical icicle peeling as it melts.

Cyrano De Words-u-lac

A pleasant reminder that two heads

are better than one.

Rex Prauty


Some Kisses

some kisses are confident

in approach and ascent

some kisses are hesitant

intermittently inconsistent

some kisses go smoothly slow

as eyelashes bid their closure

some kisses just seem to flow

as necks lean with composure

some kisses experiment like science

determining each lip bottom or top

some kisses are a delicate rinse

and seem to never want to stop

Dave Davidson


Unspoken promise

of a soul’s allegiance-

this, All this and more,

ah more! is in a kiss.

M. Phelps

Kissing is a means

of getting two people

so close together that

they can’t see anything

wrong with each other.

G. Yasenak

Love is like photosynthesis,

bringing affection to light

with a well watered kiss.

Dave Davidson

There is the kiss of welcome and of parting;

the long, lingering, loving, present one;

the stolen, or the mutual one; the kiss of love,

of joy, and of sorrow; the seal of promise

and receipt of fulfillment.

Thomas C. Haliburton


A kiss

is a noun

both common

and proper,

Not very singular;

and agrees with

both you and me.


What is a kiss? Alacke! at worst,

A single Dropp to quenche a Thirst,

Tho’ oft it prooves, in happie Hour,

The first sweet Dropp of our long Shower.

Charles Godfrey Leland

Something that often leads to marriage

because it leaves something to be desired. Adapted from Robert Fontaine

Love sought is good, but given

unsought is better.

William Shakespeare


A kiss is a

magic trick

where two people know

the method, but still pretend

amused with the result.

Dave Davidson

As a result of a kiss

there arises in the mind

a wonderful feeling of delight

that awakens and binds together

the love of them that kiss.

St. Aelred

A kiss is a lovely trick designed

by nature to stop speech when

words become superfluous.

Ingrid Bergman

Is not a kiss the very autograph of love?

Henry Finck

Love is a kiss rekindling.

Just as sticks rub together-

sparks fly, flames arise,

warmth is nurtured,

passion created.

Dave Davidson


A kiss is a sort of glue

mending broken hearts,

after two friends argue.

Dave Davidson

Kissing is a gift exchange where each

recipient gets back what they gave.

Hugh Myrrh

Four sweet lips, two pure souls

and one undying affection-

these are love’s pretty

ingredients for a kiss. Robert Herrick



is the best invention

for catching and keeping

undivided attention.

Dave Davidson

Each kiss counts. It’s the

thought that amounts.

Hugh Myrrh

Kisses are like grains of gold or

silver found upon the ground, of no

value themselves, but precious as

showing that a mine is near.

George Villiers

Love is kindest,

and hath most strength,

The kisses are most sweet,

When it’s enjoyed in heat of strength,

Where like affections meet.

Patrick Hannay


A kiss is

a contact,

a conviction,

a connection. Dave Davidson


An unexamined lip

is not worth kissing.

John Donut

Whether lips or chins,

whether cheeks or hands,

when kissing begins-

love understands.

Dave Davidson

A kiss is an agreement over some kind

of excuse to celebrate an occasion.

Dave Davidson


O love!

O fire!

Once he drew

With one long kiss

my whole soul thro’

My lips, as sunlight

drinketh dew.


Love is like

chocolate you can

taste with your heart

when kissing.

Dave Davidson

Kissing is curiosity revealed

in a court room where two who love

either act as a jury weighing convictions,

determining motive based on evidence

or as a lawyer pressing a strong case.

Dave Davidson

A kiss tickles the heart

like those long sudsy string mops

that dangle in an automatic car wash.

A kiss can cleanse the heart just like a

feather duster would tickle someone.

Or something sort of like that.

Hugh Myrrh


The dictionary says that a kiss is,

“a salute made by touching with the lips pressed

closely together and suddenly parting them.” From

this it is quite obvious that, although a dictionary

may know something about words, it knows

nothing about kissing.

Hugh Morris

What is a kiss? The lips pout slightly, and

touch the cheek softly, and then they just part,

and the job is complete. There is a kiss in the

abstract! View it in the abstract. Take it as it

stands! Look at it philosophically. What is there

in it? Millions upon millions have plunged into

misery and despair by this kissing; and yet when

you look at the character of the thing, it is

simply pouting and parting of the lips.


Kissing is perhaps the best method

of preventing someone to tell a secret.

Dave Davidson



A kiss is an encouraging word

without words ever spoken.

Dave Davidson



A forehead peck

is like a questionnaire.

A peck on the cheek,

shows that you care.

A peck on the neck,

reveals how you dare.

A peck on the hand

compares to debonair.

And a peck in the air

leaves room to spare

that lips once solitaire

are meant to share.

Dave Davidson

Lipstick is to lips

as red is to a rose. Dave Davidson


You can always

create a chance for

a second impression.

Dave Davidson

I think he is going to kiss me.

I wonder how I will breathe.

I remember ... it’s much better not

to think things through too much,

just to do them. So I do ...

He kisses me...

His closeness must have an

antihistamine effect, because,

though we kiss for a long time,

I am able to breathe.

Ellyn Bache

... we kiss. And it feels like we have

just shrugged off the world. Jim Shahin


words of love

whispered and

delivered to

anxious ears,

have yet to lose

their magical


Becca Lynn Walker


My cheek

near your chin…

it’s my pleasant surprise

when your flirting eyes begin

fluttering as butterflies

do near summer skin.

Dave Davidson

My lips till then had only known

The kiss of mother and of sister,

But somehow, full upon her own

Sweet, rosy, darling mouth,

--I kissed her.

E. C. Stedman

. . . she lifted her face suddenly to him,

and he touched it with his lips. So cold,

so fresh, so sea-clear her face was,

it was like kissing a flower that

grows near the surf.

D.H. Lawrence

Less is best if more is a bore.

Cyrano De Words-u-lac



you need kissing badly.

That’s what’s wrong with you. . .

You should be kissed and by someone who knows how.”

“And I suppose you think you are the proper person?”

she asked. . . “Oh, yes, if I cared to take the trouble,”

he said carelessly. “They say I kiss very well. . . take heart.

Some day, I will kiss you and you will like it.

But not now, so I beg you not to

be too impatient.”

Gone With The Wind,

Margaret Mitchell

“I’d love to kiss you,

but I just washed my hair.”

Bette Davis in Cabin in the Cotton

“Kiss” rhymes to “bliss”

in fact as well as verse.

Lord Byron

Speak, cousin, or, if you cannot,

stop his mouth with a kiss.

Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing

With the heart as the puppeteer

let thy lips move smooth here

without strings of fear.

Dave Davidson



If I made an


a lip service


of affection . . .

If I pounded a drum,

your heart’s sound-

once partially numb

If I freed a butter f l y

within these walls

where passion calls

Then breathe my love.

Let thy heart beat in time

while hearts prod

the mind.

Dave Davidson

Each kiss

a heart-quake-

for a kiss’s strength,

I think, it must be reckoned

by it’s length. Lord Byron


The power of a kiss

can be the culmination

of agony in many miles traveled,

the velocity of love letters unraveled,

the potency of perfume piercing the air

or a delicate dance in a town square.

Dave Davidson

You are always new.

The last of your kisses

was ever the sweetest... John Keats

She bowed his head and joined her lips to his...

It was too much for him. He closed his eyes, surrendering

himself to her, body and mind, conscious of nothing in the

world but the dark pressure of her softly parting lips.

James Joyce

Any man who can drive safely

while kissing a pretty girl is simply not

giving the kiss the attention it deserves.


Women still remember the first kiss

after men have forgotten the last.

Remy de Gourmont


An intelligent girl is one who knows how

to refuse a kiss without being deprived of it.


When lips meet for the first time

there is a small spark in the heart

which explodes on impact.

Dave Davidson

As the intricacies

of a snowflake’s descent

and delightful delicacies

of the very first kiss;

no two are alike. Dave Davidson


...I was pondering a kiss just a little while ago...

a specific kiss of ours and the way we do such.

And, as I was engrossed in this activity, I became

aware of a hungering inside me. A desire so real

that it was as if it took shape and became its own

person. Oh, how I long to take you in my arms

right this very minute. How I yearn to place my

mouth upon yours and take your breath within me.

How I ache to let the working of my cavity create

that so often realized state after which you fall

away from me and need time to gather your senses.

M. M. Mclaughlin

It was a strange sensation,

a clumsy stumbling falling being caught,

the broad sunlit world narrowing to the dark focus

of his cushiony lips on mine. It scared me to death,

but still I discovered how much I had

been waiting for it.

Jane Smiley


With a kiss

let us set out for

an unknown world. Alfred de Musset

If at first, love is dealt

its then a kiss is truly felt. Dave Davidson

Lips only sing when

they cannot kiss. James Thomson


If God didn’t

want me to kiss you,

would He have given

you such sweet lips? Hugh Myrrh

The moisture of a kiss

may contain less a than a drop of

water, but it can feel like a waterfall’s rush.

Dave Davidson

Only he felt he could no more dissemble,

And kissed her, mouth to mouth, all in a tremble.

Leigh Hunt

He bent his face towards hers.

She closed her eyes again and the lids fluttered

with a sudden tremulous movement

at the touch of his light kiss.

Aldous Huxley

...then I did the simplest thing in the world.

I leaned down...and kissed him.

And the world cracked open.

Agnes de Mille


How delicious is the winning

of a kiss at love’s beginning.

Thomas Campbell

When I tried to draw near, you dissolved

into air before my lips could touch you.

George Sand [Amandine A.L. Dupin]

If you don’t mind getting slapped

in the face, the odds of landing

a kiss are more in your favor.

Hugh Myrrh

Kisses kept

are wasted;

Love is to

be tasted. E. V. Cooke

The best way

to figure out if

a kiss will be

well received

is to kiss the


Dave Davidson


Even the strongest

man becomes weak,

with a kiss on the cheek. Dave Davidson

For history to eternity

love’s kiss casts her magic spell on hearts.

Some willing, some detained, but once cast,

the heart is taken tender captive. Ahhh,

the power of a sweet, sweet kiss.

Becca Lynn Walker

So long as there is true, pure love in the

world, kissing will continue to be one of the

very finest pastimes of lovers... Its music is

the melody of the heart and the poetry of the

soul. Its rapture is the charm of youth, the

joy of manhood and the beatitude of old age.

Alfred Fowler

He glared at her a moment through the dusk,

and the next instant she felt his arms

about her and his lips on her own lips.

His kiss was like white lightning,

a flash that spread, and spread

again, and stayed.

Henry James


As we were sitting together,

suddenly there came into her eyes a

look that I had never seen there before.

My lips moved towards hers. We kissed

each other. I can’t describe to you what I felt

at that moment. It seemed to me that all my

life had been narrowed to one perfect

moment of rose-coloured joy.

Oscar Wilde

On taking the necessary step from the sublime,

we have the description by a lady of her feeling on

being kissed for the first time. She felt like a tub of

butter swimming in honey, cologne, nutmegs, and

cranberries, and as though something was running

through her nerves on feet of diamonds, escorted by

several little cupids in chariots drawn by angles,

shaded with honeysukles and the whole

spread with melted rainbows!

J. Brander Matthews


A secret for you,

a wink from me.

A place on the neck

or near the knee.

Seek me out like

treasure hunted o’er

inside elbow, under palm

to love’s distant shore.

Becca Lynn Walker

Kissable lips

and flirtable eyes

still foul the good

and fool the wise.

J.B. Opdyke

Some lips were just not

made to be left alone. Hugh Myrrh

Upon a kiss’s reflection

my memory stretches and bends,

recreating the lighting of rainbows,

reenacting indelible dancing shadows

like a crystal prism gently restoring

sparkling color and graceful hue,

kissing you transcends.

Dave Davidson


Your kisses

are a confession

revealing a love I already

knew about you.

Dave Davidson

Some women blush when they are kissed;

some call for the police; some swear; some bite;

but the worst are those who laugh.


It is the passion that is in a kiss

that gives to it its sweetness;

it is the affection in a kiss

that sanctifies it.

Christian Nestell Bovee

If I were what the words are,

And love were like the tune,

With double sound and single

Delight our lips would mingle,

With kisses glad as birds are

That get sweet rain at noon. . .

Algernon C. Swinburne

Love is most nearly itself

when here and now

cease to matter.

T.S. Eliot



a source

of gravity,

magnetism and

centrifugal force;

a ventricle variety

of vivid velocity

spinning all

at once. Dave Davidson

Every kiss provokes another.

Ah, in those earliest days of love

how naturally the kisses spring to life!

So closely, in their profusion, do they crowd

together that lovers would find it as hard to

count the kisses exchanged in an hour as to

count the flowers in a meadow in May.

Marcel Proust


If your hands hide your lips,

I shall just tenderly tickle you until

fingers pry and fears fly away.

Dave Davidson

We’d kiss all the way

from Arkansas to Rome,

Cause in each other’s arms

we were home sweet home. Shania Twain & Mutt Lange

A thousand kisses grant me sweet;

With a hundred these complete;

Lip me a thousand more, and then

Another hundred give again.

A thousand add to these anon

A hundred more, then hurry one

Kiss after kiss without cessation

Until we lose all calculation. . .


It’s red, refreshing and bite sized like

succulent strawberries picked in the summer. Dave Davidson

...You are so beautiful in every way,

from the honesty you give to the petite structure

of your shoulders, from the kindness you give me

to the bonfire of your mouth upon mine.

M. M. Mclaughlin


...the promise of such kisses…where would

it carry us?. . . No-one could tell what lay

beyond the closed chapter of every kiss.

Lawrence Durrell

He kissed me and now

I am somebody else. Gabriella Mistral

Kiss someone on the ear;

Don’t say a word and they’ll

remember your message.

Dave Davidson


All the time I have been thinking of an armchair made

for two, in front of a huge crackling fire, the wireless playing

some tuneful tunes, and the firelight making shadows on the


Fire watching night! A hectic ruff and tumble and then

sweet reconciliation. A terribly beautiful hug and then clasped

in your arms, my head on your breast, something I am longing

for now, a kiss that makes time stand still.

Pamela Moore

A kiss is like salt water, seemingly a cool

quenching, yet leaving a thirst for more.

Dave Davidson



A dreamy kiss leaves its recipient

in clouds of content.

Dave Davidson


I confess

and doubt if

I could be discreet

when, then and if-

our lips would meet. Dave Davidson

Never delay kissing

a pretty girl. Ernest Hemmingway

The kiss

is a rosy dot

placed on the

“i” in loving. Edmond Rostand


For hearts who hide

kissing can provide

a spark in the dark

when lips collide. Dave Davidson

Near candlelight torch

or couch cuddling routine...

lakeside dock, skyscraper patio,

front door porch or dance floor scene,

mountain view rock or fireplace glow-

Is there a prominent place worthy

of our precious first kiss? Dave Davidson



Want to kiss you,

but I know you’d turn away.

Perhaps this kiss

isn’t meant for today.

Love for you goes deep,

but its hard to explain,

this distance I feel

mixing bitter sweet pain.

I could reach out,

but you’d probably shrug-

which is bad luck for me

dancing for your hug.

What will it take

to get us together,

to express

how love can be forever.

The answer lies at the truth,

like a blanket fib whispering

passion in the ears of youth,

as hope questions disappearing.

Becca Lynn Walker




eyelids fade

as candles quit

love blind of faults,

feel butterflies swarm

dreams swing swayed-

molecules spark and split

impassioned synchronized pulse,

sweethearts keep wildly warm

by the impressions made,

imprints which permit...

a kiss with a waltz

in perfect form

Dave Davidson



as the power

of gravity pulls

as a scale

succumbs to yield

as a full moon

awaits it’s tidal pull

as a magnet

attracts its field

so I lean


Dave Davidson


In a kiss,

two spirits meet,

mingle and become one. St. Aelred

. . . we embraced each other with--how to say it?--a

momentous smiling calm, as if the cup of language

had silently overflowed into these eloquent kisses

which replaced words like the rewards of silence itself,

perfecting thought and gesture.

Lawrence Durrell


A favorable

kiss gradually creeps

uphill in leisurely suspense,

reaching an elevated pinnacle-

then quickly plummets down in a rush,

forcing hearts to soar in contentment-

riding curves, loops and turns.

Consequently, kissing is a

roller coaster ride.

Dave Davidson



with the sight

of you in pure

bright white

with the magnetic

midnight look

appealing hook

with a solemn glance

or slow dance chance

glare of romance

with a tip toe hug

leaning and gleaning

as gravity’s true tug

with a kryptonite kiss

or sandy beach

careless whisk

my trust could rust

with weakness

in your presence

my heart could melt

with the feelings felt

from sweet beats dealt

my love would bleed

while trading passions

disguised by need

my life would regret

if tears would wet

if I remained weak

Dave Davidson


Never let

a fool kiss you

or a kiss fool you. Joey Adams

Kissing is an inspection

by the state of appeals. Dave Davidson

I can close my eyes when we kiss

because I’ve already dreamed of this.

Dave Davidson

Her lips on his could tell him better

than all her stumbling words.

Margaret Mitchell


Once In A Smile

Once in a smile

I remember how

our love was liberated

in the sense my dreams

have leaked into the day.

There has not been

a day since my confession,

which I did not reckon

the meaning and appeal

my kiss once revealed.

There has not been

a day where my disclosure

desired retroactive retracting

of meaning and appeal

my heart once concealed.

Dave Davidson

...It was a wonder to hear your sweet and lilting voice

over the phone within the last hour. You sounded so

bright and full of life. I was filled to hear your happy

tone. You said you missed me in your first sentence.

It was as if your words took form, coming through

the phone’s mouthpiece and placed a soft, warm kiss

upon my longing lips.

M. M. Mclaughlin


Kisses are like daydreams

unthreading its loose seams,

awakened by lip schemes. Dave Davidson

Though I know he loves me,

Tonight my heart is sad;

His kiss was not so wonderful

His kiss was not so wonderful

As all the dreams I had.

Sara Teasdale

A kiss

is a secret

told to

the mouth

instead of

the ear. Edmond Rostand




let me take you to

oceans deep

let me wake you in

love's pure sleep

let me have you

and melt that heart

let me tease you

let me start

let me hold you

softly tight

let me need you

passion delight

let me treat you

to the real me

let me kiss you


Becca Lynn Walker



I wish

to have the duty of

devoting an entire evening

the privilege of whispering

poetic endearing narration

into the blossom of your

curious attentive ears,

describing your




so close

you feel

the words

bounce off

your heart.

Dave Davidson



Of all forms of caution,

caution in love is perhaps

the most fatal to true happiness.

Bertland Russel


Kisses saved

versus kisses spent,

separate the brave

of determined content

with those swayed

yet still patient.

Dave Davidson

Yes, timing

is everything

for the initiation

of affection. Dave Davidson

The suspense

is thrilling me. Hugh Myrrh

You must not kiss and tell.

William Congreve



do kisses

come forth?

How do hearts

meet a mouth?

A woman tilts

tippy toes north,

while a man

leans in


Dave Davidson

Let my lips fall where they may. Hugh Myrrh

Whether lips or chins,

whether cheeks or hands,

when kissing begins-

love understands. Dave Davidson



blonde with ambition

so beautiful


you listened to my dreams

as I tried to peel yours to the surface

we dabbled time

in summer’s beach

splashing along it’s white shoreline

at the park

a spark of heartfelt honesty

disguised by disappointment

I could taste

your pale kiss

but at our picnic would miss

your first move

your invisible necklace with a note


kiss me hold me love me

one of the hardest moves

I never made

was to act as if I couldn’t read

a simple wet paint sign like that

so I set you free

only later to discern the lesson

you learned by missing my move

Aspen was colder the night

I called Chicago back

a slap in the face stings

when it’s cold out

when you haven’t


written or called

in months

I guess that’s twice now

you didn’t get

what you wanted

I know

how you feel

Dave Davidson

You must

believe in

to conceive in

a kiss.

Dave Davidson


Daydreams & Wishes

to hold your hand

comfortably while riding

in a horse drawn


to lay my ear

delicately upon your chest

hearing your heart


to delve into a

passionate steamy kiss

during a downpour

of cool summer rain

to stare

into your eyes

looking no further

for love

Dave Davidson



your safety

is dangerous

your trepidation,

a comfort

emotions swirling together

confused and intertwined,

yet many hearts

are still compelled

to be next to you…

mine is first in line

waiting, wondering,


Dave Davidson

All love is sweet,

given or returned.

They who inspire it

are fortunate, but those who

feel it most are happier still.

Percy Shelly

First time he kissed me, he but only kissed

The fingers of this hand wherewith I write;

And, ever since, it grew more clean and white.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning



Dramatic Pause

elevator floors disappearing

lost, forgotten, closing in

claustrophobia euphoria

eternal entrapment

in dramatic pause

lingering passionate existence

catching evasive wind

water's rolling rolling rolling

never more in tune

than this silence of one mind

algae creeping through drenching rain

waterfall umbrellas

carried to distant shores

swinging to heaven's floor


in dramatic pause

Becca Lynn Walker

The hidden risk in love is

like walking a tightrope while over

Niagara Falls or wading knee high kissing

in a country stream. It’s the fear of heights

mixed with a cool quenching of love’s desire.

Dave Davidson

High heels were invented by a woman

who had been kissed on her forehead.

S. Totah


Jenny kissed me when we met,

Jumping from the chair she sat in;

Time, you thief who love to get

Sweets into your list, put that in.

Say I’m weary, say I’m sad,

Say that health and wealth have missed me;

Say I’m growing old, but add

Jenny kissed me.

Leigh Hunt

Tippy toes,

necks bend,

cheeks tilt,

lips yawn,

eyes close,

hearts descend,

memories built...

going, going,


Dave Davidson

Love is what

melts Winter

with the warmth

of Spring kiss. Dave Davidson

A kiss can

be a comma,

a question mark,

or an exclamation point.



It is not because things are

difficult that we do not dare;

it is because we do not dare

that things are difficult.


After planting a kiss

be prepared for

love to grow.

Dave Davidson



eyelashes cascade

into the darkness

black fabric flowing-

brushing the dance floor

her back arched

against a strong arm

his lips leave a message

in a glistening reminder

a delicate massage

of gentle strength

Dave Davidson

There’s a difficult dichotomy

is kissing a loved one good bye.

For the very nature of kissing,

at the core of it’s conception

signifies a beginning begging

and birth to more affection.

Dave Davidson


Kissing Your Shoulder



expecting this

you never saw

it ever coming

your head turned

looking the other way


seized the moment

-the chance

to finally express

in a secret attempt

for deliberate caress

a gesture sent

to impress

Dave Davidson



A kiss is a pleasant collision

at an intersection of decision.

Dave Davidson


Come From Behind

you would never see me comin’

tippy toes in clever clothes

coming from behind with secret lovin’

in the silence of a hiss

warm hands wouldn’t miss

but swarm and flash

by your eyelash

you would never see me comin’

a pleasant surprise covering eyes

absent of scare in a lover’s dare

in the silence of a hiss

I would ask you this...

"Guess who, pretty you"

I’d feel your cheeks impress

a worthwhile sneaky smile

as you guessed my kind caress

you’d turn and learn just who

came from behind to tease you

then lean and glean in lieu

and in a kitchen dream

you wouldn’t mind the distraction

you be swayed away in satisfaction

for in the silence of a hiss

I’d lift you from the floor

and whisk you up in a dream kiss

Dave Davidson


Kissing frequently

surprises disguises,

often remedies enemies,

always discovers lovers,

yet seldom offends friends.

Dave Davidson

Ironically kissing has

a corresponding medical dichotomy.

It’s a physical activity which takes your

breath away, in due course requiring

continued CPR techniques.

(CPR - Caught Passionately Romancing.)

Dave Davidson

Why does a man take it for granted that a girl

who flirts with him wants him to kiss her--when,

nine times out of ten, she only wants him

to want to kiss her.

Helen Rowland



right on the right

or was it the left?

I’m not exactly sure

since you took my breath

more than a real life dream

so this kiss came to seem

I still feel it’s effects

somewhere in here

I still feel those lips

against my lucky cheek

like a raspberry burst

squashing former fear

I’ll keep dreaming

And I’m still weak

despite quenching

love’s long thirst

from you, just you,

yeah you

Dave Davidson

The decision to kiss for the first time is

the most crucial in any love story. It changes

the relationship of two people much more strongly

than even the final surrender; because this kiss

already has within it that surrender.

Emil Ludwig


On Edge

corner of her lip

on edge

of insecurity

sweet and soft

to kiss

yet sadly

a tragicomedy

sad to miss this curve

on edge

he develops his nerve

fingertip to chin

points the way

right where

affection begins

over the shoulder

on edge

towards a bolder

breathing breeze

placing pecks

along the neck

with tender ease

Dave Davidson


If I had but one wish,

one wish granted to me...

kissing you, it would be. Dave Davidson

The kiss in the taxi...remains in the memory as

perpetually unfinished and to be sought out again,

for as the taxi moves it gives to the moment that

physical proof of insecurity and ephemeralness of

adventure, over swift, arousing resonances which

cease at first stop…The adventure continues in the

head, in the body…Until the next taxi ride no kiss

will have that flavor of life and time slipping by,

uncapturable, unseizable.

Anais Nin

Don’t wait to know her better to kiss her;

kiss her, and you’ll know her better.


The first kiss is stolen by the man;

The last is begged by the woman.

H.L. Mencken




where can I

where shall I

where should I

kiss you first

on the cheek

center forehead

upon top of hand

divine lip thirst

where may I

where dare I

where ever

must I place

the tender touch

a surrender blush

of sweet lip


Becca Lynn Walker &

Dave Davidson

Real love is a pilgrimage.

It happens when there is no strategy,

but it is very rare because most

people are strategists.

Anita Brookner


Christmas traditions

are filled with meaning...

It means mistletoe dreamers

will again have an excuse.

Dave Davidson

If you are ever in doubt

as to whether or not you should

kiss a pretty girl, always give her

the benefit of the doubt.

Thomas Carlyle

There she lay, amidst the dust and the cobwebs looking

so shining and beautiful and merry. . . that he knelt down

beside her and gave her a kiss. As soon as he touched her,

the spell was broken; Briar Rose opened her eyes and looked

wonderingly at him. . . they went down from the tower

together, hand in hand. Where one drop of blood

drains a castle of life, so one kiss can

bring it alive again.

The Sleeping Beauty by the Brothers Grimm,

retold by Trina Schart Hyman

And the moonbeams kiss the sea:

What are all these kissings worth

If thou kiss not me?

Percy Bysshe Shelley



if you were an


greeting card,

I’d read ya.

If you were a pair

of over-sized galoshes,

I’d try ya on.

If you were an upside-down,

right-side-up pound cake,

I’d eat ya.

But since you’re you,

true blue you

I’ll just kiss ya!

Becca Lynn Walker

Give me a kiss to that kiss a score;

Then to that twenty, add a hundred more;

A thousand to that hundred; so kiss on,

To make that thousand up to a million;

Treble that million, and when that is done,

Let’s kiss afresh, as when we first begun.

Robert Herrick

Kissing is seldom too inspiring or too tiring.

Dave Davidson


First Kiss

The look of love

down from those eyes,

the lick of the bottom lip

adding an alluring bite.

She glances up knowing

he will lean forward

they cascade toward

their first kiss.

Becca Lynn Walker

The sound of a kiss is

not so loud as that of a cannon,

but it’s echo lasts a great deal longer.

Oliver Wendell Holmes

When they kissed it seemed as

if they did indeed imbibe each other,

as if each were wine to the others thirst.

Robert Speaight

If you be loved, be worthy of love.



In the daily fine art

of greeting a spouse,

a kiss sparks the heart

and warms the house.

Dave Davidson

It is the passion that is in the kiss

that gives to it its sweetness; it is the

affection in a kiss that sanctifies it.

Christion Nestell Bovee

It is pretty well established that lovers handle the

supply of kisses very lavishly. They give them and take

them with infinite disregard of possible consequences.

And still--and herein we see the wonderful quality of

the kiss--they retain the same intoxicating freshness as

at the beginning. In love everything is mutual, but

every demonstration of the passion contains something

new and rejuvenation, no matter how many times the

same demonstration has taken place before.

Christopher Nyrop

I dare not ask a kiss;

I dare not beg a smile;

Lest having that or this,

I might grow proud the while.

No, no, the utmost share

Of my desire shall be

Only to kiss that air,

That latelykissed thee.

Robert Herrick


How Much

You Mean

we could light a fire

on a cold dark night

sitting on the couch

I could hold you tight

we could light a fire

on a cold dark night

we could warm up to it's flame

and kiss in dim light

I would look into your eyes

and without words

tell you how much

you mean to me

Dave Davidson



The greater the difficulty in letting go

in an embrace, the greater the love

held by those holding each other.

Dave Davidson


Never miss

a good bye kiss. Cyrano De Words-u-lac

There is a kiss of welcome and of parting;

the long, lingering, loving, present one;

the stolen or mutual one; the kiss of love,

of joy, and of sorrow; the seal of promise

and receipt of fulfillment. Is it strange,

therefore, that a woman is invincible

whose armory consists of kisses,

smiles, sighs, and tears?



Last Request Executioner’s Style

a fading wish

eye to eyebrow,

brow brushing by dimple-

lip lowering, cheeks turning . . .

(in front of a speckling fireplace

or tropical beach cozy cave sunset

or full moon at midnight wooden pier

overlooking a cool Switzerland stream

or a frosty snowman melting

winter keen evergreen setting


a remote telephone booth

or skyscraper height in the big city

or a palm tree shade

sunbathing lean)

just one

subtle connecting, semi-embracing,

gentle yet profound- slightly breezy,

tenderly smooth smooch, delicately dancing upon

the petals forming the flower from which you speak love

Before my grave do me this one favor,

and I shall leave peaceful as a dove.

Dave Davidson

I looked in her eyes and put my arm around her as I had

before and kissed her. I kissed her hard and held her tight and

tried to open her lips; they were closed tight... I held her close

against me and could feel her heart beating and her lips opened

and her head went back against my hand and then she was

crying on my shoulder.

Ernest Hemingway


Love’s favorite pastime is the progressive kiss. When a man woos a

woman he usually begins demonstrations by kissing her gloved hands - an

innocent enough act surely. But it does not long satisfy him. The glove is in

the way, and he longs to press his lips to her soft flesh - the white fingers first

- then the pink palm, and the blue veined wrist. She blushes a little at this

and draws her hand away, yet, surely, it is not very wrong, she thinks. After

that he begs to kiss her cheek - just one little touch of the lips to its velvet

surface - no more. Such a tiny favor to ask? And if one cheek is caressed,

why not the other? It is unfair to show favoritism. Crossing from the left

cheek to the right, leads directly over love’s domain - lips, the home of


Ella Wheeler Wilcox

His mouth wandered, wandered, almost touched her

ear, She felt the first deep flame run over her... He had found

the soft down that lay back beyond her cheeks, near the roots

of her ears. And his mouth stirred it delicately, as infernal angels

stir the fires with glass rods, or a dog on the scent stirs the grass

till the game starts from cover.

D.H. Lawrence


The suspense

in waiting for

the first official kiss

compares to pulling

a bow and arrow;

both require

patient strength

resulting in a

deep impression

when finally


Dave Davidson

My dear right above

your chin please remain

for this is where my love

will begin to explain.

Dave Davidson

I cease not from desire till my desire

Is satisfied; or let my mouth attain

My love’s red mouth, or let my soul expire,

Sighed from those lips that sought

her lips in vain...



Blowing A Kiss

the barriers are obvious

as time will not send

only miles between us

only smiles will mend

. . . blowing you a kiss my friend

when the jester is involved

will poetry always allow

will a breath gesture solve

affection’s solution somehow

. . . blowing you a kiss just now

it’s a tangible maybe

though you cannot steal it

between you and me baby

can’t touch it but can deal it

. . . blowing you a kiss

just now

my friend ... feel it

Dave Davidson

“Then let us kiss once

more, as travelers setting out.”

When she had done as he asked and

knew that her lips would not touch his

again and that between them the recognitions

of love were ended, she felt him take her

hand and kiss it. Then, knowing herself

released, she turned away. . .

Charles Morgan


Airport Kisses

sometimes there’s that added

extra bonus peck on the cheek

after a heartfelt reunited hug

or a scene of heavy traveled eyes

meet the dividend of long miles,

a smooch of confidence occurs

there’s the stop you in your tracks,

stare at the reality of overdue reunion,

smash into each other’s face quick embrace

and there’s the basic slow glanced,

perfect neck turn, just right lip revival,

that pushes the heart forward

plunging euphoric echelons of

previously unknown depths

don’t forget the joyful pick your partner up


twirl your girl idea

that makes a fond memory

for those who can remember...

Dave Davidson



Why this delay?

Why waste the time in kissing?

What is the very meaning of a kiss?

Think of the best, the ultimate joy we are missing!

Hasten the moment of our mutual bliss.


Love is to a match,

as lips are to striking

passion’s scratch. Cyrano De Words-u-lac

There are times when more honor

is bestowed in the absence of a kiss,

leaving only a trace of hope’s intention

in a gentle hugging nudge.

Dave Davidson

And when my lips meet thine,

Thy very soul is wedded unto mine. H. H. Boyesen

Our spirits rushed together

at the touching of the lips.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson


To A Kiss

Humid seal of soft affections,

Tend'rest pledge of future bliss,

Dearest tie of young connections,

Love's first snow-drop, virgin kiss.

Speaking silence, dumb confession,

Passion's birth, and infants' play,

Dove-like fondness, chaste concession,

Glowing dawn of brighter day.

Sorrowing joy, adieu's last action,

Ling'ring lips, -- no more to join!

What words can ever speak affection

Thrilling and sincere as thine!

Robert Burns



me elaborately...

casually as a breeze,

softly as one caresses a flower;

she kisses me as dispassionately

as heaven kisses the sea, softly and

quietly as dew kisses a lower,

solemnly as the sea kisses

the image of the moon.

Soren Kierkegaard


In a ceremonial whisper, the groom kisses his

beautiful bride. Marriage, sealed with a kiss. It is in

this sacred action on the alter of love, in front of

cherished people, that two in love simply confess their

united passion. A favorite time of the ceremony,

participants and observers alike come alive to view a

private moment setting the scene for a lifetime of


"And now I pronounce you husband and

wife...You may kiss your bride!" A performance never

to be forgotten! The photographer quietly moves in

and snaps his best photo. During this sparkling

moment, the audience is moved greatly, a time for

jealousy for the men, and a time for love's reflective

fantasy in the hearts of the women.

Often in silliness and in serious marriage

planning, engaged couples talk of the big kiss. Will

she rise on her tiptoes? Will he take her face in his

hands, tenderly bringing his new bride to him? Will

she wrap her arms around him tightly or embrace him

lightly? All planned actions are forgotten as the two,

soon to be one, share the first physical moment as

husband and wife. He reaches for her, she responds,

the kiss is planted, and the crowd swoons in silence. -

Becca Lynn Walker

Kiss till the cow comes home.

Francis Beaumont





as only angels can

accenting the vows

being in love allows

commences a nexus

that no man can sever


by a heavenly plan

raising the eyebrows

that passions arouse

comes an alter kiss

which will last forever

Dave Davidson

Decency counts

more than frequency.

Dave Davidson

Kissing activates like caffeine

awakening a romantic scene.

Cyrano De Words-u-lac



If life is love, long live love!

I want more life to love! Today I see

that a thousand years of thinking

matter less than one blue instant of feeling.

My heart was slowly, sadly dying...

Today it opens like a flower of sunshine.

Life bursts open like a turbulent ocean

that the hand of love has thrust into motion!

Today my sadness, its wings broken,

fled into the cold gloom of night;

now the last trace of sorrow

fades away into faraway darkness...

My whole life is singing, kissing, laughing!

My whole life is a mouth in blossom!

Delmira Agustint

...I am listening to Rostropovich

playing (and miraculously so) Bach’s Prelude

to Cello Suite No.1. It reminds me of the luxury

of your sweet mouth and the fervor of your

lips when pressed upon mine.

M. M. Mclaughlin

And our lips

found ways of speaking

What words cannot say,

Till a hundred nests gave music,

And the East was gray.

Frederick Lawrence Knowles


Love is a delightful day's journey.

At the farther end kiss your

companion and say farewell.

Ambrose Bierce,

Time is suspended during a reunion kiss;

leaving hearts never quite the same.

Dave Davidson

He glared at her a moment through the

dusk, and the next instant she felt his arms

about her and his lips on her own lips. His

kiss was like white lightning, a flash that

spread, and spread again, and stayed.

Henry James

I kiss you firmly a hundred times,

embrace you tenderly and am sketching

in my imagination various pictures

in which you and I figure, and

nobody and nothing else.

Anton Chekhov


Have You Ever

have you ever seen the sun

rise above tall palm trees

have you ever felt love’s touch

asking why a sudden arrow

have you ever dreamed for fun,

skies of love sending calm breeze

have you ever loved so much

flying high like a sparrow

have you ever let your heart

begin to hope beating near me

or have lips spoken lies of grief,

kisses broken beyond belief…

have your ever let love start,

then defend the heart faithfully

Dave Davidson


...they stood under the trees, whilst his lips

waited on her face, waited like a butterfly that does

not move on a flower. She pressed her breast a little

nearer to him, he moved, put both his arms round her

and drew her close. And then, in the darkness, he

bent her mouth, softly, and touched her mouth with

his mouth. She was afraid, she lay still on his arm,

feeling his lips on her lips. She kept still, helpless. Then

his mouth drew near, pressing open his mouth, a hot

drenching surge rose within her, she opened her lips to

him nearer, she let him come further, his lips came and

surging, surging, soft, oh soft, yet oh, like the powerful

surge of water, irresistible, till with a little blind cry,

she broke away.

D.H. Lawrence

You’re the cellist

and I, your instrument.

You melodically strike in me

chords of contentment.

Dave Davidson

But his mouth was already slanting across hers, and he’d

already ensured there’d be no escape from it. Leisurely, with

infinite care, he bestowed on her the finesse of a lifetime, kisses

meant to entice, to mesmerize, to tap every sensual impulse she

possessed. Her arms were already encircling his neck when his

tongue seduced her lips to part, entered, and took her swiftly to

that realm of not-caring-what-he-did.

Johanna Lindsey


Wrapped around your arms…

I’m surrounded by your endless charms,

engulfed and overwhelmed with the intimacy

of me and you, you and me intimately.

Dave Davidson

These kisses are what you long for. They make you

literally ache with pleasure. They light you up and send shocks

through your nerves for hours and days afterward. They have

you laughing and crying and doubting your sanity and waiting

to stay up all night just so you can remember them. The magic

that transforms these kisses is the stuff of romance. They are

much more likely to occur in a romantic setting, under

moonlight, on a beach, at fireside, or in a spot that has special

meaning for both lovers...

William Cane.

Kiss me as if you made believe

You were not sure, this eve,

How my face, your flower, had pursed

Its petals up; so, here and there

You brush it, till I grow aware

Who wants me, and wide open I burst.

Robert Browing

Putting your arms around the one you love

is a perpetual compliment.

Dave Davidson


...he kissed

her softly,

her hair,

her face,

her ears,



like dew


D.H. Lawrence

A kiss is produced by a kind of sucking

movement of the muscles of the lips,

accompanied by a weaker or louder sound.

It must be in contact with creature or object,

otherwise you could be calling a horse.

Christopher Nyrop

Actual contact isn’t

always necessary in kissing;

by sealing a letter with a kiss

or blowing a kiss through the air

the same love is sent behind it.

Dave Davidson


Kissing you could be torture;

Not kissing you would be torture.

Perhaps this is why my heart aches.

Dave Davidson

So sweet love seemed that April Morn,

When first we kissed beside the thorn,

So strangely sweet, it was not strange

We thought that love could never change.

Robert Bridges

Thousands and thousands of years

Would never suffice To entice

That small second of eternity

When you kissed me -When I kissed you

One morning in the light of winter

In Parc Montsouris in Paris


Your Lips

your lips just have to show up

to produce the demure desire

of such sweet smacking

to make newlyweds blush

your lips beg for attention

whether calm and alone

whether dry or in glisten

your lips begin the rush

your lips are so kissable

with just enough red spread

and perfect bounce per ounce

your lips beg mutual crush

I'm aware of your pucker

yet scared beyond your bite

giving goosebumps in sunlight

your lips just need to show up

Dave Davidson


Dan & Dave Davidson’s mission statement

is found double time in the acronym T.I.M.E. - Teach, Inspire, Motivate and Encourage. & - Train, Influence, Mentor and Equip.

Other romantic based books by Dan and or Dave Davidson include, “Seasons of the Heart In Love,” “Honeymoon Heart,” “This Is What Love Is,” “Ever Captivated,” and “Lord of Our Rings.” The Davidson brothers also share the pen name of Cyrano

De Words-u-lac, part of the Rhymeo series. As of 2011, Dave and his wife Joan have been married 20 years and live in Iowa together with their six children. Dave’s professional photography and filmmaker background includes tons of weddings along with presidential political coverage. He is also co-creator of “Quotophotos” which combine his photography and quotes with his design including content from this book. He is a sought after energetic inspirational speaker and also performs and writes comedy material under his other pen name of Hugh Myrrh.

For links to free content, apps, audio, art, poetry, videos, social media links, blogs, all Dave’s business websites, his band and his current list of 100 published books visit

Dave’s email for life is