THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Hawthorne Bio Minister’s Black Veil Melville Bio...

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500


Minister’s Black Veil

Melville Bio Moby Dick Jones Misc Weird Florida Facts

Hawthorne became famous for what topics?

A 100

Sin, guilt, adultery

A 100

What is Hawthorne’s masterpiece and first work of

psychological fiction? (Be able to summarize plot too.)

A 200

A 200

Scarlet Letter

Hester becomes pregnant with Pearl (by Rev.

Dimmesdale) but keeps it secret. She has to wear “A” for adultery. Rev. confesses

at end.

Who is a famous relative of Hawthorne and why?

A 300

He had relative who was one of the judges at the Salem

Witch Trials

A 300

How old was Hawthorne when his father died?

A 400

4 years old

A 400

How long did it take Hawthorne “to make an

audible splash in the literary world”?

A 500

9 years

A 500

Who is the minister in “The Minister’s Black Veil”?

B 100

Rev. Hooper

B 100

How is “Minister’s Black Veil” a parable?

B 200

It teaches that sin can separate people from one

another (and possibly God)

B 200

Who is Elizabeth? What happens to her and why?

B 300

Rev. Hooper’s fiancée; she leaves him because he won’t remove the veil for her, and

she becomes a nurse.

B 300

What effect does the veil have during the funeral and

then at the wedding?

B 400

The veil adds to the morbidity and darkness of the funeral.

At the wedding, it is ominously foreboding and dark (not helping the mood

for a joyous occasion!)

B 400

What parallels can be seen in “Minister’s Black Veil” and

The Crucible?

B 500

Secret sins can lead to alienation/death.

Fear leads to distrust and possible negative


B 500

What did Melville do in his early 20’s?

C 100

Hopped a whaling ship; jumped off on island

inhabited by cannibals and hitched ride home

C 100

Who was the only one to give Moby Dick a good review?

C 200

C 200


What is Melville’s first name?

C 300


C 300


C 400


Place A Wager

What happened to Melville’s father?

C 400

After becoming mentally and financially wrecked, he died.

C 400

Melville’s Moby Dick is known as the first American


C 500


C 500

What does the name Ishmael mean?

D 100


D 100

The best word to describe what Captain Ahab becomes

is _______? And why?

D 200

Monomaniacal because he is consumed with the desire for revenge on what’s behind the

white whale

D 200

Starbuck, the first mate, offers a contrast to Captain

Ahab because he is . . .?

D 300

A devout Christian and family man: he wants to

whale, make money, and go home to his family.

D 300

What happened to Pip and why?

D 400

He went insane because he was thrown overboard and left in the dark ocean for

quite a while

D 400

What happens at the end of Moby Dick? And how does

the ending tie into the beginning?

D 500

Everyone except Ishmael is killed. Ishmael is the outcast orphan who is picked up by the ship looking for a son.

D 500

Jones asks that students always use ___ or ___ ink

pen on all assignments (one exception is when using a


E 100

Blue, black, scantron (need pencil for scantron)


E 100

When handwriting essays, notes, or journaling, Jones asks that students not write

on the ____ of paper.

E 200


E 200

What is wrong with “alot”?

E 300

It is two separate words.

A lot

E 300

Write the MLA heading on the board correctly

E 400

First name Last name

Teacher’s name

Class- Period

Date (military style)

E 400

What are the four uses of their/they’re/there?

E 500

Their- possessive

There- place

There- expletive

They’re- contraction

E 500

What product was named for the first University of Florida

Gators where it was developed?

F 100

What is Gatorade?

F 100

How do flamingos get their pink color?

F 200

From the shrimp they eat; the more shrimp they eat, the

more pink their color.

F 200

Tampa’s Bayshore Boulevard is touted as what?

F 300

The world’s longest continuous sidewalk. It is a

popular waterfront gathering place for joggers and in-line

skate enthusiasts.

F 300

Once a year, thousands of Floridians stand at the state line and toss dead fish into

Alabama. It’s called the …?

F 400

The Annual Mullet Toss

(hosted by Flora-Bama Beach Bar in Pensacola)

F 400

There is a bed & breakfast, WildLife on Easy Street, on the outskirts of Tampa that

allows you to cuddle with …?

F 500

An endangered cat of your choice for just a $100

donation to the refuge. You can choose baby bobcats,

cougars, and leopards.

F 500

The Final Jeopardy Category is:

Quote from Moby Dick (identify speaker and summarize meaning)

Please record your wager.

Click on screen to begin

“Consider the subtleness of the sea; how its most dreaded creatures glide under water, unapparent for the most part, and treacherously hidden beneath the loveliest tints of azure. Consider also the devilish brilliance and beauty of many of its most remorseless tribes, as the dainty embellished shape of many species of sharks. Consider, once more, the universal cannibalism of the sea; all whose creatures prey upon each other, carrying on eternal war since the world began.”Identify speaker and summarize meaning.

Click on screen to continue

Captain Ahab (and the pessimistic, cynical view of the writer, Melville)- on human nature and creation: contains good and evil. Creatures naturally prey upon others.

Click on screen to continue

Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!

(And don’t forget to study, study, study for the TEST! No, seriously! S-T-U-D-Y!)