THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Wanna write a what? Ode to the poem and author What...

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

Wanna write a what?

Ode to the poem and


What you talkin’ bout’


He was Odd I see!

Never was there a story of

more woe

Mo’ Romeo n’


Write out the appropriate heading.

A 100



A 100

What are the steps of the research paper process?

A 200

What are…• Find a Topic• Research the topic• Write an annotated

bibliography• Write an outline• Write a rough draft• Peer edit• Write a rough draft• Peer edit• Final copy with Work Cited

A 200

What is the proper MLA format for a paper?

A 300

What is Double spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1”


A 300

TAD stands for.

A 400

A 400


Write the MLA Citation for a book.

A 500

What is Author’s Last Name, First name. Title of Book. Copy

right Company: City of publication, Year of publication.

A 500

B 100

Love can not be compared to anything. This statement could be

a theme of what poem?

What is Sonnet 18

B 100

B 200

A figure of speech in which words are used to imitate sounds. (cluck


B 200

What is onomatopoeia

B 300

The narrator discusses the place where childhood dreams end and where reality starts by relating it to a sidewalk in the

poem, “Where the Sidewalk Ends.” This is a form of what in TP-CASTT?

B 300

What is theme

This poem may not make sense at first sight, but a closer look

can make things clear.* Five points if you can tell me what figurative language this

poem uses.

B 400

What is “Jabberwocky”

Five Points: Connotation

B 400

“My Papa’s Waltz” leads you to believe it is about child abuse;

however, using these three things in TPCASTT one can understand that the author is reminiscing about the past.

B 500

B 500

What are connotation, paraphrase, and attitude?

C 100

What do you place on a work cited page?

C 100

All the works included in your final paper, and in alphabetical order.

C 200

It should cover only what you will discuss in your paper and should be supported with specific evidence. It should be the last sentence of your

introductory paragraph. It may change as you develop the paper.

C 200

What is a thesis statement?

C 300

What is the medium of publication for a printed source from the


C 300


C 400

What figurative language is contained in:

“Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines”.

*Five Extra Points if you can tell me the poem the line comes


What is Sonnet 18

* Personification

C 400

C 500

In the poem, “Seven Ages of Man,” what stage does man

become “full of wise saws, and modern instances”?

C 500

What is the fifth age

Which theme subject leads Odysseus and

his men to the Island of the Cyclops?

D 100

What is curiosity?

D 100

Odysseus’ men’s greediness kills 72 crew members on this island.

D 200

Island of Ismarus

(Cicones People)

D 200

This is the part of the journey where the hero realizes his

mistakes and changes from his ways.

D 300

What is revelation and transformation?

D 300

D 400

Odysseus’ pride is his strongest struggle. Develop a theme

statement for it.

D 400

Teacher’s discretion

Chart the entire journey Odysseus went through.

Start with Troy.

D 500

→ ___________________________________________________________________→1. Troy / 2. Ismarus (Cicones’ People) / 3. Lotus Eaters 4. / Cyclops / 5. Island of Aeolia/

→ __________________________________________________________________→6. Laestrygonians / 7. Island of Aeaea / 8.The Land of the Dead/ 9. Island of Aeaea

→____________________________________________________________________→10.Sirens/ 11. Charybdis / 12. Scylla/ 13. Thrinakia / 14. Island of Ogygia /

→_________________15. Scheria /16. Ithaca

D 500

I am “the vile beginner of [the] fray” that kills Mercutio in Act


E 100

Who is Tybalt

E 100

E 200

Romeo appeals to the apothecary’s ______ to convince

him to sell him the poison.*Double the points if you use the



What is his poverty or *penury*

E 200

E 300

I, Juliet, delievered this apostrophe at the end of Act III, “Ancient Damnation! O most

wicked fiend! …Go counselor; Thou and my bosom henceforth shall be twain…” Although they are not present, I am cursing this


Who is the Nurse

E 300

E 400

By saying, “see what a scourge is laid upon your hate; That the

heaven finds means to kill your joys with love,” the Prince

implies that these people are at fault for the death’s of Romeo

and Juliet.

Who are the feuding families

E 400

E 500

Juliet tells Romeo not to swear by the moon because the moon symbolizes

E 500

What is variability

F 100

I performed at the Globe Theater and played a very ghostly part.

F 100

Who is William Shakespeare

F 200

The play ends in a rhyming couplet delivered by the prince

that has become one of the play’s most famous lines. THIS is that


F 200

“For never was there a story of more woe; than that of Juliet and her Romeo.”

F 300

“…And I for winking at your discords too; have lost a brace of


F 300

Who is Prince

F 400

Although many readers overlook this fact, I too die in Act V.

F 400

Who is Lady Montague

F 500

I said this to Benvolio in Act I: What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the

word as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.”

F 500

Who is Tybalt

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Writing Poetry

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Shakespeare uses _______ _________ for his rhythm when

writing poems.

What is iambic pentameter

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