This is your first pregnancy? Facing your first birth?

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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First time pregnant mothers and fathers faced with a first birth! Yeeks! What to do? There are so many pregnancy and childbirth choices. There's so much pregnancy and birth information to gather. Let's open your mind ... about 24 weeks you need the skills to prepare your pregnant body to become a birthing body then learn the birth and coaching skills to use during your baby's birth. This is not rocket science and you can learn the right skills to go into your first birth with confidence. Remember every birth is different so every woman faces the unknown no matter how many babies she's birthed before. Learn why you need to become a skilled birthing family. #wecanbirthbetter Birthing Better with The Pink Kit Method® was developed by ordinary families who wanted to have as safe a birth as possible, to feel confidence facing the unknown of the coming birth, to stay in control during the birth even if they had no control and to look back on their baby's birth with a sense of pride, dignity and being empowered.


Help! What’s going to happen? You Need an Anchor

Fear of miscarriage

Fear of Premature



Pain relief






Any birth, including a first birthis an exercise in plumbing.

during the birth, this object has to come out of its container.

Breathing and relaxation skills at every single moment of the experience. You can use your skills with and around all the assessments, monitoring, and procedures that occur during birth.


Hold hand, back rub, coaching

Pink Kit Skills• Birth is an exercise in plumbingbig object coming out of container• It involves pain that cause tense • Your job is to help your partner• You breathe in a relaxed manner, your partner will breathe the same way• Learn how breathing changes during painful contractions• Help her maintain relaxed breathing


• breathing, • relaxation, and • communication skills

You Do Have Power!

Birthing Better Pink KitProduced by Common Knowledge Trust