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November, 2016 — VOLUME 35 NEWSLETTER

Skin is as complex as it is amazing. It changes every day, responding to fluctuating conditions inside and out. The highly trained professionals at Three Rivers Dermatology & Windy Ridge Skin Care Centre are dedicated to the successful treatment of your individual skin care concerns. We are committed to continuously researching and updating our technology, providing you with the very best skin products and solutions. Dr. Sassmannshausen and the entire team are dedicated to delivering the best care, aimed to exceed your expectations!

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Welcome to the November 2016 issue of SkinMatters!

Of course, this time of year is about pie and presents

(in that order). But it’s also the time of year that most try to avoid the dreaded

weight gain. We’ve included some tips on ways to avoid it and how to maintain

a consistent exercise program. It’s also National Healthy Skin Month, so we are

bringing you plenty of ideas for how to keep your skin in check during the frigid,

dry winter months. From moisturizers, to facials, and of course a reminder to

wear your sunscreen!

Here’s to a wonderful season and healthy skin!

Kick back and enjoy

this issue of SkinMatters!

According to the American Academy of Dermatology,

November is National Healthy Skin Month. In light of that I

would like to ask you this question: What does healthy skin

mean to you? Healthy skin can mean one thing to one person,

and something very different to another, like a dermatologist.

Also, we can change our opinions and how we care for our own

skin throughout our lives as we mature and learn how to care for

ourselves. Consider how in our teens we may believe that the

person with the best suntan has the healthiest skin. Or how a mom may think

applying sunscreen to her children only at the pool in the summer will keep their skin healthy. Or how an

elderly ex-truck driver may go in for his annual skin exams now after having skin cancer on his sun

exposed arm. These contrasting scenarios are all too common in my practice.

So first let me get to the basics about skin and then I can address how you may best care for this very

essential, multi-functioning blanket for our bodies. Many people do not realize, that the skin is actually

the largest organ of our body and is made of three layers: the outer epidermis, the middle dermis, and the

fatty subcutis underneath. Each layer serves a specific role as our initial defense from things like heat

and sunlight, and as protection from injury and infection. Skin also regulates body temperature and is

home to many species of bacteria.

As a committed dermatologist with your overall health in mind, I recommend taking care of the full

package. Not just the top, exterior layers part of the time; but as a faithful regimen reaching deep down

improving your complexion and your entire well-being. This means you must habitually follow these


Wear your sunscreen! I cannot emphasize enough the importance of daily application. Most people

do not realize that you are exposed to UV rays every time you are not indoors and even if it is cloudy

outside. One application is not sufficient for the day so reapply often. Ideally a broad spectrum formula

with multiple benefits like SkinMedica Essential Defense SPF 47 will provide the best protection, and

is available tinted if you prefer a hint of coverage. It is formulated by doctors and has the highest level

of UVA protection available, combined in a skin-loving oil free, hypoallergenic formula. Another great

product with excellent protection is Blue Lizard brand sunscreen, also offered at our skin care center.

Stay away from tanning beds! Damage done from the UV rays may not show up until it is too late.

The substantial increase of about 59% for melanoma and 100% guarantee of extra wrinkles are not

worth the risk. We have an amazing, customized spray tan available if you would like a safe,

sun-kissed glow without that orangey look of (over-the-counter) self tanners.

Written by: Jeffrey Sassmannshausen, MD

National Healthy Skin Month

Continue to page 3...

Get suspicious spots checked! If a mole starts itching, or changing color/shape, get it checked out. You

should start seeing a dermatologist regularly in your mid-twenties and schedule your appointment around

your birthday to remember it is time for your annual full skin exam. Melanoma can show up in any crack

or crevice, even if the area has not been exposed to the sun, so put your modesty aside to possibly save

your life. Most insurance will cover this as preventative care.

Moisturize and exfoliate! Our skin goes through a cycle of shedding and regeneration every 28 days so

it is important to exfoliate the rough, outer exterior to reveal the healthy cells underneath for your best

appearance. One way to do this is through monthly chemical peels and facials.

Chemical peels will reduce skin damage by releasing dead skin cells and clearing pores, thoroughly

cleaning and uncovering youthful skin. Layers of skin-damaged dry, dull skin will be sloughed off

with special ingredients tailored to fit your specific concerns. Our chemical peels are very superficial

and require little to no down time or peeling. They are an amazing non-invasive way to achieve no-

ticeable results for a radiant appearance after just one treatment.

Our custom, personalized facials use anti-aging ingredients to deeply hydrate and increase

oxygenation and suppleness. They reduce those fine lines and uneven tone or texture you may have

from sun damage, allowing your skin to glow from within. Pores will appear smaller and blackheads

removed to give you a flawless, polished appearance ready for a night on the town or special event.

Don’t forget about your lips! This is an area many people neglect and tend to ignore. The cooler

weather can mean dry, cracking lips so use an exfoliating lip scrub and lip balm with broad spectrum

sunscreen. We have great lip glosses and lip plumpers available at Windy Ridge Skin Care Centre with

luxurious, top of the line anti-aging ingredients for the perfect pout. You can also schedule a Youthful

Lip Smoothing Treatment that will redefine the lip contour, while polishing and refining wrinkles for

velvety soft lips.

Maintaining, preserving, and protecting your largest organ, the skin, is one of the best steps you can

take to achieving your health goals. Skin must be cared for from the inside out so drink plenty of water,

get a good night’s rest, and make these steps part of your daily routine.

Avoiding the Holiday Jiggles

Everyone knows that the key to avoiding weight gain is to eat in moderation, avoid high calorie foods

and to exercise regularly. However, with the holiday season just around the corner, many of us will find

ourselves surrounded by festive foods, delectable desserts and delicious drinks - many of which are

hard to resist.

Studies have shown that the typical person gains anywhere from four to ten pounds over the course

of the winter season. The best way to avoid gaining weight over the holidays is to limit food portions,

maintain a consistent exercise program and follow these helpful tips:

Stick To A Regular Sleep And Exercise Routine. Sometimes, feeling tired or stressed is mistaken for

feeling hungry. Exercising regularly each week and getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night will

stave off hunger pangs.

Take It Easy On The Alcohol. Most people don’t realize that alcoholic beverages contain quite a

few calories that contribute to excess weight gain when consumed in large quantities. Drinking

seltzer with a fruit twist or a glass of water between alcoholic drinks helps to cut calories and will

keep you hydrated.

Eat Small Nutritious Meals. It's a common misconception that you’ll lose weight by skipping large

meals. The truth is, your metabolism actually slows down, causing your body to store fat if calories

are limited for too long. Eating smaller meals a few hours apart will prevent you from overeating


Reach For Veggies, Fruit Or Crackers. If you get hungry at a party, reach for the vegetables and

fruit platter or nosh on some crackers as these snacks are filling and you won’t be as tempted to

eat the high calorie-laden foods.

Eat Slowly And Chew Your Food More. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to register that

it’s full and to signal your brain that it's had enough. Slow down and listen to your body.

Eat Foods Containing Protein. Quality protein includes lean meats, seafood, chicken, turkey, eggs,

yogurt and low-fat cheeses. The protein in these foods will help you feel full and work well to control

your appetite.

Avoid Eating High Calorie Foods. This is actually easier than you think! By substituting foods high in

calories with whole grains, steamed vegetables and baked lean meats, you’ll feel more satisfied at

every meal and won’t crave calorie-laden starches, sauces or fried foods.

Always Remain Positive And Determined. If you do “fall off the wagon” and have a bad food day

or forget to exercise, don't worry about it! Just get back on track the next day and continue on

from there.

Take Your Supplements. Since some people don’t consume certain foods often enough or on a

consistent basis, taking your vitamin supplements regularly will ensure that you’re getting the

appropriate nutrients and in the proper amount.

Avoiding the holiday jiggles this season will be easier if you follow these helpful suggestions. And who

knows, maybe, this January will be the year that your New Year's Resolution doesn't include wanting

to drop those extra holiday pounds!

Dry, cold weather is the hallmark of the winter season. Your skin begins to work hard at retaining its

moisture while cold winds and indoor heating undermine your efforts to maintain what’s left of your

skin’s summer suppleness. Proper planning will enable you to fight back against the drying effects of

the winter months and keep your skin moisturized year-round:

Take Tepid Showers. Although taking hot showers in the winter time makes you feel warm, this

is one of the main reasons your skin becomes dry. Taking lukewarm showers and using a good

moisturizer afterwards will help your skin stay soft and smooth.

Choosing Quality Products. Ask one of our skin care experts who can suggest which products

work best at keeping your skin moisturized. Transforming dry skin is about replenishing lost

moisture—both from within and via the application of hydrating skin care products. Drink plenty

of water and incorporate fruits and vegetables with high water content into your diet, such as

cucumbers, melon, spinach and strawberries. Treat your skin to products containing ingredients

known to help retain moisture, like hyaluronic acid, glycerin and ceramides such as SkinMedica

HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator. HA5 supports the skin’s ability to replenish its own HA for overall skin

health. HA5 has a proprietary mix of five HA forms that smooth the skin, thereby decreasing the

appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The 5 HA's work synergistically to provide immediate

smoothing and continuous hydration throughout the day.

Facial Skin Care. Use non-foaming cleansers and hydrating masks in the cold winter months

and refrain from using alcohol-based toners since they draw moisture away from your skin.

Consult with your aesthetician as to which types of facials are best for hydrating and

moisturizing your skin. Schedule facials regularly, at least once a month - your face will thank you!

Hands and Feet. You may notice that your hands and feet are drier than usual in colder weather.

In between trips to the spa for hydrating manicures and pedicures, you should always wear

protective gloves when you’re outside. Remember to regularly exfoliate, buff and moisturize

your feet.

Sun Protection. Don’t stop your sunscreen routine. Just because it’s winter, that doesn’t mean

the risk of sun damage has gone away. Protect yourself with an SPF 30 sunscreen and wear

sunglasses often.

Following these tips will help your skin stay soft and supple this holiday season. Reserve a consultation

at Three Rivers Dermatology & Windy Ridge Skin Care Centre and let us advise you on more ways you

can moisturize and nurture your skin during the cold winter months!

The holiday season has arrived and we want you to radiate brighter

than last year’s lights! We have the perfect treatments to lift you up and make sure you shine

this holiday. With so much to get done and almost no time for any fun, zero downtime is a

must! Let them gaze in wonder of how you did it all flawlessly. If the stress of this season has

you feeling down, turn to us to lift you up!

Looking for last-minute treatments with no downtime and big results? Today there are many

options to suit your unique needs:

Botox is a great way to rid you of those stress marks caused by the holiday shuffle.

Typically, Botox is injected from the nose up, focusing on forehead lines and crow's

feet to clear up that age-old question. You will see results within 3-10 days.

Fillers, such as Juvéderm/Voluma, can rid you of that unwanted mother-in-law

crease. Those frown lines are the perfect place for fillers to erase! Typically lasting

6 months-2 years, we are sure your folds will disappear. This treatment will create

volume and fullness, giving you a more youthful appearance.

How about a chemical peel? These vary in terms of intensity, and the amount of

peeling you experience. The SkinMedica Illuminize peel can be done just 1-2 days

before your event. This treatment will leave your skin feeling soft and a healthier glow.

Our stronger peels require more downtime due to dryness and peeling, but will have

a greater effect on reversing the sun damage and exfoliating dry unhealthy skin.

Kybella will ensure that the only gizzard neck you'll see is the one stuffed in the turkey!

This innovative treatment destroys fat cells under the chin to improve your profile!

With very little downtime, you can embrace the holidays head on.

CoolSculpting will transform and reshape those problem areas you keep covered up.

With no downtime, you can step into your little black dress with confidence! With our

newest applicator we can offer even faster treatment times, which will get you in and

out and on your way while experiencing the same great results!

Word of advice, don't shop for injectables by price,

but rather by expertise and results!


of the Season!

In Their Own Words...

They have the nicest staff of any office I have ever been to. Very kind

and informative on every level. They explained the procedure and the costs

up front so there were no surprises. I recently moved here from a large city

and wish I could have found an office like Three Rivers Dermatology there.

I will definitely recommend them to everyone. Thank you!

The visit was everything that I had anticipated and then some. The staff was great and Dr. Sass was amazing. Thanks!


I was treated very well. Everyone is

so friendly and greets me with a smile.

I loved the tour I got of the Windy

Ridge Skin Care. I didn't know that was

all back there. Thank you to all the

staff for being so kind.

My first visit to this office and I was

so impressed. They were on time and

everyone that I had contact with were

very friendly. Would recommend them

to anyone. So nice to go to a doctor

who is on time and organized!

Read More Guest Reviews




I love getting a live person on the phone whenever I call. The staff is always kind and professional. My son had a good visit with Dr. Sassmannshausen. —Austin

Ingredients: 2 whole grain tortillas (10 inches) 8 oz. Sliced turkey 1 cup fresh romaine lettuce leaves 2 tsp. honey mustard 1/2 cup chopped tomatoes 1/4 cup chopped red pepper 1/8 cup chopped scallions scallion stalks sprigs of rosemary




Directions: STEP 1 Spread 1 teaspoon of honey mustard on each whole grain tortilla.

STEP 2 Layer each tortilla with sliced turkey, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, scallions and red

pepper; roll up tightly.

STEP 3 Slice each rolled up tortilla into 4 parts.

STEP 4 Secure and tie each turkey roll with a scallion stalk.

STEP 4 Garnish with sprigs of rosemary if desired. Serve immediately.

After the traditional Thanksgiving Day feast,

there will be plenty of turkey leftovers. Get

creative with this delicious and healthy Turkey

Tomato Wraps recipe that is quick and easy

to make. Serve these flavorful appetizers at

your next party or get-together!


Prep Time/Total Time: 15 minutes

Yield: 8 servings Calories: 345

Dedicated and hard working... two things that describe our November Employee

of the Month! Kayla worked hard and recently completed her schooling at Aveda

Fredric's Institute and has received her Aesthetics license. She always does an

amazing job with a smile on her face and is a huge asset to our team! We couldn’t

be luckier to have her with us full time now! Congratulations Kayla!