This magic moment - Laurie Anderson. Heart of a dog

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Laurie Anderson

World without end (1994)I remember where I came from

There were burning buildings and a fiery red sea

I remember all my lovers

I remember how they held me

World without end remember me

World without endEast.

The edge of the world.


Those who came before me.

World without endWhen my father died we put him in the ground

When my father died it was like a whole library

burned down.

World without end remember me.

Nonesuch 2015

Drie doden


Een vriend

en haar moeder

en niet: Lou Reed

Een flard uit: From the air (2015)As a child I was a kind of a sky worshipper

This was the MidWest and the sky was so vast

It was most of the world

I knew I had come from there

And at some day I would go back

From the airWhat are days for?

To wake us up.

To put between the endless nights.

What are nights for?

To fall through time

Into another world.

How to feel sad without being sadLolabelle was a malldog

She came from one of the highspeed puppymills

That breed dogs in batches and then sell them in malls.

She was bought by a couple

who where in the middle of a divorce

And no one could take her

How to feel sad without being sadThe woman didn’t want her

And the husband didn’t want her

And the boy wanted her, but

nobody really wanted the boy.

How to feel sad without being sadAnd so the man took Lolabelle with him to Canada

Where he spend the month camping

and crying and thinking it all through

and talking to himself,

And Lola rolled about in the kayak

Purched on the front, leading the way as the man peddled the way

How to feel sad without being sadHow to go on

And I think that’s where she learned the great skill of empathy

And also where she learned what her meditation teacher keeps telling us

He says: “You should learn to feel sad without being sad

Which is actually really heard to do

To feel sad without actually being sad

A story about a story