this magozine -+. o Bad o · Main Task Reece Jenkinson ls it on effective advert?,rr/ Not l...

Post on 10-Oct-2020

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Advanced Portfolio

Audience Feedbock

Cover Poge

Does it look like o reol mogozine?

cover page show its genre cleorly?

Does this cover poge stand out to you?

3esWhat are your opinions on the loyout?

Main Task Reece Jenkinson

Does this

-Y#5. .

..Goo.d...\.c,*r-4o.t *..7. ...f,L*e;.u7thxryfi.......5.....t .vX)'clJ.......,"**/-..e-*.sL/...V.a........

Looking ot my magozine os o whole, whot wasyour impression on it?

-g- Brilliant

o Good

o Adequate

o Bad

o Awful

Would you recommend this magozine to o

friend?-+. Definitelyo Maybeo Probably Noto Definitely Not

Whot do you think of the colour scheme?

..GoA.....cLtr,\ct-+cn..akr,o/s..auL....(rc,*t.....q.rt,cq..)*ak lr:cr-.r/

Whot do you like the most about it?

.[ o rtk$, c..e;Lo.+r3r..1. cl4a;.fi

What do you dislike obout it?

..Gil4b..... ts.... . ap gtll.u- my

How could it be improved?

Advanced Portfolio

Advert Pages

Advert 1 (Sheffield Areno)

Does it look like a real advert?

Yes tr/ No[ ]

Reece Jenkinson

ls it on effective advert?

v", y'{ No[ ]Whot do you dislike about it?Whot do you like about the odvert?

]9* ....1-. t*... hi*At .............

Main Task

..........Ht:t. t. r.t1.,....4k f^,.j

Anything you would change about it?

Advert 2 (Sophie Alisho)

Does it look like a real odvert? ls it on effective advert?

ves V/ ves Lz{ No[ ]No[ ]

Whot do you like about the advert?

l). oda.....bah.<..U^t.... . . .

.nple .

What do you dislike about it?

.. z!*.laak ls... .daila. t.!i......

....Cc:oil..e/..... kt e.tx.... b**n...

... b. -,e*+..*{....... srJ.*..*e t:.. h{t*A.. c. -a..... a.. l.c {*. I e.

Anything you would change obout it?

Advanced Portfolio

Advert 3 (Versace)

Does it look like a reol odvert?

V", f{ No[ ]

What do you like about the advert?

Anything you would change obout it?

Main Task Reece Jenkinson

ls it on effective advert?

,rr/ Not lWhot do you dislike about it?



Contents Page

Does it laok like a real contents page?

,lts ...

What ore your views on the fonts used?

Grrd..d A.o*.

Whot ore your opinions on the layout?

Whot do you think of the colour scheme?


Whot do you like the most about it?

{lqr* b.^ok....b.....?*.xy'Ja,.,.*r....a.....!.;..k!/..12...*-..*a,{i.,...........

Whot do you dislike obout it?


How could it be improved?
