This Week In Grazia – Video Pitch

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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This Week In Grazia – Video Pitch

Dir. – Emma Jones & Tom Carstairs

ConceptUsing the format of a ‘making of’ documentary we plan to

have an actor playing Grazia Magazine’s Editor to introduce the concept of an advert for Grazia featuring Geri Halliwell and Lee Ryan from Blue.

The advert’s concept is ‘Grazia Magazine, it’s not for men’, shown by the male scaring the female with his interest in topics such as leather trousers and the Atkins Diet.

As the female is becoming more and more upset, the camera reflects this through slowly moving closer and closer to the actors from a mid close up to possibly an extreme close up to show their heightened emotions, his excitement and her frustration and fear.

A preliminary idea of what our music video will look like


Overall style and lookWe want this production to look like it was made

in a studio or similar environment, we want to use a backdrop of Grazia Magazines for the male voice in the song and a plain background (possibly white or tin foil) for the female voice.

Our video will have a quite dry sense of humour so we need to be careful so that we do not end up with a video that is over the top and loses funniness as a consequence. We will do this by using multiple takes of each scene so that we have the option of using a more sedate cut of the final video that fits the tongue in cheek style of the song.

Influences Foo Fighters – ‘Long Road To Ruin’ – the use of a fake melodrama

is partially similar to our idea of a fake documentary containing a fake advert, that is actually the music video.

Furthermore, Garth Jennings’ video for The Wannadies’ ‘Little By Little’ uses the premise of a fake comedic dancer who is hired to make a ‘sexy’ video for a band that he has never even heard of.


Younger people from 18-24, B or C1 group due to actors involved and tone of song (with the video), as well as the appeal of Joe Cornish.

The audience that will appreciate this video will be cynical of the dominant ideology of women’s culture.