Thomas Rogers A2 Media Evaluation

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Cand No: 3163Centre No: 20821Thomas Rogers


Thomas Rogers

Introduces a connection between the diegetic website and the non-diegetic poster and trailer

Viewer doesn’t need to have access to all media to be able to find out about the film

Allows the viewer to have a suspension of disbelief that the movie is not real

Reinforces the title of the movie by using the name of the area repeatedly on all 3 texts

Using a mixture of diegesis means we can promote the film to a wider audience

The Mayor’s blog discusses the recent deaths

The house in the poster appears to be attractive yet there are mysterious figures in the shadows

The opening part of the trailer shows positive and happy images however it cuts of into breaking news about a death

To make alterations to pictures for website to add to the verisimilitude

To create a professional looking poster

To edit photographs that were taken to improve the quality

We were able to modify pictures by using chrominance to separate photographs from coloured background

Converting PSD – JPEG Used to adjust the

luminance of photographs

The website and its pages were created using this website creator software

I learned how to use and create FTP clients using Dreamweaver

Dreamweaver was also used to create the mock website that was going to be used in the original planning of the film

Used to edit our footage Titles were created on this programme We were limited to the font choices that

were available that matched fonts on Photoshop

News report used on the website was also used

We used this programme to alias the quality of the opening “Welcome to Judicia” clip

This programme only allowed a minimal amount of editing to the sound which meant we had to re-record some sections by creating a separate auxiliary channel and dubbing in sounds

We tried to morph two frames in the opening section; however struggled to succeed

I used the Peak Programme Meter to identify and reduce the sound levels throughout the editing process

Researching existing trailer products

As a distribution channel for our movie

To use the embed code so the news video and trailer could be inputted to our website

File Transfer Protocol skills by learning how to activate and launch our website

This client helped us to organise our files using basic rules of FTP and Indexing

Facebook was used to access our target audience of students aged 18-30

We created a Facebook page to ensure our movie received the maximum amount of promotion

Flickr was used to research different images and posters for existing media products

A Canon MD205 digital video camera was used to capture footage that would be used in our website and for our trailer

We used gridlines on the camera to ensure we followed the rule of thirds

A problem we faced with the quality of the digital camera we used was the exposure whilst filming in dark situations; something that was essential with our film genre

Used a Kodak Easyshare C613 digi-cam to take photographs of people against coloured background to allow for chrominance

We also took pictures of handsome looking landscapes that could be used for our websites

The low quality camera was also used to create photographs for the poster

The finished poster is a merge of over 5 different photographs

We arranged a showcase viewing in our media classroom on the large projector

I invited viewers from our target demographic of 18 year olds from the 6th form and a few members of staff

We distributed the evaluation forms at the beginning so the viewers knew what they were looking for

The trailer was screened once at the beginning and once at the end

In between, viewers were asked to log on to the website where they could visit our web pages and see our poster

The first screening on the overhead screen was said to be too dark so we offered viewers another chance sat around a computer

A round of applause at the end of the first screening showed us that the viewers were impressed with the video product

Some students requested to see the video again as they were that impressed we shows that we met the needs of our target market

It also generated interest in the production process itself as some were asking questions about things such as how long it took and how we achieved different effects

0% of people asked said that each of the media texts were poor or very poor

57% selected the trailer as the favourite media product

71% of people said that the poster and the website were very good at supporting the trailer

The poster was selected as the media text with the best quality and received an average rating of %96

“Its exciting, gripped the audience and left you wanting to watch the film”

Sound Effects was a common occurrence Others commented on the professional look

of the trailer Some felt it was imaginative and creative The camera angles used were very

professional Retained their attention throughout

Exposure in some scenes made the shots hard to see

Quality of the sound in some shots – especially when the Mayor is speaking

One person felt that the film was hard to understand

“The way it is edited, you can see that the female is the main focus, yet you still notice the people in the windows”

Professional Quality Easy to identify the genre of the movie Design and contrast of the text against the


Some opposed the views about the text and felt there was too much

Some felt that it was obvious that image had been photoshopped

Some also felt that the text was too small to read

“Makes you think Judicia is a real place” Some felt it was easy to navigate It was a good way to advertise Judicia Extra things such as the news ticker and the

advertisements made it seem real

Some commented that it looked fairly “Cheap and tacky”

Some also felt that there was a lot of writing and information on the website

Some also felt that the colours used didn’t add to the effect of the website and contrasted with its aims

Adjusting the exposure on selected scenes Changing the dubbing in selected shots Extend it and make it longer Improve the quality of sound Remove the reporting scene

Improve the quality of the images Ensure the make-up and clothing is more

suitable Blend the text into the poster

Remove the Union Jack flag as it possesses negative connotations

More visual entertainment rather than a majority of text

Make navigation between the pages easier Make more use of videos and moving banners

rather than still images and text

Large impact noises to create ambience similar to other trailers

Professional production music used

Short sharp clips are used to create tension

Short clip used after the titles

Opening the trailer with positive happy images

Extending the clip after the titles

Emphasising the expression on the lead characters face

Using the red/brown shade of colours Creation of a catchy mysterious tagline Showing the main character as the focus

of the picture however there are small details behind her

Most movie posters will feature production details along with production company logo

Increasing the definition of the background characters

Only one face is shown even though there are other bodies in the picture

The border of the poster is faded into black

Use of the find us on facebook logo to increase awareness of our campaign

Using a gallery page to use pictures to promote the movie

Offering basic information about the movie

Using a plain style as it is a council website

Similar pages to existing council websites

Use of a diegetic website

Combining the movie and the diegetic reality

Providing a blog for the town leader

Creation of a facebook tie-in page

Thank you for listening