Three kingdoms overview

Post on 19-May-2015

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Ancient Egypt: The Three Kingdoms

Early Egypt

Irrigation and farming techniques led to an (1) EXCESS of food, so people had time to weave, sculpt, make pottery, and make weapons and tools

This led to trade among Egyptian settlements and eventually other (2) CIVILIZATIONS

It also created a need for a (3) CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT.

Governments Emerge

Village chiefs unified area villages into small (4) KINGDOMS

By (5) 4000 BC, two strong kingdoms remained: (6) LOWER EGYPT IN THE NILE DELTA, AND UPPER EGYPT UP RIVER IN THE SOUTH


C. 3100 BC, (7) MENES, also known as Narmer, was king of Upper Egypt

He invaded Lower Egypt with his army and ruled from the new capital, (8) MEMPHIS, on the border between Upper and Lower Egypt

To symbolize unification, Menes wore a double crown

The white helmet-like crown represented (9)UPPER EGYPT

The open (10) RED crown represented Lower Egypt

Narmer, wearing the crown of Upper Egypt, a false beard, and tail,

ready to strike the enemy.

A royal sandal bearer carries Narmer’s shoes

The falcon represents Horus, the god of


Reed plants, which grow in the Nile Delta, represent Lower Egypt

The Narmer Palette

First Dynasty

Menes and his family were the first Egyptian (10) DYNASTY, or series of rulers from the same family or ethnic group

Overall, Egypt had (11) 31 dynasties between 3100 BC - 322BC

Old Kingdom: 2686-2125 BC

During the Old Kingdom, Egypt was (12) PEACEFUL, which led to growth and prosperity

Pharaohs built cities, expanded trade, and strengthened the government

(13) TRADE was primarily with Nubia and the east coast of the Mediterranean

It came to an end when the dynasties grew weak because (14) GOVERNORS CHALLENGED THE PHAROH’S POWER

Middle Kingdom: 2055-1650 BC

A time of (15) PEACE and order

Money was spent on (16) PUBLIC WORKS INSTEAD OF WAR

Weaker rulers came to power and foreign invaders took over

New Kingdom: 1567-1069 BC

Strong princes came to power and drove out foreigners

Created huge (17) ARMIES made of foot soldiers, mounted warriors, and charioteers with bronze swords and armor, a major advantage

This was the high point in Egyptian history

After the New Kingdom

(18) CIVIL WAR weakened the country and ended the New Kingdom

In (19) 332 BC, Alexander the Great of Macedonia conquered Egypt

The (20) ROMANS conquered Egypt in 31 BC