Thriller Research Casino Royale

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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In this shot, the gun and blood reflects the genre of the film which is thriller. Furthermore, the colour scheme also implies that it is based in the past as everything (except the blood) is black and white. This therefore represents the age of the film and the time it is set. Moreover, this means that the target audience may include a more older audience than other James Bond films as well as the usual 16-30 year old audience as the film hints it may

refer to old James Bond films as this part of the film is based in James Bond’s past. Additionally, it has the opening of the soundtrack which is non-diegetic music and the gunshot is diegetic music.

In this shot, a target symbol moves across a woman's face on the queen playing card. The target symbol creates an almost close-up shot of the queen’s face however the face is still a distance from the camera. This creates suspicion which is shown in her by the red lips and dark features in the queens face; reflecting dangerous but passionate connotations. This means that the film may include surprises and twists as the queen could be a symbol

of another character in the film who may betray James Bond.

Moreover, the use of mise en scene in this shot helps to create an adventurous atmosphere and also tells the audience that this film has an element of game. This is done by using playing cards as cards are used to play

many games. Additionally, the use of the King behind James Bond implies that he may be betrayed and be shot in the back as the King shooting behind Bond conveys this idea. Also, this type of shot is a wide shot as it is showing the scene from a wide angle.The score in the opening sequence which is non-diegetic music indicates masculine connotations which help enforce the idea that the film is a thriller. Also, the ascending and descending of the electric guitar in the score creates an exciting atmosphere and reflects the good and bad of the drama in the film. Additionally, it makes the film seem unpredictable as it could go either way because of the ascending and descending of the electric guitar.