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S. C. 29303

Aa;;PmlrlIi*U\j:;;; ',EC LI;)ir;iil'/


1969-1970 - --


S P A R T A N B U R G . ----- C O U N T Y ' E S T A B L I S H E D N I N E T E E N H U N D R E D S I X T Y

1 9 6 9 - 1 9 7 0 C A T A L O G

Volume VII

Interstate 85 585-2213 Spartanbmrg, S. C.

T A B L E OF C O N T E N T S 1969 and 1970 Calendar

School Calendar

Institutional Membership

Spartanburg County Commission for Technical Education

Administration and Administrative Staff

Faculty and Division Heads

General lnformation

General School Policies

Admissions lnformation

Academic Information and Requirements

Financial lnformation

Student Senices

Courses of Study

Course Descriptions

Diagram of TEC










2 1





C A L E N D A R 1 9 6 9 JANUARY



1 2 3 4 1 1 I 1


APRIL I MAY JUNE 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

~ -

27 28 29 30 -. 125 26 27 28 29 30 31 129 30

JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 I 1 2 3 4 5 6

OCTOBER I DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 1 I 1 2 3 4 5 6

C A L E N D A R 1 9 7 0

JULY AUGUST 1 SEPTEMBER 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5

5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2


1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

JUNE 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

APRIL 1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

MAY 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1


4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


NOVEMBER 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31


August 27, Wednesday ........ Orientation for all new students August 28, Thursday Registration for all new students August 29, Friday .............. Registration for returning students September 2, Tuesday ........ Classes begin September 6 , Saturday ....... Last day to register; last day to change schedule September 17, Wednesday Last day to drop subject with grade of WP October 10, Friday ............. Mid-term reports issued November 19, Wednesday Final exams November 20, Thursday ..... Final exams; last day of Fall Quarter


November 25, Tuesday ...... Registration, first year students November 26. Wednesdav Registration, second vear students - - December 1 , Monday ..... ..Classes begin December 6 , Saturday ........ Last day to register; last day to change schedule December 16, Tuesday ... ..Last day to drop subject with grade of WP December 19, Friday ........... Christmas holidays begin at end of regular

classes January 5, Monday ............. Classes resume January 23, Friday. . Mid-term reports issued February 27, Friday .......... Einal exams March 2, Monday .............. Final exams; last day of Winter Quarter


March 6, Friday ............ .Registration, first year students March 9, Monday .......... .Registration, second year students

............ March 10, Tuesday Classes begin March 14, Saturday ......... Last day to register; last day to change schedule March 24, Tuesday ............ Last day to drop subject with grade of W P March 26, Thursday ......... Easter holidays begin at end of regular classes

.............. March 3 1, Tuesday Classes resume April 17, Friday ............... Mid-term reports issued

............... May 26, Tuesday Final exams May 27, Wednesday ........... Final exams; last day of Spring Quarter


............. May 28, Thursday Registration for all new students May 29, Friday .............. ....Registration for all returning students June 1, Monday begin June 6, Saturday ................ Last day to register; last day to change schedule June 15, Monday .... last day to drop subject with grade of W P June 26, Friday ................. lnckpendence holidays begin at end of regular

classes ................... July 6, Monday classes resume .................. July 17, Friday Mid-term reports issued

....... August 20, Thursday .Final exams August 21, Friday ............... Final exams; last day of Summer Quarter

......... August 27, Thursday Graduation


. \ t ~ l ~ r i ~ : i n Associt~tion of Junior Colleges

,\illericnn Society far Engineering Education

~lmerican Society for Training and Development

American Technical Education Association

Associatio~l of SCIIOOIS of Allied Heillfh Professions

Chamber of Gunimerce - Spartanburg

South Carolina Association of Scliool Boards

South Carolina Colleges Representative Association


. \ . ( ' I . , \ ) 1 . 0 ~ BROWN I I 0 Whitener Avenue Sp;rvtanburg, South Carolina 29301

I.'I<,.\s K C A K R L I . I . I +

I .:~nclrun~, South Carolina 29356

( '. W. ~ ) E A K ~ . U U K I .

I lighway 29 C:owpens, South Carolina 29330

( ' 1 . 1 I..I.. E. EDWARDS Alabama Avenue (.'hesnee, South Carolinii 29323

111, \ F. H A ~ I , \ I O I L I ) Ixuute 1 Wcllford, South Carolina 29385

( ' I . I . . I . I , A N H A R R I S C'llesnee, South Carolina 29323

l ' ; l ) \ t l l ~ s . IAAIil<

I>uncan, South Carolinn 29334

. I \ I I , : S P. L ~ : L ) u E . I . . I . I , . K , . J K . . . . . .

2" Arbor Road Slmrtanburg, South C2irolina 29302

\I!. 1 3 , ~ ) . i b 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 . : ~

I.:tlge\\.ood C'i rcle \Vuodruff, South Carolina 29388

( . I I . \ K I . ~ : > R , S . . i \ ~ t K \

I O'i AIonroe Road Sl):~rtatnburg, Sou th Carolina 29301

1.1 l < O l s 1 . 1 . 1 , \ K \

liuute 1 !'auline, South Carolina 29374



1'. I ) . l l r ! ~ . ~ . , R.S., M.S .. . .. . ..... . - . .Director ( 'lt.~i~son Chllege

C ' I I K I S I IN^. J. HOPE - . . . blarlcrger of B l ~ s i n ~ s s Af fa irs Spartunburg Junior College

I < o \ c : l ; . A. J u s r ~ c ~ , A.U., M . U . Associcrte IJirector Woff ord College University of North Caroli~ia

M I L E S L. TII-I,OTS()N, A.B. .. . - Coor~/i)tator of Industrial Wofford College Truining clttcl Placerne~~t


E. M. C K K E C I I , B.S., R.l.A.'r. . . . . . . L.ean of Instruction Wofford College Converse College

MICIIAEI. E. G K E E N .. -. ~. . . . . Plant Engineer Spartanburg County T E C

Ehrrr.u E. H A N I ~ , . . - . . .. . . Registrar University of Soutll Carolina

W . B E K N A K I ) E J I . : N D ~ KSON, i\.R., M.Etl. I)ecoz of Studeltt Services

Wofford College University of Georgia

W. E U W A K D E I E U I ) E K S O ' V , J K . , B.S., M.A. Cuordi~tcitor of Co~n?,zzinity Relations

T h e Citadel Furman University

RAKKY A. KNI ( ; I I , I . , H.A. Carson-Newtni111

W I I , I . I A M 1). MII~ ; I I I , : I . I , , .JK., H.S. Dctr7~ uf E X L L ' I Z S ~ O ~ L Programs

Clemson College

I )AKI . I . :N~: M. I~I(:I. : , 13.A. Wintllrol, College

W A I ~ I . : I , . S I I I I ~ I L I A I V , A.13. Wofl'ord College

FACULTY (As of January 1, 1969)

, I . I . P x, W. C. (1966) * Welding Vclding graduate; Spartanburg 'ounty TEC

~ I . V E K S O N , Ruby E. (1965) Technical Secretary i.S.; Winthrop College

L I-KI NS, Karen B,, M.T. (A.S.C.P. ) Medical Laboratory ( 1968) Assistant

LA.; Converse College

; I S H O P , S. H, (1968) Related subjects 1,s.; Glernson University

:LEVINS. M. E. (1966) Electronics LS.; Duke University 'h.D.; Duke University

I U R C H , E. E. ( 1965 ) Automotive Mechan ics :ompletion of numerous factory-sponsored chools; nineteen years of experience :ASH, I?. M. (1967) Electronics I S . ; Clemson College ~ B B , Barbara T. ( 1967 ) Technical Secretary $5; Wintl~rop College : o t ~ i s s , Frances K. (1966) Business Administration hS.; Winthrop College IUKE, H. B. (1967) Drafting and Design I S . , Clemson College ~ I B S O S , L, A. ( 1968 j Related subjects i.B.; University of South Carolina vl.Ed.; University of South Carolina ;OWESS, J. W. (1966) Air Uonditioning- i ir Conditioning-Refrigeration graduate; Refrigeration ipartanburg County TEC IAYTES, I;. E., JK. (1966) Related subjects 3.A.; University of South Carolina iT.A.T.; Conterse College . I E \ D K I C K ~ O S , G. G. ( 1963 ) Electronics 3raduate of U. S. h'a\.al Electronics rec hnical School i o ~ x , A. J. ( 1966 ) Automotive Mechanics 'ompletion of numerous factory-sponsored ,chools; twenty ),ears of experience I A ~ I I ~ O X , SHEII.A F. (1968) Related subjects S.A.; Salem College

. J I n \ I... .I. I:,. 1 t 1168) Dota Processing Il s , U~lir r.rrity of South Carolina I .\ S . S1):trtznburg Cou~~ty TF2C ! t 9 1 t a , ) , 4 1 . Z. ( 1 9 6 7 ) Retated subjects 1l.S.: \VgdTa,rd College l , i l \ r ~ * l I.!., Estelle W. (1966) Related subjects I $ . . \ . , Winthrop CaItege h1.A.; Furman University I.E.).:, W. I3. ( 1968) Business Aclministra ('rrtjfied Public Accountant, Sonth Chrolina ( 1 967 1 M I ~ ~ I L N Z W E I , R. W. (1964) Industrnl Enginemin Nine years of experience in machine tmt Technolagy trades; twenty-one years of experience in other business and industrial fields MOODY, Katheryn E. (1968) Related subjects B.A.; University of South Carolina ,MA.; Western Carolina University NEWTO%, W, A. 4 1963) Welding Twenty yrars of experience OWEN\) A. F. (1963) Machine Sl~op-Tool Completion of numerous industry-spon- and Die sored schools; twenty years of experience Q t l r c ~ , Pamela J. (1965) Drafting and Design R.E.A.; Rcchester Institute of TechnoIogy RUI; EKS, Donna A,, M.T. I A.S.C.P. ) Medical Laboratory

( 1968) Assistant B.A.; Fuman University SI,OAX, R. M, (1965) Machine Shop-Tool Complczion of numerous industry-spon- and Die w r ~ d schools; twenty yearn of experience SIPI.E\IJIS, W. J. ( 1968 ) Data Procesqing. A, A.S.; Spnrtnnburg County TE;C W o n ~ u ~ s , W. 'R. C 1965) Data Processing R.S.; Morris Harvey College 'k-ear in parenthcue* indicntes year o f appointment ta fuli-time faculty.


R. M. C~srr Industrial H. R . D ~ J K ~ . ihgineering 'rtlchnolo~y; Scientific tA, A. G I I ~ W P S Adult Contintling I;ltlutatio~l

W. n. W~JRKMAN I3uuinesv



Location and Facilities

Divisional Organization


Learning Resources Center

Curriculum Revision

Class Enrollment

Calendar Changes and School Closing

Protective Equipment and Safety


Line Projects

Veterans and Other Eligible Persons

Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates

Evening Classes

Extension Division


1 1 , I I I H . I.cgislature of the State of South C:arolina in I , , I I , : I I I ~ . . ; ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ i v e program of technical training was niatle i .. ... .,!,I# I 1 3 1 I I I I ~ . I I the establishment of regional 'Technical Educa- ' , , 8 1 1 I ~ ~ l l l l ~ l ' \ ,

1 . 1 , I : I I I ~ ) I I I . ~ C0i111ty 'fEC, in 1962, ol)eiiecl its door5 to stu- , I r 1 1 1 , \ \ 110 I~egan training to meet the needs of a new industry. ' I ' I I ( , ~ . s t~~t len ts attended classe5 in temporary rented quarters.

1 1 1 September, 1963, the first classes met in permanent facili- ticss. A \.ariety of e(lucatio11a1 opportunities were offered to stu- tlcnts, primarily in tlie fields of engineering technologies and in- tlustrial training. Since 1963 courses emphasizing business, health occupations, ~ ~ n t l general education have been added to Spartan- burg TEC1s offerings.

Pro\,iding educational opportunities to persons so that they will be e~nployablt: a~ltl producti\*e has been the key to the success of Spa r t ;~~ lb i~ rg TEC. The efforts of those citizens who foresaw the need for a new type of educational program have materialized.

Location and Facilities

Spartii~iburg TEC is locntetl on u ninety acre site on Interstate Highway 85 Soutl~.

The original facilities, coml,leted in 1963, consisted of well- equipped I:ll)or:rtclries, classroonls, Iilrge modern sl~ops, offices, a library ant1 stiltlent center. Additional laboratories, offices and shol)s \\*ere conll)letetl tluring the 196748 school year.

In early l!)CI'J :I multi-purpose building was completed. This facility inclutles ;I liljrary wing calxil~le of housing over 30,000 \.olunlrs, atltlitio~l:~l cl:~ssrooms, la boraturies ~lntl oflices. The total area of these builclings is over 125,000 square feet.

Divisional Organization r 7 I lle Adlilt C'on!irz1~i~l,y I;:dl~c(lfiorl Iliuision offers courses to help

1)rel)arc clu;~lifietl atlults to write tlie St:~te I-Iigh Scl~ool Certificate

I.:xanlination. 'l'l~c certific~~te is etlr~ivalent in all respects to a Ilish school t l i~lonia.

C'oirrses of str~tly oH'eretl in the H~isi?ze.ss 1)ivision are clesignecl

1 0 prepare persons for secretarial jobs, administrative duties ;lntl the technical aspects of office machine operation.

l<n,yinet.r~n,g T~ch?zology Division curricula include Drafting ant1 I Iesign, Electronics Engineering Technology and Industrial Engi- ~ ~ c ~ r r i n g Technology. The technician's function is to perform duties \vllich require "a more theoretical education with greater mathe- ~ ~ ~ ; t t i c a l depth, and experience over a broader field than is required 01' skilled craftsmen who often work under supervision."

'I'lle Health Divisio~l ofers various courses of study leading to ~~.c.l~nician-level jobs. Employment opportunities in health-related 111.(,11l)ations are abundant.

I t r ~ l u s ~ - b l Division courses emphasize in-depth study in selected \ I tc,;~tional fields. Persons enrolled in these courses become pro- l i t icm~~t in machine tool operation and the handling of equipment . I 1 1 1 1 111:1terials.

' 1 . 1 1 ~ Scientific Divisioti offers courses in chemistry and textile 111:111:1gernent, t,oth important in the Spartanburg area.

1.: I /cu.sio?z Diuisi071 oferings are for those persons who wish to t~~~ : : l . ; ~ t l e their education and be enlployable in new occupations, or I I I I I I : I I ( . tlleir education in a given occupation. Courses offered I I I I ~ ~ I I ; : . I I the Exteiision Division carry no academic credits. Many , I I L ~ > I . \ ;Ire held o f campus.


\ l , : ~ ~ . ~ ; ~ ~ > l , u r g TEC's library facilities were designed to seat over . .~~l( lvnts and shelve over 30,000 volumes. Indi~idu:~l study

I 1 ~ . 1 ~ ~ ; I I I ( I small conference rooms are available for library use.

1 1 1 , . I i l , rary subscribes to over 100 perioclicals slid several daily

j l : 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ' \ . A bali~~icecl collection of books of general interest,

~ . I I I ~ . I 1 , ; I I I ( ~ professional books is maintained.

1 I ~ , I . I I \ 11o11rs are from 8 : 3 0 A.M. to 10:30 P.M., Monday

, ~ I P I I 'I'I111rstlay :~nd 8 : 3 0 A.M. to 5 :00 P.M., Friday.

I t 8,rnlng Resources Center

I ' 8 . * . I . I I I I I I I ( Y I co111-ses, fill11 100l)b ;111d :~tlclio tapes :we nv:~ilable

, , I , \ T I , ! I I . ; ~ . t11rougl1 the 1,r:irning Resources Center. flours 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 10115 I'or I I S ~ of tllese nlaterials are posted tllere.

Curriculum Revision

~ l ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ l , ~ ~ r g County TEC reserves the right to aclti, change (

, l l . a , l , c.ollrsc.s ;IS demands change, both from student interest an 1111. I I I V Y ~ S ol' industry. Conflicts arising from such changes wi I I C - r.c.solved in the best interests of the student.

Ally student who interrupts his education at Spartanburg Count 'I'ICC' lor more than one quarter must re-enter under the currict I ~ I ~ I i n effect at the time of re-entry.

Class Enrollment

The right to limit the maximu~n and minimum enrollment fo 21 given class is reserved by the Center.

Calendar Changes and School Closing

Spartanburg T E C will suspend classes if inclement weather i i

the Spartanburg area ciiuses hazardous driving conditions. 11 general, 'TEC classes are suspended when the public schools i l

the area ;ire closed due to weather conditions. W e follow thi: policy solel!. for co~il~nunications purl~oses and in the interest o students' safety.

Make-up cl:isses are usuall)~ re-scliecluled on Saturcla!.~. Amp11

~iotice \ \ , i l l be gi\en sllould it beconle necessary to scl~eclule Sat

urday classes.

Protective Equipment and Safety

Due to tlie nature of sonle courses oRe~.rtl it is m:liitlatory t l i : ~ ~

students pur-chase and use ~~rott.cti\.e ecll~ipmer~t :IS part of tllc

course requi~.eiiie~its. ;In!. stutlent failing to m:lke proper use of

protecti\-e equipment is subject to disn1iss;ll. An!. ilijur!- sliuulcl be reported to tlie instructor in charge.


Stringent precautions :ire taken to i~isure s:lfet!.; ho\\.e\.er, it is

in the best inte~.ests of tlie sti~tle~it to re(1uil.e insur:~nce ~,~.otection.

This group insurance co\.ers the studelit \\.liilr he is attellding

regularly sclledtrletl clnsses or \\,liilr he is on n class field trip.

T h e cost for insurnnce is $2.00 pel !.ear for full-time students

and $1.00 per !,ear for part-time students.

Live Projects

All lire projects performecl as part of shop or laboratory i~~s t ruc - tion lnust I)e approved by the head of the department wherein tllc ~ ~ o j e c t is performed. Untler no conditions are students to receive Irronetary conlpensation for live project work.

Veterans and Other Eligible Persons

Spartanburg- T E C is approved for training under Title 38, U.S. c.ode, Chapters 3 1 (Disabled Veterans), 34 (Veterans), 35 ( W a r (Jrphans), wliich covers the following Public Laws: 84-364, 88- ;3 ( i l , 89-358, 90-77 and 90-63 1.

Veteriuis and other eligible persons planning to attend the Cen- ter under any of these prograrns should visit the local County Service Officer or Veterans Administration. These offices provide c.ounseling ancl furnish Certificates of Eligibility. Certificates shoultl I)e presented to the 1Zegistr:ir's Office before registering as a student.

Monthly subsistence checks are paid by the Government directly to the veternn or the mother of the qualified war orphan, and the veteran or the mother is personally responsible to the school for ,%.upenses of the student. Recipients of these subsistence checks do ttot begin to receive the checks urltil at least a month and a half :~l'ter the stutlent is enrollecl. 'The student shoulcl come prepared I O pay in a(lvunce for all fees, books and supplies. The school will I j i l l the Veterans Administr:ltion for the \:eteran under the Service ('onnected Disability Act for student fees, books and supplies.

/ Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates

~lssociute of Applied Science degrees :Ire gr:~nted to students 1 ail() successfully meet all requirements in the following courses i j

$ 1 1 ' study: Business Aclministration, 1)nt:l Processing/Computer I ' r o~ ran~n~ ing , Drirfting and Design Teclinology, Electronics En- ;:irleeriog Teclrnology, Intli~stri:~l Engineering Tecllnolugy, Chemi- c - : 1 1 'I'echnologv, ~tntl Ratliologic l'echnology. Specific :tdrnissions 1)l~licies are outlinetl on following p:tges.

1)il~lonras are gr:~nted to tlrose u~lio successt'ully s;rtisfy require- I I I I . I I ~ S ill : t I I otllrr COIII-s(:~ of s t t ~ l y wit11 tlie escrl)tion of Ward St.c,rctary ant1 Aclt~lt C'ontinui~ig I':clt~c;~tio~~ courses. 'l'lle latter 111.1)y.a11ls 111erit :I cer.tilic:~te t11)oll s t~ccessf t~l co~lll)letio~i.

( . O I I I . V ~ S off(*r(*(l tlirough the Extension Division earn certifici 'I'l~c*sc. co1lrst.s (lo not carry academic credits.

Evening Classes

Most courses listed in this catalog will be offered during c.vc~iing hours upon sufficient demand and provided a qua1 instructor is available to lead the class. At least 10 students r register for a course and class enrollment must not fall belo i f these classes are to be scheduled.

Students enrolled in credit courses in the evening must mee requirements applied to full-time students. Classes meet the s number of hours but classes normally do not meet on Fr. evenings.

Extension Division

The Extension Division offers courses for those persons wish to-

lrpgrade their skills and education to qualify for employr In :in occupation, and update their skills and education to stay abreast of technic and tle\~elopments in occupations wherein they are alrc employed.

Courses offered by the Extension Division do not carry acadc credits npplicable to a degree or diploma. Those satisfying co objectives are awarded a certificate.

All extension classes do not meet at the Center. Many cal held on-site at new or expanding businesses and industries listing of extension courses may be obtained at the Regist: Office.


%ru Jcnt Regulations

Pay mrnt of Fees

CLuJlrtin Boards


St11(1(~1its enrolled nt Spa r t an l~urg 'TEC :Ire considered to ~ . , . \ l ,o~~siOlc 1)ersons. Enrollment int1ic:ites the student's willingnc rib ; ~ l , i t l ( ! I)y tlle generally ncceptetl princil~les of good conduct a 1 1 , I';~li~ilia~.izt: himself wit11 school policies.

' I ' I I ( . C'crlter reserves the r i g l ~ t to tlismiss ii student for miscc ( 1 1 1 ( . 1 01. ; I \.iol:ition of stiltlent rcgulntions. A student disnliss 1'01. i~~l ' r :~ction of sturlent reg11latil)ns is not entitled to honornl:

iil~cl~.a\v:~l privileges.

Student Regulations

1 . Stc.:~ling, ga in l~ l i l~g , ~)rul'a~~it!., fi ghtiiig, and possession of fir : I I . I )~S or I \ . C : I ~ J ~ H I S are prol~ibited.

2. Srlioking is ~)e~.niittetl ill c\t.siyiatrtl a r c i s o1111,. Smoking ~ i o t pt:~'~i\irtt.cl ill tlie cl:~ssrooms, s l~ops , l a l x UI- library.

3 . l'ossessio~i ol' alr:ol~olic I)e\tal.:~gcBs is not pvr-~nittecl. No 011

1111tler t l ~ e inilutsncc of :~lcc~l~ol or nal.cotics \ \ i l l I)e :~llo\\,cd 0

tlie pwiiiises.

.I-. ~\l)l)rol)ri:~te tl~.t.ss is rvcl~~ir.t.tl 01' : I I I stu(lc.nts. Sllurts, I~e1~n1~1(las or pecl:ll ~ ) i i s h ~ r s are 11ot ~)rrniittec\.

3 . \Villlul ~ I . O ~ C I I > , ~:IIII:I:C \ \ , i l l ~ i u t l>c tolc.~.:~te(l. O I ~ ' ~ i ~ ~ l e r s :~rt Iielcl li:t ble fur 1rissc.s.

t i . liegistr:ltio~i of \.clliclrs parkt.tl O I I scllool I)rol)rl.t!. is ~~ecluiretl.

8. 1;ees are pa!,al)le \\ llt.11 dire.

Poyment of Fees

All fees :ire p;iy:tble \\,lien clue.

NO stucleiit \\.ill be gi\ ell cl.eclit for conipletion of :I course unless : I I I llis I'res :Ire p:litl. Simil;i~-l!., xI I equipment, books :inti other ~ ( ~ l ~ o o I - ~ t \ v r i ~ . t l l~ruper ty must be rcturnecl \\hell due 01. credit \\ill riot I)c gr;il~ted.

Eullctin Boards

\ ~ ~ ~ ~ o t ~ n c e m e n t s ant1 tlisplays postetl o n 1)ullctin hoards must Ije t II,:~I,I.(I I)y the ilssociate Director. No unauthorized nnnounce- I I M . I I I S 01. 13ills may Ile posted.


Eligibility for Admission


Admission Procedure

Admission with Advanced Standing

Credit by Examination

Military Service Credits

ADMISSIONS INFORMATION Eligibility for Admission

Sl~ar~anburg TEC offers a variety of courses, each having a sl)(.~zitic objective. Persons eligil~le for a given course of study ~~ossibly could be denied admission to another. 'There is no single specific set of criteria to determine eligibility for ntlmission to Spartanburg TEC.

An applicant who is a high school graduate, the equivalent, or 18 years of age shall be considered for admission if lie is in good health. Admissions tests must indicate that the applicant hns a reasonable chance to succeed in his course of study.

For more specific information regarding eligibility to register for a given course of study, see the outline of the course of study on following pages.


Application forms and a schedule of examination dates nlay be obtai~led from the Registrar's Office. These materials will be mailed on request.

Qualified applicants may enroll at the beginning of any quarter. No assurance is gi\,en that a full academic load can be scheduled for those registering in any except tile fall quarter.

Admission Procedure

In order to be considered for admission the applicant must have submitted the following items before the registration deadline:

1. Application for admission, complete in every respect, with a $5.00 application fee. The fee covers costs for testing and is not refundable.

2. Complete high school transcript, equivalency certificate and transcripts from all colleges attended. Transcripts must be sent directly from each school to the Counselor's Office.

3. A health form, complete in every respect, must he submitted to the Counselor's Office.

4. A $20.00 fee (Reserv~ltion Fee) .as payment on the Com- preliensive Fee, payable at the Business Oflice.

Admission with Advanced Standing

Tho.ie ;~pplicants &\iring to transfer credits from o t l i ~ r insti- tt~ltions must submit to the Registrar's Office a cornptetetI :tlqrli-

rat ion for :~rl \ anred s tnnr l i nc \.r,itli records of work comp1etc.d. '17rr+e m:~terlals must be n ~ o i l a b l e to the Registrar one week I)(*- fure the last date to register.

Transfrr crerlits are granted on an individual hasis. Only that \I ork c:~rr!.ing fi grade of C or better w i l l he considered for trans- I'er. 'Ihe :~ppl ic:~nt must inclr~rle on the first application all work I'or whirl1 tie sl~;~ll reqnrst credit Ilp t~trtsfer.

Credk by Examinatiom

Crrdit hy cs:unination nl:ry 6)r ~ r : t ~ ~ t e t l i f n \tzicIr.st can Ilrewnt 1-1 idel~ce of t t ic c rm~l ) l r t ion 4 1 1 . :I courr;t-, o r it% cvlt~i\ :~lent, f o r which vr r t l i t is re(lut*\tr*tl l)\it for ~ r l ~ i r l l the ~ t t i d t q i t c:lnHot rrrt*i\t. creclit

* . I J ~ t r i ~ n d r r . I l l c - c\itlrl lr*c+ n l l ~ s t inclurlt., I ~ t t t i5 not l i i i i i t r r l trl, tire r~asul t.i I *I' ti11 ;~ppropri.btt* v ~ i ~ ~ i ~ i t ~ ; i t i o ~ i .

U t ~ t l c r no cirrurn\t;rncrs \ \ i l l trrtlit I)!' c r : ~ ~ t r i i ~ ; ~ t i c ~ n Ile :tllnrved il' tllr :ipl~lic;rnt I1:1s :III c)rli\t:tr1rli1rc gr:~rlt- of I irl r l tr - r o r t r s r for rr, 1\3rl1 11r w-t.k\ ~rr*(lit I)! PS:I?II~II:~~~I~I~, i F I l t 11:1\ 1~rt-I ii~~l\l!. :111tlitrd

t ~ r t:tilrcl t l ~ r c~vrir\e MI* i f 1 ~ : II:I? prrt i~,ts%l! r a i l t d t l ie i a ~ ~ ~ n ~ i l ~ ; t t i o ~ ~ rr-riuired for crcbrlit El! c x a m i r ~ : ~ t i ~ ~ n .

AI?MISSIONS INFORMATION 4to)lbtl1r~ tor Admission

L l l c . l f I . ~ I I ! I I I ~ 'I'ECI otrers a 1:lriety of uourwi, t't~ch h:t\ in I ,. l l r ~ Ih , j t~ct iv t l , T'clrrtrlls r*ligil)lc. fur :I xi! CII uIIIIr?rts of st1

11, IV,II,I! CCNIILI be denied 3dmiwitn to anotllrrr. 'l'llc*rt. i q rltr s i n ,lrari!Et: stmt uf criteria t l r CIv~~.rnlitlt: e1igil)ility [or :ttln~is\i~)a Sp:~rtnnburg TEC.

For Inure slwcilic iaiurma tion rt.g,rartling cligilril i t y lttr rrgis for a gi.rnl cvursr uf study, see the outline of tlie c(wrsiA uf s t ~ t

on fulluwir~g ,r>agrs.


i\pl)lic;~ tirm forril~ ond n schedule OF ssnmina tion c1;ttes mag ~ ,b t ;~ in t* t l l'rum illc Hcgistrir's OjFicc. 'I'llrse niateritlls will nlailcd on reclucst,

Q1i:ll ifircl ;~l)pIic:~nts n1:ry enroll :it t l ~ u Il)rginninf of :in? clttartc So :!.ivlr:ltx-e is g i ~ rtr tli;~t :I I ' t t l C nc;atlentic I r ):1r1 c - : t r~ Iw sscl~edul~ tor tlirlse registering i i n any r.ueq,t t11r 1':111 quarter.

Admisnian Procedure

1. Application Fur arEmEssian, complete in every respect, wil a .$j.OU upplicstiun fee. 'l'llc I've covers cvvts fur ttbstin : 1 1 d is not relui~dablc.

3. 11, & ~ t . n l t & ~ fr~rnm, cr~ml)Iete in rvt-ry rc-rlwct, rl~t~st l ~ e hul~tnitte trk tlrc Ur~uurclor's Oflico.

4,. A $20.00 I'r.u: (I3d:-\crv:~tirrti I:c'c) :IS ~>;hymr:tit on i l ~ u Cotn ~)rc l~e l ) s i r . c I:c.r., l):~y:tl,lc : ~ t tlrc 13rlhinrss (Illice.

Admission with Advanced Standing , . I Ilose ;~pplicants desiring to transfer credits frorn other insti-

I I I I ~ I ) I ~ S 111i1st suljmit to the liegistrar's Office a completeti appli- I : I I ~ O I I for :rd\~n~lced stancling \t..ith r ~ c o r d s of work coml~letetl. ' I ' I I I * S ( > materials niilst be :~\ail;ll)le to the Registrar one week he- 1 III.(. tile last (late to register.

'1'1-:unsl'er credits :ire granted on 311 incli~idual b:~sis. Only that \ \ o ~ . k carr!,ing ;I g~.ade of C: or better will be consideretl for trams- . . I'I~I.. 1 he a1)l)lic:tnt must inclutle on tlie first :~lq)lication 311 work 1.111. \vhich lit. shall request cretlit Ily tra11sFer.

Credit by Examination

Credit b!, e s ; ~ ~ l l i ~ ~ a t i ~ ) ~ ~ nl:l!- I)(. s r :~ntc~tl il' :I htr~tlt '~lt C:III ~ ) r ( ' s v ~ i t t.\,itl(fnce of tlle co111l)lrtion uf a co r~r s r , or its eclui\.:~lcr~t, for ~vllicli c.~.cclit is recjut.stc.tl 1)11t 1'01- \ \ , l l icl~ tile s t~lc le~l t c:~nnot ~.c-.cc.i\,e cretlit II!, transl'e~.. ' I ' l~t . csi t l t~icc nlr~bt i~~c lu t l c , I ) r ~ t ih 11ot linlitetl to, tile r.c.sults of a11 ;~l)l)~ 'ol)~' i .~tr c.s:~niin:~tio~l.

Untlel- 11o ci~.cr~nl.;t:~nrc.s \ \ . i l l cre(lit I)!. c r : ~ ~ ~ l i n ; ~ t i o n I)e :~llowed i l ' tlie :11)l)Iic:111t I I : I \ : I I I I ) I I I S ~ : I I ~ ( ~ ~ I I ~ ~ I . : I ( I I . ot' I i n t l i ( b ( . I ) I I I . \ C > t'o~.

I\ liicll lit! srt,!i\ c~.ixIit 1 ) ) . ( , , \ : I I I ) ~ I ~ : I ~ ~ ~ I I , iI ' I\(. 11:ts l)rt,\ io11\1!. :111(1itr(I tbr f:~ile(l tilt. C ~ ~ I I W , 01. i l ' 1 1 t h I I : I \ I ) I .V\ iou\l!. l';~ilctl t l ~ r ( . X : I I I I ~ I I : ~ ~ ~ O I ~ r~c.c]uirutl cl.ctlit IJ! c :s :~lni~~atio~i.

Military Service Credits

'Iqi.;(. (I(I(.\ 1 1 o t yr:111t ~ I . : I I I \ ~ ' I T c.rt.clit for U~iitc(l St:~tes . \ I . I I I C ( I I-'(II.CC\ I I I \ I ~ ~ L I I ( , L'.\.\l,'l C O I I I ~ , \ 1101. I'or ~)iilit:~ry I o l t ~ l I 1 I I ' I I I I I I ~ I r ~ c l i courses \Il:ill Ije co~~s i t l ( .~ .~x l i n c~xxlit I)! ( . \ : I I ~ I ~ I I : I ~ ~ ~ I ~ l ) rocc(l~~r(. \ :15 out- lilirtl.



Grading System

Explanation of Grade Point Ratio

Minimum Requirements for Full-time Enrollment

Mid-term Reports


Time Commitment

Academic Load


Dropping Courses and Changing Schedules

Rcpcating Courses

Auditing Courses

Withdrawal from School


Graduation Requirements

Drfinition of Full-time Student


' :\\.I,~:I:?.: I ' r o l i c i c ~ l ~ c \ i t 1 :~lr i lost a l l course r e c l u i r e t ~ ~ e ~ l t s

F 1 i i 1 X I ~II~~IIIIII c.l)trrse reqni ren ie l i ts n o t t 'u l f i l led

FA I:;~ili~~x, :\l).;r.~\c.t..;: F : ~ i l u r e d u e to escessive ;~hsences

l ' ro \~ i ( I (~( l l ) is SI:III(~~IIX 111 t l l t, COIII-S(: II:IS l ) t * ( . t ~ p a s s i t ~ ~ , ;I st11(1(.1

II):I\, 1 ~ ~ 1 ) 0 1 ~ t c ( l i11c,o1)11)lrtc il' l m r t of l ~ i s c o i ~ r s e \\,ark rc l i l ; i i ~

~ ~ n l i ~ ~ i s l i c ~ t l . ' 1 ' 1 1 ~ . 5111(11.1it III\I\~ (.oIII~I~<:~Y t l ~ ( : ~ ~ ~ i l i ~ i i s I ~ e ( l \\,ark I I I t I I I I l l I I - t i r o t s r e S S L I I t ' tl. \ ~ o t . k is I Io t cl~~i i l ) l t . tc. t l I,! th is t l a ~ e , t l l e t ~ tile "1" grade w i l l I: c l ~ ; i t ~ g ~ : t l t o "J:."

Explanation of Grode Point Ratio

:\ yrat l ( . l ) ~ ~ i ~ ~ r ~ . : ~ t i o ~ r l ' a t I(.;ist 2.00 is rccl t t i ret l f o r grat luat ior

'1'0 (I(.~(.I.III~II~. ( ; 1'1{. I~IIIII(,I.~(.:II \.:I~IIC.S ;irt- : ~ ~ s i p t l v ( l t o fi11:tl gr;ttlc

:IS I ' o l l ~ i ~ h : I'r11. :III ".\." .I. ~ J ~ ~ I I I \ :ire :~\\,:~rtl(:cl l'or ~:ICII (l lr;~rt(. IIOIII. 0 1 ' ( c r ( ~ 1 1 1 , l ' g , ~ , :I " 1 ~ ~ ' ' .; l ~ o i 1 \ 1 5 ; (or :i "C," 2 l )o i l~ t> ; f o r :I "11, 1 l)oi11[; 1.01. '.I,' ... - I , ' , \ . ; 1 1 i ( 1 "Wl;," 0 ~ ) o i ~ ~ t s .

Mtnimum Requirements for Full-time Enrollment

,,I ~ ~ t l l . ~ i t \\.ill I,e ul loc\ 'ed to scgis tcr t'or 11~or.t: t l i a ~ ~ 12 c l i ~ a r -

$ , I l~~r111. \ (.r-tr(Iit i f h i s CPR fa l l s I,eltnv ce r ta in r ~ l i n i n ~ l ~ n l s . The I a9 i l t l \ \ sIi:tll ap j? l~ , :

.\I'I(,I. ;I stut lent I ias attctl1l,tctcl 11101~: 111:111 ( j 0 (~II;II .~~I. I io t l rs crc:tlit

Ill., ( ; I ' I < cannot fa l l I ~ r l o \ \ . I . 50 i f l i e \\:isllc.s to ~.cdgistt.r [I)S I l l o re

I II:III 12 ( ~ u a r t e s 11ot1rs credi t .

Mid-term Reports


Ut ic le l ~ i u c o n t l i t i o ~ l \ \\.ill cst:rlit II)~. :i c.ot~l.\e I)c gi \ .en when :I

\ t t l ( l r t i t 11:is I,eet~ :11)het1t 11101.e tli:111 20 j)es cent 01' t l i e s ~ l ~ r d t t l e ( l

clasci t in)?. 'l'liis 30 per cent i l ic lu t lcs :rl)sc.nr.es due to sicklless u r

:Ill!. ~ t l l ~ l , se:ISOIl.

I t m c . Commitment

Academic Load


Dropping Courses and Changing Schedules

I 1 1 : 1 1 1 , 10 \ \ . i t l ldr;~\~' . Normally, a student wllo drops ;I c.orlrs(. : 1 1 1 1 . ] : I \ ( tl:ite to tlrup without penalty is given a grade of WI".

1 1 1 I I I ; : I . ~ i l l scl~edulc nlny Ije lnade bp securing written perlliis- . : 1 1 1 1 . I)i\.ision Head L ~ I I ~ taking this ~ ~ e r m i s s i o n to the Reg- I , I ,, 0llic.c. for l ,erin:~nr~lt file. No changes will he authorizer1

I 1 1 1 1 , 1;lst (late to c l~nnge schedule per the school calendar.

I( ~ . ~ ~ c * o t i n g Courses

\ x t 8 h l ~ ~ r l r n t \ \ . i l l I ) ? ;~llo\\,etl to reprat a course for crctlit i f lie I ! I $ , \ ior~xly 1);1necI t l ~ c course.

\ ~ . I 111l(5nt \ 2 . l 1 0 Iias t'ailc:tl n recluirtrtl course sl~oulrl repeat the l , i , . , . 1 1 1 ~ . llest ti111e it ih S C I I C C I I I I ~ ( I , A s t i~dr l i t is 11ot :1llowet1 to

: 1 I i l l ;I cor~r-sc3 1'01- rsr.c:0it i ~ r ~ t i l lir s:~tisfit.s tlie 1)rrr~rluisitcs of ~ i , I I I I I III .SC.

Auditing Courses

Withdrawal from School

\ stt~tlr.~it \ \ . i s l~ i~ lg 11) \\,itlitlr:l\\, fl-o~n scl~ool s l ~ o ~ ~ l d first con- , 1 1 1 111e C'c~~~~lsrlor.'.; Ollice \\-llere tlie s r ~ ~ d c l ~ t nlay obtain an official

~ I I I ( I I . ; I \ \ ; I [ 1'01.111. 'I'll(! c0111plrte(1 for111 is to l)e retur~iecl to the

I:l..:ist~.:~~.'.; Ollicr.

I ' t , l l c r \ \ i l l : tllis ~)l.oc.c.(lri~.c. \ \ . i l l 1)rotc.ct t l ~ c strrd~nt 's ~~ri\.ilegec; of

I I I I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I ' I I ~ I r e l i t I t i r i ~ i s t i t u t i o ~ Any : I I I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ r \ I t o ( l i \ci ,r l t i l l~~f. \ l ~ i s \\.ark \ \ i t l ~ o t ~ t forr~i:iI \\.itI~drawaI

, 50 ; I [ [ I I V 1.i5k 01' I I : I \ ~ I I X I1i5 ~.cg;str:ltio~i pri\.ilegcs witI~clra\v~i.


\ s t~~c l ( .~ i r \!.IIo !):I\ 11 itl1<11.:1\1,11 l)o~lor:~l)l!. nlay re-enter by fol-

I r t \ i i l l < t l l c : r . t~~u l ;~ r . :~[)l) l ic:~tio~i ~)rocrtlr~rc:. 'I'lie student will not

' , I . ht~l)jt.c.t t o :III!, 11c\!. c.rlrrance rc-cl~~irernct~ts \~ , i thout justific:rtion

I 1 1 I I C I I I I C \ \ I . ~ . ( ~ ~ I ~ I . ~ . I I ~ c I ~ ~ s re i n the hest interests of the

I llc!cllt.

\I)! \ t ~ ~ t l r ~ l t ilis~~lis\ecl t'or \ ioli~tion uf Student Regulations may

Groduotion Requirements

. \ ~ . : ~ ~ ~ t l i t l ; ~ t e for g~.nclt~atici~i must 1i:lve cr)~l~l)lt,tc.tL succesc : a l l r . c ~ c l ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ . t l c.otlrsrs spt:cifitrd I)y th(. ( . I I I . I . ~ ( , I I ~ I I I I I i l l ~vliich I I . III .IIIII .~I, , \ ! I o\(.1.:111 (;1'1< ol' ; I { I ~ . : I \ I 2 . 0 0 I I I L I S ~ be achieve

\ I I I . : I , I $ 3 1 1 1 . 1 ' 11111 .111 , , I ' 1 1 1 r . I I I I : I I (.l.(.(lit.s ~,ccluired for gr:~clu; I I I I I S : I I I : I I I ~ I I I ' I T h e cantli(l:lte I

1 1 . 1 i t ' I t # , , 1 1 I I I I ~ ~ I I Q ~ ( I : I I I I I ~ , ~ I I \ ( ~ I I I ~ ~ V I > !'or a t least two qu i~r t e~ . s , 1 8 1 \ t 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I , , I O r . [ ( I ( . ( : I \ [ (1t1;trter specified by the curriculun

Dcfinition of Full-time Student

;\ I't~ll-ti~iie student is defined as either ( a ) one t\iJ~o regis1 I'c~t. ; l t \c;rst 15 qu3rtthr Oours credit, or ( b ) one who registers l.r:c:t.i\-e credit for all cuurses specilietl in Iiis curriculurn f u r a g i ~ clu:~rte~.. Stir(lcllts \ \ , l \o r rx is t r r to recei\.e credit for courses : classifietl as ~xiri- t ime studrnts if corl t l i t io~~ ( a ) or ( b ) as nbc is nut s;ttislird. ( T h i s tlors not :ilq)ly to 'I'ertile bf:ln:igeme; . . I Ilose rnrolletl i l l this cr~rriculuni shall pa!, one llnlt' the Coi ~ ) r e h r ~ l s i \ - e Fee. 'l'llis is t l ~ e o l~l ! rscept io~\ to this definition.)



Application and Registration Fee

Comprehensive Fee

Rcsidcncy Status


Lrrs than Full-time


Activity Fee

Spccial Fees and Changes


Rcfund Policy for Veterans and Other Eligible Persons


I ' l \ r . r ~ ~ r r ~ / ~ ~ - t ~ l ~ t ~ ~ ~ , s i v e fee is due ;tnd ~);tyal~le, unlr.;s o t l ~ e r w i s ~ b , l ~ + t ~f i f -11 . Irlnrn registratiljn. Applit:~ntr ::re t.st~r.ctrrl to 1 ~ 1 ~ :1

I , t l J , c r l r o r r /,-L- before tlieir Fttll qu;lrtrr registr:~tion. Thil fce is: . ~ j q ~ l i { : , l l l t q to the coml)tclienii\ e fee atid is 11r3t reI'~ti1~1;1l)lt'.

('trlts of books, tools, safety erlitipmrllt and simil:rr ctllqllies art- rtt,! included in the fwl; hrlow. I'lit..;r c.ost.i tar? : I I I~I thr pros- ~ lv( ' t i \~" student will be notifirtl whervin :~ntl \vllrm t l~mr items :Ire rt*c(r~ired,

Fees are subject to r l i ; ~ n g ~ . No :~dtlitic~n:~I fev.i, Ilouevtrr, c:in I)e charged except by sl)rcia! pen~i\*icbri of t l i r :rdn~inistr:~tion.

1. A~p1ic;ltion 311~1 Hegi5tr~tion Fce A $5.00 noii-rt*f~iltd:tlttt~ Ptve is cl~nrglrr-rl Frw testing, 131-ocecs- ing applic:tti~ln\ :~iirl at.gi.;tr:ctirm. H t ~ ~ i ~ t r : ~ t i r w i t - r i~ cl~argerl each quarter.

2. Con ip re l i~ i~s i~ e Fee Tl~is I'ee incl~~der :11I in+tructicln:il rev*, inst r~rctin~l:rl ni:ltt+- rials consumed, ;iutlic~-\ iwal w t . 1 ices ;inrl li~!>or:~tury stlpplies.

Full-time Students taking Reridencr tlorus (15 er mare credit hours) less than IS credit hours

Sp:irtanhurg C'tnlnty $ TG..F() -7.00 liedi+ credit hm~r Other S.C. Uountirs 9 1.50 (i.25 Out-of-State lOt i .50 7..iO

Aclt~lt C o n t i ~ i ~ ~ i ~ ~ g K C I I I C : ~ ~ ~ I F I I \tiitlrttt\ \>:I? :t c~~iiipre!ie~~siye fee of 9; 15.011 prr ctt~:~r'lt~l-.

Textile M a n ; ~ g r ~ ~ l r n t ctucl~.ntr 1 x 1 ~ r ~ i i ~ - ? ~ : t I C o f t lw r ~ x u l : ~ r cornprrfit~nsivt. 1't.t. 1)t.r rlu:~rtvr ollrn enndlrtl in all cclrlrsths s11ecified f4)r :I gi\ t~i 1111:1rtvr; t ~ t ! w r w i s ~ , t h C4l\t ~ w r c r t ~ ~ l i t

liour ,pplies.

3. Jnsurance I:ee 1\11 studcntr are rcrluirotl to liavt. t h e Krtrup :bccidt.nt E~ihrlr-

c r ~ b t r - . t \ ~,If[.ri,tI tlirough Spartanburg T E C . Cost per year

1111. 1'1111 1i111e students is $2.00; for part-time students, $1.00.

4 \ I t i \ i t ) , k'ce

\ $ 1 . i .oO fee which is required of all full-time students. 1 ' l t i . i I t . c . covers costs of handbook, newspaper, year book, I ~ . I I k ~ I I K . sticker, etc.

.I lil,c.c.i:tl 1;t.e~ and Charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . 1 . ; ~ t ( . Registration Fee ..~$ 5.00

11. ( ;r:ttluation Fee: for processing, cost of diploma, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ":I 11 : I I N ~ gown . 8.00

. . . . . . . . . . c . .\utliting Fee: per course 10.00

t l . ('rrtlit by Examini~tion Fee: per examination . 15.00

....... C . 'Iqr.anscripts: each additional after the first 1 .00

I{~.l'tlntls on the coh/)rchrnsive fee shall be as follows when a 11 114 l r . ~ ~ r withdraws froin school honorably:

:I. .\l'te~- registering ant1 the student has been schetluled to at- tend classes up to 2 0 clays, two-thirds of this fee will be ~.cfunded.

I). After 2 0 days and u p to 40 days of schetluled classes, one- tl~ird of this fee will be refunded.

L,. After 4 0 days no refund on the Comprel~ensive Fee will be made.

N o refuntls will be niucle for books, safety ecluipn~e~it, slide t.l~lvs or other similar i tnns purchased through the Book Store.

Refund Policy for Veterans and Other Eligible Persons

11tlt.ance payments of iristructionnl fees will be refuritlnble to \cAtrrans faililig to ellter, uitIi(lr;~\\~irlg, or discor~tiliiliri~ prioi- to r.o~npletinn of the course. Rrl'r~ritls are subject to tlie liiiiitntio~is i l l VA lit.g!-ul:~tion 12201..1 ;1iit1 (lo not \.:II.!, more tli:ln 1 0 per c.calit fro111 tile es:~ct pro rat:^ j)ort ion of instr\~ction:~l c l ra r~es .

Tlie ir~stit~rtiori : ~ g - r e ~ s to f ~ ~ r ~ i i s l i e:lc.Ii \ - t - t t ~ i ~ r ~ \\.lie e~irolls i ~ i ;I

II~II-accrrtlitc.tl cortrse :I col)y 01' tlie r(;1'111i(l l)olic!. : ~ t tlw tirile of l ~ i s e~irollnient.



Haahh krvkes and First Aid


Food Scrvic.r

Loans and S cholarships

Placement m f Graduates

books tor^


.\I I I ! ( . \ \ hl ~ ~ c I t . ~ l t s are to participate in tlie orientation period I I I . , , ~ I , , l i l r ; ; ~.t.gistration in tlle fall quarter.

SIIIIII.IIIS I>cconle :t~cji~ainted wit11 school services, policies and ~~ll!\ic.:~I I'acilities t l i~ring orientation. Inventory, aptitude and

: I I . ~ I ic.1 r.~lrc.~lt tests :Ire nd~ninistered to serve in guidance and pro- ~ I . : I I I ~ ~)l ; l~i l l i~lg for the students.

Health Services and First Aid

111 \.ie\\# of tlir t'irct t l i :~ t stutlents at Sl);lrta~lburg TEC commute, i t is co~isitlcrc.cl un~icct.ssary fur the Center to provide health serv- ices o t l~ r r tl1:111 Ix~sic first :lid for minor injuries. Students who Ist*co~llr i l l :rt scllool \\.ill I)e taken Ilorne, to a doctor, or to a hos- l)it:rI, tlrl)t*~~cling on tlle n:~tilre of the illness.

I t is ; I l~olic.!. of tliis institution to recluire certain immunizations

:Inti trsts Ix.1'01.t: :II~!. apl)licunt is registeretl :IS LI student. No :lppli- c~lnt 111:1!, 1.rxihtt81. i l ' t l ~ e Iitraltli form is incoml~lete.


Sl) :~rt : r~l l )~~rg .l'l.:C' ~)~.o\.iclrs no Ilousing for students. The Coun-

srlo~.'s 0,llic.r ~ ~ ~ : ~ i ~ l t a i ~ l s a listing uf :I\-ailable h o u s i ~ ~ p ad\-ertisecl

:Ii~,ougl~ tli:rt ullice. , . 111~~ I i s~ i~ ix i \ :I hrl.\.ic.c. o~il!,. Sp:rrtanl)urg TEC \ \ ' i l l not be

~~esl)o~lsil)lc t o :ill! I);II.~!. ~ I I LIII!, \\:I!, Sur liot~siilg.

Food Services

S ~ X I I ' ~ : I I I ~ ) ~ I I - ~ 'I'l.:C"s S t i ~ d r ~ ~ t Ce~ltr~.s :ire ecluil)petl \\.it11 up-to-

(late \.e11c1;11: 1'1'acilitirs. 'J'lie C'c-11tc.r Ilas no rest;~ur:lnt or c:~feteriu


Loans and Scholarships

11 l i ~ l ~ i t ~ c l I ~ L I I ~ I ~ V I . of \\.c~~.k-st~rcl!. s c l ~ o l ~ ~ r s l ~ i ~ ~ s ;)re ;~\:~iI:~ble at

S P : I ~ ~ : I I I ~ U I . ~ T1':C'. ITolde~.~ O F tlirse scliularsllil)~ ni:)!. \\.ark LIP to 15 hours per i\.eek \\.llile c:lrr!-ing :I full :~catlemic load.

Local clul)s, intlustrirs ant1 businesses pro\-ide other financial


i b w i / a t j r ~ ~ t r.. 'I'liose interested should inquire at the Counselor's offit r.

Placement of Graduates

'I'III. ('canter will assist students and graduates in securing em- j ~ l o \ ~ ~ l ( ~ ~ ~ t , I J U ~ does not assume any obligation to place them.

I4c.l)rrsr11tatives of businesses .and industries are invited to the I'rt~ct.r so that students may discuss employment opportunities. Arr:~~~~t. l r lents for this service are made by the Coordinator of I~~tltficri;~l Training and Placement.

'rclxtbooks, slide rules, drafting equipment and similar items 111:ry he purchased through the bookstore. The business hours of I llc 1)ookstore are posted.

N o refunds are made for items purchased through the book- \(ore except for defects in the items.

COURSES OF STUDY Adult Continuing Education Division

Business Division

Business Administration" Business Machine Operator Data Processing/Computer Programming" Technical Secretary

Engineering Technology Division

Drafting and Design Technology" Electro~lics Engineering Technology* 1ndustri:ll Engineering Technology*

Health Division

Dental Assistant Medical Laboratory Assistant Radiologic Technology" W a r d Secretaryt

Industrial Division

Air Conclitioni~lg-Refrigrration Automoti\.e hlechanics General Plailt Rlecljanics Industrial Electronics Rlacl\iae Sllop-Tool and Die Welding-Pipefittirlg

Scientific Division

Chemical Tech~ lo logy~ Textile Jlanngenzent

"Degree Curriculum

t Certificate Curriculum


0 F


ADULT CONTINUING EDUCATION DIVISION Spartanburg TEC: offers instruction as preparation to write

South Carolina kIigh Scllool Certificate I'samination. Stud€ attend regularly schecli~lecl cl:isses, complete n.;signments, : discuss cluestions. E a c l ~ student's proxress is e\~:~lu:rted. No I1

school units are enrned l ~ u t tliose stutltrnts w h o pass tlie St exam are awardetl :I St:~te ('ertifi~ate ant1 a certificate from Sy, tanburg T E C . ( A coj~y uf tlie stutletlt's test resl~lts must be SI

nlitted to Spartanljurg "TKC het'ort: tlle 'I.'I;,C' certificate is issuec

Tlie State Certificate is equivalent to 21 high school diplon The follo1,ving cluot:~tions are from tlle South Cnroli~la State 1 purtment of Il:clucation :

"The typical ~vhite high school 12th grade gr:~dunte wot attain sc0rr.s 011 tlir se\ crul tests u~l~icl i would average abc 50, nntl \ vo~~ l t \ , tol,rrtller, total to al~proximntely 200.'' . "Al,proxin~atel!. one-tllirtl of bvllitc 1 2 t h grade cliploma gra uates i l l Sout l~ <';irolitla eacl~ \car could not qualify for t State IIigh Sclrool Certificate by examillation."

Eligibility for Admission

Applicants must demonstrate at least an eighth-grade educ tional :~chie\emetlt I,:~.setl on a TEC administered test. No or under 17 years ol' age shall Ije enrolletl. Persons under 18 mu be recolnnlentletl by tlie principal of the last school attended.


AE 001 Reading (4 hours per week) Esercisrs to cle\.elop one's r e ~ ~ ( l i t i ~ vocohulary, comprchensio nnd speed. Sulne time devoted e:~ch tl:cy to spelling exercises.

AE 002 English (4 hours per week) I'arts 01' sj)cec-li, rules ol' grnll1nl:lr and punctu:ltion; emphasi on correct written expression.

AE 003 Math (4 hours per week) Operatiot~s IIS~II!: w l ~ o l e nutnlrers, comrnon fr:~ctions and deci nlals. 1)rills i l l ~~c!rccnt:~gc, r:ctio ; ~ t t ( l pro1)ortion. A n ititroduc lion to conccl,ts I'ron~ Kcor,1ctry arlcl algebra.

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION \ - I ~ . I I I : I I I ~ ~ for personuel to l)ro\,ide management skills 1x1s ac-

. . i m . l t l i ~ . t l rile demand for techniciuns and cr:tftsnlen. 'Tile 13usi- \ t l ~ ~ ~ i n i s t r a t i o ~ ~ c ~ ~ r r i c r ~ l u n ~ pro\:ides for those persons inter-

. I I I I)r~siness an opportt~nity to pursue a c;treer in accounting, , r~~:~~\agernent , sales or silllilar fields.

( . s t ~ ~ . 4 ~ . ~ includrd i l l this currict~lunl itre nccou~~t i~ lg , business . . .11iz;t1io11, ~ I ~ S I I ~ : I I I C ~ :111d st;~tistics. 1 he scirntilic :ipproacl~ to ~I , l~ . t~~-so l~ . ing . is i~ltroduced in courses s i~ch ;IS nlarkcting, man-

I I I I . I I I tlecisio~i-milking :111d ~ : i l e s ~ ~ i n ~ i s l ~ i p ,

I l~cjibility for Admission

1'111. :~l)l)licnnt must be a I~ igh school grat111:ite or tile c-cltri\,a- ! I ,\r.I~ievement tcsts sho~~ l ( l ill(1ic:ltt. ;I reason;~l)lr cltance of

I , t v'..;, especi:tlly in rnatl~rm:~tics. At least one 1111it in i~lgchra I 8 I ~ , ~ ~ ~ n ~ e n d e d .





,\.I' 33 1-,2ccounting 111 230-Business Statistics 1

F.(; :305--Business Correspondence t3h 301-Economics A T 332-l'ayroll T:ix Procedures


A T 341-cost Accounting MA 240-Business Statistics 11 B A 341-Business Law A T 342-Income Tax Procedures SS 301-l'sychology


EG 304-Erective Speaking B11 354-blan;~genlent Decision Making Ur l 353-Xfoney :~nd Banking H:\ 3Sl-lnsu1.n1lce BA 3 5 2 - B ~ ~ s i n e s Orpanizotio~i AT 351- ; \~~ i l i t i~ ig 1


BUSINESS MACHINE OPERATOR ' l ' l~is cu r r i c l~ l r~ in is designed to twin qualified machine oper-

I I ~ I . \ I'or :I cunlputer, unit record or general office environment. I III I 4 l t l~~c tu rq . courses a re those offered to all Data Processing/ I 4 , ~ ~ ~ ~ ) ~ ~ t r r Progralnnling students.

' 1 ' 1 1 1 . student le:~rns to operate unit record equipment and wire 1 , . I I I 1 , 1 1 1 ~);~llels. Simple programs will be written nnct students . \ 1 1 1 INS :tble to key punch, ready tlre system, load the job ancl . l l l . ~ - : l r c . e c l ~ ~ i l ) ~ ~ w ~ ~ t a s required.

t l~g ib i l i ty for Admission

1 ' 1 1 1 . apl~licallt must I)e :I high scllool graduate ur the equiva- :, 1 1 1 . ,\chie\.ement tests should indicate :I reaso~lable chance of , 1 1 1 I 1'.is, especially in ~nathemutics. A t least one unit in algebra

, . I 1 . 1 ~~~llrnencled.


FIRST QUARTER 1 1 1 ' .: I 1-llttroduction to I l n t : ~ I'rocessing \ I \ .! I 1-1,ogic : ~ n t l Algebra \ 1 .! I I -Accounting I I . I 0 1 --El~glisll Co~liposition 1 I . 0 l O - - l < e n d i ~ ~ g In~pro\ .ement

SECOND QUAR'rER \ 1 . ; ? I - A C C O L I I I ~ ~ I I X 11 -,,, . ;o 1 -I'sycllolll~!'

11 \ .'I) 1 -0H ice R l : ~ c h i ~ ~ e s !! \ lo; . - l ~ ~ t r o t l u c t i o n to I ~ r ~ s i n e s s I L \ 'I l c l - - ' l 'ypin~ \I# I I I I -I%:lsic Xl: lc . l l i l~e Operation

T H I R D QUARTER I . I .! I -'l'yping 11

1 I . I I -I~:ll'cctiue Spei~king :!I 1 I . I I -Keypuncll a n d Sorter 1

1 I . ('olnputer Olleri~tions I ' 1 1 1 I . ' : - . \ccotl~~ti l~y blnc;lir~es untl Flexotvriter

FOURTH QUARTER ' , I I 11 ) I':c.ont~mics

1 I ; I K ~ . ~ l ~ u n c l ~ and Sorter 11 $1 , 1 I i.' -( 'o111puter Ol~t-r:~tio~is 11 i 11 ' ,'.i l:i14(l l'roject

DATA PROCESSINGICOMPUTER PROGRAMMING This curriculr~m introtluces the student to the electronic

puter as ;In illstriln~ent for problem-solving and data proce: v . I he progranl includes the concepts, principles and techniqu tlatn processing.

Three basic objectives of the curriculum are: ( 1 ) T o fam ize tlie studerlt with funtlalnental concepts; ( 2 ) T o illustrate puter applicatio~ls; and ( 3 ) 'So provide a base beyond pro? ~rling upon which the graduate might build.

Eligibility for Admission

Tlle ;lpl)lic;tnt ~i lust Ije a I~ igh school graduate or the eq Ierlt. i lcl~ie\~enlrnt trsts slioi~ld indicate a reasonable chanc success, rspeci:~llp in mathematics. At least one unit in ale is reco~nn~entled.



.4T 31 l-:Zccou~ltinl: I MI\ 21 1-l.ogic :~n t l ~\lgc,br:~ EG 301-lC11~li~ll C'o11\1~0sition IIP 31 1--111r1~otlu~.tion to 1):lt:1 Processing E(; O l O - I { i ~ : ~ t l i ~ l ~ I ~ i ~ p r o \ e r n e ~ l t



M 4 ; I I , I , V # P % J . ~ t l w III:II 11 \

r r 1.. . . L t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I l l I+P J l t l ' ~ . l*~~~~:r.oiam~hitic r.p . 6 I \ r r r l l 1 2 t t I..rrnguajp+ Programming

rounrw QUARTER \ 1 1 1 : i # # , I \ I I I , I I I I I~I~K r r u ' r I \ , .I 311Enlu.r I.:i~r~.\~:rge ~Applicutisns &ate . I * I 2 ~ l ~ - ~ t ! * r e ~ ~ r : ~ i i ~ n ~ i n g

I ~ , I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I ~ lilltr ti, Systems and Prnccr l \ ~ r~ \



r I I C v . 4 < rlllm\r., are tr>tl~iclt.rt+d :I\ tq)ti~ln:ll CIIII~\C.\ ill tllr \rn\C: that the Data

1 ' ., 1 \ 4 i 1 ! ~ . llj)tj>:%rttk~i.~~t ( i i l f I ~ ~ P T tht. t c ~ ~ ~ r \ t * \ :I\ rw)k~imI to beCIt meet I . 1 \ 1 1 III. 13f ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I V C \ I . \ : I I ~ \ r i ~ ~ j ~ n t \ . COIII \I.+ o ~ I ~ I c ~ I I I\ ill P I I o \ \ CItutlent

q l l~a+ll l t w : ~ t l ~ ; , % t 2.7 ~ I m k our+ per uwk.

TECHNICAL SECRETARY O]q)ortunities for well-trainecl secretaries :ibound. 'Tlli5 cur!

ulum provides for the students who have n background in sec tarial training to clevelop more efficiency in skills xnd to Ijrour their education.

Thrce options are oll'rretl: Engineering, Legal ant1 Meclic These options allow the student to specialize for p : ~ r t i c ~ ~ l a r tyl of secret:irial positions. Courses characterizing all options . necessary fur any secretary.

Eligibility for Admission

T h e :~])plicar~t nlust be a high scl~ool g r d u a t e or the equi lent. Acliievenlent tests shoulcl indicate a reasonable ch:tnce success. T~vo !'ears of t) ,ping :inti one ),c:lr of sl~orthantl at lligll scl~ool l e \ d are recum~nended.


I ( . 1110-Con~munications \ I \ I !o-llusiners Mathemat ics I : \ ' I ) l --<)fire Machines I , I I I -'I'yping 1 I . I I 2--Shortha~i(l ant1 Transcr ip t ion I


; I . ,110 -Husiness and Technical W r i t i n g I ' 1 1 I I ~ ~ t r o d u c t i o n to Accounting

1 ' , '.! -1l11siness L ~ M , for Secretaries ! I I -'I'yping 11 1 I ' Sl~or th :~r id ; ~ n d 'I'ronscription 11

T H I R D QUARTER I t $ 1 -1l11ninn llelntionb I . ; ( bllice Applications and Proceclures

I I I ' l ' \ . l)ir~g Laboratory I ) l , t i o ~ ~ * (Choose one of th ree)

S( : 100 An;~torriy ancl I 'hy~ioloyy I \ . \ 223 Business l,:trv I1 ' 1 1 I'hysical Scirlicr

I )i,.t:ltion : I I I ~ 'I'r:~nxrriptionf


8 I , ~ ~ I I ~ I I I ~ C ~ S

-.a11 of 1);lt:c I'roceshin!: 1 I ' ~ I I ~ Liiboratory \ , I \ . l ~ ~ ~ . l * c l Ilictation and 'l'ranscription

, I vc.ll.ial I'rocedurrs

DRAFTING AND DESIGN TECHNOLOGY The Drafting and Desi,gn curriculum prepares the graduate t

I'unction in a variety of engineering support positions. Much en phasis is placed on drafting principles and procedures with soml what less emphasis on n~athematics and applied physics. Coursc in machine tools, engineering materials and E'OIITRAN applic: tions are included.

Upon completion of this course of study, the graduate will I qualified to work with engineering firms, construction cornpanic and manufacturing industries.

Eligibility for Admission

'I'he applicai~t must be a high school graduate or the equiv. lent. Achievement tests should indicate a reasonable chance I

success, especially in mathematics. At least two units in algebr geometry and/or trigonometry and one unit in a physical scienc are recommended.



M A 311-1ntegr:itecl Algebra and Trigonometry 5 0 Pti 3 11-Mechanic5 3 3 DH 3 1 l -I )r~l l ' t~~ig 1~~111cI;i111entals 1 6 IT 311-Surie) ol' Intlustri;~l Engineerinx 3 0 E'r 311-l~ltrotluction to Electricity and Electronics 3 3 EG 010-Heading lniprovement 0 2

15 1 4


MA 321-1ntegr:lted Alsqebra and Trigonometry I 1 5 0 PI1 321-W:ive Motion :~ncl tfe:lt 3 3 IT 321-Machine I'rocesres 2 3

DR 321-1Mech;1nicaI Drcrt'ting 1 2 6 SS 300-Econon~ics 3 0

15 1 2


I ! \llnlytic (;eometry . I -( ;enmetric:~l Optics a l~r l modern I'hysics

8 1 l I':11~!isli C'omposition . I - > l ~ c l ~ : ~ ~ ~ i c : ~ l l>r:~I'til~g I1




ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY ' I ' l i r I<lectronics T e c l ~ r ~ o l o g y cu r r i c t~ lum prepares the graduat,

t o 111\tal1, repair : ~ n d maintain complex electronic ecluipment. ?'h( ~l~otlel-n ecl uipmrnt available to the student enrolled in this curric 11llrn1 provides practical application for classroom theory.

Electronics technicians a re enlployed in Inany fields, especiall: those fieltls considered essential to national defense. H e builds repairs and maintains equipment utilizing vacuum tubes, transis tors ant1 t ra l~sducers as components.

Eligibility for Admission

T h e ;lpplic:rnt must be u high school graduate or the equiva. lent. Acliit.\.en~t:nt tests should indicate a reasonable chance o success, especially in ni:~tl~t.nlatics. At least t u ~ o units in algebra geolnetr! :ind/or trigonometry and one unit in a physical sciencr a re rrcomnlended.



A l l \ 311-lr1tt.gr:1rrtl :\Igebl.;~ :lnd l'rigonolnetry 1 5 1'11 31 l - \ l t * t ~ l t : ~ ~ ~ i ~ . s 3 El' .? I 1-1 I I ~ I , ( I I ~ I I ( . I i < j r t 1 0 ll,vt.tri(.i!>, : t i ~ < l Elci,tror~i(.s 3 Dl< ;3 11-! )1,:11'ti11x I . ' I I I I ( ~ : I I I I ~ ~ I ~ I : I ~ \ 1 I'l' :> 1 ~ - S I I I , \ c - > 01' I ~ l l l ~ ~ h t ~ . i : ~ l I ' : ~ i g i ~ l c ~ ~ . i ~ i ~ 3

EG OlL)-lic~:~tlittg I I I I I J I . O \ I ' I I ~ ~ > I I ~ 0 15



\I.\ 331-:\naIytic C;eonietry 1'1-1 331-Geon~etrical Optics and Modern Physics I.;(> 3 0 1 --English Co~nposition 1,:'I' 331-V;rcui11n T u b e F~~n t lomen ta l s 1)lZ 320-Electronics Ilraft ing

FOURTH QUARTER XIL4 341-lntrotluctory Calculus b:'1' 341-Electric;~l hlncliinery I*:T 342-Semi-Conductor Funclnmentalu KG 30.2-'I'ecl1nic:1I Wri t ing I,:G 304--Effecti\,e S p e a k i n ~


SS 300-Economics I,:'1' 351-Electronics Circuits I.:'17 3.52-Microwaves IY1' 353-Industrial Electronics


SS 301-Psychology I.'r 361-Pulse ;111d Switching Circuits I.:'I' 363-Research Project E:'l' 362-C'oniputer k'und;~nlentnls

INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY I ~ ~ t l ~ ~ s t r i a l engineering technicians assist the engineer in deter-

I I I ~ I I ~ I I ~ I I O W to utilize men, machines, material and methods effi- ( ic-~~tl!. and profitably. This curriculum prepares the graduate for c.rt~l)loyment in manufacturing, production planning or supervision.

'I'lie curriculum is sufficiently broad to cover the major indus- trial engineering functions. The graduate can therefore qualify for employment in various types of manufacturing industries.

Eligibility for Admission

The applicant must be a high school graduate or the equiva- lent. Achievement tests should indicate a reasonable chance of success, especially in mathematics. At least two units in algebra, geometry and/or trigonometry and one unit in a physical science are recommended.



MA 3 11-Integrated .+lgebra and Trigonometry I 5 0 5 PH 31 1-Mechn~~ics 3 3 4 E T 311-l1~t1~oduc.tion to Electricity and Electronics 3 3 4 DH 31 1-lhsftin!: Fundamentals 1 6 3 IT 311-Survey of Intlustrial Engirwering 3 0 3

EG OlO--l<e;lcli~~g I~rrproven~ent 0 2 0 15 1 4 19


MA 321-Integrated Algebra and Trigonometry I1 5 0 5 PH 321-Wave Motion and Heat 3 3 4 EG 301-Englisll Composition 5 0 5 IT 32 1 -XIschine 13rocesses 2 3 3 I T 322-Engineering l'roble~ns and Techniques 2 3 3

1 7 9 2 0


MA 331-Anal ytic Geometry I'H 331-Geometrical Optics and Modern Physics b:G 302-Technical Writing SS 300-Economics 1T 331-Motion and Time Study


MA 314-Probability and Statistics A T 301-Accounting Principles IT 342-Engineering materials and Manufacturing

Processes IT 341 -Metl~acis-'Time Measurement SS 301 -1'sychology


IT 351-Quality Control 1T 352-Production I'lnnning ancl Cost Control IT 353-1'1ant Layout ancl M:ctcrials Handling

SC 300-Chemistry


IT 361-Operations Rese;rrch nllil huton~ntion I T 362-Labor Relations IT 363-Safety IT 365-Research Project IT 364-Engineering Economy

b:G 304-Effective Speaking

DENTAL ASSISTANT T h e dental assistant's primary role is to assist the dentist at

chairside. This curriculum provides preparation for this role in addition to training for laboratory procedures and office work.

In the operatory, the assistant arranges instruments properly, prepares materials and passes these instruments and materials to the dentist. In the laboratory, she may make models of the teeth or process X-ray film. As office manager and receptionist, the assistant may receive patients, arrange appointments and perform similar duties.

Eligibility for Admission

The applicant must be a high school graduate or the equiva- lent. Achievement tests should indicate a reasonable chance of success. Applicants must exhibit good oral hygiene, a good per- sonal appearance and speak distinctly.


I)A 1 0 0 Ethics and Professional Relations I)A 101 Personal Hygiene DA 1 1 1 Dental Equipment and Instruments I)A 1 1 2 Dental Chemistry and Materials SS 1 0 2 Psychology AT 2 0 1 Introduction to Accounting


I)A 1 2 1 Clinical Orientation IIA 1 2 2 Pharnracology, Diet and Nutrition 1)A 1 2 3 Dental An:~torny nncl Physiology I)A 1 2 4 Dental Laboratory I'roced~~res KG 1 0 0 Co~nmunications


11.4 1 3 1 Clinical Procedures DA 1 3 2 Bacteriology and Oral Pathology SS 1 0 0 Economics RA 2 0 0 Typing BA 101 Office Management Procedures


DA 140-Clinical Prncticunl (240 clock hou- credits)

MEDICAL LABORATORY ASSISTANT The Medical Laboratory Assistant performs routine lab tests

to assist the physician in diagnosing diseases. There are oppor. tunities for employment in doctors' offices, hospitals ond other health facilities,

In this curriculum the student receives instruction concernin# principles and procedures of laboratory tests. There is ample time during laboratory sessions to practice the procedures.

After the academic phase at TLC the student has 6 months clinical experience at a hospital.

Eligibility for Admission

The applicant must be a high scllool graduate or the equivn- Ient. Adliel-ement tests shoulcl indic:ite a reasonable chance rrf SUCCCSS.



Orientation to Midirat Lab Urinolysiv Hmntology >I\lathcmntica for Lab Technit:inns hnntom y :~nd 1'hg.siolo~y Medical Idnhorntory Chemistry


Electrocardiogmphy, Bnsal Metabolism Rates nncl IFi5tology 1 0 3 1 Microbialopy 2 6 4 Irlinical Chrrtri4try 3 9 6 UetmQ Banking 1 3 2 Econon~ics 3 0 3

Y 12 16


Urinalysis 1,nhorntory H 0 H ~ l n : ~ t u l n g y I.nlwrratosy 240 F,liG, HAlIi, Hi\tolr*gy I , :~l>i i~ . :~tory 80 Micribtilhogy L:thnrotory 1 60 Chrmiztry I,:tbor:\tory 240 Blood IJ;~nking Ida hcrr:~rr~rv 1 fro


RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY I(:ltIit,Iogic t ec l~no log i s t~ can be traitled to speci;~lize in

1 1 . t l , ~ r ~ , l ~ ~ y , radiation therapy ant1 11uclenr medicine. T h i s ~ I . ; I I ~ I , adt~li~listerecl jointly by Sp;1rtat1bu1.g C;ener:~l liospital Sl);wt:~tiburg l'l.:C, trains X-ray tecllnologists.

S-ra!, trclii~olugists at,? cmployctl in Ilosl,itals, tloctors' of ;~nt l lit . ;~ltli clinitrs. c l ' l ~ t h tc*cl~nologist nl;r! assist in exi~rnining I.)rokt.ll I~ones, trl~llol-s or tnalfr~rlctioning organs. Other tasks i~~clr.itle n l i ~ i n t ; ~ i t ~ i ~ r g c'clriil,~nci~t, or t lc l - i~~g supplic.~, kcepi~ix r c ~ of ~ x ~ t i c n t s ' films a~icl reports, ant1 mixing pf-ucessi~lg s u l ~ ~ t i o ~ ,

Eligibility for Admission

l'lie : i l ) l ) l ic :~~~t 11i11st I)(: :I l l igl~ scl~ool g~.:rtl~~:~tt:, or tilt: ecj: lent. ;\cl~ic.\rrllc~lit tests sllor~ltl i~lclic:~tc: a ~.t:asollal,le cl~anct, SLICceSS.


'I'lw cou~.sc* 0 1 ' S I I I ~ ! ~ x , ( ~ ~ i i ~ . c s 2-1. I ~ I O I I I I I S ~ 'OI. co111l)letio11. ' first !) I I I O I I I ~ I ~ ( : I I I : I ( . : I ( ~ ~ ' I I I ~ ( . ! .o ; I~) ; I I Y ( I r * \ . o t ~ ( I 10 st~i(lic>s : ~ t Center. : \ I 1 corlrsv \ \ o ~ . k is cotnpletetl t l r ~ r i ~ i x this tinlc.. Fieltl t to tile S ~ : ~ I . ~ : I ~ I I > I I I . ~ ( ;c~~rr: i l Iiosl)it;~l a re inclrrtlctl :IS ~ x ~ r t of st


S tut l (a~~ts sl)t.11(1 tlie r.ern:iincir~, of tlic t l . a i l i i 1 1 ~ ~~c.l.io(l : i t t l ~ e I i t to o ~ t I I i ~ i l t o I I I I I CI c:~l ~)~. :~ct ice sli:rll I I V : I \ nta;ll. to :~c t r~ :~ l jell txl1~1.ir11c.e : ~ s i~ossi (Some titne is cle\otcd to c l a s s ruo~ l~ \\-ark tluritlg this ph:rsr training. )

Gr:~tl i~:~tes 01' t l l is cur~.ic. t~lu~ii :IIY a\\-:!rclctl tllc .:\\sociatc: clt.g and a rc eligiblc tu > t : ~ r ~ l tllc cc'~*tific:itiun rs:~nii~i:ltion.

'I'lre \\rard Secret:~ry is a member of the nursing staff who per- ! , l r ~ ~ ~ s clutit:~ illclucling tr.nnscribing doctors7 orders, maintaining 1 . 1 I ~ ~ . I I ( . s ~ I .CCUI-~S , orclering supplies, receiving visitors and answer- I I I ? t l ~ e tvlel)l~o~ic. She may maintain personnel records and similar t l l l ~ i t r s i l l a healtli care facility.

Eligibility for Admission

c\pplic:lnts nlllst be Iiigh school gr:iduates or die equivalent, . I I I ( I ( lel~i~listrate :I ~)r~ficielicy in reading comprehension, a legible li.~lltlwriting 2 n d distinct speech.



\VS 11 1. I l ~ ~ ~ ~ i t : ~ l 0rtg:tniz:rtion and Procedures l%A 200 'l'>,l>i~~g 11.4 101 LJel.son:ll Hygiene 5s 102 I ' ~ ~ ~ . l l o l o ~ y

) I * \ 104. R l a r l ~ e ~ i ~ ; ~ t i c s lor Ward Secretaries


\VS 121 Ward S~:cret:try I'rocedures SS 100 Econoll~ics

1% 100 C ' o n ~ n ~ r l ~ ~ i c : ~ t i o ~ ~ s SC 104 A n ~ i t o n i y 'I'S 102 AHC Shorth:~lltl

AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION This curriculum includes both theory and practical work in

refrigeration, air conditioning principles and calculations, controls and equipment installation. Related courses complement subject 1 matter presented in the major field of study.

Graduates of this program are qualified to install, repair and maintain various types of systems. Job opportunities include po- sitions in service, sales and installation.

Eligibility for Admission

The applicant must be a high school graduate, the equivalent or 18 years old with an approved educational achievement. Achieve- ment tests should indicate a reasonable chance of success, espe- cially in mathematics. Mechanical aptitude as evidenced by a standardized test is also required.


C :\C 11 1-Elements of Refrigerntion 3 1)H 101-13lueprint R e r d i n ~ - Electrical 0 \1A 101-Fundamentals of Mathematics 5 SS 100-Economics 3

,IID 100-Solderin~, Brazing snrl Welding Techniqum 0 F,T 105-El~clririty 2


AC 121-Oil Burner Instnllation and SPrvice 5 6 7 ,\C 122-Automatic Controls I 3 3 4 1'H 100-Mrcli3nics ant1 Heat 3 9 4 KG 100-Cornmunirntions 6 2 4 l>R 104-Rlueprint ltenriin~ - Air Conditioning 0 3 1

14 I6 20


AC 131-Gus Burner, Electric Heating Elem~nts and Liquid Heat 3 3 4

hC 132--Autom:1tir Controfs EI 3 3 4 AC 133-Installation at14 Service of Dnrnestic and

Commerci:~l Refrigeration 3 12 7 MA 102-Elements of .4lgrhrn and Trigonematry 3 0 3

12 1n 1H


AC 141-Principle5 of Air condition in^ ond Loud Unlcul:~tions 5 0 5

AC 142-Installation and Sert ice of Cooling Conditioning Systems 4 12 8

SS 101-Hurnnn Relations 3 0 3 I3R 112-Engineering Drawing 1 0 6 2

12 18 18

AUTOMOTIVE MECHANICS The Automotive Mechanics curriculum emphasizes scientific

principles as related to the automobile and the necessary skills required of a service technician. Students have the opportunity to study theory as well as to perform actual work on components and systems.

Employment for the graduate exists in sales and service com- panies. Further experience can lead to positions in management.

Eligibility for Admission

The applicant must be a high school graduate, the equivalent or 18 years old with an approved educational acl~ievement. Achieve- ment tests should indicate a reasonable chance of success, espe- cially in mathematics. Mechanical aptitude as evidenced by a standardized test is also required.


. \ M Ill-Energy Systems I hIA 10 1 -Fundamentals of Mathematics I'H 100-Mechanics and Heat

WI) 100-Soldering, Brazing and Welding Techniques


AM 121-Energy Systems I1 .2M 122-Brake Systems

SS 100-Econon7ics EG 100-Communications


AIM 131-Energy Systems 111 AM 132-Transmissions and Differentials :ZM 133-Suspension ant1 Steering Systems SS 101-Human Relations


AM 141-Energy Systems 1V :\M 142-Auton~ntic Transn~issions .AM 142-.1uto1noti\~e Accessories

GENERAL PLANT MECHANICS 'The need for skills in more than one specialized Field still exists

in Spartanburg County and its vicinity. This curriculum was de- veloped to meet the need.

Graduates of this curriculum are qualified for entry jobs in plant shops and similar operations requiring a broad background. Should the graduate desire to continue his training in a specific field, then courses includecl in this curriculum provide a Founda- tion upon which to build.

Eligibility for Admhrion

The applicant must be a high school graduate, the equivalent or 113 years old with an approved educational achievement, Achieve- ment tests should indicate a reasonable chance of success, espe- cially in mathematics. Mechanical aptitude as evidenced by a standardized test is a130 required.


,I \ I 1 1-Algebra and Iiltrorluction to Trigonometry -,( ; IW-Communications ".'I' 1 1 2-Direct and Aiternatiog Current )H Itll-lilueprint Re:rding - El~etrical I'EI 150-LMechanics and Heat


.I 4 Il l-Algebra and Trigonmetry Ill! Ill-ElectricsI and Electronics Drawing I:'I' 121-1-:lectrical Mnrhinw R'I' 13 1-Electrical Alnt~rislr and Fabric:~tion CI' 120-'r':1cuurn Tuhes and Trnnsi5tors


I:'f 134-Electrical IIII~I Electronics Controls I C T 141-Elcrtrical Irr\tsll;ltinn I ' l ; in~ l in~

142-Electronics A\wrnl>l) Mrthnrh I ' T 143-Industrial Elertrunirs .\ppEications SS 100-Economics


b f T 1 l l -Sns ic 3I3rhFne Shop 'rhmry nncl Practice !4T 113-Slncl1inist.5 >le;~surti~!: In \ trunlr~~r \ DR I l2-E1iginrcarinq 1)r:lrt in:: I SS 101-Ilualnn Helations


r l 1. I 1 1 - I ~ , ~ * - r t t ~ t . t l i u t e Machine Shop Theory and Practice \ ( 12 1 -.A 111 I%rl~.~ter Installation and Service

\ I I' l t ~ ~ ~ - l ' r r q ~ t * r t i e s of Metals and Principles of Hmt Treatment


MT 131-Advanced Machine Sl~op Thmry and Practice AC 131-Gas R u r n ~ r , Electric Heating E l ~ m m t s and

Idquid Heat AC 132-Automatic Controls I1


MT 150-Machine Shop Practice WD 140-Fundamentals of \Veldiag Pmctasr


AC 141-Principles o l Air Conditioning and Load Ca1culntlone

AC 142-lnutnllutiutl and Service of Cooling condition in^ Systems

WD 143-Solrlering, Rrnzing and Special Welding I'rotlems

INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS 'I'lle student enrolled in Industrial Electronics studies electric

~. i~.cl~i ts , electric motors, generators and controls. Fundamentals 0 1 ' vacuum tubes, transistors and other electronic components are i~~trocluced and their applications are studied in relation to con- I 1.01s and electronic instruments.

Griiduutes ;Ire prepared for employment in both the electric 1)ower aalld the intiustrial electronics fields.

Eligibility for Admission

The applicant must be a high school graduate, the equivalent or 18 years old with an :tpproved educational achievement. Achieve- ment tests should indicate a reasonable chance of success, espe- cially in mntlleniatics. Mechanical aptitude as evidenced by a standardized test is also required.


1<'1' 1 1 1 -1)irert and Alternating Current 1'11 100-;\iIcchanics and Heat K(; 100-Co~nmunications

bl A 1 1 1-;ilgebra ant1 Introduction to 'l'rigonometry ))It 101-Blueprint Reading - Electrical


ET 121-Electricnl Machines F.'r 122-Vacuum Tubes and Rectifiers E T 123-Meters a r ~ d Measuring Instruments MA 1 12-.\lgebr-:I :~nd Trigonometry IJH 1 1 1-Electric:tl and Electronics Drawing


E T 131-Electrical Mnterials ant1 Fabrication ET 132-l'otrer Supplies, Oscillators and Amplifiers ET 133-Semiconcluctors E'I' 134-Klectricnl and Electronic Controls SS 100-Econo~nics


E T 141-Electrical Installotion Planning ET 142-Electronics Assembly Methods E T 143-lnclustrinl Electronics ilpplications E T 144-lnstrunients Laboratory SS 101-Human Relations

MACHINE SHOP -TOOL AND DIE This curriculum provides the student with an understanding of chine toots and shop practices in addition to providing expcri- :e on all I~asic machine tools. Opportunities for the design and ~elopment of dies are provided fur those students continuing sir studies for a second year.

Emplojrment opportunities exist in production plants and job ~ p s . The demand fur skilled personn~l in the Spartanburg area increasing.

gibility fur Admissien

The applicant must be a high school graduate, the equivalent or years old with an approved educational achievement. Achieve-

-nt tests should indicate a reasonable chance of succrss, espr- ~ l l y in mathemntics. -Mechanical aptitude as evidenced by a rndardized test is also required.


M'r l l l -Basic Machine Shop Theory and Practice M.1' 112-Machinist's Measuring Instruments M A 101-Fundamentals of Mathematics l)li 103-Blueprint Reading - Machine Shop


M T 121-Intermediate machine Shop Theory and Practice EG 100-Conln~t~nications 1)R 112-Engin~ering Drnu ing I

MA 102-Elements of Algebra ant1 Trigo~~ometry


M T 131-:\d\,anc~tl Macliine Shop 'Theory and Practice M T 100-1'1~ol~e1~tirs of hlrtrrls a11c1 1'1inciples of Heat

Trea t~ilent SS 100-Econon~ics

Dli 114-Engineering Drawing 11


M T 141:-Machine Shop Practice SS 10l-llu111:1n Itelations

W D 101-IVelcling Practice


M T 21 1-Hasic Tool and Die Making DR 12 l-Die Assembly Drawing PH 101-Mechanics and Electricity


M T 22 1-Intermediate Tool and Die Making M T 222-Machine Controls


MT 231-Advanced Tool and Die Making I DR 122-Jigs and Fixtures Drawings

EIGHTH QUARTER M T 241-Advanced Tool and Die Making I1 M T 242-Jigs and Fixtures

WELnlNG - PIPEFITTING This curriculum provides a sound training program in skills-

clevelop~nent and a foundation in the principles and uses of weld- i11g processes. Support courses introduce fundamental principles of physics, applied mathenlatics and drafting.

Grntlrlates are qualified for employment in construction com- panies and welding shops.

Eligibility for Admission

T h e applicant must be a high school graduate, the equi\.alent or 18 years old with an appro\.ed eclucational acl~ievement. Achieve- ment tests should indicate a reasonable chance of success, espe- cially in matl~ematics. Mechanical aptitude as evidenced by a standardized test is also required.


\ \ ' I ) I I I -Oxyacetylene Welding 1 ) I { 10.2-Blueprint Reading - Welding 3IA 101-Fundamentals O F Mathematics I'tI 100-Mechanics ant1 Heat EG 100-Communications


W D 121-.4rc Welding M T 100-IJroperties of iMetals and Principles of Meat

Treatment MA 102-Elements of Algebra and Trigonometry D R 112-Engineering Dran ing I PH 102-Hydraulics and Pneunlatics


W D 131-Inert Gas Welding PH 103-l'ipe Sybtems and Metering Devices SS 100-Econon~ics

DR 113-l'ipefittiny 1,ayout and Calculations


W D 141-Welding Practice for Certification W D 142-l'ipe S y s t t n ~ s F'al)ricntion W D 143-Soldering, Hr:~zing ancl Special Welding Problems

SS 101-Human Helations

CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY ' l ' l~e cliemical manuf:tcturing industry is one of the largest in-

~l~l-,~l.ies in the United St,:ltes. I t is based on the application of t Itt.~rristry :~nd re1:rtt.d science and engineering to produce tl1011- . 7 . ~ ~ ~ t l s of clien~ical compounds.

C'llenlical tecli11icians are a n esscnti:ll part of tlie scientific and i~~ : t~ la~ : . e l i l rn t tram i.etluil.ecl for tllis intlustry. T h e technician's I : I \C; is to assemble a p p r a t ~ ~ s , obtain test clnta, and report data \\IlicIi \\,ill form t l ~ e l,asis for decisions.

Eligibility for Admission

'Tlie al~plicant must Or u l i ig l~ scllool grarluate o r tlle equiva- I , , I I ~ . Aoliie\.emrnt trsts sliould inclicate a re:~sonable chance for ,llccrss. At least two units in :~lgt.brii, geonietrv :tnd/or trigo- 111ctry and one unit i l l a physical science are recommended.


At the time of this printing the complete course of stucly had I I O ~ been resolved. 'l'lie t.sst.~~t.i:~l fe:~tures of the I)rogram a re a s I'oIIows.

Courses shrrll inclutle ~>liysics, n~atheniatics, economics, psy- c.llology nnd otlirrs i l l :rtlclition to tlie clicnlistrv courses. Tl ie time ~.c.cluired for completion sli:lll be tn to acaclemic !,ears. Graduates \I1~111 be a\.vartletl tlie Associate degree.

TEXTILE MANAGEMENT This curriculum is designed for those persons having practical

textile experience who \visl~ to prepare for a supervisory-level job. r 7 I he primary ernpl~asis: is on getting work done througl~ skillful

management of personnel. Courses in textiles are intended to give the student il general knowledge, not to train e~nployees to perform specific tasks. Students are to have on-the-job work experience and this is the "in depth" course in textiles.

Courses are offered for a maximum of 12 clock hours per week. This will allow the student to continue his employment and to attend classes.

The following companies provide solme nieans of financial as- sistance to those students enrolled in this curriculum:

Arkwright Mills

Burlington Industries (Cherokee Falls Plant)

Leigh Textile Company

Lyman Printing and Finishing Company

Magnolia Finishing Plant

Mayfair Mills

Eligibility for Admission

Applicalits n\Llst he a t least 18 years of age and have been em- ployccl in :I trstile-~.rl:rtrd intlustry for a t least one year. Acliieve- mcnt tests should intlicate :I re:rson:~ble cll:lnce of success.



TM 1 0 1 Texti le Calculations ' ~ I M 11 1 Survey of Texti les

S S 1 1 1 Introduction to I'sychology


MA 1 0 5 Introclrrctory Algebra SS 1 2 1 I'erwnt~el Practices

A'1' 1 0 1 Hasic Accor~nt ing Principles


M A 1 0 6 Interniecliate Algebra EG 101 English Grnmrtlnr and Composition S S 1 3 1 Supervision of Personnel



' I 151 ; \ ' lot io~~ ;~nt l T ime Stutly for rl'extiles S C 10.3 Selectrtl 'l'opics I ' ron~ I'h>,sics SS 1 0 0 Econonrics



' I 1 7 1 ' 1 i ~ ~ t . i l ~ l r z 01' 'l'e.\tilt: Cl~eul i s t ry T31 1 7 2 'l.r\tile ' l ' e \ t i t~g

SS 1 7 1 1'1.incil)lrz ol' .\I;~l~:~g:.enlent


'1'21 18 1 P~.odilction Control IT 363 Safety

T.\I 1 8 2 'Textile Engineer ins Econonly



COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM First digit -0 indicates a non-credit course

-1 indicates a credit course leading to a diploma

-2 indicates soltie related courses in the Business Division only (degree and diploma)

-3 indicates a course leading to a degree

Second digit-i~~clicutes the quarter of attendance the student nor- mally enrolls in the course

-0 usually indiciites tlle course can be ofered in al- most any quarter

Third Digit -indicates :I course in a sequence; to differentiate froni otlier courses In\ ing tlie same first t\\.o digits


Basic Accounting Principles (3-3-4) Fundamental principles involved in the preparation and mainte- nance of financial records; some interpretation of financial stnte- ments.

Introduction to Accounting ( 2 3 - 3 ) Theory and fundamentals of bookkeeping, maintenance of con- fidential accounting records, payroll preparation, banking prac- tices and the handling of cash, accounting procedures and records.

Accounting Principles (3-3-4) Basic principles of general accounting; the use of accounting methods and data and their relationship to industrial manage- ment. Prerequisite: Enrolled in an Engineering Technology curric- ulum.

Accounting 1 (3-3-4) Emphasizes the principles of the basic accounting functions- collecting and recording data, analyzing and reporting infor- mation.

Accounting 11 (3-3-4) A continuation of A T 31 1 . Emphasis is on partnerships. I'rerecluisite: A T 31 1

Accounting 111 (3-3-4) A continuation of A T 321 with emphasis on corporate ac- counting. Prerequisite: A T 321

Payroll Tax Procedures ( 1 -3-2) Procetlures and methods of computing wages, keeping I-ecords and the preparation of governn~ent reports. Prerequisite: A T 3 11

Cost Accounting (4-3-5) A study of principles i~i\,olvetl in job orcler, process, : I I I ~ stantl-

cost systetl~s. I'rerecluisite: A'r 331

Income Tax Procedures (2-3-3) l'rocet1111.c~ ~ I ~ I I I tile st;~ntlpoint of t l ~ e i~ltlivitlual, p a r t ~ ~ e r s l ~ i p : I I ICI co~.~)or;~t io~i . I'rerecluisite: iY1' :;3 1

A T lrl ~ ~ d h i n ) I r2-3-31 Itrr .!ria 3 t l ~ u n r l ~ imn 01 corrcct eccountin~ principles and pmrr

,I,tt-q I4.r Irr,qlrbr r m d i e l actions and cotrectirre policy-ma kin^ 1L-q t r l l r l lh .

f4 t r rv t lu ic l t r : A'r 351

A r 3h l Auditing ll (2-3-3) ,\ twntinuation sf AT 351. Emphasis on solution of problems. l'rercquisih: A T 35 1

A T 362 Accaunting Systems (4-3-5) Principles of accounting systems and the importance o f acoount- ing cuntrola are ~mphasiZCX1 from the standpoint or the functions o f related depsrtinents. Techniques of system analysis are in- cluded. Prerequisite: A T 341


AC 1 1 l Elements o f Refrigeration 13-4-51 Lectures, demonstrations and shop experience to include t m i - nology, materials, tools, compression system and hermetic units. T h e student r~ses tools and materiels for tube bending, Raring, soldering. refrigerant wei~hing and ather service jobs.

AC 121 Oil Burner Inrtallotion and Sewice (5-6-73 A study of instnllin~ nnd servicing of cyuipment ~rsing high- pressure, low-pressure, jet and vaporizing burners. Practicst experience i n servicinn oi l burnem, fans, purnpa nnd their con- trols.

AC 122 Automatic Controls 1 (3-3-4) The fundamentals of electric contmls and measurements are treated in theory and theory is npplid in the Inboratory,

AC 13 I Gas Burners, Electric Heafing Elements and Liquid Heat 13-3-41 A srudy of the principles af operation of gas burners, dtctric heating elements nnd sllied controls. Installation and principles OF hot water and low-pressure steam boilers a n also included.

AC 132 Automatic Controls i t (3-3-4) A continuation of AC 128 to include pneumatic rontrolg, zone controls, unit heat nnd ventilator controls, fan system cwtrols and commcrcrial refrigeration controls. Prerequisite: AC 122 or equivalent

: 1 33 lnrtellation ond Sewice of Commercial Refrigera)iorr (3- 1 2-71 Instalfation and service of commercinl equipment to include ice makers, water coders, ice cream cabinets and other comnrcr- cia1 cnbinets. Shop practice on standard types of cornpresaors, condensers, coils, V R ~ V ~ S , and controls. Some field trips are in- cluded.

: 14 1 Principles of Air Conditioning and Load Coleu!ations (5-0-5) A study of factors governingt efficiency of equipment, b d y com- fort and basic load calculations involved in air conditioning processes.

: 142 Instalktion and Service of Gaoling Conditioning Systems (4- 1 2-81 A study of vnrious types of air-cmled and water-rooled condi- tioning systems. A unit of study is devoted to automotive sy3-



4 1 1 1 Energy Sylterns 1 (5-9-8) A cornprthensire study of the operating principles of the in- ternal combustion engine, the electrical and fuel systems, their separate components. functions and interrelation, Labs include demonstrations and hands-on experience. Emphasis is placed on care and use of tools, safety and mod houseketping.

4 121 Energy Systems 11 (5-1 2-9) A continuation of the preceding course to include mote advanced theory, use of diagnostic equipmrnt and machine tmls and ad- ditionol experience in disassembly, inspection, and reassembly of systems,

bl 122 Bmke Systems (2-3-31 Fiyrlraulic principles, their application in at~tomotivc brake sys- tems and the rolp of friction is emphasizeck in the clarsroom, Labs arc devotcrl to inspection, adjuatin~ brakes, sefinina. ant1 turn in^ drums on the lathe. I i cavy duty brake and vacuum assist are included.

M 13 1 Energy Systems 111 ( 1-9-41 htlditionnl exppriente irx previous operi~tiouu with tnipltnsiu Ilr- ing placed on trutible-41ootiu~, overhaul, rebuild in^ :irirl more extensive use of test cq~~iprnent.

A M 132 Transmissions and Differentials (5-3-6) A ~t11tly of clutches, gears, gear ratios and power transmission.

A M 133 Suspension and Steering Systems (3-6-5) A survey of suspension systems, steering, wheel alignment, wheel balance, and the use of alignment equipment.

A M 14 1 Energy Systems I V ( 1 -9-4) Troubleshooting, tuning, ndjusting and testing of t he engine, fuel system and the electrical system.

A M 142 Automatic Transmissions (5-6-7) A study of various automatic transmissions to include fluid units, torclue converters, principles of hydr ;~ t~ l i c controls ant1 planetary gear systems.


BA 10 1 Office Management Procedures (2-3-3) Filing systems, processing records, preparin!: quarterly reports, meeting the public and answering the phone.

BA 107 Introduction to Business (3-0-3) An int~,oOuction to business taking into account finances, human resources, production and marketing.

BA 200 Typing (0-6-2) General typilia to i ~ ~ c l u r l e exercises to increase speed, centering, ~nanusrr ip t typing and business letters. (7.0 exempt this course the s t ~ ~ t l e n t niust type 30 \\~ords/mix~ute, 5 minutes, 3 errors, 3 takes.)

BA 201 Office Machines (0-3-1 Practice in operation of ntltling m:~chines, cnlculators, tran- scribers ;IIICI \ , ~ I . ~ O L I S ( lupl ic :~t i~~g n~:tcllint.s. Exercises to develop speed and accuracy on adding niucliines ant1 calculators.

BA 222 Business Law for Secretaries (3-0-3) A ge~ler :~l introduction to law to inclllde courts and legal pro- cetlures, clelillitionb, the Conhtitution, contracts, legal documents and similar topics.

BA 223 Business Law 11 (5-0-5) A continrl:~tion of' 11A 222. rl'ol)ics include sales agreements, title tr:~n\l'ers, w:~rranties, insurance : I I I ~ types of ownership. I'rcrequisite: 13A 222

Economics 15-0-5) A survey t ~ f the ~P~velaprncnt and growth o f our ecoaoniic ujstc.trl including basic institutions and their roles in eco~ornir 1 ~ ~ E i c y . Prerequisite: De~ree curricultlm student

Business Law (5-0-5) Principlru of haw ns r r l s t d to rontractu, safes, negotiable instru- ments, wills, real property and insurance. Prerquiritc: D~gree ~ursiculum student

A study of the nature oF risks and different types of insurance. Some time devoterl to the history of insurance ~rnd government's roles in supervision ant1 social insurance. l'rerrquicite: &.\ 341

Brrriness Organizakion (3-0-33. rZ burvr! of the purpose and re\ponsibilitirs of blisinesr, urgnni- zatiooel strusttire, legal fornrs, personnrl polities and progrums, uagc-5 illld sintilnr tnplrs.

Money and eonking (3-0-31 Eir~p)i:~\ is on the prac.tita3 a*prcts o f h:~nk oper~tiolt\, 83rc r d s - tlon of banks to b ~ i n e h s , credit and a htudy of the Federal Ite- serve System.

Management Decision-Making (3-3-4) .A cot t rq et~~pli:s~izinq the ~ ~ t ~ e r i l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i c I ~ r r c ~ i f i t i m h r ~ ~ i : ~ ~ i i - and

~ i l ' r i i i ~ t i t i i 1 1 i n I i n u t o lncludec snlne prolxthility :1n11 n~:~rriu a l ~ ~ b r : ~ . Prer~i~n~i%ite: 31.4 121 ua crlui\alent

Advertising (3-0-3) A r l l r \ r lp C O I I ~ , P i l l the rrl:ttioli\l~il~ r lF :acl~r~.t ir ir~y to ni:wlietinl: S I I ~ re\\, IT)LIIIIIP~ CO-~rtl inatinr: :~t>d ~ l e r rlol)inK 5:1les [jrrrn~otinn pv1qr:1n15, reletting I W O ~ C ~ n~cdia, 1% r l t i l ly culry, Iayc-rrut wrd rc- searrh.

Solermenrhip (3-0-3) .I s tudr of principles and techl~iyurs, riere.rwry in -,elling Idea$, rcrr icrr or tontr~wclitirs. 'l'opic-, includr ethic>, moti,ation Fnc turc, s:tles Ilre+rntotaon\ 3nd clo\itlg of sale%,

Personnel Management (5-0-5) .A atudy of the functions and oraanfziltion of perwnnel dell:~rt- nlents, policies and procedures. Smnrc attention to sybternc a~i :~ l - ! 4 s aa rrlutina to effecti\ e organization, n ork channdin~ srrd

364 Research Repor) (0-3- 1 '!'he student wilZ choose a project of intrrmt end, with direction from the ~ 3 f f , submit n written rrport on his findinm. Prweqmisite: Departmental approval

365 Cantrorb and Specifications (3-0-3 1 An introduction to the laws prrtaining to contracts. lncludm vocabulary, contract perlomanre requirements, bidding proce- dures and rperifications.


1 l 1 Bosic Machine Operotion (2-3-31 Provides trninit~g nrcerqnry to operate punched card data proc- ~s'iitig rquil)rt~~i~t, detect and correct errors as they ocrar in ma. chine oprrntinn, uitderst3nd and properly carry out steps outlined i n flo~rch:rrts, ~vtininte timr required to complete a job. I'rerequinire: LIP 31 1

121 Keypunch and S o m r 1 (2-3-31 Oprrar in~i oT kpypunch machine nnrl sorter from punching cards to i n ~ r g i n ~ files. l'rerequi4te: kt0 11 1

122 Computer Operotions 1 (3-3-41 Pmr itlm training necesary to operate Systrm 360 computers. L f p ~ ctnii~plrriusl OF the cour.ie rtritlsrrtv shariltl he nble tn prr- p ire control cards, operate p-iipl~eral equipment, execute com- ~~ilntiotis. I 'r~reqrli\ite: 310 11 L

123 Accounting Machines and Flerowriter (3-3-4) l'rncticc in nprr:~tion of acrnrmting ninchinr~, and thr flexoariter. Errrciwn to t l e ~ lop hpeeil nnrl a.rrtIracy. llnsttrrctions on ham to prrl):irr invoices, btatrlnents, checkr, r~gi.r;ters and other uses of the nlachine5.

131 Keypunch on6 Sorter 11 (1-6-3) A continit:~tiorl of XIO 121 \\ ith rmp l ix~ is on skill development and efficiencs. Prerecprisitc: X I 0 12 1

132 Compwter Operations 11 13-6-51 X continu:ition o f SIC) 1-22 rr ith eiiipha\is on DOS, TDS and OS. Prerequisite: M0 112


I P 100 Survey of Data Processing (3-3-4) This course is an overview of data processing machines, h rmi - nology and operations nornlally found in a modern business operation. Operating techniques for some machines are taught.

3P 3 1 1 lntroduction to Data Processing (4-3-5) Topics range from a survey of historical developments in the field to some of the more recent innovations. T h e capabilities of unit record equipment, computers, optical scanners, MICR reader/sorter, and tele -communications systems are included. T h e laboratory periods are devoted to hands-on training on basic unit record equipment and includes panel wiring exercises.

DP 321 Introduction to Computers and Programming (3-6-5) This course is designed to first familiarize the student with com- puters and programming in general then to introduce computers and programming requirements specifically as regards Assem- bler Language Programming. ALP is taught operation code by operation code. Both the standard and commercial sets are in- cluded nnd the student will process his programs on a computer. T h e course includes flowcharting techniques and standards of documentntion. Prerequisite: D P 3 11

DP 33 1 Assembler Language Programming (3-3-4) A continuation ol' 111' 321 espandetl to include Input Output Control S! 5tc.rn (f(!CS). T h e \,arious supervisory operating sys- tems (OS, 'I'OS, IjOS) are included in programming problems. Prerequisite: Ilk' 311

DP 332 RPG Programming (3-6-5) This course \I i l l prolicle the student an opportunity to apply the concepts of co~iiputcr pl.ogra1111ning and his knowledge of Unit Record to the l)rel~;~l.:~tion of reports. Prerequisites: Dl' 31 1 or D P 3 2 1

DP 34 1 Assembler Language Application (2-6-4) Utilization of pl.ogramming \kills developed in D P 321 and DP 33 1 for computer npl~licntions in such areas as payroll, account- ing, insurance, banking and production are covered. Learning situations as similar to on-the-job environments as possible are pro\.ided. Prerequisite: D P 33 1

DP 342 Cobol Programming (3-3-4) A study of a language tthich permits the programmer to write computer instructions in an English-like language and to use

111r c4,111l,11tvr to t ranslate this set of commands into its machine I : I I I K I I : I K ~ rtluiv:~lent. I 'rt.rc.(l~~isite: DP 321

[ I P 343 Introduction to Systems and Procedures (3-3-4) An introduction to t h e organizat ional techniques employed by systems personnel to design, implement and install a system. T h e s t d e n t a t this level h a s a knowledge of computer capabili- ties and technical knowledge of D a t a Processing applications. S t u d y now begins in the area of wr i t ing procedures for a system which will include clerical a s well a s t h e mechanical approach to processing da ta . T h e s e activities will enter the a rea of manual systems, office services and organizat ional management . Prerequisites: DP 331 and D P 332

DP 35 1 Fortran Programming and Applications (2-3-3) T h i s language for scientific application is not restricted to any specific computer . T h e s tudent can use this l anguage in solving problenls l rom science and engineering. Prerequisi te: MA 221 or equivalent

DP 352 Cobol Applications (1-3-2) Utiliz:~rion of skills developed in D P 342 for application in areas such a s payroll, accounting, insurance, banking a n d protluction. l'rerequisite: Dt' 342

DP 353 Information Systems Analysis and Designs (3-3-4) A n organized nppl.oach to s tudy t h e implementat ion and t h e de- s ign of 3 sni:~l l s).steni. T h e first par t of the course will estab- lish tlie g i ~ i ~ l e l i n e s and the systematic approach. The last part I\ i l l be :I case s t ~ ~ d y in n h i c h the subject mat te r of previous courses \* i l l be incorporateci. Prerequisi te: UP 343

DP 361 Linear Programming (2-3-3) ,411 app1ic:ltion of mathematical concepts th rough actual case studies in linear progra~i in i ing and forec:~sting b r i n g rel iewed a n d 111:llyzed. l'rerequisite: IMA 23 1

DP 362 Research Report (0-3- 1 ) A research report as nppro\'ed by the Depar tment Head must be \vritten using t h e p:ltterlls ancl fornints presentetl in EC 301. Prel.equisite: Candidate for graduation

DP 371 Cobol Applications 1 1 (3-3-4) A continuation of 1)P 352 expanded to co\.er other areas of com- puter applications utilizing Cobol. Areas of application \ \ i l l \ .ary ~ v i t h cur ren t t rends. Prerequisi te: Depar tmenta l approval

New computer languages are continually being developed. The basic language for this course is PL 1. If a student is employ- able as a programmer on a specified computer another language may be substituted in this course. Prerequisite: Departmental approval

DP 373 Field Project (0-6-2) Individual students are assigned to selected Data Processing installations representing a cross-section of business. The stu- d m t s are expected to work the same hours as regular employees of the organization and to perform according to the standards of Spartanburg TEC and the participating business organiza- tion. A written roport of the student's activity must be submit- ted as part of the course requirements. (Basis for credit: 72 hours worked considered at lab hours. 72 hours s 12 weeks = 6 hours/week; 6 lab hoursfweek _,- 2 credit hours.) Prerequisite: Departmental approval

DP 374 Operating Systems (2-3-3) Students enrolled in this course should have an understanding of the segments of an operating system. T h e concepts and oper- ations of peripheral devices should have been explored. This course is designed to bring together these devices and to develop an appreciation of the value of a Total Operating System. Prerequisite: Departmental approval


DA 100 Ethics and Professional Relations (3-0-3) T h e assistant's role as s member of the dental health team, re- quirements and clualities of conduct and attitude, the laws gov- erning dentistry and related occupations.

DA 101 Personal Hygiene (2-0-2) Dewlopillg good person:ll health habits, the importance of good health, and practical applications of principles.

DA 1 1 1 Dental Equipment and Instruments (2-3-3) . . 1 opics relt~tive to ~)l.e-oper;~tive :~ssistiny, steriliz:~tion tech~i ic~~~es , names alitl uses ol' illstr~tnlents, yootl housekeeping nlld proper care of ecluipnlent.

DA 1 12 Denrol Chemistry and Materials (3-3-4) l ' l ~ y ~ i c ; ~ l : I I I ( I c I I ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ : I I l)rop(*rtics or the 111ost freqi~rntly ~ I ~ C Q I I I I -

tel.etl 111:1tc!ri:lls. h . l :~~~i l~u l :~ t io~i of ~)l:~stcl-, stone, il~lpressio~i 11111-

tarials :tr~tl w;tses.

DA 12 1 Clinical Orientation (2-3-2) ;\ Illore detailed s t ~ ~ t l y of equipment and instruniet~ts and an e r i ~ ~ ) l ~ a s i s on chairside assicting procedures.

DA 122 Pharmacology, Diet and Nutrition ( 2 - 3 - 3 )

Common tlrugs ant1 111etlic31ne1its rlsctl in the tlrntal oHic,e, ~lletll. ods of administering correct dosages. Nutrition as velatecl to t he r~ormal diet.

DA 1 2 3 Dental Anatomy and Physiology ( 2 - 3 - 3 )

Bones associatecl with the oral c:~vity, tletailetl study of tlle teeth, physiology and occlusion as related to the dental arch.

DA 124 Dental Laboratory Procedures ( 2 - 6 - 4 )

Operation of laboratory equipment, performing tasks required in the I:~barntory including pouring plaster, polishing dentures and making stove dies.

DA 13 1 Clinical Procedures ( 1 -6 -3 )

Atltli~ic;n:~l ch:tirsicle procedures with emphasis on radiology, an- esihcsi:~ 311(1 first aid.

DA 132 Bacteriology and Oral Pathology ( 2 - 3 - 3 )

'I'l.ansn~isbiot~ of tlibeases, use of a microscope, antiseptics, in- f lan~mation or oral tissues, etiology and control of dental caries.

DA 140 Clinical Practicum ( 2 4 0 clock hours-6 c r e d i t s )

Work esl~eriences in selecterl tlent:~l oftitices and clinics. Student o ill 11ot receive rernuner:~tion. ( T h e stutlent will practice in at le:~st 2 oflices ant1 not Inore than 3. At least 3 weeks practice ill be i l l the tirat office.)


DR 10 1 Blueprint Reading-Electrical (0 -3 - 1 ) l ieatl i l~g ant1 i l ~ t e r l ~ r e t i c i ~ prints of electrical systenls. Lettering and sinlple sketching are included.

DR 1 02 Blueprint Reading-Welding ( 0 - 3 - 1 ) 13nhic lines, \ , ieus 211tl inter1)ret:ltion of prints apl,licnble to weld- ing. Lettering :~ntl s in~p le sketching are included.

DR 1 03 Blueprint Reading-Machine Shop (0 -3 - 1 ) I t e a t l i n ~ and inter1,reting prints and working drawings :~l)l,lic:~- ble to the nlachioist. Lettering and simple sketching are in- cluded.

Blueprint Reading-Air Conditioning (0-3- 1 ) A study of actual prints relat ing to hea t ing a n d cooling systcanls of resitlentinl a n d industr ial buildings.

Electrical and Electronics Drawing (0-6-2) Use of t l raf t ing equiptnent , symbols, lettering and I:lyout of schenlatic and wiring diagrams.

Engineering Drawing 1 (0-6-2) Introduction to principles and practices of d ra f t ing to i n c l ~ ~ t l e lettering, geometric c.onstrl~ction, orthogrnphic projection, : ~ t r t l

principles for selection and use of size and location tlirnensions.

Pipefitting Layout and Calculations (0-6-2) Interpretat ion :III(I ( I ~ : I M ill!: of o r t l i o ~ r : ~ ~ ) J l i c and iwmetr ic piping drawings , piping symbols, dimensioning ant1 locating pipe and fittings on d r a u i ~ l g s :and use oF pipefittiny handbook tables. Prerequisi te: UH 112

Engineering Drawing 11 (0-6-2) .4 continuation of Engineer inc Dr:~\t . ing 1 :IS :~pplic.al)le for the machinist. C o t ~ r s e is i l l co \ . r r the tlill'ere~it tylres 01' tlr:~r\ ings, notes, par t s lists, etc. l'rerecluisite: Ill{ 112

Die Assembly Drawing (0-6-2) An arl\.a~rcetl clt,a\\ing course \\lierein dies :Ire used :IS the vc- hicles O F i n s t r u c t i o ~ ~ . l ' r e re~~uis i te : Ill{ 114

Jigs and Fixtures Drawing (0-6-2) 'l'ht: t l r ; ~ \ \ i n g ol' jig\ l i s t u ~ . e ~ to Ix: built 1))' the \ t ~ ~ ( l ~ n t in ;\.IT 242.

Drafting Fundamentals ( 1 -6-3) .-\n i r i t r o ~ l ~ ~ c - t h , ~ ~ to tlr:~l 'ting ~)rinri l ) les and practices. Jr~clut lrs 11se of ~ I I ~ ~ I . ~ I I > I C I ~ ~ \ :IIICI e ( l ~ ~ i l ) ~ i ~ t . ~ ~ t , Itrttering, apl,lictl geortlt:try, orthoKr:~l)hic. cIr:~\\ i n s : I I I ~ ~ t l i~nc .n ioning . l ' ~ ~ r ~ . e c ~ i ~ i s i t e : Enrollrtl in a t l r q e e curriculum

Electronics Drafting (0-3- 1 ) Elcc,t~.ic.:~l a11tl I : I ( Y I I . I , I I ~ ~ . \ s!.nlIx,ls, \ \ i r ing t l i :~granis , I)loc k ( l i : ~ grains :III(I clcctric:~l tl~.:~\sintgs f111- architectural plans. I '~ .e re (~ui \ i t c : I)I( .; I 1 or ec lu i \ :~ l rn t

Mechanical Drafting 1 (2-6-4) .\ \t~lcI!. 01' ~ I L I I J I i:tl d ~ , : i \ \ ing, a ~ ~ s i l i : ~ r i c > , sections, C O I I S ~ ~ I I I ~ O I I ~ , :~n t l intt*~.wctions allti ~ lc \c lo l )n i rn t \ . E ~ i ~ p l ~ a s i s 011 I I ~ I : 0 1 ' I I : I I I ~ I I~croks a~l t l 11t11t.r s o ~ ~ r c e n ~ ; ~ t e r i a l z . JJrrt.ecluisitc: I l l < I I

DR 33 1 Mechanical Drafting 11 (2-6-5) I ~ ~ r t . , ~ l ~ ~ c ~ c ~ s working drawings-the types, their use ant1 pllrpose. IIII.IIICICS general and specific notes, limits, toler:~nces and pre- c.ision; design of gears and cams. I'rerequisite: DR 321

DR 34 1 Sfructural Drafting (2-6-4) Designing and detailing of structures and fornis to carry henvy loads. Emphasis on stresses and strains in vnrious types of struc- tures ant1 piping arrangements. I'rerequisite: DR 33 1

DR 35 1 Architectural Drafting (2-6-4) Preliminary planning, sketching, plot plans, floor plans, eleva- tions, sections, schedules 2nd syn~bols as applietl to houses, s~nn l l office builclings ant1 sinlilar builtlings. Prerequisite: Dl1 321

DR 352 Mechanisms (3-3-4) Mathematical and dr:lfting s o l ~ ~ t i o n s to problems involving ma- chine elements. Included are linkage motion; \,elocities and nc- celer:~tions o f points \vithin a linkage; layout nlethods for design- ing cams, gears and gear trains.

DR 361 Research Project (0-9-3) T h e s t ~ ~ t l e n t \ \ . i l l choose :I design project :~nd submit drnwings nncl a \ \r i t ten ~.eport. Sound design princildes nre es!)ectetl. Con- sult:~tions :1n0 ~ u i t l : ~ ~ ~ c e froni the s t n f are :>v:til;~ble. l'rerecluisite: Cnnditlate for gr ;~du;~t ion


ET 105 Electricity (2-2-3) .A non.riyorous sur\e!, of DC :~ncl AC' rlect~.icity. L:~bs enipI1~- size proper use of i n s t r t ~ ~ l ~ r n t s , t ~ . o i ~ l ~ l r - \ l l o o t i ~ ~ g nntl elenientnry rep;~irs. S o ~ n e outside prep:i~.otion or lollo\\.-up For I:lb lvorl; is requiretl.

ET 1 1 1 Direct and Alternating Current (3-9-6) F'untln~rient:~l collcepts to i n c l ~ ~ t l r \.olt:ige, current Ho\\. resist- ance :~nd their interrel;~tions, circl~it ch;~rncteristics and :111:11!.sis.

ET 120 Vacuum Tubes and Transistors (4-3-5) A survey of coninlon \.acullnl t ~ ~ l ~ e s and transistors as apl)licnble in indubtry. Prerequisite: ET 111

Electrical Machines (4-3-5) A stutly to include transformers, motors, generators :~nd auxili- ary ecluipment. Installation and maintenance requirenients for alternating current power equipment. Premcluisite: ET 11 1

Vacuum Tubes and Rectifiers (5-3-6) Operating theory, characteristics and applications of vacuum tubes and rectifiers. Prerequisite: ET 11 1

Meters and Measuring Instruments ( 1 -3-2) 0per:lting principles, proper uses and calibration of instruments ranging from the galvanometer to the oscilloscope.

Electrical Materials and Fabrication (2-3-3) Use of hnndtools, fabrication of boxes and panels, conduit bend- ing and other tasks performed by the electrician.

Power Supplies, Oscillators and Amplifiers (5-6-7) Fundamental concepts, operating principles and applications of various power supplies, oscillator and amplifier circuits. Prerequisite: ET 122

Semiconductors (3-3-4) Non-mathematical approach to the characteristics of semicon- ductors, operation, structure and applications. Prerequisite: ET 122

Electrical and Electronic Controls (3-3-4) Applications of controls a s used in starters, timers, limit switches and other controls used in industry. Prerequisite: E'r 110 or ET 122

Electrical Installation Planning (5-6-7) A study of procedures outlined by the National Electric Code; the design, operation ant1 technical details of distribution sys- tems. L,abs include :I study of actual prints, work at the d r a ~ . ing board :lntl held trips. I'rerecluisites: DH 11 1, E'T 134

Electronics Assembly Methods ( I -3-2) C'onst~.uction techniclues in chassis Iayottt, soldering, wire lacing anti splicing, use of llnnd tools and 11arclw:tre.

Industrial Electronics Applications (3-3-4) A sllrvtly of electro~lics i~p l~ l i c :~ t io~ i s ill industry to i~iclutle g:lKrs, plloto-electric cells, intlicators, recorders anti miscel ln~~eol~s con- trols.

Instruments Laboratory (0-6-2) I'ractical experience in disassembly, reassembly, inspection and calibration of electronics instruments.

Introduction to Electricity and Electronics (3-3-4) T h e vocnbulary and major concepts of TIC and AC theory. A brief introduction to vocuum tubes and transistors will be in- cludetl at a level to acquaint non-majors with these devices.

DC and AC Theory (5-6-7) A rigorous treatment of direct and :~lternating current theory. Circuit characteristics and analysis, network theorems, phase relations, impedance, resonance and transformer action. Corequisite: ET 322

Meters, Measuring Instruments and Measurements ( 1 -3-2) Theory of operation of common meters, their uses, principles of the oscilloscope and some of its uses. Proper care of equip- ment is enlphasized.

Vacuum Tube Fundamentals (3-3-4) Introduction to concepts of vacuum tubes. T h e basic triode amplifier, tetrodes, pentotles, cathode ray tubes and basic electronic circuits are included.

Electrical Machinery (3-3-4) :I stutly of DC :~nrl AC motors, generators anrl :~lternators. Single ; ~ n d polyphase motors, synchronous motors and appli- cations ;Ire inc-lutled. Prerequisite: E'I' 311

Semi-conductor Fundamentals (5-3-6) 13:lsic s e n i i c o ~ ~ t l ~ ~ c t o r physics, 1J.n junctions, various transistor circuits, bi:tsing and stabiliz:~tion networks are subjects pre- sented.

Electronics Circuits (5-6-7) A stt~cly oF t l ~ e ;~pplic.;~tions of vacullm tubes ant1 transistors, t u ~ ~ e t l circuits anrl basic circuits for power supplies, detectors, ~ l n ~ ~ ) l i f e r s ant1 oscil1:ltors. I'rereclui.sites: EI' 331, E1' 342

Microwaves (3-3-4) ' l ' i l t l t - wc.tiolis, M ! ; I V ~ M I I ~ C I C S :IIIO c:~vities; klystrons, magnetrons

ET 353 Industrial Electronics (3-3-4) Subjects covered include: electronic relay circuits, photoelectric controls, induction and dielectric heating, motor controls and specialized tubes nnd lamps.

ET 361 Pulse and Switching Circuits (5-3-6) A study of nonsinusoidal signals and circuits including wave- sh:~ping circuits, multi\librators, electronic gates, switches nrld delay circuits. l'rerequisite: ET 3 5 1

ET 362 Computer Fundamentals (5-3-6) A study of digital computer systenis, number systems, input- output equipment. Introduction to Boolean algebra is included. Prerequisite: ET 351

ET 363 Research Project (0-6-2) Student will design and build electronics project of his choice with guidance from the staff. Sound design and construction techniques are expected. Project must be s u m m a r i n d in written report form, a copy of which is filed; project is financed by the student ant1 is the student's personal property. Prerequisite: Candidate for graduation


EG 0 1 0 Reading Improvement (0-2-No credit) Techniques to increase one's reading speed and comprehension.

EG 100 Communications (3-2-4) A review of grnnimar and emphasis on written and oral c o m ~ l ~ u - nications. l ~ b sessions provide techniques of mading improve- ment, speaking, spelling and vocabulary improvement.

EG 10 1 English Grammar and Composition (4-0-4) A review of aranlniar and an intensive study of sentence ant1 paragr:~pll developn~ent. Empll:~sis on spelling and punctuation.

EG 200 Business and Technical Writing (2-3-3) An introtluction to teclinic;~l writin!: as in letter 2nd report form. Colitinuecl c.n~l)l~:isis on Kr;uillil:lr, punctuation a11d spell in^. L;~bu are pr in~:~r i ly t y l ~ i n ~ sessions. l'rerecluisite: EG 100 or EC 101

EG 301 English Composition (5-0-5)

t t'i Itla T~chnicol Writing (3-2-4) ' l ' r t - l~~~ iques for presentation of data, formal and informal report5 ant1 some business correspontlence. Labs are clevotecl to tlirectetl writing sessions and library use. Preparation out of class re- quired for labs. Prerequisites: EG 301

EG 303 Business Correspondence (2-3-3) Written com~nunications as npplic:lble to buhiness. Composition of letters and memos with emphasis on styles, spelling :inti punc- tuation. Labs are primarily typing sessions. Prerequisite: EC 301

EG 304 Effective Speaking (0-3- 1 ) Emphasis on 0rg:lnization of ~lluterial and its presentation in speaking before groups.


IT 31 1 Survey of Industrial Engineering (3-0-3) Lectures to present the scope of industrial engineering history, industrial ownership, equipment, finances and other topics.

IT 321 Machine Processes (2-3-3) An introiluction to the fundamentals of mass production includ- ing tools, machines, gages and methods primarily in metal working,

IT 322 Engineering Problems and Techniques (2-3-3) An applications course to include the use of the slide rule, cal- culators and business machines in solving engineering problems. Some nttrntion is devoted to gr:~phical solutions and elementary nomography.

IT 331 Motion and Time Study (3-3-4) Techniques of motion 2nd time study, processes and operation charts, n~ i~ l t ip l e acti\;ity charts and stop watch time study. In- cludcs the necexs;lry n ~ n t l ~ e n ~ n t i c s for work nleasurement by time study and work sampling.

IT 34 1 Methods - Time Measurement (3-2-4) I)et;rilecl training in the ;~pl,licntion of work measurement by the M'I'M t ec l~n i r l~~e . I{ccognition antl definition of fund:~n~entnl M'L'IM work e l e ~ ~ l e ~ ~ t s wit11 practical application. I'rerecluisits: 1.1' 33 1

Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Processes (3-3-4) A study of non-metallic engineering materials with emphasis or, coniposition, structure and processes in production of si~itl 111:i- terials.

Quality Control (3-2-4) T h e application of probability and statistics to acceptance sum- pling, OC curves, control charts and statistical tolerancing. Prerequisite: MA 342

Production Planning and Cost Control (5-0-5) Determining economical methods, machines, operations and ma- terials for the nianufacture of a ~>rotluct. Planning, scheduling, routing and procecl~~res of production control; includes Critical Path Method.

Plant Layout and Materials Handling (3-6-5) Principles of plant layout for optinlurn utilization of personnel, materials and rnachin.es. lnclurles selection and use of equip- ment and methotls for hantlling material in the industrial process. I'rerequisit?: DH 31 1, IT 331

Operations Research and Automation (3-3-4) Familiarizes the student \\ ith operations research, computer ca- pabilities :~ntl applic;~tions, e le~ncnts O F linear programming. I ' rere~~uisite: MA 342

Labor Relations (5-0-5) Study of personnel polici.rs :~ntl I;~\r.s concerned ui th employer- eml~loyee relatioris. Attention ib ~ i v e n to ernl~loyee records, train- i n s :~ntl use of practic;tl indt~stri :~l p~yc111~1o~y. J'rerequisite: SS :301

Sofety (3-0-3) An;~ly\is of accident ctruses :~nd ~ ) r e \ rn t ion , hou\ekeeping, safety ec l~~i lxnent , :11id ~)ronioting safe [~ractices.

Engineering Economy (3-0-3) Oper:~tional cost\, life of ecluip~nent, tlepreciation rates, economic lot sizes, selection of ecluipn~ent and cost studies.

Research Project (0-6-2) T h e student \ \ i l l select a project to be researched and tlocu- rnented. Conferences are scl~.eduletl on an indi\,idual bahis for ~)rogre \ \ reports, guid:inre and oral examinations. I'rerequibite: Cantlidate for graduation


M A I 0 l Fundamentals of Mathematics (5-0-5) I { r \ i t - \ \ , ( ~ f :rrithnletic operations, concepts of plane geometry. K ~ . t ) ~ ~ ~ ( . t r i c constructions, brief introduction to algebra and tr ig- t~llonletry.

M A 102 Elements of Algebra and Trigonometry (3-0-3) l 'roble~n solving using algebra and trigonometry. Use of hand- books, tables and graphs.

M A 103 Mathematics for Lab Technicians (3-0-3) Review of exponents and logarithms; graphs; elementary con- cepts from statistics.

M A 104 Mathematics for Ward Secretaries (3-0-3) Arithmetic review; rencling tables and graphs; charting tech- 11ic1ues; conversion of units.

MA 105 Introductory Algebra (3-0-3) I"~~nt l :~r i le~l t :~I uper:~tions; substitutions in a forrnula; solving li11r:lr e c ~ u ; ~ t i u ~ ~ s .

M A 106 Intermediate Algebra (4-0-4) E~)OIIUI~S. r;ltlic.t~ls and cluacll-:ttir ec1u:ltions in one unknown. Solution of sin1ult:rneous linear ecluations. l 'rer-eil~~isitr: hl.4 105 or equivale~lt

M A 107 Elementary Statistics (4-3-5) I\ st~rtr!. of (lrzc~.ipti\.e :~ntl i~ifrreritial st:ltihtics :~nd applicn. tions i l l tile trxti lr i r ~ ( l ~ ~ s t r y . D e s i ~ ~ l r t l to g i \ e :I b:tsic kno~ t l edge ol' s : t~ l l~ ) l i~ ig procrtlurrs : I I I ~ 110\\. st:itistics are applied in cluality c o ~ ~ t r o l , \\ark s t :~~r~l :~r t l s , etc.

M A 1 1 1 Algebra and Introduction to Trigonometry (5-0-5) Sol! in% Ii11e:ir : I I I ~ t l t~:~clr:~ti~. eclt~:~tiorib; graphs; s i r ~ ~ u l t ~ n e o u s lin- ear eclr~:ltiolls; elc~ilrnt:~ry trigo~ioi~letl-y and problem solving.

M A 1 12 Algebra and Trigonometry (5-0-5) 'Trigonometric fu~ictiuns :111d their grnphs; \.ectors; logarithms; sol\,ing \ erb31 problems. Prerequisite: h1.A 11 1

MA 120 Business Mathematics (5-0-5) A review of ar i thn~et ic and simple algebra as applicable to busi- ness such as simple interest, discounts, etc.

Logic and Algebra (5-0-5) An introduction to logic, syllogisms, truth tables and simple arguments. Algebra includes a review of linear and quadratic equations, graphs and an introduction to inequalities.

Algebra (5-0-5) Binomial theorem, progressions, logarithms, and matrices. A short unit is devoted to right triangle trigonometry. Prerequisite: MA 21 1

Business Statistics (2-3-3) Histograms, frequency distributions, sampling techniques, prw- entation of data, measures of central tendency, correlations, vocabulary of statistics. Prerequisite: MA 221

Finite Mathematics (5-0-5) Topics include breakeven analysis, vectors, matrices and prob- ability as applicable to business.

Business Statistics 11 (2-34) A continuation of MA 230. Emphasis on statistical inference. Prerequisite: MA 230

Integrated Algebra and Trigonometry 1 (5-0-5) Review of algebra through simultaneous linear equations and quadratics, trigonometric functions, vectors, exponents, graph- ing.

Integrated Algebra and Trigonometry 1 1 (5-0-5) Graphs of trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, progressions. Prerequisite: MA 321 or equivalent

Analytic Geometry (5-0-5) Plane analytical geometry of the circle, parabola, hyperbola and ellipse; advanced topics from algebra and trigonometry. Prerequisite: M A 321

Introductory Calculus (5-0-5) Techniques of differentiation and integration of algebraic and trigonometric functions; applications in technology. Prerequisite: MA 33 1

Probability and Statistics (4-2-5) An introduction to probability, descriptive statistics and etatis- tical inference; applications appropriate to major field of study. Labs require some outside preparation or follow-up. Prerequisite: MA 231 or MA 321


Orientation to Medical Lab ( 1-6-3 1 I~itroductinn to medical. lnboratary practices and procedurrs, awl the role of the Laboratory Amidant. Includes field trip* 113

vnriouu rnt~iical fecilitieo.

Urinalysis ( 1-32) Study of principles and procedures regarding urine formation, collrction and nnalysis, Laboratory practice of routine urir~s analysis alrtl special procedures.

Hemapalogy (2-6-4) Study of blood constituents and perbnrmance of gualitativt ond c)r~antitatirr analysis of h l d components.

EKG, BMR, and HisEology (0-3-13 Study of principles and techniques of E ~ ~ t r w a r t l i o g r ~ ~ h y and H:~snl bletabolic Hatrs. Also, stutly of procdtrres involved with tissue prep~mtinn trnployrd in Histology Department.

Micrabiolsgy (2-6-4) Stctdy of roinlnon micro-organisms and routine techniques per- b'orlnetl in huc tc r ido~y , ~ r u l o g y , and parasitology laboratories.

Clinical Cherniery (3-9-6) Sturly nf theory nntl procedures uced in clinical rhrmistry !ah- mtory. Prnctice in performance sf specific tests.

Blaod Banking I 1 -3-2) Stilrly and performance of blood trp i t~y and grouping, donor ~creeniltg, phtcbotomics and crow matching.

Urinalysis Lobomtory (80 clock hours-2 credits) ;\pplirtl pmct i r~ in pertomance of routine urinr analyses and sp~cial tests.

Hematology Labamto y (240-6) Applied pr:ic-ticr in the huspitnl Iieinntoloyy Inboratnry, inclsid- inc pnt~ent cnntnct, rct~ipumr~~rerr. and routine aual!bes of b l d saniplrs.

EKG, BMR, Histology Laboratury 180-2) Experience in t ~ ~ : l k i t i ~ ~ l e c t r ~ ~ n r d i ~ g r a ~ ~ ~ and 1311R's. .ipplied practice, in proces\ing tissues,

Microbiology Laboratory ( 1 60-41 Sirp~n i w r l prsctice !n procnlures of rhe bacteriolo~y, serolo~y, and parasitology laborntories.


ML 135 Chemistry Laboratory (240-6) Applied practice in making reagents and performing analyses on blood and other body fluids.

ML 136 Blood Banking Laboratory ( 1 60-4) Super\.ised practice in .4RO 3nd Rh typing, cross mot chin^ and phlebotomies.


MT 100 Properties of Metals and Principles of Heat Treatment (3-0-3)

A practical approach to include physical properties of the com- mon industrial metals, theory of heat treating, testing proce- dures, equipment, and the use of manufacturers' catalogs, bul- letins, etc.

M T 1 1 1 Basic Machine Shop Theory and Practice (5-12-9) A rigid indoctrination in the operation of and fundamental op- erational ~ rocedures on machine tools to inclutle the pedestal grinder, drill press, l:lthe, poM.er saw, shaper, surface grinder and milling machine. 0perntion:ll procedures will include proper sharpening of drill bits and lathe cutting tools. Safety and good housekeeping are en~phasized.

M T 1 12 Machinists' Measuring Instruments (2-3-3) A s t ~ ~ t l y of systems of measure~nent , techniques and instruments used by the machinist. Proper use and care of instruments are emphasized.

M T 1 13 Machinists' Measuring Instruments (2-2-3) Same as M T 1 12 with the exception of lab hours. Some outsicle preparation or follow-up 011 lab exercises will therefore be re- quired.

MT 121 Intermediate Machine Shop Theory and Practice (4- 1 2-81

Further st t~tly 3111~1 practice ill s l~aping, clrill press 311d lathe c~ l t t i ng tools; ol>er;~tion:~l procr ih~rrs I I I I ~ the setting up of a11 engine I:itlie; h:lsic i~ i t e r~ i :~ I :111d esternnl latlie operations. Proj- ects \+ill be cori~l>lctrtl t~nco~i,l~:tssir~g ol)rr:~tioli of etluipnient nncl procc.tlures in this :tnd tlie precetlir~g course.

MT 131 Advanced Machine Shop Theory and Practice (3- 15-81

/ \ ( I \ , : I I I ~ Y Y ~ olwl.:~t io11:il proce(1ures :111(1 t e c l i ~ i i q ~ ~ e s on t l ~ r tlri l l

1 ) l . e ~ ~ ;111tl l : ~ t l ~ c ~ ; t11rol.y :111tl 111,;1cti(.e 011 ol~t'~.:ltivn :111(1 s ( ~ ~ - I I I ) t r i '

t11e 111iIli11g I I I : I C I I ~ I I ~ ;11ic1 sli;~per; : I I ~ i ~ i t ~ ~ v ( l t ~ c t i o ~ i to the cy l i~~( l r i .

rnl Krintler to precede a study of surface grinding; a unit of s t ~ ~ d y will be devoted to a numerical tape-controlled machine. Ac-r~~racy in machining projects is emphasized.

Machine Shop Practice (0-21 -7) Atfvanced work on all basic machine tools. Universal tools and cutter-grinder operations are included in this course. Accuracy, speed and safety are emphasized.

Machine Shop Practice (0-1 5-51 Same as MT 141 except hours. Fewer projects required.

Basic Tool and Die Making (4-1 5-91 Principles of blank nnd pierce dies, die life, punches and their mounting, die block constructions, screw and dowel holes. Con- struction of piercing and blanking dies perform in the shop.

Intermediate Tool and Die Making (5-21 - 1 2) A continuation of M T 21 1. Theory includes stripping and stock guides, shedders and knock-outs, nest gages, pushes and die stops, stock material, utilization and strip layout, catalog studies of die sets. Shop practice will consist of making die components as directed by the instructor. Blank development will be made for blank die layout.

Machine Controls (2-2-3) A study of controls as found in industry. Includes electrical limit switches, some hydraulic and pneumatic controls for auto- mation dies and slitting machines. Prerequisite: E T 105 or PH 101

Advanced Tool and Die Making 1 (3-21 -1 0) A continuation of M T 221. Materinl includes die-to-press rela- tionships; automatic feeds; inverted and compound dies; pro- gressive dies using the blank-through-chopoff and parting prin- ciple. Shop practice as directed by the instructor.

Advanced Tool and Die Making 11 (3-1 2-71 2 B Secondary operation dies and drawing operations. T h e student 1 is required to design a die and produce the actual die in shop. i Supervised shop practice. f

Prerequisite: DR 121, M T 231 f i Jigs and Fixtures (0-1 5-51 4

All shop work to build jigs and fixtures which have been draw11 in DR 122. i i Prerequisite: DR 122



Mechanics and Heat (3-2-4) Topics include equations describing motion, energy, power and simple machines; heat, temperature, effects of heat and heat transfer.

Mechanics and Electricity (3-2-4) Motion, energy, power and simple machines; non-rigorous ap- proach to DC and AC electricity; use of electrical instruments and their care.

Hydraulics and Pneumatics (3-0-3) A survey of fluid characteristics and fluid behavior in pipes. Requires knowledge of elementary algebra. Prerequisite: P H 100

Pipe Systems and Metering Devices (3-0-3) A survey of the functions and nature of valves and gages in pipe systems. A general approach to valve operation, installa- tion and maintenance. Prerequisite: PH 102

Mechanics (3-3-4) Emphasis on conservation of momentum and energy. Motion of translation and rotation treated in detail. Applications to tech- nology are included.

Wave Motion and Heat (3-3-4) Detailed study of wave behavior and energy transfer. Applica- tions of theory in sound, electromagnetic waves. Includes unita of study in heat and heat transfer. Prerequisite: PH 3 11

Geometrical Optics and Modern Physics (3-3-4) Reflection and refraction of light, applications of lenses and mirrors. Topics dealing with atomic structure, periodic table, nuclear reactions and applications. Prerequisite: PH 321

Statics and Strength of Materials (3-2-4) A review of statics of particles, statics of bodies in two and three dimensions, forces in beams, cables and trusses. Two hours of recitation-problem solving lab requiring outside preparation. Prerequisite: PH 3 11, MA 33 1

Strength of Materials Laboratory (0-2-1 An experimental laboratory course dealing with the testins of materials. Labs require outside preparation. Co-requisite: PH 341


100 Anatomy and Physiology (5-0-5) A study of the human body and the normal functioliv of its systems. Emphasis placed on vocabulary.

101 Physical Science (5-0-5) Topics from chemistry and physics. Emphasis placed on vo- cabulary; non-mathematical in nature.

102 Medical Laboratory Chemistry (3-0-3) General chemistry procedures and principles as utilized in the medical labratory. Includes preparation of solutions, use of standards, etc.

103 Selected Topics from Physics (3-0-3) Motion and energy transmission as applicable to textile machin- ery; heat and effects of heat; humidity and its effects.

104 Anatomy (3-0-3) Human anatoniy with primary emphasis on vocabulary, spelling and correct word usage,

300 Chemistry (3-3-4) Fundamental concepts of chemistry to include atomic theory, composition of substances, symbols, formulas, bonding and re- actions. Prerequisite: Enrolled in a degree curriculum


100 Economics (3-0-3) A study of forms of business organizations, business operations, supply and demand, the free-enterprise system and other topics affecting economic growth and development.

1 0 1 Humon Relations (3-0-3) A study of the human factors affecting productivity and job performance. Some attention is given to employment interviews, testing and employer-employee relations.

102 Psychology (5-0-5) A study of the principles of psychology as npplierl to on-the-job situations.

1 1 1 Introduction to Psychology (4-0-4) A sti~cly of' inheritance lrncl envirorimellt, their influence on per- sonality development and learning. Emph:lsizes the learning and behavior of the individual.


SS 1 2 1 Personnel Practices (3-0-3) How to conduct an interview; maintaining personal records; problems encountered in interperson~l relations and methods upplicable to sol\ 'ing disputes.

SS 13 1 Supervision of Personnel (4-0-4) Methods of instructing for employers' on-the-job training; com- munications and its importance.

SS 1 7 1 Principles of Management (4-0-4) Techniques useful i n helping the supervisor plan and schedule work, utilize time, etc.

SS 300 Economics (3-0-3) A study of the U.S. economic system. Topics include the bank- ing system, factors influencing supply and demand, govern- ment's role in economy. Prerequisite: Degree curriculum student

SS 301 Psychology (3-0-3) An introduction to the scientific approach for understanding be- havior, the principles and methods of psychology, some learning theory and applications of psychology. Prerequisite: Degree curriculum student


TS 10 1 Personal Development (3-0-3) Areas of study include personal hygiene, complexion care, make- up, good posture and carriage, voice in answering telephone and similar topics.

TS 102 ABC Shorthand (2-3-3) A course allotiing use of the alphabet for rapid note-taking. ( ( T o exempt the student must take notes at 60 words per minute at 95 per cent accuracy on a five-minute test.

TS 1 1 1 Typing 1 (2-3-3) Emphasis on problems comparable to those in actual office work: letter styles, invoices, statements, rough drafts, tabulation and duplication. Prerequisite: 40 \vords a minute, 5 minutes, 3 errors, 3 takes

TS 1 12 Shorthand and Transcription 1 (2-3-3) Vocabulary building, dictation and transcription of shorthar~d notes rvith emphasis on developing speed and accuracy. Trans- cription of letters is stressed. Prerequisite: 70 words a minute, 5 minutes, 95% accuracy

9 3

Typing 11 (2-3-3) Typing business forms, special reports, production reports, ta- bles, charts, and graphs. Prerequisite: T S 11 1 or BA 200

Shorthand and Transcription 11 (2-3-3) A continuation of T S 112 with emphasis on accuracy and speed. Letters and reports are primary materials to be dictated and transcribed. Prerequisite: T S 112

Typing Laboratory (0-6-2) Supervised exercises to develop speed. Material to be correlated with T S 132. Co-requisite: T S 132

Dictotion and Transcription (2-6-4) Emphasis on the development of a vocabulary for the field of medicine, law or engineering. Material incorporated will be in keeping with that which the student is most likely to encounter in an on-the-job environment. Prerequisite: T S 122 Co-requisite: BA 223, SC 100 or SC 101; TS 131

Office Applications and Procedures (2-3-3) Secretarial duties as performed in modern business office, inte- grating typing, dictation, machine transcription. Office proce- dures such as filling in office forms, writing purchase orders, invoices, checks, statements and office memoranda.

Typing Laboratory (0-6-2) More supervised exercises to be correlated with T S 142. Some time devoted to automated typewriters operating on punched paper tape and magnetic tape. Co-requisite: TS 142

Advanced Dictation and Transcription (2-3-3) Designed to give the student much dictation a t increased iates; timed transcription. Subject matter from field of medicine, law or engineering. Prerequisite: T S 132 Co-requisite T S 141

Secretarial Procedures (2-3-3) Specialized duties to include principles of indexing and filing, preparing manuscripts and transcribing minutea.


Textile Calculations (4-0-4) An applied course in ~na t l~ema t i c s emphasiziirg the calculatioi~s involved in textile manufacturing. Course emphasizes textile vocabulary, fundamental arithmetic operations and use of for- mulas.

Survey of Textiles (4-0-4) T h e history of textiles and its place in world economy. Empha- sis on woven fabrics, vocabulary, and brief survey of felts, knit- ted and braided fabrics.

Motion and Time Study for Textiles (3-3-4) Techniques of motion and time study as applicable to textiles. Includes the necessary mathematics for work measurement by t ime study and work sampling.

Textile Manufacturing Processes (4-0-4) Emphasis on the processes involved in manufacturing a woven fabric with some time devoted to felts and knits.

Natural Fibers (4-0-4) Properties of cotton and wool and the effects of these properties in determining manufacturing processes: row these properties are changed during nranufacturing and f in~ ih ing operations.

Synthetic Fibers (4-0-4) Brief history of sy~rthetics; emphasis on properties of synthetics, identification and peculiarities of each.

Principles of Textile Chemistry (4-0-4) h surve!. of the ch:iracteristics of chemicals ant1 their eR'ects on yarns and f:~l~rics. Sizing, bleachirig and common rlyeins pro- cedures are s u r v e ) ~ d .

Textile Testing (2-2-3) Sampling techniclues; testin!: yarns' and fabrics' strengths; tests for right, 111oistu1.e content, etc. Operation of associated equip- ment.

Production Control (3-3-4) I'lanniny, routing, scheduling, dihpatching and inventory control. li.ecei~ing stores and shipping; corrtrol forms, their use irntl reports.

Textile Engineering Economy (3-0-3) O1)erational costs, life of equipment, depreciation rates, econo~ilic lot sizes, selection of equipment and cost studies.


l l I Hoapital Organization and Procedure (3-6-5) ;\tl~r~ilristrative organization of hospitals; departmental organiza- tion; inter-departmental relations; the hospital environment; office and filing procedures.

1 2 1 Ward Secretary Procedures (3-6-5) Detailed practice on the procedures required of the ward secre- tary to include filing, charting, typing, using the telephone.


100 Soldering, Brazing and Welding Techniques (0-6-2) A course including principles and techniques of soldering, braz- ing and oxyacetylene welding. Care of tools and personal safety are emphasized.

1 0 1 Welding Practice (0-6-2) Basic procedures and practice in the welding of small parts and tools.

1 1 1 Oxyacetylene Welding (3-9-6) A course including principles of oxyacetylene welding, prepara- tion of materials, setting up equipment and simple physical test- ing of welded joints. Practice will be performed primarily on flat ferrous stock of various thicknesses in the flat, vertical and overhead positions. Safety is emphasized.

1 2 1 Arc Welding (3- 1 2-7) Principles of electric arc welding and practice. Practice as in WD 11 1 will also include building-up operations and some pipe welding.

13 1 Inert Gas Welding (3- 15-81 Principles and practice in the welding of aluminum, magnesium, stainless steel, copper-based alloys and nickel-based alloys.

140 Fundamentals of Welding Processes (3-1 2-71 A course including theory and practice in oxyacetylene, electric arc and inert gas welding. Sinlple physical testing is included and personal safety is emphasized.

14 1 Welding Practice for Certification (0-9-3) Atlditional practice in oxyacetylene, electric arc and/or inert gas welding with ernph;~sis on more precise techniques and prepara- tion Tor on-the-job certification. (Spartanburg TEC does not

9 6

certify welders. Valid certification tests are administered by bondable employers.) Prerequisite: Permission of instructor

WD 142 Pipe Systems Fabrication (0-9-3) Techniques required in fabricating welded pipe ayatems. Prac- tice includea use of shop equipment, reading blueprints, alterr- tions in existing pipe ayatem and repairs to pipe ayatrms.

WD 143 Soldering, Bmzing ond Special Welding Problemr (3-6-5)

Principles and practice of soldering and brazing, characteristics of solders and welding uncommon industrial metala and alloya.


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