Tiananmen square

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Tiananmen Square

By Ashley Bowen 3rd Period

Why we should care about this event?

The Chinese people tried to gain Democracy in the Communist country. Also known as the "June Fourth verdict" had a significant impact on democratization in China. It was also a remarkable step towards ending impunity for human rights violations of the government. The cause was the Pro-democracy Movement that campaigned against corruption and for political reform in 1989.

What else Happened?

May 1st - 135 acre Disney's MGM studio officially opens to the public on this day in history.May 11th - Kenya announces worldwide ban on ivory to preserve its elephant herds on this day in history.May 14th - Final TV episode of "Family Ties" airs on this day in history.May 23rd - An estimated one million people in Beijing (and tens of thousands in other Chinese cities) march to demand the resignation of Premier Li Peng on this day in history.

People involved and what they did

• Students from the Beijing University and possibly others led weeks of peaceful protest in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. They demanded political reform, an end to the Communist Party corruption and a government that was accountable to its people. These protests extended from Beijing and had an estimated 100 million people across China demostrate their support for politcal reform.

What happened?

• Students protested the topics that were going on in their country. Soldiers, reportedly, opened fire on the protesters even if it was a peaceful protest. They killed 400-800 and maybe even more. Tanks and foot soldiers were brought in to keep the peace but it soon turned deadly for the protesters.


• What happened on June 4th 1989?• Why were they protesting the government?

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