TIC NTY RECORD. · alek of Democratic mlem¯nalement lad sis. rule In both It~oJ and Baste affairs....

Post on 31-Jan-2021

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    OF "STATE:


    LEADERS IN .NORTH JERSR3~’= :" coNTI N UE,-,T,O,~ ~t.N~ !f



    The rdeent conference of Republlemmeleven North Jenl0y eountlee~Jn Patere0a at

    . which ~iJator Wa~ter ~ I~dge. of ~ktb~tl~.. wu Indonled for the BeimbUeLl~ nothinaliont~r. Governor, ~nd, wht~a ada~q~l long andload criticisms from ttm fri~mem of Men¯totOOIIpUe, mm ~me of the sfm~Imt ~lo~ thel~rty ,,-vrr kltntSmd, ee0o~thg th fo~mer,lndg%Fr~mei~ ~M.t; wl~ wwl menUon(d forthe ~noeul arian [or Oovernor t~im~elf a few~ ago, Tit*# ~rmer J~ ~nu out ~ln~d~y teat lua ~tatel¯ent declaring that Ihc an¯"Te~n~ was arranged without the knowledgeOf’ th/~ A’lln~,itc I~nator and" that It wu OOm-pO~t umnv of the hblewt end be*t men in

    .Ua*~tty, wi.~oiet~t wtul to look aboutIM)d: chocw~ the elemnge.4t man for the hlghh6nm’and lhe. t. lmck b|m fl)rall they~audo nnd exert¯

    " It walt a remarkable demonelmUon," mylthe fol:m~.r Judge’s .Idlement, "in the terri-togy of rival aspirants for LhL~ of Bee for the ottoman woo m’euJn to be especially c~lled for the

    - purpose of le~dlng the ,l~pUblIe~t¯ l~rIy Im~ktovtotnrY. If It we~ pre~rnmlPed byaenai0rF, dgt% whtch I am rel~bl)’ Iofortllt~¢l 11~ nol thefacT, bnt by hie Mend% It ~till meeds the mthlng.t~ me when I recall the multitude endthe eiOHIue~’ter of the eook~rf~., and wlut.t theympfl~teut w* r~pous|ble eepo~nt~ of Repuhll-oe.~llun. Tits ,~a Lqlthemd smell the hal tYl~,mom~m a,d ex.,~.ml~l~l Of both t~k*nale andHOU~ ~dvun~. Republl~n% "Pnqre~.ive~~l opliunl~tq a~ld ¯otl-I~l ,,ptlonl~t& tbeold-~hi.n~! -~lwa~ |Lepn~llettll% and m,toy

    ¯ like myself wire are simply tiest r-p, dillclao¢.*’ The pr-eoedielOf wee entiolmia~lle end or-

    clergy. It m.mneex if there wtt~adetcrnliDn.tlon to o,,r}, all recline, to put away ell ~tn-talonlam amon~ fact|one and to unite agatn,tthecOmmon m emy wlth’a leader who ~oems


    TIC ( Nr MA¥’S


    ¯ :.%,,.~mersd

    AORICULTURE SUOOESTt~3NSu~r~ne AND "RECENT RURAL ’.of ammemeut along Um lake, meet of

    gpendln~ ~ entire day m~ ’ l~r~y In HAPPRNING~U~i’laeenlng tim omwd~ b~ma to drfl~m andIm~ befot~ n0oa the entire l~rk WU emwd~d Nitrogen laulens stalkwtthplemmmmekem. I~te In the ae~ernoon aoJdandpot~hrain ~’to f~ll, dllperelug ¯ portion of the the amp sad the fllUng of the e~r. In thet~rOUlGbetmtmy mnmtned to enjoy dancing of thee, theh ~ own statement, the fertUM~Intb~il~vllJe~ . " tmmufiletnl~ere 4thow "n unlf~rml7

    ltl addtltou to the townspeople who spent potash contest in corn ~ertiilsem f~ Mm~the day st the Park, them wee the OlivetPt’mtbytedsn Church pie-nee and a ttTgh 8eheoi 1910, am against their8ta~hW o~tinlg ~Yom &th~tl~(3JW and a ME In January 1915, The mixture they etllgfl~tl~o.merrom Port l~epnbile. Several be|truck- tre’u br mJpotS~J IseoD~rD~l,.pl’ohlbiUeel~da.of J0y~ut youutster8 wemeonru~d to In pr~ee, even lrtheyamo~tLdub~,


    % ’L~.


    t. ,

    lobe pm-elnlnently fitted for this J(TmtOffloe.It seems e8 if everyone prme¯t had becomealek of Democratic mlem¯nalement lad sis.rule In both It~oJ and Baste affairs. Them8em3q0d to be 8 deinrmlwtUon to dlileBIrdJoual atVOTItm aud men who had claims ofmorner I@m wine audio untie up~na rna¯whom ehareeLerBmd record commended himto the poop~ of the whole 81ate. This nn¯nt-ratty for 8eat toT Edg~ w~m meet Impremlve‘Them wU ̄ o criticism of other e~ndldat~ itwm a mestlu~ rot free dt~u~on ¯od ena~lin-the. The.dooc8 wm~s wide Opest for all eomer~Invited or ~ 2’be repreBentmtveq of theprem were thee0 In ¯ushers. a great body oftruly repTmeut¯ttve men"

    Former Amemblyman Bobeft Terhnne. or.’Newark, h~oomeout for~ou~tor Edge. It) statement Thai~dav hast he mid :

    "The potty attacks f~om ̄ 0~.t~in 10~1 qu~r-ter On ~.uator ~ aM hle. e~ndid~y for~ove~or eerULlnlF reached the fldiontoaswhen, In an Inspired article I~t~ul’~ty, it wM

    .pointed out thai the Bull Mo~ers would lop-port 8easter Colgate In prefer~mee to SenatorEdge, beeamm he had been ~o much morepro-grem~ve a8 a member of the l.,etgslature. ]served with Henator Edge in the l,~leintnTeand have carefully watched his aetlvitlm ever~noe, and susie a statement ~ s Joke u every-body In the 8hate .know&

    *’ It la true that 8creator IF~ige never left hisparty and Joined either" the ~aw Idea or theProBrea~ve party’. He sided all the timeatolwirt Bepubllean, bnt d|d ththp In themeanflm~ We ̄11 talmlt thIt the Progrm.eivm ¯m t)ot. admpty looking for a name. butfor ~ulte.

    "Frankly, I don’t believe .there hal been amember of the l.~ilsl~tum in the hast fifteen7oars wtmomlld Imlnt to u much pn~wmmiveeonatTUetlve leGhdettmi to hi- omllt asmmMenator ~ ~’b~m bb urines opened this@h~l, they certainly laid ~JaemNlvse "l~reto attamk.

    "C~as/der hk workmen’s eompotmaUon aet~for which he deserves abeoinin credit, ~hU~for houri on the floor OI the I.,eBitlainre foe Itspelage- .Look at hla bill8 provlmul for aeei. !dent preventing devleee on mMhluery, theten-boer women’s bill, the new bediret systemthe now e~ntr¯l Imrehu~og b~u, t~ ~n-amy and cmeSel~y bllle .e0naolldaflng numer-ous del~trtmeuls, the safety device8 ~,n eleva-tors, complete system of veuttlaUon’ for fae-tortU and wnTk 8hopo.

    "To atlas pt to enumerate the.bill8 for which8easter l~lge stood spearer and made lawswould require ¯ 0onUnned arable- True, ~omaof thee blUa wee preIatm~ by eom~but l~natov ~ Ima been the he~d and ~OT*tog spirit In then eommlmtons ud we1 re-iponadble ~r L~ appointment of them ecru;mlBeionL No, the7 had ~e nndmetho~ ofattoek. J~en¯tor ]~dKe b8 abeoiulalynothing that la not prolreselv~ and con¯true-live and every student of publ|e nlfiLIm In NewJersey well knows It."

    FORTY-FOUR lille CiTiZi]S

    the Pmgt early I~ the day and’ the ,lake mmlm~munde~ ruth II~dr merriment ’l

    Not" an ~t bspi~med to mar the da~,th010a them wee mvE~l mr et~

    fl~¯, tim

    ~’th~ thtoiealld, wilt petto the maehtnse running thrtmgh the

    en~v~M to the J~vJllm).4p

    Personal Mention.MI~ .~qhqg ~ru~ ~nd Tllomdsy "in

    Philadelphia.J3onR ms8 the Paroel Pat ale tbts eveulng

    In DIllet~ Hall:Agent ~Oy ~ l~eeh Is doing a rushing bust-

    Jn I~ord gupplJeLMr. l~w0od ~ug~--= ~ a Phll~dadphla

    vlMtor ~ Wmtnmd~,.Mr. ~d Mr~ Nathan Ramsay, of Plhila/tel-

    phle, were visitors Mem~H~ ~.8trawberry 8ho~ke Ibis evening, begin-

    ¯ lag at 5,90 o’elot.k, In l)IliePs HellHeveml ~dente expect to ~keadvau~,.

    of theNew York exedrelon to-morrow.IKe~r &dmlml Murdered T. Eudleott, o¢

    WuhIMlon, D. ~., 18 whiting his lietel~t here.F~der and Mn~ William |l. 81ll,, of

    Mulllea Towmlhlp, were visitors WedueedJty.Ez.J487or WIIIhLm Riddle, of Athmtle U"Sty,

    unfed am~mg the court vladln~ Them(lay.Mr. Cbarle~ Remtney, who le now woyklng

    It Pea~Igm~e" Jolued hie ~mll¥ t~pt, at ~ thebeltd~r.

    Mr./Albert C. AbbOtt will attend the Bepub-lle~n NIUon-1 Convention at CgaleNl~duHogthe ooming week.

    IT~ymond Ludlow, of Lehigh Umdverl~ty,81mlat t few da&~ bare wlth ht~ Ipdtntat~ ILev.attd Mira. W. 8.. IL~dto~

    M~ 8. g. Paelmrd, of )fbmI Omal~, spent~veml ~e I~re 8m the gn~ of her bn)ther,Mr. Mull ilk Morea-

    Mtm Nine 8eisner rcturued Tomekty eveningafter ¯ p~nt vtnlt among reh¯tive~ endfidende at Mlllvll~.

    M rB. Joseph Ek Bartlett attended lh~ ¯nnlmiWiltiafn~d rosily rennlon ntFreuchtown, N.J, .Memorial Day, 1

    ~dwa~ 6hOqmk~I’, [~O01l Audel end Wil-liam l~,lpm~ Jr., were home from Pennqruveover MemortoI Day.

    Ray. Nteholas VarseeIlI Is reeeiv~q the 0o~gntt~latlo®ui.of hla muy fTleode o~ hbl a~ai~Moa to foil eitiqmehlp.

    Dr. Weimar Abbott was tim Vletlm ofs~kthte/’thle w~k, who eOt~l~ hbl oMe~ to At*hthtle ~ty and stoles hLrl~qnanttqr ef gold.

    8helqff Joseph [4. Bartlett will ha - amongthe~ 4premnt" at the t,~leed~ 43ouvonttou.He 1~vse m-morrow with ~ In a epoed~itr¯ln-

    v,-.ton st Um ~ g. Permeate. a~m .Met M.Mem~ of V’lnoitnd.Freeh01dor John P. Ashmoed found ¯ four-

    I~mnd en~ppor speeding ou the Plaommtvtllepike Wedlutod¯y. fie picked up the turtle andpr~,~tsd it to a friend hero.

    J’~k P~e tried to take s fire hydnuat outof the ~od with hhl bicycle Tmmday morn-log, when he d~ ~ auto and ~ Into theheavy Iron 13~1t. fie re0elved sevml pe~f~lbruteeL

    Doric D. Hoover Bad CtmrlmTayior, other,wlae known as "*OIp Peens,’* entort-1"nedreveal frkm&8 down therlvoe in thadr motor-be*t Deeomtinn Day, bt’ingl~r up ¯ big entehof fish."

    Mr. and Mat. Clutr~ H. greta, Mr. ~nd Ms,D. D. EUnovsr, Raymond Kea11 ~md RaymondHoover will leave to.day for nn auto trip npthe coast to New Ynrk CIty, They wtii returnto.morrow.

    Mr. add Mrs, MedL 1~ Morse vtatt~l Mr. andMrs. Job¯ It. Ulsrk in Athmtle City TIle~ty

    Mr. an4 Mre. ~ w~re former ru~m~sof Chtrktown and moved to the t~mdloTe abouttwelve ~enm ~ Mr~ Chtrk has been In poorhealth for oeveml yale.

    Ikothe, C~tm S=m wife.Mr. aml M.nL Mleiuml l~amomeo, r~ld4mUs

    I)f thJl pl~ ~ tl~ Put thre0 ~ were helduoderB~04~dl for the grand JurT Wednesdayevening on eluLrgm preferred by OnteeppoLdtmonaeo~ brother to the former, who naysMrs. LLtmonaeo la hi= wife and left him threey~m ago In Roehe~sr, N.Y. Mlel~ei, It Is~4. left Goneetto Calbruo, a widow whombe had married, at the same Um~. Mre. La-monaoo left two’ehlldren in Beehmter and Ima

    two by Mieli&el, who deserted threeehlldro~ lh Eoehmter, aeeordind to testimony :takofl by Malietmte J. A. IJtmhert. Mr. andMrs. I~tmonaeo pnrelmsed~ property here onMaple Areola and have WOn the steam oftheir neighbors, who were greettly surprisedby the el~rgm made by L~’e brother.Me. l~tmo~M~ at the hearing, defendedMtohae] and d,elamd he ease to live with kJer¯ t her ~Uon.

    Bar E~m8 June 8 and 18.To rettove the overcrowding which hall

    mrked the I~g extmloatlooe of recent ymrl~It Ima been, ~eelded to hold the’Jnne termexamination on different data. The ~xamin~-tton for attorney’s lleemme wilt be held Juoet,the usual dol~, while the e~uLmlne, tion of ¢~u-all&tim for sou¯mines d~lrem Irili t¯kephteeJune 1~. Tl~em am 142 candidates for attoeuey’e

    Uro~tng eml~ ~mt whet tl~q w1~I, wbe4the,/want .IL" WILt’ im4huil/~ priest ntw a~ttlJ~lr Imldaem, The im will not flU, Jr UI0~m pmpoTUOU O~p0ta~ to pl~q~*~td bnot maln~ O~IF aJVma~V kernel~m=4. i m¯of tma th.llzten; Buying cornthe t~latl~ of ~r e~seato dlatuebed~ Is thawing" awa7 ~ mtuReima phosphoric laid, nnlase the cor~6."ins pota~ eomm from mmewbere.

    [t sin eomc from the ,toil, tf It rerill,If)lacedfrom Its e~td mmbinallon I?.y a~er elementthat will take Ira place and free It Into the m)ll"water. Like potMb, thla element must benbpF..osmely llme- P~lrmere do not limecrttlly for ecru, hnt under pTe~ent conditions,It te ,~leUtl~l. Doles ~o will toBnre the crop,wit bent adding to IUt etmt.

    No more pn~etleable mstbo¢l of winningback the btt~| to the gardetm, deids add perils,W’~e~ tbadr pveeene~ nnd ~ervloem are Io mushto ha mmlmi, oenmud 8stUDs up of hun~ wbleh they willeupy dnrlmg the t~nmmer or ne~tlng eetmou.

    It 18 well to b~r In mind timt .the bJl’d&thonBh dleertmioetl¯g It) their mdm~ou of¯borne or neBtlulg site, are oot ezaeting ~t]loeiyte of arehileeture or oqet 0f material of euehdwe!!lnfpl. T~m’e ore earl-in ementhtl pointsto be’oboer~ed In the ereettonof honN~, lOS@of which m’e.-

    I. ~U~ Jn pla0m prote~ted from eiOt~w~nd~ end n~tur¯l e~em~le.

    51. Hems em~ructod on aa to be enstlyeleaned.

    ~. Avoid over-crowding of house¯4. Wood rather tt~n metal or other alth.

    ste~ Is Io Ipeneml the best For ~ildlngmaterial.

    6. House adapted ~ the known require.meant of a pe~llenl~r kind of bird.

    Tbe ~et of EIberla peaches Is Tepoeted to be}lRht all tbrougll the pemeh ~etloml. Thlabeing the main ihlppl¯g peaet~ we ihonkJ ~..


    - fiEAL [$TAIE ACTIVITYTO BE PARDONEU,o s,.,. ,.,.on SX0WH 8Y [COB0S

    County.,.three lnmste~ of thc

    for I~rolc DEEDS TRANSCRIBED ATt~yenty-dve of COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICEfor murder or mat)-

    RECENTLYa~ ~lowe:

    term three AU~IIt~ C|t~..(J~r~ A. Crawfotxl eL n x. to Oeorge P. ~,

    larceny ; Novas ~rr. Irreg, NoTthmnt eoencr of Ann¯pollsendWlneht~ter Av~a. $1,

    Jell’ 21), 1915, Helen Tldlllug to Yonng-LIndsay Co. 80xl00fL North side of Pselfle Ave. 4fi fl¯ F.sLt of

    highway robbery ; Juno Hartford Ave. 81.Morrla Klein at. uz. to Harry EaLcharaeb,

    ; Ms~11 3, 9~zl50 ft. North side of Atlantic Ave. 57 ft.yaags, of I)~laware Ave. |].

    manBlatlgh,eT; Cain. ~arglret C. MatJor eL vtr. to Clara Targln,~z00 ft. 150 R. Wet Of Rhode Island Ave. xnd

    Otqober A1, 19t.~ the 500 ft. 8oeth of Atlnntio Ave‘ $1.David Ombeu eL oz. to Harry Camn~m, 50x

    April.~8, 121 ft. Honineelet side of Athmtle Ave. eK) ft.from Bouthw~t ~omer of VlrlquhL and At-

    and eats#log; laoUe Ave. etc. $1.yeal~ Lions O, French eL vlr. to Gem~e P.N. Can’,

    Im’o~ny; Jnne 7, 1915, Irrel. lutereeetiou of the North ad~e of Win-cheerer Ave. and the East M~h. of An~i

    F, dwald wlth tntent ; No- 1 Ave. |L ..sen ~ mrs. ’~ Joel Mamu at. uz. to lteteu J. Bart, 85xe~.~

    larceny ; September | fl, Eat |Ida of Ebemn Ave. 500 f1~ North ofAtlantic Ave.

    HarrietJ. 8trUman" adn0x, to Abig~l Hand,robbery; Jane0, Irreg, rightand dower Intereei ~n P~lowlng:l~J. one to

    *ny ; ~ct~SeT 19, |Weet "de of Vermont AVe. 100 ft. 8outh of At-

    ] lento Ave. ~f,,g~0.1914,gt.hmt Johnson4 entering and kr-" Goamntee Treat & 8. D. ~ excr. to Jolaeoeuy; three to seven 7c~rs. Lennon. 50x1~0 ft. Frost tide of New Hev~

    btreeny ; Jnne 20, Ave. 115 ft.’North of Venthor Av~ ~2,fi00.191~ three to eeyen ~ Jmhna 8. J~gmetty cL nx. I~Mym ~. 8cull.

    ~o~ts ~ ~ InTeeny; July 20, 15)13, 21z~ f~. ICoJ~ 81de of t~;tth OLrollna Ave‘i~one to seven yearn.. ~ it. ~orth of Purina A we‘ etc. $1.

    Philip Imam, gu~ hLreeey ; 8ewember 1:1, Myr~ F~ t~Ltli to Hnaan A. Jad[metty, de.

    191~ one to ,,even ~ scribed am above, I1.~laquale Mallm~ot~llghway robbery ; June Von lI. Herr at. Oz. tO Albert H. Pe~rlon.

    0, 1910’ eric to fifteen )~l~m. ?2x100 ft. Nortbe~tt comer of AtlantieWilliam MUIOe, bl~tlng, e~terlng and lar- Montgomery Ayes. ~4,f~0.

    ee~y; Idlumhg0,~lf~m~iudont~tmlftoReyen Ellglbeth B. Ntmrseet..vtr. to AIIoeA. Col

    roaTe, nelll~ 7~z100 fL 8ouLtl~s~st ooraer 0( Little4~orde Myere, gmll~ lameuy; July 28,19111 RoekendAtkiatleAvm.t~l,0~0.

    dx y~ Adrlatk~ COImtTuetto~ (3O, to ]d[m’r~ E. W~a-

    191~,ooetoenVen yatllpi4eie ~i _~l~m~md~ d~r~:

    Jseoary am, ~ teamAmain PLoeoim, him g~Y I~hbe~; June 7, "ft. NortbofVenUmr Ave.l~L

    191& oue to nfteen yes r~aik 81ovJek, nt~ 18 8um~lt ~nd tartary Kamflt0o ~p.

    with Inlautto kltl; JM [Zk1914, three to,even Oalaeppe (~uelte eL u~Lto ~i Broinem,Io(s N(xt. 4L to 4S In blo~k No. 81 on map ofTr Ipoll City, I1.

    idAY’S LAHDiil6 BEMa~ellns I~ Jaeklo~, truat~ ~. aL toT. P.

    l)k~ulig, irreg, beginning st the corner t.,oo TAKE TWO YICTORIES by ,..tin serums. Xt will PaY Umse Imvin0 I)m~eht~ -----this ymr to spray and thin so 8s to secure Mlnotola Cominlg~ [¯ere For Revenp I~t. and Eiouth ~de of Wmlblnlgton at. ~.

    Thil ~rn~n. [ LiLy It. Verntoe el. vtr. to M. L. Jaetoou,trustee, lmx~0 ~. Fast side of ]Plmms~)t 6t.

    pe~ehe~ of the best qua|try wMeh will eom-~4 ~ hlghelt prlceL Ttm |rot epmy Qf The May’s ~- Athl~io AamehtUo~self-boiled Ilmedniphur should be applied Jout’n¢17ed to MIn0~ Bare.lay aRe~ ft.BonthofWaahlegtonBt.IL

    Amanda It White eL vlr. eL ~ to Oeoq~rfgbtaway. Dtreeltone for making thl~ .may lUl sedehlgbllened.J~Md~aew Uld~wma w~tb a ]Mott. 17.14s58 rnd~ Middle of lltb 8L wherebe had by wrtiing to theories of FurlS DN00n- YJCto~. bF 44~lll~:~te ~ repTmenting Jatm~ou. tarot hqil~i~ I~tth~dJ~l~ by the seOm of ]0 Jtbe rome Intersee~ with the 8onthweet aide of- Lruf spot le making tUI appeal’aries tn rome to & Tint line0 WU tl~st)ng em~ wlthemed I the Uamden ¯ AtlauUo Pm~lmad,alfalfls fleldx. Wbere thb8 dim leprm~l, byn le~ ~ ~ 4~piULl boy8 GeorgeMott et. nz. to Ttmm~8kthneT, do.the ¯lf~lflL should be cut u little earlier than b 8hewed up I¯ flood J~. sad ~e promlsenf scribed sm above, I;1.ordinary recommended. ~f It were le~toenl d~velnptngthto¯~lt~0~lB¯41ou. ~.attbeproPerUme.mauyofthele¯vetaffleeted ~’ William Om~ eL us. t~ (Ymld88 IS;with Um dlae~e would ~.II off sndapoorer B~om ~’of~that re.ever Adams, lot No.q’t, seeUo~2.oe reaper b~ll6.qu-1tty of bay would be meu1~d, wttoam~ ¯ m~fe~.~l~.. ~W OapltLi tl~

    ¯ ~a.~o~rum.t~,~.~w0.~,i to,.~’~li~s~lllW~m.,u~’w.,t ..~0u_.umu.t=~,,,a,~,~.. ,- ~r~’b’~. aT. to C~’~. ~~~ ~ th~raplmanmoe~tqlte ~~A~tn~wb~¯ofSto0 90sS?ft. Noethmstaddeof~Brtghton Ave-TI0fl.Im~u. If Itd~ until them ebooi8 are ~ Tneld&yanse~t)eo,(Mn~otgmIDi~,atLeu~pe NoethwmtofFlrntAve. ete. eo~lghtotmeilpped b.ytbemOWeT, theBeeond PIrk. TI~ ~ wR8 egeittoll from store to Joeeph’K. BLrgJelt. 8beri~ to IF, flu V. Moo~.8n~th would be retorded mv~rai da~. flahdl, nettl~n’ tMe ~ nnUl the.sixth ezex. Mz150 ft. We~ ~r of ~58~ewlUn" Ave‘

    lnnin(Lwhe~ the Omalzty Otl~latl boys were and CbutnutSt.m00.Very good stand~ of poimm~am to be ~sen eueeem~l tn emmin~ tin rublbse. Ju~ph EL l~rtletl~ 8bmff to EK8 ~ B~

    on meat of the 0umL Owing to the light The Mlnoto~ tram ~ Joufmy bm~e thee & L. Anex trrq~ North. ~ of Onet~AvL M0plantlngand theidaort snppl,y of old creek ou I~ternoou to pi~Y-1 14mqle Park emdafmlt ft. Wmtoflk.lmout Av~ ~.~nd It woold ~ t/~t p~¯l~e th~lld eom- ~ Ill pTomtmd. ¯ Tom ~rooi~ ~t, stY. to J~ph 1~ ~sand a &~od pt4ee th~ your.

    Word lu~ be~t moadved from J~dn~ tbJ0 Tnmday’s Ro~e:¯ 120 fl. NortheMt ride of Oo~lmut Ava 16 ft.

    week that the plsatl.nl[ ~ Is ~1} p~ seat. i MAY’it LANDING 8outhe~t og F~l~4ey Ave. ~.fiBk.I

    tl~u ’Dermal. U~ tlmse em~tttlmm reed R EL O A E The Plmmntvtlke Laod CO. to Mmil~ A.IP~ato~ wlll lllm~ eomnmml n mmtomthly Keatfng0 m .................... 2 0 0 " I I Gerew, ~0xl~0 fL Nortb~ ad4o of ~tro~d tit.higbprioeNgeinDeztY~l~r, ftwo~ldthemfore Btowlrt, lb ..... . .......... 0 1 10 0 1 125ft. 8oethskleofOlendaleAve.$110~.loom advimble to ~ u much as Immihle ]~tmudr~r, e ................... I ~ 0 2 0 Caddie EL Yates eL vtr. to (3~orl~ W. PinethlaBummer. Ablmtt, of .................. 1 1 t\

    0 lotNo. 3ounmpofPlmasntvltle,~0.--:~" Kmmt, Sb ................... I 0 0 8 1 ~’~Read MonunumtDedicated.Appi, l .; ..............° ’ ’ ’ °UFE AT MAY’S LAHDIN6

    The monnment ~ by the,Junior Order BfmxreU, p ................. ......... ’ 0 i 0 $ 0United America Meehsulee In l~vervlaw Wagnee, rf ................. 0 0 1 0 0 TlitR 4 HT YEARS AgOCemetery, Trenton, In memory ofth? late l~v MeGeaey, If .................. 0 I 2 0 0Dr. J. Morgan Read, w~ dedicated with Is- Tote~1 ......... .~. 5 8 27 I~ $ Random Itm~t From. "The RDeo1"¢f’poadng eeremol~e8 ~turday aftoen~m Mud.The memrlat sddmm was Ioe~e byJ~mer WI~JTBIDle Of J~nu I, 1878.

    Ooveruoe FAwaM C. Banks, who ou~elIgmt It H O A Ig Mamhall Ingrtm la abaft alPdn after a h~the life and elmraeter of Dr. l~ad. The nz- Bhtmp, m. ................. 0 1 0 5 | liinmB.ereiseewemattendedbymombemofthoorder Phllpot, rf.. ................... 0 1 0 0 0 DLntei E. ImTd Innnl~l ~2~00 ~orth offrom thk 8tits and state olglsera from other Jonm, St). .................. ; .... 0 2 2 2 I property for the CumberLand Meth~ duringStotSL Tlaemo~umentla~IghtfoM¯tthet~me HeLtb, Ib ..................... . 0 0 12 0 h themontbofMkT,

    thlrtsenfeeibigb and laofwblt~Barriegrun- Healey,2b .................... .... 0 I 0 |0 Mr, C.E. MoI~ ek~edscbool atWeymo~th

    lie. Theeoetwlmg~I}, Endicott, if ....................... 0 0 . ~ 1 0 andkenJoyl¯gatrlponthc bHney0~epw~th~4-__ tl~laO~ ef ....................... ’" 0 1 1 0 0 Capt. Dan Vaughn.

    Pregb~orlan ChurcH, Niehoht, e ........................... 0 0 ? 0 0 A plmmunt company amembled at COl.

    AtthePrmbyterl~nCbureb to-morrowthere Btanford, p ....................... 0 0 0 3 0 l?¯keg’sFrJdayeveolng and wemente~

    w|ll be two epoehti Joevloeu. I¯themoruing Toteht. ......... 0 il ~4 14 t ~ byMastertlarry|~rd’sperforma¯OmouUmU3e peeler will give ¯ Mother,{miSsYm addrem,

    --4,~emlo and adagios.

    wbleh oeeulen wBm Imetpone~ th~ ulmad The Building ~ Lo~u ~mo~ttion ei0cted

    day. The ome~.i flower, the etnmttou,, wlll School Me’ms Form New Clan. , D.E.-lmrd, Prm/dent : 1.. It Coma, Trma-ha dbltribuled in honor of Mother¯ Tlaeeven- Tbewod~ente~bemofNewJcrBeYform~ta urer; M. V. !~ Moore, ~; WIUI~mIns addrem k to boys and eJ~out boyJ~ and the dlntineUvc ortanlasUon at ¯ meeting I¯. New- Moore and ~tmoet Champion, Dlrector~thrmmws of front matawll[ be reeoevedfor ark t~t Saturday. The ohJ~et of theamoete- Mr, and Mra. D. E. burned weroenrprtmdbytheoec~on, Thcboys "~nd&qrlsof tbeenUm tion J~toeon~rve thelnt~mt~ of the women ̄number of friend& heeded by Mnc Ja~mSunday 8ebool are Invited to thba servia0. The taaebere of the HULAS. Tbc new or~lntzation Ja asker, Mr~ C. N. Rape and Mrs. Norerm~Bible Clam, 8on~ty Bohooi and CbriBtlBHI En- called the Allhtnoe of New Jeruey Women William lludRon h~8 been sppotuted wB~Avdrover at the uettll hour. Payer meeting, Tmeher~ An election of temporary o~ers man of the railroad pretties.

    Wednesday. Ray. B. Hmith, lxutor, suited In the choioe ot the foltowlng: Mira Fred. Devlnuey has left May°8 lm~dlug for S

    ~.- EJiz~beOa ~ Allen, Hoboken, Pr~ident : Vies ImBIUou with the U. nnd A. R~liro~d.Graduate At Pleauntville. Pret0dente, Mira Marpret McGee, Camden ; Mira Ida Wtlllams and Mr. ~. II. D..Hoa-

    Amoug the gru~ltmlel of the PlemlntvUte Mbm Jessie MeK~n, Jemey ~lty ;. MIm lnabei me, tm~.here of the publie ~ch~oi, er~ "l~dedIEllgh School thbl ~r ¯m MI’’m l~ne Feree/l ~tmmro~ ]gIMaJ~th ; Mlse .8. Ida Mee~/ahon, down" tbe~e days with ftohtl gI~t of tbetr

    nnd ff,41th 8tnrgm, of this plaee~ and I~oiomon Trmltm~ Mha Qk-~UncBnrd~ll, PLm~e, wlm pnpiiLFOZ, of Mlximh, They will roeeiv0 their(U- ~ ’][h~m~lNW; Mira Msry A. Bnrrongh, A large 0hlpment of "snappel~" rnnglng

    from ten to twenty ~uu~ in weightptmaasTbursda~eventug nextat thcBtmn40amden, iV, eeo~lllzl 8emettr~, and MfmOra~eThe6tl~ Pleasantvllle. 19smell, I~tmlou, Cot.mBptmdll~ Heer~try. ~hippod f~om th I~ place to p~llade~pbte.

    WALl( FROM COURT HOUSEl~m~ and 78 foreounmle1% dqlren. Whets

    Rev. Nlcholas V.aranelll, ef,Thll Place, the her ezamin-1tons were lo~nlumted tu

    Fort~fo~r aUena heUe nBbm~ Wedlml- ileen~ee end 17 for eomm~oes deglze."--],~,~,~ ;.]~~ ¯to--ton Of NatOr¯}Jllaik)n Ooort,! . ~ ’

    ¯ m~l them ltev. Nicholas VmueiU, ~ st. ; Death Claimed 864 Children.¯ V th0ent 4e PttttPe Oel&01to Cbnr~b~ of Ilia, A m~ ~ms~ In the i~ler of death8

    ., plm~ ~~!&~I~w~: " tnNnWJ~m~dn~A~l,u~~’tbl :~’~",~: ’

    i"i "..I~Ula W, IN~ .: ~17. mealie, JeiZla~l~ e. pree~inl, month, laindklbsd b~rotoraswlumld, q~ml~la~LlUO-Am1¯nde~’ UIm~m "htbukded b,/Inof~inte ~m~l’of Hm)t~

    Wleek, Mug Wtnkitletetn, Tomleloel~Jo Buei, The total ¯ ~t w~ however somewhat ̄trove

    ’ ~ Paviovse, J~mll Wbmmn, lmk J~Lller, "monthL The ~tsIdent death rat~ m JIM ~or¯ t -- , _ i¯ l~n17 Klmtor, Cllophas A. Daale, J0mf the month. The mth1~1 show that by ale:

    i "’ "~ ~m’, mr ~lU~,v~ll, and_no t% ymatemr, Under mm year, tim 4rathe ot ehl! dren over one. be?’~"~ .._~n%’.’..~y~’._~."..~o"n ~ ~ ,,e o.~se a,, ,,,~ .~ l.l~, de.in. ~

    ~:~, - ~-! 1 ikeTtdpqm wl.U he ~ to torve at e,m o el¯e.~¯ " DtsovderJy Houri KUl~tr Fiemd, l[em ~I’~I|. ’~lO he ~ i~ mmw~.i~l~mkat

    dt~i~ house. ̄ m ~ m pro~mn]~m~x’metawulinha Ji*et~Je~e~. ’ ,b,.t~, tt, emtt~ ~of¯ tlt, vUt~ *be p~6 et ~ InValidateI Bale Ball Y~.~W;r:: -- UdmlklsilWt pawtt,eOa11~rtkm,TatmI lddlbU~dl’~rlt~ It



    Gancelh~d Mortgages, Rehmses andOthers Entered at Clerk’s Office.

    Caeetla~m 0f Ibrtm, Atl~tk ~ty.Henry ~. King to ttsrrtett Newell, 27x75 ft.

    Went eldc 8urff Pla~ 182 ft. I~uth of Atlantic

    18meg 8obotgky to AtlanUc City Brewing50x75fl. Nortb side AreUe Ave. 25fl. Esat orMlmlIIppl Ave. 11300.

    Tlllle Phlllllm to JameJt MoGahn, ~x’/5 fit.North sid~ AreUe Ave. 25 ft. FAIt of MImlmlppiAve. $1,900.

    IUmdoiph 8. Young to John J. White, fox175 ft. West ~lde Ohio Ave. 2~0 ft. North of At.htntie Ave. IB,0~

    8nicaea 81onlmaky to Tool Klleourse, VOx11,5 fL Northeast eor. AthLntlc andTextm Ave~

    Pla~ l~nd CO. to John H. I~rkln& 50x~ ft.Welt side ~lmmee Ave. 500 ft. North ofVenthor Ave. ll~e.

    L~md (3o. to John H. Pmk~u~. ~nxBI ft.Wag si~ ~la~ Ave. til0 ft. North ofVentnor Av~ |l.he0.

    Hamilton Corpo~Uoe toE-111cJ. Bunt. 50Z0~5fl. West side Vletorl~ Piece 1~0 ft. 8o~th ofAtlantis Ave. 12,0011

    Jull n~ Albert to "EIm’ry A. Jeitlee. "~zI~ ft.8oath sid~ Aretle AV~ ?Sfl. E~t of Texu Ave.










    ¯ Ralph A. Johnseu to 8L Ntebael’l Church. . For twentydtx years a member of the poileel~0xll0 ft. 8outh side AttLatie Ave. 40 ~L West ¢~partment of Atlantle Clty, working hI-

    of ~ Awe. ~0,0f~. Op from patrolman solely through merit ¯ridH&rry Belt I~John A. Miscue. E01dlS ft. ~ ~tlthfuln~m to duty, ~-~31ef Of Pallas Malcolm

    Woodruff-were practically retlre~ on pelmiouadde Clmlfoute Ave. ~ 8outh ~fPlet0e Av~Tbured~y last .when the City Commlas~n .

    14. O. l~u’riB¯ (3o. to Edmund B~wltt, 14x grLuted him leave of abNnee bem.u~eof Illnem03 II. ~ adde UOuneet~ Ave- 15.9 flk North of nntll next November, when he WIll be e~lglbla

    u pension. Robert Miller wire namedDrexel Ave. |l.~.

    Lorn~ G Ft.aneda to Henry 8anti. ~l}af~.~ ft. Acting Chief and James l~l~lmed ~oiIng Cap.Wmt addle Frankfort Aim. M00ft. No~th of At- lain of the DeteeUve Bureau.lantie AVe, f~4ff~

    Chief Woodruff h~ beea In Ill health ~l~e

    Rehee~ W. RlelULrd~ to Em~n Moore, an opomtlon two years ago, wben his II~ bungf~l~Bft. Wet MdePs~k PhL~ l~0 ft.Bonth of in tbu halance for week& 8red’only t~emltlFP¯el~ Ave. 18.000.

    0ouflned to hi8 borne for ~ tl~ by areeu~ of hi~ ailment. His only cJtmooeMichael SelLv.er to [,onle Gcretley, irreK. ]~et ~r mtomUon to health Ii a complete mat Itad

    ~dde DelaWare Ave. 1,115 It. Booth of PTteUlcAve. ~ ~

    h~l tegton of ft4e=~s tbrougtmut the oounW

    l~moeh &. Higheo to Jobu It 8teadsmdt, ~a will be gte~ to learn of the Commtm~m’eaebon125fl. E~taddelh’igtttou Ave. l~fl. NOTIUaof onthlsaeeo~nt.

    Av~. ~Honeety nnd ¢.Ith~ te dn~v ame Umtwo

    ~Durimm to Pr~,Jd,~t I~o &Trent ohanteterimt~t that wo~ for Malcolm Woe6.no. of PhUa, Irreg. Intofseet~u ~ ad~e of ruffblagradmL! promotion to U~bmulof theHart/oral ~ l*adfle A~ ~ t~lort’e poUoe. For eighteen y-eml he ~11~d

    ~J ft. We add~ Beimobt AVL ~ f~ BoItln of 8re’veal three ye,re Jm ¢~ptoin be~m~ i~Ptetee Ave-

    I&lrrls Brm. to FIdeBt~ Muted IAfe Is1. (31o. the rmpmudbllltJm of Chef of l~ailee- In ldlI~ ~ aide YIl~qnla AVe. 1~ ~ f~nth of I~J years of setwlee IJae~ Is8 nevea’ b0~ riseAretle’Av~. ~

    ~IghI~I blemleb o~ la~ record, ~

    Alfred 13[Jm~ to ~ Na~o~l Bl~k, ~Y ~ ~ ~ 1aVe ~ ~mmIr~lg. [~lat adde Vtt~nJ~ Ave. 140 f~ I~e~th of OVm" a moore of tlmm by ~ in "Urn

    An~Aru.M.?l~perto~e upheav-1a tlalt have ngttB~d the

    ikllarrletoLiBK~U¯ndMymITotmee o ram% Cblaf Woodrufs unBstltol hoosety

    d~eflbo~ u IImve" ~ ~ him tlnrot~h m~y Ulna of__ wbeu fRoiJomiJ strl~, nat the polmlmeof the

    etty sad made hi8 Imettleu smything but

    ,Mma..l~811fi0 ft. I~o~th~t ~. el’ ~ nnd ~towhleb be~m.~U~Map;o~n, J~0.

    - of bin nfe, wtth a n~ord of i~llemcvlmthatMsrJeBaam~to Wm~r3a0m~o’uL.&it &me. ibo~i4 be an eumpte tO the[~tinmd0md~ib~tet~M~taBIdl0mdBl~ortb- ~ t~ eome..whaa eoedlet~mgmhetwemwet of BIdn Keed, et~ aM& the enlbrcemem of the law and Um u~oftlm


    i~~~la ~ ~ fle~ them~tntoe

    to Peter T. a-am.v, WT~. Nostmmt eide ofM-in R~0ad 50~Nmthwset ~em Omemtinof..o ESTAI- tiUIIOICAIEO ’-

    Mlehe~ ~ to Mtz~toto~ppty CO.pgods e~ mmttoe,d ~ temduJe sad mow In Summary of Week’g ProcNdk~8jm~mJ~ on t6a~ st.. Mlooto~ le31~ Before The S~n-~qglm.

    -- Will¯ admttted to prohme am1 lettmmtf ~e~. theohtry were santo&in the ~ m:

    AtgJInf Cuaain~mJm to Jane8 ~, ldarth~ M. Arei~mlm~K tO ~ J. ~ M~IpmdBete. menOeoed Insebedule m~t nowtn Ir~r,~5,~a~l:~Zonalsad 15,~0rml.f~4~ ~. N~w ym9g A ,v~, Atl~ntie C~W, ~0. IglI~ Kane to 8umbel H. O. Welkley, ~

    ¯ J~l~mBBt~ Frock .q. Thmnu to Hammoutoo TTa~ CO., ,,: ....J~Jalabt~-Ntg0~, v&]lentnO. Mul~& ~i011ereml-1andJ~.,~rmL " "

    Dletrtet Omlrt. ~ ~ IX. IMams, Att~. Uettm~ of admtn, tetmUou upon mtote~ of "M~q~l Frank vu, ~ W~lte~. Cm~ ~ who d~ lnteate.te were gnusted U :~’

    men Pl~sCour~ ~sad. Ulueompenm-, foZiow~: .tioutotha¯ndlWof hlams"v~e at~ 180 nee Lmke W. Vannaman to I>..8. V~fee th Be4te,~ooy & ~tti, Atty~ \ I1£00

    WatemalLC¯klw~eil vl. JuUnlMmsteet. C’lr- AJ~tontoBm~ma~obo AnU~ony J~.$1.6UIcult Cmlrt. U,)~L Jau~m l~r ~ Atty. IXmlOmtL

    Menr-y B~m~nbeum to Jmepbtne (~.saeBfacem of Julgmeata. bruin, Win0 pe~i.

    ¯ Andrew Me~llneh/~ v~. I/sTy A. M~gulre. Theism C. Adams to Julia C. FetteTlk ~ "C~tCeurt. ffa,~0dabtwdff~,memtL U.G. pomam.L8t.yl~n" Atty’. .l~r~plifled copies of wtll~ In re.e~Atse of,¯ 8~ Oil Co.’ v~. ]8[mxry MeDoo~d and Joseph Myem and Jnmm W. Co.neT, late of !Henry Knehnl~ Jr., tnldi~[ 88 Atl~’OtiCo. PSstlBdelphJ~PL were flied.DIItld~ ~ ~[11..5t. ~ r. OoJdmt- O~rdJBoBhJp8 we~ ifflmuldt-,imlof

    Att7. Jega~ 8ome~ )oht ~ ~ Wtlllm~ A.8nacre to JOhn E. Im~rd~

    ¯ ~II~I. Invemtortee filed In the folto~ eBtBdm: ’:ilWyekoff ]PIPe and ~set~ng~o., Ins., ~. Alwlidl M. Bt~ttre.g2~M.~; Vlna M. 8watt,John W. I~ John I~ YoualL BoJ~ad C. 82J~.2S; Mary t,.BWIR,$~J,fT~. ~!Clark. ~tt t3mtrt, gndleott ¯ gndteoU, Aenounte JuBudleatm by the 43o4119, In theAttyl.. foltowlng ~s~.,~t ~, ;i

    Jobn ti. Olbe~ v~. Morr~ M ikme~thal. Comlie V. ABen, 18,01~Bfi; Altred Wldtm~Clreult Court. Albert C, Abbott, Atl~r. 1~150.~; Mary G. Bennett, ~ll,t~t.~

    Other manes a~indi~led 0y the (~’t:First M. E. Chur~’h. Deems permitting tdopUon of P,,me MeMthoa ’~

    t~erv;ees In tbe First M.K. Charoi1 to-morrow by Edward Murtha and Mary Martha ~at~u1~ufoilews: 9~ tm~M~ng; at 1~ mheofward~i~adal t~ . \is.men. 8abject. "*Ew~I~" 8~ 8eho~ re e~tate~ of J~lle, William A. a;ad Io~and EpW~Sh l,eNDle et the ~ hour. Eve~ ~omegs, mlnoru ; UI~ of lands confirmed In rein I eermc~ at T J0, tmbJeet,

    "last Opportnni- mt~te of Eml~ J. Dumu, minor; d~tt~. JnnJoT ~ pie-ale next Thnisday c~e dechlrlnE e~tlte of Cbarie~ IL I~tev~ d~et I~nepo Park. Rev. W.~Ludlow, Plutor. oemed, lttmalvent dlhteredl; ruleto showcase .,

    ~4~ why lands should not be mold to i~y delta I¯

    Executoe Removed, the ¢~(ate of Ma~" McHugb, deoe~sed ; ~ OfL’hrtetopher 14~re- exeentor n¯der U~e’wln of tande to p~y (lebUI lu the e~mte ¢4 Jo~n W.

    the tete t~BJ~th tll~ter, ~ removed ~’edues- t~tevetlq coullrl~tql by the t~tlrt.

    day hutby JUdge C. C. ~lhlnn a¯d the Atla~t- "4- -tic safe Depmtt and Treat Co. named u hi8 Murphy #~,ain Named.eneoeamr. According to tmtlmony ULIgcn. E~re The l~publl~Bn State Committee Wading- .chewed theompegenee In the management o~ day I~tt nnanllnoos|y eieete~ formerGovern0rthe eBtnte, 18,000 of which Itlll renmLInm to be Franklin Murphy, of Newark, to su~mdre, tiled. J~Tfor 8 term of her ymreas the New Jeeue~

    ~4- member of the KepubUetm ~Schtaoea, tee. The~e w~ uo Opp0*tthm. ]~latlallum Kant,

    EL Clap, ofTutqlathoe, mum~neea 1Hi)at be Is of Unima County, uomtnalt~l Mr. Murphy.oow prepared to ~ mimor~ -II k~Is of There bad beeu rome tick of ~knlvm and hone ntao~ sad mt~ty raawar bhtde~ i TTe88urer Wlllhtm T. Rd~d, of Otmde~ Goenty. ¯

    at low priam. 8atte~tJo~ guax~ntoed. All: In nooltu~tlon adDtlnst Mr. Murphy, butwh~t :~orders left at Barttm’s Garage wltl r~eive the matter Wu c~lled to the stlenttol) of theprompt ¯ttention.--Adv. UroRmaTer be n~d he did not went the plad~

    ~a’*m Cheap. and he would uot be a e/mdtdale.:

    8tale Chalrmsn Newton A. K. B1agtme ~Forgntlte t~rber 8bop outfit of Mr. 01dedaft~meetin~ Tbreeofthe"~igFo~r"

    Bmlth, Inotoding eh~nk rlumrlt, enpa, brusher, to th~ Bepubi~n Natlemd ConveuUoo we~l~lr~ etc. Apply to (9~orge Smith. May’s ~t. They w~re David l~lJrd, ld[a~

    Keen and Mr. Bngbee‘ The fon~rlh doiqate.~/4_~ng,~1 ~. J--Adv. " ~’~, Im Kip, Was not p~t. , . [

    1 ’

    pal~rhanging"l~ew mmpim of t~ ou hez~L ~1 or write " Electric Railroad 8e.Ji~tclul~

    toemseme, gm/matm~Uy g/ve~. Herr- t.’oert ltm~m PI~

    IZuan Mm~. Ms~e LdmdlM.--Adv. For Atte~tle ~ll~ I.,15, ~ t. In., 11,1,’

    t, xs.t, ts, .l~t. !.at, ~ ,,, ~ a. m.Potato Seed and Marsh ~y For 8ale. /~r l’hi~lelpt~,-T.a, 9.1~, ILM ~. ~.. 1.14.

    Best varietlel mo~ pouttoe8 aL |1.00 per boebeL8u otter, nLIn~ an~Hekday~ ~.

    Ate maroh troy at 08.00 per ton. AddTemJams O. Id[lumrd, TUle~tJao~ .~I. J .--Adv.

    ’ ~ Elln~mz \__

    ~F°r’D.m.Atl~at~ {~ty- ~ ~ e.~t., 1~.]I~,,:

    ¯ , R~. ’ " you 1"hU,.~1~..-~.~ ,,. se., ~ US p. L " ’rolm~, o(,mkanU~ m,.k,.Jo~ee,~we~, sod~.m~,tm.m~..~, s~te.vse~m-w,~m,~.¯

    ’ I~ ~t Wast¯d. , ’rhems~d=,est~sejmS.dl~ m’~iWm, . " ":; "~seBo~mltom-s~edl~ ~ l~te~/mU4prlmlr.~ .~4msl~s~lOm~.--~dV..~orth--~.~s.m.,~na4~Sl I~"- ~ " . ".~/

    L~s. ah.ll.~sa411301~’m.. . ¯ .)’ llhmllmUset/a ~ abe selU hel, m the ." ,I~meeF~S~,. o~tamys,~m,*~,L~,~ttat~.__ .. :’,+’]~w I=~ hm/w~. Ike GemllS ~,m, Ms:r’e

    t~uag.’7~u1" ’ 7141[ WlL~THLrN.. TIb~lFm’llll, . liD411~llm~ i


  • i

    N.J., SATUKDAY, JUNE 3, 1916.

    AND BIXTEEN,two o’elock In tho afternoontbu Court Boom No.

    two o~clo~k tnthe Court

    ¯ . . . .............. - . ,,.~ ......... wo,¯.~, =

    BIIOF~.. I ~;rloE8.


    You Never DidNor Never Will

    Pay $8.00 f0r a

    $4 Shoeat

    ogal heo__gter0 -

    1534 Atlantic Ave.,Atlantic City

    When In Want Of

    Lumber and31H Work

    and want 14. quick, phon~ tie. we bare Itnt right grade ttnd right prlom. We

    dellvor to your d(~,r.

    Egg HarborCoal & Lumber Co.Phone 6~Z. Egg Harbor City, N. J.

    FurnitureCarpet & Bedding

    We repair furnliuro and hey orcxchange your old dlmmrded furnt-tllre [or OeW furuilure.

    A pe~tAI e.~rd or phone, call 49~q(" ast. will bring ue to your doorle any Imrt of the Count]r witheamphm. Fnlr dealing auu sans-

    Funera D rector

    Samuel Wlnterbottom,Chalrn~tn Ex. Com.

    ~/e~hone /,7-0!

    RA TIIN:

    Flat Rate--Per light per mouth burulug fromduak Ull l0 p. m.:

    For November, Deeember, Jsmtmry....JIl.00February, March ................................ 75

    April. May, June, July, AUgmlt ............. ~0

    September, October ................................ ?5

    Meter Rato--l~r 1000 Watt~ ...................... 15

    Minimum charll~ of 75 cte. per month.

    Diana.urn-From rooter and f~t ntum:5 per tent. on bills of 114.00 or over

    l0 per cent. on bnls of 8,00 or over15 per cent. on billl of 15.00 or over20 per cent. on billa of 20,00 or over

    10 per conL addlUonaJ discount on all blll~ paidbar 251h of month In Fa Hart~rCltY orIn May’s IAndlni~

    Goods deltvered to all purte of -~

    Henry W mberg o o249 Liverpool Avenue

    gGG HARBOR CITY, N.J.." - Long Distance Driving a Specialtyi ¯ " ¯

    :=-:-- - ’--- ==-- -===:------== -------= Anytime Anywhere13oth Phoue~

    n~nlnSt the raUtte of the mild deoedt-nt, withine months from thla date, nr Utey will I~orever Imrred from prtmecutlng or r~2overlol~the =me against the aul~crther.

    JAMF.½ A. CnNNKLLV,Adrnlntst r~tor.

    ;~10 Che~t uul St.,l"hllndelphlo, |’a.

    May’e l~adlng, N, J~ ApH| 21), lg16.Pr’e fee¯ |14.0~

    NOTICE OF e;iaTI’rLEMKNT.Notice t~ hereby glveu that the ac~)unts ot

    tl,e #ul,~wrlhetm. tm Fxecutora of ti,e e~tateof Francis l’.~ulgiey, deoe~mcd, will he auditedand stated hy |he Surrnlgate and reporU,dfor ~ttletnent t~, the Orphau.’ Court of AtLan-tic County. on WedBenday, the twenty-etghthday of.June¯ nexL

    JAMX~ J. t~t~IC~LItY,MAltY ~ ~tYlOLXY,

    Exec0to~.Atlantie City, N.J.

    Dated May 27, &. D., lgl0.~NDICOq~r ~£ ENDICOT’r. Proetor~.

    AtianUc City, N. J.I)t"s foe. $7.14

    NOTICE OF ~E’IWLEMENT.Notice Is hereby given Lhat the aec~)unts ol

    the Rnt~rltwr. im Hittmtltuted Adnllnlatraloro.La. nf Lhe e~Utte of Aar~)tt M. A ilell, de~e~t~d,will be audited and xLat~ql hy Lhe Hnrrogateand relZ~rted for aetLl~U,ellt U, the t)rphant¢Court of Atlantic ~tmty, on Wedl,e~d~y, thetwenty-eighth day of Juue, next.

    JOHN H A~Ir.EV,

    nlng. Ik’tng !(,I 2. block 12.H*’lz,’,l zt~ th,, pr~iwrty ,)f Velltl~or Syndicate

    et. al. Itil(| l~tke[I ill exeeuth)LI itt the ault elJohu ; lior ler. lt~’r, etc.. and TO be t=,ld by

    JOSEI’II It. IIAItTLI’TIT,~lterlff,

    lmted May 20. 1916.

    llxltVgV F. (~AnR, Rolleltnr.Pr’. roe, $I3~0

    NOTICE TO CItEDITOi~.F,~tAU~ of l’atrlek l)ougherty de~enm~.l~ur~u tnt to theorder l,f [*~lll,tIlnel L’. f~llaner,

    8urrolg~tt," of the |’ouoty ~,f Atlnzltle, th|H daymade ,,n till. applh’~ttlon of the ui,derMgned,Admlnbdrutrtx of tile add dec.edenL [,()tie# I~hereby glvels to ti,e erodltom of file ~ald d¢~eodent u, ,.xhlhtt to the mlinu~riber, under ottthor alllrloat on, their eLal[na and de[naodaa~alrmt the ~btte of the said decedenL, withinnine tnonth~t front title d~te, or they will beforever h,trred frnln pr~meeutthg or roooverlngthe ~ame agall,~t the subscriber.

    S E~t~I Ig CAMPnELL.Admlnial ratrht, DECOIgATORS.

    F. J. CI[ENEY & CO., Toledo. Ohio.Bold by Druggists, 75e.Take Hell’a Family PII~ for eonatIDatlon.

    Eye Troubies¯ Are Hereditary

    If the Imrents need Glmme~ or eltoerof them have defecUve vialon thereLe almost tnvar~bly trouble In tbelrchildren’s eye~

    Take NoChan~es8ave~tght, hes!tb and \oomfort oryour children oy letUng us thor-ougbly examthe thelre and teatamure that only in needy easeegimmee would ever be prmerlbed.

    L.W. Bet , R.D.,The Optometry Specialist

    912 Atlantic Ave.,"ATLANTIC CITY, N~ JEI4~EY.

    M. Friedeberg,

    AUantlc City, N. J.Mav’e I~ndlng N.J., March 80,19Ie." ’ Pl’e.fee, 1114.80


    Nntlce I. hereby given that the a4~0OtlIIte oftile aut~,u~riber, ~ Exeeutrlx of the estate u£John K. Terrier, deee~med, wlll bc audlte~ andstated hy the t~urrt~ and reporied rot ,ssUl.e-ment to the Orplukrlm ~turt ol ALIftnLleCounty, on Wednemiay, the twebty-elghthday of J uue, next.

    ¢DougaH K tchen Cabinetson a club plan ; payments of $1 a’ week with a very small paymentdown. Cabinet delivered when first payment is made.

    Agentfor the famous Pennant Ranges.

    Oil and Gasoline Stoves. Tie Roofing and Spouting.

    L. E. BUMP,~amony Mills Building, May’s Landing, N. J.

    heuma sm, Eczema,B ood, 5k n & Nerve Dise se

    Catarrha of the EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT.

    Chronic Diseases of the Lungs, Stomach,Liver, Kidneys, Bladder and Rectum.All Female Diseases.

    emtnged p~mm~. It la gratifying to aee aucb it

    jourual i~ the "New York Amer~catk" demand

    truthful r,,p~,rls.

    ILeclttog the fact that Joffre’a failure at Ver-

    dun ba~ cx~ca~loned a demand In France to

    deprlve hlm of his eommaodo the "Amerloan"

    ttaya :

    "Thla l,t’w~ mn.t be an a~tonlahlng surprls~

    to Amerlcann who read nod believe lhe newly

    peper~ whl,’h have enetlnually a~,~rted the

    (ierman ottaek, at Verdun Io be fallure~, And

    here we have n,’urh)ua exnml)le I,f nnrl~L~n-

    ableuess II, war Umes.

    ,, Thotll4aode- of I~ple ea3mplaln th&l news-

    papers lie to tliem, and the mime people blt-

    tcrly delv)nnee tim pro-thle or pro-that Ihe few

    newslmper~ wlllch a ill not Ire to them,

    "Take the war ttitnation to-day, fi)r PxaHiple.

    The facta ttr~ that the (u;er,nan assanlts upeu

    Verdnn hltVe I,~W~’dt~l with eh~k-like regn-

    lar|ty; that they have ~n c~,rrit~t On by

    methodical artillery pulverD’.atknt of one point

    after another with a m|ulmnnl of Infantry

    aa.~ault., ltlld, oJ’ eour%t~R¯ exlmlmrutlvely =~mall

    SUFFERERSof any Chronic or Longstanding Disease who have Tiledmany Doctors, and all kinds of Patent Medicines, withoutrelief, Do not hesitate to WRITE ME at once,

    MY ABILITY AND SUCCESShas been demonstrated by the scores of cases-I examln~ andtreat dally, at my Office and by Mall,

    TREATMENT BY MAILNo matter what your AILMENTS, nor Where you live,wilte me at Once, explaining all your, symptoms, I will thensend you a candid opinion of your case.

    FCrfces within the reach of all.Do not delay, but have your trouble attended to lmme-.

    dlately. All communlcatl0ns stilctly Private.

    Office Specialist,

    Hub. Adlnllll.trator e..l. IkEgg Hart~,r City, N.J.

    I~t~ of.men’; ond Ihat |hi~ ~IoW. oe, refu|, Dated May 27, A.D.,1916.

    engineeriog l )rtw~(’~ haa moved steadily fol~- BOLTlt, I~OOT & OKLL, Pro~toll,At~nUe City, N. J.ward[ until the vitAl mllwuy II~es behind Ver- Pr’s fee. ~.30

    dun, which are tile real ,,hJectlve, are almost N’OTICE OF ~I,TI’TI.EM ENT.in the (jerlnan gn~p. NoUee le hereby giv~ that the accounts of

    the sub~riber, me Admlulstmtrtx of the e~tAte,,There are plaht fm:ia, ,tared wlihoot Ihe of AI~G. Myert, nee V~lr, decesmed, will t~.

    slLghtmt b’taa, ’~m a new~Imper ebould state audited and elated hy the Surrogate anureported [or atqtteul~nt U} theOrphans’ Court

    them, aud yet we do not doubt that, Inatead of of Atlantic County¯ on Wednesday. thetwenty-eighth day of Juue, next.

    belug thanked for telllng facl~Inmtea~lof lies, " I~ARAll BItI.L.~lly per~ ne t wllo ought to be uhemed of

    . l~x~utrlg,

    eueh ehlldl.lt behavior, will angrily denonue* D~ted May 27, A. D., 1918, Athmtte City, N. J.

    us as pro.Germau--protmbly am un-Amerle~n. _~ " ~ l’r*s fee, tS.~H

    - i

    \\ . DEALERS IN

    Lumber and Mmwork, Goal, Lime, Brick,Terra Cotta Pipe, Paint, OiL Olass

    and Builders’ HardwarePI~ASANTVIU~, - - ~EW Jii~tSii~,


    ¯ , .;’,

    ¯ :i::

  • ’ ’ PROMPTNIE88.Avoid indelision. Promptneoe

    le’a ii~lat reader, while pl~lraa-tinatioll limps behind. Today iemaster of the ¯Ituation. To-morrowI Is an impostor Who isalmost onii. to bring failurewith him~--Jomee T. Fields.

    Unoonseiouo Voroitiastion.Amoug exumpl~! of unconscious vel~

    slflcatlon the one cited below should benoted as being p~ohably the best onrecord¯ Many imaginative wrlteracome lylt(.al. Inspired. by the beautyof their subject or by the mere har-mony of words reacting on" their Im-aginatlotl, but the follow’lag tines,which might be a stanza from "InMemoriam,.¯ sre from a solemnly pro-mile textbook on the "Parallelogramof Fort.ell." by. i fancy, Sir DavidBrewster:

    And hence no force, however great.Can draw a cord. however fine,Into & horizontal line

    Which Ahall be ablolutely straight-

    -London Chronicle.

    rt lilturllr~f wan[or.James Stephens. a litersry Irishman.

    author of a number of novelS, sketcheland poems, is somewhat*noted for hissbaentmindedneas. In Paris he wrotehll imaginative verses In the corne~of cafes and never noticed which ofthese had been the environment of. hismuse¯ Once he left the manuscrliit of"Tie Demigods" In one of themq#butcould not remember where, Days aft-er, wnndering Into the Care Closertedes LIlas, a walter handed him thelost sheets. A five franc piece wasoffered¯ The walter with much dignityrefuses the reward¯ "I am." be said."a man of lelters myself when I havean hour to spare, and I know what Itaa to lose the frnlts of one’s brains¯"

    1 What Massenet Dreaded¯

    Mas.enet dreaded tit(¯ first l~rform-

    ante of hl.~ ow?ras so much that he

    Usually tuft tile city and hid uutil

    they were over¯ In Ills I~,ok "~,uve-

    nlr~ de la Vie de Theatre’" l’lerre Bur-

    ton tells of meeting him the night be.fore tht. lwuductlon of his "’llui tie L~-hole" and (¯ougrstulutlug lllnl ,,n the

    sueces~ that was sure. lie wa~ uston-

    Ished at the weary, nlelancholy atti-

    tude q,f the t-uml~mcr. "¯31at~.qtltet si-

    lently ttMIl~ tiff his hill nii,I l-)llltt~I with

    his fhll~i.r Ill lll~ hair. it ~ n~ freshly

    silvered, to Uly mlrprlae¯ f-r we werethen b,,lh young men. And lie said to

    me, "See what It costs to bring ,rot an

    opera !’ ""

    Actor¯ In Retlrlmont.blany nctors have Ilvt~l long after re

    tlrlng from the stage. Macready. re(iv

    Ing lit IS51 .i the sg~ of fifty-eight

    honored leisure till his deat~at Cheltenhsm¯ England. In 187"3. Aft

    er M~¯ Shldons’ farewell appearsnc~

    as Lady Maeheth in 1812. Iwlng then Iv,

    her fifty-seventh year, she t~pent her remalnlxl~ .(.ore of years fu almost un-

    brokeu retirem,,nt. The record in thl~respect, however, is held by that fu.

    molls Master l~etty whom In 1804 Lea

    don ¯celalmed us the Infant RosclusHL~ poslllvely last appearance warmade -n Aug. it. 1824, at the age el

    thirty-two, lie died in August, 1874. e"resting" of half a century.--Londo~

    Stands nl¯

    Dark 81arl.It is reasonable to assume that the

    number of stars In space having a tem-perature s(, low that their radiations.do not nffe,.t our eyes or photogrsphieplates I~ exlremely large¯ That Uieseinvisible stn~ n~ far more numerousthan the luminous stars is suggestedby F. A. Lindemann. who attempts Inthe Monthly Notices a rough calcula-tion of their relative number based onthe ussnmptlon that new ̄tars (novaelare due t,) collisions¯ He concludesthat there are about 4.000 times asmany dark stars as bright ones¯

    Teeth on Their Tongues.

    The biggest or fresh water fishes,

    the "aralmlala’" of the Amazon, In

    8outh America, which grows to six

    feet In length, has teeth on Its tongue,

    eo that the latter resembles the file

    and is used as such, Some kinds of

    trout tll~l,) havl, the same peculiarity.

    Fl~hes that swallow their prey entire

    have their teeth so ¯upported on flexi-

    ble bases as to bend backward, but

    not forward. Ill order that their ~c-tiros shall slot esvape after they have

    bees Oltl’e seized.

    A Welcome Viottnr¯Prosl~.~.tors bl Alaska who spend th0

    king wlnfer~ up there sometimes areIncredibly tonely. A man named IIart.ford wus left in charl~ of a mine onewinter, lle was all alone sad at theend of the third month was sighing forcompanlunshl~P. One morning he lefthl. cabin to get some wood and met anenormous black bear that reared on Itshind legs and stretched out its frontpaws as If to hug the miner.

    "Good morning, bear," said the min-er, holding out his hand. "I’m darnedgMd to ace you."

    Probably Futuri¯t Musin.

    lie wus n ’¯reformed" old fashioned

    country uewspal~r editor thai hurl

    found farming a better paid Industrythan editing, uud he wa~ discussing

    crops wllh ;n company of fellow farm-

    e.rs .t the village grocery.

    "Well¯ Lem. I s’poee you’re s reg’lar

    farnler liow: beeu at it for ten years."

    remarl:eJ one of the friends."OIL rm a farmer ull right," said

    Lem. "¯and I s’pose !’!1 always be one.

    but 1 tell you thc ~laell o" printer’s inkI. ~tlll music to my ear¯." Indtnnu~I~ News¯

    8kept iolll.

    i h0nlas Maitland, though he ~dbeen born .nd I)rought up on a fltUIl~considers! himself far ’better than hineighbors, lie traced his lineege backto an i,:hglLqh nobleman who came toAmerlcn In 1680 and begot a numerousprogeny. 3hlltland owned a large farowell sleeked nmd hurl.money In Imnk.De.liltc hi~ having ulwnys lived In thecountry, there was uoumthlng In hismakeUl, thst snnaeked of the blue bloodIn hls veins.

    Llllhili 3hillhlnd. hill diiul-’htcr, w~seven iie=irer to the manner horn thou

    her failicr; She was the aiwle of hiseye. lie sent her to Imalalliit," ~eh0o|nnd wheli slit, returncll iwo vhlcd herwith a $’,00 lllano¯ lie even niedlta~

    ed selldlng her to the city In the holmthat she mlgltt i,o~slhly marry thereand thus slart it process of t’llmblnl~

    back hi flit. li~,~llhln lhe fnmlly hail

    ¯ once t~,cul)led.One harvest sensoll Maltla-d hired a

    farm hnnll. Elijah Jolit~ wfls his name,.

    and, lit. w:ls the homeliest Inn thatever tiasl neon the Maitland farm. liewas a couulrynllui from the soles of his

    feet to the topmost fiery red lock of hi8hair. Elijah saw Lllllan Maitland, andone look was sttmclcnt to fill hid heartwith tim wlhlest emotions¯ lie wasone of those young melt wh~t do notscruple to step In where ling01a fear totread¯ There wits a ~adltlon i hisfamily that If n alan wishes to win aglrl for hls w Lfe lie should ask per-nIlsshui it, d,) s(, from her lmrenta. Eli-Jah mar(qmd uP to Farmer

    who wau tosshlg hay with a pitchfork~m n wngq,li l.to th~’huyloft of the

    barn. and mild:"Mr. Maitland, have you any objec-

    tion to my asking your daughter IAI-

    lian to marry me?"

    "Wh-a-t?’" cried Maitland, fancyingthat he hail not heard arlghL

    Elijah repealed¯ ."You get off thLq farm as fast as

    your Je;.’~ will carry you or l’il make it

    hot fur you."

    Ell Jail slowly turned and obeyed the

    order. Malthind threw down his pitch-

    fork nard¯ staiklilg into the house, con-

    fronted l.ll]llin¯"~tVlnil have )’uu I~ea doing," he ask-

    ’ eli, "tu i.ii(.)urage that red headed

    Jones to coins to me to ask for yQu?"Llillau convinced her father that she

    had done nothing, and so far a~ hewns concerned the matter was droppedfroni lll~ indnd. Not so with the girlThe farm haxid had paid her the hlgh.eat cotupllllient Inan can pay woman.and the reply t,) that eomplln~ent was

    ¯ an order to leave the farm¯ IIer senseof Justice wits shoi’ked. She ho~ thatEliJah wt.,al,l inlt himself in her way

    thai sllt, nd~ht tell him of her sympa-thy. IlUl i,:llJah, trite to tlie tlldlti0a

    on whh’h I.. lind acted, having been

    ref{ist~l by lilt. Imrent, disdnhted to ap-

    ply over his head to the daughter andkept out of her way.

    Ten yt.:ir~ passed. IMlllan Maitland

    had I.~’nnt. an ohl maid. A numberof yolitilL nlvll of iler own class hadwanted l.,r¯ hut her father had lookedover tit. litmds of all of them for ahnshulid f,,r lil.~ (laughter¯ Lllllan did

    not full In love with any (if them; eon-Se(luelltly ~lie never It.belled. Down Inher heart was a memory of the redhemh,d, fri,ekh, faced man who hadasked for I.,r and his cruel treatmentby her fath(,r. That father was nowdead, ainl she might marry whom she

    pleased, ltt]t at thirty women are

    harder to idense (lisa nt twenty midare not ~, ultrn,st|ve to men. At any

    rate ~tIl.~ .Mnillnnd showed no signs of

    matrlliliHi v.

    One (hi}; il faUlt well d~ lind

    I,ro.perous h.tkhlg unlatched her gate

    anti walked till to the house. Llillansaw him t~mihig nnd met him at thedoor¯ lie had red hair, but it wascropped riots, lie wore a tallanti his overcoat WUS milk lined. Illsboot~ were Ida(,kened. and he carrieda cane In IlIN glove1 hund.

    "I~ Mr. Maltlnnd at home?" he in-qutr~l.

    "Mr. Mnltbtnd is dead."

    There w~ss a [muse. after which themun said: "Ye:tr~ ngo Ineked a favor

    of Mr. Mnlthtnd. I have been wonder.

    Ink t, ver ~hi,’l ¯ h,)w I hnd the ussuraaeeto d~ ~o.’"

    "Vi’~ln’! y,~tl ~’~qIle [Ii?¯¯

    When lhe lw~t were seated on oppo-site sbl(.~ ,,r lhe Ilrlng room the visitorcoltl llllle(I

    "l’ni ~(li-l.y Mr. Mullland Is dead¯ Anattol’liey li;i~t rel-i,llll3 ¯ clime from ~ng-

    lilUil hiilllhi~ lid- liii hl.lr lu n title undn ilirge e~l:ll,,. .~lr. ~Iallhind was the

    liervoli lip iV:l.t Iolil~.lllg for. and. Mr¯

    .~lulthilid I.¯hl7 ilt.lid¯ lhe e~Itute falll ton.le: .% hHliqirPd yelir~ ugo there were

    two hrllth,.r~ llUlllPtl Mllltiand. Mr.Mnlthllid *]v~,’(,Itd,,d from one of them,

    I fr-i~ rim ~)tlu,r. If Mr¯ .%Ialtland hodleft a KtHi he Woli]d nOW be the heW.

    .is It i.~ I lilli the heir." .There was a Iolig ellence after thhi

    Spee(,h. .MI~.~ Maitland looked down at

    the floor."I askt~l Mr. Maltlund,"’the visitor

    went on, "’for permlsnlon to win hisdaughter."

    "So th.t Is where you learn~l suchthing.!" hit~,rrupted LllUan. ’*It was

    handed d.wn to ytm from our English

    ance~tors ?"

    "I Slilq.lse so¯ I .have thought that

    perhups If Mr. Maitland were livingand knew thut we came of the SOme


    , The senteiv.e was neverTha m.n aruse from hie seat and wentover tt, where I,illlan was sitting. 8hslooked Ul, tit him, their eyes met, and

    ¯ romance of ten years found Its do-

    Ilonement. ¯

    Not Telling About Hie Dsfeok Over the Phone--lleilo! la l~lt yOU,"Pu, 1 h[id a fight with Billy Brown’ Blank~ Why, there’s n report aroundtoday."

    towu that yoU’re dead¯"Thai so’. l)hl you whip him?"I

    "is lhxit so? Well cull me up again"8ure. You don’t supl)oue I’d be tell. . ’ ,tug you lihout it If I didn’t, do voui"~ [ If It s confirmed, will you?’--lkmton

    , ~ " 1Trlqist rlptDetroit Free 1 tess. ,’ ¯

    ’ " A NoW Wrinkle. ~-"When a woman llas a new wrinkle After ever~ernpt|on of Vesuvius th0

    she is c0reful not tu call attention to crater I, severed with a gleaming.Jr.-- Deserct,Ne%va. white Ja)’er of t.ummon solt.

    8berlff-Jo¯eph 1~ BartlctKDeputy Bherlff--amlth E. Johnmn.8urrelato--Emanucl O, 8~ner.Deputy Surroil~te---Geerge 3’. Yetter.Ollaoty Colleetor--Rneeb-i~ J~blioo.County Audltor--Almslom H, Hlglm~. MIW’s I.lttidlllllPrmeeuttlr of the Plme--Charlee 8. Moore. 8apt. l~tne~.~eut.! iAmlt, Prel~utor--W. E. Brown, fir. fi¢ture.Jut. Ci)mmlmloner-WIh~a ~wleman. County JailCourt Stenographer-Claude W, Myrme. mpte and Cotln~County Physl01an--Lewl, R. 8ouder. . F. Vaullhn, LNtltodllth~ ¯ "


    8uperlnteudent County Asylum for In~nne- Lake Lem;~ ¯~ ¯S4 ~ i~lUilps’ FaillToblM L. MeConneil, - Renowned for beauty and a favorite flIl~lu.g’ 8tewarl"ofthe Almshout~P-Tobltm i.i. Mo- gmundforsm~l mouth ba~n~w tmu~Conueil. ’ " plk0 and pickerel. B0sUng and ~lng,

    Countyahperlnteudent of Seh~lw--tlenry Ill Ortltt F4ig HarbOr RIver; flowing 8outhwardCrewman. eighteen mllt~ to tile Grit F4IgIiarbor Bty.

    County Engln~r--A. H, Nelmn. Ont~ milled b~largeshll~ therninaofoldehtp-County Bu~rvleer.of R~dt-~aphet price, yards ¯till evidont alongshorm. Pl0turmque8uperlutondcnt of Grounds nnd Bulldlngl--- and a lllvorlte strelm for motor.henri. Good

    Daulel F. V&ughn. flshins uad I~ithll~. Navliable "aud connect.8uperinteudent of WelghUt and Momturet-- Ing with all lleeihore rlllorii.

    Edward W. 8trlekland. " ¯ Pub(it water ¯fipply station.. Water 119 per

    Connem -- ltlohard Bew, Athmne City ; aunt. pun from srtmlan well¯ more than twoCharlt~ Cuunlngham, llammonton : Ilalvor hundred feet deep. 81audplpe one hundred

    I,. Harley, l’le~antville, and tWeuty feet high, with fifty-five pound8enalor--Hon. Walter i~. Edge. pri~sui’~ Co¯tl~i~e. ."Apemhlymcn--Ho.. Carlton ttodfrey and Induetrl,=l Park and public fountain, adJoin-

    Hen. tlertram E. Whitman. lug Court ilFound¯ on Main 8treeLRepro~enlatlve In Congrelle -- Hen, ,Imlll. High l~hooI, FarililutAvenae. ~ (3. Huber,

    Baeharaeh. Prlnclplll. ¯~,l.

    Flrld N,itloual Bank. Main Btreet. M. it.¯ Fl¯h and Game Selmons. Mort~, l’aMder. De~o~ltl tl00,000.- Prtlltdent,

    I~aall, nthblt, itqulrrel, male Engllllh rhls- Charles It. Mnkepea~:

    nicked plie~a~allt, ruffed Itnm~." prairie Llbnry i~11, 8ecoridStreeL lIlidquarters

    eb|eken nnd Itung~rlan lmrtrldgt~--Novemi~er ltellnnev Ihme Compsn3; a.d Gun. Wllnam J.

    l0 to December 15. i’~well t’.~it No. 47. O. A. R.

    Wild turkey -- ehmell selmou ailllt Miireh 13,1919.

    Female 14]lli~ll#h ring-nicked pbelulant --

    chined mmmon aolll April 1.5, Ililil,Ik, ed bl rd --asp(sin b~r lind Oetober~All Slllall shore birds not d~llgntited hy nlllne

    und#r li, e ol~’n iil~tllOit. Illlle hi’own, Ilmodhllii,id Whooplul~ ePauol, liwll.n~t, enrlewl% Ilpland)lover lliid wood duck~--elolled lqeiulou unlll

    Mem~rl of Chosen Freeholders.Ananti. (’lty -- David [L Barrett, .1st ward ;

    ~. 131Uliekt’lfoid, 2rid ward ; [lobar( FllItenld,Ird wai~l ; Themes lilhmn, 41h ward.

    Absoeon CRy--Edwin Itoillnsoo. I~t ward;14"¯ Fraley iloughty, 2nd ward,

    Buena %’l~tlt Townshlp~|N,tillnlck (;nrRI Illill~

    (tallow.y Township -- John Itnnllolmnno.Cologne.

    Halnlitlm Townltblp--h’a I¯¯ IL bhnlth, May’sI,andlna.

    llanlul,,nll)u -- William I~ Iniiek, Cyru~ F.I)llood.

    Marlipll, ¯ (:It)’ -- (jeorge %ttrrl,il, Mlll’gttteI¯lty.

    Mulll,’lt Townldilp- V;lllhilli I~ lllal¯¯ EI-w~l.

    Northli,,Id City--Walter J¯ Ityoo, |~t wtird,ihikl,i~vilh,: ilerolalt L. Ih(nnlng. ~11(I wll¯d,

    I ,iliwol)ll¯i’lelutltlilvllle--Ji,hn I% ~!llilot,ii(l¯ I~t Wlt¯d

    I,t,wl~ IL -u]llh, 2nd ward.Port IU,publlc Clty--Jo~ph 1%1. I.~,lllln% I~l

    wnrll i J,,hn E¯ Jobo~on~ 2nd wa¯d.~)llil, i~ l’,,hit City--Allen Talhnliil, I~t WlilllI

    I ’|illrhqi *iV. I ’letoeuU% 211d wlird¯Venln~lr t~lty -- Taylor italln~l, i~t ward i

    ¯ 1¯ Illlrry I"uhner, 2nd %Vard.%Veyll,tnlth Townldil p---Andel)n ltourgeohq.


    Freeholder C0mmlttees.Flmince--Wllllaln L, Bhtck, F¯L~lerh, k W.

    WIIh, lL% F’. F’raley l)oughty, I)avhl It, lkirretl,l~¯lleld Vt’. Hhlieklefi,rd. I’yros F. l)llgood,il~lberl i. FIIlgcrald.

    A.ylum--l lurid It. Ikirrt.li, A Ifred It¯ ~Inllli¯t’rederh.K %t’. WIIle~. Tllyh)r I. lhllnt’m, l’]d-

    win llohln~ln. Thomas Itllmln, John P¯ Alth.mellu.

    tk-altdil--D~llnlulek CoDdgllli, Dewln It. Flmilh,

    F. Friley lJougbty, Ernest W, l~bsekelford,Charle~ W. Cieme0ta, John llan~elmanu(J sol’is Webb.

    Hrldgea--John K. Johnson, Edwin tiobtnson,

    John Iian~lmann. Lewis IS. Hmltb,.llerman1~ lktnulng, Willinm A. Blair, Allen Tallman,

    l’ubll~ nulldlng~lraT. B. t~mltli. J. ItarryFulmer, Domiolek Co~lglla~ John P. Ash-melul, l~ewls ll¯.~hi, lth, Allen Tallman. vVll-Ilam .%. IIlalr.

    Forfnlt41re Ileeognlilinee~--Anderl~ll. Rotlr-gelds, Charhm W. tTlementa, AIrred tl. Vtnllth,I~wi~ H¯ i.trnlth, Ilermau L¯ llanahtg¯

    (Ordinances--J. Itarry Fulmer, Walter J¯Ryon. Anderson lhmrgeohl, William L. llhlek,William A¯ Blair.

    i~lldler~’ ]lurlal--(’yrus F. O~g(~l. Alfred It.¯ qmlth. A nden~n lk)urgeois¯ J (llleph lqlt. Collins,l~wlll li. l-ilnlth.

    Itl~eha¯ge of Prl~Oners--bewl~ it‘ Vhl,itil,Vdllllam A. |lhtlr, (teorge Weilb, Walte¯ J.ltyon, Tltylo¯ ltalnl!&

    l)rhllhlg-Tayhl¯ Italntm. lldllierl FIIzgerald,John 1". Atlhlnead, ~dwln l{~lblnln, AllenTal I elfin.

    Llbra¯y--t’ilnrlt~l ~t~. Clenienlll, Allen Tall-

    liliill, llermao L. llannlnl, Taylor llalnes,ThonlaN Itlll~,n.

    Tllx AllSlIOIS And Addreisel.

    Aksecon--Willlani n. Riley, Ablleeoli¯Allanlle Clty--Bimrd or Asselmors, AIInnlle

    City¯|lrlgntntlu,~ City--W¯ lloldzkom, nrlgantlne.llueaa Vi~tii Twp--O. F:. Hearh., % ilieland.l~,g IInrbor Twp~W. llauensteln. Abaeeon.Egg llarlmr Clty--llenry G. ll.ogelUtberg, Egg

    ltarl~or City¯Felix)el-- Iz)ui~ .~(’hulz~. Fnlsom¯Galloway Twp.--t’iiarlel Hluckel. It. P. D¯,

    E,g~ tlnrtmr (’lty.llamlltowo Twp--Harry ,lenktns. May’.


    Hammonton--ih, nJ. Foslettn, llammonton.Llnwood--ltlchara J. Holnerl% I.Inwood.l~ngl~,rt--%Vllllam H. OIImore, l~)ngport.Ms¯gate Clty--A. II. Ilepetto, Margate City.Mullleli’Tw p--H. Tapken, Egg liarbor Clly¯NorthnPId--.’Id. Y..Hoyder, Nu¯lhtleld.l’h.nilantvlllo--G. M, Bateil, Ph~lluntville¯l’ort Itepublle--Joleph l]. l,ovehlnd, I’ort

    t’~publlc¯Homer~’ Point--First Ward, John l,, Alliger ;

    l~eoud Ward, H. H. 8teelman, i’-~lmer~t’ lq,lnt.Ventnor--P¯ E. Huward, Vent,,or.Weymoutil Twp.--P. MeKtmgue, Tuckalloe.

    Ro¯ter of Comity Mlyml.Ab~eeon--J. Aline MIl~helLAtlanth; City--William lllddle.Brll~aotlne (711y--Alfred B. Hmlth.Egg lIa¯l.lr Clty--Oeoqle Mueller.Fol~om--John C. Eby.llammonton--Thomml C. Elvlnl.LInwoo~Wllllam I~ull.l~ngport--ltalpb tlaroourLMargate Clly--lienry F.Oertzen.Northfleld City--William Boise.l’lon~antvllle--Cllnrll J. Adam.~.Port li~pn blln--Thomaa Tur her.H~)mer# l’olnt--Ctnirlei E. C¯ Bteelman.Ventoor CIty--U. l~,hlgrenAIbert~ln.

    Is the Salt of Trade. WhenBusiness is Slack It

    Br ng ¯ Results as well as In the Busy

    Seasons. Try advertlslng~In "The Record",¯ and watch the

    su]l o%

    and 8tote ofthe Northe~it

    aUd ,AtKlntlu Turndl¯tent

    Intl, reecllou t’Baltle,Aveoue; Iheuee eatendhWardly detl0etlng twiuty.llvemlfinte~ and fotty-eeveu ~oondsfrom- a tins plrellel with Baltic Avenue ahthe Northwmt line or Islandwide) three blindred fourleenhundi~Bdthn feet to. Ihe Weet IluoAw,nue; (2) Norlhwardly aloag’saldUtNil~lit AVellae nile hufidred .tW~ulnnd ou~-Ieath feetWmt Jemeythe Chelm,a Bntneh l?.lllrond ; (3) 8outlwardly dullest!nil flfl.%¯-fonr degrmm andeight mlnut,.w W~lwnrda tie along Iliih [ rlgbl tllundredthll lt~Pt to awe~t,lardly curving O ibeof live thouNind seven hundred add fifty feet’sLIII ulting ~,ld rIKht of wny three ilaudrt~lqxty-two and nineteeu hundredthll fl~t to IheNorlheast Ih,eofilald ttlrnp:ke; (5) Southeast-wardly defl,’~tlug, twenty-five deKre~ tWnmlnute~ und "rorty-~eveu seconds I~lstwardlyfrom a line paralh,I wnh U~orgla A.vl.uueslung said lurnplke ~lxty and tqghty-threehundredi lot I,~t to Ih,’ i)laeb of beghiuhlg.

    lteln< ihl. ~alne llrelnll01~ which Ol’orlrl;.A¯Cra%lftirlt ii,l.t wire tly |udenturt, dnled lteh-rnnl’3- xi. hi ;I, alnl leeorded In hie (’l*,l’k’~Ol~l.e fir .slit fill,i, I’,,llnly In ll(Ioll N,i. ’.~11 litdt’~l% ~lll~l" ~il el¢.l¯, granled old v,, %’I¯VI’IUnl¢i the N~lid llinil,I II. logo¯mill Io f,,~. ’

    Helled iii Ilil ¯ polill,¯ty of Ditnlel B. liiSoDtollet till and lill4en ill 1¯.~1211thln at Ihe~nlt ¢,il~l¯%VIn.l K(diil lllld ,11 lii~ sold I)y

    ¯ ,10.’¢EPlt It. llAliTl,l~’," " Hherlll.

    ] )llled J tllIP ~t. Ill16. -

    I-I. I~’rANOKIt [SZAItn. Sollellor.Pr’s tee. 821.76

    I’ll[ Eltl F’F’~ SA I¯F;,I1.%’ vii’lOs ,,r it Wl¯lll (if Ilerl fltelLLq, it, In!

    llh¯¢~¯tl’li. Is~l~’d olll llr Ihe Nil*w Jerlley L’onrlel I~lllUlt.l,ry, will I,t, ~ohl lit ilubllc venting, eli

    ¯ %VEI).X I,]41,AT, "1¯111,: "r~VEN¯I’Y. El(ill¯I’llDAY t)F .ilINF~, NINI,]TF]EN

    llli N I)ill,;ll A N i) ~IXTI,:EN.ill Iwll ll’rhN.k In lhl, itllerllOll,i (if imhl d.y,In lhe (JOlllt Itll~llil ~,¯, ~01~ l-tt~tind I?hNir,(lua¯lllih,eTiu~l lllilhlini, hi Ihn (;11.%" or At-hlulle.tTItv, t’nunly ¢,f Alhillll~ aud ~Iflle nf~lew Jersey. ’ ’

    All Ihllt i.vrlahl leant or parcel of hied sad

    ~nremls~ Nttullle h, theCIty of Holnel~ I’¢ltnt.the t’OaOly or Alhlnlle nnd HUItl, of New.ler~ey, hOnlnled sod dellerlbl~l as fnllowli:

    llelglnlllng tit a slllke In Ihe Noi’th,mllt line ofDehiwli¯n A Velllle Ihreo htil,d¯ed lind I~venly-seven f, et Honlheaidlorly r~ltn Ihe PIounieeal.erly lille (,f Ihe I-llillro il~lld aud rtlnl, ing (INllrt IP tlter y it r gt t I nffh~l f I Dt’htwoll¯Avennt~ nee illlntlrlql sad lllll-flUlr Ii¯et lo alinks In lile -llnli, wPlll IIll~ i)f ii lll~Pl¯ll restivlde i.llllll ’_ ll’ll-ill.i ¯ 12) lIT Ilia II110 i,f Ills llillllt¯l~lUllll¯l*~lerlv llil,iilh.I lit ill liiwill’i, .,% VlllllieIINy fe.,I In ii til.lli¯ f, iv ii ,.,il lil;r Ill I,,I ilillillil,i~|: lilt,lit’t. I:iI h, Ih*. If,,*. ,,I I,i .’~,,. 21..-i,olh-Wl’~lleil3" lind llllll, ih.I Ill Ihl. II,~l Ihil,. illll, hnii.ilro(llllid lillV-Illilr hq.I lq,141.1)rller t(lilll iNio.’.~il-lOlllliwe~It, I ly illill i,:lrllill.i Ill the lirill lineone htlllltroll [llld ilfl V-f, llir fel,t Ill Ii i.ill llel’ iihil Nil. 71 hi .lip lllil, ~f hlld I).hlw,ire .X~ Sill(i¯;|hPnl’e (ll Ill tilt’ fin+̄ Of lqlid [)olnWltr,¯ .ll.vi.nll.Ni,rllll~ i,qiloi I.%’ llfl~ G~.I I#i lhe i,llil.e i,f h,,iLili.iiIn~f¯ 11 i,t¯hit - lot ~li. ~l~ ¢)Ii Ihl, iiIitll ill Tiiwll-ill, lid nnd ViIIl~nlll I ~llllll¯l-N

    ¯ ]lOllii.lh’lnl~ I1~1¯ IQlllie llll,Ull~le~l whh.h 11"1.11~ eon-

    I’P)’t’d t,I life llletetlt ~rllllior it)" th’,d frijolI,’iederh.k J¯ ~(ll,hl,rh I el. ux. hpili hiI d,lll, illHl~l)lenihl,r 12. i1112, lind ill rt~’ord In Ihet~lerk’s()lnee l,f Allillllil, I’ounlY Iii .Nlilv*s I.andhig,N. J¯. In I;o