“Tich Miller” by Wendy “Tich Miller” by Wendy … · I have studied the poem “Tich...

Post on 30-Aug-2018

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“Tich Miller” by Wendy Cope.

Bethany, Sophie Connor

“Tich Miller” by Wendy Cope.

Poetic Techniques: Alliteration:

I have studied the poem “Tich Miller” by Wendy Cope. The poet uses alliteration in the poem “Tich Miller”. “No, no, have Tich!”

The poet uses the technique alliteration to grab the attention of the reader and emphasis the point of the duo being bullied by others and always being last in lines. This is effective because it grabs the attention of the reader and allows them to think about

the meaning of the poem.


The poet uses imagery in the poem. “Tich Miller wore glasses with elastoplast - pink frames and had one foot three sizes bigger than the other.”

The poet uses descriptive language to describe the events and imagery in the poem. The technique is used to allow the reader to imagine the scene vividly in their minds. This technique is effective because it allows the reader to see the events taking place

clearly and it allows the reader to imagine what Tich Miller looks like.

Repetition: The poet uses Repetition in the poem.

“No, no, have Tich!” The poet uses repetition in the poem to show the reader that Tich was bullied harshly in school. It is used to emphasis this point

as alliteration is doing in the above paragraph. This is effective because it creates a sad atmosphere in the poem.


The main theme in the poem “Tich Miller” is bullying. Though the second theme that can also be used in “Tich Miller” is school.

Tone The tone of the poem is sadness, which can be shown in the two last stanzas.

The tone is sadness because the girl telling the story eventually went on to bully others, getting revenge on those who had bullied her while Tich

died when she was twelve. She could have died from different causes but it somewhat implies that she had committed suicide. “At eleven we went to different schools. In time I learned to get my own back, sneering at hockey-players who couldn’t spell.” “Tich died when she was twelve.”

Tich Miller Tich Miller wore pink glasses with elastoplast frames and her one foot was bigger than the other. When the school children picked the teams for games her and the person telling the story would be the last two to be picked. While they chose the duo waited at the wire-mesh fence. They avoided looking eachother out of embarrassment and pretended to tie a shoelace or feigning interest in flight of a lucky bird and pretended but really ignored the children’s yells “Have Tubby!” “No, no, have Tich!” The poet telling the story was normally the one chosen and Tich clumsily made her way to the back of the other team. The two both went to different schools when they were eleven. The poet bullied the hockey players who couldn’t spell her were known as stupid. Tich died when she was twelve.

The title doesn’t really have any meaning since it’s just the girl’s name.

The title does emphasise what the poem is about.


Structure: The poem has seven stanzas. There are three lines in each stanza, except for the first and last stanza. The poem ends abruptly with the last stanza only having one line.

End of the Presentation