Ticketing Service by München Ticket ... · 11 Here you can see the number of articles/tickets in...

Post on 10-Aug-2020

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Ticketing Service by München Ticket


1 Enter here the name of the event “Halls & Walls” and press enter.

2 Click on “TICKETS SICHERN” to buy a ticket.



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Information about the event

3 There is only one category of tickets for “Halls & Walls”. Prices are inclusive of tax but exclusive of costs for service and postage.

4 Click on “TICKETS JETZT AUSWÄHLEN” to continue.




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Choose of category

5 You don’t need to choose a category as there are only standing room tickets available.

6 Choose the number of tickets (Anzahl) “PK”.

7 Click on “WEITER” to continue.




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Shopping bag

8 Click on “ZUSÄTZLICHE PLÄTZE WÄHLEN” to get additional tickets of the event.

9 Click on “WEITERSHOPPEN” to get tickets of any other event.

10 To cancel an article click on the “x” on the right end of the row.

11 Here you can see the number of articles/tickets in your shopping bag and time left for the shopping process. The shopping process has to be completed within 30 minutes. By clicking on this button you will return to the shopping bag from every step of the shopping process.

12 Click on “WEITER” to continue.

12 8 9



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13 If this is your first time to deal with München Ticket you need to register. Click on “JETZT REGISTRIEREN” to register.

14 If you are already registered on München Ticket but forgot your password click on “Passwort vergessen?”

15 If you are already registered on München Ticket login with your E-Mail/Loginname and password and click on “WEITER” to continue. Continue on page 10 / 16



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16 Enter your e-mail address, choose a password and confirm your password. * required field After submitting the form, you will receive an e-mail to activate your account.

17 “Passwortstärke” shows the safety of your chosen password. Password must have minimum 8 characters. For a safe password use upper and lower case letters, numbers and additional characters (for example: %,&,!). Information given during entering password: Leeres Passwort blank password Zu kurzes Passwort password too short Unsicheres Passwort password unsafe Passwortwiederholung stimmt nicht überein password and confirmation do not match

18 Click on “WEITER” to continue.




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19 Enter your contact details: Anrede: Frau / Herr choose: Mrs. / Mr. Titel title: for example PhD etc. Vor- und Nachname first and last name Firma company Straße und Hausnummer street and number PLZ – Ort postal code – city Land country Telefonnummer telephone Alternative Tel. alternative telephone * required field

20 Accept AGB (general terms and conditions): tick that you have read the general terms and conditions and accept them.

21 Click on “WEITER” to continue.




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Verifying your e-mail

22 In a few minutes you’ll receive an e-mail to “your given e-mail-address” with instructions how to finish registration.

23 You can also confirm your e-mail-address later. In case you did not receive an e-mail please check correct spelling of e-mail and also check your spam folder respectively anti-spam-filter.

24 Click on “WEITER: LIEFERANSCHRIFT” to continue.





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Example of confirmation e-mail

Betreff: Bestätigung Ihrer Registrierung bei www.muenchenticket.de

Sehr geehrter Kunde,

wir freuen uns sehr, dass Sie sich auf www.muenchenticket.de registriert haben.

Ihre Kundennummer bei München Ticket lautet: XXX

Mit dieser Mail stellen wir sicher, dass Ihre E-Mailadresse korrekt ist.

Um Ihr Konto bei München Ticket zu aktivieren klicken Sie bitte jetzt auf diesen Link:


Für weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen selbstverständlich auch persönlich unter der Telefonnummer 089 / 54 81 81 81 zur Verfügung.

Die genauen Ticket Telefon Öffnungszeiten finden Sie unter https://www.muenchenticket.de/Oeffnungszeiten

Falls jemand unberechtigt Ihre E-Mail-Adresse verwendet hat, schicken Sie diese E-Mail bitte an info@muenchenticket.de mit dem Betreff "Keine Anmeldung" zurück.

Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie bald wieder auf unserer Internetseite begrüßen zu dürfen.

Ihr München Ticket Team

25 Subject: Confirmation of your registration at www.muenchenticket.de

Dear customer,

we are very pleased that you have registered on www.muenchenticket.de.

Your customer number at München Ticket is: XXX

With this mail we verify your e-mail address. To activate your account at München Ticket please click on this link:


For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by calling 089/54 81 81 81.

For opening hours look at https://www.muenchenticket.de/Oeffnungszeiten

If someone has used your e-mail address unauthorized, please return this e-mail to info@muenchenticket.de with subject "Keine Anmeldung (No Registration)".

We look forward to welcoming you back to our website soon.

Yours München Ticket Team


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Terms and Conditions have changed

26 tick that you have read the actual terms and conditions of München Ticket GmbH and that you accept them. For English terms and conditions please contact München Ticket GmbH.

27 Click on “WEITER” to continue.



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Delivering address

28 Your costumer number and address

29 Click on “ADRESSE BEARBEITEN” to edit your address.


XXX first and last name company street and number postal code and city





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30 Click on “AN VORHANDENE ADRESSE SENDEN” to continue by sending tickets to your address.

31 Alternative delivery address Titel title: for example PhD etc. Vor- und Nachname first and last name Firma company Straße und Hausnummer street and number Adresszusatz extra address line for further information PLZ – Ort postal code – city Land country * required field

32 Click on “LIEFERADRESSE ZURÜCKSETZEN” to reset delivery address.

33 Click on “AN ABWEICHENDE ADRESSE SENDEN” to continue by sending tickets to delivery address.

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Choose mode of dispatch and payment

34 Choose mode of dispatch. We recommend for non-residents to choose Print@Home: After payment by credit card or by money transfer you can download the tickets directly. Please note that web browser must allow pop-up windows. Additionally you will receive the tickets together with order confirmation by email.

35 Choose mode of payment. Kreditkarte credit card 6 SOFORT Überweisung online payment via money transfer

36 Click on “ZURÜCK” to return.

37 Click on “WEITER” to continue.

36 37



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Verifying your order

38 Please check the correctness of all data. After booking you will receive a confirmation by email within a few minutes.

39 Please check your address.

40 Click on “ADRESSE BEARBEITEN” to edit your address.

41 Please check your delivery address.

42 Click on “ADRESSE BEARBEITEN” to edit your delivery address.

43 Please check your order.


first and last name company street and number postal code and city

39 41 first and last name company street and number postal code and city

40 42


44 46


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44 Click on “ZURÜCK” to return.

45 tick that you have read the terms and conditions of Halls & Walls organised by (in German and English) and that you accept them.

46 Click on “KAUFEN” to buy your order.

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47 Credit card number.

48 Valid until month and 49 year.

50 Security number.

51 Help? Explanation of security number.

52 Click on “KAUFEN” to buy your order.

52 Click on “Zahlung abbrechen” to cancel.


48 49


52 53