Tidmarsh with Sulham Parish Magazine · MOT Test ONLY rofessional and eliable A garage that really...

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Tidmarsh with SulhamParish Magazine


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Welcome to the Spring issue of the magazine . . .

There are plenty of things going on over the next couple of months in our villagesas you will see when you read on further. It is great to see the Village Lunchresurrected – if you are interested – please sign up early as it is limited to 60 places!

If you live in Tidmarsh – please consider giving a helping hand with the ChurchYard tidy-up at St Laurence on the 27th May (10am to 12noon). It is just a couple ofhours and it makes such a difference – many hands make light work and pleasebring your own tools if you have them.

I am informed by the Parish Council that they have considered all the ideas putforward in the questionnaires regarding the Ikea monies. A working group havehighlighted the top three issues which they believe should be carried out now. I amadvised that although no further steps have been made to implement these threeinitiatives, they will be beginning soon. They are:

1. Tidy up the area between the layby in Sulham and the Nunhide footpath andput a footpath in

2. Tidy up the footpath connecting Mill Lane to Sulham Lane

3. Tidy up the footpath between Tidmarsh and Pangbourne across the fields andby the river.

In addition, if funds allow, they also want to tidy up the village and add planting.

In the meantime, Gigaclear continue to make slow progress with their cabling andwe have been advised that Mill Lane and Sulham Hill will be closed between 3rdand 25th April. Access will be available for residents from either end dependant onthe progress of the works. Diversion will be via Mill Lane, the A340 to Pangbourneand the A329 Reading Road. Enquires should be addressed to Gigaclear on 01865591131. Details can be viewed on roadworks.org under the following link SulhamLane

Jennifer Nutt has been working tirelessly on finding volunteers to run stalls at theVillage Fete – with much success I might add! We still need more help and of coursedonations (bottles, cakes, plants, bric a brac, raffle prices etc). If you would like tobe involved, please call Jennifer on 0118 984 2370.

Jenny CopeEditorjenny@candcsystems.co.uk

datEs For Your diarY



06-Apr Village Walk – Meet at Village Hall 9.30am

06-Apr Coffee Morning – Village Hall 11.00am

07-Apr Spring Flower Show – Purley Memorial Hall 2.30pm – 4pm

23-Apr Book Club Meeting, Walnut Tree Cottage, Sulham 8pm

04-May Village Walk – Meet at Village Hall 9.30am

04-May Coffee Morning – Village Hall 11.00am

12-May Plant Sale – Purley Memorial Hall Car Park 9.30am – 11.30am

12-May Quiz Night – Village Hall (see page 10) 7.30pm

18-May Talk – Climbing Kilimanjaro – St Laurence Church 7.30pm

27-May Church Yard Tidy Up – St Laurence 10am – 12 noon

27-May Berkshire Country Fayre, Englefield Estate (see page 14) 9am – 5pm

01-Jun Village Walk – Meet at Village Hall 9.30am

01-Jun Coffee Morning – Village Hall 11.00am

01-Jul Sulham & Tidmarsh Village Lunch, Sulham Farm (see page 15) 1.00pm

06-Jul Village Walk – Meet at Village Hall 9.30am

06-Jul Coffee Morning – Village Hall 11.00am

04-Aug Village Fete (see page 18) 2pm

tidmarsh with sulham VillagE hallReg. Charity No 278999

There will be an Annual General Meeting at 8pm, April 26th at the Village Hall.

All are invited to attend.

VillagE hall NEws


100 Club Bonus winners 2017

1st £20 187 Wilfred Helm Tidmarsh

2nd £20 45 Richard Thomas Sulham

3rd £20 62 Sally White Tidmarsh

4th £20 154 Joan Bungay Tidmarsh

5th £20 17 Pauline Taylor Tidmarsh

6th £20 83 Valerie Worseley Tidmarsh

7th £20 169 Carol Williams Tidmarsh

8th £20 106 Gerry Williams Tidmarsh

9th £20 87 Jo Kenyon Tidmarsh

10th £20 52 Gill Davidson Tidmarsh

11th £20 28 Joanne Baker Sulham

12th £7.50 105 Cathy Tucker Tidmarsh

Above are the winners for the Bonus winners of the latest 100 Club draw.Congratulations to the winners and thanks to all who bought tickets. Make sureyou don’t miss out in the 2018 draw when tickets are sold late summer.

Tidmarsh Village Hall is becoming busier as more groups use it. The Facebook pageis receiving lots of attention. Feel free to visit our Facebook Page and like us.

The Village Hall AGM is on 26 April at 8pm if you have any questions. If you canspare some time or ideas about running the hall and organising village communityevents we would greatly appreciate your attendance.

Also on 12 May is the Spring Quiz at 7.30 for 8pm. Please see advert.

If you need to book or enquire about the Village Hall please contact our BookingSecretary by phoning 0118 984 2561 or emailing tidmarshvillagehall@hotmail.com.

VillagE hall


tidmarsh with sulham Village hall usage

Did you know your village hall is used on a regular basis for :

MONDAY• Art group

• Stageability (Drama class)• Table tennis

TUESDAY• Upholstery

• Ballet• Martial arts• Table tennis


• Puppy training• Table tennis

THURSDAY• Tai Chi• Yoga

FRIDAY• First Friday of each month Village Coffee morning

• Earley music group


The Hall is available for bookings for meetings, parties or new classes. For further information please contact Bookings secretary

Hilary Innes on 0118 984 2561 or email tidmarshvillagehall@hotmail.com


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BooK rEViEw


Book Club reviews

The Husbands Secret by Liane MoriartyThis book is a narrative of three women, set in Australia – Cecilia, Rachel and Tess. It deals with lies, betrayal, misconceptions,bereavement and revenge. There are a lot of characters and the sub plots introduced in the first chapters made it difficult toremember who was who and where theywere, but as their lives converged anunderstanding of the connection betweenthem developed. Book club membersenjoyed the book and the challenge oftrying to predict the ending.

Our Endless Numbered Days by Claire FullerA very original story; the characters wereexpertly portrayed, although book clubmembers agreed it was hard to warm to any ofthem. The story focuses on a nine-year old girl,who’s father isolates her from her former lifeand family, and subjects her to a spartanexistence in a German forest in pursuit of hisSurvivalist beliefs. There are graphicdescriptions of nature and the hardshipsendured and it is clear that the authorthoroughly researched the background detailof the story. The plot is not all that it seems,and discussion about what was truth orimagination made the group reflect for sometime after finishing the book. Most book clubmembers enjoyed this read.

Future read: The Submission by Amy Waldman.

VillagE rouNd-uP


timarsh and sulham walking group

The walking group meets on the first Friday of every month at 9.30am outsideTidmarsh Village Hall. The group varies in size from month to month, but howevermany walkers there are, an enjoyable, social time is had by all. The walk (easy pace)usually lasts for one and a half hours and ends with coffee and biscuits; joiningvillage residents at The Village hall Coffee Morning at 11 am.

Everyone is welcome to come along and social doggies are welcome.

“Walking is a man's best medicine”, said Hippocrates over 2,000 years ago – and agrowing body of scientific evidence suggests he wasn’t wrong.

Public Health England has found that four in ten middle-aged adults – six millionBritons – are failing to manage even one brisk 10-minute walk a month, increasingtheir risk of developing potentially fatal illnesses.

1. Walking fights dementia

2. It cuts the risk of dying from cancer

3. It will improve your mood

4. It helps your heart

If anyone is interested in forming an informal ‘Walking for Health’ Group (20-30minute regular brisk paced walks) please email alderton.boxcott@btinternet.com






Reg charity 


Reg Charity 





Summer LunchFor residents of the villages

Sunday July 1st 2018 at Sulham Farm(by kind permission of Henry Scutt)

£15 per head for a four-course lunch

To reserve your place please contacts4puxley@gmail.com or alderton.boxcott@btinternet.com

Tel: 9842 729

Sulham and Tidmarsh Summer LunchThis year we are going to bring back the Sulham and Tidmarsh summer lunch that Richard and Rosemary Thomas brought to our villages several years ago after they had experienced a ‘Fete des Voisins’ (Neighbourhood party) in France.

The idea is for neighbourhoods to hold a sit-down meal to get to know one another.Everyone brings their own cutlery, plates glasses and drinks, a simple but delicious lunch is then shared by neighbours sitting together at long tables.

If you would like to attend please see the advert for contact details and reserve soon as places are strictly limited to 60.

gardENiNg alan maskell


What a variation in weather we have had. If there is a late cold spell delay activitiesuntil frost threat gone.

gardening Jobs in april

Divide Hostas before they come into leaf and Primroses after they have finishedflowering.

Prune Forsythia as soon as they have finished flowering.

Protect fruit blossom from late frosts by covering with fleece on cold nights.

Apply a slow-release fertiliser around the base of raspberry canes, fruit bushes andfruit trees to encourage good crops. Water well and mulch.

Covering your strawberries with a cloche will encourage earlier fruiting.

Start to sow tomato seeds indoors, ready to plant out after all risk of frost has passed.

Sow lawn seed now on well prepared soil and keep the soil moist whilst the seed isgerminating.

Aerate compacted areas of lawn by spiking it with a garden fork. Mower blades canbe lowered towards the end of the month.

gardening Jobs in may

Don’t cut or tie up daffodils and snowdrops leaves yet – allow maximum exposureof leaves to sun and feed with Tomorite or similar high potash fertiliser for nextyear flowering.

Harden off semi hardy plants such as begonias, bizzy lizzies and canna lilies byleaving outside during the day and take inside overnight over 7-10 days.

Divide hardy perennials to increase your stock and promote growth. Take cuttingsof pelargoniums (geraniums), fuchsia and hardy perennials: pot up in warm,sheltered position.

Prune spring flowering shrubs such as forsythia and viburnum. Cut back floweringshoots of Choisya to provide a second flowering. Clip evergreen hedges. Makesupports for your runner beans and plant runner beans by sowing directly in theground. Thin out directly sown seeds and hardenoff indoor grown veg.

Surround strawberries with straw to protect fruit.Keep gooseberry bushes centre clear andregularly check for green gooseberry sawflycaterpillars. Pick off or spray.

alan maskell gardENiNg


Apply weedkiller and feed lawn with a high nitrogen fertiliser to encourage healthygrowth. You can still seed bare patches in early May. Keep well watered. Weed andthin out plants in ponds; leave next to pond for a day to allow insects to return towater.

gardening Jobs in June

Lift and divide clumps of snowdrops and bluebells and other bulbs as leaves yellow.Plant out summer bedding once risk of frost has gone. Keep newly planted treesand shrubs well watered. Stake tall or floppy perennial plants to prevent winddamage. Pinch out tips of fuschias to encourage bushing out, keep picking sweetpeas to encourage more blooms. Cut back hardy Geraniums and poppies that haveflowered to encourage new foliage and flowers.

Water containers and baskets well in hot weather. Feed with a balanced liquidfertiliser every 2 to 4 weeks. Water the soil rather than the plants and make ‘ponds’around individual plants so that the water can really soak in and will supportplants for 14 days.

Pinch out side shoots from tomato plants and feed once the first truss is settingfruit. You can pot up the side-shoots to create new tomato plants. Harvest saladcrops and re-sow every 2 weeks for a constant supply of tasty leaves. Harvestonions and garlic when leaves yellow and die back.

Although fruit trees will naturally shed some fruit (called the 'June drop'), aim tothin out congested branches further for bigger and better fruits.

Alan Maskell looks after gardens in the RG8 area

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SATURDAY 4th AUGUST 2018 at 2pm


Featuring Earley Music Jazz Band

Fun Dog Show (enter on the day)

Barbeque & Licensed Bar

The Usual Popular Mix of Stalls including

Cakes, Plants & Produce, White Elephant, Books, Raffles, Bottles, Tombola & Children’s Games



Plenty of Car Parking at Mill Corner Farm

All proceeds to St. Laurence and St. Nicholas





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NotEs From thE sul


What do you do when, wading in the Sul brook, you come across what appears tobe the top of someone's head, covered with a mop of red hair waving at you fromunder the surface of the water? Had I found the body of a drowned person: perhapsPresident Trump or our Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson? I had to tell myself not tobe so silly: stay calm and investigate.

Initially it was quite a shock, thinking someone may have drowned. Oninvestigation it turned out to be the bloated body of a dead fox. The mound of redhair waving in the water really did make me think of Trump and Johnson!Goodness knows how the body ended up in the stream at the end of our garden.

It had been some time since I had last seen our local dog fox, the one with the limp,but it took no time at all for that fox to be replaced by a new one moving into thearea.

What "fun" we have beenhaving with the local roads inrecent weeks! It was perhapsinevitable that we would havequite a bit of disturbance andinconvenience while Gigaclearbring us very much into the21st century, laying opticcables.

Let us hope that Gigaclear doeventually live up to theirpromises. So far it has beennothing but "promises, promises." We have been told on many occasions that thecables were to be laid very shortly. One can only wonder when the works will befinished, enabling us to enjoy the promised superfast fruits. If nothing else it willbe nice to be rid of those unsightly mauve barriers.

It was not just Sulham Lane that was badly affected by the snow we had in earlyMarch. At least it was lovely and peaceful without the traffic, both in the snow andwhen the lane was closed to through traffic for a couple of days while the localauthority dealt with some of the many potholes. Unhappily it was equally prettyawful when all vehicles were directed along Sulham Lane. And it didn't do anygood to the welfare of the roadside verges. So much for living in the peace andquiet of the countryside: it almost makes one wish we had snow more often!

Richard Thomas: March 2018


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CarriNgtoN aNd thE mill aNd sKY


The artist Dora Carrington (1893 – 1932) moved into The Mill House, Tidmarsh, onehundred years ago, in November 1917, and stayed until 1924. Carrington, as she wasknown, will feature in a television programme which visits the scenes that inspiredthe paintings – in this case “Tidmarsh Mill”.

The ArtistA student of the Slade School of Fine Art, Carrington was a contemporary ofStanley Spencer and other prominent artists of the early 20th century. However,her style was out of line with the post-impressionist teachers of the day andperhaps she did not receive all the encouragement that her talents deserved. Sheoften worked on decorative tasks such as murals, tiles and dishes in order to earnan income, and was distracted from her painting by domestic tasks. Carringtonoften painted over her pictures, rarely exhibited them and never signed them. It isnot surprising then that it was not until the 1970s that she was recognized as one ofthe foremost British female artists of the 20th Century.

Bloomsbury and RelationshipsWhen the writer Lytton Strachey set up house with Dora Carrington at Tidmarshhe was already enjoying the success of his biographical collection “EminentVictorians”. He was a member of the Bloomsbury Group, a bunch of intellectualswho were controversial and unconventional in their views on society and in theirinterpersonal relationships. Triangular relationships were common, nowherebetter illustrated than when in 1921 Carrington married Ralph Partridge and thethree continued to live together at the Mill House. To say that Carrington’s love lifewas complicated would be an understatement.

Carrington was associated with the Bloomsbury group through her closeness toStrachey. His friends sought somewhere to rent for him, where he could write awayfrom the distractions of Bloomsbury and the City, and they all came to visitTidmarsh: including Virginia Woolf, John Maynard Keynes and E. M. Forster.

The Mill HouseIt was Carringtons’s mother who first saw the details:

Old Fashioned House, grounds over 1 acre, small orchard, Hall, 3 recpt rooms,

kitchen etc. Electric Light, 6 bedrooms, box room, Bath H&C, Rent £52, 3 Years

lease. Nr Church and P.O. London 65mins.

Carrington came over from her parents home at Hurstbourne Tarrant for a viewingon October 20th 1917, and was shown around by “a charming Miller”. No doubt thiswas a member of the Stone family, whose ownership of the Mill had begun some 30years earlier.

CarriNgtoN aNd thE mill aNd sKY


It was at Tidmarsh that Carrington seemed to enjoy the happiest days of her life,and in the period of her stay, to July 1924, output included pictures of local peopleand scenes – and the sign for the Greyhound Inn. The best, or at least best known,of these is “Tidmarsh Mill”, painted in oils in 1918.

Televisual ArtIn 2017 the Sky Arts channel commissioned a series called “Tate Britain’s GreatBritish Walks”, a travelogue through British Art, which crossed the landscapes of aselection of the nation’s favourite painters. A second series is in production, and inJanuary the presenter Gus Casely-Hayford and his crew visited the Mill House torecord a short session for a piece on Carrington. They chose a fine day and we lookforward to seeing the finished programme sometime in April or May.

End NotesDora Carrington, Lytton Strachey and Ralph Partridge moved on from The MillHouse to Ham Spray House, Hungerford. It was here that Lytton Strachey died inJanuary 1932 . Carrington died of gunshot wounds a few weeks later and the verdictof the inquest was Accidental Death.

Milling stopped in Tidmarsh in 1937.

Most of the detail above has been taken by reference to an excellent new volumewhich I received as a Christmas present from my wife: Carrington’s Letters (Chattoand Windus, London, 2017) edited by Anne Chisholm.

The view of Tidmarsh Mill for Carrington’s oil painting –

but 100 years later

The view of Tidmarsh Mill for Carrington’s oil painting –

but 100 years later

rEstauraNt rEViEw


NamastE KitChEN within thE hooK & taCKlE16 Katesgrove Lane, Reading RG1 2ND 0118 959 4617www.namaste-kitchen.co.uk

Most of us have probably neverheard of Parthia Close. Nor hadwe until deciding to go andhave an ethnic meal at theNamaste Kitchen restaurant,situated within The Hook andTackle. It is in the attractive public house at the end of Katesgrove Lane, almostunderneath the flyover at the bottom of Southampton Street: it is not easy to find,so use your satnav!

The Hook and Tackle is still a public house, but the integral restaurant is verydifferent, claiming to be a traditional Nepalese restaurant: not just Nepalese, butNewari, representing the community of Kathmandu. The first time we went there alarge Nepalese party was in full swing, so it does seem that they do offer trulygenuine Nepalese cuisine.

The menu consists almost entirely of generous helpings of appetisers and snacks,ideal for sharing between family and friends. Just be careful when a dish isdescribed as being spicy: that means it is hot: and I mean hot! Chilli peppers aredispensed very freely here.

Another word of warning: steer clear of the fried dried mutton offal: unless you areexcited by the thought of eating the very hot and very chewy dried stomach of asheep! It may be considered a delicacy in Kathmandu, but we may perhaps think ita little out of place, even in the exotic parts of Reading.

Those running the Namaste make you very welcome and pretty well guarantee anamusing and interesting evening at modest cost. Perhaps this is a place for a partyof friends wanting to share a new and entertaining experience.

Richard Thomas, March 2018


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CouNCil mattErs


The parish council held a planning meeting recently to discuss the applications forhomes at The Rancher, on Manor Farm Lane. They heard from a number ofresidents, as well as the architect dealing with the application. They tookeverything into account and resolved to send no objection to the plans. They did,however, bring a number of points to the attention of West Berkshire Council, aswell as the applicant. These were:

• Ensure that the applicant makes good the length of Manor Farm Lane

• The parish council would like West Berkshire Council to look at the sight linefrom Manor Farm Lane on to the A340, which the council believe is inadequate.This has been acknowledged in a previous application by West Berkshire Council.

• The parish council asks that a separate compound is established for constructiontraffic for the entire period of construction.

• The parish council would like to ask that the gate at the top is secured so itcannot become a rat run – the applicant’s architect has confirmed this hasalready been done.

• Construction traffic must access the site from the A340.

The parish council also heard an interesting talk from West Berkshire Councilofficers on Neighbourhood Planning. If you are interested in finding out more thenplease email the clerk on parish_clerk@hotmail.co.uk

Please come along to the Annual Parish Assembly on Wednesday, May 16th at7.30pm in the Village Hall.




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Where�is this?Thanks to the West Berks Ramblers wenow have a splendid gate in place of theformer very difficult stile that had to beclambered over on the footpath leadingfrom Sulham Lane across the watermeadows to Pangbourne.

Unhappily, the roadside sign wasknocked over by someone failing to takethe steep corner when on the snow inearly March: going too fast, no doubt!

loCal iNFormatioN


advice and supportWest Berkshire Citizens Advice BureauBartholomew St, Newbury 01635 516 605

Pangbourne and District Volunteer CentreMon-Fri (ex Tue) 9:30-11:30 am 0118 984 4586


The Church of England Parish of Pangbourne

with Tidmarsh and Sulham (PTS)

Rector of Pangbourne with Tidmarsh and SulhamReverend Heather ParburyThe Rectory, St James Close, Pangbourne 0118 984 2928


Church AdministratorRachel BuckinghamChurch office open Wednesday and Friday 12.00-3.00pm 0118 984 5066


Church Wardens for St James, Pangbourne;St Laurence, Tidmarsh; St Nicholas, SulhamJill Palfrey 0118 984 2698Julia Sheppard 0118 956 1820

Emergencies 999All non-emergencies 101Floodline 0345 988 1188


MP for Reading WestAlok Sharma (Conservative) 0118 945 4881

Councillors for the Purley on Thames WardTim Metcalfe (Conservative) 0118 942 8001Rick Jones (Conservative) 0118 962 3793

Tidmarsh with Sulham Parish CouncillorsMike Broun (Chairman) 0118 984 3114Steve Webb (Vice Chairman) 0118 984 4194John Haggarty 0118 984 4122Colin Pawson 0118 984 2619Jonathan Pearson 0118 984 4837Sima Elliot 07720 469 316

librariesPangbourne 0118 984 4117Newbury 01635 519 900


The Boathouse SurgeryWhitchurch Rd, Pangbourne 0118 984 2234

NHS Direct 0845 46 47

Berkshire West Primary Care TrustReading office 0118 950 3094West Berkshire office (Newbury) 01635 42400

Parish Magazine CommitteeJenny Cope (editor) 0118 984 4671Gillian Alderton 0118 984 2729John Butler (treasurer) 0118 984 2621Jennifer Nutt 0118 984 2370

Parochial Church Council

PCC Members in TidmarshJanice Proud; Wilma Grant

Sulham RepresentativesGill Haggarty 0118 984 4122Gillian Alderton 0118 984 2729Judith Sumner

Friends of St LaurenceJon Chishick, Chairman 0118 984 3666John Butler, Secretary & Treasurer 0118 984 2621

Committee ChairsSt Laurence: TBCSt Nicholas: Gill Haggarty 0118 984 4122

loCal iNFormatioN


Public transport

Rail TravelFirst Great Western 08457 000 125National Rail Enquiries 08457 48 49 50TrainTracker (train times/fares) 0871 200 49 50

Bus TravelDJ Travel (Tidmarsh Fri Service) 0118 933 3725Reading Buses 0118 959 4000Newbury Buses 01635 567500Thames Travel 01491 837988

TravelineNational/local bus, train, coach,ferry and underground info 0871 200 22 33

scouts and girl guidesBeavers, Simon Pickett 0118 933 1615Cubs, Jane Barkshire 07811 446 488Scouts, Simon Pickett 0118 933 1615Rainbows, Helen Randall 01635 48765Brownies, Clare Pincock 0118 984 4286Guides, Helen Randall 01635 48765Rangers, Helen Randall 01635 48765

tidmarsh with sulham Flood groupGeorge Davidson 07768 237132

Village hall CommitteeAlan Maskell 0118 984 5326Hall Bookings (Hilary Innes) 0118 984 2561Emergency Contact 07954 140048Email: tidmarshvillagehall@hotmail.com

west Berkshire district CouncilMain switchboard 01635 42400Streetcare 01635 519080Planning applications 01635 519111

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