TIM Talk: Stop the Madness! Reinvent Your Performance Reviews!

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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1©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Stop the Madness! Reinvent your Performance Reviews

Babak Salimi, Sr. Director Product Marketing

2©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

What do these companies have in common?

3©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

They all Eliminated Stacked Ranking…

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58% of companies believe their

performance management process

1) is not an effective use of time

2) is weak in driving engagement

and high performance.

July 2, 2014 –“Disrupt The Employee Performance Process To Align With Business And Customer Outcomes”

5©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Forrester Research report findings

• Once-a-year feedback

does not drive employee


• Traditional performance

ratings and rankings run

counter to teamwork and


• Performance reviews are

an unproductive time drain

• Compensation and

performance evaluations

don’t blend well

6©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

For Example: Receiving Feedback

what is intended to be a

constructive and helpful

discussion quickly falls

apart when the appraisees

hear critical feedback

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• Research has shown that when a person

is put in defensive, activity diminishes in

certain parts of the brain…

• when that happens, “people’s fields of

view actually constrict, they can take in a

narrower stream of data, and there’s a

restriction in creativity.” says David Rock,

author of “Your Brain at Work”

Performance Reviews put you on defensive

8©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Only 23% of the HR

professionals surveyed

by CEB for their research

study felt that their review

process was satisfactory.

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• Talent is top business

concern of CEOs in 2015

18th Annual Global CEO SurveyPublished Jan. 2015

10©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

18th Annual Global CEO SurveyPublished Jan. 2015

• Talent is top business

concern of CEOs in 2015

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1. Preserve Status Quo

2. Transform from a

rearview mirror employee

performance management

approach to a more real-time

employee performance

enablement & empowerment


So, what should we do?

12©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Effective Performance Management

• Cultivates engagement & continuous feedback

• Fosters coaching and development

• Enables talent mobility

• Lays the foundation for promoting a healthy dialogue between managers and their direct reports

Increasing employee engagement and productivity

13©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

• Need to boost engagement, collaboration & productivity

• Need to drive better performance results

• Need to improve retention across my org

• Need to increase agility & innovation

• Management directive for transformation

• Learning lessons from other companies

• Other reasons (please share in the chat panel)

What is your top reason for looking to change your traditional performance review process?

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16©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

• < 25%

• 25% - 50%

• 50% - 75%

• > 75%

What percentage of your workforce is millennials?

17©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Millennials a major force


18©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Key to Managing and Motivating Millennial Employees

Strong, involved management

Seeing the higher purpose in their work

Proper, timely recognition

Challenging, engaging, fun work

Embracing Modern Technology

19©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

• Recognize everyday

excellence through social

impressions, leaderboards

and badges

• Private feedback


• Smartphone and tablet

access allows for employee

engagement regardless of

physical location

Increase engagement with real-time feedback

20©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Karen Endresen, Ph.D. at HealthStream Research

21©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

According to Bersin by

Deloitte, organizations

that do a good job of

recognizing employees

perform 14 times better

than those that don’t.

Effective Workplace Recognition

1. Recognize meaningful things

2. Make sure recognition is timely

3. Make recognition highly visible

and public

4. Make sure recognition is fair and


22©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

• Big Data & Analytics is

viewed as top priority

in 2015 by CEOs

18th Annual Global CEO SurveyPublished Jan. 2015

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Big Data Challenge

24©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Big Data & Predictive Analytics for Talent Management

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• Machine learning suggests

personal recommendations

on classes, mentors and

relevant content

• Create performance-driven

development plans for

individuals or teams

• Real-time collaboration tools

aid team management and


Coaching and Development with Saba Cloud’s TIM, The Intelligent Mentor

26©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Intelligent and proactive compensation recommendations improve retention and reduce costs

• Get proactive notifications of at-risk employees

• Leverage actionable analytics on cost of retention vs loss

• Reduce budget planning complexity with data to prioritize compensation investments

27©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Intelligent Career Planning empower employee growth and self-development

• Empower employees to research and plan their careers

• Compare several paths and how to get there

• Leverage TIM’s guidance on classes, content, experts to fill competency gaps and mobility via open positions of interest

28©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Simplified goal management improves productivity

• Enable alignment and transparency across the organization,with macro-level views and one-click navigation

• Mobile and Social

29©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

• Start with a culture of continuous learning and development.

• Continuously align employee goals with the organization’s business objectives.

• Stop the stack ranking!

• Simplify the performance management process.

• Invest in a performance management system with smart technology.

Transforming employee performance management

30©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Find the leader inside

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Q & A

32©2014 Saba Software, Inc.

Thank You





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