Time lapse video using DSLR Cameras and Adobe …Time lapse video using DSLR Cameras and Adobe...

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Time lapse video using DSLR Cameras and Adobe Software

with Aaron Vezeau want2record@gmail.com

Presentation Notes
Good afternoon. My name is Aaron Vezeau. I have been involved with art since I was a kid, but professionally I have been working as an artist for the NH Air National Guard for the past 13 years. The goal today is to share with you some practical knowledge so that you can create time lapse videos using your DSLR camera and some of the Adobe video software. However, I won’t be teaching you how to use your DSLR camera, as that’s another class.

• Planning • Equipment • Software

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These are the main topics today will be talking about today.
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Planning is the MOST important part of shooting videos. It helps you determine the ENTIRE process:
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Your equipment needs and costs Imagery capture methods, as well as the editing and delivery of final product.
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Also, you need to think about other needs: 2nd person for bathroom breaks, food/water, chairs, maps/compass, being prepared and protecting yourself and your equipment from the weather, etc. Of course, this all depends on where and how long you need to be out in the field capturing images.

“Start with The End In Mind”

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In Steven Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly effective People…he says: “Start with the end in Mind” First, determine what your subject is going to be. Will you be: Indoors or outdoors Day or night time Small or large object Static or moving object and/or camera This will help you determine what equipment you will need to choose.

Time-Lapse Video with Aaron Vezeau

Runtime 1 hr. 30 min.

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You need to figure, at the very beginning, what you need for a Final Video Length. 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute? The average video clip used in TV Shows and Movies is 3 to 5 seconds in length before the next video clip. Peoples attention span is just that short. However, time lapse videos can be longer…because they’re different. Knowing your final video length is what the entire shooting plan will be based around.

2 Methods Video Time Stretch

& Capturing Image Sequences

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The 2 methods to capture and produce time lapse video are: Video Time Stretching and Capturing Image Sequences Which one you use will depend on the amount of Real World Time that needs to be captured and what kind of workflow you’re looking to do. Video Time Stretch: Shoot video and then Time Stretch it in your video editor to speed up the footage. Capture Image Sequence: Shoot multiple still images and place them on timeline in sequential order to turn them into video. If need be, you could then time stretch to fit if needed. Both can capture Fast or Slow Real World events, but typically Video Time Stretch is for events that are fairly short in nature. Image sequences tend to be for events that take a long time…like plants growing, etc. Both have advantages and disadvantages.
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Time Stretch: Advantage: Real-time capture by shooting video, usually it’s a shorter shooting time. Can be time stretched in video editor to speed up the footage. Diasadvantage: Limited to max video frame size of camera, typically 1080p or 720p. Limited to max video record times, typically 20 minutes. Limited by camera storage card size
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Image Sequence: Advantage: Can be used to capture slow happening events, like plants growing, seasons changing, etc. Can be time stretched after to help fill specific speed playback requirements Can be shot in RAW camera formats for full control over image color/exposure using Adobe Lightroom, Bridge, or Photoshop Can produce large video frame sizes, such as 4K or 5K…equivalent to movies produced in Hollywood film and iMax resolutions. Disadvantage: Takes time to set up camera exposure times Shooting times can be quite long, depending on your subject. Camera is “tied up” for the duration of the shoot. Camera needs to remain still with no movement. Limited by camera card storage size
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The Video Time Stretch is like Fast Food. It’s fairly quick, inexpensive, and easy to produce. Usually not as high quality, but can be exactly what’s needed to get the job done. Image Sequences are like a home cooked meal. It takes more thought, preparation, equipment, time, and patience. But usually the final product is of better quality.

Process Comparison

• Snack or Meal? • How much time to eat? • What and Where? • How long to Cook • Tools (knife, cut board, etc.) • Wash & Prepare ingredients • Start Cooking • Wait • Re-season • Plate • Consume

• Still or Video? • Final Video Length? • Subject and Location • Total Real World Time • Equipment (cam, tripod, etc.) • Set Exposure & Intervals • Start Exposing • Wait • Image Process & Video Editing • Output & Deliver • Watch

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Here’s a comparison of cooking to time-lapse video.
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What are you trying to capture will determine what equipment you need.
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It doesn’t matter what brand of camera you have.
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I will be focusing today’s lesson around the Nikon D7100, as this is the camera that I am shooting with. Other manufacturers may or may not have similar features on similarly priced cameras.

Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR)



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Uses a mirror and prism system that permits the photographer to view through the lens and see exactly what will be captured. Captures image via a digital sensor rather than analog film.


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So why use a DSLR and not a video camera? DSLRs are versatile in that they can shoot both video and still images.
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You also have access to many more lens options, most are fairly inexpensive when compared to video lenses. You can always rent or borrow a lens. Your choice of lens will depend on what you are capturing, as well as your budget.
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Camcorders only have 1 single lens
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DSLR image sequences are capable of producing close to IMAX quality footage, at just 24 MegaPixels. There are new cameras as high as 36 and 48 MP. But what is 4K anyway? 4K is the future of hi-resolution video. It’s of higher visual quality than the current 1080 HD video standard. YouTube supports 4K files and manufacturers are making 4K compatible TVs and video players You can start capturing hi res footage and scale it down for current HD customer. Later, you can re-release a 4K version later, essentially doubling your sales.




4K Super HD

24 Mega-Pixel DSLR Image

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Here’s a quick look at video frame sizes. Notice 4K video resolutions compared to 1080P A 24Mega Pixel camera is just larger than 4K video resolution. This means, you could film Hollywood quality videos using an DSLR

$115 $5,000

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Inexpensive consumer grade camcorders are great for 1080HD only. They don’t shoot 4K. More expensive professional cameras shoot 4K, but cost $5,000 or more
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Some systems can cost over $60,000 or more!
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So DSLR’s are a fairly economic value for such great image quality. You can always add lens or other accessories as your funds allow.

Basic Equipment

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Tripod, Camera, lenses, camera card, extra lighting via flash…
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For shallow depth of field or when shooting in low light (such as stars), you’ll want a fairly wide, fast, single focal length lens…like a 24mm or 35mm lens with an aperture of 1.8 or even 1.4. Both of these lenses in this photo are 35mm, 1.4 lenses.

Intervalometer Nikon Canon

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So what is an Interval Meter? It’s a device used to remotely trigger a camera’s shutter release at certain, user pre-set time intervals.

Interval Timer

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In other words, an electronic finger. It repeatedly presses the shutter release for you, but at specified time intervals. It’s similar to the 10 sec timer most cameras have on them, but it repeats until it reached the specified image quantity setting.

“Exposure Time”

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The time it takes to the camera to capture and process an image to the memory card is the “exposure time”. This includes any in-camera special processing, such as converting image to black and white, etc.

Interval Timer

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Interval MUST be longer than the “exposure time”. A good rule of thumb is to keep your exposure at about 60% – 80% of your interval to give your camera enough time to clear the image buffer before the next frame is taken.

Hours: Minutes: Seconds

TFN x Shots = Total /Interval Shots

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So how do you find the Interval and the total number of photos needed to be take?

Finding the interval • Real World Time (RWTS) in seconds

1 hour = 3600 sec (60 min x 60 sec) • Playback Frames Per Second (FPS)

24 FPS for film, 25 FPS PAL, 30 FPS NTSC • Final Video Length in Seconds (FVLS)

1 minute = 60 seconds • Total Frames Needed (TFN)= FPS x FVLS • Interval (I)= RWTS/TFN

Always convert to largest time: I = 80 would be 0 hrs : 1 min : 20 sec I = 3600 would be 1 hr: 0 min: 0 sec

Earth 1 full rotation in 1 second

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1 hour = 3600 seconds 24 hours = 86400 seconds The project will eventually be screened at 24 fps. Your FVL is 1 second. Multiply FVL by FPS to get a LOF. Divide the total number of seconds (14,400) 3600/LOF = FRI Therefore, every 40 seconds you make 1 exposure for a 4-hour period, which will result in approximately 12 seconds of screen time.

Earth 1 rotation in 1 second

• RWTS = 24 hrs (86400 seconds) • FPS = 24 FPS • FVL = 1 second • TFN = FPS (24) x FLV (1) = 24 • RWTS/TFN = Interval (I)

• I = 86400/24 = 3600 seconds • H:M:S = 1h:0m:0s

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Hours: Minutes: Seconds 1 0 0

TFN x Shots = Total 024 1 0024

/Interval Shots

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Set the Interval Rate: Here every hour. Set total number of intervals needed: Here 24 No need to set a multiplier.

Earth 1 rotation in 10 seconds

• RWTS = 24 hrs = 86400 seconds • FPS = 24 FPS • FVL = 24 min = 10 seconds • TFN = FPS (24) x FLV (10) = 240 • RWTS/TFN = Interval (I)

• I = 86400/240 = 360 seconds • H:M:S = 0h:6m:0s

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I / 3600 = Hours I / 60 = Min

Hours: Minutes: Seconds 0 6 0

TFN x Shots = Total 240 1 0240

/Interval Shots

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Set the Interval Rate: Here every hour. Set total number of intervals needed: Here 24 No need to set a multiplier.


• MegaPixel x Total # shots = Total Storage

• 24MP x 24 = 576 MB • 24MP x 9999 = 239,976 MB = 240GB

TimeLapse! Calculator

Google Play store http://exploredc.blogspot.com

Suggestions depending on the scene.

• Clouds moving very slowly, interval of 10 seconds. • Clouds moving normally: interval of 5 seconds. • Clouds moving very fast: interval of 3 seconds. • People walking down the street: interval of 2 seconds. • Path of the sun on a clear day, interval of 30 seconds. • Night landscapes, stars, moon, etc.: interval of 20 to 30



Suggestions depending on the scene.


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• Samples • Planning • Equipment • Software

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These are the main topics today will be talking about today.

Time lapse video using DSLR Cameras and Adobe Software

with Aaron Vezeau want2record@gmail.com

Presentation Notes
Good afternoon. My name is Aaron Vezeau. I have been involved with art since I was a kid, but professionally I have been working as an artist for the NH Air National Guard for the past 13 years. The goal today is to share with you some practical knowledge so that you can create time lapse videos using your DSLR camera and some of the Adobe video software. However, I won’t be teaching you how to use your DSLR camera, as that’s another class.