Time travel

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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•Science Fiction or Reality?

•Possible or not?

Submitted by

Vishal kumar

Roll no.: 1238755

B.G.I.E.T. ECE Department

What is time ? TIME is a 4th dimension in which

we can travel in the same way as we

travel in other 3 dimension

B.G.I.E.T. ECE Department


1895 – The Time Machine – This is the first story that uses the phrase time machine.

There is no way of knowing what are the earliest concepts of time travel but there are many old stories about traveling forwards in time:

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Whenever we think of science fiction, we think of outer space, black holes, other dimensions and time travel. But is it proper to classify time travel as science fiction? Many people would say yes because they think it is not possible. As a matter of fact it isn’t possible to time travel yet. Scientists always look for a way to prove that something exists or it doesn’t. Time travel actually cannot be proved or debunked but we are beginning to see that time travel actually isn’t as imaginary as we thought it was.

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Time travel to the past is theoretically possible using the following methods:

Space traveling faster than the speed of light

The use of cosmic strings and black holes

Using wormholes

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The way to travel in time is to accelerate one end to the speed of light and leave on end stationary. Anyone traveling through the stationary end to the spinning end would travel forwards in time and backwards in the other way.

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Black holes are the end result of supermasive stars after they go supernova.

The singularity is small at first but soon it turn into a giant hole in space which is known as a black hole.

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According to STEPHEN HAWKINGS, time travel is not like traveling to the past or to the future.

It simply means like if it takes 5 hours to go from position A to B, but somehow we are traveling that much distance in few seconds, then it is called as a TIME TRAVEL.

From the definition of TIME, we know that it is a 4th dimension, hence we are traveling in time.

B.G.I.E.T. ECE Department

D.O.B – 8 January 1942

Awards : Presidential Medal

of Freedom,Albert Einstein Award

B.G.I.E.T. ECE Department

If we were to travel back in time, what would we do? How many laws of physics and nature would we break? What would happen if someone tried to go back in time to kill himself what happens to his present and the most

important who killed him????

Is there a way of changing the past without endangering the future?

B.G.I.E.T. ECE Department

From the paradoxes theory

The universe is conscious and will stop anyone who tries to change it by making them disappear on their way to travel through time.

Any changes to the time stream would disintegrate the universe itself.

So we can say that, traveling to the past and killing himself is not possible for any one as there will be some logical force of the universe that will prevent any one every time from killing himself

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Maybe we can travel in time but should we. Many theories out there state that even if we could go back in time, we couldn’t change it because time is prewritten.

But if it is possible then it may be in the way suggested by STEPHEN HAWKINGS, by creating an energy field like

The scientist are working to create an energy field like this so that we can do the time travel.

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A moving clock runs slower than a stationary

clock by a factor ‘ γ ’

Where ,

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Using formulae of time dilation we can conclude that if speed is comparable to speed of light (c), our age or time of moving body slows down by a noticeable factor

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I end this presentation with imaging that in the coming future we may be able to do the time travel or in other word we will be able to travel in the 4th dimension and the most important what this technology will bring change in the life of human beings.


B.G.I.E.T. ECE Department

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