Timed Essay · January 20, 2019 Defining Modernity In the 18th and 19th century we saw a radical...

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January 20, 2019

Homework DueRevision Material/Workbooks completed for the first units we have done:Functionalism, Marxism,Action Theories

Timed Essay Action Theories - 30 minutes

January 20, 2019

Classroom Expectations:

Arrive on time

Coat off

Bags off desks

Equipment & Planner on desks


How many links to Modernity/Postmodernity can you make with the topics we have already studied?

Globalisation, Modernity & Postmodernity

Crime & deviance



Families & Households

Modernity & Globalisation

January 20, 2019

HomeworkCreate revision material (or complete workbook) for Globalisation, Modernity & Postmodernity Unit (Topic 9 of T&M)

DUE: Wednesday 7th November

January 20, 2019

Objective Key WordsKnow






To give reasons and evidence for your views (ext: to consider alternative opinions and views)

To spot patterns and explain what's happening


What is modernity

How do classical sociological theories view modernity?

Why do some theorists criticise or dismiss modernity?

Globalisation, Modernity & Postmodernity

Modernity & Globalisation

January 20, 2019

Defining ModernityIn the 18th and 19th century we saw a radical transformation of society. This shift in development resulted in a stage called modernity .

The shift to modern society can be associated with twin revolutions: What changes in the 18th and 19th

centuries might have been most radical ?

The Democratic revolutionThe French revolution in 1789 and American revolution in 1776 transformed political life. These revolutions emphasised reason over tradition and a democratic system of government.

The Industrial revolutionFrom Britain in the late 18th century; broad social change such as urbanisation and growth of machine-based production leading to a new division of labour.

January 20, 2019

Defining ModernityThese major shifts can be categorised in several areas.

Estimate and identify the kinds of changes that would have taken place in the following areas of society.

January 20, 2019

Division of labour and anomieDurkheim

There are two types of social order:

Mechanical solidarity - clearly defined common beliefs found in pre-modern societyOrganic solidarity - solidarity built on occupation, economic ties and other 'looser' forms of social bond.

Modernism results in the breakdown of Mech. Sol. and to moral confusion (Anomie). However, This can be overcome through economic ties in modern society.

Sociologists had many comments on changes in society....What did Durkheim want to say about Modernity?

January 20, 2019

The iron cage of rationalityWeber

Modern society tends towards rational goal oriented action. Rationalisation has penetrated all areas of society and resulted in an 'iron cage of rationality'


Weber saw the protestant work-ethic having the unintended consequence of creating a rational meritocratic society (capitalism). Modernity leads to this meaningless and harmful 'iron cage'.

January 20, 2019

Capitalism, Alienation and exploitationMarx

There are scientific, objective laws of how society works and progresses. Modernity is inevitable on the journey to communism.

Modern production is exploitative and alienating, and leads inevitably to revolution.

Communism is the obvious solution to modernity.

What did Marx want to say about Modernity?

January 20, 2019

Beyond ModernityClassical ideas have been proposed to understand the social processes in the transition from pre-modern to modern society.

Beck and Lau (2005) argue that by the 1960's we've entered 'high modernity'. This period is characterised by belief in science, strong nation states and social institutions that mutually support one another.

Recent sociologists believe society may have moved even beyond this; the basics of modernity are still transforming. 'Postmodern' theories emphasise how we are moving beyond modernist ideas.

January 20, 2019

Characteristics of Societies

Pre-Modernity Modernity Postmodernity

Pre 18th C 18th C - 1970s 1970s - current day

Task: copy out the timeline in your exercise books.

With a partner, outline the characteristics of each period




Defined by what we consume

The importance of the nation-state


Tecnhology, rationality, science


Globalisation (economic, technological, political and cultural changes)

Feudal systems

Ascribed status


January 20, 2019

Mini Plenary

1) Describe what is meant by 'modern society' by classical sociologists.

2) How do sociological theorists seek to explain the problems of modernity (give at least two examples)

3) Why do some sociologists believe we have moved beyond modernity?

Answer the summary questions in short essay format (still use PEEL!)

January 20, 2019


January 20, 2019

Defining Postmodernity Video1

Foucault (1979)· The Enlightenment Project (achieving progress through new scientific truth/knowledge) is dead. · Foucault claims there can be no progress in society as we can't claim to have 'true knowledge'· Claims new knowledge is not progress, but a new form of domination

· Rejects metanarratives (Marxism, Fem, Func)

January 20, 2019

Defining Postmodernity· Describes a range of changes since the 1960s that break from modernity.· Questions the enlightenment thinking (18th century - 'reason and science will lead to human progress') that influences early sociology.

Lyotard (1984)· Science is in decline because:· the idea that science and reason can lead to progress forgets science's role in crimes against humanity· science as objective truth isn't credible; one of many possible truth claims.

January 20, 2019

Defining PostmodernityLyotard (1984)· We must doubt everything; this is the 'postmodern condition'.· Rejects metanarratives· There are no universal truths. Only relativism .· Therefore he objects the metanarratives of Marx, Durkheim etc.· What does this mean for individuals? They have to construct their identity without a universal truth to fall back on.

Relativism: the view that there is no fixed truth, because knowledge is the product of context.

Metanarrative: the big story that predicts the future of society (e.g marxism)

January 20, 2019

Defining Postmodernity

Baudrillard (1983)· Knowledge is key in postmodernism · Society is no longer focused on producing material goods, but buying & selling knowledge in the form of images & signs (not physical)· Hyper-reality: signs appear more real than reality. Signs are meaningless as they don't represent anything real (eg: Television/The media)

Can we trust the media?

January 20, 2019

What is a Postmodern identity & culture like?

· Culture becomes fragmented & unstable (becasue of the media) · No fixed set of values shared by society· Identity is destabilised - we construct our own identity and change it based on consumption patterns/behaviour· We have lost the power to change society if we can't distinguish between reality & fiction (Baudrillard)

January 20, 2019

Late ModernityLet us first of all dismiss as unworthy of serious intellectual consideration the idea that no systematic knowledge of human action or trends of social development is Possible. (Giddens 1990)

· Habermas and Giddens are both critical of postmodernism.· Theories and metanarratives are possible· Technology can have positive outcomes· Globalisation has changed society in many ways leading to interconnectedness between nation state societies.· Giddens (1999): late modernity is characterised by:· social interaction being removed from local context· reflexivity· 'a runaway world' created by globalisation where

things are hard to control and understand.


Reflexivity - people actively think about how they want to live their lives and who they want to be; this is a modern condition.

January 20, 2019

The Second Age of ModernityBeck and Sznaider (2006)

· The concepts that explain modernity no longer apply to 'the second age of modernity'· We need to understand the cosmopolitan condition. This includes:· increase of local and foreign cultural outputs· immigration and migration· national and international communication· travel· international campaigns· international criminality and terrorism· transnational relationships and families· transnational news.· Beck (1999): Sociology needs to adopt this outlook and study social actors as a 'global society' across borders, rather than focussing on nation states.

January 20, 2019

Risk society


January 20, 2019

Beyond Societies· The subject matter of sociology has fundamentally changed.· Global networks undermine the focus on nation-state societies.· Earlier ideas view concepts like class, gender and culture as constructed within the boundaries of the state. Now, globalisation has undermined this.· Urry calls this the 'post-societal' stage of sociology.· Sociology must study the 'mobilities of peoples, objects, images and information' through these concepts of global networks and flows.

Global networks refers to connections of technology, skills and brands like McDonalds or Disney.Global Flows are flows of people, info, money and images. This horizontal movement differs wildly from the 'vertical', class based sociology of Marx et al.

January 20, 2019

If sociology has moved into a post-societal stage, what ramifications might this have for current methods of research?· Are 'target populations' necessarily global now rather than local?· Can we meaningfully study national groupings?· Do we need to take account of global phenomena to explain local problems?Beck and Snaider argue we need to adopt methodological cosmopolitanism where we investigate transnational phenomena.

However, is this possible for empirical research? E.G. How could we investigate how negative labelling is linked to wider cosmopolitan concerns?

It is clear that there is a debate as to whether we are in a period of postmodernity at all (this is important for our exams). Some sociologists believe more in second or late modernity than 'postmodernism'.

Analysis and Evaluation

January 20, 2019

20 Marker

Evaluate the contributions of Modernist and Postmodernist sociologists to the study of society.

January 20, 2019

Evaluate the contributions of Modernist and Postmodernist sociologists to the study of society.

P - Modernists like Marx and Durkheim believe that Society has fundamentally changed from premodern to modern, including economic and social changes.P - Modernists see problems with this: Durkheim - Anomie; Weber - Iron cage; Marx - alienation and exploitation.P - Other sociologists believe we have even moved beyond this (but there is debate): Lyotard - metanarratives don't workP - Others still disagree: we are in late modernity or a second ageP - Some (Urry) argue we have moved beyond the traditional view of society.

January 20, 2019

Evaluate the contributions of Modernist and Postmodernist sociologists to the study of society.

Points for analysis:· Modernist ideas may be unhelpful because the world has changed since the early 20th century (towards postmodern society)· There is disagreement within sociology as to whether we really are in postmodern society.· Is there such a thing as 'society' any more?· Modern and postmodern ideas have ramifications for methodology.